Lies point us to the truth

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There's a pic of the black and white striped dust ruffle on the bed in the room next to JonBenet's that shows part of it sticking out. I would think this indicated someone having had reached under it for something and possibly pulling something out, thus disturbing the dust ruffle.

Ah, okay. Forgive me for having read too quickly. You said the room next door to JBRs. That would be JAR’s or a guest room. I recall that some cord was found there, and/or that he had a model airplane hanging from the ceiling of that room using such a cord. I don’t see any cord sticking out from under his bed, though. (Referring to Tadpole 12’s photos — thanks!) Maybe higher resolution would show that.
Last edited:
Respectfully snipped for brevity

You’ve nailed almost everything here. I’m especially intrigued by the possibility that Burke walked in on a murder in progress.

What’s your source on Burke leaving the front door open, though. Not contesting, just not remembering. Ditto a rope (cord) under JonBenet’s bed. Thanks.

Here is a picture of JB with the rope found under JAR’s bed that PR said she had never seen before:

Wolf vs Ramsey Civil Suit:
SMF - Statement of Material Fact
PSMF - Plaintiff's Statement of Material Fact
PSDMF - Plaintiff's Statement Disputing Material Fact
Dep - Deposition
Def's - Defendants/Defense

Page 72

"This evidence is inconsistent with plaintiff's proposed timeline of events. That is, plaintiff has hypothesized that Mrs. Ramsey, in a moment of anger, had hit JonBenet's head against something hard in the second floor bathroom, thereby rendering her child unconscious, and then spent the rest of the night staging an elaborate kidnapping and torture scenario in the basement. Discovery of cord fibers, used to tie JonBenet's hands, in the latter's bedroom arguably undermines plaintiff's sequence of events.

Likewise, other items not belonging on the second floor were found there on the day after the murder, thereby suggesting that some preparation or activity was ongoing in that area on the night of the murder. Specifically, a rope was found inside a brown paper sack in the guest bedroom on the second floor; defendants have indicated that neither of these items belonged to them. (SMF 181; PSMF 181.) Regardless of its ownership, there is no explanation why a bag containing a rope would be in the guest bedroom. Further, small pieces of the material on this brown sack were found in the "vacuuming of JonBenet's bed and in the body bag that was used to transport her body (SMF 181; PSMF 181), thereby suggesting that either the bag had been near JonBenet or that someone who had touched the bag had also touched JonBenet. 35

As for BR leaving the front door open I will post Dr. Phil under Media Links only thread for you.
I remember this interesting story from a few years back. It makes a lot of sense.

'A FAMILY friend with a unique insight into the JonBenet Ramsey case has revealed she often saw flashes of anger from the murdered six-year-old’s brother.
Judith Phillips, 64, told The Sun she believes the theory that Burke is responsible for killing the beauty pageant queen almost 20 years ago.'

I recall reading that JP had an embarrassing moment at the Stine’s home. Apparently BR went off on her and nobody said a word to him about it.
I recall reading that JP had an embarrassing moment at the Stine’s home. Apparently BR went off on her and nobody said a word to him about it.

Rain on my Parade,
It was allegedly Judith Philip's daughter and JonBenet who were chased into the bathroom as they messed up Burke's playtime on his new nintendo game?

Needs fact checked of course, but highlights Burke Ramsey's tendency to impulsive mood swings?

Rain on my Parade,
It was allegedly Judith Philip's daughter and JonBenet who were chased into the bathroom as they messed up Burke's playtime on his new nintendo game?

Needs fact checked of course, but highlights Burke Ramsey's tendency to impulsive mood swings?


Do you mean to say this happened on the 25th?
Do you mean to say this happened on the 25th?

Rain on my Parade,
No, when the Ramsey's were staying with the Stine's and JP visited allegedly looking for permission to sell her photographs to the tabloids.

Her daughter hid out in the toilet to avoid BR?

Might just be an internet meme?
Rain on my Parade,
No, when the Ramsey's were staying with the Stine's and JP visited allegedly looking for permission to sell her photographs to the tabloids.

