M for Murder: The Death of JonBenét Ramsey Reexamined

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There are several concepts and terms invoked in the Ramsey note that people have remarked, independent of my theory, were odd to include in the way that they were:

- the concept of announcing in the note that instructions about delivery would follow a day later by phone rather than just stating them in the ransom note itself
- the concept of being monitored while getting the money from the bank
- the concept of splitting the money in two different denominations for no apparent reason (given that the relatively small amount is supposed to be divided among a group of faction members)
- the concept of switching from an attaché to a “brown paper” bag for no apparent reason
- the concept of possibly setting up the meeting earlier despite the fact that the note’s author tries to come off as very well prepared, being in complete control and knowing exactly what to do
- mentioning the concept of the delivery being “exhausting” for the victim and emphasizing the importance of a good night’s sleep
- the use of the words ‘and hence’ in a kidnapping note
- the concept (and word) of returning “home” from the bank, as if speaking from the victim’s perspective rather than that of the kidnapper’s
- the concept of not only the “family’’ but also “the authorities” being under constant scrutiny
- the concept of “between 8 and 10 am” as the time frame for the action to begin/plot to unfold
- the explicit emphasis on the death of the kidnapped victim if police or FBI are involved

All of these concepts and terms can also be found in the context of a kidnapping-for-ransom-with-FBI-involvement story in another book that is also part of a franchise that was turned into movies, fitting a similar sort of genre as that of the Dirty Harry and Lethal Weapon novelizations: Catnapped! The Further Adventures of Undercover Cat, by the Gordons (a husband and wife duo).


This book came out when Patsy was 17, a period in her life when she was known to be actively reading stories of fiction (which not much later she used successfully as inspiration for performing dramatizations during the talent portion of her beauty pageant contests).

The story in the book revolves around a young woman close in age to Patsy’s age when the book was released and whose name is similar to hers (Patti) and who shares similar interests to the ones Patsy had at the time (she works as a model compared to Patsy competing in beauty pageants). A person like Patsy was at the time arguably part of the target audience for such a story.

Although the plot involves the silly notion (used in a humorous genre) of a cat being ‘catnapped’/kidnapped for ransom, the story also mixes in elements that are intended to be more ‘realistic’, providing the excitement of a grim crime story, as one of its authors had been in the real-life FBI.

In the Ramsey note, the kidnapper states that “I will call you between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery”.

In Catnapped! the kidnapper tells the target (Patti) that “I’ll call you tomorrow night and tell you where to bring the money.”

In Catnapped! an FBI agent is described as telling Patti in the context of delivery of the ransom that he “instructed Patti to proceed directly from the house to the Beverly Hills brokerage firm”. Elsewhere in the book the verb “instructed” is also used of the kidnapper giving his demands for the ransom delivery.

In Catnapped! the “operation” of the ransom “delivery” starts at “9 A.M.”, which is precisely in the middle of the Ramsey note’s “8 and 10 am”.

In the Ramsey note, after mentioning the need to go to “the bank” and just before using the words “instruct you on delivery”, the kidnapper uses the words “When you get home” to describe what happens after coming back from collecting the ransom money.

In Catnapped! the passage about ‘instructing’ Patti follows immediately after a paragraph where the FBI agent tells Patti what to do “when you get home” in the context of returning from the trip to get the ransom money and just before mentioning that they assumed “that the kidnapper would not submit instructions for the ransom delivery until she had collected the money from the bank. He would not want to give the FBI and the police, if they were working the case, more advance notice than necessary.”

In the Ramsey note the kidnapper states that “if we monitor you getting the money early, we might call you early to arrange an earlier delivery of the money and hence a earlier delivery pick-up of your daughter.

In Catnapped! it is described that Patti “had expected the kidnapper to call before this” and that “if the kidnapper had followed her, he would have known that at 2:50 that afternoon she had picked up the package at the Beverly Hills bank”. This mimicks the concept of monitoring the target getting the money from the bank in the context of assessing the time when the kidnapper should be expected to call with his instructions.

These descriptions occur in a short paragraph that also mentions:

1. the concept of “a dummy money package” in which “several top bills on each stack were genuine, and the bills underneath the kind sold by theatrical supply houses”, echoing the Ramsey note’s description of “if the money is in any way marked or tampered with”.
2. the dummy package is “about the size of a woman’s suit box and wrapped in brown paper”, echoing the Ramsey note’s concern with the “size” of the container for the money (with both the description in the book and in the Ramsey note being somewhat subjective and vague) and the specification of “brown paper” as part of the container for the money for no clear reason.
3. a split denomination of the money in which “[t]he real money totaled $2,500, which he said the Bureau had put up, $1,500 in $50 bills, and $1,000 in $100s.”, compared to the Ramsey note’s “$100,000 will be in $100 bills and the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills". Earlier in the story, the kidnapper also asks for “[t]hree hundred thousand dollars in twenties and fifties.”

In Catnapped! the FBI agent, when going over the operation of the ransom delivery and anticipating the kidnapper’s possible actions, says that “[…]we’ll have a half hour to set our strategy after we learn the location of the rendez-vous-- provided he follows through on the timetable he has set up. He may not, though, and for that reason I want every one on stand-by from one o’clock on. He may pull a switch and set the meeting up earlier.” Both the Ramsey note and the book use the word “earlier” in a very similar specific context and the Ramsey note uses a synonym (“arrange”) for the story’s “set […] up”. In the book this line is on the same page as the mention of the “9 A.M.” time of the operation for the ransom delivery and the description that “sleepless nights had taken their toll” on the FBI agent.

In Catnapped! the word ‘monitor’ is used in the context of the kidnapper possibly checking actively for police/FBI involvement: “The police would keep the house under surveillance, Amos said. They would watch through binoculars from a tall bank building on Ventura Boulevard. They could send a helicopter over occasionally, but he thought that would frighten the subject. ‘We want him to feel free to move. He likes to be daring and we don't want to discourage him.’ The police would monitor the phone with Patti's permission, and she need not report a call. As was his custom, Zeke would come by for breakfast. ‘Since the subject's been watching you, he's got to know Zeke drops by— and he doesn't care since he knows this is not a federal crime.’”

In the Ramsey note, there is a grammatical mistake in writing “a earlier delivery pick-up” instead of “an earlier”. In the above passage from Catnapped! the words “a half hour” are used (correctly). When these same words are used in a different arrangement in English (as they sometimes are), the correct usage would be “half an hour”. A person not entirely comfortable with the minutiae of minor grammatical rules might get confused by encountering one of the two forms. The Ramsey note uses the correct way (“an earlier delivery”) and the incorrect way (“a earlier delivery pick-up”) in the same sentence. This could of course be explained too by appealing to time pressure leading to sloppiness but it’s interesting that the grammatical rule is also at play in the passage of the expected source for the concepts and words in this part of the note.

The passage about the kidnapper possibly (twice using “may” to express this uncertainty) setting up the delivery “earlier” comes immediately after the description that the kidnapper “might harm one or both” of the sisters of the targeted family. The Ramsey note uses “might call you early”.

The page with this passage about the ransom delivery uses in the context of police actions terms and concepts like “Operation Cat got underway”, “moving type of operation”, “set our strategy”, “outline the latest developments”, “organizing his material” and elsewhere there is the description that the FBI agent “[…] outlined the preparations for the ransom payment. He had charts, much like football coaches use, showing the location of Control and the FBI cars. The cars, he said, would proceed in a ‘moving surveillance’”. The Ramsey note uses the concepts of “law enforcement countermeasures and tactics”.

The Ramsey note (famously) uses “and hence a earlier delivery pick-up of your daughter” in the passage about a possible earlier delivery/pick-up.

In Catnapped! one page flip before the passage about a possible earlier set-up by the kidnapper of the ransom delivery, there is a description of the kidnapper by the FBI agent: “‘We’re dealing with an angry, wild, volcanic, quixotic mind. He’s not normal, and hence, not logical.’”

This line is on the facing page of a note by the kidnapper, attached to a bag with the dead body of another cat (sent to the family’s home as a warning and a threat to pay the money), which he starts by saying “SEE HOW EASY IT IS.” The Ramsey note contains the line “[...]don’t think that killing will be difficult.”

One page before this line from the kidnapper’s note is revealed, Patti, having just seen the dead cat and initially thinking it is her cat, informs her neighbor that “ ‘The kidnapper killed D.C.-- and sent a cab to deliver his body to us.’ She indicated the case. ‘He left it at the front door and then took off.[’]”.

The Ramsey note first uses the concept of the (dead) body being delivered (if instructions aren’t followed) before correcting it to the more plausible “pick-up”.

The Ramsey note implies that the kidnapper is watching the Ramsey’s every move somehow (“if we monitor you”, “if we catch you talking to”, “you and your family are under constant scrutiny”), despite this obviously being a very difficult thing to accomplish for any real-life kidnapper.

In Catnapped!, Patti, just after first being called by the kidnapper and first learning of the kidnapping, worries that “[h]e may be outside listening. He may have the phone bugged.”, similarly assuming very easily that a kidnapper can accomplish such a feat.

In that first phone call, the kidnapper threatens Patti with what will happen if he doesn’t get the money: “I’m going to strangle him, squeeze his little neck until he’s dead if I don’t get it […]”.

JonBenét died from asphyxiation and was found with a strangulation device (so-called ‘garrote’) around her neck.

Similar to Lethal Weapon, Catnapped! too has the kidnapper warning about not involving police or FBI and similar to Dirty Harry there is a repetition of explicit warnings of death as punishment: “[…] if you run to the police or the FBI your cat’s dead, you’re dead, your sister’s dead.”

The Ramsey note states that “[t]he delivery will be exhausting […]”. Although many of the suspected sources for the Ramsey note contain lines about the need for sleep (Dirty Harry for example also has lines about this concept in the context of ransom delivery), Catnapped! specifically describes Patti as being “exhausted” after going through the ransom delivery: “He opened the door, and like an obedient child, she got in and fell exhausted on the back seat. He took an agent aside. ‘Stay with her and don't let her out of the car— under any circumstances’.”

The Ramsey note has the line “You and your family are under constant scrutiny as well as the authorities.”

Catnapped! has the passage “‘The kidnapping. And don't tell me you haven't got one because we know you have. The FBI got us to promise six months ago we wouldn't break a snatch story until it was over and the victim returned safely— and you promised—you promised’— his blood pressure rose— ‘you'd keep us posted along with the other Los Angeles papers on every development, hour by hour, so when the victim was safely back home, we could break the story with a full account in the next edition.’ An agreement of this nature was routine in kidnapping cases— to protect the party abducted. Even if reporters dug up the story on their own, which was fairly easy with so many people involved, the kidnapper was inclined to believe the victim's family had talked with the FBI or police. The victim's life depended in many cases on the strictest secrecy being maintained by the newspapers as well as the family and authorities.”

Not only does this last sentence use the same idiosyncratic collection of concepts and terms (‘as well as’, ‘family’, ‘authorities’, ‘the’) together (rearranged slightly), the passage also echoes the logic that many people have suspected was part of the reason for Patsy writing the ransom note: to explain why her daughter ended up dead, with the reason being that she involved police against kidnapper instructions, which, while bad, could be considered a regrettable but understandable mistake made in panic and which would at least still have a third outside party responsible for the actual murder rather than Patsy herself.

Note also that the line in the Ramsey note mentioning “You and your family […] as well as the authorities” comes right after a line mentioning “a 100% chance of getting her back”. This concept (and word) of getting the victim “back” (“safely”) also appears in the passage in the book right before mentioning “as well as”, “family” and “authorities” together, in the same context as in the Ramsey note (not alerting the kidnapper that the target is cooperating with police/FBI).

This is itself right after the FBI agent has a conversation with his supervisor in which he mentions that the kidnapper didn’t show up for the initial delivery of the ransom because, as he expects, it may have been a test or “dry run” to see if the target was being followed by police or FBI. The FBI was indeed following the target and when the supervisor asks if the kidnapper may have spotted them, the FBI agent answers with “Not a chance.”

This conversation is on the facing page of a paragraph where the kidnapper’s stipulations are again described as “instructions” and which itself follows a few lines after the notion of a test run is first described as: “ ‘I think he was running a test. It's not uncommon in kidnappings. To see if you'd show up alone, as he instructed, and to determine if you were being tailed, and to wear you down to a point where you're so shot you're nothing more than a robot.’ ”

We see here the idea that the concepts of scrutiny of the target by the kidnapper (described with that word in the Ramsey note) and of an exhausting delivery are “not uncommon in kidnappings”. The “scrutiny” line in the Ramsey note is delivered in the line matching the verbatim elements of the book (“as well as”, “authorities", “family”).

Note also that the Ramsey note is addressed in a personal way to John, but that that line in the note mentions “you and your family”. Throughout the book, and in this part especially, there is a lot of emphasis on Patti’s family members, particularly her sister, because FBI believe that the family members themselves too may be in danger and Patti’s sister is taking an active role in the whole ordeal, with plans even being considered for her to deliver the ransom money for the family’s cat.

The personal tone addressed to John in the Ramsey note also has parallel in the book, when the kidnapper says in a tape recording addressed to the victim: "'Dear Patti— I'm going to call you Patti because I know you. I've been following you around. You didn't know that, did you?'"

The line in the Ramsey note about a “chance” of getting their daughter “back” also reiterates that it is dependent on following “instructions”.

A little further on after the passage with “as well as”, on the same page in the book, there is a discussion between the FBI agent and a newspaper editor where the FBI agent stresses the risk to the victim’s survival if they publish about the kidnapping: “He stressed the danger to the Randall family if a newspaper should break the story. Not only might such a story result in the death of the cat but possibly in the death of one or both of the Randall girls.” and “‘But in view of the danger to the Randall girls— forget the cat— you will hold this in confidence?’” and “‘I want your promise, when you get the victim back— that's what you called the cat, wasn't it?— the victim— craziest thing I ever heard— when you get him back, phone me immediately.[’]”

Both the Ramsey note and this part of the book talk about ‘get[ting] [the victim] back’ just after considering the “chance” of getting caught secretly trying to go against kidnapper instructions.

The Ramsey note says that John "will be scanned for electronic devices" in order to detect possible police assistance.

In Catnapped! one of the ways the FBI tries to help the target is described as: "The moment the door closed, Patti returned to the bedroom, trailed by Inky and Mike. She picked up her purse where she had left it by the door, and took out a sending device that Zeke had given her. It was the size of a package of cigarettes. She flipped the 'on' switch, and said into the device, 'I'd like to talk with Agent Kelso, please.'"

One of the major odd features of the Ramsey note that has often been pointed out as making it very implausible as being written by a real kidnapper is that the note seems to shift in perspective (or seemingly even genre) mid-ransom note. Whereas the note starts by writing from a ‘we’-perspective (as a representative of a small foreign faction) in the first paragraph, the note switches to a more intimate ‘I’-perspective in the second paragraph (before switching back to speaking from a group’s ‘we’-perspective).

As described before, the first lines with a ‘we’-perspective in the Ramsey note closely resemble lines from the Lethal Weapon novelization, which speak from a ‘we’-perspective as the story involves a group of kidnappers who are mercenaries. The switch to an ‘I’-perspective in the note coincides with the start of material in the note resembling concepts and words in Catnapped!, which involves a kidnapper mostly operating on his own and who speaks from an ‘I’-perspective when talking to the target and threatening her.

The hypothesis that Catnapped! was used as a source of inspiration by Patsy for writing the Ramsey note can account for many of the idiosyncrasies of the note that have been pointed out by people, independent of my theory that these particular books were used as sources. Although one could appeal to coincidence if there were only one or two such odd similarities between the story and the note, when there are this many conceptually, verbally and structurally overlapping features, and overlapping to this degree, in a book that fits a similar genre of other stories that have their own highly idiosyncratic similarities to the Ramsey note, assuming a causal relationship seems to me to be more plausible than explaining away the overlap as all being coincidences while leaving the odd features of the note otherwise unexplained as inexplicable quirks of Patsy’s mind.

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I can’t tell if this is one of the more elaborate trolls I’ve seen online or…something else.
Neither can I.

But... I do believe that the ransom note (of "War and Peace" length, replete missing scratch copies) was not produced in a vacuam. Rather, it matches the personal backgrounds, life experiences, culture, and education levels of the parents to a "t".
It is impossible to know the inner workings of another's mind. One can always find far-flung similarities when trying to make a certain suspect fit in with a particular theory. IMHO that is inverted logic. That Patsy wrote the RN has long been assumed by many without indulging in complex hermeneutics, however well-meaning.

The proposed scenario above is so involved that it is difficult to make comment upon it.
Many people have stated that the line in the Ramsey note ‘Don’t try to grow a brain’ is very similar to the line in the movie Speed “Do not attempt to grow a brain” and have assumed that the movie was the inspiration for the line.

The combination of the concept [ATTEMPT] with the idiom ‘grow a brain’ does indeed appear to be highly idiosyncratic and not commonly (or even at all) found elsewhere pre-1997, making it rather unlikely that the movie wasn’t somehow inspiration for the line.

Many movie buff theorists have tended to just assume that the line must have been stored in the ransom note author’s mind, waiting to be recalled, but slightly altered, when it became convenient to do so for the ransom note writer in order to try to stage a kidnapping.

The line from the movie wasn’t necessarily a particularly iconic or much-discussed line prior to the Ramsey note. It was just a line by the bad guy in the popular action blockbuster of the 1990s.​

The movie Speed had been released only two-and-a-half years before JonBenét’s murder and before the Ramsey note was written.

The first Speed movie, as far as I can tell, did not have a movie novelization (although its sequel, incidentally, did have a novelization which was first published about a week after JonBenét’s death).

In late 1996, when the internet was still in its infancy, it was not at all common for most movies without a novelization to have the words from its screenplay be available to a mass audience. Although a few movies may have had their screenplays published as a book, this was not at all common and does not appear to have been done for Speed prior to 1997.

The most obvious way for a lay person (meaning not a Hollywood insider or some such person with an occupational interest in screenplays) to have access to written versions of the exact words and phrases from popular movies at the time of JonBenét’s murder was through a coffee table style book of movie quotes, which was a somewhat established genre in the mid-1990s with several competing books available for people with such an interest. This kind of book was indeed commonly available in many bookstores of a decent size as it is the kind of book that makes sense as a safe, fun gift for people who are into movies, which is many people.

Books of this genre tend to focus more on classic movie lines, or at least on lines from movies that are considered to have attained a certain status in the film canon. Because of this, most movies included in these books tend to have been released a considerable period of time before the book is compiled and published.

Although there were several books of this genre published by late 1996, the genre is obviously not so big that dozens (or even one) of such books were published every year.

Given the above facts, it wasn’t necessarily to be expected that Speed, released in mid-1994, should have some of its verbatim lines readily available to a person interested in finding such a thing at the time the Ramsey note was written.

