Lies Exposed: discuss the cross exam of Arias

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Re her testimony about Jan. 21st: on direct she said she ran out after seeing little boy pic and jumped in HER car and drove home and punched HER garage door opener to quickly enter her house to supposedly throw up. But then at some point she says TA wanted to trade cars because he didn't like driving HER car to FHE implying she had his car and he was demanding it back. How could she have had HIS car - her garage door opener wouldn't have been in it when she had to get in so quickly to "throw up."

This is a very good point and I am happy you clarified this set of facts
that underline the implications of JM line of thinking.

It seems to me JM dropped the ball during this phase of cross and did not go after Arias regarding the question of whose car was being driven and exchanged.

I realize as prosecutor JM is constantly moving around like a boxer in the ring. But it appears to me that he leaves unspoken the "take home message"
Ma'am, was TA aware that you were aware that he possessed a gun? * Did u 2 ever have a discussion about the gun? And, why not? *It would seem irresponsible for you *both to be keeping that same secret knowledge from each other.

Did you grab the gun so that he couldn't? *That is, were the two of you in a footrace to get the gun?

When he chased you was he carrying the knife that was conveniently at hand in the bathroom?

Is it possible that you were actually attempting to commit suicide and TA was ancillary damage?

You have stated that if someone were to point a gun at you, you would Stop. *Suppose that person was pointing your own gun at you, but you knew that you hadn't put bullets in your gun, would you still Stop?

You have referenced images that still pop-up in your memory from time to time. *Please share several of those with us.


Yes, TA was aware that I knew about his gun located in the closet.
Yes, TA and I had several conversations about his gun.
Yes. We were both responsible about a gun being in the TA house.

When I grabbed the gun TA had not yet entered the closet; so we were NOT in a race to obtain the gun.
TA was naked and the bathroom tile was slippery. TA was NOT carrying a knife when he chased me.

No, my interests at that time were NOT to commit suicide.

TA knew the gun was loaded but he was so angry he seemed not to heed my warning to “STOP”
Being thrown to the floor on multiple occasions at the hand of TA.
TA shrieking obscenities at me.
TA clutching my throat and the ensuing sense of suffocation.
This is a very good point and I am happy you clarified this set of facts
that underline the implications of JM line of thinking.

It seems to me JM dropped the ball during this phase of cross and did not go after Arias regarding the question of whose car was being driven and exchanged.

I realize as prosecutor JM is constantly moving around like a boxer in the ring. But it appears to me that he leaves unspoken the "take home message"

On direct, she was clear she was driving TA's car. The text messages indicate otherwise.
Another thing - she said that when she was talking to Flores, she was trying to come up with lies that would fit the forensic evidence and that would make her not responsible. You can't "fit the forensic evidence" if you have no idea what the forensic evidence would be because you don't remember anything after shooting him in the head. D'oh!

Obviously when she came up with the ninja story she knew what had happened because she remembered it -- she just tried to place the gun and knife in someone else's hands.

I was actually taken by surprise when TA invoked “THE GREAT BLACK OUT” extending from the moment of the gun discharge to a point in her car located just outside of Kingman NV ie a span of about 5 hours.

I had assumed that JA would have created a story depicting TA as a monster that was frenzied and homicidal. I thought the explanation would be "she was thrashing at him with knife as TA had her in a death grip."
However the “credibility” suffers when JA begins the clean up. How would she explain the corpse stuffed into the shower stall, the floor mop up, the clothes in a washing machine, and the innocuous voice mail message to TA around 11PM.

A memory lapse relieves her of the duty to explain ALL the circumstances of stabbing and clean up but that dodge vitiates her claim of self-defense.
JA does admit to an accidental gun discharge and gives the jury a hint of TA rage and physical combat.

If taken alone that set of facts would have exonerated her.

The jury must understand what was happening and what TA was doing with specificity to merit a knife attack reprisal. Since JA has given up trying to manufacture a “credible” story related to her 27 thrust knife attack the jury will not understand against what JA was defending herself.
Invoking the “GREAT BLACK OUT” excuse weakened the defense and I think was a strategic blunder.
can someone provide me a link that shows when JM gets her in her lie about her finger and approx time on the video? I missed it yesterday and thought someone knows where to pinpoint that moment in a video that was posted.

