Lies point us to the truth

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As JR immediately picked up the body and removed it from the WC, it is assumed that the intention was to make it impossible to document the final, fatal tableau. Although there was elaborate staging, it, by design, would be incomplete.
I just can't buy BDI. The thing that prevents me is: if all 3 R's knew BDI, how could they count on a 9 year old child not to spill the truth when they let him go quite easily and quickly to the Whites'?
I'm inclined to believe PDI, with one of the 2 following scenarios: BR saw JBR in the immediate aftermath of the head blow, perhaps while going downstairs to peek at presents, thus BR would know what happened to her, but not who did it. His "what did you find?" could be interpreted as "I know what I found. Did you see her too?" His parents could have sold him on the intruder story later, thus ensuring he could not know the truth to spill it.
Or 2, PR convinced JR of the BDI and all the BR props and evidence were hers, deliberately chosen to frame her child, who she knew could not be charged. This allowed PR to work together with JR in dealing with police, she knowing it wasn't BDI and knowing that JR believed it was.
I am firmly convinced PR had the shrewdness to cover all her bases in this way. I also believe it was planned and premeditated for some time, either in fear of the "intervention" her friends were about to hold over the "mega JBR thing," or in some delusional belief that she owed God for curing her cancer.
I just can't buy BDI. The thing that prevents me is: if all 3 R's knew BDI, how could they count on a 9 year old child not to spill the truth when they let him go quite easily and quickly to the Whites'?
I'm inclined to believe PDI, with one of the 2 following scenarios: BR saw JBR in the immediate aftermath of the head blow, perhaps while going downstairs to peek at presents, thus BR would know what happened to her, but not who did it. His "what did you find?" could be interpreted as "I know what I found. Did you see her too?" His parents could have sold him on the intruder story later, thus ensuring he could not know the truth to spill it.
Or 2, PR convinced JR of the BDI and all the BR props and evidence were hers, deliberately chosen to frame her child, who she knew could not be charged. This allowed PR to work together with JR in dealing with police, she knowing it wasn't BDI and knowing that JR believed it was.
I am firmly convinced PR had the shrewdness to cover all her bases in this way. I also believe it was planned and premeditated for some time, either in fear of the "intervention" her friends were about to hold over the "mega JBR thing," or in some delusional belief that she owed God for curing her cancer.
I just can't buy BDI. The thing that prevents me is: if all 3 R's knew BDI, how could they count on a 9 year old child not to spill the truth when they let him go quite easily and quickly to the Whites'?
I'm inclined to believe PDI, with one of the 2 following scenarios: BR saw JBR in the immediate aftermath of the head blow, perhaps while going downstairs to peek at presents, thus BR would know what happened to her, but not who did it. His "what did you find?" could be interpreted as "I know what I found. Did you see her too?" His parents could have sold him on the intruder story later, thus ensuring he could not know the truth to spill it.
Or 2, PR convinced JR of the BDI and all the BR props and evidence were hers, deliberately chosen to frame her child, who she knew could not be charged. This allowed PR to work together with JR in dealing with police, she knowing it wasn't BDI and knowing that JR believed it was.
I am firmly convinced PR had the shrewdness to cover all her bases in this way. I also believe it was planned and premeditated for some time, either in fear of the "intervention" her friends were about to hold over the "mega JBR thing," or in some delusional belief that she owed God for curing her cancer.

I am firmly convinced PR had the shrewdness to cover all her bases in this way.
Yet the forensic evidence suggests Patsy never covered all her bases. She forgot about the size-12's, i.e. she could not explain how JonBenet came to be dressed in underwear intended for her niece.

You would expect Patsy to have her story straight on this topic?

You should review her interview with BPD on this subject as it will reveal Patsy with no answers and plenty memory loss.

Then there are JonBenet's hair-ties, check the Autopsy Report, these should not be present as Patsy says she put JonBenet straight to bed!

Then there is JonBenet's bloodstained barbie nightgown left in the wine-cellar, another unexplained item.

