Luka Magnotta - Mental Health Timeline

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Oct 5, 2014
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April 2001 - Magnotta was seen several times by community workers in a crisis centre. Was referred to psychiatrist.
“I am not sure what we’re dealing with. Bizarre, interesting presentation,” wrote a psychiatrist who saw Magnotta when he was 18. The doctor wondered if LM was looking for secondary gains. He had gone in for a sore throat but said he heard voices. Magnotta went to community crisis centre about six times but didn’t follow up with doc appt.

2001 -lived in Harrison House, a group home for young people with serious mental illness. Suffering from psychosis. Writes a letter to his mother about alcoholic, violent, dirty who can't provide for his family. Writes that he loves his mother but he had to move out or would have died of nervous breakdown.
August 2001 - LM felt sad and isolated whilst living in a group home for people with schizophrenia. takes the entire bottle of a new medication in a suicide attempt. Took 30mg Rivotril .

2002 - Nina Arsenault claims she dated LM briefly whilst he was working as a stripper in a Toronto nightclub. Says he was a “manipulative pathological liar", took methamphetamine and used to punch himself in the head. Said he joked about killing animals and killing his family.
Note: methamphetamine is a drug commonly used by gay men to increase sex drive. It can cause psychosis that is very similar to schizophrenia psychosis. Some researchers think that the use of meth can trigger full-blown schizophrenia in genetically-succeptible individuals.
2002 - 2003 LM is working as an escort under the name "Jimmy".

March 26th 2002 - LM is seen at the Lindsay Ross Memorial Hospital, Toronto East Gen Hospital. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Heard male and female voices, and thought the police and FBI were after him. Thought people could hear his thoughts. His grandmothers wanted him to go back into the group home. Taking sleeping pills and antipsychotics. Seemed normal, but had little facial expression no matter what the topic. Admitted he was mentally ill and wanted treatment. Stressed because unemployed. Living in Toronto. No personality disorders. LM had many medication adjustments over several months in 2002.
June 21st 2002 - file closed.

July 15th 2002, age 20 - LM seen at Scarborough Gen Hospital. Saw his father's psychiatrist. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in remission. No facial expression, didn't talk much. Said prozac made him sick. Prescribed anti-depressants.

November 2002 - major psychotic episode. Medication increased.

March 6th 2003 - LM's dad takes him to see his psychiatrist at ER in Rouge Valley Center because he was worried about him. Confused, couldn't concentrate, thought people were watching and taping him, afraid, agitated, hearing voices. Hospitalised until March 18th and treated with injections of anti-psychotics.

March 25th 2003 - rehospitalised. Psychotic. Thinks roomates are watching him and taking away his thoughts. Hearing voices. Low energy, irritable, panic attacks. Wants to kill himself but won't because of his mother. Poor memory of events.

April 7th 2003 - Released from hospital. Still paranoid.

October 2003 - Starts seeing GP Dr Tan. Oct. 30, 2003. Notes of intake nurse. "Manic depressive and mild form of schizophrenia. Actor. bisex". Magnotta was on Ontario Disability Support Program at the time. Has had three hospitalizations for mania. A litany of medications is listed, including valium and antipsychotics.

December 2003 - tells psychiatrist he is going to be a "superstar".

2003 - lived in Harrison House. Hearing voices, having trouble understanding his illness, having trouble socialising, paranoid.Thoought the other residents were jealous of him. (Appears in his first *advertiser censored* film - Street Bait 996:Luka - note, this has been disputed as this *advertiser censored* may have actually been filmed in 2005).

November 2003 - left Harrison House. Couldn't live with his grandmother. Homeless for a time.

2004 - appears in *advertiser censored* movie "Son of Posedon".

Jan 6, 2004 - moved from Lindsay Ont, to Toronto and lived with Greek family. Hears voices laughing at him.

April 23rd 2004 - happy with Greek family and taking his medication.

May 11, 2004 - Magnotta saw his GP with his mother. Dr wrote wrote in medical files that he was no longer a model/actor.

Aug 3, 2004 - Magnotta was feeling lots of stress, and starting to hear voices. Said stepparents "playing games" with him.

