long weekend break: discuss the latest here #102

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Newbie here! So glad I found this site! I've been a trial watcher since the old Court TV days. Our family lost a loved one ...Jessica Cain went missing on the Gulf Freeway near Galveston in 1997...and and we're still looking for any info. Thanks for being here guys! You do a great job and now I feel I have a place to come and be among friends who understand. BTW...re: the Arias trial...I have PTSD as a result of a horrible car accident and I can tell you that I remember EVERY second of it.

Hi Angelcee, welcome. :seeya:
I'm sorry hear about your loved one. You will find many friends and much support here.




Nancy Grace Visits Jodi Arias Jail: It Is ‘Far Better’ Than She Deserves!

My mouth's been watering all morning after TexMex's description of what she's cooking after church, but after the sight of that mystery stew, my Lean Cuisine is actually looking a whole lot better.
Jodi said on her MySpace that she is a fan of old movies, so I do believe she was reenacting that movie scene. Someone did a photo essay comparing the two sets of photos. Let's see if I can find that for you.

Here you go: http://www.chathousenews.com/2013/02/the-shower-scene-jodi-arias-chat-house.html

While I agree in general with what Judge Alex said, I'd take it a step further and say that more than needing to end Travis' hold on her life forever, her slaying him was a way to keep him as hers forever. A trophy. Otherwise she wouldn't have made such a point to take all the photos his final day alive--and posing in the shower, being directed by her--and remark how good she thought he looked in his last headshot ever, where he looks absolutely terrified and knows his fate. Regardless of where she spends her final years, she can relish and relive the thought that she had final absolute control over him and nobody else could ever have him.

To this day she still enjoys it. Recall what she said about her smugshot, that she was smiling because Travis was always smiling. She was smiling the day of his memorial service. She's not done with him, not by a long shot. He's her trophy. MOO

Yes, perfectly captured by Dido's "Here With Me", which JA is singing in the interrogation room video (moments before the mugshot).
Same here! I've been following since that interview. I told my husband THEN, "I have NEVER seen anything like her!" and I've tried to keep up with it via the internet since 2008.

I didn't start watching the trial live until she started testifying. It was sickening and horrifying watching her demonize TA in front of his family as part of some psychotic power play. She is beyond evil. There's not even a word for it.

I have always wanted to write about true crime. I read "Helter Skelter" when I was very young and was fascinated, not by Manson, but by Vince Bugliosi. Juan Martinez reminds me of him. A man with a passion for justice. This case has convinced me that, if I ever DO get the chance to pursue my dream, I will write from the victim's perspective. I hope someone will do that in this case. TA deserves a legacy beyond that courtroom and apart from JA. So does his family. God bless them! :twocents:

What a nice post. I would love to read these types of books from the victim's perspective and I hope you do this one day soon.
No, what I said was I thought it was more likely, given the timing and the association with the Hi-Point Jodi Arias purchased and had in her possession, that it was 9mm ammunition.

The very moment someone produces the evidence list or police report that .25 caliber ammunition was found in the mother's house, I will think .25 caliber ammunition was found in her mother's house. Whether that in and of itself is significant is another story.

Correct about the 9mm.

Can you cite the police report?


No, my original post can be summed up as ".25 mm ammo, what the heck are you talking about?"

That she had ammo for a gun she just purchased doesn't seem that surprising.

Well, let's say there was .25 caliber ammunition in the house. So what? Do you know it was the ammo used? Was it the same lot as the ammo one can assume came from the grandfather's house?

I know for a fact that between my firearms, the firearms my Great Uncle gave me that are now at my parent's house, the 9x18 Makarov on permanent loam to my Dad, that my .45 1911A1 was kept in their house for a while and the fact that we are related and there's a lot of back and forth and I've gone shooting with my Dad, that there's ammo of mine down there. Some of the original ammo for my Great Uncle's .308 is on the sling and the rifle is in my Dad's gun case. However, I have the rest of the ammo in a box in my closet. I have to take that stuff down to re-unite them this Easter.

So the fact that the same caliber (no necessarily the same make and lot) of ammo can be found in the home of the daughter of the person who owned the gun, that is, the grandfather's daughter being Jodi Arias' mother, doesn't strike me as particularly damning until someone does neutron activation analysis to establish that the .25 ammo at the murder scene is related to the ammo found.

