Linda Drane-Burdick in action / 20th anniversary

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YAY! I said yesterday we need an LDB thread! Didn't know we already had one! She rocks!
Today is LDB's 20th anniversary as a prosecutor. Thought she deserved props for that, and for being one of the most level-headed players in this case.
An LDB appreciation thread! :)

She won a conviction today in a rape trial (2 illegal immigrants kidnapped and raped a 12-year-old girl), and here is a little bit of footage of her in the courtroom doing her closing statement from that trial. A small precursor for Casey's trial.
MyFoxOrlando also had some footage on their 5 PM newscast, not up on their website yet.

About 1:20 into the vid:


I sure hope the defense has photographs and fond memories of their time on this case. Linda Drane Burdick is about to end it for them with Baez's latest little stunt. She is a super hero in this case.
The Florida Bar summed up the problem regarding our Mr. Baez.
"His overall behavior, they wrote, showed "A total lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system, which is absolutely inconsistent with the character and fitness qualities required of those seeking to be afforded the highest position of trust and confidence recognized by our system of law."
LDB is one of my real life heros. A huge inspiration to me. Mucho respect.

pssst....AZ, is my virtual hero. :heartbeat:
Did you also notice the level of shear class and decorum she displayed today. When the judge needed a copy of a motion she offered it, the judge asked her for it. She stopped and specifically requested permission to approach to deliver the document. I also loved that the SA's mic was apparently unmuted for most of the hearing and yet LDB and and JA managed to keep their interactions unheard, non inflammatory and the height or professionalism at all times.
Did you also notice the level of shear class and decorum she displayed today. When the judge needed a copy of a motion she offered it, the judge asked her for it. She stopped and specifically requested permission to approach to deliver the document. I also loved that the SA's mic was apparently unmuted for most of the hearing and yet LDB and and JA managed to keep their interactions unheard, non inflammatory and the height or professionalism at all times.

BBM- As always. JA too. They make a great team in their quest for justice for Caylee. I can't imagine how many hours they've put into this case, not to mention their heart and soul. Yet I've never heard them complain, not once, unlike the other side.

As you mentioned LDB's sheer class and decorum along with her knowledge of the law and professionalism make her stand apart. When JA speaks, you can hear a pin drop in that court room. He will have that jury mesmerized with the TRUTH.

If you read here, you deserve much more than a THANK YOU! Not only for Caylee but to all victims of crime. You are an inspiration to us all and a warning to those who choose are a victim's best friend and a perp's worst nightmare.

Congrats on your 20 years LDB!
YES! LDB and Co. ALWAYS bring their A game. They respect the court and the riles of law. I am so impressed with them. Also, today, the way LDB handled the motions, ie the jib jab, knife, etc. let me know as well as the defense that they have their case ready and do not need these frivolous items entered. I can't wait for this case and my hat is off to the state!!! They have been representing Caylee from the very beginning.
I would like to imagine that there will be a hush in heaven when LDB speaks her final words in the trial of ICA and the state's demand for justice for Caylee Marie Angelbabe.
Perhaps at the sentencing little angel Caylee will give us sign, perhaps not. What is certain is that justice will be done, thanks to the integrity, professionalism and dedication of LDB and her team. May those who continue to battle for justice, who speak for those who have no voice, find peace when they retire at night, after another heartbreaking day of dealing with the evil sides of mankind.
Did you also notice the level of shear class and decorum she displayed today. When the judge needed a copy of a motion she offered it, the judge asked her for it. She stopped and specifically requested permission to approach to deliver the document. I also loved that the SA's mic was apparently unmuted for most of the hearing and yet LDB and and JA managed to keep their interactions unheard, non inflammatory and the height or professionalism at all times.

I noted that. LDB and JA offer a sharp contrast to the defense team. Their professionalism is noteworthy! Very impressive!

She is a very effective prosecutor. Jose Baez is in way over his head up against her. Linda Drane Burdick is one to watch if you are a law clerk for Mr. Baez, she will show you the right way to do things.
We can expect to hear her give more arguments such as this well into the future in this case. Watch the look on the two young men in suits faces while she points out the various and sundry problems in the defense's disasterous motion.