It could easily have happened that no significant new dictionary of film quotations had been released between the movie’s release and the day of JonBenét’s death. It could easily have happened that any new such dictionary would not have included Speed among its selections, as the movie had only been out for a relatively short time and not had time yet to grow to be as iconic as it is today. And of course the movie could just not have seemed to be worthy of inclusion for whatever reason.

But it just so happens that there was such a dictionary released in the two-and-a-half year window between the movie’s release and the discovery of the Ramsey note, in June of 1995 (four days short of the one-year anniversary of Speed’s release), and it just so happens that it did include ten quotes from Speed.

Front cover.JPG

Even so, even being informed of that fact, it should not be obvious that the ‘grow a brain’ line would be among these ten quotes included in the book. There are plenty of witty, arguably more memorable or iconic, lines from the movie that are not included among these ten quotes in the book. For example, the lines “Pop quiz, hotshot. There’s a bomb on a bus. [...] What do you do? What do you do?” is often shown in brief clips of the movie or spun into something similar in spoofs. The “Pop quiz, hotshot” line has arguably achieved iconic status in our time. But it is not in the book. Instead, a different line where the bad guy uses “Pop quiz, . […] What do you do? What do you do?” is included.

To illustrate this point, if we take a look at moviequotes.com, it describes itself as follows:

“Not only do we love movies, but we love the famous quotes associated with movies. We wanted Moviequotes.com to be free, fun and an awesome resource for the most famous (and not so famous!) movie quotes from the past and present. […] The Movie Quotes site is visited by teens, students, teachers, writers, motivational and life coaches and all those people who are looking for inspiration or simply for that one movie quote they forgot about many years ago!

The site is one of a kind and we are proud of being online since 1998.”

The website of course has an entry for Speed too and it contains 15 quotes, five more than are found in the book. But the ‘grow a brain’ line is not one of them. The “Pop quiz, hotshot [...]What do you do?” quote is listed. So the ‘grow a brain’ line, even despite its additional exposure due to the JonBenét case, is not deemed so iconic or memorable to make sure that it is included in such a selection.

But it just so happens that the film quotations dictionary does include the ‘grow a brain’ line:

p343 Speed - Do not attempt to grow a brain (precise).JPG

Not only does this offer a more plausible explanation for how the Ramsey note’s writer could have “recalled” the line at the opportune moment when it was needed, it also can give an arguably better explanation for why the Ramsey note uses “try to” rather than the movie’s “attempt”. It’s because this cognate term was used right below the verbatim quote in the description that Patsy came to blend the bits of the verbatim quote with the synonym “try to”. If you have just looked at this quote and the description a short while ago, one can be expected to confuse/mix up some of these elements as our memory tends to use conceptual shortcuts to remember content. If Patsy was flipping through pages of books and a short while later recalling some of this material, she would be expected to get some verbatim elements right but also to get some wrong and filling these bits out with other words/phrases that had just been primed in her brain through exposure. If one reasons that the line in the actual movie stood out so much to Patsy that she made some effort to remember it, it would be a bit curious that she would remember the highly specific combination of [ATTEMPT]/’to grow a brain’ so perfectly but did not (care to) remember the mere three words starting the quote. If the words from the quote were indeed so memorable for her to remember them for a long time in her long term memory, one would expect that the short line would be recalled or quoted more perfectly. If she recalled the quote not because it made such a huge impression on her, but simply because she had just been exposed to it a short while before writing down the words of the note after hurriedly going through books looking for credible inspiration, one would expect exactly this sort of effect of half-correctly remembered/quoted content to occur.

In addition, the line of description underneath the quote in the book not only shows overlap with the “try to” element from the Ramsey note, it also has the additional overlap of using the concept and words of the bad guy “advising [TARGET] not to”, which is also used by the Ramsey note author with “I advise you” being used once and “I advise you not to” being used once. In the book’s descriptive line, what the target (“Reeves”) being advised “not to” “try” is “anything smart”. The Ramsey note threatens repercussions “if you try to outsmart” us. To be fair, the actual word “outsmart” is used in another hypothesized source so that word appearing in the Ramsey note wouldn’t necessarily be directly due to this descriptive line under the quote but perhaps the concept helped cue paying attention to words and concepts of this sort in other sources.

Although people will (understandably) quickly appeal to the concept of coincidence when evaluating any degree of overlap between the Ramsey note/case and a given source, and of course some arbitrary degree of overlap can (and does) occur by coincidence, it deserves to be pointed out that the concept of coincidence also requires that it is perfectly possible (and it should happen) for any potential source not to show overlap with the Ramsey note/case regarding some aspect. This means that if a source shows overlap with the Ramsey note regarding one particular phrase, line or aspect from the note, or a fact related to the case, it does not mean that we should expect to find some other aspect of the note or fact from the case to also show overlap with that same source. To the degree that such additional overlap does occur, we should start to become less convinced that an appeal to coincidence is necessarily the best explanation for the initially discovered piece of overlap.

With that in mind, knowing that the ‘grow a brain’ line from the Ramsey note could have been sourced from the dictionary of film quotations, if one wants to explain this away as coincidence, one should not necessarily expect this same hypothesized source to show additional curious overlap with facts related to the Ramsey note or case.

But such additional curious overlap is what we do find:

Although the term ‘immediate execution’ is not so strange that we shouldn’t expect to find it in any other text/book before the Ramsey note, it is idiosyncratic enough that for any given random English book one wouldn’t expect to find that it contained the term.

For comparison: Stephen King is one of the most prolific English language writers ever (the Ramseys, it happens to be known, had a copy of one of his books in their home too, Pet Sematary). In a 50-year career he has written dozens of books, thousands of pages and millions of words to create all sorts of stories, many of them macabre ones dealing with death and killing. He has never, not once, used the words ‘immediate execution’ together in any of his books, not before JonBenét’s death nor after it. This is despite the fact that plenty of his books do use either or both of the words, so individually they are at least part of his active writing vocabulary, as is probably true for most writers since these are fairly common words. But Stephen King has never used the two words together, not in any sense in which the words can be used together. Even the one book by him which is all about death row and people waiting for their execution (The Green Mile), which incidentally was published in 1996 and which does contain a significantly higher number of occurrences of the word ‘execution’ in it than his other books (no less than 40 times it is used), does not contain ‘immediate execution’. So it wouldn’t have been odd or unexpected at all if The Dictionary of Film Quotations had not contained this specific combination of words either. And yet it does contain these words.

The two-and-a-half page, handwritten Ramsey note, less than 400 words long, of course does contain the combination of these two words. And so does the one book known to have been available to the public at the time with the ‘grow a brain’ line from Speed in it.

p97 - immediate execution (precise part 1).JPG

p97 - immediate execution (precise part 2).JPG

The term is actually used in a different sense than in the Ramsey note, with execution not referring to ‘killing’ but being used in its more abstract meaning of ‘something being carried out’. But, again, this sort of effect of mixing/combining words and concepts is something that is to be expected as a result of ‘priming’ if Patsy had indeed been skimming through books for inspiration and written the actual words of the Ramsey note a short while later. But how could we possibly detect that Patsy had indeed been skimming through the book and was likely to have chanced upon these particular words in the book? This brings us to yet another, third, independent major coincidence that a skeptic would have to believe in.

Not only is the fact that the term ‘immediate execution’ occurs at all (once) in the book something that wouldn’t necessarily be expected or obvious, the place in the book where it occurs should also give one pause. In a 400+ page book, where is the one page containing ‘immediate execution’ located? It is one page before the page with the entry for Dirty Harry, the movie arguably most often (and credibly) associated with the Ramsey note as a source for inspiration due to similarities to it.

I argue elsewhere that Dirty Harry was indeed used as inspiration for the Ramsey note, but through its novelization, not the actual movie itself. If that is true, then going through a novelization of Dirty Harry and, when additionally going through a book with movie quotes for inspiration, looking up the entry for Dirty Harry for lines from the actual movie, seem to be very much compatible actions suggesting the same m.o. for writing the ransom note. I consider this converging evidence. Different lines of investigation point to the same direction. Investigating the lines from the Ramsey note commonly perceived as deriving from Dirty Harry, point to a book where these lines conveniently could have been found. Investigating the line from the Ramsey note commonly perceived as deriving from Speed, also points to a book where this line conveniently could have been found. And that second book, too, shows signs of Dirty Harry being looked up in it.

As we will see shortly, there is more of such converging evidence found in this book. The ‘(attempt/try to) grow a brain’ and ‘immediate execution’ phrases aren’t the only ones showing overlap with the Ramsey note. At what point would a person appealing to coincidence stop expecting to find more (near) verbatim matches with the Ramsey note in a single book? If such a person had to bet money or something valuable, say their life, and they were told that in this book that contained the ‘grow a brain’ line from Speed and the ‘immediate execution’ phrase right before the Dirty Harry entry, which by that person were supposed to be entirely due to coincidence, that they would have to bet whether some additional odd bit of phrasing from the Ramsey note also could be found in the book, would they really be comfortable in betting their life that this phrase, too, would obviously be expected to show up in the book? Or would they start to worry and think about the likelihood of any particular phrase or combination of words being found in a given book? Would they start to consider that if a given book has already been found to match with a number of idiosyncratic phrases from the note, that the likelihood of finding additional matches with uncommon phrases should start to decrease if the two texts were really independent?

Or, put in a different way, we may expect that some books or texts out of all the ones in the world published by the time the Ramsey note was found will contain by chance some of the same phrases or will use a shared vocabulary of a number of words. But we shouldn’t necessarily expect that some of the least common phrases, such as ‘(attempt/try to) grow a brain’, occur in the same book in which some of the other less common phrases (e.g. ‘immediate execution’) occur. If two exceedingly rare unrelated diseases only affect a few people in the world, say 10 each, you wouldn’t bet money that a single person was so unlucky to be one of those ten people for both diseases. In fact, if we were to learn this, a scientist should want to take a closer look at this person to see if the diseases aren’t somehow related after all. That is not to say that such bad luck is impossible, but that perhaps, all other things being equal, the assumption that the diseases are unrelated might not be the simplest explanation for the phenomenon. Similarly, a person who strikes the super mega jackpot worth more than $100,000,000 twice a few years apart, is probably going to be met with an investigation into the circumstances of both wins.

Likewise, although some coincidental overlap between phrasing in the Ramsey note and books is to be expected, the unlikelier the overlap, the more we should take a close look at the source in relation to the note. As already mentioned, it is difficult to argue that the similarity to the Speed line is coincidental and because that particular line from Speed is so unlikely to have appeared as readily accessible in another written text at the time, we should pay extra attention to any additional overlap with the Ramsey note.

So what other overlap do we find? The phrase ‘particularly like’ is used in the Ramsey note (“the two gentlemen watching over your daughter do not particularly like you”) and it is also found in The Dictionary of Film Quotations.

(p256) I dont particularly like the book I started - You gentlemen arent really trying to kill...JPG

Although the phrase ‘(don’t/do not) particularly like’ is perhaps not as uncommon as ‘immediate execution’ or ‘grow a brain’ (meaning we can expect it to show up in a fair number of books), it is certainly also not so common as to expect it to show up in just about every book. But it does (again) show up in the quotations dictionary that already had the rare ‘grow a brain’ (linked to the actual quote in Speed) and ‘immediate execution’ (linked to Dirty Harry) phrases.

Using Stephen King’s output as a reference again: in all of his books in all of his career he appears to have used ‘particularly like’ only twice, once in two different books each (1977’s Rage and 1991’s The Stand). Only one of these two has it with the present tense negation: “We don’t particularly like the idea of shooting you.” (admittedly this book, too, has ‘gentleman’ not far off, on the previous page, and “I wouldn’t advise you to try.” two sentences after the one with ‘particularly like’). But there are no compelling reasons to believe this book was used as a source. Instead, what it shows us is that out of the 50+ books King has written, when picking at random from his oeuvre you are unlikely to pick one of the only two books with ‘particularly like’ in it. So the fact that this phrase from the film quotations dictionary is an additional verbatim match with the Ramsey note should not be taken for granted. Perhaps also interesting to point out: although the page in the dictionary with this quotation does not have ‘advise’ on it (which King’s Rage, for example, does, as does the Ramsey note in the same sentence in which it uses ‘particularly like’), the film quotations dictionary does use ‘advise’ four times and ‘advising’ 12 times (mostly in the descriptions under the quotes), so a total of 16 times in a 434 page book. Out of those 16 times, the one most closely matching the Ramsey note’s verbiage (“I advise you not to provoke them”) is a quote that reads “[…] I advise you to use it sparingly and seldom, lest it seal your own doom.” So it has ‘I advise you to’ compared to the Ramsey note’s ‘I advise you not to’. Arguably, despite this not being in the same place as ‘particularly like’ as in King’s Rage, this already is a closer verbatim match than King’s ‘I wouldn’t advise you to’. Where do we happen to find this best matching occurrence of ‘advise’ in the film quotations dictionary? On a page that at the top has the last quotation from its The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (based on the book Patsy performed dramatic interpretations from in her pageant days) entry, the quote about “the crème de la crème” which the main character likes to use and which people have often pointed out mirrors Patsy’s and the Ramsey note author’s penchant for French terms. Perhaps just a coincidence?

Although the way Patsy may have ended up looking at the page in the book with 'particularly like' could be explained a number of different ways, and is therefore probably a little more difficult to interpret than ‘immediate execution’ showing up right before Dirty Harry, it is at least noteworthy that a few quotes above this quotation with ‘don’t particularly like’, there is also a quote about “gentlemen” possibly being in the act of killing the speaker’s child.

I want to offer here at least one of the possible ways Patsy landing on this page could be explained, in order to give another example of the converging evidence that I mentioned before. The quote with ‘don’t particularly like’ occurs in the entry for North By Northwest by Alfred Hitchcock and one of the two other movies whose entry is on that same page happens to be another film by Hitchcock, the movie Notorious. Hitchcock’s movies, and this movie Notorious in particular, are mentioned in one of the three Alex Cross books (Jack & Jill) that I have claimed were used as inspiration by Patsy for staging the intruder theory. Note that the reasons I had for believing those books were used were independent of trying to explain this phrase ‘particularly like’. The book with the Notorious reference, and the two other Alex Cross books by Patterson, can in fact explain other important phrases from the case, such as phrases used by Patsy in her 911 call and media interviews. In the book, the mention of Hitchcock and Notorious are in relation to finding a snuff movie hidden in the movie’s container in which the killers are seen killing a U.S. senator, which is part of the major theme in the book in which the killers target big shots (fat cats if you will) who are punished for having worked with the corrupted U.S. government, very similar in theme to the Ramsey note also. So one way of explaining Patsy landing on this specific page, able to see and be influenced by ‘(don’t) particularly like’ is that she was using that story for inspiration.

I did not have these two books picked out as sources and then try to find as many connections between the two as I could. Instead, when using one book to explain a phenomenon unrelated to the phenomena I was using the other book for, I found that a piece of data in the one book made more sense when interpreted in light of some data found in the other book. The verbatim matches of several non-trivial words from the Ramsey note with the film quotations dictionary occur only in quotes from a few movies on a few pages from the 400+ page book. And it just so happens that one of those movies, a movie that although made by a beloved director is not exactly mentioned all the time in every other book one reads, plays a crucial role in the plot line of a story that was believed to have been used as inspiration for staging the crime scene for entirely different reasons.

Then there is that other word in the sentence in the Ramsey note containing ‘particularly like’, the word ‘provoke’. That word is found only a single time in The Dictionary of Film Quotations. What is the quote and where is it found?

(pp 404-405) Im constantly surprised that womens hats do not provoke more murders (1).JPG

This quote, dealing with murder and found on a page listed in the index under the entry for ‘murder’, is from a movie (Witness for the Prosecution) based on an Agatha Christie novel/play, one of only three movies included in the book listed with such a distinction. The Ramseys of course had a movie poster of Christie’s Death on the Nile.

What is really interesting, however, is that the ‘particularly like’ phrase was found in the dictionary in a quote containing “I don’t particularly like” and that ‘provoke’ is found in the dictionary in a quote containing “do not provoke”. It also contains ‘I advise you to’ without the negation ‘not’. The Ramsey note has “do [INSERTION MARK] not particularly like you so I advise you not to”. These quotes from the book are incongruent in their use of ‘don’t/do not’ and the Ramsey note’s author appears to have made a mistake in forgetting to add ‘not’ at first. What could make a person slip up at precisely this word? Perhaps when hesitating to choose between either ‘don’t’ or ‘do not’. If one first plans to write ‘don’t’ but changes one’s mind at the last moment, a hurried brain under pressure (from staging an intrusion that led to murder before it gets light outside and all) might mix up the signal to abort writing the ‘n apostrophe t’ with the signal that the person has arrived at the end of the word and is ready to write the next word that was planned.

A final (perhaps minor or less convincing) overlap is ‘You’re not the only ...’. The Ramsey note of course has “You are not the only fat cat around ...” which, again, conceptually matches the story of Jack & Jill in which everyone in the country who is famous or a big shot becomes terrified at possibly becoming the killers’ next target. In the quotations dictionary we find a quote with “You’re not the only one.”

Although this phrase may seem somewhat less uncommon, it is still not so common that we should expect to find it in just about every other book. Stephen King’s Rage, for instance, which had ‘particularly like’ and ‘advise’ closely together, does not have it (nor, again, do many of his other books, including The Stand, which was his other book which has ‘particularly like’. It does have “not the only” several times but not with ‘you’).

What is noteworthy about the location of this page of the book? Perhaps that it is again close to the entry for Dirty Harry (three page flips removed). Or perhaps that is on the facing page of the entry for Dracula, which is based on the novel and monster which is also mentioned as a theme for the killers in several of the other suspected sources used for staging the crime scene (including one of the Alex Cross stories). The novel Dracula contains that other odd phrase from the Ramsey note: “stray dog”. And it uses it in the context of a wicked unknown monster kidnapping and killing young children at night who are then found dead the next morning with mysterious unexplained wounds/marks on their throat, marks made by canine-like teeth (which tend to be triangularly shaped).

(p184) stray dog - slightly torn or wounded in the throat.JPG

I’ll end for now by pointing out that there is one other curious piece of data which can provide some evidence that the Ramseys really did have this quotations dictionary and that Patsy really was in the habit of using it. In her 1995 Christmas letter (six months after The Dictionary of Film Quotations was published) she used “All work and no play make John a dull boy […]”. People have debated whether Patsy may have borrowed this from The Shining (with ‘John’ replacing ‘Jack’) or whether she just knew it as a general popular phrase. The latter is of course possible and the quote does not appear under the entry for The Shining but it’s rather noteworthy that this quote, too, does show up in The Dictionary of Film Quotations, under the entry for The Bridge on the River Kwai.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy (blow-up).JPG

On some versions of the movie poster for The Devil At 4 O’Clock, the kind of old movie John loved and a poster of which was in the Ramseys’ basement, it is mentioned that it is in the same vein as The Bridge on the River Kwai.