It is at the 1:00:50 mark (almost at the very end of the video)

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 25 - Part 2 - YouTube

Thanks! OMG that is just pure genius on JM level...he knew he had her in the mist of reliving what happened and he said "you don' t have any injuries of you killing him except to your left ring finger" JA:" Yes, only visible injury" JM: "yes, that is what we are talking about your left ring finger"
When questioned by Juan she first said she was not sneaking around TA's home...when further questioned she said she had been in his back yard and looked thru the window and saw TA with another woman on the couch.

She claims she was coming over, with permission, to look for her SS card. I cant remember if she got said permission that same night? Highly unlikely, but I also do not understand how in the hell her SS card is stored at Travis' house???

I wonder what the phone records looked like that day.
The main lie for me was she said she didn't know if TA was deceased when she was driving away. With his arteries cut, 27-29 stabs and a gunshot to the head...he was deceased before she started the laundry. He had passed before she went downstairs.

I agree. and as much as she claimed to care about Travis, what's missing from this testimony is actually checking to see if he were alive. Why didn't she? If this was self-defense and she actually loved him, why is the laundry more important than seeing if he's alive? I wish JM would have asked about this. She remembers that she took her luggage and the gun. But she didn't check Travis' pulse? She had no desire or presence of mind to try to save his life? She wasn't afraid that he'd come running down there to kill her while she was pouring detergent in the washer?

She slumped him in the shower, but didn't know if he was alive or not? She locked him in there, but didn't know if he were alive or not? Does a person killing out of self-defense do this?

I hope the jury finds her, "I don't know cause I was in a fog," excuse reprehensible. If only I could use this excuse to get out of things in life.
My banana theory: LOL I didn't know where to post this so mods move it if necessary.

I will use my own experience as a compare and contrast on the day of Travis' murder. When I was dating my hubby we always ordered Chinese food in between romps in the sack LOL ( those were the good ole days).so I noticed as Jodi testified, she said with a smirk on her face and a droopy shoulder that all she had to eat the day of the murder was a banana. I knew right then that this encounter was not planned, not requested by Travis or overly appreciated nor was he interested in having a day of sex and food. It was more like " ok we did it now leave" just like he always did. What the poor guy didn't realize is Jodi was going to make sure this was his last romp and no he was not going to Cancun, he was going to die for disrespecting and dumping her. That banana tells a lot more than anyone seemed to notice.
She claims she was coming over, with permission, to look for her SS card. I cant remember if she got said permission that same night? Highly unlikely, but I also do not understand how in the hell her SS card is stored at Travis' house???

I wonder what the phone records looked like that day.

Her dad told Flores that she "sneaked over there".
4. Exchanging cars didn't happen on the day she said it did
She didn't make a claim about which day and JM made it all too confusing with his questions. I still have no idea who was driving what car and why they would be exchanging them in the first place. The texts did imply any exchange did happen on 1/22. Maybe there was earlier testimony about this?

I rewatched the testimony, and I actually think Jodi was right on this one, or at least Juan failed to establish that the car exchange took place earlier or that Travis was without a car on Jan 21 or 22, whichever day they were talking about.

For anyone still following this thread, I'm pretty confused about it myself. According to the text message and phone call log posted earlier up thread (like page one or 2), asks to exchange the car in the evening on 1/21. He's at the FHE and tells her to just got get it because he left it there for her. He'd gotten a ride. She acts like she's all SO freaking sleepy and he was like "whatever." It doesn't appear that they talk again--unless the log I'm referring to isn't accurate.

But that next morning, Travis is asking if she used his phone without asking. She claims she used it in the office before asking. That made no freaking sense, but anyways...that implies that she was there at his house that morning. Maybe for a car exchange? Maybe to clean the house because she'd asked him on an earlier text if she was "coming in" for him Wed. 1/22 is a Tuesday. They had a phone call right after that text, so maybe he explained he needed her Tuesday instead? Conjecture on my part.

Anyways, I'm perplexed at why she then needs him to pick her up from work at the end of her shift on 1/22, as her text asks him to do. That would imply that there was no car exchange

Still do no understand that car exchange mess or the reason for it. Wait. didn't she say she was using it to drive some ward people around?
Also confused about Jodi's call log for June 3rd. Either she lied on the stand or I don't understand her phone records.

I thought the phone records said she last contacted Travis 840pm in a 2 minute or so phone call. Then, she called Ryan about 9 or 10pm or so.
Have you ever come out of a shower and tried walking on tile floor yet alone chase someone? I made that mistake getting out of the shower once and taking a step into the newly tiled hallway, only to end up flat on the back of my head. Wet feet + tile floor = accidental fall. JMHO!

