Lippman says Cindy & George may sue John Bradley re 84 searches

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Witness Immunity

Private parties must bring lawsuits under tort law or under specific statutes that provide remedies for the underlying harm. The leading United States Supreme Court case on witness immunity, Briscoe v. LaHue,[2] arose from a private action for deprivation of civil rights under a federal law.

from the link I provided
You would think then that the suit they would be most interested in pursuing would be against Casey for violating Caylee's civil rights (though I'm not even sure that's possible). It could go along way with currying favor, especially in light of the fact they are now speaking out for grandparents' rights.
Once the merits of the case are vetted, I don't think it will materialize.
I would be surprised if there is any legal basis for it, unless there is more to it than in the very short little snippet.
ETA: From what we know, was there anything improper done by Bradley?

IMHO, after reading Mr. Bradley's news release, he did nothing improper at all, in fact when the NetAnalysis and CacheBack discrepancies came to his attention, he immediately put things in motion to fix/mitigate the problem. Immediately contacted the OCSO and the Prosecution. And the DT was well aware of the problem, and Baez presented the descrepancies during the trial. There was no wrong-doing on the prosecutions' behalf. And it most certainly isn't exculpatory evidence, IMO.

Here is Mr. Bradley's news release:

In the recent case of the State of Florida vs. Casey Anthony, a recovered Firefox 2 history from Unallocated Space became the focal point of the State's case surrounding arguments of "premeditation". During the course of the trial, two different reports were tendered by members of the Orange County Sheriff's Department (OCSD). One was created using NetAnalysis dated August 2008. The other was created using CacheBack Version 2.8 RC2 in December 2009.

What came out at trial was a discrepancy between the two reports with regards to the Visit Count of 84 visits a "chloroform.htm" at "". The NetAnalysis report was tendered by the Defense under Direct Examination of OCSD's lead forensic examiner. The CacheBack report had already been tendered by the State during Direct Examination of the developer of CacheBack (me) one week earlier.

As a result of this "discrepancy", a lot of confusion and presumptions have arisen. The first presumption is that NetAnalysis was the "correct report" and CacheBack was faulty. While admittedly true that CacheBack had some issues with the Visit Count and was missing some records, BOTH software products failed to fully parse the entire mork database file by some few hundred records.

On July 11, 2011, posted a public blog to discuss the discrepancy issue and provided a tutorial on the Mork file format in contrast to "the other tool". Since the article refers to the Casey Anthony trial and the issue at hand, the author might as well have simply said "CacheBack" and be straight about it. As a result, I feel compelled to set the record straight once and for all. I therefore need to shed some light on exactly what transpired that led to the issues at hand.

The following is a timeline of events that took place since the beginning of the investigation through to and including the final days of the trial:

AUG 2008 - NetAnalysis was used to parse the Firefox 2 history file that OCSD recovered from Unallocated Space. This report listed 8,878 records. The actual mork file contained 9,075 records. This report was disclosed as evidence.

DEC 8, 2009 (16 months later) - While attending a CacheBack course in Orlando, members of the OCSD stated that NetAnalysis was NOT able to parse the FF2 file. They also cited issues with Daylight Savings conversion with the tool. CacheBack 2.8 at the time could only parse part of the file so I was asked to try and re-tool the function so that it could fully parse the FF2 file.

DEC 10, 2009 - I completed the updates to the best of my abilities at the time for CacheBack 2.8 RC2 and turned over the results to OCSD. I urged OCSD to manually validate select artifacts in the file since they had the Firefox 2 file format and decoding instructions from the CacheBack course Training Manual. I asked that any issues or concerns be brought to my attention immediately for investigation and/or correction. Since Firefox 2 history (mork) file format was already depricated, I felt at that time that no additional work was warranted on "that specific file format". In hindsight, I should have re-verified the work upon my return to Canada but that was unfortunately not the case.

OCT 2010 - I was deposed as a witness in the case with the State and Defense counsels present. My line of questioning was completely restricted to my actions from December 2009. At NO time was I ever asked to "analyze" or "investigate" the history data or form any opinions. At NO time in the future was I also asked to analyze or investigate the history file. My sole purpose was to provide a "decoding function" for the investigators.