What do you think it means? Let's assume it's even the same lot. What's the significance? How do you know that the ammo wasn't there prior to the murder or even the gun theft. If the Grandfather has the .25 in a dresser as a self-defense gun (because, let's face it, that thing would be no fun to shoot), perhaps somewhere along the way the ammo was left in the mother's house and no one cared.

Ah, there we are. The importance in this is to establish Jodi's Mother as an accessory after the fact. Okay. Establishing that isn't so important that I'm going to gloss over references to ".25mm ammunition" and take the word of talking heads as gospel regardless of how wrong they are, and say "okay" when people pull the "Well, it's in the record and really easy to find and I've seen it and so should you but I'm not going to provide a citation because it's for your own good" gambit.

Again, this goal of establishing the mother as complicit is far more important to you than to me and, quite frankly, I don't think it has any bearing on the murder per se.

Again, show me the police report that .25 caliber ammunition was found so I can say "so what"? and then the forensics that proves it is the same .25 caliber ammunition which, based on what I just said about wandering ammo, I will still say "so what?"

Every reference to ".25mm ammunition" being found was an error. Because there's no such thing.

My first post was in response to the ammo at the parents home only and that it was not 9mm and was not reported as 9mm. That was all. I don't have a question about what was presented by what I have read so there is no reason for me to start researching. If someone feels there is an error they usually do the research themselves. Then when the answer is found it will be posted. I think the fact that there is very little response to this question could indicate most WS's agree with what was reported. jmo
I know there's been some discussion about Jodi making eyes or somehow a connection with a juror. I was there every day this week except Tues. That's just not happening.

There was one day this week where the jury was filing out, they weren't all out the door and the door was still open and there was a huge outburst of laughter by a female from outside the door. That may have been what she was reacting to on the camera. It caught everyone's attention and several journalists laughed behind me. It was kind of startling.

NONE of them look her way EVER when they are walking in and out. They all, for the most part, look straight head at the person in front of them. Very infrequently a couple male jurors glance in the direction of the media side of the gallery as they are leaving. NONE of them ever look in her direction.

In fact toward the end of her testimony that never ended, many of them weren't even looking at her on the stand WHILE she was talking.

My impression is that she somehow thinks in her twisted mind , that she is making contact with them. She watched their backs as they filed out away from her with this weird look on her face as if she was making contact with them, the same affect she had when they walked in, again not looking at her.

Don't trust what you see on the camera w/ her. She is NOT making eye contact or any kind of contact with these jurors.
Welcome Angelcee ((((Hugs))))
Newbie here! So glad I found this site! I've been a trial watcher since the old Court TV days. Our family lost a loved one ...Jessica Cain went missing on the Gulf Freeway near Galveston in 1997...and and we're still looking for any info. Thanks for being here guys! You do a great job and now I feel I have a place to come and be among friends who understand. BTW...re: the Arias trial...I have PTSD as a result of a horrible car accident and I can tell you that I remember EVERY second of it.
I'm sure this has been discussed but...
Were Travis' roommates gone all week until they discovered his body? I heard they believed he had already left for Mexico, but were they away those 5 days too? Did the roommate expected home at 6 pm on the 4th actually come home?
If they did come back during the 5 days before he was discovered, what about the laundry? Seems like they would have used the washer/ dryer at some point for their own laundry, yet Travis' laundry was left in both the washer and the dryer all that time.
My mouth's been watering all morning after TexMex's description of what she's cooking after church, but after the sight of that mystery stew, my Lean Cuisine is actually looking a whole lot better.

Doesn't that look like a lot of food? Is that for just one meal?
Prepare yourself for the worst! They would not be putting her on the stand if she wasn't going to help the defendant.

I think we might see a very indignant and fiery Martinez on this cross. :rocker:

Well, that's what DT thought about RS, and that's ending badly...of course everything from the middle to the ending has gone badly for that rascal. I don't believe AL will fare much, if any better, though it does appear she has done a lot of good things for deserving people.
As I understand it, the happy couple went on their honeymoon and left the cat deliberately without making accomodations for it. Jodi went to their house and left enough food and water for it to survive while they were gone, then considered taking it to a shelter since the happy couple didn't give a chit less. But that's just my take on it :)

I listened to the caller, Victoria, on HLN and she said that the couple was looking for someone to take care of their cat and JA volunteered. She left the cat for two weeks with food and water and never checked up on it. By the end of those two weeks the cat was a shaky mess.
Well, that's what DT thought about RS, and that's ending badly...of course everything from the middle to the ending has gone badly for that rascal. I don't believe AL will fare much, if any better, though it does appear she has done a lot of good things for deserving people.