  • (p105) Youre not the only one [FACING PAGE OF AND SAME PAGE AS DRACULA ENTRY].JPG
    (p105) Youre not the only one [FACING PAGE OF AND SAME PAGE AS DRACULA ENTRY].JPG
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Just as a bonus here (I couldn't attach more than 10 images in one post), I'll show a few pictures of the covers of just a few pre-1997 editions of Dracula, a novel which also has resurrection from the dead and the symbolism of the cross as themes and which may have played a part in Patsy looking to Dracula for inspiration for her staging. The theme of resurrection mirrors the other part of my theory which claims that Patsy was preoccupied that night and morning with resurrecting JonBenét like Lazarus as recommended by Osteen and that she believed the power of Jesus/the cross was going to help her.

Front cover - Signet Classic edition.JPG

1965 cover.JPG

Dracula 1993 cover.JPG
A quote from James Patterson's Kiss The Girls likening the killers' terror to that of Dracula's.
(p247) Bram Stokers The Gentleman Caller__A real-life horror story__.JPG

An excerpt from the novelization of Se7en (Seven), a book which uses "proper burial" in the context of a killer threatening to withhold the bodies of victims from their families, in which here on one page we find the idea of a killer performing "ritualistic slayings based on arcane medieval literature" and just below it the mention that "Dracula rose from his grave and started stalking the countryside for blood". On the facing page there is also the idea that the killer reads a book called Murderers and Madmen for inspiration. I argue elsewhere that the comparable real-life book Murder and Mayhem was used by Patsy (and in the weeks and months after the murder also by John) as inspiration for staging an intruder story and that this is reflected in their language.


Compare the first cover to some of the portrayals of Lazarus:

7. British Museum.JPG

5. The Raising of Lazarus - Frederic Shields - Victor Animatograph Slide - Marshall University...jpg

6. Jesus_Raising_Lazarus- - Door Being Removed (Phone).jpeg

2a. 'The_Raising_of_Lazarus',_tempera_and_gold_on_panel_by_Duccio_di_Buoninsegna,_1310–11,_Kim...png

Lazarus with blanket.JPG
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Patsy Ramsey called 911 to report her daughter missing using language that people would later remark sounds a bit odd and somehow just off.

“we have a kidnapping”

“I’m the mother”

“she’s blond. Six years old.”

“there’s a note left”

“my daughter’s gone” [this one admittedly is less odd to use but people have speculated whether or not her using ‘gone’ hinted at the fact that her daughter was already dead by then]

As it turns out, many of the specific phrases that she used are very similar conceptually and in specific wording to phrases found in the context of murder cases involving clever serial killers targeting women and children in the three detective Alex Cross books by James Patterson that were published at the time of the murder.

As a quick overview, overlap with the content of these three books shows up in the following places in the JonBenét Ramsey murder case:

- Patsy’s language in the 911 call
- the language in the ransom/Ramsey note
- physical evidence on and around JonBenét’s body in the wine cellar
- items retrieved from other places in the Ramsey house that police seem to believe may have been part of staging
- unexplained circumstances in or around the Ramsey house on the night of the 25th and the day of the 26th
- Patsy and John’s language in the CNN interview a week after the murder
- Patsy and John’s language in their police interviews in 1997 and 1998
- Patsy and John’s language in their other (later) media interviews, e.g. their press conference with local media the day after their first police interviews in 1997 and their interviews with Barbara Walters and Paula Woodward in 2000)
- Patsy and John’s language in their 2000 book The Death of Innocence
team Ramsey’s and Lou Smit’s version of an intruder profile

EXCERPT 911 Call Diagram [WE HAVE A].JPG




When police respond to Patsy’s 911 call, they walk into a house in which later that day they discover circumstances (e.g. JonBenét’s body in the wine cellar in the basement) and retrieve items in conspicuous places which are also similar to the circumstances and items which play a part in the chapters from these books whose phrases Patsy’s verbal behavior echoed on her 911 call.

For example, one of the phrases echoed in her 911 call occurs in a part of the story in Along Came A Spider where there is a description of the detective first entering the crime scene of a murder house in which a family has been murdered during Christmas time and where one of the victims, a young child, is found dead in the home wearing hand-me-down pajamas which evokes a lot of sympathy from the detective. JonBenét was found in a pair of worn down pajamas that people suspect were a hand-me-down pair that used to belong to Burke. In the same part of the story, it is mentioned that cutting the lights off before he breaks and enters a home is a signature of the killer because he likes to work in the dark. Police later learn from neighbors that an outside light that was always on at night at the Ramsey home had been seen to be off that night.

But before looking at more overlap between crime scene elements from JonBenét’s murder and the Alex Cross books, let’s first ask why we should believe the Ramseys might have owned a copy of these books. Linda Wilcox, the person who was a housekeeper for the Ramseys from somewhere around early 1993 until the first week of September 1995 before Linda Hoffman-Pugh became the housekeeper, mentions in a radio interview with Peter Boyles on July 21 1998 (found on acandyrose.com) that on “John's side of the bed was usually some kind of suspense-thriller. He tended to buy books by, what I call, by the numbers, I mean whatever's number 1 on the bestseller lists. Occasionally it would be something like the 7 habits of successful people, or financial things or even a [didn't hear] occasionally. But, generally it was some kind of suspense novel.

Although James Patterson’s first three Alex Cross books appear not quite to have been number one on the bestseller lists yet (he would eventually become the world’s bestselling author), they were definitely bestsellers and huge hits, as also advertised on their covers and as evidenced by the fact that the movie version of Kiss The Girls went into pre-production in April of 1996, more than six months before JonBenét’s death. Along Came A Spider was published early in 1993, around the time Wilcox became the Ramseys’ housekeeper and Kiss The Girls was published early 1995 when she was definitely still working for them. So there is some reason to believe that these were the kind of books that could have ended up in the Ramsey household.

When police arrive at the Ramsey home and get to read the ransom note for themselves, they encounter a note that, it turns out, has some similarities to several themes found in the Alex Cross stories. Indeed, the very notion of a young girl being kidnapped and the kidnapper sending a ransom note to the parents is one of the major plot elements in Along Came A Spider.

The most recent installment of the Alex Cross series at that time, Jack & Jill, released in 1996, has a plotline which revolves around two note-leaving killers who target the rich, famous and elite to punish them for cooperating through their occupations with a corrupted U.S. government who has been oppressing the common folk for far too long. This just so happens to match the main theme of the Ramsey note which has a kidnapper-killer working on behalf of a faction purportedly targeting John to punish him for the (inter)national interests which his ‘bussiness’ serves. A major theme of the story in the book is also that anyone can become a target and the killers are constantly announcing in their notes and messages that there will be more killings to follow (e.g. one note remarks “One useless, thieving, rich *advertiser censored* down So many more to go”), echoed in the Ramsey note by the line stating that John isn’t the only fat cat around so that killing won’t be difficult.

The Ramsey note also contains similarities to the note found by the kidnapped woman in Kiss The Girls, which is the note first introduced in the book with the phrase whose language Patsy echoes on the 911 call:


[NOTE]There was a note [___].JPG

Note that the description of where the note is found in the first excerptis also echoed by Patsy’s claim that she found her note on the stairs that she always is the first to walk down in the morning, where she was sure to see it. This description of a killer’s note being left where it couldn’t be missed is also found in Jack & Jill as well as numerous references to killers having left something to be found in all three books.

Diagram collage.jpg



How could a kidnapper-killer have known that Patsy would come down those stairs and that she was sure to find it there? The explanation, and in Patsy’s mind the justification for the plausibility of such a thing occurring, is found on the first page of Kiss The Girls:

(p1) First page - Chapter titled Casanova.JPG

The killer evidently had been studying the Ramseys for some time before making his move.

Although the note in Kiss The Girls does not have major verbal overlap with the Ramsey note (the way the other sources such as the Lethal Weapon novelization do have), there are a few characteristics that the note does share with the Ramsey note: the note is long and rambling and has a strong focus on laying out rules and conditions that must be obeyed in order to avoid certain death. Indeed, both notes casually invoke the notion of the victim being executed within a short time span (in the Ramsey note “immediate[ly]”) in case of violation.

NOTE Collage.jpg

When police eventually learn later that day where JonBenét had probably been all along all morning, this too echoes the place where the victims of one of the killers in Kiss The Girls were kept: in a cellar, in a dark hidden away place. Not only that, she is found with trauma to both her face and genitals, something which the killer in the long rambling note in the book also threatens his victim with. Facial disfigurement of a six-year-old child victim is also explicitly described in Jack & Jill, with the disfigurement being on the same side of the face where JonBenét’s unexplained marks are found. Furthermore, JonBenét’s body showed signs of having been wiped down in her pelvic/genital area. Casanova in Kiss The Girls “dusts” the genital area of the victims he dumps for the police to find in order not to leave any physical trace evidence.

Also found in the wine cellar where JonBenét was found, was her special “pageant” Barbie nightgown. The women kept prisoner in the underground cellar complex in Kiss The Girls are sometimes taken out of their cells and moved to the bottom room of the complex and asked to dress up in a fancy gown of their choice to create a special night of entertainment for the killer Casanova, the world’s greatest lover (in his own mind).

JonBenét is found with a cord wrapped around her neck, with the cord also being attached to a broken piece of paintbrush from Patsy’s paint supplies. Throughout the story of Kiss The Girls, Casanova is profiled by the detective as being an artist, for whom his torture and mutilation of his victims is akin to producing works of art. Both he and the other main killers from Kiss The Girls and Along Came A Spider also like to play games with the detectives investigating them and sometimes leave clever little clues hinting at their identity through “signature” items.

JonBenét is found with what is described by the coroner as a drawing of a red heart on her palm. The first thing to note is that a heart symbol matches the theme of Casanova, who is the world’s greatest lover. But the other thing to consider, is that when one looks at the available picture of the palm, the shape drawn on JonBenét’s palm actually doesn’t look too much like a heart but actually rather resembles a capital letter ‘C’ (which would match both ‘Casanova’ and ‘Christ’, the latter of which would fit in with my resurrection interpretation of the evidence) or ‘G’ (which would match the name of the other killer in the book, the ‘Gentleman’). Although it is difficult to say something definitive about the drawing based on the limited information from the angle and lighting in the available picture, it is very telling that either of these interpretations (a heart symbol or a capital letter ‘C’ or ‘G’) would fit with the m.o. of the killers described in Kiss The Girls, who leave signature clues at their crime scenes.

Also important to note when considering the possibility that this drawing on the palm was meant as the signature of a killer, is the link with the movie poster for the godfather of all serial killer movies, the 1931 classic M. Thiis German movie (which also had an American remake) is about a notorious child killer terrorizing a city as he targets young children while his identity remains hidden. The iconic movie poster famously shows the palm of a left hand (the same side that JonBenét’s drawing was on) with a red letter ‘M’ (standing for the German word for ‘murder’). Is this just a curious coincidence? Why should we consider that Patsy may have actually had such a forced, far-fetched connection in mind while staging a murder scene under the severe pressure of a time constraint?

It’s because there is another movie novelization from the mid 1990s which mentions the murderer who this particular movie M was based on and which can also be linked with both the way JonBenét’s body was found as well as with Patsy’s famous odd verbal behavior in the CNN interview a week after the murder. The movie novelization I’m speaking of is that of Copycat, which fits the m.o. of using movie novelizations for staging (which as I have argued there is evidence for in at least Lethal Weapon and Dirty Harry) as well as popular mainstream crime books (Catnapped, the Alex Cross books).

In that book, which too revolves around a serial killer who makes art out of his murders, there is a description of a posture that he leaves his main target victim in, which is actually plays an important part in the plot of the book. That posture is very similar to the way in which JonBenét was found by John in the wine cellar:

The plot, as the title suggests, revolves around a copycat killer who copies the m.o. of previous famous murderers in his own killings. It is not too difficult, therefore, to imagine how Patsy might have come up with the idea to copy this particular posture for the staging of her daughter’s murder by an intruder. But what’s really interesting is that, as I mentioned, the book also mentions the real-life killer that the movie M (the one with the poster of the palm) was based on.


Central in the story of the book is that the killer uses the main character’s own book that she has written about profiles of famous serial killers for inspiration. But where it gets really interesting is that there is a real-life book, one detailing the profiles, cases and m.o. of real-life murderers (a genre of books that John Ramsey arguably showed interest in as evidenced by him owning the John Douglas Mindhunter book) in which this same murderer that the movie M was based on is also included and could easily be looked up in.

If Patsy really wanted inspiration for a realistic m.o. of a killer, this would have been a convenient source for her to check if the book was available to her that night. And what do we find when we look up the entry for this murderer mentioned in Copycat? First of all it mentions clearly that he was the inspiration for the movie M, which could have made Patsy consider borrowing from it with the palm drawing, and secondly, it uses language very similar to the infamous dramatic warning given by Patsy in the CNN interview a week after the murder:


Also very interesting, and important to consider, is that the Ramseys in later post-crime verbal behavior show signs of also being familiar with some of the other entries in this book which describe other killers. It appears that this book was used post-crime as further inspiration to come up with a realistic profile for their imagined intruder. We will postpone looking at the evidence for this for now.

Let’s get back to the Alex Cross books.

What are some further elements of the crime scene which have long been considered as possibly being relevant to the crime which can also be found in some way in the Alex Cross stories?

One of the first items police recovered when searching the house was a cutting from a magazine with an article about the Esprit awards in which the photos of John and some of the other entrepreneurs had things drawn on them. I have already argued that the ‘YES’/’NO’ markings on the photos that are described and discussed in the police interviews with the Ramseys have their origin in a connection between Healed of Cancer and the NIV study bible which Patsy was relying on to try to bring about JonBenét’s resurrection. But I also have argued that Patsy tried to obey her Lord and simultaneously staged an intruder scenario as a backup plan. So what is the connection with the Alex Cross stories?

The markings on John’s photo are described as follows:

Someone had drawn a [COLLAGE].jpg

In the 1998 police interviews with Patsy and John, it is suggested that it is 'NO' over the other faces and a 'YES' and heart over John's photo.

In Kiss The Girls the Gentleman is described as being associated with flowers as his signature while Casanova is linked with the theme of being the world’s greatest lover who really believes he has a deep love for the women he rapes, tortures and murders. Both are also described as sometimes leaving clues for sport, including leaving behind photos related to their identity. So precisely the two symbols associated with the two killers in Kiss The Girls are found on John’s photo, which police seem to hint in the interview appeared to be left as staging meant to point to an intruder.

Also brought up in the police interviews are a kitchen knife found in the sink area just outside of JonBenét’s bedroom. The Ramseys have no idea how it got there and consider it out of place. In Kiss The Girls the Gentleman is described as attacking one of his victims in her kitchen, using one of her own kitchen knives which he uses to cut off and collect her panties. JonBenét was found not wearing her own regular-sized panties but instead wearing a pair with a flower pattern on them (the Gentleman’s signature) which was originally made to look as if the panties came from outside the house. Was the kitchen knife meant to hint at a killer who collects panties from his victims? It is not known whether JonBenét’s own regular-sized panties which she presumably had worn to the Whites that night were ever recovered.

Continuing on with the theme of the kitchen as a place of interest to the killer, the Ramseys’ kitchen area is where the flashlight without fingerprints that the Ramseys tried to distance themselves from was found. Casanova is described several time as carrying a flashlight with him when he attacks his victims in their own home. All of the killers are also described constantly as being very careful not to leave fingerprints behind in order to commit “perfect crimes”.

Next in the kitchen theme: in the murder scene in Along Came A Spider in which the boy with the hand-me-down pajamas is described and in which the descriptions of “the mother” as fellow victim (echoing Patsy’s phrase on the 911 call) is described, detective Alex Cross notices an open kitchen door. He asks if it was open when the first responding officer arrived and the answer is no. The implication, upon a quick glance at the passage, appears to be that the killer was still in the house when the first officer arrived and only escaped unseen through the kitchen door afterward before backup police officers arrived (although the passage can also be interpreted differently).

James Kolar describes in Foreign Faction that early in the morning of the 26th, after officer French and some others have already arrived, the butler kitchen door is noticed by John Fernie to be open. It was not observed to be open upon officer French’s first inspection of the house. Nobody could account for how it came to be left open, with people assuming it must have been left open by the crime scene techs after dusting the door for prints or by someone else for an innocent reason. The timing of the discovery of the open door, however, also seems to fit the timeline of Patsy opening it herself before finally settling down in the sunroom after first pacing back and forth about the house somewhat aimlessly as officer French was taking in the scene. She only would have needed a moment of being unnoticed by officer French and sergeant Reichenbach after they had observed the door to be closed while inspecting the house. The concept of an open door is also meaningful for Patsy in the resurrection interpretation since a place in the NIVSB (Colossians 4:10), on the same page in the NIVSB referenced by Healed of Cancer immediately before the line about Jesus resurrecting Lazarus, mentions the Lord opening a (metaphorical) door for the proclamation of the mystery of Christ, under the header of “Further Instructions”. In that interpretation, the 8-10 am window was also the time when she had promised her lord to plead her case with him to ask for JonBenét’s resurrection, which would help further explain why she would be focused on opening that spiritually meaningful door precisely around that time before settling down in the sunroom, which was the room she associated with her connection with her Lord. The connection with the Alex Cross story is that it was precisely a kitchen door of all doors that she could have chosen in the house, because her mind was still focused on a back-up plan of staging an intruder scene as inspired by her reading that night.

Then there is the subsequent focus on the notion of a stun gun being used in the crime, a point hammered on by Lou Smit. Smit in the course of his investigation became close to the Ramseys and it has to be wondered whether he may have been willingly or unwillingly influenced by some of their suggestions. Although he has said that the idea of a stun gun as a weapon used in the crime just suddenly hit him after looking closely at the photos of the marks on JonBenét’s body, it is remarkable how steadfast he and team Ramsey kept maintaining that the marks were due to a stun gun even in the face of evidence refuting the claim. Why was a stun gun such an important part of Smit and team Ramsey’s profile of the killer?

Throughout Kiss The Girls Casanova is described as using a stun gun to incapacitate and gain control over his victims as he attacks and kidnaps them. Not only that, just like Smit and team Ramsey, the book seems to give the impression that a stun gun renders people unconscious and is a convenient tool to use when attacking people in the quiet of their own home. None of the descriptions of the attacks with the stun gun gives any indication about the noise of either the device itself or the screams of the person being shot with it. It is a romanticized, if you will, stylized Hollywood-like account of how a stun gun works.

James Kolar has argued that the marks were made by one of the toy train tracks instead. But even if they were, there is no reason to believe that this would point to Burke. Is it possible Patsy used one of the train tracks to deliberately leave the marks in an attempt to create what she believed stun gun marks should look like? Could this be why team Ramsey has been so adamant that that is what the marks were?