I love Mrs. Drane Burdick at this six minute mark, I think she sums up the entire case...
"It is a farce!"
"The defense efforts do not even come close to the legal requirements necessary for the court to even entertain the motions,
their motions are replete with errors from top to bottom, it is insufficient as a matter of law,
there has not even been a good faith effort, clearly, according to case law,
and the court should not even entertain the motion."

Mops, anyone? Even funnier, watch Jose Baez's body language and expressions. Apparently he missed the day in school where they instruct you, no matter what happens in the hearings or trial, do not let anyone see you sweat, remain calm, present, but not alarmed or annoyed, do not ever ever make faces or show disresect toward the other lawyers, a witness or the court. He seems to have honest to God no understanding of how that childish behavior will come across to the jury and the judge. Linda Drane Burdick could be the best thing that ever happened in his career, because on his misguided, dark path, she is lighting and leading the way, if he will watch and learn.
Originally Posted by NoNameLeft
The SA preliminary response to the defense's motion "Regarding any Testimony that the Defendant has a History of Lying and/or Stealing" includes this gem:

'Because Miss Anthony's lying and stealing was so pervasive, the State understands the inability of the defense to parse out particular instances and plead this matter with specificity.'
Page 3 (with thanks to MuzikMan) Or download the pdf Nums24 provided and go to page 3.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - List of Motions **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**[/ame]

She is straight to business, even so, her motions always make me laugh.

wth picture of Casey.jpg
Originally Posted by NoNameLeft
The SA preliminary response to the defense's motion "Regarding any Testimony that the Defendant has a History of Lying and/or Stealing" includes this gem:

'Because Miss Anthony's lying and stealing was so pervasive, the State understands the inability of the defense to parse out particular instances and plead this matter with specificity.'
Page 3 (with thanks to MuzikMan) Or download the pdf Nums24 provided and go to page 3.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - List of Motions **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

She is straight to business, even so, her motions always make me laugh.

View attachment 13115

Thanks TWA
If I was still that young person in University and saw LDB in action I would have stayed on my path to go to Law School. I would have loved for her to be my mentor.
I think this thread deserves bumping so we can all give a HUGE round of applause to LDB today for an excellent job of cross examinations!

She is my hero and I hope Caylee is smiling in heaven seeing the fierce determination a complete stranger is showing in making sure Caylee gets JUSTICE!

LDB you are quite a class act.
Thanks for the bump, JSR.

LDB has been amazing. It is comforting and reassuring just knowing that she is a true angel seeking justice for Caylee Marie.

Thanks and God bless you, Linda Drane-Burdick, for your dedication and tireless work. It is appreciated more than you will ever know.
Thanks for the bump, JSR.

LDB has been amazing. It is comforting and reassuring just knowing that she is a true angel seeking justice for Caylee Marie.

Thanks and God bless you, Linda Drane-Burdick, for your dedication and tireless work. It is appreciated more than you will ever know.

Not to diminish the sentiment, in fact, to enhance it... I think LDB seeks justice for all the victims she represents, and I think we should include all those nameless folks none of us have never even had a glimmer of in our appreciation of her efforts.

LDB I hope your home rolling around with your kids - even if you hafta light a fire under them to get their homework done.

Thanks LDB (and Mr A. and Mr. G)
With just 14 days until jury selection begins, I just want to say, You go girl!

LDB has been amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing her bring Justice to Caylee!

Linda Drane-Burdick is without a doubt one of the best prosecutors I have ever witnessed. She has studied the evidence, reviewed the statements, invterviews & depos and knows them inside & out. She has thought about each witness individually and strategized until she knows exactly what approach to take in order to elicit the testimony (and/or demeanor!) she needs out of a that witness and wants the jury to consider. She is passionate, yet exhibits self-control and is AWAYS respectful of the Court. She is the whole package and Orange County is lucky to have landed such a qualified & dedicated ASA. If I could land a job working on her team, I would move to Orlando in a heartbeat.

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