LP's Confidence #2

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I said "way back when" that most likely LP had someone on the inside and when this broke, I felt sure it was Hoover who was hired by LP.

I even made the statement that not only the Anthonys could hire PI's.

I think you were exactly right that he had someone on the inside.
I said "way back when" that most likely LP had someone on the inside and when this broke, I felt sure it was Hoover who was hired by LP.

I even made the statement that not only the Anthonys could hire PI's.
Yes, you did! And it could be...but I am not sure yet.
If I had been LP and had the means and the want to know, that is exactly what I would have done. I would have hired a PI, sent him to the Anthonys to offer his services and get their confidence and find out what I wanted.

Tonight that seems so simple, but I never thought about him doing it previously. I will not be shocked if there is a connection between Hoover and Padilla. If he brings all these ghouls down I will celebrate him.
I have ignored the negative talk directed at LP.

IN my gut, I KNEW he would not be stupid enough to say untrue statements.This case is TOO huge for that !

IMO, I feel LP DOES know more, aandd will tell when the time is right. He is keeping what he KNOWS close to his vest,until the right moment !

LP is a sly 'ol fox, and always catches the young pup.......:blowkiss:
I am happy he brought this PI down for now!! DC has been misleading the public with all those false Alive Caylee sightings while now we hear that he KNEW she was dead, where she was located, and details of what to look for to find her. The guy has bothered me for so long and I kept yelling about him wanting to keep this charade going because of the trips etc. Did he ever go to Puerto Rico?

If LP brings the whole lot of them down...OMG! Nothing would make me happier than to see the Cowboy ride away as the one who stuck it all out, did the right thing, and did it all for sweet Caylee.
I am happy he brought this PI down for now!! DC has been misleading the public with all those false Alive Caylee sightings while now we hear that he KNEW she was dead, where she was located, and details of what to look for to find her. The guy has bothered me for so long and I kept yelling about him wanting to keep this charade going because of the trips etc. Did he ever go to Puerto Rico?

If LP brings the whole lot of them down...OMG! Nothing would make me happier than to see the Cowboy ride away as the one who stuck it all out, did the right thing, and did it all for sweet Caylee.

Oh my gosh...........me too !!

Could we be so lucky to see the Anthonys, the PI, KFN, and Baez all brought down in this through LP's work? That would be SO hilarious.
Maybe yes, maybe no.

Padilla seemed to have a vendetta against the Anthony family. What better way to get back at them? He might not have had the means to infiltrate with listening technology, but a good hound dog with charm and subtlety would have done the trick to infiltrate.

I think there is a better than average chance Hoover was closer to Padilla than he was to Dominic Casey.
You just may be right. I don't think so initially, but I think he later saw an opportunity he couldn't resist exploiting (in a good way).
Now let's make sure we get this straight!!! LP talked to JH on Dec. 15th who told him about this entire scenario. He also asked LP how much he thought he could get for the tape to which LP told him 200k. LP warned him to call the FBI 3 times.

LP picks up the phone and dials N. Savage (who people said would be really upset that LP was "name dropping" Hahahaha...guess not) and filled him in on both PIs, the searches, and the tape.

I believe it is very obvious that N. Savage ALLOWED LP to get his "just desserts" by giving him the NOD to go ahead to break this wide open on national television knowing that they had the situation in the bag. LP was the one on the up and up plus did the right thing!!! WTG, LP!!!

Crow is on the menu and I prefer it be served raw with a side of BS that was thrown at LP all this time!!!!!!

Until LE has officially made a statement about the video, people are merely jumping to conclusion about the status of the video and if it has any bearing on the case. And when you get down to it, if LP got it right, this time, it does not vindicate him from all of the flack he has garnered from his past statements that never panned out. As a matter of fact, his fail rate on past statements is what fuels us non-LP supporters to question stuff that comes from him.

Until LE speaks up and puts it on the record, this is all still very questionable.

I highly doubt that FBI guy, Nick S. and Det. J. Allen would spend 3 hours with JH today unless the video had a great deal of bearing on this case.
If I had been LP and had the means and the want to know, that is exactly what I would have done. I would have hired a PI, sent him to the Anthonys to offer his services and get their confidence and find out what I wanted.

Are you saying that you think Hoover was working for LP?

Then why didn't Hoover tell LP about the Body being there way back in November when Hoover first found out from DC?

I would like to know why Hoover thought it "SAFE" to approach LP with this info.
On December 30th the Nancy Grace show reported the existence of a "Video" made by a PI who was working for the Anthony's.

