Lies point us to the truth #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There is no link. It is a logical conclusion.
Hmmmm.......why would it be a logical conclusion? I am aware it has been speculated by a few, but not at all widely so. I read that supposedly a language expert said that the way in which John & Patsy Ramsey spoke made him think that may have been an indication that they were abused when younger. Speculation based upon one person's opinion. And I have not been able to find anything about who this "language expert" was who supposedly was "well known". This has only been stated on SM in only one instance that I have found and without having been substantiated.
Photo of the Christmas party on the 23rd. Whom do you suppose that the tall young man with the long hair is on the left, back row?

You realize that just because a Ramsey states something does not make it fact!
Joe Barnhill had a clear shot of the Ramsey’s front door from his house. If he did see a young man with longer hair walk into the house on Christmas Day whom do you suppose that would be?

This is not factual. His mother wasn’t in the hospital during Christmas of 96.

JR took the suitcase down to the basement before the party on the 23rd (According to him). Nobody went in or out of the basement window. The spider web and lack of leaves or dirt in the wine cellar proves this. The contents of the suitcase seem suspicious considering JB SA on the 25th.

Considering that MR was attending college and obtained her degree in 1996, I highly doubt she would have need to be in that part of the basement ever. But then, there are her prints found on the door. Since the Housekeeper and family took out the trees from the wine cellar during Thanksgiving you would think their prints would be found on the door as well as other R’s family members. No mention of that!

PR helped him start and build that business. You are correct he isn’t the warm, fuzzy type (callous at best). I would agree with you that they both had damning information about each other … considering the true bills.

i definitely believe BR is on the spectrum side. He was skipping through the headstones at JB funeral and smiling at the church service. I can’t help but feel that now he thought all the attention can now be his.

No truer words have been spoken!

BR may not have been the dealer of the deathly head blow. Yet, there are the train track abrasions on her back. Also, how did he know about the blow to the head and the strangulation? Again, it makes sense that they all played a part in JB demise.
Honestly, that picture is so blurry and small it's hard to identify anyone. But Boulder police confirmed that JAR had left Colorado on 12/19 for Atlanta. The person in the picture could be one of the lesser known people from this case, Bill Cox or the Barnhill's boarder. No idea who Mr. Barnhill saw approaching the house or even if it really was Christmas day. Mr. Barnhill apparently did not tell police he saw JAR, he said it to a reporter. When later asked about it, he admitted that he did not even know what JAR looked like. He says he saw Burke riding his bike on 12/25, but not JonBenet. We know they both were riding their bikes around.

Yes, of course I realize that just because a Ramsey states something does not make it a fact. That said, JAR's alibi was 100% confirmed. He was not in Colorado the night of the murder. He had not been in Colorado since 12/19.

The story about Fleet White's mother. I also read that one unnamed source said she was not in the hospital. One. And yet Fleet, Priscilla, Heather & Bill reportedly visited her in the hospital on 12/22. Did police confirm this? I don't know. But there isn't any evidence to prove she was not in the hospital, other than a singular unknown, unnamed supposed source. If I had to make a choice as to who is more credible, John, Patsy or Fleet & Priscilla, hands down it would be the Fleets.

In my opinion there is no one other than a Ramsey family member that responsible for the death of JonBenet. It is also my opinion that it was either John, Patsy or Burke. I do not believe that anyone else was there that night, no intruder, no John Andrew, no one else. Will we ever know the truth? At this point I think it's doubtful. Some have speculated that maybe someone will speak after John Ramsey passes. I do think the Boulder police know who committed the crime, but they have been prevented from revealing the identity of that person.
Hmmmm.......why would it be a logical conclusion? I am aware it has been speculated by a few, but not at all widely so. I read that supposedly a language expert said that the way in which John & Patsy Ramsey spoke made him think that may have been an indication that they were abused when younger. Speculation based upon one person's opinion. And I have not been able to find anything about who this "language expert" was who supposedly was "well known". This has only been stated on SM in only one instance that I have found and without having been substantiated.
What do you suppose Nedra meant when she stated that all children are a little abused? Do you consider parading your children in pageants abusive? We can look at the Miss America contest to see this as well as Playboy and these are grown women. Go to YouTube and research if you haven’t seen the stories!
Also, why would Nedra talk About BR privates and their size or PP teach BR to yell at people that weren’t welcome in his room too “Get out”?
PR did come from an abusive home.