Next, there is the infamous and much-discussed ‘S.B.T.C’ closing of the Ramsey note. I have already argued how the often suspected ‘Saved By The Cross’ interpretation could have come about through the Healed of Cancer/NIV Study Bible connection and makes sense in the context of Patsy hoping for JonBenét’s resurrection. But it is most curious that this precise way of signing the note also has a remarkable overlap with Kiss The Girls: precisely the moniker of the main killer’s name is explicitly given in capitals which spell the reverse of SBTC, including a plausible explanation for why only the letter ‘C’ would not get a dot after it, as has sometimes been pointed out and wondered about.
SBTC collage.jpg

Casanova signed his rambling letter, the one with the rules that were to be obeyed (with the penalty of facial and genital disfigurement as a threat), with his name starting with a capital ‘C’, without a dot. The Beast of the Southeast, however, was a moniker that, when abbreviated, should get dots between the letters (T.B.S.) so that the whole moniker would be C T.B.S. or S. B. T. C in reverse.

This brings up the fact that the main theme of the book, a Beast hunting for Beauties, would’ve felt relatable and appropriate to Patsy to use for staging an intruder as JonBenét was a beauty queen and the beauties being attacked in Kiss The Girls are targeted because they are the most beautiful of all. And again there is an obvious overlap with another prominent item in the crime scene which has been wondered about as to its possible relevance to the crime: JonBenét’s pillow on her bed was out of place, being found at the foot of the bed.

It just so happens that this pillow had a giant picture on it of the character which Casanova, The Beast of the Southeast, is explicitly compared to in Kiss The Girls: the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Leaving this item out of place, facing the door to JonBenét’s room, again suggests the notion of an m.o. of a (copycat) killer who deliberately leaves ‘clever’ clues about his identity as a signature.

pillow zoomed in.JPG

The basement window as a point of entry for the killer echoes the second page of the book in the first chapter describing how Casanova entered the house of the family that he had been stalking and studying before his first ever assault.

(p4) He went in and out of the house through a casement window in the cellar that had a broken...JPG

There appears to have been no initial staging by Patsy to make this look like the point of entry but post-crime this certainly became a main focus of team Ramsey’s intruder theory.

The inclusion of the reference to the South, which Patsy and her mother reportedly had a habit of teasing John with, also can be explained by this first chapter in which the killer is described as knowing all the intimate little details about his target family. This may have been what Patsy was trying to convey by including the line, but again the line is also relevant religiously in the resurrrection interpretation in connection with Healed of Cancer.

In addition, the actual line used in the Ramsey note about “good southern common sense” resembles a line from a John Grisham novel about the rape of a father’s young daughter. In Jack & Jill, one of the killers is described as having John Grisham novels at her home (among others).

The daughter being attacked and murdered in the home invasion via the basement window in the first chapter of Kiss The Girls is described as “she looked all innocence”, just before she is attacked by the killer.

The Ramseys named their book about their daughter’s murder The Death of Innocence, making it clear in the book that they are aware that this phrase can be interpreted in two ways in their case, one having to do with the death of their own innocence because of the public’s perception of their guilt, and one having to do with JonBenét’s innocence as a child and her death. In this second interpretation, the “Innocence” from the title of the book therefore refers metonymously to JonBenét herself. In the book in one caption to a photo taken of JonBenét in 1996, she is described as “the picture of innocence. . .”.
INNOCENCE collage.jpg

Then there is the partial bootprint which was found in the wine cellar of the Ramsey’s home with a brand name (Hi-tec) associated with bootwear conveniently fully legible but with not enough of a print left behind to be able to determine the size of the boot. Investigators later learn that Burke Ramsey owned a pair of boots of that brand in the years prior to the murder, but those boots are never found in the home. A boy-sized boot may thus have been responsible for all the speculation about whether the bootprint found may have been left by a man responsible for killing JonBenét. Again, team Ramsey seemed adamant that this partial bootprint belonged to the killer, as if they knew it was intended to be so.

On the first page of Along Came A Spider, the killer, as a young boy at the Lindbergh kidnapping, is described as deliberately leaving staged footprints of a man to throw off investigators. He uses a different size boot to falsely imply that the prints were left by a man. In both Kiss The Girls and Along Came A Spider the killers are described as wearing boots at various points.

Another possible detail that may have been staged as a ‘clever’ signature by the imagined killer, similar to the flower and heart pattern on John’s photo and the pillow with the picture of the Beast, is the word ‘Korea’ which was on the piece of paintbrush handle of the so-called garrote. Like the partial bootprint, it is a broken/partial piece of an item left behind in the wine cellar that just so happens to have an entire word left intact on it, conveniently legible. How is the term ‘Korea’ echoed in one of the Alex Cross stories? In Along Came A Spider, in a part of the story describing how the killer leaves “artistic touches” at his murder scenes, in which he leaves clues about one murder victim at the crime scene of another of his victims, an “overt message” that is the “signature of signatures”, the victim that he has just murdered and where he leaves such an artistic touch is described as having “a tiny map of Korea hanging from rawhide around her neck”.

The Ramsey note speaks of “The two gentlemen watching over your daughter”. This phrase appears in the context of not going against the kidnapper’s rules which can lead to the victim’s death as punishment for violating his/their rules. The Ramsey note speaks from the perspective that JonBenét is being held prisoner in a place where she is being watched carefully.

In Kiss The Girls one of the main themes of the book is that there are two serial killers who are cooperating with each other and how extraordinary their shared bond is. Throughout the book, they are constantly referred to with some variation of “the two”, e.g. “the two killers”, “the two monsters” etc. One of the two killers is called “the Gentleman Caller” and is constantly referred to as “the Gentleman” for short. In one place in the book, the term ‘watched over me’ is highlighted with quotation marks, making it more prominent in the passage (which also contains “the two” just above). In another passage, the term “watching over” is used as the detective is watching over the woman who had been kidnapped (after she has just escaped), the same woman who had found the long rambling note about the killer’s rules.
One of the killers keeps the women he kidnaps hidden away in an underground cellar complex, where he is described conceptually as constantly watching (over) them, keeping an eye on their every move, with the women being scared to break his rules because of this.

In John Ramsey’s 1998 police interview he is questioned about a torn up Santa Claus letter with a merry Christmas message being found in a trash bin in JonBenét’s room. In Along Came A Spider there is a passage about the killer sending a telegram to the family whose daughter he has kidnapped with the police and FBI wondering if it may be “his way of saying Merry Christmas”. In another passage they wonder if he may have chosen the holiday season to strike in order to ruin everyone’s Christmas. John Ramsey reads the message "Somebody loves you" on the torn up Christmas letter. In Along Came A Spider, the killer has a catchphrase encapsulating his motivation that he keeps repeating throughout the book: "I Want to Be Somebody!" In Jack & Jill one of the killers calls himself 'Nobody' and uses this to refer to himself as a subject in a note he leaves behind: "Nobody is gone". The "Somebody loves you" read by John may have been intended by Patsy as a message from the killer saying about himself that he loves JonBenét (whether or not this was a letter originally sent by Santa Bill).

Admittedly, some of the above conceptual overlap is less convincing than other. But, what evidence is there in the Ramseys’ post-crime verbal behavior that, in addition to Patsy’s 911 call verbal behavior, indicates these books were used as inspiration by the Ramseys, first by Patsy and post-26th also by John, for their intruder theory?

Let’s take a look at the CNN interview one week after the murder. [FOLLOWING SOON]


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A Smoking Gun Selection for Alex Cross Stories

As Patsy went along with the staging, I believe she became more and more convinced that the Alex Cross stories of Kiss The Girls (KTG), Along Came A Spider (ACAS) and Jack & Jill (JAJ) as well as the Murder and Mayhem (MAM) book with profiles of real killers were the most realistic and best sources to use for her staged intruder scene. This sense of realism is probably what made her increasingly put herself in these stories, as seems to have been her natural inclination to do with stories. I think that in the days, weeks, months and even years after the murder both Patsy and John went back to the stories of these books (John only after being told by Patsy after JonBenét had been found and they had left that she used the books for the staging) to get a grasp of a possible story that could explain why there must have been an intruder that was responsible for the death of their daughter rather than either of them. This is how they came up with the general outline for their intruder theory.

In doing so, I believe some of the effects that Donald Foster described about the incorporation of linguistic elements that are a part of our lives seeped into their language use when speaking on the case, as they went back over these stories in preparation for interviews and during the interviews they recalled parts from them in their minds to try to deal with the tough questions that were being presented to them by police and media. They were placing themselves in these stories and blending fiction with reality. So although I think the effects on the Ramsey note were mostly of a different nature from the one Foster invokes (caused more by short-term, immediate effects of priming and of direct borrowing rather than Foster's slowly acquired passive effect), I think the effect on the Ramseys' use of language and concepts in key moments post-crime was influenced by some such effect that he described. But also some of the short-term effects I think were in play again as they went back over the stories of the books in preparation for big interviews, e.g. the A & E interview in 1998 and their Larry King Live interview in March of 2000, more than a year after the murder and Patsy’s initial staging. This becomes clear when one considers the overlap between the Ramseys’ linguistic behavior and highly specific parts of the stories.

Here we will go over some of the examples that I believe support all of the above claims. If we accept that, as I have tried to argue, Kiss The Girls, Along Came A Spider and Jack & Jill played a very significant role in staging the crime scene (both the ransom note, 911 call and the physical crime scene including JonBenét's body), then it should be considered as very damning evidence against the Ramseys if we can show that their linguistic behavior post-crime shows knowledge of these stories and their language. We've already seen some of these examples in Patsy's 911 call before JonBenét was even found. The CNN interview especially, recorded a week after JonBenét's body was found, is very incriminating in this regard as it seems highly implausible that either Ramsey would spend much of their time so soon after JonBenét's death reading these stories about violent, serial-killing rapists and child-murderers for leisure. They deliberately turned to these stories and mined their content for inspiration for both concepts and words and phrases for their intruder theory and even for framing everything about their daughter’s murder as a story, including their portrayal of their grief for their daughter and their shock at her murder.

Let's start with the CNN interview and look at the overlapping elements between the stories from the books and what the Ramseys say. In some of the material quoted I underline some of the overlapping words and/or concepts. Words are not underlined in the original sources unless explicitly stated ‘[underlined in original]’. An '→' indicates a comment that applies to the last quoted passage above it that has a reference to a page in one of the books.


-ACAS: (p. 296) "Was Maggie Rose still alive? the press wanted to know. I wouldn't say what I thought, which was that she probably wasn't."


-JAJ: (p. 345) “That part had been carefully edited from the CNN tape. It was too strong. It was brutal beyond belief. It put Jack and Jill in the worst possible light.”

→ The only occurrence of ‘beyond belief’ in Jack & Jill.

→ This is from a chapter in which one of the killers (Jill) has just shown up dead and had her identity revealed. Police then find out her address and go to her apartment to look for clues about what drove the killers and who the other killer (Jack) might be. Alex Cross is watching a graphic videotape of the murder of a senator which he finds in the home. ‘beyond belief’ here refers to a visceral reaction to the nature of a murder, which is also how John uses it, seemingly triggered by the reporter’s “sickening” which is conceptually similar to what this passage expresses with “It was too strong”.

The two consecutive chapters dealing with this part of the story contain not only multiple overlaps with John’s words in this interview, but also contains some of the other concepts that are suspected, for independent reasons, to be tied to the staging of the crime scene: e.g. it contains the idea that the killer was into movies of all sorts and has the Hitchcock/Notorious reference which can be tied to the Ramsey note through The Dictionary of Film Quotations, it has the mention that the killer (Jill) reads John Grisham, whose book A Time To Kill about a raped and murdered daughter contains a line very similar to the “good southern common sense” line from the Ramsey note, it contains a mention that the killer has a poem on her wall in which “Somebody” (with a capital ‘S’) is implied to be the name of an actual person which can be tied to the torn up Christmas card in JonBenét’s trash bin in her room about which John of his own volition in his police interview mentions that it contains the line that “Somebody loves you”, it contains a description of the crucial piece of evidence (a videotape of a murder) in the fictional case being hidden in a VHS case/box of the Hitchcock movie, which may explain why Patsy is asked in her police interview if a VHS case near JonBenét’s bed looks out of place to her.

→ ‘brutal’ is one of the main words pushed by Lou Smit to associate the crime with as part of his intruder theory. John likes to use it plenty as well. ‘brutal’ is also a recurring description for the nature of the crimes of several of the killers in the Alex Cross stories. Along with the emphasis on the killer using a stun gun, the focus on the basement window being the point of entry, the emphasis on the sexual nature of the crime and the professionalism and competency of the killer, the inclusion of a mysterious blue van in the police file that Lou points out in his deposition (Maggie Rose is kidnapped in a blue van), this is another example of Lou Smit also using elements from the Alex Cross stories to envision and characterize the crime. Although it’s still possible that team Ramsey influenced Smit’s thinking in certain directions without him realizing it, the accumulative weight of pieces of Lou Smit’s theory overlapping with the Ramsey’s method of staging should give us pause to seriously consider the possibility that Lou Smit was brought in on the secret of how the Ramseys staged the crime and purposely helped them because he believed they were not evil murderers but only had covered up an unfortunate accident.

-KTG: (p. 24) “If only he would ungag her. Her mouth was dry, and she was thirsty beyond belief. Perhaps she could actually talk her way out of this—of whatever it was that he had planned.”

→ The only occurrence of ‘beyond belief’ in Kiss The Girls. There are none in Along Came A Spider.

→ The girl who broke the rules and gets taken out of the house into the woods to get killed and mutilated. She is the one who is the example in the story of what the killer means by “or you will be executed within hours”, which is echoed by the Ramsey note’s threat of “immediate execution”.

-ACAS: (p. 402) “I was a little dizzy, and nauseated. It was exactly the way I’d felt for about a year after Maria died. ‘For what it’s worth, I fell in love with you, too, Jezzie. I tried not to, but I did. I just couldn’t have imagined anybody lying to me the way you did. Lying and deceiving. I still can’t believe all the lies.
What about Mike Devine?’ I asked.
Jezzie shrugged her shoulders. That was her only answer. ‘You committed the perfect crime. A masterpiece,' I told her then. 'You created the master crime that Gary Soneji always wanted to commit.’”

→ Maria is Alex Cross’s wife who was murdered. His reaction to her murder was being “nauseated".

-ACAS: (p. 425) “I wiped my face several times on my sleeve. I was sweating bullets. I was also nauseated and dizzy. I had an electric bullhorn and I flicked the power on.
The power was in my hands. I want to be somebody, too. Was that true?”

→ “I want to be somebody” is the killer’s catchphrase describing his motivation. John reads “Somebody loves you” on the torn Christmas card/letter in the trash bin in JonBenét’s room. This utterance about being nauseated is in the context of a face-off with the kidnapper-killer.

The only other references to nausea other than these two in any of the three books is in Kiss The Girls where Kate is described as suffering from nausea after being kidnapped, drugged and raped by Casanova and waking up in a room in his underground (cellar) complex.


-JAJ (pp. 94-95) “IT WAS the worst of times; it was the worst of times. On Wednesday morning, just two days after Shanelle Green’s murder, a second murdered child was found in Garfield Park, not far from the Sojourner Truth School. This time the victim was a seven-year-old boy. The crime was similar. The child’s face had been crushed, possibly with a metal club or pipe.
I could walk from my house on Fifth Street to the horrifying murder scene. I did just that, but I dragged my feet. It was the fourth of December and children were already thinking of Christmas. This shouldn’t have been happening. Not ever, but especially not then.
I felt bad for another reason, besides the murder of another innocent child. Unless someone was copycatting the first murder, and that seemed highly unlikely to me, the killer couldn’t have been Emmanuel Perez, couldn’t have been Chop-It-Off-Chucky. Sampson and I had made a mistake. We had run down the wrong child molester. We were partly responsible for his death. […] The news coverage continued to be very limited, but I recognized a few reporters at the tragic scene: Inez Gomez from El Diario and Fern Galperin from CNN. They seemed to cover everything in Washington, occasionally even murders in Southeast. ”

-JAJ (p. 25) “AT EVERY HUMAN TRAGEDY like this one, there is always someone who points. A man stood outside the crime-scene tape and pointed at the murdered child and also at me.”

-JAJ (p. 60) “One of Damon’s schoolmates had died at the Sojourner Truth School. What a horrible tragedy, and yet he had already seen so much of it.”

-JAJ (p. 289) “I was a part of it, and yet I also felt disconnected. I couldn’t help thinking of Dallas, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Dr. King. The past tragedies of our country. Our sorrowful history. I couldn’t take my eyes off Stagecoach.”

-JAJ (p. 290) “Nothing must happen to President Byrnes or Sally Byrnes, I thought— as if an act of will could stop an assassin’s bullet, stop terrible things from happening there in the garage or upstairs in the packed Felt Forum.”

-JAJ (p. 371) “I rose from the piano bench and went to see who was there. After all the bad things that had happened, I almost expected to see the killer Gary Soneji, come to finally get even or at least, to try his luck.”

-JAJ (p. 337) “It may seem odd—but when your life is filled with homicides and other tragedies, you have to learn to take time for yourself. The homicides will still be there. The homicides are always there.”

‘happened’ occurs 48 times in Jack & Jill in all sorts of context of eventful shocking developments, most notably the assassination of the president, and 18 more times ‘happening’ occurs.

-JAJ (p. 247) “How in hell can you protect me if I won’t cooperate, won't follow your recommendations? Well, I can’t cooperate anymore. Not if it means sending a message to the world that a couple of psychopaths can completely alter our government. Which is exactly what is happening. It’s happened, folks.”

-JAJ (p. 290) “Nothing must happen to President Byrnes or Sally Byrnes, I thought— as if an act of will could stop an assassin’s bullet, stop terrible things from happening there in the garage or upstairs in the packed Felt Forum.”

-JAJ (p. 296) “I was there when it finally happened. I was so close to President Byrnes.”

-JAJ (p. 300) “Five shots. What had happened up ahead?”

-JAJ (p. 307) “Christine Johnson was in shock, as were her closest friends and most everyone that she knew. The teachers at Sojourner Truth and the children were completely destroyed by what had happened to the President in New York City. It was so horrifying and stark, but also so unbearably sad and unreal. […] She had been watching the nightmarish TV coverage of the assassination attempt from the first moment she got home from school. She still couldn’t believe what had happened. No one could believe it. The President was still alive. No other bulletins were being released. ”

-JAJ (p. 371) “I rose from the piano bench and went to see who was there. After all the bad things that had happened, I almost expected to see the killer Gary Soneji, come to finally get even or at least, to try his luck.”

