Lori Ruff Identified as Kimberly McLean of PA

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THIS. ^^^^^ On so many levels that I'm choking up.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Life🙄 not always kind to some of us is it?
Anyway, just hopping on to APOLOGIZE to you all for my post being so jumbled and hard to make sense of😔
Physically, I was in quite a bit of pain and it was late! I don't sleep well these days. Catches up after a while.
Sometimes, the day after I post..
I go back to reread, knowing I was " out of it " and think " well, at least ONE person hit THANKS so at least ONE someone was able to comprehend what was typed "
As I " exhale "😉

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
The LENGTHS this woman went to.:thinking: any confirmation she was ever a HAND MODEL? ( Among other things she was known to have talked about, this could have been another lie, or whatever, due to her illness )
Going over some of the symptoms of this awful & mysterious illness in my head, ( NancyHogan covered MUCH of them already ) comparing symptoms to what we know or has been observed by others. The hands, the suspected ADD, ( was this ever confirmed? ) saying her family was dead. ( ashamed? bad childhood? was this also a hallucination? ) Dressing up for TEA. Do we know why? The Oven? Etc..

What a great post. No, it was never confirmed she was a hand model. To be honest I truly doubt it.

What is it about her hands that makes you wonder? I'm asking because I also find them very interesting. The ADD is something I also find dubious. Who's to say it wasn't for something more severe? Dressing up for tea just seems like a hobby of hers. Although that guy on youtube tried to paint a disturbing picture out of it, saying she spoke like a child and acted creepy, considering he never bothered to reply to the follow-up questions I'm taking his account with skepticism.

The oven...people used to speculate it was a desire from an unlived childhood. Now that we realize she did live her childhood fully and happy, it gives me the impression she just wanted it for fun.

The time line is sometimes blurry, at first glance it gives the impression her menal issues arose with the divorce but I think since the daughter was born odd things started to rear their head. I keep remembering she walked the perimeter of the property in the evenings. This was before the separation according to some articles I've read, others give the impression it was later. If indeed it was before, it depicts something wrong going on psychologically no? I find it strange her husband never asked her what she did it for. Unless of course, it only happened once and somebody passed it off as habit.

I had not thought about other aspects of this conclusion until I read your post.

The word suicide. Apparently she left behind a rambling note about remembering tea parties. Not enough I think for a daughter to find comfort, the new set of grandparents and cousins must be wonderful too but...none of this (in my view) takes away the pain of your mother's suicide. After all, she is gone forever, she left you behind and also left you with a ton of questions. That's just wrong. I hope the daughter finds closure at some point in her life.
Respectfully snipped:

.....I keep remembering she walked the perimeter of the property in the evenings. This was before the separation according to some articles I've read, others give the impression it was later. If indeed it was before, it depicts something wrong going on psychologically no? I find it strange her husband never asked her what she did it for. Unless of course, it only happened once and somebody passed it off as habit.

Personally, I believe that there are quite a few things that have been misconstrued as habit. I also wonder why her husband never asked questions. Or DID he? We have to remember that we're still getting a skewed side of things.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
When did the parents "divorce"? County records indicate that both James Mclean and Deanne Mclean owned their home together until 1984 when he died (Kimberly/Lori was 14 at the time of his death). It was paid off by a Life Insurance policy in 1985 until it was sold by James' brother (who was executioner of his estate).

RE: "Failed stockbroker" trope - According to public records stepfather worked at Drexel Burnham Lambert from 1981 to 1989. One of the biggest financial scams of all time.

Food for thought.
I keep remembering she walked the perimeter of the property in the evenings. This was before the separation according to some articles I've read, others give the impression it was later. If indeed it was before, it depicts something wrong going on psychologically no? I find it strange her husband never asked her what she did it for. Unless of course, it only happened once and somebody passed it off as habit.

It gets a sentence or two in the original Seattle Times article: "Neighbors on their single-lane road couldn’t figure them out. Blake tried to be neighborly. Lori didn’t. They’d see her in the evenings, walking the perimeter of the property, avoiding eye contact." Her mother-in-law is quoted as saying, "She really didn’t like people as much as she liked working at home on her computer."

