LP's Confidence

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You are right, I'd forgotten about that. However the information about Lee talking them out of it came only from LP. Regardless, this isn't a competition between the A's and LP where one side is pure evil and the other is a saint. All parties involved have made mistakes. I've never understood the ".....well, the A's....." as an excuse for LP's behavior.

bolded by me..........

I wouldn't be the farm on that Chilly.
(Rubbing my hands together) Yes! I wonder which shoe is dropping next? The left, the right, or the shiny, black ones I saw in that photo earlier that I thought were all attorneys. LOL
I hate that this is a bash LP thread! I didn't think we did this kind of thing here. I thought this was more like a huge forum we all know. IMO, this serves no good purpose for sleuthing. There are so many WS'rs who are looking at data, timelines, facts. I'll retreat now.
I thought we could discuss LP's confidence as that's the title of the thread.
I thought we could discuss LP's confidence as that's the title of the thread.

I'm with you. I love listening to him even though I worry sometimes about his statements. I just hate to see bashing him as a way of entertainment for us while we wait for real news.
Wow. What a slap in the fact to all the people who trudged through heavy brush in horrendous conditions searching for little Caylee's body. What a slap to all the TES volunteers and Florida residents who went out on their own to search day after day after day. What a slap to the psychics, misguided as they may have been who took it upon themselves to search. What a slap to the meter reader who was so persistent in trying to get someone at LE to take him seriously. LP, who never got his feet wet or a burr in his clothing is the ONLY one who searched. LP who did nothing buy sign autographs and pose for the camera is the only one who tried to find her.


Again, What ????????

I get you don't like LP as well as others. I cannot even begin to express just how I feel about this comment without getting a time out.

Frankly leaving a comment isn't worth getting a timeout since it would be challenged anyways.
Caylee wasn't found in August. Caylee was found December 11th.

The A fam went on the national tv news circuit plus local and were caught in a number of discrepancies, lies, and many, many instances of not having Caylee's best interest in mind. They put themselves in that mud hole and began wallowing in it thus dragging more people into it with them (the rest they were busy throwing under the proverbial bus). The public responded by disrupting their neighborhood. Can't blame LP for that one.

He has not harmed this case by reporting what he knows about the PIs! It is the truth. They both admitted to being there and photographing/videotaping the scene a month before Caylee was found there. The truth is never going to harm a case that is looking for the truth. It only harms people who want to hide it.

Casey is responsible for this entire mess. Put the blame where it belongs.

Has anyone called him recently? I do believe something is gonna happen real soon. It seems senseless then for all the attorneys to be putting their faces on tv.
I don't think LP's confidence has suffered during this case. He doesn't appear to be shying away from the criticism. He probably gets a good chuckle out of the people who continually bash him, but I am sure he doesn't mind either way.
In fact, so many of the false rumors he's started have been so helpful to the defense, I have seriously wondered if he's still working for the defense.

I've certainly seen LP throw out his "theory of the moment" on TV, and his theories, like many of ours, have evolved as new facts emerged. And, as mentioned here by the title of the thread, he certainly does espouse his ideas with lots of confidence.

However, I can't quite agree that his ruminations have provided any help for the defense. If anything, at times they have proven quite useful to prosecutors; for example, compare KC's reaction to the "find" in the river with her reaction to the discovery by the meter reader. Her nonchalance to LP's find clearly points to her awareness of Caylee's location. If you had specific incidents in mind, I would love to read them.

I also feel, as many others here have stated better than I probably can, that many of LP's announcements were designed to apply pressure to the A family. State your theory, watch the reaction, then follow that in the direction it takes you.

IMO, there is method in his madness, and I believe his heart has always been in the right place. But I respect the opinions of those who don't feel the same. :)
My bold.

You're right, LP was not taking money while perpetuating false sightings of Caylee, he was taking money for perpetuating false searches for Caylee, and for appearing on talk shows. Did he lie to the FBI? They apparently seem to think so. He continually lies to his fans.

Chilly- I am unaware of where the FBI says LP lied to them. Please show me the link as I have missed this somehow?