-JAJ: (p. 335) “I finally closed my eyes, and I tried to push the rushing scenes of murder and chaos out of my mind. I couldn’t do it. The monsters were everywhere that night. They truly were all around me. There are so *advertiser censored* many of them. Wave upon wave, it seems. Young and old, and everything in between. Where are these monsters coming from in America? What has created them?”

-JAJ: (p. 348) “What a strange country we lived in. So many murderers. So many monsters. So many decent people for them to prey on.”

-KTG: (p. 160) "There were several ongoing cases across the country at that time. I read hundreds of detailed FBI briefs on all of them. A killer of gay men in Austin, Texas. A repeat killer of elderly women in Ann Arbor and Kalamazoo, Michigan. Pattern killers in Chicago, North Palm Beach, Long Island, Oakland, and Berkeley."

-KTG: (p. 302) "I had already learned that human monsters can live anywhere; that some of the clever ones chose ordinary all-American-looking houses. Just like the house I was examining now. The monsters are literally everywhere. There is an epidemic running out of control in America, and the statistics are frightening. We have nearly seventy-five percent of the human hunters. Europe has almost all the rest, led by England, Germany, and France. Mass murderers are changing the face of modern homicide investigations in every American city, village, and town."

-KTG: (p. 423) " [']There's a monster working in the city of Chicago right now. Another in Lincoln and Concord, Massachusetts. Someone very evil is taking children in Austin, Texas. Little babies, actually. Repeat killers in Orlando and Minneapolis.'[...] Since 1981, beautiful and intelligent women from all over the South had been abducted by the two monsters and murdered. It was a thirteen-year reign of horror."

-KTG: (p. 425) "I thought of children like my own Damon and Janelle, watching this spectacle in their homes. This was a world they were inheriting. Human monsters roaming the earth, a majority of them in America and Europe. Why was that? Something in the water? In the high-fat fast food? On Saturday morning TV?"

-KTG: (p. 247) "I knew what Kate was feeling. I felt it too. 'He is a monster. Only he’s created himself. So has Casanova. It’s another similarity they share. Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, they wrote only about human monsters roaming the earth. Now we have sickos living out their elaborate fantasies. What a country.'"

- ‘deeply’ 7 times in Jack & Jill, though mostly about frowning deeply and such.

-JAJ: (p. 271) “Thomas Byrnes lightly patted the edge of the bed, which was kingsize with a partial canopy. Sally came and sat beside him. He reached for her hand, and she gave it to him willingly. She loved to hold hands with her Tom. She always had. She knew she still loved him in spite of past hurts and all their other troubles. She could forgive him for his affairs. She knew they meant nothing to him. She was secure in herself. Sally Byrnes also understood her husband better than anybody else. She knew how disturbed he was right now, how deeply frightened, and how vulnerable.”


-JAJ (p. 353) “The murders and unprecedented violence were everywhere. It was as if a strange, crippling disease were spreading across much of the world, but especially right here in America. I had already witnessed too much of it. I didn’t know how to make the nightmare stop. No one did.”

-JAJ (p. 91) “JACK: For a long time, people like us have sat back and taken the injustices dished out by the elite few in this country. We have been patient and suffering and, for the most part, silent. What is the cynical saying—don’t just do something, sit there? We have waited for the American system of checks and balances to take hold and work for us. But the system has not worked for a long, long time. Nothing seems to work anymore. Does anyone seriously dispute that?”

-JAJ (p. 91) “JILL: Look at what our so-called leaders have done to us. Look at the despair and suffering our leaders are responsible for. Look at the sickness of cynicism they’ve created. The dreams and hopes they have wantonly destroyed. Our leaders are systematically destroying America.”

-JAJ (p. 5) “He planned to capture as much of this as possible on film. This was history in the making. It really was history: America at the end of its century, America at the end of an era, America at the end.”

→ The theme of America being on a downward spiral and the American people going through it is the backdrop to the main theme of child murder and/or (sexual assault and ransom) kidnappings in all three stories. This is also the exact oddly well-reflected combination of themes that Patsy is focused on only a week after her daughter’s death and this odd combination is also written into the Ramsey note (talking about killing someone’s daughter while at the same time talking about matters of “country”).

→ The Ramseys were asked in their police interviews why cameras were left in odd places in the home, including in JonBenét’s room. There appears to be no tape found in their home of the Christmas celebrations from the day before. John says he decided not to film that morning. In the story of Jack & Jill the killers take a copy of one of their killings with them to their own home (Jill’s apartment), where it is hidden in the box for Hitchcock’s Notorious.
Patsy is asked about a photo of JonBenét in the basement found at the crime scene.

-JAJ: (p. 333) “I hugged Christine hard before I left.
She was still trembling. She had suffered a horrible, unspeakable loss. We had both spent a night in hell. ‘I can’t feel anything. Everything is so unreal,’ she told me. ‘I know this isn’t a nightmare, and yet I keep thinking that it has to be one.’
Sampson drove me home at one in the morning. My eyes felt lidless. My brain was still going at a million miles an hour, still buzzing loudly, still overheated.
What was our world coming to? Gary Soneji? Bundy? The Hillside
Strangler? Koresh? McVeigh? On and on and on. Gandhi was asked once
what he thought of western civilization. He replied, ‘I think it could be a good idea.’”

-JAJ (p. 97) “The medical examiner was arranging for an autopsy to determine the cause of death. She looked shaken by the savage attack the child had suffered. The autopsy of a murdered child is as bad as it gets.”

-JAJ: (p. 51) “That was incredibly important to him. Just watching the attractive, round-faced, sandy-haired boy, he could feel how badly this particular kid would be missed and, even better, mourned. He needed to imagine the stories that would bombard the television screens and the thrill of watching them, knowing he was responsible for so much pain and suffering and emergency activity.”

-ACAS: (p. 352) “He said, ‘What happened back then, my one mistake, was I permitted my successes, the applause of millions of admirers, to rush to my head. The applause can be a drug. Katherine Rose suffers from the same disease, you know. Most of the movie people, the sports icons, they do, too. Millions are cheering for them, you understand. They're telling these people how ‘special’ and how ‘brilliant’ they are. And some of the stars forget any limitations they might have, forget the hard work that got them to the plateau originally. I did. At the time. That is precisely why I was caught. I believed I could escape from the McDonald’s! Just as I had always escaped before. I would just dabble in a little ‘spree’ killing, then get away. I wanted to sample all the highimpact crimes, Alex. A little Bundy, a little Geary, a little Manson, Whitman, Gilmore.

→ The notion of many of the American people all suffering from the same disease (conceptually described as narcissism). The killer in ACAS, too, describes the concept of copycat killing as part of his motivation and m.o.). One one page in the book the animation/live-action movie The Pagemaster is also brought up, which is a movie about literary stories and books coming to life, even some genres becoming anthropomorphic characters. This again somewhat fits the theme of using (literary) books/movies as inspiration for a (copycat) crime. This movie is also a candidate (along with Beauty & The Beast) for a movie case/box that Patsy may have left conspicuously out of place in the house (she is asked about some in one of her police interviews and suggests they were children’s movies).

-JAJ (p. 202) “He had finally gone to see Pulp Fiction the night before. It hadn’t relaxed him, though he’d laughed out loud several times. Sick story; he was even sicker; America was sickest of all.”

-ACAS: (p. 271) "But in this particular instance, because of the suffering of Mr. Goldberg and his family, the wheels have moved very fast. And because of Katherine Rose Dunne and her family, who are famous and rich and very powerful, and who also want their suffering to end. Who can blame them for that? I certainly don't. But NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE LIFE OF AN INNOCENT MAN! This man, Gary Murphy, does not deserve to suffer as they have suffered.' Nathan now walked over to where Gary sat. Blond, athletic-looking Gary Murphy, who looked like a grown-up Boy Scout. 'This man is as good a man as you will find anywhere in this courtroom. I'll prove it to you, too.'"

→ 'suffer(ing)' 4 times. Katherine Rose Dunne and her family are famous and are a model for the country's suffering. 'Goldberg and his family' as additional victims next to this famous family as national victims would at the time also have been very reminiscent of Ron Goldman and his family being victims next to the 'main' victim of O.J. Simpson's wife as part of the famous Simpson/(Nicole) Brown family. The names 'Goldberg' and 'Goldman' alone are similar enough in this respect but conceptually there is also some overlap in that they are 'secondary' victims to the famous family's victim. This connotation may have been part of the reason why the O.J. Simpson murder case came to Patsy's mind and why she mentioned it in her drugged mental state.

Patsy in this part of the interview appears to know what she wants to say but she struggles to put it into words. This may be because she is placing herself in the stories and is trying to get the media and the public to see that she is like the people in the stories but she can't say certain parts that come to her mind because the public obviously doesn't know and can’t know that she is comparing the situations.

In this context of her putting herself into stories, the fact that she mentions "the lady who drove her kids into the water" (and who tried to blame the deaths on a mysterious non-existent black man) provides more evidence as to what her own situation may have been, namely, that her daughter had an accident in a car and that part of the story she was trying to come up with to explain it had involved black males (from the revolutionary Rhodesian faction in Dirty Harry’s The Enforcer and the real-life counterpart she had searched for in The Jimmy Carter Public Papers 1979 Book 1).

-JAJ: (p. 36) ““I sure do love a good homicide. Love walking the mean streets in the dead cold of winter,’ Sampson opined as we went past a local dealer’s black-on-black Jeep. It was blaring rap, lots of bass. “Love the suffering, the stench, the funky sounds.” His face was flat. Beyond angry. Philosophical.”


-KTG: (p. 98) "I'M ALIVE. Kate McTiernan slowly forced open her eyes inside a dimly lit room . . . somewhere. For a couple of blinks of her eyes, she believed she was in a hotel that she couldn’t for the life of her remember checking into. A really weird hotel in an even weirder Jim Jarmusch art movie. It didn’t matter, though. At least she wasn’t dead. Suddenly, she remembered being shot point-blank in the chest. She remembered the intruder. Tall... long hair .. . gentle, conversational voice . . . sixth-degree animal. She tried to get up, but thought better of it immediately. 'Whoa there,' she said out loud. Her throat was dry, and her voice sounded raspy as it echoed unpleasantly inside her head. Her tongue felt as if it needed a shave. I’m in hell. In a circle from Dante’s Inferno, with a very low number, she thought, and she began to shiver."

→ Kate first waking up in her cell in Casanova's underground complex after being kidnapped. This is just before she find that there is a note with the house rules that she can’t violate (on punishment of death) which she then starts to read. Patsy is also talking about the moment she finds the Ramsey note.
→ First paragraph of a chapter.
→ The ‘being shot point-blank in the chest’ refers to her being shot with a stun gun that shoots a dart attached to the stun gun.
→ Patsy uses ‘immediately’ a few moments later

-JAJ (p. 10) “Jill turned on her bare heels, and he followed close behind. He watched the slight hitch in her step. Bewitching in its way. He watched her slender figure retreat through a tiny sitting room that was dimly lit by the hallway lamp. This was the way to the flat’s bedroom, he knew.”


-ACAS: (p. 61) "Several computer printouts were taped to the bare library on kidnapping. I started to read down the lists."

'started to' occurs 28 times in KTG and 36 times in ACAS. In Kiss The Girls there is no 'started to read' but in chapter 1 there is a 'Coty started to scream'. This is the girl it appears Patsy has in her mind as part of the model/prototype for explaining what happened to JonBenét. It is the girl from the first chapter described looking as 'all innocence' before being attacked in her own home with her family present by an intruder (Casanova) who entered through a basement window and who has studied the family before attacking, which the Ramseys, I believe, referenced with The Death of Innocence.


-ACAS: (p. 91) " 'We received another message that appears to be from Gary Soneji,' Scorse announced as soon as he was in front of us. He had an odd way of stretching his neck and twisting his head from side to side when he was nervous. He did that a few times as he began to speak. 'I'll read it to you. It's addressed to the Dunnes...' 'Dear Katherine and Tom...['] "

-NIVSB: (p. 1905, introduction to 1 John (the letter I argue Patsy referenced with ‘$118,000’) , under header ‘Recipients’) “IJn 2:12-14,19; 3:1; 5:13 make it clear that this letter was addressed to believers. But the letter itself does not indicate who they were or where they lived. The fact that it mentions no one by name suggests it was a circular letter sent to Christians in a number of places. Evidence from early Christian writers places the apostle John in Ephesus during most of his later years (c. a.d. 70-100). The earliest confirmed use of 1 John was in the province of Asia (in modern Turkey), where Ephesus was located. Clement of Alexandria indicates that John ministered in the various churches scattered throughout that province. It may be assumed, therefore, that 1 John was sent to the churches of the province of Asia (see map No. 12 at the end of the Study Bible).

→ The first page of the book/letter of Ephesians has the footnote with the explicit connection between “familiar with” and “law”, “sin”, “payment of a ransom”, “the death of Christ” and being freed “through his blood”. It is four page flips removed from a verse in Ephesians that Healed of Cancer references, a verse encouraging “to fight for your healing”, which comes immediately after this passage: “Say, ‘Thoughts, line up with the Word of God that says by the stripes of Jesus I am healed. Thoughts, line up with God’s Word that says whatever I ask I receive of Him because I keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Thoughts, line up with God’s Word, in Jesus’ Name.’ And, praise God, it will come to pass!”

This passage and lone quotation from/reference to Ephesians in Healed of Cancer are one page flip after the second of only two quotations from First John (1 John) in Healed of Cancer. This second First John (1 John) quotation/reference has the same focus on following His commandments: “35. FIRST JOHN 3:21,22: God answers the prayers of those who keep His commandments.” First John (1 John) is all about Jesus being the Word of God.


→ In the story the belief "in my heart" by Kate is about the (other) victims who are still alive and who could be found and rescued. In JonBenét's case of course this is no longer possible as she has already been found dead so the belief "in my heart" becomes about finding not the other victims but the killer.




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JOHN RAMSEY: “Well we have been pretty isolated -- totally isolated -- for the last five days, but we've sensed from our friends that this tragedy has touched not just ourselves and our friends but many people. And we know that there's many people that are praying for us, that are grieving with us. And we want to thank them, to let them know that we are healing, and that we know in our hearts that JonBenét is safe and with God and that the grieving that we all have to do is for ourselves and for our loss, but we want to thank those people that care about us.”

-KTG: (p. 195) "'First, I would like to say something to all the families and friends who have someone missing. Please, don’t give up hope. The man known as Casanova strikes only if his explicit commands are disobeyed. I broke his rules, and I was badly beaten. But I did manage to escape. There are other women where I was kept captive. My thoughts are with them in ways you can't imagine. I believe in my heart that they are still alive and safe.'
The reporters pressed in closer and closer to Kate McTiernan. Even in her battered condition she was magnetic, her strength shone through. The TV cameras liked her. So would the public, I knew."

→ These are Kate's first words in public after she has become the first victim to escape and she is speaking to the media at a press conference. John and Patsy are speaking in their first public interview, with a national audience, and the last quote above are the very first words from either of them in the interview.

→ “Casanova strikes only if his explicit commands are disobeyed. I broke his rules, and I was badly beaten”, follows the logic of what is supposed to have happened in JonBenét’s case.

-ACAS: (p. 86) “Dennis the Menace was up in northern Jersey these days, still trying to make it to the New York Times. He was never going to accomplish that feat, Jezzie knew in her heart. The only thing Dennis had ever been good at was trying to make Jezzie doubt herself. Dennis had been a real standout in that department. But in the end, she wouldn’t let him beat her down.”

→ Jezzie is one of the child killers.

-JAJ: (p. 273) “IT WAS TIME to prove he was better than Jack and Jill. In his heart, he knew that he was. No contest. Jack and Jill were basically full of crap.
The Cross home stood in dark, shifting shadows on Fifth Street in Washington’s Southeast. It looked as if everyone inside had finally fallen asleep. We’ll soon see. We’ll just see about that, the killer thought to himself.”

-JAJ: (p. 157) “He was so glad to be back in Washington, where he’d lived at various times in the past. He was happy to be back in the game as well. The game of games, he couldn’t help thinking, and believing it in his heart. Code name: Jack and Jill. Intrigue just didn’t get any better than this. It couldn’t.”

-JAJ: (p. 303) “No one would ever know how and why it had happened, or who was really responsible. Just as it had been with JFK in Dallas.
And RFK in Los Angeles.
And Watergate and Whitewater and most every other significant event in our recent history. In truth, our history was not knowing; it was being carefully shielded from the truth. That was the American way.
‘I love you so much,’ his wife whispered breathlessly against the side of his face. ‘You are my hero. You did such a good, brave thing.’
He believed it, too. He knew it deep within his heart.
He wasn’t Jack anymore. Jack no longer existed.”

→ John in his next answer in the interview after his first comment (the last quote above) moments later says “we now have to find out why this happened”.

-JAJ (p. 336) “A day had passed since the long night at the Johnson house, since the even longer morning in New York City. Not nearly enough time for any kind of healing, or even proper grieving. President Edward Mahoney had been sworn in the day before. It was necessary according to law, but it almost seemed indecent to me.”

→ The president has just died from the results of an assassination attempt and a new president has just been sworn in. All the people in the country are grieving together (but not yet healing).

-JAJ (p. 333) “THE DRAGONSLAYER lives, but how many lives do I have left? Why was I taking chances with my life? Physician, heal thyself.”

→ The passage expresses a wise lesson that Alex Cross realizes (through inner dialogue, John says they “know” it “in our hearts”) that he has to focus on his own healing instead of only on helping others. John expresses that they understand that they need to now focus on their own grief in order to heal but he wants to acknowledge that others are grieving with them and suffering too.


A cluster of verbal and conceptual elements that also show up in Jack & Jill: “initial (reaction)”, “involved”, “that’s good”, NOT RIGHT TIME FOR WIDTH OF FOCUS ON SUSPECT PROFILES, GOT/NEED TO LOOK AT “everything”.

‘initial’ is used four times in Jack & Jill, once with “initial reaction” describing one of the killers’ reaction (with “shame”) to something. Another occurrence is “initial impression” which describes Alex Cross thinking about the profile for the killers Jack & Jill. This is very similar to how John uses his “initial reactions” about who may have been “involved” in JonBenét’s murder. On the same page, Alex Cross wonders whether kinky sex might be “involved” in the case.

But more importantly, the word ‘involved’ is used multiple times in speculation about who all might be involved in the murder spree of Jack & Jill, with all sorts of high-level conspiratorial parties being considered. Although at a quick glance, you might think John’s use of the word is natural because of course a father wants to find out who is responsible for the murder of his daughter. But the word ‘involved’ is a word more suggestive of a complex conspiracy, and in the far-fetched plot of Jack & Jill with killers striking celebrities and even assassinating the president, it is no wonder that this word is used multiple times by Alex Cross to consider who is responsible for the killing spree. But for John to use the word “involved” a week after the murder, as part of their “initial reactions” very shortly after the murder, seems rather odd, especially considering he says in this same interview that by then (a week after the murder) he believes the killer is a single individual. He is using the language that is used frequently throughout the book and applying it to his own situation, which it why it comes off as not really appropriate.