Patsy does tell us she redressed JonBenet in Burke's long johns, despite having a drawer of her own nightgowns to select from.

Then there is Patsy's fibers all over the wine-cellar crime-scene, including JonBenet.

Why bother staging if you do not redress JonBenet as you might expect a girl of her age to be dressed for bed?

PDI is possible as is JDI, but any theory has to explain away all the above and more ...

This discounts whatever the Grand Jury jurors were told and that we know nothing about.

The jurors were satisfied that JR and PR assisted a person who Murdered JonBenet in the First Degree, as referenced in the True Bills, and contributed via Chid Abuse towards her death, as per the True Bills.

If the case were PDI does this mean Alex Hunter who failed to file the True Bills with the court allegedly covered up Patsy's homicide of her own daughter?

UK Guy,
I don't cpnsider PR's statement that she put JBR to bed as evidence.
I think the size 12s were important to show the date of death, and chosen for this purpose. Also by PR. This is why the rest of the 12s were missing, the packaging probably bore her prints.
The staging, imo, was to cover up evidence of sexual abuse. Perhaps PR was guilty of such abuse herself, and/or protecting JR, BR, or JAR.
The dressing in BR's long johns is just as likely to have been done to make it look like BR as to have been done BY BR.
Is it so crazy to imagine PR deliberately framing BR whom she knew could not be charged? And who she also knew could thus be safely interviewed and allowed to live his life? It seems to me the best safety net possible would be for PR to convince JR that it was all BR. Then he would rally with her to protect the wrong person, unbeknownst to him.
PR's fiber evidence only strengthens my hypothesis. The bloodstained nightgown? How does that favor BDI more than PDI? It only means that she was injured and then redressed, perhaps redressed in the basement, perhaps upstairs.
There was, I believe, a fireplace brick with JBR's hair on it, as well as all the other known possible weapons. The brick seems more connected to the Christmas tree and the presents to me. So I don't know why it hardly ever gets a mention.
Anyway, there's no way to know. I am simply stating (and standing by) MOO and my informed hunches. All of the whodunit threads have plausible logic, this is just an additional angle.
Also: my apologies to all for the accidental multiple post earlier!
UK Guy,
I don't cpnsider PR's statement that she put JBR to bed as evidence.
I think the size 12s were important to show the date of death, and chosen for this purpose. Also by PR. This is why the rest of the 12s were missing, the packaging probably bore her prints.
The staging, imo, was to cover up evidence of sexual abuse. Perhaps PR was guilty of such abuse herself, and/or protecting JR, BR, or JAR.
The dressing in BR's long johns is just as likely to have been done to make it look like BR as to have been done BY BR.
Is it so crazy to imagine PR deliberately framing BR whom she knew could not be charged? And who she also knew could thus be safely interviewed and allowed to live his life? It seems to me the best safety net possible would be for PR to convince JR that it was all BR. Then he would rally with her to protect the wrong person, unbeknownst to him.
PR's fiber evidence only strengthens my hypothesis. The bloodstained nightgown? How does that favor BDI more than PDI? It only means that she was injured and then redressed, perhaps redressed in the basement, perhaps upstairs.
There was, I believe, a fireplace brick with JBR's hair on it, as well as all the other known possible weapons. The brick seems more connected to the Christmas tree and the presents to me. So I don't know why it hardly ever gets a mention.
Anyway, there's no way to know. I am simply stating (and standing by) MOO and my informed hunches. All of the whodunit threads have plausible logic, this is just an additional angle.
Also: my apologies to all for the accidental multiple post earlier!

How does that favor BDI more than PDI?
Because BR's tdna should not be in the wine-cellar, it's a crime-scene!

I reckon the presence of Patsy's fibers suggest she ligature asphyxiated JonBenet.

Is it so crazy to imagine PR deliberately framing BR whom she knew could not be charged?
Nope, yet any PDI has to be airtight, i.e. no holes, otherwise all bets are off.

I think the size 12s were important to show the date of death, and chosen for this purpose. Also by PR. This is why the rest of the 12s were missing, the packaging probably bore her prints.
Why is showing the date of death important?