I also wasn't aware that there was such a thing as a false search when an angel is missing.
Who is not able to see between the lines with the things that LP says?
It REALLY doesnt take a rocket scientist. I guess those of us that have passion understand others that do.
I can read between the lines from what LP says.
He cannot come right out and say everything as it would really cause a problem with convicting the criminal that started all of this.
LP's words will all make sense when this is over.
He says things that the LE can't say as if he has said anything to obstruct or to hinder this case, LE would make him leave Orlando. Don't ya think? I don't think that LP has a lawyer yet, other than his one he usually does?
If you know different, please let me know.
Well, for the record, I am not bashing him... I am taking an analytical view of the man's actions and words and comparing them to what is going on and how it rolls out with the facts. I do think people are giving LP far more credit than he deserves, and I am trying to understand that.

Caylee's case had taken a life of its own before LP came into the picture... my opinion is that had LP never been on the scene, this case would have still been a top headline. There have been so many people that have given of their time and heart for Caylee... her case was never hinged on what LP did or did not do.
I've certainly seen LP throw out his "theory of the moment" on TV, and his theories, like many of ours, have evolved as new facts emerged. And, as mentioned here by the title of the thread, he certainly does espouse his ideas with lots of confidence.

However, I can't quite agree that his ruminations have provided any help for the defense. If anything, at times they have proven quite useful to prosecutors; for example, compare KC's reaction to the "find" in the river with her reaction to the discovery by the meter reader. Her nonchalance to LP's find clearly points to her awareness of Caylee's location. If you had specific incidents in mind, I would love to read them.

I also feel, as many others here have stated better than I probably can, that many of LP's announcements were designed to apply pressure to the A family. State your theory, watch the reaction, then follow that in the direction it takes you.

IMO, there is method in his madness, and I believe his heart has always been in the right place. But I respect the opinions of those who don't feel the same. :)

Another excellent post. I agree. You're statement about KC's reaction to the different location proves a valid point. Reactions can be extremely important and I agree that alot of LP's statements are made to illicit just such.
Wow. What a slap in the fact to all the people who trudged through heavy brush in horrendous conditions searching for little Caylee's body. What a slap to all the TES volunteers and Florida residents who went out on their own to search day after day after day. What a slap to the psychics, misguided as they may have been who took it upon themselves to search. What a slap to the meter reader who was so persistent in trying to get someone at LE to take him seriously. LP, who never got his feet wet or a burr in his clothing is the ONLY one who searched. LP who did nothing buy sign autographs and pose for the camera is the only one who tried to find her.


Again, What ????????

I get you don't like LP as well as others. I cannot even begin to express just how I feel about this comment without getting a time out.

Frankly leaving a comment isn't worth getting a timeout since it would be challenged anyways.

If I may step in here and wave a wee Swiss Flag :)

I believe below is where the response from Chilly came from:

At least LP tried and he was the "only one" trying to find Caylee -- to lay her to rest.

Wow. What a slap in the fact to all the people who trudged through heavy brush in horrendous conditions searching for little Caylee's body. What a slap to all the TES volunteers and Florida residents who went out on their own to search day after day after day. What a slap to the psychics, misguided as they may have been who took it upon themselves to search. What a slap to the meter reader who was so persistent in trying to get someone at LE to take him seriously. LP, who never got his feet wet or a burr in his clothing is the ONLY one who searched. LP who did nothing buy sign autographs and pose for the camera is the only one who tried to find her.


I myself am unclear whether you meant your post literally or not, but I do believe (if I may speak momentarily for Chilly) that the underlined portion of your post is what prompted his response, Cyberdog.

Just thought I would share my observation. Sometimes the wording of our posts comes out wrong. I myself have been guilty of not stating things the way I was thinking them in my mind before I let my fingers do the walking. ;)
No, it didn't hinge on what LP did or did not do, Elphaba. However, his goal was to make sure that we (John Q. Public) were still discussing it and actively trying to find Caylee. It was one way he knew he could support Caylee. Night after night...he successfully had the tongues wagging with whatever was said...but we were still talking about finding Caylee and it was still keeping a fire lit under our feet to keep going.
There were alot of people searching for Caylee. But, from time to time, it might have seemed like LP was the only one looking. Like when TES concluded prior to the econ river fiasco, even though there were other small searches going on they were not followed in the media. LP's motives are not my concern as I don't feel he has done anything criminal. If he were plastering his face all over every high profile case, I might feel he was in it for the exposure (Dr. Lee anyone?) I'm just saying, if someone were not following the case as closely as some, it may have seemed at times that LP was the only one looking, especially after TES left the 2nd time. I'm not bashing TES, just trying to put some perspective on some previous posts.
Wow. What a slap in the fact to all the people who trudged through heavy brush in horrendous conditions searching for little Caylee's body. What a slap to all the TES volunteers and Florida residents who went out on their own to search day after day after day. What a slap to the psychics, misguided as they may have been who took it upon themselves to search. What a slap to the meter reader who was so persistent in trying to get someone at LE to take him seriously. LP, who never got his feet wet or a burr in his clothing is the ONLY one who searched. LP who did nothing buy sign autographs and pose for the camera is the only one who tried to find her.