August 19th 2004 - left Greek family. LM says they lied about him. Now staying with a Jamaican family. Starts going to the Church of Scientology.

Sept 2004 - LM is hospitalised for week and a half for depression.

September 14th 2004 - LM accused of fraud. His co-accused (who later had his charges dropped) Minakakis said in a later interview “He just seemed so scared, so unstable, when it came to anybody. Say, ‘Boo,’ he would jump, you know what I mean? Somewhere down the line, he must have got real twisted.”
Minakakis said that LM would buy good with the credit cards and them give them to people, trying to get people to like him. Said that LM was weird and they called him "schitzo".

November 2004 - GP writes that mood is stable.

December 2004 - GP writes that LM saw social worker for psycho-social issues. Doesn't remember why.
December 2004 - tells psychiatrist his dad doesn't love him and lied to him.

2005 - features in more pornographic movies.

February 2005 - LM staying with his dad. Thinks a black mercedes is following him. Says he doesn't belong in Toronto, he belongs in LA.

March 8th 2005 - LM tells his GP that people are trying to ruin his modelling career by taking pictures of him and putting them on the internet. LM is hearing voices and believed people were following him. Rarely leaving the house and trying to drown out the voices with music. People said LM walked like a monkey, but his psychiatrist didn't believe him. Dr Tan said LM's speech was a bit odd - fast. He thought LM was delusional.
LM living with stepparents in Scarborough and believed people were watching him through binoculors.

April 2005 - LM's mother writes to his psychiatrist and says that she is very concerned about his mental health. She says he is worried about fraud charges and feeling anxious, paranoid, distressed.
LM is missing doctor appointments for his antipsychotic injections.

May 2005 - GP visit. Antipsychotics have been changed. LM thought he walked like a monkey "because of his knees". Not hearing voices but delusional.

June 2005 - Still anxious and paranoid. Found guilty of fraud. Receives 20 hours of community service. His lawyer says that he is terrified of revenge from the victim's father, who is a powerful man in the Greek community.

July 2005 - LM wants to switch psychiatrists from the one his father sees so GP Dr. Tan gives him a referral. Writes "male with a long-standing history of paranoid schizophrenia".
Dr. Weinstien of North York General saw Magnotta and sent Tan a report. Said they couldn't see him cause didn't live in catchment area.

November 7th 2005 - Psychiatrist writes that LM is living alone and unhappy.

2006 - LM's sister says his personality starts to change. He becomes more distant, unable to communicate and paranoid.

January 2006 - dates Barbie Swallows for about 4 months. She moves into his apartment in Toronto for a "couple of weeks". Said he was narcissistic, paranoid, had a temper and wasn't interested in kissing or sex, just wanted to hold her hand. He became angry when she found out that his real name was Eric, and accused her of "snooping". He was working as an escort and in *advertiser censored* films. Said he liked giving her lovebites, but said he was very squeamish about things on TV and would turn his head away. Said he was fascinated with Barnardo and Homolka and his face would light up when he talked about them.

Summer 2006 - hair transplant, changed name to LM.

Winter 2006 - LM tells GP he has been to Cuba but returned home 5 days early due to depression. Having sexual performance anxiety. Changed name because being followed. Moving a lot - currently in Peteborough.

2007 - appears in Naked News filmed interview speaking about being an escort. Uses the name Jimmy. Is also videoed auditioning for "Cover Guy", hoping to win the prize of plastic surgery. The judges tell him he is too skinny.

March 2007 - files for bankruptsy in Mississauga, Ontario, due to "illness, lack of employment and insufficient income to pay off debts". Says that he spends $200 per month on medication.

May 2007 - tells his psychiatrist he thinks people don't like him and police are investigating him.

May 30th 2007 - writes online article about "Overcoming Mental Illness" in which he claims to suffer from Bipolar Disorder.

August 21st 2007 - sees his psychiatrist Dr. Sooriabalan. Says he is not sleeping. Says people are spreading rumours that he is dating Karla Homolka. Dr. writes that LM is not receiving any disability allowance. Adjusts his dosage of medications.