Keep in mind that they owned a two-acre piece of property, so walking its perimeter is a reasonable distance for a stroll, & much safer than walking along the side of the road in rural Texas. (From the pictures of their property in the other thread, the roads out there aren't safe for a casual walk: no sidewalks, no streetlights, & the one past her house is not paved.)

There was a time in my life when I was pretty much a loner, & when I was bored with reading or watching tv & needed to get out of my apartment, I'd go for a walk like this. Much less expensive & more healthy than hanging out in the local tavern. So I don't see it as being that unusual.

One of the other posters here noted she was introverted, if not shy. In any case KM/LEK was clearly very private, which in itself is not that unusual.

Moreover, her more unusual behavior began when her marriage started falling apart. It's not unreasonable to assume she had invested a lot in this marriage because she had given up so much else (such as her birth family), so it's not unreasonable to assume the prospect of it's loss caused led to some kind of nervous breakdown. While a lot of her activity was bizarre, it's easily explained by the fact she had no idea how to cope with this loss. (The minister who counseled them was obviously in over his head.)

In short, I doubt she had any serious mental illness. She just didn't know how to interact with other people, & probably never found find a way to learn how to.

I wonder had she never met Blake Ruff, would she have married anyone. Maybe she would have continued her isolated existence until she died, the odd old maid in the office who never talks about herself, & her coworkers make up all sorts of stories about. ("It's all a front. She's really an heiress, & at night goes home to a mansion with lots of servants." or "I bet she lost her true love years ago, & although she never talks about him, she misses him so much she can't bear to be with other people.") Compensating for her lack of social skills by limiting her interactions with other people.
Respectfully snipped:

Personally, I believe that there are quite a few things that have been misconstrued as habit. I also wonder why her husband never asked questions. Or DID he? We have to remember that we're still getting a skewed side of things.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

For someone to completely create a new identity and life, I think they have to be very intelligent and resourceful. I suspect she married a man she knew wouldn't ask questions and wouldn't touch her box. She probably had a very good read on him, that he would never question. JMO.
For someone to completely create a new identity and life, I think they have to be very intelligent and resourceful. I suspect she married a man she knew wouldn't ask questions and wouldn't touch her box. She probably had a very good read on him, that he would never question. JMO.
And you have a good point there, too.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
It gets a sentence or two in the original Seattle Times article: "Neighbors on their single-lane road couldn’t figure them out. Blake tried to be neighborly. Lori didn’t. They’d see her in the evenings, walking the perimeter of the property, avoiding eye contact." Her mother-in-law is quoted as saying, "She really didn’t like people as much as she liked working at home on her computer."

Keep in mind that they owned a two-acre piece of property, so walking its perimeter is a reasonable distance for a stroll, & much safer than walking along the side of the road in rural Texas. (From the pictures of their property in the other thread, the roads out there aren't safe for a casual walk: no sidewalks, no streetlights, & the one past her house is not paved.)

There was a time in my life when I was pretty much a loner, & when I was bored with reading or watching tv & needed to get out of my apartment, I'd go for a walk like this. Much less expensive & more healthy than hanging out in the local tavern. So I don't see it as being that unusual.

One of the other posters here noted she was introverted, if not shy. In any case KM/LEK was clearly very private, which in itself is not that unusual.

Moreover, her more unusual behavior began when her marriage started falling apart. It's not unreasonable to assume she had invested a lot in this marriage because she had given up so much else (such as her birth family), so it's not unreasonable to assume the prospect of it's loss caused led to some kind of nervous breakdown. While a lot of her activity was bizarre, it's easily explained by the fact she had no idea how to cope with this loss. (The minister who counseled them was obviously in over his head.)

In short, I doubt she had any serious mental illness. She just didn't know how to interact with other people, & probably never found find a way to learn how to.