The staging, imo, was to cover up evidence of sexual abuse. Perhaps PR was guilty of such abuse herself, and/or protecting JR, BR, or JAR.
The dressing in BR's long johns is just as likely to have been done to make it look like BR as to have been done BY BR.
There definitely was chronic abuse, JonBenet had internal injuries showing this.

I wonder what BR thinks about being setup by his mother?

If this is the case, I reckon he will be touring the media studios to tell everyone how the case is not BDI.
It is my understanding that JB was wiped down after death. Whoever did this had a good reason for so doing. This person would have seen the size 12s, which fit her swimmingly. There was no decision to change her, unless that was the intent with the Barbie nightgown? That there are missing Bloomis shows that the panties were of significance for the stager(s). On the one hand, JB was left in the wrong attire; while on the other, steps were taken to remove links to her attire? Did JB wear the GAP top to bed? The extra hair tie means that JB had at least one difference in her appearance after arriving home. IMO PR seemed surprised about the size 12s, which is why she fumbled on a simple question about them? The probable use of a paintbrush in the final assault should not be overlooked. Several violent events occurred that night. Could BR have held it together for about an hour to hit JB over the head, move her to the WC, redress her, make the ligature, asphyxiate his sister, use the paintbrush to stage SA, and wipe her down? Then, he admits to the parent(s) who slept all through this. They produce the RN, which cannot be ascribed to BR. Not impossible, even likely? - but that would have been one very busy Christmas elf. Although, BR does not appear to be responsible for all the staging. The parents are at least accessories, which is ironic if BDI. It can be inferred that the GJ thought this way about them.

The opaque scenario of the staging has different hands writing over each other which renders it illegible. The R's improvisation was aided by the maze of evidence - and money. At present, Team R has attempted at a reality-TV show.
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It is my understanding that JB was wiped down after death. Whoever did this had a good reason for so doing. This person would have seen the size 12s, which fit her swimmingly. There was no decision to change her, unless that was the intent with the Barbie nightgown? That there are missing Bloomis shows that the panties were of significance for the stager(s). On the one hand, JB was left in the wrong attire; while on the other, steps were taken to remove links to her attire? Did JB wear the GAP top to bed? The extra hair tie means that JB had at least one difference in her appearance after arriving home. IMO PR seemed surprised about the size 12s, which is why she fumbled on a simple question about them? The probable use of a paintbrush in the final assault should not be overlooked. Several violent events occurred that night. Could BR have held it together for about an hour to hit JB over the head, move her to the WC, redress her, make the ligature, asphyxiate his sister, use the paintbrush to stage SA, and wipe her down? Then, he admits to the parent(s) who slept all through this. They produce the RN, which cannot be ascribed to BR. Not impossible, even likely? - but that would have been one very busy Christmas elf. Although, BR does not appear to be responsible for all the staging. The parents are at least accessories, which is ironic if BDI. It can be inferred that the GJ thought this way about them.

The opaque scenario of the staging has different hands writing over each other which renders it illegible. The R's improvisation was aided by the maze of evidence - and money. At present, Team R has attempted at a reality-TV show.

It is my understanding that JB was wiped down after death. Whoever did this had a good reason for so doing. This person would have seen the size 12s, which fit her swimmingly. There was no decision to change her, unless that was the intent with the Barbie nightgown?
After death or before being ligature asphyxiated?

Yes, looks like the size-12's were merely pulled down, no attempt was made to change them.

The Barbie nightgown was what JonBenet may have been wearing prior to being dressed in the size-12's and Burke's long johns?

That there are missing Bloomis shows that the panties were of significance for the stager(s).
Massive rad flag here. Why remove the size-12's unless they play some role?

Did JB wear the GAP top to bed?
Probably not. Patsy likely prepared her for bed, dressing her hair with hair-ties and telling her to fetch a nightgown, etc?

IMO PR seemed surprised about the size 12s, which is why she fumbled on a simple question about them?
Patsy had no credible explanation for the size-12's and invoked amnesia when asked if she purchased size-6 underwear for JonBenet along with size-12 Bloomingdale's?