You shed light on another lie of hers - tile is very slippery when wet and TA must have been well aware as he had bath slippers in the bedroom, but why are they so far from the shower? Lying in the middle of the bedroom floor? Wouldn't he have worn them into the shower area and left them there to put back on after this 'Calvin Klein' picture shoot?
I want to know exactly what went on at MM's house, what does he know, and what happened at the salon. I could maybe buy that as much as she dyes her hair that she could do blond to a lighter brown, but not a box dye. I have friends that are hairdressers and I get told all the time how terrible box color is. It doesn't seem right that a box color could change her hair color and not leave it looking brittle. Also, the timeline for the Brazillian plus mani/pedi makes no sense. It's too short. It's got to take longer, plus I'm sure she had to make an appointment. But why get a Brazillian for a guy she wasn't sleeping with- Ryan Burns? So did she purchase salon quality dye at the salon or a salon supply store? And where did she dye her hair at? Salon services are not cheap and wasn't she on a shoestring budget? So did she dye her hair at MM's house? I don't think it was Darryl Brewer for some reason maybe because of his son being there. But I think MM is strangely connected to this case more than we think by Arias manipulation.
I want to know exactly what went on at MM's house, what does he know, and what happened at the salon. I could maybe buy that as much as she dyes her hair that she could do blond to a lighter brown, but not a box dye. I have friends that are hairdressers and I get told all the time how terrible box color is. It doesn't seem right that a box color could change her hair color and not leave it looking brittle. Also, the timeline for the Brazillian plus mani/pedi makes no sense. It's too short. It's got to take longer, plus I'm sure she had to make an appointment. But why get a Brazillian for a guy she wasn't sleeping with- Ryan Burns? So did she purchase salon quality dye at the salon or a salon supply store? And where did she dye her hair at? Salon services are not cheap and wasn't she on a shoestring budget? So did she dye her hair at MM's house? I don't think it was Darryl Brewer for some reason maybe because of his son being there. But I think MM is strangely connected to this case more than we think by Arias manipulation.

Oh Tiger... not strangely connected at all- out and out into this- apparently up to his eyeballs. Up to his eyeballs by the fact that he was never called to testify, by either side.

This guy knows alot, IMO, and not just about the days surrounding the murder. This guy has the up close and personal details of exactly what went on with little miss Jodi Ann Arias, from the start of their relationship and prior, while she was with Bobbi Juarez.

This guy knows if they actually broke up (which I am certain they were) and how much she scared Bianca when she showed up and confronted her, and what exactly it was, that she said to her.

I am sure we would hear a much different version than the one JAA spewed in court, on the witness stand.

This guy knows the TRUTH about when little Jodi Ann and Mr Daryl Brewer started their 'love affair', and much, much more.

He went to the trouble of potentially copying or creating forged pedophile letters for the felon, and god only knows what else he knows about her. Of all the ex's I think he knows the most.

If we heard from no one else, ever again, with new information about the felon- he is the only one I would care to hear from- under oath in a court of law preferably, otherwise a tell-all book or interview.

Just saying!
Also confused about Jodi's call log for June 3rd. Either she lied on the stand or I don't understand her phone records.

I thought the phone records said she last contacted Travis 840pm in a 2 minute or so phone call. Then, she called Ryan about 9 or 10pm or so.

This post (in the Receipts and bank statements thread) has a really nice chart with dates and times for all the receipts:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Arias Trial; Compare the receipts and the monetary transactions

This post lays it out in an easy to read format:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Arias Trial; Compare the receipts and the monetary transactions

There's probably also a chart or something on the phone calls (I'll look around) but isn't her phone always on greenwich time - some hours ahead of CA time? That part always confused me, but if she's taking the battery out to keep it from pinging where she doesn't want people to know she is, she likely never resets the time on her phone. lol
The thing about lies is that the truth always comes out so eventually it will all come out. I'm kind of thinking it will either be an Edgar Allan Poe "Tell Tale Heart" scenario or he will eventually or already has told someone something. How do we know Bianca even exists? She could have just thought MM moved on and went there in a manic rage- remember the interrogation tapes? Sandra Arias said friends were calling in the middle of the night saying Jodi was crazy. How far fetched is it that Jodi in a manic state drove up to MM and imagined this Bianca? There was no one to dispute it but Arias- a known liar. Seeing Jodi in a manic state could possibly led MM to help her or not take her seriously - she didn't kill him - or maybe he did warn Sandra Arias that her daughter was going off the deep end and was manic. Maybe he didn't think it would be murder, but a hysterical scene. I'd love to know.

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