Drew P. talked about it at length in the opening moments of the show.

Later on in the show LP was asked if he knew anything about a "Video" & he said yes & went on & told the story about is alleged conversation with Hoover.

Leonard was not the first person to mention the Video. It was all over the News & the Web on Dec. 30th.

So far we know that A VIDEO DOES EXIST - LP said a "THE VIDEO DOES EXIST" but So didn't a lot of other People

Anyway, that's not my Point. Good for LP for finally saying something that actually turned out to be true.

For 5 months LP has been spouting false theories, misinformation & flat out BS

There are Dozens upon Dozens of LP quotes that are proven FALSE . He has said things that are simply not true. (Please don't ask for Links I have posted them numerous times.)

He finally says something that turns out to be proven true..."A VIDEO DOES EXIST"
and his supporters are using that as some sort of vindication that LP has been right all along.

My God.....Even A broken clock is right twice a day.
Oh my gosh...........me too !!

Could we be so lucky to see the Anthonys, the PI, KFN, and Baez all brought down in this through LP's work? That would be SO hilarious.

Because of LP's Work....????

Did you mean LE..???

I just don't know of anywork LP has done to help convict the Anthony's.
Maybe yes, maybe no.

Padilla seemed to have a vendetta against the Anthony family. What better way to get back at them? He might not have had the means to infiltrate with listening technology, but a good hound dog with charm and subtlety would have done the trick to infiltrate.

I think there is a better than average chance Hoover was closer to Padilla than he was to Dominic Casey.

So then LP knew where Caylee's body was back on November 14th when DC told Hoover about the Video & finding Caylee's Body..??? I don't get it....???

If Hoover was hired by LP to infiltrate the Anthony's why did Hoover wait a month to tell LP about the Video????

I think a more likely scenerio is that Hoover was trying to sell the Video & he knew that LP had connections to the Media & He probably thought that LP was the kind of guy that was "receptive" to this sort of thing & offered him a cut of the money. LP may have backed out of any proposed deal because of the ECON river fiasco

Don't forget,Tim Miller said LP made comments like......

"Imagine how much Money we could make if we found Caylee's body"

Thats probably why Hoover approached LP in the first place.
I highly doubt that FBI guy, Nick S. and Det. J. Allen would spend 3 hours with JH today unless the video had a great deal of bearing on this case.

But we won't know until something is made official,is what I am saying. Right now everything is speculative... the fact is, LE has not made any official statements as to what is going on. I have no issues with speculation, but when we take speculation and talk as if it is fact, it starts muddying up the situation, occluding the truth.

Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching

Crow is on the menu and I prefer it be served raw with a side of BS that was thrown at LP all this time!!!!!!

I have long respected you SS... but I am bothered by the personal aspect you are taking towards us non-supporters of LP. You posted about "eating crow" on the rant thread where another member chimed in with indirect putdowns towards us. I know I am not perfect, but I try to make it a point to only discuss the case at hand, not take part in chiding or throwing indirect jabs at another member because their views varies from mine, or that I think they are in the wrong. When people start making it personal, it really makes things uncomfortable and makes one question if they want to post in such an environment where they may end up being attacked on some level for it. I admit that I am not a fan of LP... I have long had issue with his need to be a part of this case... and the nail was put in the coffin when he did not deny the horrible thing he is said to have told TM about holding Caylee's skull up to the camera for everyone to see, and making loads of money off of finding her remains. To me that showed his true colors. Now, being as he insists on inserting himself into this case, he is fair game for discussion. That said, I refuse to take jabs at the people that support him and do not see the missteps us non-supporters of LP, see. I may not agree with your view of him... but you wont find me going from thread to thread getting personal about it.

Sorry... if I get put in time out for this or whatever, then so be it... but I wish people would leave the personal aspects at the door and stick to discussing the people in the case, not the members doing the discussing.
Until LE has officially made a statement about the video, people are merely jumping to conclusion about the status of the video and if it has any bearing on the case. And when you get down to it, if LP got it right, this time, it does not vindicate him from all of the flack he has garnered from his past statements that never panned out. As a matter of fact, his fail rate on past statements is what fuels us non-LP supporters to question stuff that comes from him.

Until LE speaks up and puts it on the record, this is all still very questionable.

I agree,

I'm taking a wait & see approach to this.

Whatever happens I still don't see how LP is "The Big Hero" in all this.

Hoover seems like a real "Sleaze" to me for trying to sell that Video & I think it's very .........."strange" that he chose to approach LP with it.

Has Hoover confirmed that he had this conversation with LP?