September 2007 - is filmed by the Toronto Sun denying rumours that he is dating Karla Homolka.

September 21st 2007 - files a police report saying he was being harassed. Said he was a gay sex worker who advertised in several magazines and online sites, and that he recieved a death threat. “He said he was the victim of a recent newspaper article that mentioned he had a liaison with Karla Homolka. He said he’d received several emails since that story was published asking him how to contact her.”

October 18th 2007 - tells psychiatrist he has been making *advertiser censored* movies. Magnotta told Sooriabalan, “Everyone is talking about me … I am being investigated.” Showed the Dr a newspaper clipping from the Toronto Sun, denying he is dating Homolka. Dr want to hospitalise him but he refuses.
“Patient doesn’t think it is his own delusional thought … doesn’t want to be admitted,” Sooriabalan wrote.

2008 - enrages youtube users by arguing that Family Guy should be banned. Spends a lot of time on the internet, with a lot of sockpuppet accounts. Creates several flickr accounts with pictures of himself, and pictures of Bernardo and Holmolka. Write article claiming to have had a child with his sister, and to be engaged to Holmolka.

February 2008 - is videoed auditioning for "Plastic Makes Perfect", hoping to win further hair transplants.

January 2009 - uploaded a photo claiming to be him with Karla Holmolka.

April 2009 - appears in another pornographic film.

June 2009 - posts on forums asking for advice about his relationship problems with his 21-year-old boyfriend of 8-months.

June - July 2009 - posts numerous articles on a blog online, including ones saying that people hate him because he is so good-looking. Apparently disappears from the internet for over a year after this.

October 26, 2009 -Magnotta started seeing doc Robert Weinstein at North York General hosp, Ontario. Dr writes Magnotta is stable, aware of his condition and medications and accepts his diagnosis.

2010 - LM appears in another *advertiser censored* movie. His "co-star", "Daddy Mugs", is a much older man.

May 2010 - LM stressed, appears unstable, doctor recommends doubling his meds.
June 4th 2010 - LM signs up as a student at Orea Real Estate College in Toronto.

July 4th 2010 - LM taking meds intermittently. Psych writes that his older boyfriend appears to be abusive and to be using him for sex. Dr recommends doubling his medication as he appears stressed.

August 2010 - LM has lost weight, is stressed, had to give up his real estate course as couldn't concentrate. Says his ex is harassing him. Hearing voices. Not taking his meds properly. Doctor tells him he has to take his meds regularly, especially during times of stress.

30th November 2010 - LM writes advert asking for "very very dominant, aggressive and sadistic men" or women to tie him up and abuse him. The picture of LM tied up and gagged that accompanied this picture was apparently taken in the same room where the kittens were killed.

December 2010 - uploads a video of himself suffocating two kittens.

January 2011 - After he is named as the kitten killer by animal rights groups, LM writes a series of e-mails to lawyer Romeo Salta about animal rights activists targetting him, and about "Manny" abusing him and raping him.

January 19th 2011 - LM is taken to Mount Sinai Hospital by the police. Initial diagnosis - "acute psychotic breakdown." Not alcohol or drugs. Sectioned against his will under the Baker Act. Said he was in an abusive relationship and was handcuffed. Confused about recent events - didn't know how he'd gotten to hospital. Paranoid. Denied hearing voices, said his drink had been spiked with drugs. Said he had no drug or alcohol problems and no history of mental illness. Insisted he didn't take any psychiatric medication - "I'm not crazy!" The doctors phoned LM's mother but she refused to tell them that he had no psychiatric problems. LM didnt speak to her for a year after this.
Discharged the next day as he seemed normal and not psychotic but told to come back for an evaluation. Diagnosis - unspecified substance abuse.

July 20th 2011 - Dr. Andree David (GP) - LM saw her asking how to gain weight. Wrote that LM had a fixed stare and monotonous voice. LM in Quebec for 4 months. "Chronic fatigue, referral to Royal Vic sleep clinic." Dr wrote that LM was taking temazpam at the time. He didn't prescribe any as this was LM's first visit.