MAR-MAY, 2011 - I contacted the State Attorney's office on numerous occasions to verify what I was required to testify about at trial. I specifically inquired about whether I needed to examine the data, create any presentations for court, or if I required a laptop. I was told that I did not need to bring anything and that everything was already looked after. I was expected to only be on the stand for a few minutes - that was it.

JUN 8 & 9, 2011 - I was called to the stand by the State to testify about a CacheBack report that I had never seen before and the contents of which I had no foreknowledge of. This report was created by OCSD on June 3rd, 2011! I was only supposed to get up on the stand and say "I decoded the file" and that was it. Instead, I was tediously asked to read directly from the CacheBack report. Since OCSD officers had testified prior to me, and since the State was not affording me an opportunity to 'explain in simple terms' items like "URL" etc., I essentially was just a narrator and assumed that the jury was already educated by OCSD witnesses.

During my testimony, my attention was directed to a URL at "" and I was asked to read aloud the Visit Count for that entry. As I stated in the courtroom, I said "According to the report...84 times". Personally speaking, a single "chloroform.htm" with a visit count of 84 seemed odd. But, since I did not have any other details about the investigation, and since I did not investigate the evidence, that's all I could say.

JUN 16, 2011 - The supervising OCSD computer forensic investigator (Sergeant) took the stand under direct examination by the Defense. He was shown two reports: the NetAnalysis report from August 2008 (which parsed only 8,878 records) and the CacheBack report, which parsed 8,571 records. OCSD was asked to point out the glaring differences between the Visit Count of 1 for the NA report and 84 for the CB report. In addition, "" was missing from the CB report, as were other URLs. Rather than acknowledge this already known issue and address it there and then, the officer chose not to.

From a developer's perspective, this was an obvious "parsing error". By looking for a valid Visit Count attribute, CacheBack skipped over records until it found a valid Visit Count marker. As I later determined (see below), FF2 infers the first visit count and thereby "omits" the Visit Count attribute altogether. So while terribly damaging, the actual correction to the problem was relatively easy, and obvious to me once I became aware of it.

JUN 16, 2010 (after his testimony) - I called the OCSD Sergeant about his testimony and inquired about the discrepancy. That's when he said that he KNEW about this discrepancy LONG AGO. When asked "What did you do about it?", he replied "that he visually inspected the URL within the Firefox 2 history file which was in question and observed the number 84 nearby ("a couple of lines below") and assumed that it was correct". Despite the obvious and critical flaw in this thinking, he still knew that the NetAnalysis report was still in evidence with a visit count of 1.

According to the OCSD officer, this discrepancy was known LONG before trial. NO attempts were made to contact me, the developer of NetAnalysis or to validate it manually using any other combination third party tools. Validation of "select URLs" (e.g., chloroform) would have taken only 10 minutes. So at this point, there are 2 inconsistent reports before the court and nothing was done about it. Even the prosecutor didn't know.

JUN 16-19, 2011 - I advised the State Attorney of the problem(s) and liased with her and the OCSD officer. During the next 36 hours, I completely retooled the code in CacheBack and successfully matched the proper 9,075 records. An independent tool called "dork.exe" developed by the Mozilla developers corroborated my results. I also used EnCase Version 6 keyword search on the new record marker (a square open bracket) and verified the same results. CacheBack 3.7.11 was immediately released and I prepared an assortment of published results (for OCSD and the State prosecutor) in various file formats to make it easy to disclose and review.

This information was provided to the prosecution and to the OCSD in advance of the State's rebuttal, and the OCSD officer's second appearance (for the State). I even offered to fly down there overnight at my own expense to set the record straight and explain the discrepancy. Since the fate of woman's life could lay in this critical piece of information, I did everything in my power to remedy the situation, or at least mitigate the issue - once I became aware of it.


Had OCSD informed me that NetAnalysis had indeed been able to parse the Firefox 2 history file in August 2008 (16 months earlier), I would have definitely asked for a copy of the results as a benchmark to my own work in December 2009. This information was selectively omitted in my discussions with OCSD.

The OCSD had an opportunity and a responsibility to validate the results, in particular, the URLs that were deemed to be the most critical to the State's case. Had I been asked to revisit the results or aid in the examination of the results, the issues would have been discovered and corrected immediately.