As for JR giving directives … consider the crime and the morning of the 26th and how that played out. Also consider BR pretending to be asleep. Somebody in the family was in charge.
I think there's a lot of stuff out there that has been said by a lot of people. And a lot of that is unverified. People like to speculate. It is a known fact that even the police leaked stories that were not true.

I tend to be skeptical of stories that just keep getting passed around on SM but lack verification.
Honestly, that picture is so blurry and small it's hard to identify anyone. But Boulder police confirmed that JAR had left Colorado on 12/19 for Atlanta. The person in the picture could be one of the lesser known people from this case, Bill Cox or the Barnhill's boarder. No idea who Mr. Barnhill saw approaching the house or even if it really was Christmas day. Mr. Barnhill apparently did not tell police he saw JAR, he said it to a reporter. When later asked about it, he admitted that he did not even know what JAR looked like. He says he saw Burke riding his bike on 12/25, but not JonBenet. We know they both were riding their bikes around.
Yes, yes, yes! They also confirmed that JAR didn’t fly out on the night of the 25th. His father not only had 2 private jets, a company jet at his disposal as well as JAR had friends that had planes. It is possible to fly (back in the day) without logs. JFK Jr. did not log his flight when his plane went down.

Glen Meyer was in his 60’s when he boarded with the Barnhills.
It is possible that it is Bill Cox although I do not know what he looked like. I do recall exactly what JAR looked like and I have to say the photo looks like him in 96.
According to BoulderDailyCamera 12/28/96:
"I didn't see a lot of people over there Christmas Day," said Barnhill, who had hidden until Christmas Eve the bicycle JonBenet's father had bought his daughter. "I didn't see JonBenet with her bike, but I did see (her 10-year-old brother) Burke ride his bike down the lawn there."

Barnhill also said he saw John Ramsey's son from a previous marriage, a student at CU, come to the house.

According to the Denverpost 1/1/97:
"After giving numerous interviews to the media, neighbor Barnhill yesterday declined to speak with reporters, saying the Boulder police had asked him to stop giving interviews.

Barnhill said the family had made the request through the police department.

So Joe Barnhill did state he saw JAR then recanted as did
Melody Stanton
(738 Fifteenth Street)
(Boulder, Colorado)
On December26, 1996, between 12:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. she woke from sleep, heard a child's scream that lasted 3 to 5 seconds. Melody's bedroom was on second floor facing the Ramsey house.
He says he saw Burke riding his bike on 12/25, but not JonBenet. We know they both were riding their bikes around.
JB was riding her bike on the carport which is at the back of the house. This is why Joe didn’t see her.

The story about Fleet White's mother. I also read that one unnamed source said she was not in the hospital. One. And yet Fleet, Priscilla, Heather & Bill reportedly visited her in the hospital on 12/22. Did police confirm this? I don't know. But there isn't any evidence to prove she was not in the hospital, other than a singular unknown, unnamed supposed source. If I had to make a choice as to who is more credible, John, Patsy or Fleet & Priscilla, hands down it would be the Fleets.
These stories also state that the house guest that dialed 911 was drunk? Anyways, who knows if the call was made by FW. It is possible, but I distance myself from this because PR made that statement. The area code of Aspen is 970.