Her daughter hid out in the toilet to avoid BR?

Might just be an internet meme?

Must be. I’ve never heard this before.
Must be. I’ve never heard this before.

Rain on my Parade,
Sure, I confuse this with other anecdotes where JonBenet annoys Burke as he plays his video games, and they end up fighting.

I think there is some truth to the JP story, but the details regarding her daughter and BR might be questionable, it does add some spice to any tabloid story, and who is going to check, especially when the R's were incommunicado?
Rain on my Parade,
Sure, I confuse this with other anecdotes where JonBenet annoys Burke as he plays his video games, and they end up fighting.

I think there is some truth to the JP story, but the details regarding her daughter and BR might be questionable, it does add some spice to any tabloid story, and who is going to check, especially when the R's were incommunicado?

I found your reference.
It’s simply amazing what one finds when one looks! Posted on another forum. There it is. Will not link here, as it is an unsecured site.
Rain on my Parade,
It was allegedly Judith Philip's daughter and JonBenet who were chased into the bathroom as they messed up Burke's playtime on his new nintendo game?

Needs fact checked of course, but highlights Burke Ramsey's tendency to impulsive mood swings?

If I'm remembering right, Burke hid in the bathroom. Maybe someone can come up with a source?
If I'm remembering right, Burke hid in the bathroom. Maybe someone can come up with a source?

This apparently came from Jameson’s site:

Lindsey Phillips - GLOBE"

Lindsey Phillips, the daughter of Judith Phillips, is the subject of a story in the Globe this week. She is portrayed as a very good friend of JonBenét Ramsey. As far as I know, the children did know each other but were not close, at all. Lindsey was NOT among the "friends" listed in any of the interviews.

Whatever - - for what it is worth, here is a letter to JonBenét written by Lindsey Phillips.

(Thanks to Candy for transcribing)

Dear JonBenet:

I have been missing your for six years now, and seeing your face on television and sometimes in the papers. We had such happy times together - in your pink bedroom, in your garden, all through your house...

Do you remember how my mom taught us, at the Boulder Salad place, when we were spooing the ice cream into our cones to tap the cones halfway through to make the ice cream sink so we could get more in? That was the last time we saw each other and it was such a good time...

I sure wish you were with me now that we're teenagers. Even when I knew you, you were never just this little kid running around. You always had plans, some project or other, something to do. I was never bored when I was with you.

Now, we could hang out on campus and look at what the college girls are wearing...There's another mall to go to now, too, as big as a town in itself with its own streets.

Remember when we'd tease your brother all the time?

"Let's go bother Burke," you'd say. And so we would go in his room , where he was playing his Nintendo endlessly and unplug his computer. And then he would say "Heck, I was at the highest level!" And we would run away, go in your bathroom and lock the door, and he would be banging on it and we would be giggling behind it.

The last time I saw him (Burke) we were at Dougie's house and he was so sad and grieving and hardly could talk from missing you. I wanted to hug him, but I couldn't.

The last year you had a pink Christmas tree in your room... You would be great at team sports because you always got along with everybody...

I know you loved your life and I loved your life too. And knowing how much you loved yours, I must love mine the more...

Love forever,

Your friend, Lindsey
This apparently came from Jameson’s site:

Lindsey Phillips - GLOBE"

Lindsey Phillips, the daughter of Judith Phillips, is the subject of a story in the Globe this week. She is portrayed as a very good friend of JonBenét Ramsey. As far as I know, the children did know each other but were not close, at all. Lindsey was NOT among the "friends" listed in any of the interviews.

Whatever - - for what it is worth, here is a letter to JonBenét written by Lindsey Phillips.

(Thanks to Candy for transcribing)

Dear JonBenet:

I have been missing your for six years now, and seeing your face on television and sometimes in the papers. We had such happy times together - in your pink bedroom, in your garden, all through your house...

Do you remember how my mom taught us, at the Boulder Salad place, when we were spooing the ice cream into our cones to tap the cones halfway through to make the ice cream sink so we could get more in? That was the last time we saw each other and it was such a good time...