Six page flips after the passage with Alex Cross’s “initial impression” where he describes his preliminary profile of the killers, the word “involved” shows up again in a very noteworthy context: he wonders if an “artist” could be “involved” in the murders. I have already argued that the choice for a paintbrush (with the word ‘Korea’ on it) as part of the garrote was Patsy’s way of trying to mimic the profile of a killer who is an artist and who leaves “artistic touches”. This concept is explicitly found in one way or another in all three Alex Cross stories as well as in Copycat. I think this is why post-crime both Ramseys read up on parts in the Alex Cross books that deal with this idea because the profile of their intruder needed to fit these staged crime scene elements.

The concept of not to “draw the focus in tight yet” is also found in another place where Alex Cross talks about being ordered to give his preliminary profile of the killers but where he considers it “too early” for that.

-JAJ: (p. 79) “Here was evidence of kinkiness again, and yet I didn’t quite believe it. Everything was too orderly and arranged. Why would they want us to suspect kinky sex might be involved? Was that something? Were Jack and Jill frustrated lovers? Was Jack impotent? We needed to know whether anyone had sex with the victim. […] My initial impression was that both killers were white, somewhere between the ages of thirty and forty-five—probably closer to the latter, based on the high level of organization in both murders. I suspected well above average intelligence, but also persuasiveness and physical attractiveness. That was particularly telling, and bizarre to me—since the killers had managed to get inside the celebrities’ apartments. It was the best clue we had.”

-JAJ: (p. 90) “The film continued to weave together black-and-white and color footage, but not in a disorderly fashion. Whoever had stitched it together had a decent skill for editing.
One of them is an artist, or at least has strong artistic tendencies, I thought to myself and made a mental note. What kind of artist would be involved in something like this? I was familiar with several theories about links between creativity and psychopaths. Bundy, Dahmer, even Manson, could be considered “creative” killers. On the other hand, Richard Wagner, Degas, Jean Genet, and many other artists had exhibited psychopathic behavior in their lives, but they didn’t kill anyone.”

→ John hesitates after “as to...” before saying “...who might have been involved”, as if first considering formulating a sentence with a different word, perhaps “what kind (of)”, as found in the passage here. I think he wanted to steer police and the public into thinking along such complex profiling lines, where police would begin to think about what kind of person could’ve left all the clever little staged clues left in the Ramsey home. But because this is a line of thought that has to be introduced subtly and was difficult to pull off immediately in the CNN interview, he opts for “who”. But in later interviews he certainly has no trouble trying to steer people into thinking more along these lines of complex profiling questions that consider the kind of person this intruder must have been.

-JAJ: (p. 146) “At a little past five, I stopped by the Sojourner Truth School again. There were several forces strongly pulling me in the direction of the school. The new information about the homeless white man and the constant feeling that just maybe my nemesis Gary Soneji might be involved. That was part of it. Then there was Christine Johnson. Mrs. Johnson.”

-JAJ: (p. 169) “THE MORNING after the murder, I drove eight miles down to Langley, Virginia. I wanted to spend some time with Jeanne Sterling, the CIA’s inspector general and the Agency’s representative on the crisis team. Don Hamerman had made it clear to me that the Agency was involved because there was the possibility a foreign power might be behind Jack and Jill. Even if it were a long shot, it had to be checked. Somehow, I suspected there might be more to the CIA’s involvement than just that. This was my chance to find out.”

→ “a foreign power” being behind two pattern or signature killers is described as being a legit possibility. This either planted or furthered the seed for “a small foreign faction” being mixed with a (multiple of) serial killer(s) m.o. This is of course the very odd and unrealistic combination of crime scene elements that we find in the (clearly staged) JonBenét Ramsey murder crime scene.

-JAJ: (p. 184) “The killer’s initial reaction was to feel shame. He thought he was going to be sick. Throw up or something. He wanted to put his head between his legs. He felt like such a chump to get caught like this.”

-JAJ: (p. 215) “ ‘Mr. President, we have reason to suspect that someone with access into the White House, or possibly with power and influence here, might be involved in all of this. Jack and Jill are certainly getting into high places with the greatest of ease. The people close to you have to be checked, and checked very closely.’”

-JAJ: (p. 216) “I shook my head. I wouldn’t be held off like that. ‘Think about the vice president, and about Senator Glass, too. This is a murder investigation. Please don’t protect someone who might be involved.[‘]”

-JAJ: (p. 224-225) “ ‘No, we don’t have to do better,’ Sampson interrupted him. ‘We need to see your son right now. We’re here on a homicide investigation, Colonel. Two small children have already been killed. Your son may be involved with the murders. We need to see your son.’ […] The three of us went upstairs. We proceeded in single file. I went first, then Colonel Moore, followed by Sampson. I still hadn’t ruled out Franklin Moore as a suspect, as a potential madman, as the killer.

-JAJ: (p. 362) “President Edward Mahoney delivered a statement at nine. Jack and Jill had wanted Edward Mahoney to be president, I couldn’t help thinking as I watched him address hundreds of millions of people around the world. Maybe he was involved with the shooting; maybe not. But someone had wanted him to be president instead of Thomas Byrnes, and Byrnes had distrusted Mahoney.”

-JAJ: (p. 369) “ ‘You ever hear of the notion—too many logical suspects?’ I asked Kyle as we sipped our beers in the quiet of the Sterling kitchen.
‘Not that specific language, but I can see how it applies here. We have scenarios that could implicate the CIA, the military, maybe big business, maybe even President Mahoney. History rarely moves in straight lines.’
I nodded at Kyle’s answer. As usual, he was a quick study. ‘Thirty-five years after the Kennedy assassination the only thing that’s certain is that there was some kind of conspiracy,’ I said to him.
‘No way to reconcile the physical evidence—ballistic and medical—witone shooter in Dallas,’ Kyle said.
‘So there’s the same *advertiser censored* problem—too many logical suspects. To this day, nobody can rule out the possible involvement of Lyndon Johnson, the Army, a CIA ‘black op,’ the Mafia, your outfit’s old boss. There are such obvious parallels to what’s happened here, Kyle. A possible coup d’état to eliminate a troublemaker in office—with a much friendlier replacement—LBJ, and now Mahoney—waiting in the wings. The CIA and the military were extremely angry at both JFK and Thomas Byrnes. The system fiercely resists change.’”

→ John says he tends to agree with John Douglas’s profile of the killer as being someone who was “very angry” with John.

-JAJ: (p. 26) “We needed to be involved in this case, to do something, to solve the heinous murder quickly.”

→ not used in the same way (about who is involved in the crimes), but the ‘heinous’ mention again is a sign that this book and this author share the same sort of vocabulary and way of talking. The word itself occurs in a lot of books but it’s also the way Patterson uses this and other words to set the scene for his narrative, which is very much like how the Ramseys talk in their interviews about the murder.

Only two occurrences in Jack & Jill. Both occurrences are in the context of detective Alex Cross approving of police procedure. John uses it in the context of police telling the Ramseys that they are doing something valuable (approving it) to contribute to the search for a child killer by identifying possible suspects.

-JAJ: (p. 239) “I nodded. ‘That’s good. Thanks for coming by and being here for Nana.’”

→ In the context of Sampson telling his partner Alex Cross that a technician (from the police) will come to his house to install a listening device because the killer has possibly called his grandmother at his home. So the utterance is in the context of approving police procedure.

-JAJ: (p. 318) “I nodded and felt a little relief at the choice of a negotiator. ‘That’s good. Losi is tough. He’s good under pressure, too. How is the boy communicating from the house?’”

→ In the context of a detective (Alex Cross) approving of the negotiator police have selected to talk to the killer (boy) responsible for the child murders.

-JAJ: (p. 156) “ ‘What I’m thinking is that every person working here has to be checked out,’ I said. ‘They’ve all been checked, Alex.’
‘I know that. They haven’t been checked by me, though. We need to check them all over again. I’d like each of them run against an interest in poetry or literature, even college degrees in literature; any kind of film-making experience; painting, sculpting, any endeavor requiring creativity. I’d like to know what magazines they subscribe to. Also their charitable contributions.’ […]
‘Yeah, I’m afraid so,’ I went on. ‘While we’re doing those background checks, we need to look at everyone in the crisis group. You can start with me.’ Agent James McLean stared at me for a long moment.
‘You’re *advertiser censored* me, aren’t you?’ he finally spoke his mind.
I spoke my mind, too. ‘I *advertiser censored* you not. This is a murder investigation. This is how it’s done.’”

→ referring to the killer(s) possibly being insiders who are part of the investigation. Police, therefore, shouldn’t narrow down their search too much yet because Alex Cross believes people close to the president who are considered safe might be the killers afterall. He also again brings up the idea of the killer(s) possibly being artistic, even specifically referencing “painting”, the kind of killer “artist” I think Patsy tried to suggest with the paintbrush.

→ So both “involved” and “we’ve got to look at everything” in John’s response above are found in passages bringing up the idea of the killer being an artist.

→ “college degrees in literature” is some supporting evidence for the Dracula/ “stray dog” interpretation. “magazines” also is in line with the idea of the killer using magazines to target people, as also suggested in other passages in the Alex Cross books and in Se7en, and in line with the Esprit awards article being a staging prop.

-JAJ: (p. 344) “I opened each book, then carefully shook it out. There were well over a thousand volumes in the apartment. Maybe a couple of thousand. Lots of books to look through.”

-JAJ: (p. 337) “ ‘First intelligent thing I’ve heard out of your mouth in years,’ Sampson said, ‘but I’m afraid I don’t believe it. You want to know everything. You need to know everything, Alex. That’s why you read four newspapers every damn morning.’”

-JAJ: (p. 338) “Of course I wanted to be there. I had to go. I needed to know everything about Jill, just as Sampson had said I did.”

-JAJ: (p. 346) “Jack was just walking out of a three-story Colonial house. He went to a bright red Ford Bronco that sat in a circular driveway. By then, we knew who he was, where he lived, nearly everything about him. Now we understood a lot more about Jack and Jill. Our eyes had been opened very, very wide.”

-JAJ: (p. 354) “The big house, the whole street, seemed so innocent and appealing. A beautiful, white Colonial stood before us. The house had a big old porch supported by column pedestals. Children’s bikes were neatly stacked on the porch. Everything out here was so neat. Was it all a disguise? Of course it was.”

-JAJ: (p. 355) “I noticed details—everything seemed important, telling, evidence. The bright colors and exuberant style on the inside of the house said ‘American,’ but the accents communicated ‘world travel.’ French etchings. Flemish weavings. Chinese porcelain.
Jill the traveler. Jill the spymaster.
There’s an old saying in classic mysteries, which I’d never felt made much sense—cherchez la femme. Look for the woman. I had my own catchphrase for solving many modern day mysteries—cherchez l’argent. Look for the money.”

-JAJ: (p. 75) “Speaking of which, I had been ordered by the chief of detectives to work up ‘one of your famous psych profiles’ on the homicidal couple, if that’s what they really were. I felt the task was futile at this point, but I hadn’t been given a choice by The Jefe. Working at home on my PC, I ran a wide swath through the available Behavioral Science Unit and Violent Criminal Apprehension Program data. Nothing obvious or very useful popped up, as I suspected it wouldn’t. It was too early in the chase, and Jack and Jill were too good.

→ “TOO EARLY” is used by John in this interview too.

→ Alex Cross here uses the metaphor of SUSPECT POOL = WIDTH to describe conducting a broad search for the killers, using the concept of “a wide swath”, which can cut through data like a scythe to seek out a crop of possible suspects. Alex Cross uses this metaphor to express his sentiment that it is “too early” to narrow the search to only a few suspects.
John in the interview invokes a similar metaphor to describe the (police’s description of the) search for the killer(s), that of tightness, using the concept of focus tightening around possible suspects, which also relies on an underlying metaphor of SUSPECT POOL = WIDTH. He also uses this to express conceptually that it is too early (“just yet) for that. He actually uses the words “too early” elsewhere in the interview.


-KTG: (p. 305) “Carefully, I roamed from room to room. Nothing seemed out of place, even with two small children living there. Strange, strange, very strange. […] I was searching for something specific, but I didn’t know exactly where to look. Down in the basement I saw a heavy oak door. It was unlocked. It led into a small furnace room. I searched the room carefully. On the far side of the furnace room, I found another wooden door. It looked like a door to a closet, to some small, insignificant space. The second door was closed with a hook, which I removed as quietly as I could. I wondered if there could be more rooms in here? Maybe an underground space? Maybe the house of horror? Or a tunnel?
I pushed open the wooden door. Pitch-blackness. I switched on the lights, and entered a single room that must have been twenty-five by forty. My heart skipped a beat. My knees got weak and I felt a little sick.
There were no women in here, no harem, but I had found Wick Sachs’s fantasy room. It was right in his house. Hidden in a secret comer of his basement.”

→ John uses “out of place”, matching the description in the passage in the book. Linda Arndt in her police report says she asked John and Fleet White to “check the house ‘from top to bottom’ to see if anything belonging to JonBenet [SIC] had been taken or had been left behind.” Although this is conceptually very similar of course, it’s not quite the same thing. John is using the language fitting for the story about killers leaving clever clues (out of place) and a detective (Alex Cross) narrating actively looking for such clues.

→ John’s description of “and we’re just looking” is a rephrasing of the book’s description of “I was searching for something specific, but I didn’t know exactly where to look.” (echoed as well in the passage from Ruthless People (p. 113) “The redhead had been searching all morning for clues, though he didn’t have a clue what he was looking for.”, the page I think Patsy is taking inspiration from when she adlibs “hunting for clues...I guess” which is also found on that page in Ruthless People (“to hunt for clues”).

John follows this up shortly after with a description of what he did that matches the order of concepts found in the passage in Kiss The Girls: 1. open the door 2. it’s dark 3. turn on the light

Although the matter of visibility in the room would become a matter of contention in the case, it really made little sense for John to mention the details of the darkness and his turning on the lights in this interview. In my opinion, these details were inserted because in his mind he’s trying to frame the situation as one like the passage in the book and he (either more or less consciously) copies some of the elements from the story as he’s recalling it.

It is not difficult to see why this particular passage would have been one that stood out to John if he were reading Kiss The Girls looking for inspiration to frame the Ramseys’ intruder theory. The description given here does eerily resemble the wine cellar in the Ramseys’ basement where JonBenét was found. It may or may not have helped give Patsy the idea to leave her daughter there on the night of her staging in the first place.

John’s becoming emotional at the moment of discovery of his daughter’s body is of course understandable and fitting but it also still feels like bad acting to some. This may be because he’s not actually recalling the real moment he discovered her but rather trying to map this event from that early afternoon to the emotional description in the book at this place in the story: “My heart skipped a beat. My knees got weak and I felt a little sick.” If an untrained person is asked to act out such a description, you may end up with a similar sort of tearless emotional performance that John displays in the interview.

Patsy’s interjection that “She was in the room” also adds to the logical order laid out in the book: the next part in the book is “There were no women in here” which Patsy rephrases and converts into the positive version of that statement using the same three conceptual elements “She was in the room” (women → She, There were ...in→ was in, here → the room). She could’ve said “it was our daughter/my baby/JonBenét” or “He found her” or many other things, but she said a statement conceptually more similar to the description in the book. In my opinion, this is because she realizes/recognizes/knows/guesses the passage John is borrowing from and getting in on the act of framing the scene in the way described in the book.

This is also why both John and Patsy describe the dirty wine cellar, that didn’t even have windows, as a “room”, because that’s how it is described in the book. They refer to it as “wine cellar” in later years but not here. Patsy in this interview when talking about entering JonBenét’s room also uses the phrase “pushed open” the/her “door” that is used in this passage. As can be seen from John’s words here, one doesn’t necessarily have to use that particular phrase when describing “opening” a door, but Patsy does use the same phrase that is found in this emotionally heavy passage to describe her own emotion-laden action of discovering that JonBenét is not in her room.

But John’s own choice of words of “when I opened the door […] and that/there was her.” is not so innocuous itself upon closer inspection. It is difficult to make out whether John says “and that was her.” or “and there was her.” But, either way, it is remarkably similar to the climactic moment in another passage later in Kiss The Girls when Alex Cross has found Casanova’s underground complex and finally finds his kidnapped niece in one of the rooms:

-KTG: (p. 403) “I entered a second hallway at the end of the first. There were more locked doors. Was Naomi here? Was she alive? The pounding in my chest was unbearable.
I opened the first door on the right—and there she was. There was Scootchie. The best sight in the entire world.”

Again, he could’ve said “I saw JonBenét/her” or many other different descriptions but instead he uses language closely matching that in the book. Note also that “the best sight in the entire world” echoes an emotion that John (somewhat unexpectedly) describes in later interviews when talking about what he felt in that moment of first finding his dead daughter: relief, a word also found in the book close to this passage.

John’s description of “one room in the basement” in their house also echoes a passage from Along Came A Spider:

-ACAS: (p. 322) “Sometimes, she felt as if she were only a story character she’d made up. Tears filled her eyes. It wasn’t so dark now. Morning was coming. She wouldn’t try to escape again. She hated this, but she never wanted to go under the ground again.
Maggie Rose knew what all the shapes were.
They were children.
All in just one room of the house.
From which there was no escape.”


'on the loose' was prompted by the interviewer’s question, and the question in turn referred to the mayor’s remark that Boulder needn’t worry about a killer on the loose. However, the interviewer had spoken a bit with the Ramseys before the interview on the car ride over so it’s possible he’s also referring to knowledge he has about Patsy’s beliefs. But even if Patsy was not the first to use the term after the murder, it is remarkable when watching this part of the interview how quick Patsy latches onto this term and really leans into it. It is as if she is immediately certain that this is the right term to apply to their case. The Ramseys also in later interviews and later years state that they believe this killer will kill again, even though nothing has ever been heard about or from this alleged killer after JonBenét’s murder.

Although this term is a fairly common phrase in both crime stories and even in real-life media descriptions, it is noteworthy that the phrase is rather prominent in several of the hypothesized sources for the Ramsey note and the staging of the crime scene. The language Patsy uses around her utterance of this phrase here is also tied to several of these sources, making it very likely, in my opinion, that her use of the phrase was directly influenced by her drawing inspiration from these stories.

The interviewer states that “The police said a couple of days ago, to assure other residents of Boulder there is no killer on the loose here, you can be assured everything is under control. You believe it's someone outside your home.” This is what Patsy responds to. So it’s not a surprise that she uses these words at this point in the interview but note that this starts Patsy off into a flurry of dramatic statements, some of which are not solicited by the interviewer’s question/comment (“I don’t know who it is...I don’t know if it’s a he or a she”).