In my opinion there is no one other than a Ramsey family member that responsible for the death of JonBenet. It is also my opinion that it was either John, Patsy or Burke. I do not believe that anyone else was there that night, no intruder, no John Andrew, no one else. Will we ever know the truth? At this point I think it's doubtful. Some have speculated that maybe someone will speak after John Ramsey passes. I do think the Boulder police know who committed the crime, but they have been prevented from revealing the identity of that person.
Wondering why BR felt responsible for leaving the front door unlocked?
The prevention leads me to believe it was BR that was responsible. Seems like a lot of anger coming from him if this is the case. He was known to shout and through fits. I believe this case is buried for all time.
As far as the private planes go, it was my understanding there was one that John owned. It was hangared in Jefferson County, Colorado. For JAR to have been flown from Atlanta to Boulder privately, that would mean that yet another conspirator is implicated and has kept quiet all this time, in particular if it were a company / corporate jet. For it to have been John's plane, that meant it would have had to have flown from Colorado to Atlanta, back to Atlanta and then back to Colorado in order to be ready and fueled to go again at 10:00AM. To involve the corporate jet likely would have meant the knowledge of more than just a conspiratorial pilot. At the time Barnhill says he saw JAR he was known to be in Atlanta. The timeframe for which JAR was unaccounted for as he was asleep, was very tight. It just isn't plausible. The necessity of filing flight logs is debatable. It also depends upon the flight space that the plane is expected to fly in. If the plane does not fly out or into an airport that has a flight tower, it's possible that it could go completely undetected if the pilot stays silent. The JFK, Jr. situation is not really a good example. He was not required to log a flight plan because of the airspace he would be flying in. His flight was around 194 miles that was supposed to hug the coastline just over the water. The distance between Atlanta and Denver is around 1200 miles. Again, this scenario involving JAR is a long shot.

Barnhill admitted he could have been mistaken on the day he claims to have seen JAR. He also admitted that he had never met him and did not know what he looked like.

Many guests at the party saw Fleet on the phone.

Burke told Dr. Phil in his interview remembering that he MIGHT have unlocked the front door on Christmas Day. If so, I can understand that he would feel guilty. Pretty bold for an intruder intent upon committing a crime to just walk in the front door. Personally, I make the rounds every night to ensure all exterior doors are locked, and I don't have kids running around with their friends coming and going.
JAR JonBenet Ramsey's half-brother recalls the day of the murder: 'This case can be solved'

He was already on the airplane waiting to take off from Atlanta, where he was spending the holidays with his mother and sister.
“I think I was paged or I was handed a note by one of the flight attendants saying that I needed to call home,” recalled John Andrew Ramsey, who said he and his sister immediately changed course to Denver. “I yelled and screamed and kicked to get on the airplane to Denver… I remember just thinking and processing it all.”

********** However, in the same article the author declares John and Patsy have been cleared. ************
As far as the private planes go, it was my understanding there was one that John owned. It was hangared in Jefferson County, Colorado. For JAR to have been flown from Atlanta to Boulder privately, that would mean that yet another conspirator is implicated and has kept quiet all this time, in particular if it were a company / corporate jet. For it to have been John's plane, that meant it would have had to have flown from Colorado to Atlanta, back to Atlanta and then back to Colorado in order to be ready and fueled to go again at 10:00AM. To involve the corporate jet likely would have meant the knowledge of more than just a conspiratorial pilot. At the time Barnhill says he saw JAR he was known to be in Atlanta. The timeframe for which JAR was unaccounted for as he was asleep, was very tight. It just isn't plausible. The necessity of filing flight logs is debatable. It also depends upon the flight space that the plane is expected to fly in. If the plane does not fly out or into an airport that has a flight tower, it's possible that it could go completely undetected if the pilot stays silent. The JFK, Jr. situation is not really a good example. He was not required to log a flight plan because of the airspace he would be flying in. His flight was around 194 miles that was supposed to hug the coastline just over the water. The distance between Atlanta and Denver is around 1200 miles. Again, this scenario involving JAR is a long shot.

Barnhill admitted he could have been mistaken on the day he claims to have seen JAR. He also admitted that he had never met him and did not know what he looked like.

Many guests at the party saw Fleet on the phone.

Burke told Dr. Phil in his interview remembering that he MIGHT have unlocked the front door on Christmas Day. If so, I can understand that he would feel guilty. Pretty bold for an intruder intent upon committing a crime to just walk in the front door. Personally, I make the rounds every night to ensure all exterior doors are locked, and I don't have kids running around with their friends coming and going.
I meant to say about John’s plane, Colorado to Atlanta then back to Colorado, then to Atlanta again and then back to Colorado. All literally under the radar.
I meant to say about John’s plane, Colorado to Atlanta then back to Colorado, then to Atlanta again and then back to Colorado. All literally under the radar.
It's alright, CloudedTruth. JAR did not brutally murder his stepsister.