I sure wish you were with me now that we're teenagers. Even when I knew you, you were never just this little kid running around. You always had plans, some project or other, something to do. I was never bored when I was with you.

Now, we could hang out on campus and look at what the college girls are wearing...There's another mall to go to now, too, as big as a town in itself with its own streets.

Remember when we'd tease your brother all the time?

"Let's go bother Burke," you'd say. And so we would go in his room , where he was playing his Nintendo endlessly and unplug his computer. And then he would say "Heck, I was at the highest level!" And we would run away, go in your bathroom and lock the door, and he would be banging on it and we would be giggling behind it.

The last time I saw him (Burke) we were at Dougie's house and he was so sad and grieving and hardly could talk from missing you. I wanted to hug him, but I couldn't.

The last year you had a pink Christmas tree in your room... You would be great at team sports because you always got along with everybody...

I know you loved your life and I loved your life too. And knowing how much you loved yours, I must love mine the more...

Love forever,

Your friend, Lindsey
Seems more than iffy to me.
This apparently came from Jameson’s site:

Lindsey Phillips - GLOBE"

Lindsey Phillips, the daughter of Judith Phillips, is the subject of a story in the Globe this week. She is portrayed as a very good friend of JonBenét Ramsey. As far as I know, the children did know each other but were not close, at all. Lindsey was NOT among the "friends" listed in any of the interviews.

Whatever - - for what it is worth, here is a letter to JonBenét written by Lindsey Phillips.

(Thanks to Candy for transcribing)

Dear JonBenet:

I have been missing your for six years now, and seeing your face on television and sometimes in the papers. We had such happy times together - in your pink bedroom, in your garden, all through your house...

Do you remember how my mom taught us, at the Boulder Salad place, when we were spooing the ice cream into our cones to tap the cones halfway through to make the ice cream sink so we could get more in? That was the last time we saw each other and it was such a good time...

I sure wish you were with me now that we're teenagers. Even when I knew you, you were never just this little kid running around. You always had plans, some project or other, something to do. I was never bored when I was with you.

Now, we could hang out on campus and look at what the college girls are wearing...There's another mall to go to now, too, as big as a town in itself with its own streets.

Remember when we'd tease your brother all the time?

"Let's go bother Burke," you'd say. And so we would go in his room , where he was playing his Nintendo endlessly and unplug his computer. And then he would say "Heck, I was at the highest level!" And we would run away, go in your bathroom and lock the door, and he would be banging on it and we would be giggling behind it.

The last time I saw him (Burke) we were at Dougie's house and he was so sad and grieving and hardly could talk from missing you. I wanted to hug him, but I couldn't.

The last year you had a pink Christmas tree in your room... You would be great at team sports because you always got along with everybody...

I know you loved your life and I loved your life too. And knowing how much you loved yours, I must love mine the more...

Love forever,

Your friend, Lindsey

Seems more than iffy to me. Do you have a link to the original document?
I found your reference.
It’s simply amazing what one finds when one looks! Posted on another forum. There it is. Will not link here, as it is an unsecured site.

Rain on my Parade,
Sure, same stuff is copied over to other sites and is sometimes corrupted, shortened, and used as spin material.

All the pro Ramsey sites trashed Judith Philips for selling her photographs, doing tabloid interviews, and made unsolicted remarks about her male friends.

So anything posted about her daughter might simply be contrived, best ignored.

From memory its the same site where Susan Stine was hanging out and was shown to Patsy and John?
Seems more than iffy to me.

Seems more than iffy to me. Do you have a link to the original document?

Its more than iffy. It's too cheesy for me. There are sites out there full of this stuff with weird theories that include the Clintons, etc.
If I'm remembering right, Burke hid in the bathroom. Maybe someone can come up with a source?

I reckon it just depends on which site you read at. Reddit has one version, City-Data another, etc. It might originally have started as online spin by Susan Stine when she was batting for Patsy, who knows?

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