Logan's Road trip

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Good morning, friends. Thanks so much for tracking down the PI.

It's fine with me if he's eccentric, so long as he's good at what he does.
jj is eccentric....and the best there is. IMO, which is biased...I am one of the children he brought home.
jj is eccentric....and the best there is. IMO, which is biased...I am one of the children he brought home.

OMG, NMK!! What a LIFE you've had! I wish we coud discuss, but know it's O/T, so I'll just have to wait for your life story to come out in a book or movie. :)

But for now, I'm so HAPPY Logan has the BEST to help him get his son back. I just cannot imagine how awful this is, missing his baby boy's first Christmas, not seeing him for a month and a half, not even knowing where he is or who's caring for him. And that poor little boy, getting moved around, first to the Smith's, now to who-knows-who. How very frightening and confusing for him!

Please, JJ, find him FAST!!!!
Logan just emailed me and said he's working on his map, wants ideas of where he should stop --

Also, I have EJ's cell # from SA . . . can't remember seeing that we had it before. Will help when looking at ads.
I havn't been to Victoria but maybe once late last year. I do know there is a mall there..um I went to a bookstore barnes and noble I think. I know this isn't much help but..I don't kno if this helps...my stepson lives in a town called kenedy...from SA its about one hour and 15 minutes, from kenedy, victoria is about an hour away. Also I would have to double check but I know here in SA I-37 goes to Corpus and we turn off from there to go to Kenedy. But I think if u keep going there is a turn off to Victoria and I think possibly u could take I-35, not sure on that one.

So San Antonio to Corpus to Kenedy to Victoria is about a 2 hour 15 min drive.

Depending on what time Eliz made those texts and call to Logan, she could conceivably have driven this, and been back to San Antonio to get on the bus, right?

Victoria just keeps on popping up.

I know LE said Eliz wasn't in Victoria, but how could they possibly know that?

This is bothering me.
So San Antonio to Corpus to Kenedy to Victoria is about a 2 hour 15 min drive.

Depending on what time Eliz made those texts and call to Logan, she could conceivably have driven this, and been back to San Antonio to get on the bus, right?

Victoria just keeps on popping up.

I know LE said Eliz wasn't in Victoria, but how could they possibly know that?

This is bothering me.

Me Too ....The only way LE would know for sure is if Elizabeths cell pinged in Victoria and the video of her at Motel 6 were overlapping making it impossible for her to be in both places...... but her phone could have been in Victoria.

Do we know if she had her phone in Miami?
Me Too ....The only way LE would know for sure is if Elizabeths cell pinged in Victoria and the video of her at Motel 6 were overlapping making it impossible for her to be in both places...... but her phone could have been in Victoria.

Do we know if she had her phone in Miami?

Or what if Eliz wasn't in Victoria, but her phone was, but it wasn't deliberate? What if the person she gave Gabe to took her phone without her knowledge? Or if she accidentally dropped it in his car seat? Or in a bag of belongings that went with him?

ETA: But really, what's bothering me, is that when I look on Google maps it tells me it's a 7 hour round trip, but here we have a local telling us you can make it in much less time.

And Victoria just keeps on popping up.
Sorry to be a pain about this, but I just can't seem to get this out of my head. Something about it just doesn't seem right, just doesn't add up.

CASAREZ: There is a criminal complaint out of the state of Arizona, and this is what Elizabeth Johnson is being held on in Florida. The charge is custodial interference. Well, as part of that complaint there is a summary. Now this is not rumor, innuendo. This is on the criminal complaint and it says that the last-known whereabouts of Elizabeth Johnson was from her cell phone pings in Victoria, Texas, headed toward the Mexican border. Now we do know she ended up in Florida. She is incarcerated in Florida. But I`ve got to go out to Tammi Smith on that. Talk to us again about your thoughts about Victoria, Texas. There`s not a date on this. And when do you say her cell phone pinged in Victoria?

