long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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iirc - Travis said on the sex tape that he had never masterbated before. His words were (j@cked off) & that the KY jelly that JA provided made it much better. He said he had never heard of it before.

OMG. How significant is this? If he admitted to her he had never done this before how can she say she saw him doing this to a picture of a child? Jodi never said well there was that time....... She never corrected him nor made a comment. Wow. I never caught that before.
What a great quote!

I'm not really a jealous person either but I've had my moments. It's a horrible feeling and it takes you over and eats up your insides. It's a pointless, destructive emotion, IMO.

Hi HO!

That is how I feel about hate also, which is why I will not waste my energy hating JA. I would rather use it seeking justice for Travis than on her in any way. jmo
Her friend Donovan was in court yesterday. Hmm
Maybe giving her friend a signal.

Yep and if you watch the proceedings she is in the background shaking her head no when JC is testifying.
Sorry but this person is warped if they truly believe Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony were both innocent. I would say it's more likely they have a huge chip on their shoulder towards LE.

:dunno: Or mentally deranged individuals
When he said that he said something like I never used to {masturbate} before, now I do it like 7 or 8 times a day. I took that to mean he generally didn't masturbate, not literally never had masturbated. I find it very very very unlikely he had never masturbated at his age. I think some folks want to take it as a sign he was a virgin and thereby vilify JA even more. It is very unlikely he was a virgin or had never masturbated. It does not change what JA did or how evil she is.

I totally respect your opinion.

It's unlikely he never masturbated before - I do see your point on that. However, I know personally some very highly-religious Christians who were virgins until 30+. As they became engaged, some had given into their temptation before the official marriage and some waited until the actual wedding night. I'm an easy to talk to person, non-judgemental, and these were former coworkers who told me this.

We had one of the couples over to our house for dinner one night and the male in the relationship was explaining to us how the earth is only 6,000 years old. They were fundamentalist Christians.

(not trying to debate anything religious, I'm just saying it's possible IMHO that Travis was a virgin before JA)
Ten bucks says she was a visitor at the jail the night before.

And interesting that weird guy followed us to lunch the day before (with Katie I mean)..taking all kinds of pics of us all and trying to eavesdrop. No one had ever seen him there before. And he just followed us like he was part of the group.
I'm a firm believer the sex was the link that kept them connected.

When he said that he said something like I never used to {masturbate} before, now I do it like 7 or 8 times a day. I took that to mean he generally didn't masturbate, not literally never had masturbated. I find it very very very unlikely he had never masturbated at his age. I think some folks want to take it as a sign he was a virgin and thereby vilify JA even more. It is very unlikely he was a virgin or had never masturbated. It does not change what JA did or how evil she is.
When he said that he said something like I never used to {masturbate} before, now I do it like 7 or 8 times a day. I took that to mean he generally didn't masturbate, not literally never had masturbated. I find it very very very unlikely he had never masturbated at his age. I think some folks want to take it as a sign he was a virgin and thereby vilify JA even more. It is very unlikely he was a virgin or had never masturbated. It does not change what JA did or how evil she is.

ITA with u, SBC.
Sorry but this person is warped if they truly believe Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony were both innocent. I would say it's more likely they have a huge chip on their shoulder towards LE.

They claim to be motivated by their outrage against the "trial by the media" of the defendants. It doesn't seem to matter to them what the actual evidence points to, and IMO they just enjoy being the opposing view. That's why they quickly ban anyone who doesn't support their "cause". Logic and rational thinking doesn't fit with their program.
You should of started to take snapshots of him! :rocker:

And interesting that weird guy followed us to lunch the day before (with Katie I mean)..taking all kinds of pics of us all and trying to eavesdrop. No one had ever seen him there before. And he just followed us like he was part of the group.
I'm a firm believer the sex was the link that kept them connected.

It definetly was. I was just stating it is unlikely he was a virgin. I am sure he had never had sex like JA was offering. Most guys aren't so lucky. She was willing to do anything he could dream up and introduced him to things he hadn't even thought of. My opinion of course.
Sorry but this person is warped if they truly believe Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony were both innocent. I would say it's more likely they have a huge chip on their shoulder towards LE.

