LP's Confidence

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It's amazing to me that some people are defending Leonard. If you go back to the very beginning of this case & read Leonards statements he has done nothing but Lie, spread rumors & flip-flop more than a dying fish.


Wow, so you're saying Leonard is, in fact, an Anthony?
It's amazing to me that some people are defending Leonard. If you go back to the very beginning of this case & read Leonards statements he has done nothing but Lie, spread rumors & flip-flop more than a dying fish. It's right there in black & white.

Leonard Padilla is a shameless exploiter of missing children. The only reason he's involved in this case is because he can get his "Good'ole Boy Mug" on TV every night & he loves all the attention it's bringing him & his campaign.

Whatever happened to Giovanni Gonzalez ? Didn't Leonard & his Nephew Tony say they were looking into that case to see if they could help? Of course that was just more BS to make people think that they help missing children all the time, not just ones that get them millions of dollars of free publicity

I would also bet that Leonard has already hired a ghost writer for his book which will probably be titled ...."Inside the Anthony Home".

Sorry for ranting............I'm going to go throw up now

I am shocked and amazed that anyone here can feel/write anything negative on a day like this.
This should be a day of hope and appreciation for anyone who genuinely cares about Caylee.
I hated that he rode into town in the first place. I try not think anything about him one way or another now. He's trying to help and I gotta give him that. But, I have never gotten over his bonding Casey out. (It was just wrong IMO.) All I can say, he's quite a character.

If bonding Casey out would have resulted in Caylee being found alive or lead to Casey leading them to her remains, then LP would have been a hero. He was duped just like everyone else surrounding Casey. LP was in a unique position...he had the financial means and the profession as a bounty hunter to possibly have an affect on finding poor Caylee.

His intent has always been to find Caylee. Being a recognized TV personality for his role as "The Bounty Hunter" is what has propelled him into the nightly news spotlight. Never before has a missing child's case garnered such media attention on a nightly basis, as the Caylee Anthony case. Insetead of condemning him we should thank him and all of the others who won't let this case rest until Caylee is found. Hopefully, with the help of Tim Miller, LP, and all of the volunteers this weekend little Caylee will be found.
If bonding Casey out would have resulted in Caylee being found alive or lead to Casey leading them to her remains, then LP would have been a hero. He was duped just like everyone else surrounding Casey. LP was in a unique position...he had the financial means and the profession as a bounty hunter to possibly have an affect on finding poor Caylee.

His intent has always been to find Caylee. Being a recognized TV personality for his role as "The Bounty Hunter" is what has propelled him into the nightly news spotlight. Never before has a missing child's case garnered such media attention on a nightly basis, as the Caylee Anthony case. Insetead of condemning him we should thank him and all of the others who won't let this case rest until Caylee is found. Hopefully, with the help of Tim Miller, LP, and all of the volunteers this weekend little Caylee will be found.

Isn't is the truth!:blowkiss:
Since his major mistake, I believe he has tried to redeem himself.
SM's Radio with Dana P is by no means sleazy, but there are some very disrespectful and sleazy comments being tossed around in here today.

Isn't is the truth!:blowkiss:
Since his major mistake, I believe he has tried to redeem himself.

Heaven forbid that he be afforded redemption by anyone! One would think that he was as low as Casey, the way he is bashed here. I only wish my "closet" was as clean as others feel theirs to be. So what if he gets some publicity as long as his heart is in the right place. At least he is honest about it. :waitasec:
It's amazing to me that some people are defending Leonard. If you go back to the very beginning of this case & read Leonards statements he has done nothing but Lie, spread rumors & flip-flop more than a dying fish. It's right there in black & white.

Leonard Padilla is a shameless exploiter of missing children. The only reason he's involved in this case is because he can get his "Good'ole Boy Mug" on TV every night & he loves all the attention it's bringing him & his campaign.

My bold: I totally agree with this. I have caught him in so many lies and contradictions. One..he tried impressing everyone that he had Caseys cell phone records, and he and Tony both said when asked how he was able to get them, that it was kinda like magic, and very expensive. Then we come to learn he got the records from Lee.

Shortly after bonding Casey out a reporter asked him if she thanked him, and he said yes she did in the car, on the way home, but I (LP) was more interested in all the media.