In hindsight, I could have (should have) done more upon my return in December 2009 to further review the Firefox 2 parsing routine. Unfortunately, this is a valuable lesson learned. Despite Mork file format being depricated, we should have invested more time to review again the changes made in CacheBack 2.8 RC2.

While NetAnalysis and CacheBack were eventually updated to better parse the Firefox 2 file, neither product's reports tendered in the Casey Anthony trial were entirely correct. It is disappointing that NetAnalysis in this case was somehow held out to be otherwise.

I was not going to post anything herein because I believed that members of the forensic industry would qualify any suspicions by asking involved stakeholders about the matter - directly. Unfortunately and regretably, either for personal gain or for no other reason than to attempt discredit the CacheBack name, certain limited comments have found their way into public venues through posts and blogs that are completely subjective and misleading.

Like anyone other software development company, our software is developed by humans and we have endeavored to correct any and all issues immediately once they are discovered or reported. While we do our best to test, test, re-test and test some more, sometimes that isn't always enough.

My personal thanks to my good friend and colleague Shafik Punja of the Calgary Police Service for pushing me to come forward to define the issues and offer the true perspective on the issues.

CacheBack is a great tool for Internet investigations! I stand behind the product and I stand behind our customers. When a customer reports an issue, we're on it right away and we fix it right away, if required. The Casey Anthony Trial was a good experience for no other reason than to experience the American justice system and to be humbled in acknowledging that "one more test" is never a waste of time.

I am truly sorry that I was unable to refrain from discussing this issue in a less than positive light. Collectively, we could have done things differently and I know we have all learned from this experience.


John Bradley
CEO & Chief Software Architect

* * * * *

IMO, Cindy and George don't have one iota of reason to sue Mr. Bradley. What does the 84-vs-1 search have anything whatsoever to do with Cindy and George? Eventually it was shown that Cindy perjured herself about all the searches during rebuttal, when it was proved that she was AT WORK when those searches were made.

And, it appears to me that all this "84-vs-1" nonsense is obfuscating the fact that even though the chlorform page at sci-spot was visited only once, ADDITIONALLY Casey Google-searched the word "chloroform" TWICE; Casey Google-searched the phrase "how to make chloroform" TWICE; Casey searched Wikipedia for "chloroform" and Casey made numerous other Google-searches for "neck breaking", etc. The bolded/underlined segment is totally sustantiated and separate evidence, and not included in the "84-vs-1" discrepancy that the OCSO forensic examiners had complete knowledge of long ago, but neglected to pass along to the Prosecution or Mr. Bradley.

Regardless of the number of times the chloroform page at was visited, there is more than ample computer forensic evidence that chloroform and variants were searched for multiple times by Casey on the Anthony home computer. The 84-vs-1 does not detract from that in the least.

And then Casey deleted the Firefox browser history on July 16, 2008, prior to her initial arrest. Consciousness of guilt?

The defence was well aware of these discrepancies and presented them during the trial. No way was the prosecution holding back exculpatory evidence.

And now the Anthonys may sue John Bradley ... FOR WHAT????? How the heck did these software mistakes cause ANY damages for the Anthonys?

It's not enough that their daughter has been acquitted ... now they want to get rich off the back of a person who worked his heart out to do what's morally and legally right, at his own expense and many, many hours of dedicated work.

Jim Lippman, George and Cindy Anthony, you are absolutely detestable.

And, IMHO, you certainly don't have a case against Mr. Bradley.
One problem I see is discovery. They would not be the first people to be harmed by pursuing a case when they shouldn't have. This just seems so ill-advised.
It would be interesting to see exactly what Atty. Lippman would charge them with. I believe as Expert Witnesses they are protected by giving their opinion. We need a lawyer to weigh in. But I've never heard of a witness being sued for testimony before.

Has anyone else heard of this type of civil suit? Thanks.

No. But then again I have never heard of a mother partying for 31 days while her baby is missing either.

TC, Robin
JMO but instead of a lawsuit they should be sending Bradley lots of roses to thank him for playing a big part in saving their daughter. The mess about the 84 times searching for chloroform vs. the 84 times being on Myspace was a huge hit against the prosecution IMO.
One problem I see is discovery. They would not be the first people to be harmed by pursuing a case when they shouldn't have. This just seems so ill-advised.