September 2011 - internet posts about the kitten killing videos he will upload in December.

December 2011 - uploads videos of himself drownng one kitten and feeding another to a python.
Uploaded a video to youtube describing himself as the “Myra Hindley of Canada”.

10th December 2011 - LM is interviewed by Sun reporter Alex West in London, and denies having anything to do with the kitten killing videos. The Sun had received e-mail tips about where LM was staying, and they believe that he sent these himself. LM is escorted away from the hotel by police for not paying for his room. Two days later, threatening e-mail is sent to Alex West.

21st December 2011 - internet post asking what kind of sedative works best.

February 2012 - LM's sister says he sent her an e-mail with a link to a video of a snake eating a kitted and the message, "He did it for his sister." The email said he was "on the run and not ... able to return to Ontario

March 2012 - Has Skype conversation with his sister. She said he jumped from topic to topic and seemed "possessed".

16th March 2012 - writes blog articles about "Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta".

April 17 2012 - Saw psychiatrist for an hour at Jewish General Hospital. Wears a wig to the appointment. Denies any history of schizophrenia but says he has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and has had psychotic symptoms in the past brought on by marijuana and cocaine abuse. He said he needed a psychiatrist. Says his was abused as a child and had to move to Montreal to get away from his family because they were "sanctimonious, pontificating and nefarious" in their actions. Psychiatrist writes that LM does not seem to have Bipolar Disorder or psychosis. Diagnoses him with borderline personality disorder.
Rayemonde - can you please add some links and/or explain where this information came from? If it all came from MSM twitters, if you could just link up the twitters, that would be great.


I already have an updated version! This one has more information. The information here comes mainly from the tweets of journalists at the court case. Mostly Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD, suemontgomery @MontgomerySue, salimah shivji @salimah_shivji. Further information comes from the MSM articles these journalists wrote. The tweets are all transcribed here:

Information on Magnotta's internet posts comes from here:

1999 (age 18) - LM's grandmother takes him to see a psychiatrist because she is concerned about him.

April 2001 - Magnotta was seen several times by community workers in a crisis centre. Was referred to psychiatrist.
“I am not sure what we’re dealing with. Bizarre, interesting presentation,” wrote a psychiatrist who saw Magnotta when he was 18. The doctor wondered if LM was looking for secondary gains. He had gone in for a sore throat but said he heard voices. Magnotta went to community crisis centre about six times but didn’t follow up with doc appt.

2001 -lived in Harrison House, a group home for young people with serious mental illness. Suffering from psychosis. Writes a letter to his mother about alcoholic, violent, dirty who can't provide for his family. Writes that he loves his mother but he had to move out or would have died of nervous breakdown.
August 2001 - LM felt sad and isolated whilst living in a group home for people with schizophrenia. takes the entire bottle of a new medication in a suicide attempt. Took 30mg Rivotril .

2002 - Nina Arsenault claims she dated LM briefly whilst he was working as a stripper in a Toronto nightclub. Says he was a “manipulative pathological liar", took methamphetamine and used to punch himself in the head. Said he joked about killing animals and killing his family.
Note: methamphetamine is a drug commonly used by gay men to increase sex drive. It can cause psychosis that is virtually indistinguishable from schizophrenia psychosis. Some researchers think that the use of meth can trigger full-blown schizophrenia in genetically-succeptible individuals.
2002 - 2003 LM is working as an escort under the name "Jimmy".

March 26th 2002 - LM is seen at the Lindsay Ross Memorial Hospital, Toronto East Gen Hospital. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Heard male and female voices, and thought the police and FBI were after him. Thought people could hear his thoughts. His grandmothers wanted him to go back into the group home. Taking sleeping pills and antipsychotics. Seemed normal, but had little facial expression no matter what the topic. Admitted he was mentally ill and wanted treatment. Stressed because unemployed. Living in Toronto. No personality disorders. LM had many medication adjustments over several months in 2002.
June 21st 2002 - file closed.

July 15th 2002, age 20 - LM seen at Scarborough Gen Hospital. Saw his father's psychiatrist. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in remission. No facial expression, didn't talk much. Said prozac made him sick. Prescribed anti-depressants.

