Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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Online postings promoting the Jun Lin dismemberment video dominated Luka Magnotta's murder trial on Wednesday.

Did they?! Grrr, I wish there had been more reporters tweeting.

"I have been trying to make sense of it, I hope it was not me, I don't remember doing it, it feels weird."

Earlier Wednesday, Watts said he wished Magnotta had "put a little more effort" into remembering details.

Watts' report notes an "atypical" degree of memory loss, "particularly while in Europe" where Magnotta fled after killing Lin.

Under cross-examination, Watts suggested Magnotta didn't want to remember details of the events to avoid "distress."

Bouthillier added, "perhaps because he feels guilty about them."

Watts agreed, saying Magnotta expressed shame and remorse during their meetings.
The following tweets are translated using google translate. From

François Messier MessierSRC 4m · 4 minutes ago
#Magnotta Trial resumes. Crown still has some questions for the psychiatrist Joel Watts

François Messier MessierSRC 3m · 3 minutes ago
Watts said he considered the possibility that simulates #Magnotta illness or exaggerating his symptoms, but he rejected this hypothesis

François Messier MessierSRC 1m · 1 minute ago
Watts said that he did not rely only criteria Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual ( DSM5 ) to assess this aspect #Magnotta

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM 2m · 2 minutes ago
Dr. Watts was questioned about the exaggeration of a patient's symptoms . #Magnotta

François Messier MessierSRC · 52s 53 seconds ago
The cons -examination Watts is completed; he is currently re-examined by counsel for #Magnotta Luc Leclair
Dr. Joel Watts says he confronted Magnotta about such possible posts but told jurors at his murder trial today he couldn't recall the source of the information or if it was part of the evidence in the case.
Watts told the Crown under cross-examination he thought it was pertinent to ask about the possible promotion and noted Magnotta's response in his report on the accused.

You see! Good old Watts - we were worried that this stuff might not make it into evidence :loveyou:
salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 9m 9 minutes ago
Crown done with Watts, #Magnotta defence lawyer now re-examining. Gets Watts to read malingering definition.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 1m 1 minute ago
Watts says #Magnotta only met 1 of the 4 criteria on malingering outlined in manual on mental disorders (DSM)

christianedesjardins chridesjardins 3m · 3 minutes ago
Dr. Watts Leclair questions about Rebecca 's friend, #Magnotta . which made ​​him keep a python . Real or imaginary friend ?

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 1m 1 minute ago
Watts says forensic psychiatrists required to inquire, but not investigate. If information missing, "we work with what we have". #Magnotta

François Messier MessierSRC 2m · 2 minutes ago
Watts adds that his work is not that of an investigator (The Crown has been criticized for not asking certain questions) #Magnotta
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François Messier MessierSRC 4m · 4 minutes ago
"I 'm doing the best I can with what I have ," said Watts , having said that it is normal not to have all the info you want #Magnotta

christianedesjardins chridesjardins 4m · 4 minutes ago
Dr. Watts said he did the best he could with the information he had . Rebecca did not , or Manny . #Magnotta
(christianedesjardins @chridesjardins · 6m 6 minutes ago
Dr Watts dit qu'il a fait du mieux qu'il pouvait avec les renseignements qu'il avait. N'avait pas Rebecca, ni Manny. #Magnotta)

François Messier MessierSRC · 42s 42 seconds ago
#Magnotta Says it is Lin Jun who asked him for temazepam . Watts said that the answer is "plausible"
François Messier MessierSRC 4m · 4 minutes ago
Watts said that the fact that an individual has holes memories can not be taken as evidence that they're faking #Magnotta
(François Messier @MessierSRC · 4m 4 minutes ago
Watts dit que le fait qu'un individu a des trous de mémoires ne peut être considéré comme une preuve qu'il simule #Magnotta)

Michaël Nguyen @MNguyenJDM · 4m 4 minutes ago
Qu'un patient ne se souvienne pas de tout ne signifie pas qu-il joue la comédie, dit le Dr Watts. #Magnotta
(Michaël Nguyen @MNguyenJDM · 4m 4 minutes ago
Qu'un patient ne se souvienne pas de tout ne signifie pas qu-il joue la comédie, dit le Dr Watts. #Magnotta)

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 4m 4 minutes ago
Watts: Just because a person has some memory loss doesn't mean they are faking symptoms of a mental illness. #Magnotta

François Messier MessierSRC 5m · 5 minutes ago
The fact that there are inconsistencies Nor is proving an element simulation or exaggeration of symptoms -Watts #Magnotta
(Le fait qu'il y ait des incohérences n'est pas davantage un élément prouvant la simulation ou l'exagération des symptômes -Watts #Magnotta)