Florida's discovery laws allowed for Cindy to make this about her to begin with-She knew the state would say that KC searched for chloroform waaaay back in 2008/early 2009.
This was never about her in the eyes of the state or the witness. She and she alone made it about her and she did it with the help of, as you wrote, discovery. CA has made many comments about how thoroughly she combed through discovery and intimated that she would use it against the state on the occasions that she would claim the discovery was false, misleading, and in the civil case, that the (publicly published) motions were perjurous. She was obnoxiously vocal about the errors in discovery as if it would disarm any who might get to punish KC before she could.
She has no case. It would be very ill advised. But her old attorney, BradC, can tell you that he watched them screw around with the system first hand and I know for a fact that he tried to intervene to no avail. (See LKL interview where Brad tries to tell the truth about the diary and CA talks over him to lie about it and claim the police were leaking evidence). Shocker that this (3rd) attorney cannot keep his clients within the bounds of the law.
JMO but instead of a lawsuit they should be sending Bradley lots of roses to thank him for playing a big part in saving their daughter. The mess about the 84 times searching for chloroform vs. the 84 times being on Myspace was a huge hit against the prosecution IMO.

It would've been if the jury considered any actual evidence presented in the trial.
We all knew they would not go quietly into the night. IMO, they love chaos and will refuse to give up this attention-seeking behavior.

What I want to know is, how did Cindy survive without the limelight, before KC murdered her daughter? Or is Cindy one of those, that once exposed to 'celebrity', can't get enough?

Make them all just go away! :loser:
Florida's discovery laws allowed for Cindy to make this about her to begin with-She knew the state would say that KC searched for chloroform waaaay back in 2008/early 2009.
This was never about her in the eyes of the state or the witness. She and she alone made it about her and she did it with the help of, as you wrote, discovery. CA has made many comments about how thoroughly she combed through discovery and intimated that she would use it against the state on the occasions that she would claim the discovery was false, misleading, and in the civil case, that the (publicly published) motions were perjurous. She was obnoxiously vocal about the errors in discovery as if it would disarm any who might get to punish KC before she could.
She has no case. It would be very ill advised. But her old attorney, BradC, can tell you that he watched them screw around with the system first hand and I know for a fact that he tried to intervene to no avail. (See LKL interview where Brad tries to tell the truth about the diary and CA talks over him to lie about it and claim the police were leaking evidence). Shocker that this (3rd) attorney cannot keep his clients within the bounds of the law.

Bold mine.

Actually JJ, Lippman is the Anthony's fourth attorney.

1. NeJame
2. Brad Conway
3. A husband and wife team...can't even remember their names.
4. Lippman

*note- # 2 and 3 might be switched with each other...can't remember, but IIRC, I think I have it right. Wonder how much longer Lippman will hang around...surely he sees what they are really like by now.
IMHO, after reading Mr. Bradley's news release, he did nothing improper at all, in fact when the NetAnalysis and CacheBack discrepancies came to his attention, he immediately put things in motion to fix/mitigate the problem. Immediately contacted the OCSO and the Prosecution. And the DT was well aware of the problem, and Baez presented the descrepancies during the trial. There was no wrong-doing on the prosecutions' behalf. And it most certainly isn't exculpatory evidence, IMO./QUOTE]

While I do find it absurd that the Anthonys are pursuing this, I am still a bit puzzled. If the problem was known during the trial, why didn't the prosecution contest Baez's claims in their rebuttal?

It was such a glaring omission from their rebuttal...why would they let Baez make them out to look like liars? My guess is they knew there was something fishy and didn't want to further tie their reputations to it.

Oh dear. The woman that committed perjury is thinking about suing the computer analysis software company that admitted the 84 hits was incorrect?

Why? According to her, if it happened she did it.

How about a change of pace ... what's going in the rest of the world ...

[ame=""]‪Korea's Got Talent Sung-Bong Choi‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I saw this first thing in the morning, nearly wet myself laughing.

all anthonys, now hear this: GO AWAY.