I was in charming Charlevoix years ago. Could see Beaver Island from the shore but didn't take the ferry. Saw BRs contemporary home while there. I hope he finds peace and the love of his life.

Personally, I have never suspected the brother, BR. If there was sex play between the two, perhaps it was JB who was only trying to show her love. Perhaps it was in a way in which she was groomed by another. I don't think BR cared for it. Maybe it was weird to him and that's why he pooped in strange places, if that is even true that he did. BR banned her from his room on most occasions.

For many years, I tried to find the mother culpable because my husband said she did it. I studied the Prime of Miss Jean Brodie line by line searching for clues. I studied everything I could find about PR. The notorious RN kept me awake many nights. I kept going back to her interviews. Let me tell a short story.

PR answered many questions for the detectives. "Go back to the damn drawing board!" She was not about to accept having herself accused of viciously murdering her beautiful daughter whom I believe she adored with every fiber of her being. Further, in her heart, she felt there was no way the father of her child could lay a hand on her beautiful baby girl! She demanded they go back over the evidence and suspects again.

However, we know, from the evidence of scarring, that someone was touching this child before her death. Who? Who would wish to hide the fact that had become obvious? Who would silence a perceived threat that she may tell or a real threat that her Dr would discover it? That's what the whole case is about: SA. That is the cover-up.
PR took JBR to the Dr out of concern and frustration. She thought the irritation was from wetting the bed. Surely, it was a contributor. Without getting graphic, males can't reach that pivotal point until puberty. Hence, BR's noninterest.
JonBenet's father read to her as many evenings as possible at bedtime. It became their special time. Did he read The Seven Lady Godivas and show her the nude drawings? I suspect JonBenet was love bombed during these moments spent together. She was so pretty in the pink nightgown. Her hair was pretty. JonBenet was innocent. She had no idea SA was a crime.

Whenever he could, JR drove his daughter to day school at the church where Patsy taught Sunday School at St John's. He probably opened the car door for her. She was a Princess. Daddy's Princess. She drew a red heart on her hand. She deserved a fancy silver spoon for her favorite pineapple with sweet milk snack.

Everything may not make sense at a CS. In this case, not everything is staging. The wiped-of-prints flashlight is a red flag. Was it used in the basement that night so lights didn't need to be turned on? There were only two people JonBenet would go into the scary basement with during the dark of night, her mother or her father. Det Arndt told us who it was.

JMHOO after many years of loving this precious child I never met.
I appreciate this well reasoned and thought out perspective. After years of going back and forth between suspects, this is the same conclusion that I have pretty much landed on.

Also agree wholeheartedly that not everything was staging. I believe something occurred that could not be changed or covered, and then certain staging followed. I think the why's and the inconsistencies were a result of people who were caught in a terrible situation that was for the most part outside of their usual thinking behavior. Some clues do exist that point to having studied at least casually what a criminal might do to cover their tracks (the Mind Hunter book). I still tend towards accident vs premeditated, however the "accidental" 911 call on the 23rd certainly could point to a growing realization that secrets might be in jeopardy of soon being revealed, hence a need for something to be done.

I did read recently a theory put forth that surmised that PR that night stumbled upon an act in progress, picked up the flashlight and took a swing at JR, accidentally hitting JBR instead as JR ducked out of the way. Interesting take.

Detective Arndt took a lot of heat for how she handled things that day, as well as her voiced instincts. I think instinct is an important part of detective work and while cannot be the only source of any conclusions, should also not be ignored.
I found this information a while back in reference to Mike Bynum and John Ramsey:

Mike Bynum was the corporate attorney at John Ramsey’s company, Access Graphics. The most pertinent details surrounding Mike Bynum are:

  • In the early 1970s, Bynum worked as a deputy in the Boulder District Attorney’s office. Bynum worked with both Peter Hofstrom and Alex Hunter
  • At the time of JonBenet’s murder, Hofstrom was the head of the DA’s felony division, and Hunter was the Boulder District Attorney
  • Bynum grew up (mostly) in Moab, Utah, he went to college in Boulder CO, and in 2002, he retired from the legal profession and moved back to Moab, Utah. I will revisit Moab, Utah, later on in this post.
  • A general overview of Bynum’s life and career can be found here
Bynum’s initial involvement in the case

As per this excellent comment by u/juror_13, Bynum’s relationship with John Ramsey was presented by both, at various times, as either a close friendship, or a business relationship. As of December 1996, it appears the two were more akin to business partners than friends: for example, Bynum had not been invited to the Ramseys' Christmas party on the 23rd, nor was he called to the Ramsey’s house early on the morning of Dec. 26th, 1996.