D. Casey's Lawyer denied that there ever was a conversation about a body between him & Hoover so we know one of them is lying for sure.
I'm going through some of the NG interviews and found this:

PADILLA: I immediately called Nick Savage. I didn`t want to get caught up in a little econ-type situation, where I had information and I didn`t give it to him. So I contacted him, and I says, you better talk to this guy. I also told Hoover, three times, no less than three times you better contact the authorities, this kind of stuff can cause you problems.

Anyone know what information LP is referring to?

I don't know Chilly but this quote is very interesting.

It sounds like LP got in a little trouble with LE for either not reporting information he had or reporting it to the media first.

I think this quote says a lot about the current situation.

It could be possible that Hoover thought LP might be interested in the Video & tried to sell it to him because he thought that LP was the kind of guy who would be "receptive" to that sort of thing.

LP already got into hot water once with LE & maybe he didn't want any part of Hoover & his scheme to make money so he called nick savage & reported the conversation.

I really don't know.......I'm just speculating

Why would Hoover tell LP that he knew Caylee was there all along if he didn't trust LP with this kind of information.

If LP is telling the truth about the conversation between him & Hoover I'm just curious as to what prompted Hoover to think he could trust LP not to go straight to the Authorities.

LP said that Hoover was more interested in selling the video. Did he think that LP would be open to this sort of thing & give him advice on who to call?

It's just odd that Hoover would approach a man he just met recently with this kind of knowledge.

LP has contacts to a lot of networks talking about this case. I think Hoover thought LP would get him a deal with a media outlet and then the day of or the day before it would be aired Hoover would go to LE about it. LP knew that he could be in really deep doo doo if he didn't report it right away to LE.

One of the Talking Heads on NG said that Hoover not reporting this to LE was not a crime........Amazing isn't it...??

How could these two PI's let Caylee sit there & only worry about how much money they were getting for the video?

Unfortunately these are the kind of people that usually "inject" themselves into a case of this magnitude.

They claim they're there to "Help The Anthony's find Caylee" but their real motive is getting close to the "Players" because being close to the "Players" gets you closer to the "Money" & all the oppertunities that come with it.

Reminds me of somebody else who tried to associate himself with the Anthony's which begs the question.....Why did Hoover Think LP would be receptive to his video in the first place????


I think JH thought LP would be receptive because LP is a media person, besides his bounty hunting, LP has media connections. JH thought it made perfect sense-LP is not LE! Big mistake on his part!:bang:

Very big mistake.

Has LE OFFICIALLY made a statment? And why aren't all of the other news outlets reporting on this new development?

Somewhere on this site is a link to a news story about this where they question an FBI agent who's leaving the meeting after the tape viewing.

I agree, right now all I see is a whole lot of hoopla over what could very well be nothing. I don't see what the big deal is about LP relaying a story that was told to him. He's 70 years old, he ought to be able to repeat a story. Unfortunately, he has yet to retell it in a way that makes it clear. If he was 3 or 4 years old I'd be giving him kudos fer sure.

I'd be willing to bet my last dime that he's wrong with this entire ridiculous daisy chain theory.

I disagree. The daisy chain theory doesn't mean RK is a bad guy just that he got the info from someone who got the info from a line of people that didn't want anyone to know their involvement.

Well...it DOES! It also could end with R A U D, too!!! LOL

Could it end in E L O N Y too?

I said "way back when" that most likely LP had someone on the inside and when this broke, I felt sure it was Hoover who was hired by LP.

I even made the statement that not only the Anthonys could hire PI's.

If Hoover was working for LP then LP is in a lot of hot water for not coming forward a lot sooner.

Oh my gosh...........me too !!

Could we be so lucky to see the Anthonys, the PI, KFN, and Baez all brought down in this through LP's work? That would be SO hilarious.

Well the doo doo is hitting the oscillating air moving device even as we speak. This probably won't solve who murdered Caylee but it will show a lot of people knew a lot about this that they never told anyone about even when they had a legal responsibility to do so.

I agree,

I'm taking a wait & see approach to this.

Whatever happens I still don't see how LP is "The Big Hero" in all this.

Hoover seems like a real "Sleaze" to me for trying to sell that Video & I think it's very .........."strange" that he chose to approach LP with it.

Has Hoover confirmed that he had this conversation with LP?

D. Casey's Lawyer denied that there ever was a conversation about a body between him & Hoover so we know one of them is lying for sure.

He doesn't need to. LP talked about this tape weeks ago. I can't think of how he would have known about before then unless he had contact with Hoover.

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