If the case is PDI why would Patsy fall down here?

The probable use of a paintbrush in the final assault should not be overlooked.
Does this represent staging or a form of postmortem assault?

Could BR have held it together for about an hour to hit JB over the head, move her to the WC, redress her, make the ligature, asphyxiate his sister, use the paintbrush to stage SA, and wipe her down?
Burke just needs to wipe down JonBenet, redress and move her down to the basement, i.e away from the upstairs bedrooms.

The parents did the rest, including moving the opened gifts down to the wine-cellar along with a suitcase of unknown forensic items, probably including the weapon used to whack JonBenet on the head, e.g. those items left outdoors?

If the case were JDI, PDI or some combination thereof the staging would be superior, Patsy would have an explanation for JonBenet's clothing, etc.

It might not be perfect, but I doubt they would go for Burke's long johns and Patsy's niece's size-12 underwear!
The timeline of BDI requires the additional step of his notifying the parents, assuming that they were not witnesses. (Although, they could have been awake on different floors.) Given the RN, the latest the Rs could have been alerted is about 5 AM. However, that would leave no time for the (re)staging, and BR responsible for it all. A paintbrush was utilized in both the ligature and the final assault. These choices suggest an ad hoc basis, if premeditation is ruled out. Whether the last SA were staged or not, and whether it were pre or postmortem, its presence as part of the CS points to knowledge of what had been happening to JB. Wiping her down also indicates this knowledge. SA provides the best motive; but, that is where I have difficulty fitting in BR. Of course, he could have been the abuser? Distinguishing the abuser from the killer adds complication, which should be avoided with this case.

The timeline also is dependent on whether PR changed her clothes after arriving home. If she didn't, then events should have begun to go haywire soon after getting back. Did either R ever mention undressing for bed that night?

The extra hair tie was overlooked like the pineapple. Dressing a little girl who was still awaiting her secret Santa in her brother's old long underwear is laughable. PR deserves a backhanded compliment for maintaining this line with a straight face.
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The timeline of BDI requires the additional step of his notifying the parents, assuming that they were not witnesses. (Although, they could have been awake on different floors.) Given the RN, the latest the Rs could have been alerted is about 5 AM. However, that would leave no time for the (re)staging, and BR responsible for it all. A paintbrush was utilized in both the ligature and the final assault. These choices suggest an ad hoc basis, if premeditation is ruled out. Whether the last SA were staged or not, and whether it were pre or postmortem, its presence as part of the CS points to knowledge of what had been happening to JB. Wiping her down also indicates this knowledge. SA provides the best motive; but, that is where I have difficulty fitting in BR. Of course, he could have been the abuser? Distinguishing the abuser from the killer adds complication, which should be avoided with this case.

The timeline also is dependent on whether PR changed her clothes after arriving home. If she didn't, then events should have begun to go haywire soon after getting back. Did either R ever mention undressing for bed that night?

The extra hair tie was overlooked like the pineapple. Dressing a little girl who was still awaiting her secret Santa in her brother's old long underwear is laughable. PR deserves a backhanded compliment for maintaining this line with a straight face.

The timeline of BDI requires the additional step of his notifying the parents,
Not if he initially staged JonBenet and was confident it was good enough to fool everyone!

A paintbrush was utilized in both the ligature and the final assault.
We do not know this. Both may represent staging, ie. to mask a prior felony.

Distinguishing the abuser from the killer adds complication, which should be avoided with this case.
Patsy likely asphyxiated JonBenet, with John wiping her down, etc. IMO, JonBenet's abuser was not her killer. The abuser might have even thought JonBenet was simply asleep and would awaken later?

The timeline also is dependent on whether PR changed her clothes after arriving home.
IMO, Patsy changed her clothes on arriving home.

Dressing a little girl who was still awaiting her secret Santa in her brother's old long underwear is laughable. PR deserves a backhanded compliment for maintaining this line with a straight face.
ITA. Not quite the Pageant Princess image that Patsy communicated to the media.