Now let’s talk about Fleet White for a moment: as described by Det. Schiller in PMPT, on Dec. 26th 1996, “Fleet White drove over to the Fernie’s house to stay with John and Patsy. Later, at around 4:00pm, he [Fleet White] went to the office of Michael Bynum, Ramsey’s corporate attorney…”. Fleet and his wife were the first to arrive at the Ramsey’s house that morning, and Fleet was with John when JonBenet’s body was located in the wine cellar. This means that outside of John, Patsy and Burke, Fleet would have been the star witness for police investigators. Could this be why Mike Bynum was so quick to speak to Fleet alone that evening - to find out what Fleet had witnessed?

This raises the obvious question - why was John’s corporate attorney so quick to jump into the case? He had arranged a meeting with Fleet mere hours after JonBenet's body had been found. Bynum was not John’s personal lawyer - his professional role was to perform legal duties for Access Graphics. Could Mike Bynum’s pre-existing relationship with the DA’s office, who are widely thought to have obstructed the BPD’s investigation, be the primary reason for Bynum’s involvement? If not, a more reasonable approach (i.e less of a conflict of interest), would have been: Bynum refers John to criminal defense lawyer/s > criminal defense lawyer/s decide whether to meet with Fleet on the 26th.

How did Bynum assist John Ramsey?

Bynum did in fact go on to source John’s legal representation, as made clear in John’s Oct. 1998deposition:

John: Well, my friend, Mike Bynum, basically asked me, would you trust me to do some things that I feel need to be done for your family? And I said yes.
Q: When did he ask that?
John: That was probably on the 26th or 27th.
So Bynum moonlighting as John’s legal wizard is over now, right? Well no, because Bynum again goes above-and-beyond the duties of a corporate attorney. As also mentioned by John in the same Oct. 1998 deposition:

John: Mike's firm set up the children's foundation, for example, for us.
What John doesn’t mention in this deposition, is that nine months previously, a company called ‘755 15TH STREET, LLC’ was incorporated, by none other than Mike Bynum’s own law firm, Chrisman Bynum & Johnson, P. C. What did this newly formed “investor group”, composed of “individuals assisting the Ramsey family” do? In Feb. 1998, they purchased the Ramseys’ house for $650,00. This was almost $260k below what the home was valued at in 1996 (and presumably the property value would have increased further by 1998). In fact, from the same Denver Post article, “...Bynum said the group eventually planned to sell the home and donate any profits to the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation”.

So, to recap:

  • Mike Bynum’s firm incorporates the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation
  • In January 1998, Mike Bynum’s firm incorporates an investment group, which, given the chosen business name, appears to have been set up with just the one investment in mind
  • This investment group then purchases the Ramsey’s house for ~260k below market value. Now sure, we’ve all heard that ‘murder houses’ are notoriously difficult to sell - but surely John’s ex-corporate attorney and ‘good friend’, whom he clearly maintained a relationship with after having left Access Graphics - surely he wouldn’t be one to stiff the Ramseys in his offer to buy their house? As stated by Bynum’s own firm, they planned to later sell the home, and generously donate all profits back to the Ramseys’ foundation.
Thus far, I suspect there are some financial shenanigans afoot: a non-profit and an LLC are formed by the same individuals, and money is exchanging hands from one organization to the owner of the other. Future profits are earmarked to be transferred back between organizations.

