Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme To Be Released From Prison

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She thinks her incarceration was "unnecessary?"

Can you guys hear me laughing over here? That sentence should be enough to keep her in jail for the rest of her natural life.
From what I understand from an article I read, sorry no link, she has a brain tumor and that's why she's been at Carswell instead of in a Federal prison. She's been trying to get out on parol because her conditional is terminal.
Susan Atkins is the one with the brain tumor.
Squeaky Fromme has no business on the outside of her prison walls. If she is being medicated she may very well stop taking it and carnage will follow.
i dunno i see people that have done far worse than manson and his followers did .and they walk .. not sticking up in no way but im not suprised either .. there are people that kill pregnant women everyday shoot at presidents rape women ect ect they walk .. im really suprised all of these people were held as long as they were, really .

Carve up pregnant women AND shoot at presidents and walk? Really? Are we reading a different newspaper?

I'm not trying to be nasty, but seriously. Who else commits mass murder, including the very close up act of slicing open a pregnant woman (and 8 others), is convicted without any doubt (because they are so damned proud of it!) and walk. Who?

I'm not talking about people who were acquitted. The courts are their own issue. I'm not talking about those let off on a technicality. I'm talking about stone cold guilty, killed multiple people, and we all know it.

And then attempted to kill the president. NO ONE. She pointed a loaded gun at the president of the United States, and a Secret Service agent was able to stop her. Why? To get more attention for her beloved Charlie!

What will she do this time, now that the world has moved on and doesn't care about Charlie rotting in his little cell? How will she try to get our attention this time?

Sorry for being so vehement, but this woman should never see the light of day again. Who gives a crap if she won't do it again? The families of the nine victims don't deserve to have her sharing the same air as them, much less worrying if she is going to come along and find them. When you gleefully kill nine people, you don't get a second chance.
Carve up pregnant women AND shoot at presidents and walk? Really? Are we reading a different newspaper?

I'm not trying to be nasty, but seriously. Who else commits mass murder, including the very close up act of slicing open a pregnant woman (and 8 others), is convicted without any doubt (because they are so damned proud of it!) and walk. Who?

I'm not talking about people who were acquitted. The courts are their own issue. I'm not talking about those let off on a technicality. I'm talking about stone cold guilty, killed multiple people, and we all know it.

And then attempted to kill the president. NO ONE. She pointed a loaded gun at the president of the United States, and a Secret Service agent was able to stop her. Why? To get more attention for her beloved Charlie!

What will she do this time, now that the world has moved on and doesn't care about Charlie rotting in his little cell? How will she try to get our attention this time?

Sorry for being so vehement, but this woman should never see the light of day again. Who gives a crap if she won't do it again? The families of the nine victims don't deserve to have her sharing the same air as them, much less worrying if she is going to come along and find them. When you gleefully kill nine people, you don't get a second chance.
This thread is about Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme.
Actually, Squeaky was not present at nor did she participate in either the Tate nor the La Bianca murders. She was never accused of nor was she tried for those murders.
She did aim a gun at President Ford but the gun did not have a bullet in the chamber and the Secret Service was able to subdue her.
I just hope she has relatives or friends to live with outside the DFW area. We don't need any more assassinations or attempted assassinations.... IMO, what she did wasn't that different from what Hinkley or any other attempted assassin did. She had the intent, even if she was mentally ill as he was.
Dallas still tries to downplay the fact that JFK was shot to death on their streets, anyway. We don't need another infamous President hater.
Lynette Fromme wanted to bring attention to the plight of the CA redwoods that she believed were in danger of falling. So in her warped little mind, she thought pointing a gun would get her more attention. She said in later years that “His life didn’t mean more to me than the redwoods.” She’s a nut job and to this day remains unrepentant. How in the world do you get paroled and not be sorry for what you did? The parole board is as loony as the inmates. Maybe she'll get a parole violation and be sent back before she murders some innocent.:praying:
This thread is about Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme.
Actually, Squeaky was not present at nor did she participate in either the Tate nor the La Bianca murders. She was never accused of nor was she tried for those murders.
She did aim a gun at President Ford but the gun did not have a bullet in the chamber and the Secret Service was able to subdue her.

I apologize for my mistake. She was not there for the murders. However, she was Charlie's right hand and in charge when he was not on the compound. To assume she didn't know what was happening is disingenuous. For her to continue to worship him afterwards is sick.

