LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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While there's no doubt LP referred openly that he himself is a media 'ho, I think I have to remove him as the person saying it and look at some other factors which might (and it pains me to say this) make such a statement plausible or even true. The grandparents have their own attorney and the brother, interestingly enough, does not have one. NeJame is only representing the grandparents - why wouldn't he have been made a full family attorney covering the brother too? Why?

I gotta mention that even after hearing this early on in the investigation, sometimes targeted at the grandfather and others at the brother as Caylee's father, I became exteremely annoyed people would speculate about such a thing. Now I am not so sure there couldn't be a bit a truth in it about the brother. The situation, as distasteful as most people (including myself) find it, is a reality in some parts of our society, something people don't want to discuss. It's just a plain fact that some families have secrets about their own family's dysfunction.

IMO, whether you like LP or not, he has had some information earlier than everyone else. Whether people like this particular message coming from him, I found that it raises questions in my pea brain that I'm sure others have already posted, like could this explain the whole "secrecy" about who Caylee's father is, and why the brother has such a different relationship with his sister than the parents do. I have to ponder why after Grund's DNA ruled him out as the daddy that the grandparents wouldn't pressure Casey to reveal the father of the child if only for the child support money -- look how freaky the grandmother appears to have gotten over the towing charge, if the affidavits from the folks at the wrecking company were any indication. Further LP has been stating this openly, and he's got enough common sense, or people around him who do, not to make a claim that can't be backed up.

LP, IMO, expects this information to come out as fact, which is why I think he's even bothering in the first place.

LE may already know who the father is, and LP has said that they do. He probably has some good contacts. He has been correct on many things long before released. They could have gotten DNA from Lee serendipitously or by ruse and the subpoena is so they can officially have it for use in trial or even for exculpatory evidence on mindset with Casey. Sounds like she was employee of the year at the Kiosk for Kodak and then suddenly abandons the job, starts sleeping around more fervently, assimilates into a make believe world of make believe jobs and friends, and this would explain a borderline sociopath treading down the road to murder for spite.

Cay-Lee, named by Cindy, brings a whole new meaning if correct. The family secret that explains just about everything in this case but it is no excuse. I have no problem believing this because I have been unable to find anything else, or group of things, to explain all the disturbing behavior from Casey, Cindy, George, and Lee.
I think if the hair was found to be Caylee's, and it did indeed prove to be shed from her after death, then wouldn't they have brought this before a GJ sooner??
To me, that would be pretty hard evidence.....
I think if the hair was found to be Caylee's, and it did indeed prove to be shed from her after death, then wouldn't they have brought this before a GJ sooner??
To me, that would be pretty hard evidence.....

A hair alone even with banding would have to have supporting circumstantial evidence to support how it got there and how Casey could be responsible for Caylee's disappearance. I do think that the LE investigation changed when it was discovered to be Caylee's, if that's what happpened.
I think if the hair was found to be Caylee's, and it did indeed prove to be shed from her after death, then wouldn't they have brought this before a GJ sooner??
To me, that would be pretty hard evidence.....

I personally think the reason for waiting until now to go before the GJ is because there is no body and things with the defense are progressing with the motions and such.

It's harder to get a conviction without a body but not impossible, so I'm guessing they've put it off this long, hoping they'd find a body before proceeding with charges.
definatley dyed...looks like drugstore color, very flat color, looks like it grabbed black over her old highlights.
Padilla said that officials ruled it was Caylee’s hair just by a process of elimination because the hair had a death ring around it and they know Casey is alive. The fact that the DNA is identical has something to do with who the father is, Padilla said.

“Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey have basically the same characteristics? Making the preliminary DNA check not definitive as to who the hair samples are from,” he said.

Mitochondrial DNA testing is done on hair when their is no root ball or the RB has degenerated making testing of it impossible. It would only show female markers.

LP got CA out of jail in good faith. He was bamboozled into thinking that CA would speak with him. After he had done his part, he was informed that he had been allowed to think so in error. IMHO, this is a statement by a man that is angry at having been tricked. I have seen no justification for thinking that Lee may be the father.

I am a supporter of LP and cannot blame him if this is true. Solving this case seems to always go back to Occam's razor though. The detectives saw this the first day.

And a big thank-you to you and everyone else on this thread who set the record straight regarding the DNA strands of the maternal hair!!

While I think LP is a very likable man he needs to understand DNA evidence a bit better than he apparently does.:clap::clap::clap:
And a big thank-you to you and everyone else on this thread who set the record straight regarding the DNA strands of the maternal hair!!

