Lifestyle Changes During and After COVID 19

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Dec 31, 2014
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During this pandemic we've had to adjust our lifestyles in order to follow the safety guidelines from the CDC and our state and local health departments. There are things we can't wait to do again and other things we realize were no big deal. This will be over some day. How will this pandemic change our future lifestyles when it's over?

What's the first thing you'll do when masks and social distancing aren't necessary? What do you miss most? What things have you come to see aren't important any more? What will you do differently after COVID than you did before?
I started a thread where we can discuss lifestyle changes during COVID and how it will or won't affect our activities when it's over. Lifestyle Changes During and After COVID 19

I don’t even know what I'll do. I'm a bit perplexed at the thought of not wearing a mask tbh.

I see my immediate family so that isn't a problem.

I miss the Chinese buffet the most. But we can get carryout and eat on the square. We really are enjoying eating outside. Who would have thought? Overall, I don't miss restaurants. I haven't been in one since early March.
Great idea for a thread @Tillicum. :) I look forward to gathering with my congregation in person instead of on Zoom and hugging all my friends...especially the ones who live alone and haven’t been hugged for months! I’ve really missed the physical contact. I will get a haircut and visit my favorite restaurant where I eat outside anyway. I’ve missed the freedom to spontaneously go where I want to go, but I really haven’t minded staying home.

I will probably continue using Instacart for grocery delivery. It’s worked out really well and I’ve never liked grocery shopping. Although I will get a vaccination at some point, I do think I will always be cautious and somewhat on guard, keeping a mask and hand sanitizer in my purse, because I don’t think I can trust that we will be totally rid of this virus for a long time.
Great idea for a thread @Tillicum. :) I look forward to gathering with my congregation in person instead of on Zoom and hugging all my friends...especially the ones who live alone and haven’t been hugged for months! I’ve really missed the physical contact. I will get a haircut and visit my favorite restaurant where I eat outside anyway. I’ve missed the freedom to spontaneously go where I want to go, but I really haven’t minded staying home.

I will probably continue using Instacart for grocery delivery. It’s worked out really well and I’ve never liked grocery shopping. Although I will get a vaccination at some point, I do think I will always be cautious and somewhat on guard, keeping a mask and hand sanitizer in my purse, because I don’t think I can trust that we will be totally rid of this virus for a long time.
I miss church so much! Our church has a day care that's been open as an essential service. Two of our day care workers got Covid. Now 16 church members, 9 families have it. Including our pastor and youth pastor. Pastor is doing teaching services from his home on youtube. It's just not the same.
I'm especially looking forward to:
1. Visiting our son and family in Vermont (we are in NC), and visiting relatives in Oregon and Illinois.
2. Going to church and resuming singing in the choir.
3. Dining out at restaurants again with friends.
4. Hugging people!

Right now it's sort of hard to imagine doing these things and many others that we used to do without a care. #1 would involve flying, although we could drive to Vermont and stay at a hotel halfway. I wonder if we will continue to wear masks in public and try to social distance. Maybe during flu season at least.
I will return to church in person, and sing loud and proud! And, then I will be purchasing tickets to many concerts and musicians. I miss that the most. Going to Red Rocks and seeing some live concert is my plan.
I'll get a new pair of shoes that fit. My summer shoes are worn out but I'm not comfortable trying them on in the stores right now. It's really hard to get a good fit without trying them on.
I don't miss almost anything.
I've been spending my time watching good old movies (and avoiding all contemporary Hollywood garbage), listening to music, using Internet.
I'm trying to see the glass half full...
Anyways I also think all this will be over someday...until a new (real or unreal I don't know) "deadly virus" will be among us :cool:
The first thing I'll do when this is over is hug all my grandkids. Then I'll go and get my hair cut.

I cut my own hair now. Short bob, with bangs. It actually looks pretty good. I bought two pair of hair scissors on Amazon. I miss having a pedicure. I am breaking down tomorrow for one. I am driving two counties away. To a county that has zero Covid cases. That seems "safer" to me. I will wear my mask.

We no longer travel at all. Our adventure tomorrow, will be our first trip away, this summer. I have had one tank of gas in my car for 2 months...
My hairdresser has dyed my eyebrows for years. When I was younger, they were so light they disappeared. Now they are so grey they disappeared. I've did curbside pickup at Ulta to get some highly rated eyebrow products. Stupid. I don't have the hand to make it look anything close to natural. I want to get my hair done, but even more, my eyebrows.
My hairdresser has dyed my eyebrows for years. When I was younger, they were so light they disappeared. Now they are so grey they disappeared. I've did curbside pickup at Ulta to get some highly rated eyebrow products. Stupid. I don't have the hand to make it look anything close to natural. I want to get my hair done, but even more, my eyebrows.

Do people still use eyebrow pencils? My mother did--she had very light eyebrows. But obviously you have to use one every time you go out.

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