Lois sent Local 6 an email she recieved from Cindy who is standing by Casey.

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Lois strikes me as someone who is several apples short of a bunch, that said perhaps the better approach would have been to ignore her if indeed her emails were provocations.
Ok for starters, this uninvite was over a week ago. And it was merely a rumor that Lois started. This was started shortly after the whole "custody of remains" issue came up initially. I can't post a link or quote HOW I know this but please believe me! Lois started this as a rumor, then emailed CA to bicker with her and here it is weeks later that she's "exposing" CA again? My own personal opinion on this whole issue is that a 12 yr old does not belong at a funeral whom is NOT her immediate family whatsoever! Leave well enough alone and just view it like everyone else may or may not in the future if indeed there IS a funeral or memorial service.

I hate to say this but it seems like a bunch of folks are trying to jump on the cash wagon to exploit the whole issue. Kronk is on GMA this morning...now we have grandma L raising cain! When does it ever stop?

CA has a right to defend her daughter despite what appearances may be. Whether she says it in truth or not is only known to her. But I believe she might have KNOWN this would happen which is why she answered the way she did.

:clap: That totally seems like the Lois I have witnessed.
One things for sure, when God was handing out common sense, some people showed up a little too late!
Just as a heads up, when it's time for my funeral (like 60 odd years from now I hope) I want you all to know that there's an open invitation for all of you to attend! I want a nice Irish wake and the drinks will be on me!
Lois strikes me as someone who is several apples short of a bunch, that said perhaps the better approach would have been to ignore her if indeed her emails were provocations.

And I think Cindy is smart enough to know this so I have a feeling there is a method to the madness. :rolleyes:
Just as a heads up, when it's time for my funeral (like 60 odd years from now I hope) I want you all to know that there's an open invitation for all of you to attend! I want a nice Irish wake and the drinks will be on me!

Thanks for the invite!!!!
I be there with bells on!!!:crazy:
Just read in the link that Cindy's claim about Casey was in response to this extremely cruel provocation. I can't imagine how cruel someone must be to say this to someone in Cindy's shoes...

"Peter responded in an e-mail, saying, "I would not want my granddaughter around a person that condones her daughter killing her own child. At least I know where mine is."

Well, if CA's gonna go around contacting people to personally tell them they're uninvited, then she better be ready for their response. I think you may want to consider that CA's daughter was inappropriately contacting Lois' grandaughter while she was out on bail, which was against the terms of her bail, so I think Lois might be a little protective (and appropriately so) of the grandaughter, don't you?
I am not quite certain what is off base;Cindy's defense of Casey or this email being sent to the news.
I would expect Cindy to say exactly what she said; at least she is consistent lol. But why would anyone perpetuate the circus atmosphere by sending this to the News?
I don't get it. At last the Anthony's are keeping to themselves and now someone wants to stoke the coals.
I'm sorry but I just do not get it.

:clap::clap: Thank you, well said. I think everyone on WS know's how I feel about all the Anthony's & even though I am so angry with them, I do not think Lois should have done this. I may not agree with the way they have/are handling things, but I would not pour salt into a wound either.
And I think Cindy is smart enough to know this so I have a feeling there is a method to the madness. :rolleyes:

Oh I agree! It is certainly as easy to ignore an email as it is to uninvite someone to a funeral. It all depends on what response one it looking for.
Well, if CA's gonna go around contacting people to personally tell them they're uninvited, then she better be ready for their response. I think you may want to consider that CA's daughter was inappropriately contacting Lois' grandaughter while she was out on bail, which was against the terms of her bail, so I think Lois might be a little protective (and appropriately so) of the grandaughter, don't you?

I just read up thread that there's more to this story and the uninvite was a rumor and that Lois initiated contact. There's no way I'll defend Casey, but it's no one's job but LOIS to protect her daughter and not have her e-mailing potential criminals. LOIS should have been monitoring not encouraging her and this would never have happened. Who lets their kid contact a possible murderer?
aahhh - light bulb

Maybe CA is reacting like this - hurting those around her - because KC has "jap slapped" her in the worst way by not giving her poa over Caylee's remains.

Just a thought

My thoughts exactly. It appears that she is striking out and acting in a very petty way. From her actions from the very beginning, I feel that she isn't at all emotionally mature. I just wish she could see how vile this type of behavior is to people who only want to see that baby laid to rest with the dignity that she deserves.
Does it not bother anyone else that the A's are treating tickets to the funeral like lottery tickets?? The nerve of these people, saying "you won't be invited to the funeral". Seriously, am I alone in my outrage?? Using invitations to a funeral as ammunition?
Since the "invite" list may be short, they could just go with all of Casey's men and that would certainly add to the list.
Cindy is all about 'control'. In her own mind, SHE is in control of who comes to Caylees memorial, and this email was one way to assert/display that control. Betcha she has dis-invited her brother and anyone else that doesn't buy into her version of "reality". And of course, out of everyone, Caylee was HER granddaughter THE MOST, and she controlled her and owned her like a possession. We've seen this many times in how she talked about Casey being an unfit mother.....make no mistake, she rules that roost, she ruled over Casey raising Caylee, and I bet there is deep,deep resentment on Casey's behalf for that.

Cindy will never admit the truth, even if it is proved in court, because Casey (like Caylee) is also an extension of Cindy's possessions, and to admit Casey is a killer is just not possible in Cindy's mind.

JMO, of course.


My thoughts exactly.
Well, BC already publically came out with the disinvite to LP so further disinvites wouldn't shock. It's sorta part of a theme.
I just read up thread that there's more to this story and the uninvite was a rumor and that Lois initiated contact. There's no way I'll defend Casey, but it's no one's job but LOIS to protect her daughter and not have her e-mailing potential criminals. LOIS should have been monitoring not encouraging her and this would never have happened. Who lets their kid contact a possible murderer?

Casey was back in jail at the time that Lois applied for the RO against Cindy. What came out during that time is that it was actually the granddaughter who was calling the A house and emailing/texting Cindy on a regular basis. It was suggested that Lois take steps to prevent that from happening. Instead Lois continued to insert herself and her granddaughter into the case. Very strange woman, IMO.
Does it not bother anyone else that the A's are treating tickets to the funeral like lottery tickets?? The nerve of these people, saying "you won't be invited to the funeral". Seriously, am I alone in my outrage?? Using invitations to a funeral as ammunition?

Yes, like it's the golden ticket! First proclaiming that Leonard Padilla won't be invited, now this. I'm sure this will continue, and the list will grow.
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