LP's Confidence #2

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Of course he did. :rolleyes:

Just interested, why is it so certain that LP did not do the things he has done because he was holding out hope that Caylee was alive, yet so willingly accepted to excuse CA for the things she has done for this very same reason? Why is it so hard to believe that when LP bonded out KC, he didn't believe a murder had been committed but readily accepted that CA did not believe this when she washed the pants that smelled like decomp or claimed the smell was the "imaginary" pizza? Why can CA, who knew KC, knew what she was capable of, knew of her unfathomable propensity toward lying, be adamantly excused for "being in denial" of Caylee's death, yet another person, an outsider, LP, who walked in blind to this dysfunctional situation, is bashed and accused of wrong doing for having the same hope that Caylee was alive and that he might be able to help?
When I clicked on the link it states: One section of dispatch call (that would be heard at the 38 second mark) has been omitted per the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Sgt. John Allen, as this is part of an active homicide investigation.
you can still hear the dispatch person say hopespring dr. where I live!
Yowzer....didn't read this whole thread but just the last few pages. Am I to understand that Cindy A's lawyers said she doesn't want LP at a public memorial service for Caylee? Good grief. Why would she hold a grudge against him? I suppose she doesn't want YM or JA at the memorial either? LP and the investigators mentioned fell in love with this little girl Caylee, Cindy should have no say what-so-ever about who gets to attend a public service for her. Alot of emotion was exhausted over Caylee by these men and they need closure. They have earned at least that much. I saw the tears shed by LP at JBP when he thought he may have found Caylee, there was tremendous emotion there. His feelings for Caylee, no-one should wonder at or question. Just wow.
It does speak volumes. It says to me that she's not going to allow some media hound who turned her granddaughter's death into a platform for his own self-promotion to further dishonor her granddaughter. Good for her!

He bailed her daughter out of jail AND kept Caylee front page news when this story ( as many do ) slide to the back page. IMO they owe LP a debt of gratitude but they never will admit that because he had that family figured out long ago.

Not to mention every other accusation he's leveled at them during his Nightly interviews on NG.
I AGAIN would like to make the most important point in all this mess.

CA is the one that called the MEDIA! She is the one that called 9-1-1 and never had consequences for her daughter losing Caylee in the first place.
CA is the one that washed her own grandaughters blood from her daughters clothes.
The A's and JB are the ones that tricked LP into bailing her out in the first place so if I am going to attempt to lay blame where blame is due.

CA started this WHOLE thing as her daughter is a liar and lost her only daughter.

Alrighty then. :waitasec:
Of course he did. :rolleyes:

I agree Chilly,

When LP arrived on the scene Caylee hadn't been seen in over a month....

Casey never reported her missing -
Casey had told numerous lies to LE -
The apartment that Casey said she dropped Caylee off to was vacant for months -
Two trained Cadaver dogs indicated that there was a Body in Casey's trunk -
Two veteran homicide detectives said that they smelled human decomposition in Casey's trunk
Casey's own mother stated that the car "Smelled like a dead body"
Etc, Etc, Etc,.....

With all this LP expects us to believe that he was certain Caylee was alive?

I'm not buying it...!!!
I agree Chilly,

When LP arrived on the scene Caylee hadn't been seen in over a month....

Casey never reported her missing -
Casey had told numerous lies to LE -
The apartment that Casey said she dropped Caylee off to was vacant for months -
Two trained Cadaver dogs indicated that there was a Body in Casey's trunk -
Two veteran homicide detectives said that they smelled human decomposition in Casey's trunk
Casey's own mother stated that the car "Smelled like a dead body"
Etc, Etc, Etc,.....

With all this LP expects us to believe that he was certain Caylee was alive?

I'm not buying it...!!!

Most of America knew or suspected that Caylee had been killed at the hands of her mother long before LP came on the scene making a spectacle of himself. Everything you posted had been released to the public and was being discussed in all the media. And then LP comes riding in to bail the murderer out - supposedly thinking Caylee was alive and Casey was covering for the kidnappers. If he really believed that then, in the words of Forrest Gump: "He's not a smart man."

I like LP and have a lot of respect for him and his ideas. I enjoy listening to his theories. I didn't think I was going to like him when he bailed KC out, but a lot has changed since then and I think going through that mistake he learned a lot which in turn has been helpful to everyone.
During his GMA interview Krunk said that he is disappointed that he is being vilified in the media.

I think LP has a lot to do with this & I hope LP is "Man enough" to apologise to Krunk for accusing him of being involved in a "Conspiracy"

That's if Krunk doesn't sue him first...!!!
I don't think he would do that either. He appears to be a very sensitive person, last night on Nancy Grace he looked very upset when he heard that Caylee's death was most likely not accidental as he thought. I have noticed that he usually prefers not to think the worst of people, he even believed the Nanny story at the beginning. People can knock him all they want, but imo they are missing out on what he's really all about.


I agree with the OP, this will be a true test of LP and his reasons for still be in and around this case. I will be most interested to see which path LP chooses.