T. SMITH: They said it was on the 27th. And that was the day that she sent the text that he was dead and that was the day that she wouldn`t speak to me verbally.

CASAREZ: OK. That`s the day that she did leave on the bus from San Antonio to Florida?

T. SMITH: Yes.

CASAREZ: So you`re saying she had to go to Victoria and come all the way back to San Antonio?

T. SMITH: Correct. She went two hours south and then came back up to get on a bus.

It looks like Jean is looking at the criminal complaint. But note that Jean says there's no date. It is Tammi who says it's the 27th.

Just because Jean says there's no date, doesn't mean there's no date. Jean has questioned Tammi about dates, and surfaced discrepancies.

So... Is it possible, logical, reasonable, that this (the pings, and a roadtrip by Eliz to Victoria) took place on Dec 26? Not Dec 27?

Do we have anything else indicating a date for the pings and/or Victoria? Do we have anything saying it's impossible for the pings and/or a road trip to Victoria took place on Dec 26?

ETA: Adding this for objectivity:
ZARRELL: Police are saying that Victoria, Texas is not involved in this case at all. It`s been a rumor that`s been spread around.

Another ETA:

TAMMI SMITH: And from what Yami says, her cell phone was — had a signal in Victoria, Texas, and that was the day that she went missing. And that was the day that she actually got on the bus.
CASAREZ: And what day was the cell phone significance from Victoria, Texas? What day was that?
TAMMI SMITH: Sunday the 27th. And that was the day that she would not communicate with me by verbal. She only communicated by texting and telling me that she was out of range because she was driving.

Looks like Tammi got her info from Yami. What if Yami was wrong on the date, and it was Dec 26?

"We are looking at data of where she went and that does not seem to be accurate," said Kim Hale, commander for the Tempe police department, of rumors of Victoria being a possible location of where the child could be.

So maybe the gps doesn't show Victoria, but that doesn't mean Eliz and her cell (pings) and Gabe didn't go to Victoria.

Sorry. I don't mean to beat a dead horse. I just can't get this out of mind. It bugs me, and I can't put my finger on it, and because of that I can't put it aside.
An idea for Logan in San Antonio...get in touch with the Spanish speaking news stations there. Get them to at least air his picture on the stations there. I know there are a lot of Mexican's that don't speak English, so they watch the spanish channels. That is a HUGE part of the population in Texas and SA, and we need to get the word out to them. Emphasize the $5000 reward and also the annonymous tip lines.
One thing he might consider is doing an interview with one of the local Spanish TV stations. I have really been wondering why EJ took a Tornado bus instead of Greyhound to Florida. Tornado primarily serves Mexicans traveling to see family. Whoever arranged the whole thing was pretty slick to send her "under the radar" so to speak, since the obvious choice for most would have been to go to main bus station downtown. Elizabeth would have stuck out like a sore thumb at Tornado on the west side of town. There is a large percentage of people here that speak Spanish and might have seen or heard something.

Thank you, thank you, thank you...per my employee who has ridden this bus a number of times ( not necessarily this bus, a Tornando Bus from SA) yes she would stick out like a sore thumb...but it is not as unusual as you think...because it is so cheap...however, for those who have never ridden this bus...it is the bomb of a bus...they know how to treat their riders...plus they go extrememmly fast to get from point a to b to c-to d and etc...
An idea for Logan in San Antonio...get in touch with the Spanish speaking news stations there. Get them to at least air his picture on the stations there. I know there are a lot of Mexican's that don't speak English, so they watch the spanish channels. That is a HUGE part of the population in Texas and SA, and we need to get the word out to them. Emphasize the $5000 reward and also the annonymous tip lines.
All of the suggestions I've read here are very good, but this one is one of the best. Somebody could've seen something and not know how important it might be. Maybe somebody was on the Tornado Bus with her ~ I remember reading how she stood out among the Hispanic passengers. MOO
One thing he might consider is doing an interview with one of the local Spanish TV stations. I have really been wondering why EJ took a Tornado bus instead of Greyhound to Florida. Tornado primarily serves Mexicans traveling to see family. Whoever arranged the whole thing was pretty slick to send her "under the radar" so to speak, since the obvious choice for most would have been to go to main bus station downtown. Elizabeth would have stuck out like a sore thumb at Tornado on the west side of town. There is a large percentage of people here that speak Spanish and might have seen or heard something.