November 2002 - major psychotic episode. Medication increased.

2003 - lived in Harrison House. Hearing voices, having trouble understanding his illness, having trouble socialising, paranoid.Thought the other residents were jealous of him. (Appears in his first *advertiser censored* film - Street Bait 996:Luka - note, this has been disputed as this *advertiser censored* may have actually been filmed in 2005).
Drs note describe LM's "whiny and childlike" voice and that he thinks he is being watched through a window.

March 6th 2003 - LM's dad takes him to see his psychiatrist at ER in Rouge Valley Center because he was worried about him. Confused, couldn't concentrate, thought people were watching and taping him, afraid, agitated, hearing voices. Hospitalised until March 18th and treated with injections of anti-psychotics.

March 25th 2003 - rehospitalised. Psychotic. Thinks roomates are watching him and taking away his thoughts. Hearing voices. Low energy, irritable, panic attacks. Wants to kill himself but won't because of his mother. Poor memory of events.

April 7th 2003 - Released from hospital. Still paranoid.

October 2003 - Starts being GP Dr Tan. Oct. 30, 2003. Notes of intake nurse. "Manic depressive and mild form of schizophrenia. Actor. bisex". Magnotta was on Ontario Disability Support Program at the time. Has had three hospitalizations for mania. A litany of medications is listed, including valium and antipsychotics.

November 2003 - left Harrison House. Couldn't live with his grandmother. Homeless for a time.

December 2003 - tells psychiatrist he is going to be a "superstar".

2004 - appears in *advertiser censored* movie "Son of Posedon"

Jan 6th 2004 moved from Lindsay Ont, to Toronto and lived with Greek family. Hears voices laughing at him.

April 23rd 2004 - happy with Greek family and taking his medication.

May 11, 2004 - Magnotta saw his GP with his mother. Dr wrote wrote in medical files that he was no longer a model/actor.

Aug 3, 2004 - Magnotta was feeling lots of stress, and starting to hear voices. Said stepparents "playing games" with him.

August 19th 2004 - left Greek family. LM says they lied about him. Now staying with a Jamaican family. Starts going to the Church of Scientology.

Sept 2004 LM is hospitalised for week and a half for depression.

September 14th 2004 - LM accused of fraud. He is also initially charged with sexually assaulting a vulnerable young woman and videoing it, but these charges are dropped.
His co-accused (who later had all his charges dropped) Minakakis said in a later interview “He just seemed so scared, so unstable, when it came to anybody. Say, ‘Boo,’ he would jump, you know what I mean? Somewhere down the line, he must have got real twisted.”
Minakakis said that LM would buy good with the credit cards and them give them to people, trying to get people to like him. Said that LM was weird and they called him "schitzo".

November 2004 - GP writes that mood is stable.

December 2004 - GP writes that LM saw social worker for psycho-social issues. Doesn't remember why.
December 2004 - tells psychiatrist his dad doesn't love him and lied to him.

2005 - features in more pornographic movies. Appear as a model in "Fab" magazine using a false name.

February 25th 2005 - psychiatrist appointment. LM staying with his dad. Thinks a black mercedes is following him. Says he doesn't belong in Toronto, he belongs in LA. Another appointment made for a month later “for continuation of medication and for reassessment of his mental state.” LM doesn't show up.

March 8th 2005 - LM tells his GP that people are trying to ruin his modelling career by taking pictures of him and putting them on the internet. LM is hearing voices and believed people were following him. Rarely leaving the house and trying to drown out the voices with music. People said LM walked like a monkey, but his psychiatrist didn't believe him. Dr Tan said LM's speech was a bit odd - fast. He thought LM was delusional.
LM living with stepparents in Scarborough and believed people were watching him through binoculors.

March 25th 2005 - LM doesn't show up to his appointment with his psychiatrist for "continuation of medication and for reassessment of his mental state".

April 2005 - LM's mother writes to his psychiatrist and says that she is very concerned about his mental health. She says he is worried about fraud charges and feeling anxious, paranoid, distressed.
LM is missing doctor appointments for his antipsychotic injections.