-CPCT: (p. 101) “M.J. swallowed her fury. She knew that Quinn was signaling that he would put her in her place if she didn't run this investigation the way he wanted, sans the FBI and sans Helen Hudson. There was a killer on the loose and Quinn was worried about saving face.”

→ Nearly verbatim except that Patsy uses the present tense instead of the book’s narrating past tense.

-KTG: "I suddenly wondered if Naomi's disappearance might be connected to her boyfriend, and maybe had nothing to do with the killer loose in North Carolina."

-KTG: "Kate pulled the covers up under her chin--in early June. She was getting soooo buggy. Her anxiety wasn't going to stop while the monster Casanova was on the loose out there, she knew."

→ Casanova described as 'on the loose' and 'out there' in the same sentence. Patsy uses both terms shortly after each other.

-KTG: "'That could get him inside their apartments at least. What a terrible creep. Two unbelievable creeps on the loose.'"

→ The Ramsey note refers to “[The] two gentlemen” (one of the two creeps referred to in the quote above is called “the Gentleman”) and in the Ramseys’ later press conference with local media she states “at least two people” know who did this, including the killer. As I will argue later, that quote from the press conference also clearly draws from several passages in the stories.

-JAJ: (p. 178) “My mind whirled around in great looping circles. I thought about all the possibilities, the connections, and also the disconnects. Two renegade contract killers on the loose. It made as much sense as anything else I had heard so far. It explained some things about Jack and Jill for me, especially the absence of passion or rage in the murders. Why were they killing politicians and celebrities, though? Had they been commissioned to do the job? If so, by whom? To what end? What was their cause?

They know where we live.
They can come to our houses if they want to . . . anytime they want to.

Nobody was safe anymore.
There are no rules.
There are “ghosts” and human monsters, and they are very real in our lives. Especially in my life.
There was Jack and Jill.
There was the Sojourner Truth School killer.”

→ Again a description clearly pointing to the strange combination of serial-killer-like murderers who target famous, elite people for some outside entity with a “cause”. This is very much in line with the “foreign faction” idea from the Ramsey note that is strangely accompanied by a “clever” serial-killer-like crime scene filled with “funny little clues”.

→ The second part of the passage emphasizes the idea that anyone can be targeted anywhere at any time. It is the kind of description that Patsy needed to hear in order to convince herself that somehow staging a convoluted murder scene in Boulder, Colorado could make sense, especially if clues were left that hinted that such a killer had struck.

-KTG: "There were still two horrifying monsters on the loose out there."

→ The killers (monsters) described as 'on the loose' and 'out there' in the same sentence. Patsy uses both terms.

-KTG: "The Gentleman was running loose. He had commandeered a car heading north."

-ACAS: (p. 1) "No day went by without more sightings being reported somewhere. Big country, lot of kooks on the loose."

-ACAS: (p) "He finally left the cellar, and then the house in Wilmington. It was just past five-thirty in the morning. As he walked outside to the car, he felt like an animal, suddenly on the loose."

→ Five-thirty also roughly the time when Patsy says she got up that morning. The killer emerges from a cellar in his basement. The “animal” description echoes John’s constant concern over the years to point out that the killer is not a human being. That theme is borrowed from several passages in the stories, which we will come back to later when evaluating other interviews.

-JAJ: (p. 226) “An article of clothing lying beside the note was the second part of the message to whoever came to his room first. He had left behind Shanelle Green’s missing blouse. The tiny electric-blue blouse was covered with blood.
A thirteen-year-old boy was the Truth School killer. He was in a state of total rage. And he was on the loose somewhere in Washington.
Nobody was gone.

→ This passage is echoed in the wine cellar with the Barbie nightgown being found beside/with JonBenét and having several drops of blood on it. This passage, the last paragraph of a chapter, where it jumps out at the reader, also has one of the many occurrences of someone being “gone” (echoed by Patsy in the 911 call) and a killer referred to as either “Nobody” or “Somebody”, echoed by what John reads (in his 1998 police interview) on the torn Christmas card/letter found in the bin in JonBenét’s room (“Somebody loves you all. Merry Christmas.”). John tries to direct attention to the ‘Somebody’ part by asking if he’s read it right: “Do you know what the word before ‘loves’ is? ‘Somebody’ loves you all?”

-CPCT: (back cover) “A serial killer was on the loose in San Francisco.”

-JAJ: (p. 109) “The motion picture actor Michael Robinson thought it was absurd and more than a little self-absorbed for him to be concerned or afraid of the maniac killers on the loose in Washington. What did the malicious Jack and Jill threats have to do with him, anyway? The answer, it seemed clear to him, was nothing at all.

-JAJ: (p. 21) “One of Shanelle’s eyes was missing. Her face is like a two-sided, twofaced mask. Two sides to a child? Two faces? What did that mean? There was another fiend on the loose in Washington. A child killer this time.”

→ Shanelle is the six-year-old girl who is found murdered in the story and I believe the description of how she was found may have played a role in causing the abrasions on the right side of JonBenét’s face. As far as I know it has not been definitively determined whether those abrasions were caused pre-, peri- or post-mortem. I do think that the description in the autopsy report of the (roughly) triangular-shaped abrasion on her throat at least is consistent with or even better fits descriptions in the literature of peri- or post-mortem afflicted abrasions and I would say the abrasions on her face can also be argued to be consistent with such abrasions. Also worth considering is that JonBenét was encountered in the Ramseys’ living room by the coroner on the evening of the 26th with her head turned to the right, so with her injured side facing down and her ‘good’ side facing up.

-JAJ: (p. 47) “He’s done this before. He’s practiced his escape, I thought as I watched. No wonder he’s never been caught. How many years on the loose? How many kids molested or murdered?
We had our guns out, but neither of us fired. We had no proof that he was the killer.”

-JAJ: (p. 277) “No, the Truth School killer wouldn’t take the chance. He had too much fun, too many games, ahead of him to blow it like this.
He was too experienced now. He was getting better and better at this.
He disappeared into the night. He had other choices, other business, he could take care of. Danny Boudreaux was on the loose in D.C., and he loved it. He had a taste for it now. There would be time for Cross and his stupid family later.”

→ The killer targets the man of the house by getting at his family. A theme also found in the Lethal Weapon novelization where Murtaugh’s daughter is kidnapped and threatened with sexual assault.

-CPCT: (pp. 186-187) “She continued, ‘The song is 'Murder by Numbers' by The Police. Obviously the killer wants us to hear this song for reasons other than music appreciation. Familiarize yourself with the lyrics and let's put our heads together and figure out what the guy's trying to tell us[‘]
so we can monitor calls
‘Lieutenant Quinn's given me a status report, so I'm pretty much up to speed.’ He paused for effect and paced a little, his head bowed down, hands behind his back. There was a rehearsed quality about this, as if he'd risen to commissioner on dramatic skills alone. ‘I don't need to tell you that this case has captured the imagination of the national media, so not only do we have a serial killer on the loose, we have a public-relations nightmare for the city. Don't discuss the investigation with friends, family, or neighbors. No telling who'll peddle your remarks to the tabloids for a buck. We got a great team here, doing a great job. Just nail this *advertiser censored* ASAP.’ He punctuated this last statement with a fist in the air, let it hang for a second, and then dropped his hands into his pockets satisfied that just by the fact that he had spoken, there would be a major break in the investigation.

→ Another example of “we have []” in one of the stories from the perspective of the police, echoed by Patsy’s “we have a kidnapping” on the 911 call. Compare the description of the dramatic performance by the Commissioner in the story with Patsy’s performance as she’s using the “on the loose” phrase. Patsy “punctuates” her performance in this part with “[WHISPER TONE]There’s someone out there…”.

-JAJ: (p. 302) “He could hear radios blaring on each side of his black Jeep. He observed the troubled and confused faces inside the cars. A middleaged woman in a forest-green Lexus was in tears. A thousand sirens screamed like banshees on the loose in midtown.”

→ Although not the best example of how the book influenced Patsy’s words here, it is interesting that a banshee is described by Wikipedia as “a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening.” This I argue is what Patsy did in imitation of the Lazarus story in John 11 from the Bible as she was in the sun room calling to her Lord (“I will call you between 8 and 10 am tomorrow”) to plead her case for Him to resurrect JonBenét through the power of Jesus. She did this on advice she took from Osteen’s Healed of Cancer (“plead your case”). In the Lazarus story the “wailing” by Lazarus’s sister is what moved Jesus to resurrect him.


The statement may seem innocuous and just redundant but it’s not surprising to see it show up here when you consider how much focus there is in the Alex Cross stories on finding out who the mysterious killers are. Also telling in this regard is that this whole segment is full of phrases and concepts found in the stories, including her very next statement about considering whether it’s “a he or a she”.

-KTG: "I thought I knew who he might be. I thought that I’d seen Casanova without his mask."

-KTG: "There were still two mysteries that had to be solved, or at least dealt with in a better way. There was the mystery of Casanova, and who he was. And there was the one featuring Kate and myself."

-KTG: "Whoever called about the women’s underwear is Casanova, I was thinking to myself. I was getting closer in my mind to who that might be. Casanova did this. Casanova is behind it, anyway."

-KTG: "There was still a strong chance that Casanova would turn out to be someone we hadn’t even heard of. That was the way it often worked with repeat-killer cases. He was out there—but we might have no idea who he really was. That was the scariest part of all, the most frustrating, too."

→ ‘out there’ used by Patsy moments later.

-JAJ: (p. 184) “This was not a good thing. This was very bad, in fact. The killer immediately began to panic, to experience the outer edges of fear. He wondered if the Metro police were coming for him right now. Did they know who he was?

-JAJ: (p. 119) “ ‘Let me talk about some facts we don’t have about the so-called stalkers Jack and Jill. Actually, there are several thousand investigators assigned to the case, and we know surprisingly little. Jack and Jill may be heading toward the White House next, and we don’t have the foggiest idea why. Or who they might be. Or what the hell is in this for them.’
Jack and Jill came to The Hill. What in the name of God for? To wipe out all the bleeding liberals? To punish sinners? Was the President a sinner in their minds?

→ Compare this to my interpretation of where $118,000 came from: from 1 JOHN 1:8 (firstly for religious purposes to resurrect JonBenét on the basis of Healed of Cancer/NIV Study Bible references but also serving a dual (back-up) purpose as an m.o. of (a) killer(s) making biblical allusions), the verse reads: “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” The killer from the Copycat novelization is also described as using biblical inspiration and allusions. The notion of the killers being possible copycats is explicitly considered in Jack & Jill and the posture that JonBenét was found in with duct-tape over her mouth and a cord tying her wrists above her head and with a cord strangling her is very similar to a description and crucial plotline point in Copycat. The Ramseys in their police interviews are asked about certain (unknown) verses being underlined in the bible on John’s desk. “without sin” is also in a line on the cover of the Se7en novelization (which has “proper burial” in the context of a killer withholding the remains of victims to punish police). Seven (the book title is spelled differently from the movie) is also about a killer taking inspiration from the Bible (and other literature) and leaving crime scenes highly staged with allusions to these themes.

-JAJ: (p. 24) “He made the call anonymously. No one could know that he’d been inside the senator’s apartment, or especially, how it came to happen, and who he was. If anybody found out, all hell would really break loose—as if it hadn’t started already.”

-JAJ (p. 346) “Jack was just walking out of a three-story Colonial house. He went to a bright red Ford Bronco that sat in a circular driveway. By then, we knew who he was, where he lived, nearly everything about him. Now we understood a lot more about Jack and Jill. Our eyes had been opened very, very wide.”

-KTG: "I could see him smirk as I sat in my car. I’d seen that smirk before, in fact. I knew who he was."

-KTG: "He tilted the flashlight upward to expose his face. He let them see him, see who he was. Tick-*advertiser censored*."

-KTG: "No mask. He wanted me to see who he was. His game had been destroyed, hadn’t it. Here was Casanova, finally."

-KTG: "'Sometimes, I think it’s Sachs, and that he’s so *advertiser censored* clever and smart he can let us know who he is. He enjoys watching us squirm. That could be the ultimate power game for him.'"

-KTG: "It was the most dramatic moment in Will Rudolph’s life. Someone actually knew who he was. Someone had found him out."

-ACAS: (p. 415) “I had to concentrate on him. I knew who it was. I'd kept my guard up for weeks after Sampson and I had returned with Maggie Rose. Finally, I'd let it down just a little. And he'd come.

-ACAS: (p. 130) “Gary had murdered more than both of them put together. But no one knew who he was, or where he was, or what he planned to do next.
It was dark down in his cellar, but Gary was used to it. ‘The cellar is an
acquired taste,’ he’d once told his stepmother to make her angry. The cellar
was like your mind would be after you died. It could be exquisite, if you had a
really great mind. Which he certainly did.”

-ACAS: (p. 152) “Why this place? she asked herself. Why here, Soneji? What should it tell her about who he really is?”

-ACAS: (p. 173) “‘None of you seem to believe this, but I know Gary. I know who he is,’ she told us. ‘He is not a kidnapper.’”

-ACAS: (p. 359) “‘What about the pilot in Florida? There was no way I could run an investigation down there. Did you ever find out who he was?’”

→ The pilot was an accomplice in the ransom drop-off (at Disney World, where the Ramseys were slated to go for Patsy’s birthday).

-JAJ: (pp. 144-145) “ ‘Somebody saw an old man where that little girl got kilt,’ Loy blurted out. It was the biggest news we had so far on the Truth School case. It was the only news, and it was what I had been looking for all these days working the street. [...] ‘Don’t know who,’ he said between wheezing breaths. ‘Some people in the shelter be sayin’ it. I just heard it, you know. Old homeless dude. Somebody saw’m hangin’ in Garfield. White dude in the park.’”

-JAJ: (p. 186) “I unwittingly saw something in Garfield Park, sir. I might just know who killed those two kids with an eighteen-inch, tape-reinforced baseball bat.”

→ The killer uses a baseball bat to bludgeon his child victims’ skulls and faces. A baseball bat was found outside of the Ramsey home. In her 1998 police interview Patsy expresses that the bat and where it was found were “highly unusual” and “very unusual” and “that bat seems weird to me, very strange”. It appears she may have even tried to point out a detail about the bat or something close to it (perhaps tape reinforcement?) but she is cut off: “That looks like a baseball bat. What is that? It looks like…”

She also remarks: “I can't imagine anybody would be neat enough to lay it up on anything like that if they were over there. That just...that just doesn't...that is something.”
‘neat’ is used as a quality associated with some of the (highly organized) killers in the stories and the Ramseys also use the word in The Death of Innocence to suggest that an intruder/stalker may have been in their Charlevoix home and slept there before the murder.


-JAJ: (p. 101) “I knew what Rakeem was getting at. He and I had worked on a tough pattern-killer case a few years back. ‘I think this one is already in heat, Rakeem. The two murders came within days. There was a high level of violence. He seems to be in a rage, or damn close to it. I say he, though it might be a she.’
‘Violent for a female,’ Sampson said. He cleared his throat. ‘Too much ... blood . . . crushed skulls . . . little kids.’ He shook his head no. “Doesn’t feel like a woman to me.’ ”

→ Although JonBenét doesn’t appear to have bled a lot since the small fresh wound on her vagina was the only part that had clearly bled, there were several items around her that had blood or stains consistent with blood on them. According to my resurrection theory Patsy put blood on these items on purpose to sanctify these items because of how she read the passages in the NIV study bible that Healed of Cancer referred her to but this passage may also have given her a reason to maximize the visibility of the relatively limited amount of blood.

-ACAS: (p. 16) "'I don’t believe he wanted to kill the boy,' I said to Sampson. 'He or she.'"

-JAJ: (p. 103) “ ‘The Truth School killer is an amateur. He’s sloppy. Maybe a first-timer at this. He left prints all over the second crime scene, too. The techies got his prints, some hair, threads off his clothing. Based on the prints, the killer is a small man—or possibly a woman. If this squirrel isn’t careful, he or she is going to get their squirrel *advertiser censored* caught.’”

→ Patsy says in this same interview that their handprints are “all over” their home.

-KTG: "'I will tell you one thing. We believe that he might be a collector We think he could be keeping a few of the young women nearby . . . a private harem maybe. His very own harem.' [...] 'A modern-day harem would be possible, I guess. It’s a common enough male fantasy,' I told him. 'Strangely, it's a prevalent female fantasy, too. Don’t rule that out yet.'"

In ACAS in a plot twist one of the female FBI agents turns out to be one of the killers. In JAJ one of the killers (Jill) is female too.


- The interviewer does bring up ‘residents’ himself by saying “The police said a couple of days ago, to assure other residents of Boulder […]”, so again it’s natural that Patsy would repeat the word. But she repeats it in the context of immediately issuing a warning to these residents (as in the book), as if the mention of the word itself primed the material she had studied from Murder and Mayhem. This becomes clearer when one takes into account that her very next statement borrows from another entry in that book (unsolicited by the interviewer’s question/comment).



→ Immediately after uttering this line, there is an interesting eye movement downwards, where Patsy appears to be accessing something she’s trying to recall, which is then followed by the ‘keep your babies close to you’ line which can also be traced to a line in Murder and Mayhem (in the Peter Kurten entry, who is also mentioned and described explicitly in Copycat).

→ Richard Ramirez is named in Copycat as well as in Along Came A Spider and Kiss The Girls. Both Copycat and Along Came A Spider have killers with a copycat m.o./motive. In Jack & Jill the term is used several times as well to consider whether a copycat killer may be at work. Several of the real-life killers mentioned in these books are described in a profile in Murder & Mayhem, a book not far removed from the genre of books that Mindhunter (about real-life FBI profiling cases) belonged to. Mindhunter is the book that the Ramseys had in their home, which supposedly was a book John read. They also hired its author (John Douglas) to come up with a profile for their intruder theory.

→ Both Kiss The Girls and the Copycat novelization were published in 1995 and arguably “cutting-edge” in the highly specific genre of stories about clever pattern killers targeting everyday people. This genre was popular in the wake of the success that Silence of the Lambs had had (both the book and the movie) a few years earlier.

kept their children close to home.jpg


The German city of Diisseldorf was engulfed with fear during the summer of 1929. A madman, a homicidal maniac, was attacking young women and molesting, raping, and murdering them. Even little girls were not safe. In a single day — August 23 — the unknown slayer killed a five-year-old girl and a 14-year-old girl, and he attempted to rape a 26-year-old woman. These random acts of violence created an atmosphere of terror that pervaded the city. Parents, hysterical with fear for their daughters, kept their children close to home. Strangers were regarded with distrust, and even close friends became suspicious. The city called the killer the Vampire of Diisseldorf. Some ten years later, the German filmmaker Fritz Lang captured the paranoic mood of the city in his classic thriller M, which was based on the episode of the Vampire.”

