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I personally don't believe she even went to Hoover Dam. She's lied about everything else, why would she be truthful about this? There is an awful lot of security there, and you can bet that JM has had that checkpoint checked and rechecked. There are camera's everywhere, especially after 9-11. I would think they could show every car that goes through that check point.
I don't think she's going to give up any evidence of her actual route, on the off chance that paw paw's gun or her tire slashing knife should ever be found. MOO ~

She said Hoover dam, but maybe just maybe she said Hoover to throw. LE off who may have followed her trial in pursuit of the gun.
Has it occurred to anyone that MM was in the car with Gus?

He may have been? Part of the murder plot?

Arias mystery: Who was in the car with Gus Searcy? - YouTube

That has definitely been talked about and considered.

I'm trying not to be too bias because I am clearly on the States' side but so far, I am really not impressed by Jodi's homies (and sexperts). In fact, they are very creepy.

This is including Darryl gas-can man. There's something about him when he was answering Juan that was just not forthcoming. He was hiding something about the cans. And I think I know what it was but I don't want to derail this line of thinking at the moment with another segue off-topic.
Yes, one would think counsel might have considered that strategy a bit more carefully, or at least withheld the silly smiles and cute delivery while backhanding the jurors who asked the questions in a passive aggressive way. JM is, in my estimation, attempting to ingratiate herself to this jury by contrasting her friendly, accessible manner to what she perceives as JM's aggression, but I suspect it is having the opposite of the intended effect. At best, she's coming off as patronizing, infantilizing the jury and their "cute but misinformed" questioning.


Agreed, again, Sleuth5. If JW & JM were arguing for JA having excessive parking tickets, I'd say that Martinez was way-y-y overdoing it, and that JW was still a bit too high-calorie for my taste...

And, IMO, she's coming off as NVB (not very bright)... And your words didn't state exactly that, but the implication was there, right?

And I haven't heard it described as passive/aggressive before your post above (please know I have not read all the posts in all the threads) but you nailed it with that one, Sleuth5.

And this biznezz of JW & JA dressing like cute little twin sisters, IMO, cannot be well-received by the jury -- surely it's not. It's silly and, again IMO, insulting -- this is, after all folks, a capital murder case!

Indeed. I hope just Juan pulls the trump card out of his back pocket, and it will be a betrayal to Jodi. :furious: :jail:

That has definitely been talked about and considered.

I'm trying not to be too bias because I am clearly on the States' side but so far, I am really not impressed by Jodi's homies (and sexperts). In fact, they are very creepy.

This is including Darryl gas-can man. There's something about him when he was answering Juan that was just not forthcoming. He was hiding something about the cans. And I think I know what it was but I don't want to derail this line of thinking at the moment with another segue off-topic.
Agreed, again, Sleuth5. If JW & JM were arguing for JA having excessive parking tickets, I'd say that Martinez was way-y-y overdoing it, and that JW was still a bit too high-calorie for my taste...

And, IMO, she's coming off as NVB (not very bright)... And your words didn't state exactly that, but the implication was there, right?

And I haven't heard it described as passive/aggressive before your post above (please know I have not read all the posts in all the threads) but you nailed it with that one, Sleuth5.

And this biznezz of JW & JA dressing like cute little twin sisters, IMO, cannot be well-received by the jury -- surely it's not. It's silly and, again IMO, insulting -- this is, after all folks, a capital murder case!


I completely agree
BBM ~ Mimi just wanted to be friends with Travis.

Travis could not even date her, let alone save himself for marriage and according to his blog he didn't forsee marriage in the near future.

With Jodi they were able to fulfill the fantasy. And who would of took the Jodi with braids pic? I doubt it was a self-timer. IMO of course. ;)

Is there any trial video of Mimi? She was called the first day, I believe, and she sounded very articulate and smart.
Agreed, again, Sleuth5. If JW & JM were arguing for JA having excessive parking tickets, I'd say that Martinez was way-y-y overdoing it, and that JW was still a bit too high-calorie for my taste...

And, IMO, she's coming off as NVB (not very bright)... And your words didn't state exactly that, but the implication was there, right?

And I haven't heard it described as passive/aggressive before your post above (please know I have not read all the posts in all the threads) but you nailed it with that one, Sleuth5.

And this biznezz of JW & JA dressing like cute little twin sisters, IMO, cannot be well-received by the jury -- surely it's not. It's silly and, again IMO, insulting -- this is, after all folks, a capital murder case!