Then after her rearrest he says she kinda thanked him that night while in the house eating pizza.

Another one, he said he was never in the house, or talked with Casey, except for the first night for pizza. Now he talks as if he was in the house everyday, and spoke with Casey many times. Or he uses the female bg as a source.

I often wonder if he uses Lees words (things Lee might have told LP) as his own.

There are many, many more. Please don't ask me for links. He's been in front of so many cameras for interviews it would take me forever to find these very few I stated, and I'd rather read more posts then searching. Believe me or you don't.;)
And to me THAT is the point exactly, everyone, including Mr. Padilla, is entitled to their own opinion.:)

LP is most certainly entitled to his opinion, however since he's going on TV presenting himself as an expert with 'inside' sources he needs to make it clear that what he says comes directly from his imagination and is not based on any type of factual information. Look how many people on this site state his opinion as fact - Lee is the father, Cindy choked Casey, body fluids were found on the bag, parts of Caylee's body were found......etc. He had people combing through the cell pings for June 27th trying to figure out where Casey hid the body on that day when the forensic report shows that no way was Caylee still in the car at that time. His latest 'opinion,' stated as fact, blows the chloroform premeditation theory right out of the water.

As for whether his heart is in the right place - I'm not so certain of that. I'll give him credit for the part he's played in helping raise money for TES, but whether his motivation is actually to help Caylee or himself, who knows?
If bonding Casey out would have resulted in Caylee being found alive or lead to Casey leading them to her remains, then LP would have been a hero. He was duped just like everyone else surrounding Casey. LP was in a unique position...he had the financial means and the profession as a bounty hunter to possibly have an affect on finding poor Caylee.

His intent has always been to find Caylee. Being a recognized TV personality for his role as "The Bounty Hunter" is what has propelled him into the nightly news spotlight. Never before has a missing child's case garnered such media attention on a nightly basis, as the Caylee Anthony case. Insetead of condemning him we should thank him and all of the others who won't let this case rest until Caylee is found. Hopefully, with the help of Tim Miller, LP, and all of the volunteers this weekend little Caylee will be found.

Marlame I agree with your statement that I bolded, but I don't believe LP has put much money out of his own pocket for Caylee. He was on NG and possibly other cable networks offering $50,000 for anyone that knew where Caylee was buried, to come forward and he promised to keep it confidential. A couple weeks later he reneges on his offer, but no mention that he would donate any of this money to TES. I think if he made a reasonably large donation to TES he would have made sure the nation knew about it.

Then he opens his own forum, charging $10.00 memberships saying the cost was for maintaining the site. This didn't go over well with others, so Blink got a hold of him and suddenly the money was now going to TES. Yet on his site he says "any profits" will go to TES." I'm really surprised how he has been able to pull the wool over everyone. Especially sleuthers lol.

Have a great weekend!
What a sad thread this is. I think it should be closed. I Like LP, but that is just me. Never thought I would see 200 plus posts of mostly bashing the guy. I mean, Nancy Grace WANTS attention. And we watch it. Why don't we start a "12 year old thread". That seems to be like many of you are acting. Most of you are such great people. Guess everyone is getting bored and needs to think stuff up so they can keep "talking" about something. Geeeze, come on. He is almost 70 years old. Respect your elders, even if you think they are "wrong". JMO
What a sad thread this is. I think it should be closed. I Like LP, but that is just me. Never thought I would see 200 plus posts of mostly bashing the guy. I mean, Nancy Grace WANTS attention. And we watch it. Why don't we start a "12 year old thread". That seems to be like many of you are acting. Most of you are such great people. Guess everyone is getting bored and needs to think stuff up so they can keep "talking" about something. Geeeze, come on. He is almost 70 years old. Respect your elders, even if you think they are "wrong". JMO

Unbelievable.....What about the "Leonard Padilla Support Thread"?

Do you want to close that too?

People are portraying the man as some kind of Hero & thats fine, they are entitled to their opinion but why is it when people point out things that came from Leonards own mouth they are accused of bashing him?