Why was JB wiped down? The size 12s were pulled down to do this and they were left on her. I believe that Dr. Wecht found traces of talcum powder. He thought this showed caring for a dead child, like the white blanket. No blood or semen were found on the panties or on JB. The long johns would keep the too large Bloomis squashed around her body; so, there would have been contact with the body. If she were wiped to remove evidence, it'd seem successful. Although, if there were evidence pointing to BR, it would be withheld. That there is little DNA is curious.

Also curious is the lack of JDI evidence. At least on paper, JR is the likely abuser/killer. Some psychological speculation: JR deeply grieved after Beth's accident, while he was notoriously cool dealing with the aftermath of the murder. His feelings about Beth could have been transferred to JB. At the same time, JB could represent the hope of the future and the doom of the past. This tangle of unconscious urges could become eroticized. Like in "Vertigo", the trauma of a past tragedy compels itself to be compulsively reenacted. Perps can believe that the victims are responsible for the crimes against them. This only enrages and escalates the violence. In a way, JB's death rid JR of the loss of Beth? Part of this mix includes PR's bout with cancer during which JR had to question if he were going to lose his second wife. JB could have taken on a new importance as a reflection of her mother?
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Why was JB wiped down? The size 12s were pulled down to do this and they were left on her. I believe that Dr. Wecht found traces of talcum powder. He thought this showed caring for a dead child, like the white blanket. No blood or semen were found on the panties or on JB. The long johns would keep the too large Bloomis squashed around her body; so, there would have been contact with the body. If she were wiped to remove evidence, it'd seem successful. Although, if there were evidence pointing to BR, it would be withheld. That there is little DNA is curious.

Also curious is the lack of JDI evidence. At least on paper, JR is the likely abuser/killer. Some psychological speculation: JR deeply grieved after Beth's accident, while he was notoriously cool dealing with the aftermath of the murder. His feelings about Beth could have been transferred to JB. At the same time, JB could represent the hope of the future and the doom of the past. This tangle of unconscious urges could become eroticized. Like in "Vertigo", the trauma of a past tragedy compels itself to be compulsively reenacted. Perps can believe that the victims are responsible for the crimes against them. This only enrages and escalates the violence. In a way, JB's death rid JR of the loss of Beth? Part of this mix includes PR's bout with cancer during which JR had to question if he were going to lose his second wife. JB could have taken on a new importance as a reflection of her mother?

Why was JB wiped down? The size 12s were pulled down to do this and they were left on her.
To hide the fact that JonBenet had been assaulted.

I believe that Dr. Wecht found traces of talcum powder. He thought this showed caring for a dead child, like the white blanket.
There is nothing in the autopsy report that cites talc.

The white blanket was used to bring JonBenet down to the basement.

How can you care for a child you intend to asphyxiate?

There is blood on the size-12's, but not on a corresponding area on JonBenet's inner thigh.

Although, if there were evidence pointing to BR, it would be withheld. That there is little DNA is curious.
There is likely plenty dna samples, probably mostly of Ramsey origin, so of no real forensic consequence?

Was BR's touch-dna found on JonBenet's inner thigh?

The case can be made that one of the parents deliberately dressed JonBenet in BR's long johns to explain away any of his dna found on JonBenet?
If JB were wiped to cover up the assault, then the assault was real, perhaps with staged touches? The person who wiped her had to know about the chronic SA, which is the best motive. To this day, Team R denies the autopsy in this regard, which is rather blatant. Dr. Wecht's findings about talcum powder do seem to stand alone. Guilt could impel the killer to comfort the dead child, or a stager might want to do the same. If the white blanket were in the basement dryer, would the perp go down and get it? JR left the blanket in the WC when he carried up the body. In a way, he made JB less protected. Although, leaving JB wrapped up would impede the transfer of PR's fibers when she'd throw herself onto her? However rudimentary, the Rs had a grasp of forensics. Dressing JB in the long johns as a way of excusing evidence of BR makes sense. The staging had to have started before 5 AM. Even the fatal application of the ligature could be staging.
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If JB were wiped to cover up the assault, then the assault was real, perhaps with staged touches? The person who wiped her had to know about the chronic SA, which is the best motive. To this day, Team R denies the autopsy in this regard, which is rather blatant. Dr. Wecht's findings about talcum powder do seem to stand alone. Guilt could impel the killer to comfort the dead child, or a stager might want to do the same. If the white blanket were in the basement dryer, would the perp go down and get it? JR left the blanket in the WC when he carried up the body. In a way, he made JB less protected. Although, leaving JB wrapped up would impede the transfer of PR's fibers when she'd throw herself onto her? However rudimentary, the Rs had a grasp of forensics. Dressing JB in the long johns as a way of excusing evidence of BR makes sense. The staging had to have started before 5 AM. Even the fatal application of the ligature could be staging.