My guess is she will be more restrained than Samuels in trying to help Jodi, surely she watched his testimony and has no desire to become the punch line that he became by the end of cross.
I know there's been some discussion about Jodi making eyes or somehow a connection with a juror. I was there every day this week except Tues. That's just not happening.

There was one day this week where the jury was filing out, they weren't all out the door and the door was still open and there was a huge outburst of laughter by a female from outside the door. That may have been what she was reacting to on the camera. It caught everyone's attention and several journalists laughed behind me. It was kind of startling.

NONE of them look her way EVER when they are walking in and out. They all, for the most part, look straight head at the person in front of them. Very infrequently a couple male jurors glance in the direction of the media side of the gallery as they are leaving. NONE of them ever look in her direction.

In fact toward the end of her testimony that never ended, many of them weren't even looking at her on the stand WHILE she was talking.

My impression is that she somehow thinks in her twisted mind , that she is making contact with them. She watched their backs as they filed out away from her with this weird look on her face as if she was making contact with them, the same affect she had when they walked in, again not looking at her.

Don't trust what you see on the camera w/ her. She is NOT making eye contact or any kind of contact with these jurors.

BBM -- Judging by at least one juror's question, the assumption seems to be that Doc 2 1/2 Franklins has already made a connection with JA.
Doesn't that look like a lot of food? Is that for just one meal?

Somewhere I saw the number of calories the inmates are provided per day and, can't recall the figure, but I remember being surprised by its volume.
I'm sure this has been discussed but...
Were Travis' roommates gone all week until they discovered his body? I heard they believed he had already left for Mexico, but were they away those 5 days too? Did the roommate expected home at 6 pm on the 4th actually come home?
If they did come back during the 5 days before he was discovered, what about the laundry? Seems like they would have used the washer/ dryer at some point for their own laundry, yet Travis' laundry was left in both the washer and the dryer all that time.

They were going in and out, one staying with a GF and the other house sitting I think.
This is another thing that's making my head spin on these threads. This is a relatively standard intimate partner crime. None of the details are particularly shocking or unusual except that we've seen pics of private parts because they're the best evidence of presence at the crime scene and the religious aspect. Mormons doing un-Mormanlike things always makes the news here (see the bestiality couple I posted previously). Yeah, there were a bunch of stabs wounds. Compare it to the other case that Juan prosecuted with the rape and killing of a teen girl and the torture of her little brother in the presence of her restrained parents. THAT is sick. Manson's followers committed their crimes on complete strangers. They cut the fetus out of the stomach of a 9 month pregnant woman. Dahmer drilled holes into his victim's brain while he was alive and poured chemicals in there to see what would happen.

Jodi Arias isn't even slightly the worst criminal who's walked the face of the earth. Not even close. If she were to be out of prison tomorrow, I wouldn't worry myself about her in the slightest. jm

You may try to diminish the crime and call it "standard" compared to a handful of others. It is heinous. Appalling. Shocking. Cruel. It has nothing to do with religion or pix of private parts. Travis Alexander's murder is revolting and calculatedly sadistic.
My guess is she will be more restrained than Samuels in trying to help Jodi, surely she watched his testimony and has no desire to become the punch line that he became by the end of cross.

I agree. I think, in the end, AL's testimony will be something like, if what JA says about their relationship is true, then some of the text messages and other communications between TA and JA could indicate a DV situation. I suspect her science will be sound, but the application of the science to these facts in this case will be less than definitive or convincing.
I'm really wondering if JM will take a tack with her where he starts asking her questions about Jodi's behavior and line it up to an abuser.

Now that would be good.

There was that story of the expert who changed his mind on the stand. I can't find it off-hand but will keep looking.

Basically the prosecutor asked the expert if he'd had more information about the defendant and his wife (whom he killed), would he have changed his opinion? The doctor said yes. That's what I'm hoping for.
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