May 2005 - GP visit. Antipsychotics have been changed. LM thought he walked like a monkey "because of his knees". Not hearing voices but delusional.
- Psychiatrist writes letter to court about LM's schizophrenia. Writes that LM is on two antipsychotic drugs, Seroquel and Risperdal; an anti-anxiety medication (Ativan); a night sedative (Nitrazepan) and a drug to counteract unwanted side-effects from his antipsychotics (Cogentin). He is also supposed to visit the outpatient department “for supportive psychotherapy and health education.”

June 2005 - Still anxious and paranoid. Pleads guilty to fraud. Receives 20 hours of community service. His lawyer says that he is terrified of revenge from the victim's father, who is a powerful man in the Greek community.

July 2005 - LM wants to switch psychiatrists from the one his father sees so GP Dr. Tan gives him a referral. Writes "male with a long-standing history of paranoid schizophrenia".
Dr. Weinstien of North York General saw Magnotta and sent Tan a report. Said they couldn't see him cause didn't live in catchment area.

November 7th 2005 - Psychiatrist writes that LM is living alone and is unhappy.

2006 - LM's sister says his personality starts to change. He becomes more distant, unable to communicate and paranoid.

January 2006 - LM dates Barbie Swallows for about 4 months. She moves into his apartment in Toronto for a "couple of weeks". Said he was narcissistic, paranoid, had a temper and wasn't interested in kissing or sex, just wanted to hold her hand. He became angry when she found out that his real name was Eric, and accused her of "snooping". He was working as an escort and in *advertiser censored* films. Said he liked giving her lovebites, but said he was very squeamish about things on TV and would turn his head away. Said he was fascinated with Barnardo and Homolka and his face would light up when he talkes about them.

Summer 2006 - hair transplant, changed name to LM.

Winter 2006 - LM tells GP he has been to Cuba but returned home 5 days early due to depression. Having sexual performance anxiety. Changed name because being followed. Moving a lot - currently in Peteborough.

2007 - appears in Naked News filmed interview speaking about being an escort. Uses the name Jimmy. Is also videoed auditioning for "Cover Guy", hoping to win the prize of plastic surgery. The judges tell him he is too skinny.

March 2007 - files for bankruptsy in Mississauga, Ontario, due to "illness, lack of employment and insufficient income to pay off debts". Says that he spends $200 per month on medication.

May 2007 - tells his psychiatrist he thinks people don't like him and police are investigating him.

May 30th 2007 - writes online article about "Overcoming Mental Illness" in which he claims to suffer from Bipolar Disorder.

August 21st 2007 - sees his psychiatrist Dr. Sooriabalan. Says he is not sleeping. Says people are spreading rumours that he is dating Karla Homolka. Dr. writes that LM is not receiving any disability allowance. Adjusts his dosage of medications.

September 2007 - is filmed by the Toronto Sun denying rumours that he is dating Karla Homolka.

September 21st 2007 - files a police report saying he was being harassed. Said he was a gay sex worker who advertised in several magazines and online sites, and that he recieved a death threat. “He said he was the victim of a recent newspaper article that mentioned he had a liaison with Karla Homolka. He said he’d received several emails since that story was published asking him how to contact her.”

October 18th 2007 - tells psychiatrist he has been making *advertiser censored* movies. Magnotta told Sooriabalan, “Everyone is talking about me … I am being investigated.” Showed the Dr a newspaper clipping from the Toronto Sun, denying he is dating Homolka. Dr want to hospitalise him but he refuses.
“Patient doesn’t think it is his own delusional thought … doesn’t want to be admitted,” Sooriabalan wrote.

2008 - enrages youtube users by arguing that Family Guy should be banned. Spends a lot of time on the internet, with a lot of sockpuppet accounts. Creates several flickr accounts with pictures of himself, and pictures of Bernardo and Holmolka. Write article claiming to have had a child with his sister, and to be engaged to Holmolka. Gets a bad review on an escort website.

February 2008 - is videoed auditioning for "Plastic Makes Perfect", hoping to win further hair transplants.

