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LE has refused to comment on the poly results. It's only Deborah herself, who says what they told her.

I've certainly seen cops do that. We all have seen it. They say we have evidence, your friend ratted you out, you failed your poly, etc. It's legal, it's common. It's a tactic to try to break a witness if they're lying. She didn't break, though.

I'm not sure at all that she failed the poly and LE isn't saying.

So you think its possible that she passed the poly..but LE told her she did not? (just trying to clarify) Or do you think she is just saying that she was told she failed, publicly, to bolster her further lack of cooperation? tia
Whether DB failed the poly or not (and we don't know whether she did or didn't), she sure rushed herself to the nearest reporte in order to get out in front of the story that she did fail it.


Would a guilty person do that though? I see that as the act of an innocent person. Like little Breann's parents admitting they both failed.

Who knows, actually, if they did fail. They were innocent, though.
:blowkiss: if you've come to a different conclusion from your research I certainly respect that!

even with a difference of opinion, though, LE can and does "fudge the truth" when interviewing, they do it in many cases. it's another method of tripping up suspects, I dont mean anything bad to imply LE "lies" because it is part of their job.

"IF" she did kill that baby, I am okay with them using anything they can to get to the bottom of the situation.

I am concerned with "victim's" rights. Not the rights of possible criminals.

I am not an verified expert, and neither are you. We both have our own ideas, and that's okay. I am fine with that. If everyone believed the same here, that might be really boring. :innocent:
So you think its possible that she passed the poly..but LE told her she did not? (just trying to clarify) Or do you think she is just saying that she was told she failed, publicly, to bolster her further lack of cooperation? tia

I really don't know. I think either she failed it, or she passed it and they told her she failed it when they were shouting at her that they knew she was guilty of killing her baby.

I really don't know which of the two it is.

It was her husband who initially stopped "cooperating" i.e. wanted to stop being a punching bag, and I think she followed him in his decision to take a break.
that was a tricksy statement. the way she stated it implies to someone who is ignorant of decompositional events that dogs can only hit in advanced stages which is not true at all. why the need for feeling tricksy?

speaking of decomp events, when I heard some carpeting was taken up, possibly where the dog(s) hit, I wondered if the illustrious dr arpad vass may be called upon in this case.

Mrs. 2 Vass! You really do loves him, huh? :blowkiss:

He is adorable and he sure knows his stuff, although I'm betting he wants nothing to do with something like this ever again after that mess in June!

Would a guilty person do that though? I see that as the act of an innocent person. Like little Breann's parents admitting they both failed.

Who knows, actually, if they did fail. They were innocent, though.

Apparently Terri Horman couldn't wait to tell Desiree and Kaine that she failed, and a lot of people believe she is guilty.
Mrs. 2 Vass! You really do loves him, huh? :blowkiss:

He is adorable and he sure knows his stuff, although I'm betting he wants nothing to do with something like this ever again after that mess in June!


cant fault a girl for dreaming :floorlaugh:
Would a guilty person do that though? I see that as the act of an innocent person. Like little Breann's parents admitting they both failed.

Who knows, actually, if they did fail. They were innocent, though.

Did Breann's parents also spin it that LE were just trying to screw with them?

Thread Title: Live MSM Coverage on Baby Lisa, 22-23 October 2011


I really don't know. I think either she failed it, or she passed it and they told her she failed it when they were shouting at her that they knew she was guilty of killing her baby.

I really don't know which of the two it is.

It was her husband who initially stopped "cooperating" i.e. wanted to stop being a punching bag, and I think she followed him in his decision to take a break.

I think pass or fail are the only options and I hope they drag her back in and tell her again real soon that she killed her baby. They need to scare her into speaking. OR they need to pull other people into interrogation and scare the crapola out of them so they talk. Someone knows what happened besides the parents and they need to bring them in and slip them up. I dont care if they waterboard them at this point. This is all about Lisa and not about those parents that have done nothing but lie this whole time. Nevermind the cadaver dog hit.. Way too much evidence, circumstantial as it might be, there is an abundance of it. I feel like calling the police station there and asking them why she isnt being hauled in for more questions. JI in MOO looks like someone you can scare easy, maybe they should take him in for questioning.

Do we know of any live feeds on TV/internet at all. I have searched but cant find anything at all, seems very quiet.
I believe it was reported JI refuses to be interviewed without DB present.
We have all heard the tapes of LE questioning the Anthonys and in the beginning Casey. Did they sound like evil, mean spirited people, or people that were trying to get to the truth in order to find Caylee. The longer it takes to solve a case, especially in regards to children, it is possible no one will be charged and the child will never be found. LE is damned if they do, and damned if they don't, I wouldn't want to walk in their shoes. Are there bad members of LE, yes, there are bad people in all aspects of our lives, but that doesn't mean all human beings are bad. LE wants to find the truth, the "bad" people don't sit down and admit their guilt, LE has to find the truth before it is too late.

At least people that may feel they were wrongly charged of a crime can have the benefit of a defense attorney to protect their "rights", unfortunately it doesn't work that way for victims, all they have are the members of LE. Bashing all LE seems to be the thing to do anymore, they just want to find out what happened to Lisa and I feel they are doing the best that they can under the circumstances.
<snipped by me>

&#8220;There&#8217;s really no scenario where this baby, God forbid she was dead, would have decomposed in that short a period of time,&#8221; Tacopina told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Friday night.

Interesting, because from everything I've read, chemical changes begin to occur in the body the moment the heart stops beating. But setting that aside...I'd sure like to know what Tacopina knows, that we don't know, that indicates to him that this was a "short period of time". Is 6 hours a short period of time, in his opinion? Assuming, of course, that the neighbor did see Lisa alive?

He thinks wordplay is going to save his clients. If he conjures up an image of Lisa as a decomposed skeletal remains and everyone agrees that it's not possible in a few hours, his clients must be innocent. Never mind what decomposition means to the dogs.

JMO but these types of defense lawyers do more harm than good for their clients. When the excuses they come up with are based on a complete misunderstanding of the situation (intentional or not), I'm more likely to be convinced that the client is guilty.

If JI is innocent this would be a good time to get his own representation. IMO.
Bill Stanton says the questions he has include, "is the dog trained" :rolleyes:

What do you reckon are the chances that FBI took an untrained dog there and just called it a "cadaver dog"?

Didn't Cindy Anthony say the same thing when the doggie hit in her backyard? pfffttttt....

Just sayin....

Didn't Cindy Anthony say the same thing when the doggie hit in her backyard? pfffttttt....

Just sayin....


Well, in retrospect, though, Baby Caylee wasn't in fact there. If a cadaver dog hit in the grandparents back yard, it was a false hit.
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