Leonard Padilla willfully inserted himself into this case - He is not an innocent victim so the people that are following this case here at Websleuths should be entitled to their opinions of him & his actions....Good or Bad.
Marlame I agree with your statement that I bolded, but I don't believe LP has put much money out of his own pocket for Caylee. He was on NG and possibly other cable networks offering $50,000 for anyone that knew where Caylee was buried, to come forward and he promised to keep it confidential. A couple weeks later he reneges on his offer, but no mention that he would donate any of this money to TES. I think if he made a reasonably large donation to TES he would have made sure the nation knew about it.

Then he opens his own forum, charging $10.00 memberships saying the cost was for maintaining the site. This didn't go over well with others, so Blink got a hold of him and suddenly the money was now going to TES. Yet on his site he says "any profits" will go to TES." I'm really surprised how he has been able to pull the wool over everyone. Especially sleuthers lol.

Have a great weekend!

Aint that the truth...!

Bolded by Boston
What a sad thread this is. I think it should be closed. I Like LP, but that is just me. Never thought I would see 200 plus posts of mostly bashing the guy. I mean, Nancy Grace WANTS attention. And we watch it. Why don't we start a "12 year old thread". That seems to be like many of you are acting. Most of you are such great people. Guess everyone is getting bored and needs to think stuff up so they can keep "talking" about something. Geeeze, come on. He is almost 70 years old. Respect your elders, even if you think they are "wrong". JMO

Susan I haven't read every post in this thread, but I don't think anyone was bashing Len or spewing hate, like many, many Cindy posts in this forum. If any of my posts did give the impression I hate him, then I apologize. I think he is a very nice guy. I just feel he has ulterior motives.
Aint that the truth...!

Bolded by Boston

Ain't what the truth? The part that you bolded in justbetweenus post? "I'm really surprised that he has been able to pull the wool over EVERYONE"? Do you REALLY believe that those of us that like and support LP take everything he says at face value? Most of the posters here are umm..pretty smart, probably as smart as the ones that seem to have something personal against LP. I won't post on this thread again, it's become ridiculous IMO. Let me say this, whatever you feel his motives are, he has done more to help find Caylee than the majority of us. Continue on with your bashing, while Leonard Padilla is out there helping search for our Caylee and I'll go back to having the "wool pulled over on me like EVERYONE else" Yeah, right....:mad:

Wow, so you're saying Leonard is, in fact, an Anthony?

I think what Boston is saying is that Leonard has displayed EXACTLY the same behaviors as the Anthony's are accused of having: lying or making statements which later proven to be false, etc. And some people who condemn the Anthony's for lying continue to swallow Leonard's claims as truthful and viable, even after his previous claims have been disclaimed.

If I take Boston's post correctly, he's just amazed at and expressing surprise that people are so willing to forgive LP for his mis-statements and continue to believe him, while they would NEVER forgive George or Cindy for what they perceive to be lies, nor would they ever believe a word the two of them say, ever again, using the "once a liar, always a liar" principal.

It is funny.
What a sad thread this is. I think it should be closed. I Like LP, but that is just me. Never thought I would see 200 plus posts of mostly bashing the guy. I mean, Nancy Grace WANTS attention. And we watch it. Why don't we start a "12 year old thread". That seems to be like many of you are acting. Most of you are such great people. Guess everyone is getting bored and needs to think stuff up so they can keep "talking" about something. Geeeze, come on. He is almost 70 years old. Respect your elders, even if you think they are "wrong". JMO

How is it BASHING to point out the facts of LP's past mis-statements? To point out that he spouted one story, then flip-flopped to another completely? Those are just facts. A fact exactly like his age. Nobody is calling him names: That would be bashing.
Ain't what the truth? The part that you bolded in justbetweenus post? "I'm really surprised that he has been able to pull the wool over EVERYONE"? Do you REALLY believe that those of us that like and support LP take everything he says at face value? Most of the posters here are umm..pretty smart, probably as smart as the ones that seem to have something personal against LP. I won't post on this thread again, it's become ridiculous IMO. Let me say this, whatever you feel his motives are, he has done more to help find Caylee than the majority of us. Continue on with your bashing, while Leonard Padilla is out there helping search for our Caylee and I'll go back to having the "wool pulled over on me like EVERYONE else" Yeah, right....:mad:

So because Leonard is helping raise Money for TES & is out searching for Caylee does that mean he gets a free pass on all the lies & misinformation that he has put out there?