Well, it's good to see we are of a mind on this. In fairness, I actually did not intend to suggest she was not bright, but I do agree with you that she is coming off that way, and I believe it too is calculated to curry favor with the jury. "I'm just a nice widdle thing, just like my widdle innocent client, gosh darn this lawyerin' is hard! I just wanna help you all understand it!"

That's what I was trying to get at in terms of her patronizing and infantilizing. I think you're right, it has got to be infuriating. Well, at least it is to me! LOL
Thank you. I did hear Flores say in the interrogation tapes that there was no evidence pointing to anyone else found in the home, but that was so early in the investigation that I didn't know if he was just saying it to get a confession and/or if that conclusion by Flores ever changed.

I didn't know there was proof she actually spoke to Matt (and not just somebody on his phone) when she crossed the border.

Thanks for the information - it's helpful, but I didn't want to give the impression that I was suggesting MM was in on the murder - I think the two conversations may have mistakenly given that impression. Hypothetically speaking, I was just answering the question that if another person was involved, there is no way, imo, that JA would rat them out because she would be ratting herself out as well.

I am, however, suggesting that it appears as though MM attempted to help JA cover things up. What I'd like to know is how he knew to look for that coded message in the magazine unless he was helping her lie, and if so, why?

If MM turned that magazine over to officials, that would lead me to believe he wasn't helping her.

Does anybody know how that magazine got from MM to authorities?

I don't think matt turned the magazine over, it was intercepted at the jail.
BBM~ Here is Mimi's testimony *AUDIO ONLY* That's all there is and I don't know why? :what:


Is there any trial video of Mimi? She was called the first day, I believe, and she sounded very articulate and smart.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Sigh - yet another person.

So JA attempted to give the magazine(s) to Ann Campbell (JA's friend), but prison guards checked and intercepted the magazines before they left the jail, so the magazines never got to Campbell, let alone MM.

It appears as though MM's hands are somewhat dirty. Not sure why JA was trying to get this message to him unless she knew he was willing to help her. What his motive was for helping her is not clear, but at least it's a start to my understanding things better.

Thank you so much for the clarification. That helped a lot.

You're right. She clearly thought that Matt would do her bidding; i.e., lie for her under oath.

I'm not sure why she thought that.

Had he been her puppet in their prior life together?
I have been much behind on this case, and am trying to find answers to various things. Would anyone be so kind as to fill me in on the following questions I have? (TIA)

1. Jodi said she got gas cans to save money on gas out-of-state. Did anyone do the math on that, i.e. look up what average gas prices were in June 2008 in the pertinent states, in order to see what the real difference was? AND add to that the cost of the cans? did she attempt to fill her cans on the way home, too? (LOL, I am thinking NOT).

2. Jodi said, as part of her "woe is me the victim of DV," that she lent Travis money to the tune of roughly $1200, and to her own demise; including getting NSF charges from her bank, late fees, etc. I recall her saying one loan to him was $699. Was it ever established that Travis was short on cash, or otherwise in over his head financially at any point? Were his own bank records evaluated? i find this to be a curious accusation on her part, since he was paying her to clean his house? I do not believe he would have borrowed money from her -ever.

3. Were there any receipts that verified when Travis bought his new camera, and for how much?

4. And to add to that, did anyone ever testify as to how he treated his, "toys?" i.e. Was he the type to not care so much about expensive stuff, or to fly off the handle when someone so much as leaned against his car, or messed with his laptop, for example?

5. Going back over Lohr's unedited interrogation tapes, does anyone listen to it with fresh ears, i.e. be able to take some of the lies and apply them to truths, now that more testimony is complete? I mean, for example: Her lies were that he was shot by intruders...was conscious, etc..she repeated that a couple of times...and spoke in relative detail about that. Could this be an indication that he really was shot first? (little truths in big lies?)

6. Has there been any hearings or testimony as to Travis' level of anger containment? Or does the jury only get to hear Jodi's version of his problems?

7. Was it ever established that Travis actually bought that T-shirt and undies he allegedly mailed her on V-Day? Obviously they were custom made, so someone, somewhere would have record of it. SOMEONE made that T-shirt. Online order? Did anyone try to track it down?