January 2009 - uploaded a photo claiming to be him with Karla Holmolka.

April 2009 - appears in another pornographic film.

June 2009 - posts on forums asking for advice about his relationship problems with his 21-year-old boyfriend of 8-months.

June - July 2009 - posts numerous articles on a blog online, including ones saying that people hate him because he is so good-looking. Apparently disappears from the internet for over a year after this.

October 26, 2009 - Magnotta started seeing doc Robert Weinstein at North York General hosp, Ontario. Dr writes Magnotta is stable, aware of his condition and medications and accepts his diagnosis.
Magnotta travels Europe with a 70 year old man.

2010 - LM appears in another *advertiser censored* movie. His "co-star", "Daddy Mugs", is an older man.
- claims to have first met "Manny", Manuel Lopez in New York CIty. Claims Manny was a member of the Church of Scientology and made him stop taking his medication around July.

May 2010 - LM stressed, appears unstable, doctor recommends doubling his meds.

June 4th 2010 - LM signs up as a student at Orea Real Estate College in Toronto.

July 4th 2010 - LM taking meds intermittently. Psych writes that his older boyfriend appears to be abusive and to be using him for sex. Dr recommends doubling his medication as he appears stressed.

August 2010
- LM has lost weight, is stressed, had to give up his real estate course as couldn't concentrate. Says his ex is harassing him. Hearing voices. Not taking his meds properly. Doctor tells him he has to take his meds regularly, especially during times of stress.

21st August 2010 - LM writes online article arguing against the forced medication of mental patients.

3rd November 2010 - LM sets up an acount on with a blog entry on 'Police Interrogation Techniques'. He joins two groups on - "Photo Recovery Software" and "Martial Discipline".

30th November 2010 - LM writes advert asking for "very very dominant, aggressive and sadistic men" or women to tie him up and abuse him. The picture of LM tied up and gagged that accompanied this picture was apparently taken in the same room where the kittens were killed.

December 2010 - uploads a video of himself suffocating two kittens.

January 2011 - After he is named as the kitten killer by animal rights groups, LM writes a series of e-mails to lawyer Romeo Salta about animal rights activists targetting him, and about "Manny" abusing him and raping him.

January 19th 2011 - LM is taken to Mount Sinai Hospital by the police. Initial diagnosis - "acute psychotic breakdown." Not alcohol or drugs. Sectioned against his will under the Baker Act. Said he was in an abusive relationship and was handcuffed. Confused about recent events - didn't know how he'd gotten to hospital. Paranoid. Denied hearing voices, said his drink had been spiked with drugs. Said he had no drug or alcohol problems and no history of mental illness. Insisted he didn't take any psychiatric medication - "I'm not crazy!" The doctors phoned LM's mother but she refused to tell them that he had no psychiatric problems. LM didnt speak to her for a year after this.
Discharged the next day as he seemed normal and not psychotic but told to come back for an evaluation. Diagnosis - unspecified substance abuse.

April 17th 2011 - writes online post under one of his false accounts about LM the "male model". Says "he was on Risperidal - it caused him ALOT of troubles!"

July 2011 - writes online post under one of his false accounts about LM and mentions that ""Luka is Borderline Personality Disorder".
July 20th 2011 - Dr. Andree David (GP) - LM saw her asking how to gain weight. Wrote that LM had a fixed stare and monotonous voice. LM in Quebec for 4 months. "Chronic fatigue, referral to Royal Vic sleep clinic." Dr wrote that LM was taking temazpam at the time. He didn't prescribe any as this was LM's first visit.

September 1st 2011 - LM writes long intenet post on saying that he is "On the verge of a nervous breakdown - on the verge!" Writes about how his mother would not bail him out of the mental hospital after he was raped. Describes abuse in his past and claims to be married and having nothing more to do with his family.

September 2011 - internet posts about the kitten killing videos he will upload in December.