While I think LP is a very likable man he needs to understand DNA evidence a bit better than he apparently does.:clap::clap::clap:

Now why do you think the only DNA testing is in regards to a hair? We will find out soon and I venture to say there is quite a bit more than one hair they have had to do testing on. I think LP threw that out when he got preliminary information. He has said LE knows who the father is and now he is very vocally saying LA is the father. He may know something that we just don't know yet and if it is true, then it explains just about everything with Casey, Cindy, Goerge, and Lee. Doesn't excuse a murder or the lying but it would put all the puzzle pieces together.

I am sure we will find out in the next 10 days or so or perhaps by the end of the month.

So far not one denial. If there were no truth in it, LP would have some seriously problems with lawsuits. We have rumors of Mallory and Lee splitting, we have LA refusal to submit to an official DNA test and that feeds right into what he speculated or said 3 weeks ago.
Now why do you think the only DNA testing is in regards to a hair? We will find out soon and I venture to say there is quite a bit more than one hair they have had to do testing on. I think LP threw that out when he got preliminary information. He has said LE knows who the father is and now he is very vocally saying LA is the father. He may know something that we just don't know yet and if it is true, then it explains just about everything with Casey, Cindy, Goerge, and Lee. Doesn't excuse a murder or the lying but it would put all the puzzle pieces together.

I am sure we will find out in the next 10 days or so or perhaps by the end of the month.

So far not one denial. If there were no truth in it, LP would have some seriously problems with lawsuits. We have rumors of Mallory and Lee splitting, we have LA refusal to submit to an official DNA test and that feeds right into what he speculated or said 3 weeks ago.

Gotta say, this has the ring of logic to it. Also have to mention that I agree that we're discussing what we "know" about or have hear openly--I think there's way more that we don't, and that's why I'm leaning towards the brother being the father as a definite possibility.
Now why do you think the only DNA testing is in regards to a hair? We will find out soon and I venture to say there is quite a bit more than one hair they have had to do testing on. I think LP threw that out when he got preliminary information. He has said LE knows who the father is and now he is very vocally saying LA is the father. He may know something that we just don't know yet and if it is true, then it explains just about everything with Casey, Cindy, Goerge, and Lee. Doesn't excuse a murder or the lying but it would put all the puzzle pieces together.

I am sure we will find out in the next 10 days or so or perhaps by the end of the month.

So far not one denial. If there were no truth in it, LP would have some seriously problems with lawsuits. We have rumors of Mallory and Lee splitting, we have LA refusal to submit to an official DNA test and that feeds right into what he speculated or said 3 weeks ago.

The only thing that rings true is that KC has traits that you commonly see in women that have been sexuallly abused. If you counsel enough women with sexual addiction problems you see a trend.
Is LA the only person to look at here? Not in my view.
The only thing that rings true is that KC has traits that you commonly see in women that have been sexuallly abused. If you counsel enough women with sexual addiction problems you see a trend.
Is LA the only person to look at here? Not in my view.

I know there were many friends who Casey told that she hated her dad and she despised her dad but what if that was because in her mind he did not protect her from what was happening as a father should? The what-ifs are mind boggling here...It is making my head spin.:eek:
Yes. There was recently an Australian ...couple, a father and daughter who began a relationship after 30 yrs of separation. Though the first child they concieved died due to congenital heart defect, their daughter appears perfectly healthy and alert. I can provide news links, but I find it so distasteful I thought I would spare you.

Okay, I don't want to gross anybody out here or anything, but my grandfather's parents were brother and sister, and he seemed fine -- good looking, college educated, perfectly healthy (until he died of old age.) I'm fine; my children are fine. So the children of brothers and sisters can't always be genetically defective.
I know there were many friends who Casey told that she hated her dad and she despised her dad but what if that was because in her mind he did not protect her from what was happening as a father should? The what-ifs are mind boggling here...It is making my head spin.:eek:

That could be a possibility. In my experience women who have been sexually abused by a man family member tend to blame the mother more for not protecting them then the father. It's because of the deep seated belief that most of us have that our mothers should protect us, from birth, from all evil.

I also want to say that the only DNA LP has mentioned is the hair DNA. He keeps alluding to this. Not once have I heard him mention any other DNA evidence.:)
The only thing that rings true is that KC has traits that you commonly see in women that have been sexuallly abused. If you counsel enough women with sexual addiction problems you see a trend.
Is LA the only person to look at here? Not in my view.

If I were to guess from what I have heard over the years, you are right that Casey's behavior rings of sexual abuse victim. If that started when she became pregnant or if her abuser was abusing her as early as high school senior year it would explain the sudden dropping out, the abandonment of her job, the sleeping around after Caylee was born, and the make believe neighborhood she occupied in her head and lied to everyone about. It would also explain the development of sociopathic behavior and the ultimate demise of Cay-Lee (who Cindy named) out of spite.

