LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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Ok, this story may be a little farfetched...Even for me!!!! On the other hand it would explain why there is no Daddy in the picture and Lee was very close to Casey and Caylee.

I find the Anthony's repellent...but I don't find anything strange about a brother/uncle being close. Male relatives fill the void in many fatherless childrens lives. I hope that LP did not really say this and if he did, I hope he has more evidence. Most of all I hope this is not true. The Anthony's seem so odd that it makes it not really so hard to believe though.
It's not just the unlikely and sickening story but also the fact that LP actually said it to the press is quite something
I am starting to think that LP will say ANYTHING to get more press. Not that I always disagree with him but.... he does seem to sensationalize everything.
I think LP might just be so irritated and sickened by Casey that he is trying to make sure that the rest of the country feels the same way.
Ok, this story may be a little farfetched...Even for me!!!! On the other hand it would explain why there is no Daddy in the picture and Lee was very close to Casey and Caylee.

I could be wrong, but I think that maybe Padilla just doesn't understand DNA! Unless they did the full DNA test and the mother and father side of the strand look real similar or something, I can't see it. Padilla has gone through some rather strange flip-flops so I just don't think he understood the DNA gossip. It is confusing.
Sometimes I think LP needs to keep his "piehole" shut.
If this is not true he could be sued for slander. Cindy
wouldn't hesitate, as I think right now they really need the money.
I think LP might just be so irritated and sickened by Casey that he is trying to make sure that the rest of the country feels the same way.
Well if LP had researched this case before he got involved then he would already know that most of the country got to that point with out his help.
I think LP might just be so irritated and sickened by Casey that he is trying to make sure that the rest of the country feels the same way.

I dont think LP needs to utter another word to make sure that this entire country is sickened and disgusted by this family, Cindy seems to be handling that task quite well.....no offense to LP intended, though I do think his usefulness has run it's course, and I am pleased that he did finally see the light, but maybe he should keep these theories on the down low till LE is ready to come out with them??
hmmm Maybe Lee called LP after he heard LP talk of the bond last night on NG, and you know, Lee talked sweet like Casey did after her arrest. Maybe LP is sticking it back to Lee? ;)
So the Anthony's (well Lee at least) DO know who Caylee's father was, and have been depriving that family of the joy of knowing that child, and are also depriving them of her demise. Sheesh, how kind....Ya know, maybe that family would have loved to have CUSTODY of Caylee and she would be ALIVE now, and we wouldnt even know the damn Anthony family. Real charitable Lee, really.....
Sorry, I am just sick to death of these people. Tell one guy he's Caylee's father, um nope you're not, after 10 months of bonding, so lets just keep it a secret from the REAL father....I never thought I would despise a family more than I despise Snott Peterson's, however the Anthony's have surpassed them in my book.....
But what about Jose Ortiz, who did die in a car crash in May, 2007 I believe. I think his family knows now.

One thing about lying people . . . . it can bite you in the ARSE!
It does make you wonder though - look at her name - Caylee. Part Casey - Part Lee.

I kind of always thought that was a bit weird, not that it isnt a pretty name, it is, BUT I did think it odd....though I dont think Lee is Caylee's father, Caylee's name was probably Cindy's idea anyway.
But what about Jose Ortiz, who did die in a car crash in May, 2007 I believe. I think his family knows now.

One thing about lying people . . . . it can bite you in the ARSE!

I thought it was proven that Jose wasnt the father either, not him, not Jesse.....I cant keep up honestly, not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to keep my head together on this thing, and every day it gets more scrambled, and everyday we still dont know where Caylee is.
I thought it was proven that Jose wasnt the father either, not him, not Jesse.....I cant keep up honestly, not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to keep my head together on this thing, and every day it gets more scrambled, and everyday we still dont know where Caylee is.

Jesse was ruled out by DNA, no one else has been officially ruled out that I know.
I can't believe he would put that out there like that. Unless they are specifically stating that they have nuclear DNA that they could not tell apart, I would be more inclined to believe they are using mitochondrial DNA. Lee and Casey would also have the exact mtDNA as would Cindy.

I think they used mitochondrial. I seriously doubt Lee is the father.
I don't think Lee is the father. Many brothers and sisters are really tight without there being any sex involved. Many children DO look like their aunts and uncles. It doesn't mean a thing.

As for the name, Caylee, perhaps Casey picked it to HONOR her brother since they were so close.

As for the father's side of the family not knowing. . . I don't think they need to know after their son has passed and they had no prior knowledge of it. Why open another can of worms?

And just a side note, I think Lee is telling the truth.
I think LP should stick to bounty hunting. There is absolutely no basis for this theory. Casey wasn't holed up in the house and she has a history of being quite social with the guys. read: She got around plenty... Pointing the finger at her brother is laughable. JMO
I bet your right about that.

I am still appalled that Cindy forced Casey to keep Caylee, that was where this whole sad situation started I think. Why would you want your daughter to keep a baby that she clearly didnt want, and hid from you that she was even pregnant? That is the epitome of selfishness in my opinion. I think Cindy was more concerned with what "people would say" if Casey gave her baby up for adoption, maybe she thought it force Casey to grow up, but it seems to me that Casey becoming a mother was the downfall of that whole family.....so damn sad. If not for Cindy's pride, we wouldnt even know the name Caylee Anthony.....
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