LP Raised More Than $50,000 To Continue Searching

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When does the trial start? I thought in January? I hope he comes back before the trial???? What if KC gets off and then he finds the body.

RE: the teeth, bags comment, I don't get it. I think alligators just death roll and then chomp down, I don't think they pick certain parts to eat or not. Is he saying that the teeth come through the digestive system? (ugh, that is horrible to even write about :( ). Why wouldn't bones do that as well?

Do alligators eat off the bottom? I think that's where she is - in some kind of containrer
I agree. I wonder if when she is found if we can put a memorial up? Say she is at J Blanchard P. could we put a memorial up at the playground where she used to play or maybe a bench by the water? Does anyone know if I would have to be a relative to donate a memorial? In Iowa anyone can as long as they have permission from the owner of the site where the memorial will be.
Or maybe something for the children in Caylee's name. :)

Be careful. I think C&G would trash it if anyone did set up a memorial
My BountyHunter T-shirt arrived this morning....wish I could wear it to BP in January.
My fear says nothing will be discovered there.....but...wish, wish, wish.
I too hope LP can still find her.
And, I never thought Id say this part, but I dont care where the money comes from either.
At lease LPs trying!
You are 100 % right!!!!!!!!!!! Tracy IS the reason LP has been searching BP.

Way to go LP. :woohoo: I will see you at BP! :woohoo:

When he comes I hope you will keep us who can't be there updated PLEASE! :blowkiss:
1. I don't care who searches as long as somebody does.

2. I don't care who makes money or how - as long as they make it before the A's do!

I wonder why LP is not coming back until January? Think its because of Christmas? Thats kind of cutting it short to try and find her before the trial. Any ideas?
I've been lurking here for several months. This is by far the most civil and infromative board that I've seen. You all are really great!
I would just like to voice my opinion of LP and his collecting money to search. TM collected money to search and left, KF's and the A family collected money and NEVER searched, LP is collecting money AND searching. It takes money to seach.......so, more power to you LP! It appears to me that LP is the only hope for finding this poor baby.

Welcome animallover! Thanks from all of us at WS's for your kind words.:blowkiss:

ITA He is one of the only ones besides some small search groups who are looking for Caylee! I really wish he was coming yesterday...I couldn't care less either where the $ for his efforts r coming from he's using it to search is what is important.:clap::clap:
I agree. I wonder if when she is found if we can put a memorial up? Say she is at J Blanchard P. could we put a memorial up at the playground where she used to play or maybe a bench by the water? Does anyone know if I would have to be a relative to donate a memorial? In Iowa anyone can as long as they have permission from the owner of the site where the memorial will be.
Or maybe something for the children in Caylee's name. :)

I too would like to have something in memory of Caylee!:blowkiss: Even if she isn't found at the park r elsewhere. She love going to JB Park and a playscape addition, bench or a statue. It could also be in memory of anyone missing in the area & everywhere. They all deserve this & with how many have fallen in love with Caylee many would donate to the cause.:clap: I'll be the first in line to donate for this. Family & friends would have a beautiful place to go to reflect on all of the happy times they had with there missing loved ones.:clap::blowkiss:
I wonder why LP is not coming back until January? Think its because of Christmas? Thats kind of cutting it short to try and find her before the trial. Any ideas?

Haven't yet heard as to why the wait??? Maybe he has a lot to catch up on at home, business r the holidays. I wish I knew I'm pleading to LP if he comes here to read posts...PLEASE COME A.S.A.P. LP! Caylee needs to be found & have a proper resting place. PLEASE LP COME NOW!!!:blowkiss:
Thanks for the welcome, my words were sincere. I was at another site (which shall remain nameless) There was way too much bickering and animosity for an old woman like me.:)
Thinking of this poor baby is enough of a downer without being subjected to negative people. I pray that this precious baby will be given a proper resting place.
Thanks for the welcome, my words were sincere. I was at another site (which shall remain nameless) There was way too much bickering and animosity for an old woman like me.:)
Thinking of this poor baby is enough of a downer without being subjected to negative people. I pray that this precious baby will be given a proper resting place.

Amen to that animallover and welcome! I am glad that LP has not thrown in the towel yet. I do so want that baby found. She deserves so much more than she's been given. I really think that LP is a decent man and whatever deal he has set up I believe he will handle it with the decorum required.
Has anyone heard if Lenny took the FBI polygraph (and passed with flying colors) last week?
I heard somewhere yesterday, cannot recall where, that LP hasnt been given the polygraph as yet-
In this article it states he has not been given the polygraph yet- My days are starting to come together with this case. It was today I read this, not yesterday. He also states he thinks he can come close to having 200,00 for the search so that may answer why hes waiting until january to come back so he can stay there and raise more money
LP is a very wealthy man, movie deal or not. I say GO LP!!:)

Do you think he's wealthy? He said on NG last week that he's hoping LE will foot the bill for his trip to Orlando for his polygraph because that will cover his airline fare for his next search in Orlando. From that, I got the feeling he was a little hard-up for money?
The way he laughed I could tell he was just joking. He seems to have a really good sense of humor.
Bolded by me...THE FEMALE BG is where that lead is coming from & how KC kept referring to BP in all of her stories.. JMHO

That reminds me of something I always thought was strange, when talking to LA on jail call, he asked her about going to Universal and she said something about "We went in through the park", was she hinting at BP or what?

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