Furthermore, it is interesting that Bynum and Johns’ relationship seemingly grew closer after they no longer worked together at Access Graphics. If Bynum was the critical link between John and the Boulder DA’s office, could the house sale (at below market value) have been an off-the-books payment to Bynum, for having facilitated the connection between John and the DA’s office? As to why Bynum’s firm would later donate back profits to the Ramsey’s foundation, from a second sale of the house… that I can only speculate about. And we don’t know whether or not these profits were in fact donated back, or if there was even a genuine intent to follow through with this payment.

But so far, Mike Bynum seems to be involved in some shady practices. Certainly practices which seem outside the realm of what one would expect of a corporate attorney.

Shady practices?

So I did some digging into Mike Bynum, and as per opencorporates, his name is attached to a slew of companies. He is listed as a President/Director of over 10 different companies, which seems like a lot for one person to manage.

In 2010, Mike Bynum became CEO of White Canyon Uranium (North America), which appears to have been a branch of an AU/CA based parent company. Who else should join this same company, in the same year, as Executive Director of the Board? John Ramsey. Additionally, Mike Bynum is the registered agent of the flight/aircraft company Redtail Air, of which John Ramsey is President.

So it’s clear that Mike and John have been doing business together for at least two decades now. I would hazard a bet that having worked together for so long, they’re probably friends at this point too, particularly given that John also moved to Moab, Utah, in 2011.

So what’s all of this got to do with the murder?

It appears that Mike Bynum could have been complicit in the cover up of JonBenet’s murder, and that he was the conduit by which the Ramsey’s were able to receive such favorable treatment from the Boulder DA’s office. Does Bynum know who killed JonBenet? Maybe. Or maybe not. At the very least, Bynum could have used his personal relationships to assist in obstructing the BPD’s investigation. But why would someone (or anyone, for that matter) facilitate such corruption, when the crime at hand is the murder of a child? I strongly suspect that there was an “I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine” arrangement between Mike and John. Both were deeply entangled in each other’s business dealings, and it appears there’s a high probability of illegal business activities (e.g money laundering, tax evasion, etc…) having occurred.

We can only speculate as to the extent and the specifics of such activities, but if Bynum did in fact willingly assist in obstructing a murder investigation, I can only assume that the depths of illegality ran fairly deep. Both Mike and John certainly have had unusually diverse careers - spanning across the fields of computer software hardware, financial investing, uranium mining and aircrafts. Impressive resumes.

Pasta Jay

I was unsure whether to include this last section, because I’m not sure how relevant it is (I have not been able to dig up as much information). Perhaps somebody else has already done some research on this and can share what they’ve found.

Jay Elowsky (aka ‘Pasta Jay’) owned a popular (still active to this day) Italian restaurant in Boulder, of which the Ramseys were frequent guests. As per this acandyrose entry, at some point prior to 1996, John Ramsey and Mike Bynum loaned Elowsky money for his restaurant business. In fact, at ~1:55 in the crime scene video taken at the Ramsey’s house, a check from Jay Elowsky is located in the Ramsey’s home. Jay Elowsky must have been close to the Ramsey family, because in January of 1997, for approximately 8 weeks, John, Patsy, Burke - and both Patsy’s parents and two sisters - lived with Jay Elowsky in his Boulder home.

In 1992, Pasta Jay’s opened another restaurant location in Moab, Utah. Which is where John Ramsey and Mike Bynum now live. It is unclear what (if any) relationship Mike and John have with Jay Elowsky nowadays, but it is interesting that all three of them are living in the same ~5k population town. I wonder if they're still doing business together.

John and his wife Jan also own ‘The Find’ in Moab, UT.
.... I did read recently a theory put forth that surmised that PR that night stumbled upon an act in progress, picked up the flashlight and took a swing at JR, accidentally hitting JBR instead as JR ducked out of the way. Interesting take....
I started following this case on the Boulder News Forum the day after JBR was reported killed. At the time, and for the first couple of weeks, that was the most popular theory on the forum. Then, it seemed almost overnight, the leading theory changed to Patsy did it. I've never believed that.

One thing that has always stood out to me was in a press conference where Patsy said, “There are 2 people on the face of this earth that know who did this.” There was something about the way Patsy said it and the way John looked at her that was eerie, creepy.