I only refer to those in the media spotlight, such as LE, TES and, LP who were searching on TV at that time.

The locals who were searching, voluntarily and the local TES are my/our heroes -- that's a given. The MR was unknown at that time and I was talking to that point in time only -- when TES pulled out.

I am not going to respond further on this post since it detracts and distracts from my main point.

:chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:​
Chilly- I am unaware of where the FBI says LP lied to them. Please show me the link as I have missed this somehow?

I also wasn't aware that there was such a thing as a false search when an angel is missing.
Who is not able to see between the lines with the things that LP says?
It REALLY doesnt take a rocket scientist. I guess those of us that have passion understand others that do.
I can read between the lines from what LP says.
He cannot come right out and say everything as it would really cause a problem with convicting the criminal that started all of this.
LP's words will all make sense when this is over.
He says things that the LE can't say as if he has said anything to obstruct or to hinder this case, LE would make him leave Orlando. Don't ya think? I don't think that LP has a lawyer yet, other than his one he usually does?
If you know different, please let me know.

If you go back & read the statements that LP has made since the begining of this case it's impossible for words to "make sense".

There are also numerous inconsistencies in his various interviews.

He tells Greta one thing & Nancy another.

It's also amazing to me that when somebody mentions his inconsistencies they are accused of "Bashing LP".....I don't get it...!!

Why this guy is off limits to criticism??
I believe there is a difference between criticism and bashing. Saying "he tells Greta one thing....: is, IMO, criticism. Saying LP is just in this for the media exposure and for money is bashing. We don't know what his intent is. None of us knows or has linked info that shows LP lied, took or refused a lie detector test.

Bashing? Criticism? Correct me, please. :)
If I may step in here and wave a wee Swiss Flag :)

I myself am unclear whether you meant your post literally or not, but I do believe (if I may speak momentarily for Chilly) that the underlined portion of your post is what prompted his response, Cyberdog.

Just thought I would share my observation. Sometimes the wording of our posts comes out wrong. I myself have been guilty of not stating things the way I was thinking them in my mind before I let my fingers do the walking. ;)

Thanks a lot for this. :blowkiss: My comment was only in the context of what was happening at that time, post the major TES search and what was being discussed in the media on TV.

Taken out of context and taken literally, sure I can understand the reaction. Sheesh. Those who know me on WS will have seen my praise and applause to the local searchers and to TES. Passions are getting in the way of constructive debate and discussion.
The multiple threads I see here discussing the things LP brought up should probably reflect the notion they are nothing of value (except his goal was exactly to keep us talking about the case which he accomplished). There have been many, many things he has said in the past we didn't understand until later when LE came out with them publically. He has his reasons for that muddy water.

I agree with Drumstick. What he said early on he would do and exactly what he has done is to keep Caylee's case in the forefront of the public. He is a self-proclaimed media *advertiser censored* (which I find refreshing he candidly admits). Out of all the players in this case, Leonard was one of very few who actually did something to get people to listen, to search, and to do whatever it took to bring Caylee home. He was spending his own money, time, and energy in his efforts.

Every missing person case should have a Leonard. His phone is constantly buzzing with people begging him to help put their cases out into the public for more exposure. The airtime he has garnered is rare in such a world where the missing and murdered are not given the time of day. (Have you checked out the actual number of people who have vanished without a trace?)

While the A fam was screaming about people getting off their @sses to find Caylee, Leonard was already in action. He continued his quest long after the other people faded in the background because he is determined to find justice for this child. His heart, imo, is in the right place even if people don't like him. He has made it clear that he doesn't care as long as people are still talking about the case. He is willing to see this through to the end when Casey et al will be made to pay for what they have done to Caylee.

So as far as I am concerned...Keep talking, LP! I can read between the lines and you are doing just fine. Say just enough to confuse the public and put pressure where it belongs. It is an art form which few people understand or bother to realize is simply Politics 101. LOL I think it is pretty funny that so many people haven't figured it out and can't see what he is doing...yet they spend so much time screaming about him doing it. ;)

Yeah ,,,,,I guess the rest of us are too dumb to figure LP out.
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