If researched correctly I believe he is just a person who makes money off of websites. He get's an idea of what would gain the most hits and then develops it. What's the biggest controversy? A website that says someone who everyone who has a brain knows is guilty is innocent. How many here went there just to see what was being said or because it ticked you off? Every time you go there...ca-ching, money in his pocket. Financially brilliant way to sell your soul.
Yes, I do not believe he was a virgin pre-Jodi. Jodi gave him more than "vanilla sex".

It definetly was. I was just stating it is unlikely he was a virgin. I am sure he had never had sex like JA was offering. Most guys aren't so lucky. She was willing to do anything he could dream up and introduced him to things he hadn't even thought of. My opinion of course.
And interesting that weird guy followed us to lunch the day before (with Katie I mean)..taking all kinds of pics of us all and trying to eavesdrop. No one had ever seen him there before. And he just followed us like he was part of the group.

I had the same thought when I read your post. Interestink.
I've made multiple posts on different threads--mods if this is wrong, just delete...

I am just so PIZZED off at this juror!! The afternoon the jurors are questioned about JM, this juror is sitting out there again?????????

Within an hour of testimony ending Thursday, the juror who has been seen in the past outside the courthouse after trial sat eating ice cream on a bench near a group of spectators who were waiting for the prosecutor.

Martinez chose to take a different exit Thursday afternoon and avoided the scene.

Read more: Allegations of misconduct sidetrack Arias trial - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/breakingn...ce-expert-testifies-arias-trial#ixzz2Ox1QetJ9

Maybe this juror is deep down wanting to get trown off jury because this trail is going on so long and fed up

So sorry I am new here and can't figure out how to highlight just a portion of text... But I just want to comment on my post. After posting and re thinking the matter. We are making judgement on this juror without all the facts. For instance 1...do we know if the juror is waiting for a ride 2...have the jurors been told to avoid certain areas when they go outside or given desinated areas to sit (wait) in??..3.. Was the juror given prmission by the judge it was ok to wait in this area for a ride?? My point is we don't know all the facts... This is like judging Jodie on just defense testimony
Sandy Hook hits home for me.

I grew up in the same small town as Lanza's mother. I know the family and feel so sorry for all involved, especially the innocent children and families of those taken way too soon.

The kid was simply a nutcase. The mom shouldn't have had weapons around their house - definitely not assault rifles. While many see her actions as odd (i.e., survivalist, gun toter, etc.), she was a tough girl who grew up on a farm, of sorts, and was very comfortable around guns. I'm sure she had no idea how very sick her kid was.

Hi JayB12. It too hits home for me, as I grew up in Newtown. Lived there for 21 years and my Mom still lives there in our family home. It was the most amazing place to grow up. I can truly say that my childhood is exactly the kind that most wish to have. A quiet, friendly, safe and sweet little town to grow up in. To explain the depths of my sadness for what happened 3 months ago is just not possible. I have been back there since and there is tremendous pain that will take a very long time to heal.

I know it's not the right forum for this discussion, so I'll hold back my feelings and commentary about guns, the mother, etc. They are pretty raw and angry.

I just wanted to say hello, and I'm sorry for the pain that you and all of America feels about this.

I enjoy reading these forums, not only for the common interest in law/crime investigation, but also because I think that most of the posters here are very intelligent and have interesting things to say.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend, filled with love :)
Ten bucks says she was a visitor at the jail the night before.

You could be right. How else would Donovan be able to go on TV and tell us how JA feeeeells?
HLN is replaying parts of the defendant's 18 day testimony.
She is now talking about why she did things to cover up after the murder.

"to throw the scent off so to speak"

Too bad Samuels didn't get the memo :giggle:
I don't really get it either. And quite honestly, the juror has a right to sit anywhere he wants. There is going to be NO WAY for them to avoid seeing some of the media attention with how intense it is.

I agree. Unless the Court provided a closed area for lunches, smoke breaks, etc. these jurors have every right to go wherever they want because they aren't sequestered.
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