8. Were any of Jodi's clothing recovered? (i.e. sweatpants)

9. Were there any forensic findings in the Ford Focus.

Gosh, I am a little greedy with my questions! I would appreciate insight if anyone can shed some light:-) Peace to you all, and to Travis' family and friends this Easter Sunday.
Originally Posted by katiecoolady
And you're not even talking the torturous Nurmi! Ugh! I can't stand the Gidget routine of Wilmott. blech

Gidget! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Psssst -- don't you mean twin gidgets?

I cannot find any motive for someone else to have been there and participated in this heinous murder. She wasn't even in a relationship with anyone at the time. What would they have to gain by helping her kill Travis? No, she acted alone, and did everything possible to cover up the crime after the fact.


Who knows how thick her web of deceit, lies and real life are.

I mean for all we know, she was a call girl and Matt was her pimp. And maybe she threaten to rat him out or something. I for one always thought he was the one who stole her grandfather's gun. Not her. And I always thought Jodi was highly sexual for such a meek and mild mannered (outward appearance) person.

Plus....where did Jodi get this seemingly endless cash flow from? She was a waitress in bum-frig Yreka. And she made 40-dollars from PPL. Where is she getting all this money to rent cars, pay for hundreds of dollars in petrol, get her hair, nails and a wax-job, fly to and from Arizona, drink Starbucks, buy cameras and guns and that's only the things we know of.

Her being a prostitute is not so far fetched especially given her sexual prowess. She pillow-talked with Travis like a professional don't ya know.

So who knows. We only have a tip of what's going on and Jodi's life. After the Casey debacle, the courts have become hard pressed to keep a lid on things now.
If Jody's story of self defence were true & she did slaughter Travis & not remember, how could a jury ever let her walk? She is huge threat & danger no matter what story anyone believes.
Either way you look at it she is a monster & when you think about it, she is more of a danger if we go by what she would like everyone to believe. No one can control themselves if they have these fog moments & don't know what they are doing.
The only thing the jury is left with at the end of the day is the DP if they don't want this to happen again.
Originally Posted by katiecoolady
And you're not even talking the torturous Nurmi! Ugh! I can't stand the Gidget routine of Wilmott. blech

Psssst -- don't you mean twin gidgets?


Thank you. I did hear Flores say in the interrogation tapes that there was no evidence pointing to anyone else found in the home, but that was so early in the investigation that I didn't know if he was just saying it to get a confession and/or if that conclusion by Flores ever changed.

I didn't know there was proof she actually spoke to Matt (and not just somebody on his phone) when she crossed the border.

Thanks for the information - it's helpful, but I didn't want to give the impression that I was suggesting MM was in on the murder - I think the two conversations may have mistakenly given that impression. Hypothetically speaking, I was just answering the question that if another person was involved, there is no way, imo, that JA would rat them out because she would be ratting herself out as well.

I am, however, suggesting that it appears as though MM attempted to help JA cover things up. What I'd like to know is how he knew to look for that coded message in the magazine unless he was helping her lie, and if so, why?

If MM turned that magazine over to officials, that would lead me to believe he wasn't helping her.

Does anybody know how that magazine got from MM to authorities?

The magazines never got to MM. Jodi gave them to a female friend that came visit her to give to MM. The magazine messages were discovered by a guard at the prison since the check everything going in or out. They found the messages written in the magazines, confiscated them from Jodi's female friend and handed them over to law enforcement. They never got to MM.

As for the supposed accomplice, there wasn't one. Had there been there is NO question whatsoever that Jodi would blame the murder on them and kept silent and made up stories of what happened because she was in fear of the "person that killed Travis". That would be a HECK of a lot more believable than her ridiculous self-defense story. She could easily say this accomplice went wit her to visit Travis with her having no idea that they wanted to kill him, and she was threatened by them to not interfere and if she breathed a word of it to anyone they'd kill her. Having an accomplice would be the easiest way for her to be found not guilty, and there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that she wouldn't throw such an accomplice under the bus had there been one. She decided on her own to kill Travis and did it on her own.

Besides, every person she knew had an alibi for where they were at the time of the murder, and LE would have checked that out. They were sceptical at first of her having been able to get Travis down the hallway and back in the shower on her own anyway at first, so there's no question that they would look into whether or not she could have had an accomplice.
She said Hoover dam, but maybe just maybe she said Hoover to throw. LE off who may have followed her trial in pursuit of the gun.

Yes, and since so much of what she's said is the opposite of the truth, they ought to look in the opposite direction than which she stated. I'm sure that occurred to them a long time ago. lol
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