If JB were wiped to cover up the assault, then the assault was real, perhaps with staged touches?
Yes, alternatively it was an aspect of the staging that was being revised?

The person who wiped her had to know about the chronic SA, which is the best motive.
Yes, some folks have suggested this was JR, either recognizing the finger would point at him, or the case is JDI, i.e. he has chronic knowledge, many think this is the correct interpretation, i.e. two separate motives?

To this day, Team R denies the autopsy in this regard, which is rather blatant.
Yes, the Ramsey's had investigators removed from the case who suspected chronic abuse, they took Steve Thomas to court, and forced BPD to refer to JonBenet's internal injuries as Vaginal Trauma, Thomas outlines this in his book.

If the white blanket were in the basement dryer, would the perp go down and get it?
Yes, if that is what they wanted. Anyone have an answer as to why a blanket or downie from her bed was not used instead. Also how would an intruder know where to look for a white blanket?

Dr. Wecht's findings about talcum powder do seem to stand alone.
His speculation is based on Coroner Meyer's absence of detail in his autopsy report. Something that was intentional.

The staging had to have started before 5 AM.
Yes, but depends on how much you attribute to an initial BDI staging event?

Common sense should inform everyone and their dog that in a JDI or PDI case, the staging would have started earlier and would have looked much more credible?

I reckon the parents arrived late on the scene, possibly at BR's request?

Even the fatal application of the ligature could be staging.
Yes, Patsy's fibers are embedded into the ligature knotting, and are on the sticky side of the duct-tape placed on JonBenet's mouth.

The GJ must have thought Patsy was not culpable in a First Degree Homicide as they never delivered a majority on this issue!

Kinda rules out any form of PDI, does it not?
When JB was wiped down, the size 12s had to be pulled down. This infers that the wiper was not the one who put her in the wrong size panties, as they would have wiped before redressing her. Considering this, more weight to BDI?

Something incriminating was to be removed by the wiping down. Blood evidence is very difficult to get rid of. Besides, JB had no significant wounds. Semen could only point to JR. There are a few other body fluids which are indelicate to mention. While these are possible, the circumstances should be bizarre.

A recurrent problem is attempting to be logical about this case; and, at the same time, assuming that the killer(s) should also be logical in their behavior. Murdering a 6yr old family member on Christmas in your own home is not logical from the outset. On top of the frenzy of the homicide, there was the panic of the necessary, desperate cover up, with the scheduled 7AM flight looming. In this context the RN was written.
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When JB was wiped down, the size 12s had to be pulled down. This infers that the wiper was not the one who put her in the wrong size panties, as they would have wiped before redressing her. Considering this, more weight to BDI?

Something incriminating was to be removed by the wiping down. Blood evidence is very difficult to get rid of. Besides, JB had no significant wounds. Semen could only point to JR. There are a few other body fluids which are indelicate to mention. While these are possible, the circumstances should be bizarre.

A recurrent problem is attempting to be logical about this case; and, at the same time, assuming that the killer(s) should also be logical in their behavior. Murdering a 6yr old family member on Christmas in your own home is not logical from the outset. On top of the frenzy of the homicide, there was the panic of the necessary, desperate cover up, with the scheduled 7AM flight looming. In this context the RN was written.