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM 6m · 6 minutes ago
After the Crown has noted everything that Dr. Watts did not, it explained why he was not asked any . #Magnotta
(Après que la Couronne ait noté tout ce que le Dr Watts n'a pas demandé, ce dernier expliqué pourquoi il n'a pas tout demandé. #Magnotta)

christianedesjardins chridesjardins 1m1 minute ago
#Magnotta Is leaning forward in the dock , and look down. His lawyer reexamines the psychiatrist Joel Watts
(#Magnotta est penché vers l'avant, dans le box des accusés, et regarde vers le sol. Son avocat réinterroge le psychiatre Joel Watts)

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM · 35s 35 seconds ago
We now look at pictures of #JunLin #Magnotta that had erased his computer seized in Berlin.

Michaël Nguyen ‏@MNguyenJDM 1m1 minute ago
Pause de 5min. #Magnotta
How are you feeling about your defence, Luka? Feeling confident?

monkey snow.gif
10m10 minutes ago
chridesjardins still no reaction from #Magnotta in the box?

christianedesjardins chridesjardins 8M8 minutes ago
He sits very still in the box .

christianedesjardins chridesjardins · 47s 48 seconds ago
#Magnotta . It appears that the jury has a question for the witness, the judge said.
(Il semble que le jury aura une question à poser au témoin, dit le juge.)

chridesjardins 3m · 3 minutes ago
The jury is back. Leclair shows me photos of Lin Jun #Magnotta and juxtaposed as an assembly. Ds computer found the accused
(Le jury est de retour. Me Leclair montre les photos de #Magnotta et Lin Jun juxtaposées, comme un montage. Trouvées ds ordi de l'accusé)

chridesjardins 1m · 1 minute ago
The question the jury will be asked when Mr. Leclair has finished questioning the witness . #Magnotta .

François Messier MessierSRC · 58s 58 seconds ago
Technical problem causes break in the afternoon trial #Magnotta . Return at 15:40

François Messier MessierSRC 2m · 2 minutes ago
#Magnotta Trial resumes. Leclair shows Watts a picture of Lin Jun published in The Gazette on 30 or 31 May 2012

François Messier MessierSRC 4m · 4 minutes ago
Leclair also shows a picture montage with Lin Jun #Magnotta published in the National Post on June 1, 2012

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 40s 40 seconds ago
Leclair shows Watts 3 news articles from 2012 with photos, similar to photos found on #Magnotta computer. Lin on left, Magnotta on right.

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM 6m · 6 minutes ago
The lawyer #Magnotta shows screenshots of articles about #JunLin , which date from May 31, 2012. six days after the murder.

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM 5m · 5 minutes ago
According to an article in the Gazette , the National Post another . Accompanied by an image juxtaposing #Magnotta and #JunLin

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM 4m · 4 minutes ago
And finally, a photo of a #Magnotta styling article in the Ottawa Citizen.

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM 3m · 3 minutes ago
These photos were found in the computer of #Magnotta . They had been deleted but recovered.

François Messier MessierSRC · 59s 59 seconds ago
The link with Basic Instinct , it's important to you? Not really . Not enough for me to ask questions about it #Magnotta -Watts

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM · 16s 16 seconds ago
"I do not think there is a link ," said Dr. Watts re-examination by counsel for #Magnotta
chridesjardins 5m · 5 minutes ago
Leclair me back to the subject of painted silver color screwdriver found in garbage #Magnotta . Copy Basic Instincts .

chridesjardins 3m · 3 minutes ago
Dr. Watts questioned #Magnotta on the screwdriver , but did not mention Basic Instinct . The psychiatrist thinks there is no report.
chridesjardins · 7m 7 minutes ago
Leclair asked me if Dr. Watts #Magnotta questioned about these pictures. No, says the psychiatrist, not specifically .

chridesjardins 8m · 8 minutes ago
Photos of Jun Lin and Magnotta appeared in the National Post June 1, 2012. They are identical to those found ds computer #Magnot

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 3m 3 minutes ago
Watts says he never asked #Magnotta about the photos, or if he put them in the "unallocated clusters" on his computer.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 2m 2 minutes ago
Watts says the links to film Basic Instinct weren't that important to him while assessing #Magnotta. He didn't ask questions about it.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 2m 2 minutes ago
Leclair tells judge he's almost done with questions. Just my impression, but seems like Watts is tired on his 4th day of testimony.