He may not be the only person, but if one puts the pieces together he is the likely abuser possibly. This family might have been harboring the secret these past few years and that is why they let Casey get away with things. Remember George took a DNA test so we can assume he is not the abuser. Lee tried to prevent the 3rd 911 call. He talked the parents out of polygraphs. He refused an official DNA test. We hear it rumored that Mallory has broke it off with him very recently. We have not seen Lee much lately. Lee laughed about smelling decomp in the car. Did the bodyguard employed by LP hear something or was she told something or did LP get inside information from lab results? Either way he is adamant that LA is the father of Caylee. If correct, all the puzzle pieces fit very nicely and we have the real core issue that precipitated one of the most disturbing cases of homicide and immediate family behavior I have ever witnessed.
Okay, I don't want to gross anybody out here or anything, but my grandfather's parents were brother and sister, and he seemed fine -- good looking, college educated, perfectly healthy (until he died of old age.) I'm fine; my children are fine. So the children of brothers and sisters can't always be genetically defective.

I can kind of relate. I am adopted and ten years ago I found my biological father and his family. We both lived in the same small town. At the time I worked with a man who knew my father's family. He told me not to expect too much from this family and when I asked why, he said there were not enough forks in the tree.
If I were to guess from what I have heard over the years, you are right that Casey's behavior rings of sexual abuse victim. If that started when she became pregnant or if her abuser was abusing her as early as high school senior year it would explain the sudden dropping out, the abandonment of her job, the sleeping around after Caylee was born, and the make believe neighborhood she occupied in her head and lied to everyone about. It would also explain the development of sociopathic behavior and the ultimate demise of Cay-Lee (who Cindy named) out of spite.

He may not be the only person, but if one puts the pieces together he is the likely abuser possibly. This family might have been harboring the secret these past few years and that is why they let Casey get away with things. Remember George took a DNA test so we can assume he is not the abuser. Lee tried to prevent the 3rd 911 call. He talked the parents out of polygraphs. He refused an official DNA test. We hear it rumored that Mallory has broke it off with him very recently. We have not seen Lee much lately. Lee laughed about smelling decomp in the car. Did the bodyguard employed by LP hear something or was she told something or did LP get inside information from lab results? Either way he is adamant that LA is the father of Caylee. If correct, all the puzzle pieces fit very nicely and we have the real core issue that precipitated one of the most disturbing cases of homicide and immediate family behavior I have ever witnessed.

I almost "feels" to me, and this is just a guess, like Caylee might have been the result of unprepared sex or rape. Most, not all, women who are as sexually "free" as she seems to be know enough to keep themselves from becoming pregnant. She didn't seem to want to be a mom. This makes me wonder if there was a rape or something involved. Was it from a family member? Only God knows. It would also explain the change in her behavior.

Lots of sexual abuse victims have learned to disassociate during the act. The way she has now "disassociated" from any guilt regarding her daughters "disappearance" may, and I stress MAY, indicate that she is used to disassociative behavior. IMO
If I were to guess from what I have heard over the years, you are right that Casey's behavior rings of sexual abuse victim. If that started when she became pregnant or if her abuser was abusing her as early as high school senior year it would explain the sudden dropping out, the abandonment of her job, the sleeping around after Caylee was born, and the make believe neighborhood she occupied in her head and lied to everyone about. It would also explain the development of sociopathic behavior and the ultimate demise of Cay-Lee (who Cindy named) out of spite.

He may not be the only person, but if one puts the pieces together he is the likely abuser possibly. This family might have been harboring the secret these past few years and that is why they let Casey get away with things. Remember George took a DNA test so we can assume he is not the abuser. Lee tried to prevent the 3rd 911 call. He talked the parents out of polygraphs. He refused an official DNA test. We hear it rumored that Mallory has broke it off with him very recently. We have not seen Lee much lately. Lee laughed about smelling decomp in the car. Did the bodyguard employed by LP hear something or was she told something or did LP get inside information from lab results? Either way he is adamant that LA is the father of Caylee. If correct, all the puzzle pieces fit very nicely and we have the real core issue that precipitated one of the most disturbing cases of homicide and immediate family behavior I have ever witnessed.
I can see the defense already, "but your honor, she was a victim of sexual abuse", such a cop-out, tired, overdone plea, absolutely dishonors true victims. Reguardless of Casey's narcisstic demeanor or even alleged abuse, that's no excuse, much less a defense for murdering her own daughter. From the moment of Caylee's birth, Casey felt usurped & jealous, Cindy was wrong forcing her into motherhood, she should have adopted Caylee herself & raised her, w/no access to Casey.
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