Lippman says Cindy & George may sue John Bradley re 84 searches

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CA will force her hand tiil the bitter end. Really if I have to go through the media to talk to my child I'd take a hint.
Now that kC is out how can they do anything? KC is the mom. CA cremated her daughter against her wishes. I'd disown her too!
Believe it or not she wanted her to have a burial site. CA refused-go figure.
Yeah well, KC had already done a pretty good job cremating Caylee IMO. Perhaps KC will sue Cindy and George next?

WTFE. (rolls eyes)
I think they are only talking about this lawsuit to give them a legitimate reason for popping back up out of their holes soon. Clearly they can't stay out of the spotlight and were just waiting for a "reason" to be able to do a PC or something. Their lawyer is fact catching up with the defense team as people I least want to see on the TV screen...
You would think then that the suit they would be most interested in pursuing would be against Casey for violating Caylee's civil rights (though I'm not even sure that's possible). It could go along way with currying favor, especially in light of the fact they are now speaking out for grandparents' rights.

How about a Wrongful Death suit against KC? Of course, that would upset her so better not do that. :banghead:
I have never trusted Lippman. He's just an Anthony PR guy, I wouldn't be surprised if Baez hooked them up. The Anthony's are taking a little supporter funded trip, awww, how sweet. I bet it will be a family reunion with all the A's in attendance for Lee and Mallory's wedding ceremony somewhere secluded so FCA can attend. Just a hunch. I believe they have been in contact with her all along. I don't buy estrangement for one minute.
This is exactly why they should be bringing perjury charges against her. She seems to think everyone else has different standards than that are required for her or her family. She Intentionally lied and mis-directed police and lawyers for three years and now she wants to sue for false information from someone else who was tring to bring justice for her granddaughter. The irony is rich indeed.
Gosh I promised not to respond to another FCA post, but this is how I see it.

CA & GA are now yesterdays news, and they are none too happy about it. This little tidbit is just for attention! We all know that this pitiful excuse for a lawsuit has nothing to do with suing anyone - it's simply for attention. CA saying "I'm over here - look at meeeeeee". Just like FCA.

She'll sue Santa Claus next, or maybe the easter bunny. There's just no sane reason for this, other than media attention.



BBM: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Thanks for the laugh this morning !

And you are correct -- this little "tidbit" is for ATTENTION !

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Sueing Santa and Easter Bunny ...

For what purpose, their daughter was acquitted? Also, the mistake was unintentional, how can anyone sue an unintentional mistake?

They should be suing Casey. And Cindy perjured herself, she lied to keep her daughter off of death row so where is the logic in suing someone else?

They really will remain in denial forever and why they lose support.

BBM I think Casey should be suing them. Isn't it fashionable to blame your parents for your problems these days? In actuality, I do tend to think they were responsible for her turning out the way she did.

My opinion only
I told ya'll we were gonna need a spreadsheet for all the lawsuits............

:floorlaugh: And may I add ... they are going to need a "wing" at the Orange County Courthouse and Clerk's Office to handle all these lawsuits ... "Anthony Lawsuits Only" ...

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
NG has a story on her FB saying that Casey's parents are desperate to get items back from the state that belonged to Caylee because they are so afraid someone will try to make money off of their granddaughter....almost too funny to be real...and funny how NG has not commented on the grandparents new foundation from which they plan to draw salaries....give me a break...

George & Cindy Anthony now fighting to get back pieces of evidence used in Tot Mom’s murder trial. Attorney Mark Lippman confirms the Anthony’s may want Tot Mom’s car, Caylee’s bedspread, blanket, & other crucial items. Casey Anthony’s parents don’t want these items ending up for sale or allowing someone to profit off Caylee’s death. Their attorney also confirms George & Cindy will go through all the evidence and decide what they want to keep & what they will destroy!
I do, they were in on it before trial started. Their own attorney stated that they were called into Baez's office 6 weeks before and were told what was going to be said. If anyone contributes to their sorry a#$ charity, they have to be crazy. It's all a bunch of people chasing money now. Reminds me of a movie, Around the World in 80 days. The A's are really very toxic, thus a daughter who became the same. :banghead:

If you choose to actually sit there and be front and center when you are being accused of molesting your daughter..... he knows no one believes her, but I wouldnt have been able to do it, but the cameras get addicting.

But if anyone should be suing about the 84 searches it should be Casey, not sure why they are. jmo
For what purpose, their daughter was acquitted? Also, the mistake was unintentional, how can anyone sue an unintentional mistake?

They should be suing Casey. And Cindy perjured herself, she lied to keep her daughter off of death row so where is the logic in suing someone else?

They really will remain in denial forever and why they lose support.

Exactly....they should be suing Casey for wrongful death. There are any number of REPUTABLE lawyers who would love to take the case. Jose won because of beginners (dumb), luck.

If only the father of Caylee would surface. I don't believe he is dead - I believe he is married, but Caylee was his daughter and he needs to do the right thing for her.
So, if anyone profits off little Caylee's death, it should be the "grieving" grandparents? Do I have this right?
Surprise, surprise!! Another lawsuit...what a flipping joke!!!
Remember, if you resort to name calling (really?) expect a TO. The mods are pretty much done with some of the low level discussion going on around here.

Post about the topic, see if you can add something meaningful to the discussion and lets try and return to basically constructive discussion.


This post lands at random, but some posts have already been removed.
How can the Anthonys not realize that they're totally publicly making themselves look like self absorbed, money hungry people looking to profit from Caylee's murder? Someone please give them a big mirror.
BBM I think Casey should be suing them. Isn't it fashionable to blame your parents for your problems these days? In actuality, I do tend to think they were responsible for her turning out the way she did.

My opinion only

You mean killing and dumping her child in a swamp to have her guts and eyes eaten out by maggots and critters? My parents were far worse than what I saw of the Anthonys, and my daughter is a wonderful 26 year old who served her Country for five years and is now about to graduate from College. She spends three nights a week helping kids with little opportunity build a better future and she regularly goes on mission trips with her church. My parents only lied by submission, and their physical and mental abuse would have landed them in jail (maybe), in this day and age. I could never have laid a hand on my daughter - so I don't give Casey an out because she has parents who lie(d). At some point you raise yourself and take responsibility for your own behavior - Casey never did and likely never will.

To sue her parents she would have to exhibit some sort of behavior to show she knew they had harmed her - but she was found not guilty. No harm, no foul. IMO
Yet another lawsuit looming? Guess the salaries from their new foundation won't be sufficient.


"Lippman is also talking to them about a potential lawsuit against John Bradley, the software engineer who testified that someone had search for chloroform 84 times on the Anthony home computer.",-lawyer-says

Has Lippman lost the plot or what?

Seriously, his representation of the Anthony's is in a downward trajectory.
I really don't see what G&C hope to accomplish by suing Mr. Bradley. :waitasec:
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