François Messier MessierSRC · 40s 41 seconds ago
End of re-examination of Joel Watts . Judge asks the jury to retire . Not clear that he will return fuction . however, to follow. #Magnotta
(Fin du réinterrogatoire de Joel Watts. Juge demande au jury de se retirer. Pas clair qu'il reviendra auj. cependant, à suivre. )

Testimony of Dr. Watts completed . P- e still questions the judge. It will be fixed in 10 minutes
(Michaël Nguyen @MNguyenJDM · 3m 3 minutes ago
Témoignage du Dr Watts terminé. Reste p-e des questions du juge. On sera fixé dans 10min)

Michael Nguyen MNguyenJDM 1m1 minute ago
Off- board , we'll know in 10 minutes if we take today or tomorrow . #Magnotta
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François Messier MessierSRC 3m3 minutes ago
End of re-examination of Joel Watts . Judge asks the jury to retire . Not clear that he will return fuction . however, to follow. #Magnotta

christianedesjardins @chridesjardins · 6m 6 minutes ago
Fin des questions de Me Leclair pour le Dr Watts. Le jury se retire, mais reviendra ds dizaine de minutes. C'est hors jury maintenant.
Following his arrest, Magnotta told Watts he was paranoid and sent the e-mail under a pseudonym to scare away British journalists.

"Perhaps he was simply understanding that they would infer that it was him," Watts said Tuesday under cross-examination from Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier.

"So he played games with them?" Bouthillier asked.

Watts replied: "Yes, there was a certain degree of gamesmanship going on. He told me that...not that he was playing a game because he thought it was fun, he was trying to intimidate them." the photos of JL alive WERE photos he saved from the internet. From the stories that were being published after the murder.

So why did he choose June 1st to delete everything? What happened on that day that got him nervous that someone would have access to his computer? Is that the day he showed up at Frank's place? Did he think Frank would see some of this stuff on his computer? Did he leave the computer at Frank's place that day when he went to the internet café? I don't think he had it with him there did he? I'm sure he had a password though.

I wish we could have had a better understanding of the conversation about the trailer and the posts on May 15th. Doesn't sound like it was played for the jury though does it? Nor does it seem like it or the posts were entered into evidence?

I guess we'll wait for the news stories later. There is a lot of disinterest in this trial now. The Toronto Sun rarely even does a story about it. The other English language papers pretty much just run with Christie Blatchford's comment. Only the CBC site seems to have any English language stories at all.

I guess he's not even going to be infamous. To be honest, I can't remember the name of the guy who killed the other guy on the greyhound bus and was found NCR. I think this case will end up like that. Either way the verdict comes in. Someone already said it earlier in the thread. LM will just be known as the guy who mailed the body parts.

I'm confused... why is the DEFENCE bringing up these photos of JL?
Magnotta also told Dr. Watts he could not remember why he titled his video One Lunatic, One Icepick. However, he admitted to having visited websites "gore" (bloody), like those who spread the video he filmed.

He also admitted that it was "possible" that he himself sent the video to one of these sites using the pseudonym Alan Ford.

English translation:
I'm confused... why is the DEFENCE bringing up these photos of JL?

The Crown already did but the tweets surrounding that were vague and confusing. Just like the ones around the defense asking about them on re-cross were vague. Not sure what the defence was trying to get Dr. Watts to say about the photos. He already told the Crown that he did not ask about them. I guess the defense was trying to get him to give one of his stock answers like "it was not unusual for him to save these photos from the internet in his psychosis. I've had patients who have done that". It is typical behaviour of someone in a psychosis".

Pulleeze. It is typical behaviour of someone who wanted to save the photos of his handiwork on his computer. Including the ones that made the news afterwards. And he had them all on there until he got nervous for some reason. :dunno:

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji 9m9 minutes ago
That's it for #Magnotta today. Jury will be back tomorrow at 10:30.
From the tweets, perhaps due to google translates goofy translations plus the character limit of twitter... does it seem like Magnotta photoshopped himself into pictures with Jun?! I am slightly confused today. :yow:
I want the English journalists back!
salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji 9m9 minutes ago
That's it for #Magnotta today. Jury will be back tomorrow at 10:30.

Late start tomorrow. I wonder if the Crown will be starting their rebuttal or if the defense has any more witnesses to call?
From the tweets, perhaps due to google translates goofy translations plus the character limit of twitter... does it seem like Magnotta photoshopped himself into pictures with Jun?! I am slightly confused today. :yow:
I want the English journalists back!

I got the impression that he saved pictures from the National Post and other newspapers that were published on June 1st. At least one of the pictures was a side by side of both him and JL. Not together though. Just separate pictures of each of them put together in one photo.

I wonder why none of this is turning up in MSM as evidence that was entered? They were so good about it at first with all the evidence the Crown put up but it seems they lost gas when the defense's turn came around.

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