November 2011 - LM writes a series of internet posts under false names about A. Minakakis , his co-accused in the 2004 fraud case, and Minakakis ' family. Calls AM a scammer, racist and psychopath. AM said in 2012 interviews that he had had no contact with LM since 2005.
LM wrote: "He pretends you are his friend, then he gets you to deposit bogus cheques into bank machines for him IN YOUR ACCOUNT. Then when the bank finds out and checks the security camera, your the one who gets in trouble and he hides off camera . . . Do NOT sign for credit for them, they will SCAM YOU BIG TIME."

December 2011 - Moves into an apartment in Monreal. Speaks with a slavic accent.
- uploads videos of himself drowning one kitten and feeding another to a python.
- uploads a video to youtube describing himself as the “Myra Hindley of Canada”.

10th December 2011 - LM is interviewed by Sun reporter Alex West in London, and denies having anything to do with the kitten killing videos. The Sun had received e-mail tips about where LM was staying, and they believe that he sent these himself. LM is escorted away from the hotel by police for not paying for his room. Two days later, threatening e-mail is sent to Alex West.

21st December 2011 - internet post asking what kind of sedative works best.

February 2012 - LM's sister says he sent her an e-mail with a link to a video of a snake eating a kitted and the message, "He did it for his sister." The email said he was "on the run and not ... able to return to Ontario.
LM moves out of his apartment and tells the building manager he is moving to Toronto, but he actually only moves a short distance to another apartment in Montreal. Going by name of Rocco.

March 2012 - LM's sister says she had a Skype conversation with him. She said he jumped from topic to topic and seemed "possessed".
Thomas M (a man in his mid 60s) hires LM as an escort from Rentboy website and sees him twice in March and three times in May. $150 a time. LM cancelled one date because he said he had laryngitis. TM had trouble reaching LM at one point because he'd apparently changed his number from the one on the rentboy website.
TM he chose LM because he looked young. LM went to TM's apartment and there was no bondage involved. Said he had LM back again because he was clean-cut - never smoked marijuana didn't drink. LM talked about moving to New York.

15th March 2012 - Appointment at the Maisonneuve Rose Clinic. Says that he is on anti-anxiety medication and anti-depressants and has been followed for 15-years in Ontario for bipolar disorder. Referred to psychiatrist.

16th March 2012 - writes blog articles about "Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta".

April 17 2012 - Saw psychiatrist at Jewish General Hospital. Wears a wig to the appointment. Denies any history of schizophrenia but says he has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and has had psychotic symptoms in the past brought on by marijuana and cocaine abuse. He said he needed a psychiatrist. Says his was abused as a child and had to move to Montreal to get away from his family because they were "sanctimonious, pontificating and nefarious" in their actions. LM says he is compulsively pulling his hair out. Diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

May 2012 - TM hires LM three times as an escort this month. The last time was May 14th, when LM brings his new puppy along. He said he had to bring it along because he had to feed it. He didn't bring any food for it, so they gave it a bowl of milk. TM says LM was gentle with the puppy.

May 18th 2012 - Mystery Man goes into Magnotta's apartment, and leaves the next day looking unsteady on his feet.

May 21st 2012 - Thomas M was supposed to hire LM as an escort again, but texts LM a few days before to check it is still on and never gets a reply.

May 24th 2012 - Jun Lin goes into Magnotta's apartment and is killed.
Looking at 2004, he was homeless but then in January 2004 he moved in with a Greek family and was happy. Then he left them in August because 'they lied about him'. Then he is charged with fraud in September (and sexual assault). The victim's father is a 'powerful man in the Greek community'. Looks like this family took him in and he repaid them by defrauding and sexually assaulting one of them :( And his mental health is good at the time he must have been committing the credit card fraud, and it isn't until he is found out that he becomes unwell.
Tweets from Day 21 of the Trial, LM's treating psychiatrist Dr Roy on the stand:

Tweets from TUESDAY 4 NOVEMBER, 2014 (day 22). Dr Thomas Barth, psychiatrist who treated LM in prison in Berlin on the stand:

Tweets from WEDNESDAY, 5 NOVEMBER 2014 (day 23), Dr Thomas Barth still on the stand. Scroll down and Dr Roy takes the stand to resume her testimony near the bottom of the page:

Tweets from day 24. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Marie-Frédérique Allard takes the stand.
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