It still looks like an internal cover up to me. Who they were covering up for, I don't know (JR, BR, or someone else).
As far as the private planes go, it was my understanding there was one that John owned. It was hangared in Jefferson County, Colorado. For JAR to have been flown from Atlanta to Boulder privately, that would mean that yet another conspirator is implicated and has kept quiet all this time, in particular if it were a company / corporate jet. For it to have been John's plane, that meant it would have had to have flown from Colorado to Atlanta, back to Atlanta and then back to Colorado in order to be ready and fueled to go again at 10:00AM. To involve the corporate jet likely would have meant the knowledge of more than just a conspiratorial pilot. At the time Barnhill says he saw JAR he was known to be in Atlanta. The timeframe for which JAR was unaccounted for as he was asleep, was very tight. It just isn't plausible. The necessity of filing flight logs is debatable. It also depends upon the flight space that the plane is expected to fly in. If the plane does not fly out or into an airport that has a flight tower, it's possible that it could go completely undetected if the pilot stays silent. The JFK, Jr. situation is not really a good example. He was not required to log a flight plan because of the airspace he would be flying in. His flight was around 194 miles that was supposed to hug the coastline just over the water. The distance between Atlanta and Denver is around 1200 miles. Again, this scenario involving JAR is a long shot.

Barnhill admitted he could have been mistaken on the day he claims to have seen JAR. He also admitted that he had never met him and did not know what he looked like.

Many guests at the party saw Fleet on the phone.

Burke told Dr. Phil in his interview remembering that he MIGHT have unlocked the front door on Christmas Day. If so, I can understand that he would feel guilty. Pretty bold for an intruder intent upon committing a crime to just walk in the front door. Personally, I make the rounds every night to ensure all exterior doors are locked, and I don't have kids running around with their friends coming and going.
John had two planes. Private plans are not required to file a log.

JAR went to school just down the road. He had access to JB and he had an obsession with her according to his school mates. Joe Barnhill was not senile! He knew what JAR looked liked. Joe kept quiet on the matter because he was told to do so; plain and simple.

Just because guests saw FW on the phone doesn’t mean he misdialed.

BR admitted to Dr. Phil he had left the front door unlocked and felt bad about that.
I think there's a lot of stuff out there that has been said by a lot of people. And a lot of that is unverified. People like to speculate. It is a known fact that even the police leaked stories that were not true.

I tend to be skeptical of stories that just keep getting passed around on SM but lack verification.
Care to elaborate?
Care to elaborate?
John had two planes. Private plans are not required to file a log.

JAR went to school just down the road. He had access to JB and he had an obsession with her according to his school mates. Joe Barnhill was not senile! He knew what JAR looked liked. Joe kept quiet on the matter because he was told to do so; plain and simple.

Just because guests saw FW on the phone doesn’t mean he misdialed.

BR admitted to Dr. Phil he had left the front door unlocked and felt bad about that.
I've not been able to find any reference that John Ramsey had more than one plane. Would you kindly provide a source for that?
I've not been able to find any reference that John Ramsey had more than one plane. Would you kindly provide a source for that?
Sure, JUNE 23RD, 1998 Interview with

page 136
Sure, JUNE 23RD, 1998 Interview with

page 136
Thank you. I have found that interview. So there were two planes, the King Air and a small Bonanza, which is a single engine. There is also reference to "the Centennial" jet which Lockheed had citations on, which JR says "which technically we can use if we pay for it".

The Bonanza did not have the range necessary for a flight from Boulder to Atlanta. Highly doubtful that JAR or JR would have arranged to use the Lockheed jet as there would have been a traceable record trail. So the only possibility is really the King Air, which was being readied for the trip to Charlevoix at the time. And again, this would be Boulder to Atlanta, Atlanta back to Boulder, Boulder back to Atlanta and then back to Boulder again to be there for the trip to pick up JAR and MR and then on to Charlevoix.

I continue to find this scenario, with JAR as the killer as completely implausible.
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Thank you. I have found that interview. So there were two planes, the King Air and a small Bonanza, which is a single engine. There is also reference to "the Centennial" jet which Lockheed had citations on, which JR says "which technically we can use if we pay for it".