I have to disagree with these comments and I will tell you why.
CA is the angels grandaughter and they will have a private family and friends ceremony.
Which is the respectful thing to do BUT if they do CHOOSE to have a public memorial (which public includes ANYONE that wants to attend can) LP does not have to stay away as anyone that is there, is not there because Caylee is a member of their family. It is because they have been watching and participating in this case, just as we WS members are. NOT FAIR and I think CA needs to just STOP THE NONSENSE. really.
I have really thought about this and public means public.
People have already said that if they aren't invited, they will have their own. Well CA just has no control over the universe and I don't think she should be judging or talkin bad about or excluding anyone, considering how the A family has acted thru this whole thing and continue to do so.



You know that I've rarely agreed with anything that the Anthony's have said or done & I'm not one of their supporters but on this issue I think Cindy is right.

LP should bow out - I'd be surprised, even by him, if he defied her wishes & showed up anyway.

IF he does show up theres going to be an ugly "Scene" & nobody wants that.....Not even LP

I don't think he will.

I don't wonder why Cindy doesn't want LP there! Cindy is one of the most vindictive women I have ever seen when it comes to people who she feels has gone against what SHE says goes. If you do not do exactly as she demands...you are on her list. Her list is very long and I can name them in order if you like. I can even give you the comments of those who began as a help to her, but as soon as they figured out Caylee was deceased or that Casey was indeed lying...she publicly denounced them for one reason or another.

While I cannot speak for his exact reasoning for those comments about Lee, I believe this won't be the last time we hear them and it won't be coming from LP. I am not saying they are true or false. I do take note that not one single word of rebuttal came from the A fam about the subject which I found really interesting.

There are many people who speak publically who are not willing to include George and Cindy as having done something wrong. It doesn't mean they believe they have not...it only means they aren't going to say it outloud.


He thought Caylee was still alive when he bonded Casey out of jail. He thought Casey would help lead them to Caylee to bring her home safe.

I agree. I really think he felt that way.

Yowzer....didn't read this whole thread but just the last few pages. Am I to understand that Cindy A's lawyers said she doesn't want LP at a public memorial service for Caylee? Good grief. Why would she hold a grudge against him? I suppose she doesn't want YM or JA at the memorial either? LP and the investigators mentioned fell in love with this little girl Caylee, Cindy should have no say what-so-ever about who gets to attend a public service for her. Alot of emotion was exhausted over Caylee by these men and they need closure. They have earned at least that much. I saw the tears shed by LP at JBP when he thought he may have found Caylee, there was tremendous emotion there. His feelings for Caylee, no-one should wonder at or question. Just wow.


I like LP just something about the man that
makes me like him.

I agree

I like LP just something about the man that
makes me like him.

I agree

I like LP just something about the man that
makes me like him.

I agree

I am going to get booed by many by saying this, but LP might better watch it or he may find his rear in a sling. He'd better hope he has no connections with anyone involved in this case.

Now, before anyone says anything, I have to say that it is just my take on LP. It is just my opinion!
During his GMA interview Krunk said that he is disappointed that he is being vilified in the media.

I think LP has a lot to do with this & I hope LP is "Man enough" to apologise to Krunk for accusing him of being involved in a "Conspiracy"

That's if Krunk doesn't sue him first...!!!
It is R. Kronk. Let's at least get the man's name right!

I like LP and have a lot of respect for him and his ideas. I enjoy listening to his theories. I didn't think I was going to like him when he bailed KC out, but a lot has changed since then and I think going through that mistake he learned a lot which in turn has been helpful to everyone.

Aaah, perfect!! That is just how I feel about him as well! Thanks for making it so I didn't have to set my brain on fire trying to come up with a way to express those thoughts!! :blowkiss:

ETA- welcome to WS! :)
During his GMA interview Krunk said that he is disappointed that he is being vilified in the media.

I think LP has a lot to do with this & I hope LP is "Man enough" to apologise to Krunk for accusing him of being involved in a "Conspiracy"

That's if Krunk doesn't sue him first...!!!

Well, I have to agree with ya on that one! Perhaps even apologize for accusing the "I" word too if it turns out to be false.
I can render a legal analysis without having been to law school. Perhaps I learned it from another avenue I had taken in life which dealt with law, but it doesn't make me less credible if I am correct in what I am saying.

ITA! If what you say checks out then you are credible.
People will put more weight into a legal analysis from someone who has been to law school (recently) and/or has practiced law.

what does it matter as long as he has a link to prove what he is saying?
I for one, was getting tired of LP's theories (the ones before the remains were found)...He always made it sound like he had inside info that supported his "theories"....She drowned, it was an accident, she was thrown in the amscot dumpster, Lee's the father, now he says Caylee was murdered and it was no accident, etc....So when we heard these theories on NG over the past few months, we're thinking LP knows something and waiting to here LE verify it....which never happened! Don't get me wrong, I think LP's an alright guy but when it comes to this case I do not believe his theories matter b/c they change daily! For the most part, I take what he has to say with a grain of salt!

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