BBM. I didn't remember this when I posted my suggestion...just so I don't look like I'm trying to take credit. ;)

"We are looking at data of where she went and that does not seem to be accurate," said Kim Hale, commander for the Tempe police department, of rumors of Victoria being a possible location of where the child could be.

So maybe the gps doesn't show Victoria, but that doesn't mean Eliz and her cell (pings) and Gabe didn't go to Victoria.

Sorry. I don't mean to beat a dead horse. I just can't get this out of mind. It bugs me, and I can't put my finger on it, and because of that I can't put it aside.

Could EJ and Baby Gabe been in Tammi's car? Maybe Tammi went to SA and drove them to a pick up spot in Victoria, TX. ???
Because of the ads in Nov and early Dec, I think Eliz - or Tammi - may have contacted some of the people listed.

If momtective doesn't get here in a bit I'm going to poke her to come take a look and see what she thinks. She's really good with this stuff.

I'm not sure they took the chance of dealing with just anyone, seems that would be a little too risky if both EJ and Tammi were involved and working this together. I'm thinking if this was preplanned and especially if Tammi was involved she would have chosen someone she knew she could trust....like a good old friend. She's admitted to researching EJ's legal rights and I'm sure she figured out that Texas would be the perfect place to place Gabriel in either an adoption or a legal custody agreement without notifying Logan or even listing him as Gabriel's father.
If Gabriel is placed in a custody agreement, all the couple has to do is wait this out over a few years and before Gabriel starts school file to terminate EJ's parental rights based on abandonment since she never returned for her child. If EJ used an alias then that makes this process even easier for the couple. Yes, they know it's EJ in jail in AZ but that's not the person on the custody agreement.
I just think the State of Texas has made this incredibly easy for EJ to steal Logan's son and give him away. The birth father registry is just another legal means to circumvent the fathers parental rights as far as I'm concerned.

"We are looking at data of where she went and that does not seem to be accurate," said Kim Hale, commander for the Tempe police department, of rumors of Victoria being a possible location of where the child could be.

So maybe the gps doesn't show Victoria, but that doesn't mean Eliz and her cell (pings) and Gabe didn't go to Victoria.

Sorry. I don't mean to beat a dead horse. I just can't get this out of mind. It bugs me, and I can't put my finger on it, and because of that I can't put it aside.

This has really been bugging me too! It just makes sense with the timing of the phone call/text to Logan and her getting on the bus, that she could of drove to Victoria and dropped Gabriel off. I don't know if Tammi was involved-probably somehow but even if she wasn't and Elizabeth had plan B she could of handed Gabriel off that morning. I wish there was tape of her leaving the Quality Inn (or whtever hotel she was really at) that morning so we would know what time she left and where she was between then and pulling up to the Motel 6. Maybe LE has this information.

Is there a time gap between the time she left the motel she stayed at and showed up at the Motel 6 parking lot??
Logan and his relatives are leaving on the roadtrip either tonight or tomorrow morning.

If you have any last minute tips, ideas, or suggestions for them to check out at places along the way from Tempe to San Antonio, you can email them to the family at oursweetgabriel@yahoo.com

The family is reviewing all tips sent to that email address, and appreciates everyone's help.

Thank you!
BBM. I didn't remember this when I posted my suggestion...just so I don't look like I'm trying to take credit. ;)

Thanks! I just want this baby found. I am sad there hasn't been a bigger local response, but am not particularly surprised. The more media exposure here, the better.
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