...doesn't address the neck-breaking or household weapons searches now does it? As far as trying to change Casey's image...the words "lipstick" and "pig" come to mind.

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against ther boys you NEED cheat codes!

20yo daughter 18 yo son. Cheat codes are very important.

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What I want to know is, how did Cindy survive without the limelight, before KC murdered her daughter? Or is Cindy one of those, that once exposed to 'celebrity', can't get enough?

Make them all just go away! :loser:

they were too busy being in trouble from GA gambling!

Bold mine.

Actually JJ, Lippman is the Anthony's fourth attorney.

1. NeJame
2. Brad Conway
3. A husband and wife team...can't even remember their names.
4. Lippman

*note- # 2 and 3 might be switched with each other...can't remember, but IIRC, I think I have it right. Wonder how much longer Lippman will hang around...surely he sees what they are really like by now.
Bet Lippman doesn't make it past Aug. sympathy for Cindy month is but a week away!!!
I think it was x box cheat codes

If you are a girl to even attempt to win
against ther boys you NEED cheat codes!

20yo daughter 18 yo son. Cheat codes are very important.

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Xbox 360 Game Help; IGN Game Guides · Reader Walkthroughs · Cheats & Codes .... During co-op, you can use the weapon codes to alter the weapon used for drive-bys. .... Vehicle of Death. Whatever vehicle the player is using becomes ...
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Feb 2, 2010 – Watch part two in the Red Dead Redemption Gameplay Video Series: Weapons & Death - a special in-depth look at Red Dead's shooting – all the ...

<LI class=g>
Then break the door down, and put up a trophy on the trophy case. ...... Then turn around to face away from the area again and use the shovel again. .... if it worked, he should be headless and haveblood squirting out his neck. ...... When you find a key,save the game,either turn off the x-box,quit and go back onnestly think that was x box cheat codes.

sorry ginger snap, but imo this is a huge stretch. being a teenager myself, and a girl, i know quite a bit about xbox and if that is what she wanted she would simply search for "cheat codes" plus the title of the game she was playing. not to mention casey does not strike me as the gamer type. and i can tell you it is very possible for a girl to win at video games from experience :)
Wow, all this throwing around of law suits is crazy. I feel for the Orange County Civil Court staff.

What the heck, let the Anthonys PAY Lippman to represent them on this, and whatever the next one is, and Court costs and fines, which costs and fines cannot go in the next bankruptcy filing in a few years, paying Lippman can.

My thoughts: You just know they asked Lippman if they could sue the Police Dept., JA, LDB, FG, and HHJP, and anyone else involved in the investigation and prosecution of KC.

They forget so easily:



Gosh I promised not to respond to another FCA post, but this is how I see it.

CA & GA are now yesterdays news, and they are none too happy about it. This little tidbit is just for attention! We all know that this pitiful excuse for a lawsuit has nothing to do with suing anyone - it's simply for attention. CA saying "I'm over here - look at meeeeeee". Just like FCA.

She'll sue Santa Claus next, or maybe the easter bunny. There's just no sane reason for this, other than media attention.


Baez deserves sanctions. Cindy perjured hersefl during the trial regarding the crucual point of premeditation. Crazy lawsuits?

Yes, if Cindy is threatening to sue a computer software company because they got the number of chloroform hits wrong, when she stated that whatever happened if must have been her - on whatever day and whatever time, then she has nothing but a broken chicken wing to stand on. Does she have money to bring lawsuits, or is the entire family able to claim indegence and have them battle each other in the courts at the taxpayers expense?

What would Cindy have testified to if it was not 84 hits ... that she was not at work and if someone on the computer looked up chloroform it must have been her ... how would she have changed her testimony if it had been 5 hits?
sorry ginger snap, but imo this is a huge stretch. being a teenager myself, and a girl, i know quite a bit about xbox and if that is what she wanted she would simply search for "cheat codes" plus the title of the game she was playing. not to mention casey does not strike me as the gamer type. and i can tell you it is very possible for a girl to win at video games from experience :)

Was there even an x-box in the home? My 14 year old looks up cheat codes for his games, but it's on a specific site -- he doesn't type in the google tool bar -- how to make chloroform. Or neck breaking. I agree, that's a stretch.


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