When JB was wiped down, the size 12s had to be pulled down. This infers that the wiper was not the one who put her in the wrong size panties, as they would have wiped before redressing her. Considering this, more weight to BDI?
Yes, more weight to BDI, as JDI or PDI staging initially would remove all body fluids, etc.

Something incriminating was to be removed by the wiping down. Blood evidence is very difficult to get rid of. Besides, JB had no significant wounds. Semen could only point to JR. There are a few other body fluids which are indelicate to mention. While these are possible, the circumstances should be bizarre
Not really that bizarre. JonBenet and BR might have had some childish ritual thing going on, which included body fluids, etc. Consider the crime-scene, both upstairs and downstairs, so removing evidence would be important for the abduction staging?

A recurrent problem is attempting to be logical about this case; and, at the same time, assuming that the killer(s) should also be logical in their behavior. Murdering a 6yr old family member on Christmas in your own home is not logical from the outset. On top of the frenzy of the homicide, there was the panic of the necessary, desperate cover up, with the scheduled 7AM flight looming. In this context the RN was written.
The killer might not have been logical, but we need solid reasoning to note where the particpants in JonBenet's death and staging go wrong, despite their attempts at avoiding scrutiny.

What we get is a staged crime-scene, not a bona fide homicide location.

So we need logic to work out who was involved and whether the case has sexual assault as a motive or is it an accident gone wrong?

Both Coroner Meyer and Dr. Andy Sirontak, Chief of Denver Children’s Hospital Child Protection Team think that JonBenet had been subjected to chronic abuse and that a foreign object had been inserted inside JonBenet, in Meyer's opinion this was a Digit.

With the redressing, wiping down and further removal of blood this suggests staging was not the intent here, otherwise the crime-scene would display JonBenet naked from the waist down and bloodstained!

i.e a Sexual Assault was cleaned up and hidden from public view by wiping JonBenet down, and redressing her in Burke's long johns.

Knowing there was a Sexual Assault limits the suspects to JR or BR.

If the case were JDI the staging would be slicker and make more sense, i.e. no size-12's or Burke's long johns. Though JR might unwittingly still leave his fibers, touch-dna, etc.

The current forensic evidence suggests the case is BDI.

With the parents staging away the secrets JonBenet took to her grave, and BR does not want to discuss.

Yet, we still have enough forensic evidence to speculate on what took place, and what is being hidden away in Forensic Depositaries and behind the sealed lips of retired BPD investigators.

The case might be slightly darker than some suspect with JonBenet possibly being subjected to a postmortem sexual assault?

"your gift is ME" implies that JB thought of herself as a commodity due to her pageant experience. While sweet, this sentiment seems out of kilter. "I don't feel pretty." also reflects the importance of appearances that PR And Nedra had instilled in her.

BR was said to be getting a bike for his birthday. If so, where was it stored? It wasn't with the other gifts in the WC. BR got a Lego set for Christmas? Then he was to get another set for his birthday? This is an example of the case's peculiar echoes and repetitions.

I would be highly, highly surprised if that "your gift is ME" weren't what all the kids in class put on the ornaments that were made to give to parents for Christmas. That is not something a 5-year-old would likely formulate, but it very definitely is something that a pre-school or kindergarten teacher/staff would have as the "theme" of handmade gifts for kids to give to their parents. (Odds are probably >50% that I myself have received some school-formulated gift with a similar sentiment.)
I have read this thread and many others/other resources, etc., and I can't recall if I've seen this: were either PR or JR drinkers at all? Even if just on occasions/in any case, anything other than abstainers?
With regards to Patsys fibres being found wound into the garrotte cords..

I mean that looks like pretty damning evidence.
I can't work out however or imagine Patsy fashioning this garrotte. How likely would it be that she would do that or be able to do that compared to a male in the house?
The case might be slightly darker than some suspect with JonBenet possibly being subjected to a postmortem sexual assault?

Would she have therefore, bled?
I find the bloomies ever being pulled down … not so much.
Pulled up, yes.
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