I wonder had she never met Blake Ruff, would she have married anyone. Maybe she would have continued her isolated existence until she died, the odd old maid in the office who never talks about herself, & her coworkers make up all sorts of stories about. ("It's all a front. She's really an heiress, & at night goes home to a mansion with lots of servants." or "I bet she lost her true love years ago, & although she never talks about him, she misses him so much she can't bear to be with other people.") Compensating for her lack of social skills by limiting her interactions with other people.
These are good points, also. I, too, work from home. I live in a remote, desolate area, and I won't leave my house for days. Why? I like it in here. There are people outside. Yes, I can interact, and on any level. I just choose not to. I do have PTSD which I'm sure contributes to my self-imposed isolation. I just wonder how much was really LEK being a "weirdo", and how much was just her personality and her way of doing things.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Was following the story pre-identity being discovered and have not been able to read everything here (or anywhere else for that matter) since her birth identity was revealed. Has there been any discussion about the SSrain and his previous statements claiming to know her?
Was following the story pre-identity being discovered and have not been able to read everything here (or anywhere else for that matter) since her birth identity was revealed. Has there been any discussion about the SSrain and his previous statements claiming to know her?
From what I gather, he is choosing not to come back and comment further.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Thank you, Dexter75. You, also. ❤

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Hope all is well, been there, my little house of horrors is now peace in the valley, I can so identify... Hugs...
Agree re the mental illness
With all that has been discussed I keep coming back to this.
MY reason for being stuck HERE

I could write chapters from my life that would make a person wonder how I am even here. :notgood:
It's one thing to be young, pissed & hurt. ( scarred actually )
I couldn't agree with you more, Owutatangledweb. To steal an identity of a deceased 2 year old child. Not change identity once, but twice?
And for what?

I can't help but to revisit post #48 NancyHogan posted about her daughters battle with schizophrenia.

This BRAIN disorder affects how a person sees the world. It is also harder to recognize in children, so maybe her family wouldn't have noticed much.? ( keeping in mind, each child's symptoms are unique, obviously )

The LENGTHS this woman went to.:thinking: any confirmation she was ever a HAND MODEL? ( Among other things she was known to have talked about, this could have been another lie, or whatever, due to her illness )
Going over some of the symptoms of this awful & mysterious illness in my head, ( NancyHogan covered MUCH of them already ) comparing symptoms to what we know or has been observed by others. The hands, the suspected ADD, ( was this ever confirmed? ) saying her family was dead. ( ashamed? bad childhood? was this also a hallucination? ) Dressing up for TEA. Do we know why? The Oven? Etc..

The disease typically progresses as one gets older.

Thinking of our girl, maybe she did coast along ok, until, as you mentioned " the divorce " ( could this have been the break from reality? from this point on the illness took over and there truly is no rhyme or reason for her life's events after? she did the best she could, when she was able? )

Schizophrenia also has periods of remission ( for some ) where she would have been able to do her schooling, get married, etc.
IF/WHEN a " relapse " occurred, well, it would explain a lot. IMO

What pulls me so strongly toward this direction? The fact she MUST have been so mentally ill, it either CONSUMED her ( perhaps she was in denial? ) or went UNTREATED?


Lori/Kim, had a little girl. ( What was she, 3? )
How many parents here?
As I said earlier, I could write a mini series and get great ratings. So could many of you, for sure. Even now, present day, we ALL have our moments, and we have our MOMENTS. I would be a LIAR if I said I didn't envy the folks ( every now & again ) who don't have to play this rat race of a game called life.
Then I get off of my pity pot, pull up the big girl panties & smile, because like many of YOU, I have children. Whether they depend on you or are adults, or if you have grand children, THIS ALONE for MANY ( myself included ) keeps us going on our BAD days & through TERRIBLE times.( EVEN the mentally ill.)
( Not ALL who are mentally ill, attempt/commit suicide, either. ) Makes me wonder if she were diagnosed ever? With anything specific?