And no, there was no bullet in the chamber, but there were 4 bullets loaded into the pistol. How long does it take to chamber one? Thank God for the Secret Service and their willingness to put their lives on the line against these lunatics every day.
I apologize for my mistake. She was not there for the murders. However, she was Charlie's right hand and in charge when he was not on the compound. To assume she didn't know what was happening is disingenuous. For her to continue to worship him afterwards is sick.

And no, there was no bullet in the chamber, but there were 4 bullets loaded into the pistol. How long does it take to chamber one? Thank God for the Secret Service and their willingness to put their lives on the line against these lunatics every day.

I agree with that. They wouldn't say if she's still corresponding with CM so I'm a little concerned she might still be under his thumb. If that's true he might be sick enough to tell her to do something and she just might do it.

YouTube - cuckoo clock 2
I agree--there was alot more going on in that Manson compound than they have been caught for, and she was well aware of what was going on and fully participated in the actions of the group. What if she decides to "protest" the plight of something new when she is released? She is, IMO, dangerous to society and has not repented for her crimes, thus, is still capable of perpetrating new crimes...

I apologize for my mistake. She was not there for the murders. However, she was Charlie's right hand and in charge when he was not on the compound. To assume she didn't know what was happening is disingenuous. For her to continue to worship him afterwards is sick.

And no, there was no bullet in the chamber, but there were 4 bullets loaded into the pistol. How long does it take to chamber one? Thank God for the Secret Service and their willingness to put their lives on the line against these lunatics every day.
Squeaky Fromme is batsh!t crazy and needs to remain in prison. She may be quite a bit older now, but that doesn't mean she won't wreak havoc somehow. I don't know what her mental health issues might be, but she really seems like a loose cannon who might go off given the right (?) motivation. Just the fact that she still sings Charlie's praises like he's truly a god to her makes my skin crawl.

Manson is clearly a sociopath, and given his upbringing, might have some mental disabilities or brain damage (might explain the letter another poster saw), but the next time he'll come out of the prison system is when he's in a zippered bag.

However, she said she thought that her incarceration was "unnecessary" and that she couldn't see herself repeating her offense. :floorlaugh:

Like the line in the opening sequence to Sling Blade: "I don't reckon I got no reason to kill nobody."
This thread is about Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme.
Actually, Squeaky was not present at nor did she participate in either the Tate nor the La Bianca murders. She was never accused of nor was she tried for those murders.
She did aim a gun at President Ford but the gun did not have a bullet in the chamber and the Secret Service was able to subdue her.

No Squeaky did not participate in the Tate/La Bianca or Hinman murders but she was in on the conspiracy to murder Barbara Hoyt. Also, it has been said that many of the "hardcore" Manson women were involved in Shorty Shea's murder after the fact. When the police raided the Stockton house and found Lauren's body Squeaky just happened to call and asked to be picked up. Does anyone know if Lyn is still devoted to Manson? I remember a rumor going around that she was helping police with areas that the family may have buried unknown murder victems at Bakrer Ranch. This seems to line up with her 2008 parole hearing. I sure hope she isn't devoted to Charles anymore.
I've followed the Manson family, their crimes and their imprisonment for decades. Yes, Squeaky was convicted of attempting to assassinate President Ford. Squeaky claimed that she safety was always on and no bullets were in the chamber and thus that she never intended to shoot him. :p

While she was not directly connected with the infamous Manson crimes (Tate/LaBianca, Hinman, or Crowe) there were rumors about other alleged Manson victims (like Shorty Shea or the Willetst) and questions about her involvement in them since other Manson followers have said Manson made sure that "everyone got their hands dirty".

Anyway, she was never charged with any murders. But she escaped from prison, twice, if I recall. The last time she escaped (in 1987) she claimed she heard Charlie had cancer (or some such ailment) so she broke out. As far as I know, she still is the "Red" in his crazy rainbow.

Squeaky was one of the more intelligent and charismatic of the Manson followers and, in my opinion, one of the most loyal and dangerous. What about all those allegedly threatening letters she and Sandra Good used to send out about their ATWA organization?

Just google "ATWA, Squeaky, International People's Court of Retribution" to get a taste of those missives. She also had an incident with another inmate and a claw hammer while in lockup.

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