I disagree.....The end does not always justify the means

I have very strong feelings about Leonard Padilla & his actions relating to the Caylee Anthony case. In my opinion he's using the death of a child for his own personal gain. Whether that gain is financial or political I really don't know and nor do I care.

Also, If your taking my opinions of Leonard Padilla as a personal insult to you I'm sorry that you feel that way. It was not my intention to insult anyone. I was agreeing with what another poster said. Why didn't you respond to their post?

It seems that every time somebody says something negative about LP then the conversation & the tone of posts seems to get personal.

I'm not here to make any enemies so from now on I'll just keep my opinions of Leonard to myself & let the members of his fan club sing his praises without any rebuttal.
Originally Posted by marlame said:
If bonding Casey out would have resulted in Caylee being found alive or lead to Casey leading them to her remains, then LP would have been a hero. He was duped just like everyone else surrounding Casey. LP was in a unique position...he had the financial means and the profession as a bounty hunter to possibly have an affect on finding poor Caylee.

His intent has always been to find Caylee. Being a recognized TV personality for his role as "The Bounty Hunter" is what has propelled him into the nightly news spotlight. Never before has a missing child's case garnered such media attention on a nightly basis, as the Caylee Anthony case. Insetead of condemning him we should thank him and all of the others who won't let this case rest until Caylee is found. Hopefully, with the help of Tim Miller, LP, and all of the volunteers this weekend little Caylee will be found.

Marlame I agree with your statement that I bolded, but I don't believe LP has put much money out of his own pocket for Caylee. He was on NG and possibly other cable networks offering $50,000 for anyone that knew where Caylee was buried, to come forward and he promised to keep it confidential. A couple weeks later he reneges on his offer, but no mention that he would donate any of this money to TES. I think if he made a reasonably large donation to TES he would have made sure the nation knew about it.

Then he opens his own forum, charging $10.00 memberships saying the cost was for maintaining the site. This didn't go over well with others, so Blink got a hold of him and suddenly the money was now going to TES. Yet on his site he says "any profits" will go to TES." I'm really surprised how he has been able to pull the wool over everyone. Especially sleuthers lol.

Have a great weekend!

What I meant by "financial means" was arranging for her bond to be posted. His intent behind posting the bond was to find Caylee. He has not waivered on this.

Regarding the amount of money he has actually contributed to the search, is not for me to judge nor question. His nightly appearance on the news channels and NG has contributed to the intense media coverage thus keeping this tragic story alive until Caylee is found. I commend him for this.

As for "he has been able to pull the wool over everyone"...What lies he tells or drama he creates is irrelevant to me, as long as this poor little girl is not forgotten. The fact that he cares enough to emmerse himself in this nightmare speaks volumes. He could be sitting poolside in sunny California or in the sanctuary of his own home following this story & blogging on his computer, as his young grandchildren play outside, minding his own business and contributing nothing. Where would this case be without his participation in drawing attention to it?

I just pray they find her very soon!
My son had a nice discussion with LP at the command center this afternoon. He told him he appreciated the fact that LP was at the team leaders' meeting last night at MN's nightclub, that he showed a lot of class. Then he told him that he had done a good job holding his tongue during the NG show with MN -- very professional. My son said LP smiled, laughed and shook his hand even harder.
I think what Boston is saying is that Leonard has displayed EXACTLY the same behaviors as the Anthony's are accused of having: lying or making statements which later proven to be false, etc. And some people who condemn the Anthony's for lying continue to swallow Leonard's claims as truthful and viable, even after his previous claims have been disclaimed.

If I take Boston's post correctly, he's just amazed at and expressing surprise that people are so willing to forgive LP for his mis-statements and continue to believe him, while they would NEVER forgive George or Cindy for what they perceive to be lies, nor would they ever believe a word the two of them say, ever again, using the "once a liar, always a liar" principal.

It is funny.

Excellent post kg. I know you were expressing what Boston 'might' have been thinking, but you also expressed how I feel.

This all gives me a hairache lol.
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