I just have a hard time with it I suppose. Mothers/Suicide. I just think " that person had to be SO DESPERATE, SO.." I don't even know the right word. I was asked what my " worse fear " was just the other day, in a poll via FB. I read many " snakes, clowns, flying & drowning " I was surprised to see I was the only response
" My worse fear is dying before my youngest daughter is grown and able to take care of herself " As a mother, I couldn't imagine leaving my daughter with my suicide to wonder about.
I'd like to think the only explanation for this is she truly was a very sick person.
This... Resonates with every part of my soul...
THIS. ^^^^^ On so many levels that I'm choking up.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I so understand...
LOL...Mr. Seeker~~Yes, I am the same age as Lori and my friend is as well. If I didn't know that my friend still lives in another state~~I would have guessed Lori/Kim was her. Their lives have taken the same turns at almost the same times~~except my friend did not commit suicide, thankfully. We grew up in the Midwest. I'm not sure where my friend got the letter~~I remember her showing it to me when we met up years later and I inquired about where she had been all these years and how the heck she made it. No, it was not passed around my school...LOL
When did the parents "divorce"? County records indicate that both James Mclean and Deanne Mclean owned their home together until 1984 when he died (Kimberly/Lori was 14 at the time of his death). It was paid off by a Life Insurance policy in 1985 until it was sold by James' brother (who was executioner of his estate).

RE: "Failed stockbroker" trope - According to public records stepfather worked at Drexel Burnham Lambert from 1981 to 1989. One of the biggest financial scams of all time.

Food for thought.

same RJB?

Respectfully snipped:

Personally, I believe that there are quite a few things that have been misconstrued as habit. I also wonder why her husband never asked questions. Or DID he? We have to remember that we're still getting a skewed side of things.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

I also found it odd that when they were in marriage counseling that the brother went also and why he talked more than Blake did..
I'm sorry, but I am so far behind, when she left between 86-88 was she using her given name still?
Life not always kind to some of us is it?
Anyway, just hopping on to APOLOGIZE to you all for my post being so jumbled and hard to make sense of
Physically, I was in quite a bit of pain and it was late! I don't sleep well these days. Catches up after a while.
Sometimes, the day after I post..
I go back to reread, knowing I was " out of it " and think " well, at least ONE person hit THANKS so at least ONE someone was able to comprehend what was typed "
As I " exhale "

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

Hope you get some sleep and feel better Dexter!!!
What a great post. No, it was never confirmed she was a hand model. To be honest I truly doubt it.

What is it about her hands that makes you wonder? I'm asking because I also find them very interesting. The ADD is something I also find dubious. Who's to say it wasn't for something more severe? Dressing up for tea just seems like a hobby of hers. Although that guy on youtube tried to paint a disturbing picture out of it, saying she spoke like a child and acted creepy, considering he never bothered to reply to the follow-up questions I'm taking his account with skepticism.

The oven...people used to speculate it was a desire from an unlived childhood. Now that we realize she did live her childhood fully and happy, it gives me the impression she just wanted it for fun.

The time line is sometimes blurry, at first glance it gives the impression her menal issues arose with the divorce but I think since the daughter was born odd things started to rear their head. I keep remembering she walked the perimeter of the property in the evenings. This was before the separation according to some articles I've read, others give the impression it was later. If indeed it was before, it depicts something wrong going on psychologically no? I find it strange her husband never asked her what she did it for. Unless of course, it only happened once and somebody passed it off as habit.

I had not thought about other aspects of this conclusion until I read your post.

The word suicide. Apparently she left behind a rambling note about remembering tea parties. Not enough I think for a daughter to find comfort, the new set of grandparents and cousins must be wonderful too but...none of this (in my view) takes away the pain of your mother's suicide. After all, she is gone forever, she left you behind and also left you with a ton of questions. That's just wrong. I hope the daughter finds closure at some point in her life.

I'm not fully convinced of the mental illness part. I think she did need help to get through the divorce and I think her identity theft played hugely on her mind. After all she was going to be spending a lot of time in front of the judge and the in-laws had access to a private investigator. In her mind, she probably thought her days were numbered and she was going to be spending time in jail for the identity theft and couldn't bare the thought of facing her in-laws. We don't know what her thoughts were about spending time in prison, she could have been scared to death.

As far as the walking the perimeter...that could have been after a fight or fights with her husband. Maybe she went outside to cool down. I've been guilty of taking walks in my neighborhood when I'm upset or mad. Maybe she didn't want to walk the neighborhood but instead walked around her property. To the neighbors (who probably didn't know what was REALLY going on at the Ruff's house) this probably seemed strange or weird, but it may have also been innocent too.
I'm sorry, but I am so far behind, when she left between 86-88 was she using her given name still?
So far, no confirmation one way or the other.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

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