The Bonanza did not have the range necessary for a flight from Boulder to Atlanta. Highly doubtful that JAR or JR would have arranged to use the Lockheed jet as there would have been a traceable record trail. So the only possibility is really the King Air, which was being readied for the trip to Charlevoix at the time. And again, this would be Boulder to Atlanta, Atlanta back to Boulder, Boulder back to Atlanta and then back to Boulder again to be there for the trip to pick up JAR and MR and then on to Charlevoix.

I continue to find this scenario, with JAR as the killer as completely implausible.
Thats okay, you have a right to your opinion.

Just for grins, let’s say for a minute that JAR did it. He would have already been in Boulder; as seen by Joe Barnhill (Christmas Day). He would have had to take a flight out of Boulder to Atlanta and then the plane returned to Boulder; if this was the case.

Why do you suppose JR hired lawyers for his two adult children (whom all were supposed to be in Boulder); at that time? Also why did JR need to attend a meeting in Atlanta that he couldn’t miss on the 26th after finding JB Body? After all, they were planning a trip to Charlevoix, MI the morning of the 26th. Something just doesn’t add up here!
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Thats okay, you have a right to your opinion.

Just for grins, let’s say for a minute that JAR did it. He would have already been in Boulder; as seen by Joe Barnhill (Christmas Day). He would have had to take a flight out of Boulder to Atlanta and then the plane returned to Boulder; if this was the case.

Why do you suppose JR hired lawyers for his two adult children (whom all were supposed to be in Boulder); at that time? Also why did JR need to attend a meeting in Atlanta that he couldn’t miss on the 26th after finding JB Body? After all, they were planning a trip to Charlevoix, MI the morning of the 26th. Something just doesn’t add up here!
Well thanks, as do you.

JAR's alibi was confirmed. On 12/19 he parked his car in front of a friend's house and flew to Atlanta on Delta, which was confirmed by LE. On the evening of 12/24 he attended church services at the Peachtree Presbyterian Church with his mom and her friend Harry Smiles. Church attendees remembered seeing them all there, confirmed with LE. After his sister Melinda finished her shift at the hospital where she worked in Marietta at 7:00AM on Christmas day, she later went to their mom's house where she, her boyfriend Stewart Long, their mother and her friend Harry Smiles along with JAR opened presents in the early afternoon. Later that afternoon they all went across the street to have dinner at a neighbor's house, all confirmed by LE. Melinda and Stewart left at about 7PM to go home and pack for the next day's early morning departure. JAR goes to his friend Brad Millard's house where they play video games and then go to a movie. I think you probably know the rest, so I'll just stop at this point.

So, of course all these people could be lying, I'll say that first. 7PM Atlanta time would be 5PM in Boulder. In December, already pretty well dark. That is about the time that the R's said they went to the White's. From what I have read about what Joe Barnill originally said, he says he saw JAR approach the Ramsey house in the early evening of 12/25. This implies that it was most likely already dark. Putting JAR in two places at the same time. And of course it is part of the record that Mr. Barnhill later changed his story, and was described as "sheepishly admitting" to police that he wasn't even sure what JAR looked like. Yet he supposedly recognized JAR in the dark, from across the street, although later admitting he wasn't sure what he looked like. It's a pretty weak case IMO. Based upon what one elderly man may or may not have seen, and no, I'm not implying that Mr. Barnhill was senile.....just mistaken.

As to why JR hired lawyers for his older children, that was done when Boulder PD flew to Georgia to question family members. JR and PR had already lawyered up by EOD on 12/26/96. The attorney for JAR was hired on 3/6/97. Not surprising since JR was convinced almost immediately that the police were out to get them. As far as the sudden meeting in Atlanta and wanting to fly out immediately, to me that is the sign of guilt. Atlanta was always home and the connections there were strong. I believe that JR wanted to get out of Colorado and was going to lawyer up in Atlanta, putting them at arm's length away from the scene of the crime. And since I also believe that this was an accident that they then scrambled to cover up, they were probably still in somewhat of a state of panic. To flee to familiar territory and seek out familiar legal counsel definitely feels like something JR would come up with. He wanted to get out of Dodge, and fast.

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