→ ‘keep your/their [CHILDREN] close to [WHERE ONE RESIDES]’. The [CHILDREN] concept, that Patsy fills in with the word ‘babies’ I believe was primed by the various passages in the Alex Cross stories in which the gruesome nature of the murders of young children is expressed with the word ‘babies’ and it’s also the word that Alex Cross uses to refer to his own children (who are around Burke and JonBenét’s age and not actual babies).

→ Note that the interviewer mentions the police assuring “other residents of Boulder” but Patsy says “If I were a resident of Boulder, I would tell my friends […]”. In the passage here in the sentence immediately following the description of keeping children close to home, it is mentioned that even friends became suspicious of one another. In Patsy’s case, she is worried that her friends are becoming suspicious of her story. When taken at face value without the context of the book, it is odd that Patsy would bring up her friends when she is asked about “other residents of Boulder” more generally. But because the word ‘residents’ primes/triggers the material she’s read in Murder and Mayhem, she combines the information of several of its entries to create a single response/narrative which explains this non sequitur.

-ACAS: (p. 31) "Two little kids, two little babies had been kidnapped from one of Washington's most prestigious private schools."

→ Kids being referred to as 'babies' in context of them being kidnapped. Also emphasis on the fact that children can be kidnapped even in places deemed to be "prestigious" and safe.

-JAJ: (p. 104) “Unfortunately, two little babies from this school had been murdered in the last week.”

→ Young children, including a girl the same age as JonBenét, being referred to as babies in the context of a mysterious killer who has been murdering them.

-JAJ: (p. 193) “Besides, Christine Johnson was part of the complex homicide case I was working on. There was a logical enough reason for me to want to talk to her. Two students from her school had been murdered so far. Two of her babies. Why that school? Why had a killer come there? So close to my home?”

-JAJ: (p. 21) “I gently turned the girl’s body a few inches. Her head lolled to one side, the neck probably broken. She weighed next to nothing. Just a baby. The right side of her little face was partly gone. Obliterated was a better description. The murderer had struck Shanelle so many times, and so violently, that little on the right side of the face was recognizable.”

→ Shanelle, like JonBenét, is a six-year-old girl but she is referred to as “a baby”, in the sense of preciously young child.

-JAJ: (p. 21) “ ‘How could he do this to such a beautiful little girl?’ I muttered under my breath. ‘Poor Shanelle. Poor baby,’ I whispered to no one but myself. A tear formed in my eye. I blinked it away. There was no place for that here.”

-KTG: "The Kodak pictures of children always remind me that my babies will be seven and five years old only one time. I didn’t plan to miss any of it."

-KTG: "Damon nodded to the truth in that, and seemed reassured by what I had told them, but mostly by my serious tone. He came into my arms and gave me a kiss, which he hasn't been doing as much lately. Jannie gave me the softest kiss, too. I held them both in my arms. My sweet babies. 'Daddy’s on the case now,' Jannie whispered. That warmed my spirits some. As Billie Holiday put it, 'God bless the child who's got his own.'"

-KTG: "Kate smiled. 'You miss them, don’t you, Alex? You talk about your kids a lot. Damon and Jannie. Poolball-head and Velcro.' I smiled back. Kate knew my nicknames for the kids by now. 'Yeah, I do. They're my babies, my little pals.'"

-KTG: "[']Someone very evil is taking children in Austin, Texas. Little babies, actually. Repeat killers in Orlando and Minneapolis.'"

-JAJ: (p. 196) “ ‘It’s going to be five years soon,’ I told her, partly holding my breath as I did. ‘This March, actually. Jannie was still a little baby. She was less than a year old. I remember coming in and holding her that night. She had no idea that she was comforting me.’”

-M: (last few seconds of movie, subtitled) "We, too, should keep a closer watch on our children."


-CPCT: (p. 68) “‘There's a serial killer out there. The public has a right to know. Don't you think?’”

→ Although ‘on the loose’ and ‘out there’ are relatively common phrases in this kind of story, and one could argue the sentence-form with ‘There’ with either phrase is also still relatively standard, note that both phrases are used by Patsy with the form of ‘There’ in combination with ‘is’ matching the two sentences in Copycat that use ‘There’ with these terms: ‘There is/was a killer on the loose’ [‘is’ used by Patsy, ‘was’ used in the book] and ‘There’s [KILLER PERSON] out there.’

Patsy does not say ‘There’s a killer on the loose.’ or ‘There is someone out there.’ She instead, like the book, uses two different forms, an abbreviated one and an unabbreviated one, and these are matched with the same phrases (‘on the loose’, ‘out there’) that the book uses with those forms.

→ Note that the “someone” that Patsy uses here instead of Copycat’s “a serial killer” is used throughout the Alex Cross stories to refer to the unknown identity of the killer, e.g. Kiss The Girls’ “Someone very evil is taking children”, “Was he someone from the University of North Carolina? Another doctor? Someone we had never even heard of?”, Jack & Jill’s “Someone is killing our children.”, “I knew a lot about the child molester who had been nicknamed Chop-It-Off-Chucky. The unsubstantiated rumor was that he sliced off the genitalia of young kids who lived in the projects. Little boys and girls. No gender preference. Whether or not it was true, it seemed undeniable that someone had molested several children from the Northfield and Southview Terrace projects, not far from here. Other children had simply disappeared.”, Along Came A Spider’s “‘THERE’S SOMEONE inside the house. Alex, someone's in here with us,’ Nana whispered close to my ear.”, “Then someone's silhouette blocked out most of the light. Maggie still couldn't see who was there.”, “‘Someone’s wandering around D.C. this morning with breasts in his pocket.’”, “Then the person climbed down into the grave and was right over her. Maggie could smell strong body odor and someone's bad breath. She was being pinned down now, and she was too weak to fight back.”.

→ The sentence uses ‘There’s [KILLER PERSON] out there.’ in the context of informing the public about it because they have “a right to know”. This is precisely what Patsy is doing while uttering it: she looks into the camera instead of at the interviewer and she is directly addressing the public to inform them.

-KTG: "There were still two horrifying monsters on the loose out there."

→ The killers (monsters) described as 'on the loose' and 'out there' in the same sentence.

-KTG: "Kate pulled the covers up under her chin--in early June. She was getting soooo buggy. Her anxiety wasn't going to stop while the monster Casanova was on the loose out there, she knew." -> Casanova described as 'on the loose' and 'out there' in the same sentence.

-JAJ: (p. 113) “I was interested in any irreverence or cynicism Jack and Jill might use in describing the killings. They were obviously into wordplay. They were artistes. I also wondered if they might be out there on Pennsylvania Avenue, watching us again. Filming us as we bumbled and stumbled over one another inside the Willard. I wondered if they were preparing a second film, with their usual wide-release distribution method in mind.

→ The wordplay description is an indication that the ‘stray dog’ phrase may have been intended as a mixed reference to Dirty Harry and Dracula.

→ “artistes” fits the artist profile of the imagined killer(s).

-JAJ: (p. 211) “I played the frightening taped message several more times. I don’t know how long I sat in the FBI office, staring out over the becalmed lights of Washington, D.C. They were somewhere out there. Jack and Jill were out there. Possibly planning an assassination. But maybe not. Maybe that wasn’t it at all.”

-JAJ: (p. 239) “Laughter is usually the best and only defense in a really tough murder investigation. Maybe Jack and Jill had called me at home. Or Kevin Hawkins had called here. Or maybe even Gary Soneji, who was still out there somewhere, waiting to settle his old score with me.”

-JAJ: (p. 346) “THE FBI, Secret Service, and Washington police cooperated and worked closely together on a massive and important manhunt. They all badly wanted a piece of this one. It was the ultimate homicide case: a president had been murdered. The real killer was still out there. Jack was still alive; at least, I hoped that he was.”

-ACAS: (p. 33) "A crazed, homicidal killer is out there. He's in heat. He's sharpening his eyeteeth. Now two white kids have been kidnapped, and that's a horrible thing. Horrible! But I'm already on a case!"

-ACAS: (p. 236) "'He called them the Ninety-ninth Percentile,' Conklin confided to me. 'The crème de la crème. The best of the best. The World-beaters, man.' [...] 'The list of the real psychos,' Conklin said, and he smiled smugly. 'The ones who have always been out there, and will never ever get caught. The one who're too smart to get caught. They look down on everybody else. They show no pity, no mercy. They completely rule their own destinies.'"

→ Psychopathic killers being 'out there' here is related to the concept of them being very good and brilliant at what they do. They are not going to get caught. This is exactly the kind of 'out there' that Patsy needs and wants for her killer because it would explain why police can't find out anything about him and it justifies why he will never be caught. He is just too smart. Smarter even than the smartest 1%. JonBenét had just unfortunately been targeted by "The best of the best." Again, even in defeat and in death, there was something extraordinary about JonBenét and the Ramseys. Their daughter and their family were perfectly imperfect.


In all the stories Alex Cross is often described as being up and doing things early in the morning, either through that phrase or by giving a very early time, e.g. “from five in the morning”.

-KTG: "EARLY ON Sunday morning it got even worse on the Casanova case."

→ First line of a new chapter. Patsy appears to have taken a lot of verbatim elements from the first line(s) at the top of the page of new chapters.

-KTG: (p. 130) "Kate McTiernan had begun to talk very early that morning. I wasn’t there, but apparently Kyle Craig was in her room at daybreak. Unfortunately, our valuable witness was making no sense to anyone."

→ Patsy repeats a few moments later here in the CNN interview that "it was very early".

-JAJ: (p. 343) “MAYBE I WAS a glutton for crime and punishment, but I came back alone to her apartment very early the following morning.”

→ from one of the chapters dealing with the search in Jill’s apartment, which have a cluster of Ramsey case elements associated with them.

-KTG: (p. 463) “I wanted to sleep myself, give up the fight, but I knew I mustn’t do that. It was very early in the morning. One of Phillip’s witching hours — maybe three A.M.? Maybe four?”

→ From a preview of a new story at the back of the Kiss The Girls book.

-JAJ: (p. 243) “I drove to the White House very early in the morning.”

-KTG: "WHEN KATE McTIERNAN woke up, she knew immediately that something was very wrong, that her impossible situation had gotten even worse. She didn't know what time it was, what day it was, where she was being held."

-ACAS: (p) "'Is that what you've been plotting down here over your breakfast? Sounds a little like Murder, She Wrote.' I poured myself some of her tea. No sugar or cream. I took a muffin and put a couple of link sausages between the halves. 'No plots. Reality as plain as the nose on your face, Alex.' I nodded at Nana. She might be right, but it was too deflating to deal with before six in the morning. 'Nothing like prunes this early in the morning,' I said. 'Mmm, mmm good.'"

→ 'early in the morning' Not only is the Murder, She Wrote reference eerily reminiscent of what Patsy did, the timing also happens to match up with it being before 6:00 in the morning as in the Ramsey case. In the book this dialogue also has racial overtones as Alex Cross's grandmother does not approve of the white woman he is dating (who turns out to be one of the killers).

-KTG: "The sixth 'diary' installment sent to her by the Gentleman Caller had arrived at her West Los Angeles apartment early that morning. As had been the case with the previous diary entries, the killer supplied the precise location of a murdered woman’s body before starting into his obsessive, psychopathic message for her."

→ Compare conceptually "the killer supplied the precise location of a murdered woman's body" in the context of an "obsessive, psychopathic message" with "You will also be denied her remains for proper burial."

-KTG: "At quarter to seven in the morning, the Times offices were deserted and eerie. Nobody should be up this early except headbangers who haven’t been to bed yet, Lieberman thought."

→ Immediately after the passage describing how the Gentleman feels that there is an "obvious" isomorphism between flowers and a woman's labia. He also describes his foot fetish, which is a body part that he has removed from a victim in an act of mutilation.

-JAJ: (p. 75) “I had already been on the phone very early that morning, talking to my strange friends in abnormal psych at Quantico.”

-ACAS: ...many times 'in the morning', twice 'early in the morning’.............one occurrence of Gary emerging from basement/cellar just past 05:30 in the morning, same time Patsy says she got up.



‘usually’ is used a lot in all three Alex Cross stories.

-ACAS: (p. 169) "Nana Mama is the first one up at our house every day. Probably, she's the first one up in the entire universe. That's what Sampson and I used to believe when we were ten or eleven, and she was the assistant principal of the Garfield North Junior High School.
Whether I wake up at seven, or six, or five, I always come down to the
kitchen to find a light blazing and Nana already eating breakfast
, or firing it up over her stove. Most mornings, it is the very same breakfast. A single poached egg; one corn muffin, buttered; weak tea with cream and double sugar. She will also have begun to make breakfast for the rest of us, and she recognizes the variety of our palates. The house menu might include pancakes and either pork sausage or bacon; melon in season; grits, or oatmeal, or farina,
with a thick pat of butter and a generous mound of sugar on top; eggs in every shape and form."

→ About being the first to be up in the household too. Alex Cross speaks with a lot of respect about his Nana/grandmother. Patsy does a seemingly self-congratulatory eye-closing when she says this, as if she’s basking in the glory of the respect expressed in the passage but perhaps also being condescending about her story obviously making sense and therefore there not being a need to question her about the details.

The reason why adding this part would make her story make sense to her is because, I believe, by this time she firmly has in her mind the m.o. of a killer like Casanova in the very first (short) chapter of Kiss The Girls in which a killer enters a family’s home through a basement window with a flashlight and targets a daughter with the whole family present. He is described as having lived for the family for three weeks (echoed in the later Ramsey interview in 2000 with Barbara Walters in which Patsy states the killer could have hidden in the house for a week) and having studied the family’s habits and being familiar with all the intimate details of the family’s routine. This is why they endorse Lou Smit’s basement window theory (which they may themselves have come up with) and his stun gun theory, because Casanova uses a stun gun too (again, possibly they gave Lou Smit this idea themselves).

The general idea Patsy expresses here may very well be true as she also mentions a similar thing about getting all the others in the house ready on school/work days in a pre-murder interview with a magazine. But Patsy may be exaggerating how natural it was for her to be the first one up due to the influence from the descriptions about Nana in the stories. John in his 1998 police interview seems to suggest the children would sometimes wake up before them and would go watch tv.

-ACAS: (p. 150) “‘How about some hot coffee?’ I asked her. I thought I could manage the coffee. Nana probably had some in the kitchen that was only five or six hours old.”

→ Implying that Nana got up at around 4 in the morning on a Sunday and made coffee. A few pages earlier Alex Cross describes his former morning routine with his wife and kids with the word ‘usually’: “Once upon a time, in another lifetime, she and I, and usually the kids, used to spend all of our Sundays together. Sometimes, we'd hang out in bed until noon, then we'd get dressed up and maybe go splurge for brunch. There wasn’t much that Maria and I didn’t do together.”

-ACAS: (p. 306) “Just like on any other morning, Nana was sipping tea. The remains of her poached egg and toast were still in evidence. The tabloid was casually folded over on the kitchen table. Read? Unread? I couldn’t tell from her face, or the condition of the newspaper.”

-ACAS: (p. 300) "Katherine Rose was the first one out of the minivan. At that very moment, Maggie Rose opened her arms. 'Mommy!' she cried out. Then, hesitating for only a split second, she seemed to leap forward. Maggie Rose ran toward her mother. They ran into each other's arms."

→ The moment the kidnapped girl whom the story is all about is reunited wit her mother, the famous actress.

These above two passages are the only two occurrences of "first one" in all of Along Came A Spider.
In Kiss The Girls one "first one" occurrence (out of three total) have some relation to a concept that may have been striking to Patsy too: first one hearing Kate speak about how she escaped Casanova.

-KTG: (p. 136) "I could tell that she was reliving her very recent, terrifying past. I was right there with her. I was the first one to hear the story of her escape, the only one so far to hear our witness speak."

→ An important moment with a lot of attention associated with it.
Evidence that Osteen-NIVSB connections explain the Ramsey note, Patsy’s behavior and parts of the crime scene
I agree that Cina Wong’s analysis of the handwriting is excellent and in my opinion the best expert analysis given on any aspect of the case because we can actually check her work (for as much as it is available) and see that it makes sense. This is not the case, for example, for the result that Patsy’s jacket fibers were consistent with the ones found in the wine cellar or that the ink of the sharpie pen was unique. Not that I doubt either of those results, I trust and believe that those analyses were based on perfectly solid, reliable evidence and reasoning. But I think having actual relevant data available and readily accessible to be checked is always better than taking experts at their word or reputation.

Cina Wong’s findings by themselves are very convincing and in combination with the lack of evidence of an intruder and the lack of clear evidence of either John’s or Burke’s direct involvement in staging pre-26th proves, I think, beyond a reasonable doubt that Patsy was responsible for staging the crime scene, and therefore very likely also for JonBenét’s death.

But I want to emphasize here that, even if we take away ALL of the evidence of the handwriting, if for example we supposed the note was typed in some untraceable way that couldn’t be matched to any particular person on the planet, with all people having an equal chance of having produced the physical note itself, even in that highly contrived scenario it would still be evident beyond a reasonable doubt that Patsy wrote the note.

This is because of the evidence that I have hinted at in this thread in which I claim that we can trace parts of the staging, both the content of the note and other (staged) physical evidence in the house, to sources to which Patsy’s behavior on the 26th can be tied. This means she showed guilty knowledge. The behavior I refer to is mostly verbal but there are also non-verbal examples.

I think a careful consideration of the evidence leaves absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Patsy deliberately and actively sought and used the advice she found in Dodie Osteen’s book Healed of Cancer, in conjunction with the NIV Study Bible (NIVSB) present in the Ramsey home, both to come up with the general outline of the ideas of the ransom note as well as to stage the physical scene of JonBenét’s body and items in the wine cellar and elsewhere around the house. The possible link between the ransom note’s ‘$118,000’ plus ‘Victory! S.B.T.C’ and Healed of Cancer was first pointed out by Jeff Shapiro. However, I think he did not compare the book and crime scene thoroughly enough and I think his interpretations fall short of explaining how Patsy really used the book.

Other parts of the ransom note and the physical crime scene were filled in on the basis of other (mostly fictional) books that Patsy used for inspiration (e.g. the Dirty Harry and Speed material), as I also describe in this thread. I want to make it clear that this is an evidence-based theory that slowly grew and was fleshed out after an initial (more modest) hypothesis that Patsy believed in and was focused on the possibility of the actual physical resurrection of JonBenét that night and on the 26th before her body was discovered. This hypothesis was originally only based on the observation of Patsy’s words asking Jesus to raise her from the dead like Lazarus immediately upon first being faced with her daughter’s body and the later description by John in his police interview that he found JonBenét wrapped in the blanket like “an Indian papoose.” A comparison of the Lazarus and indian papoose iconographies (as well as reading the Lazarus story in John 11) and seeing the similarities is what led me to the hypothesis.

The evidence-based theory that grew out of this is not just an intuition or only an opinion based on a wild guess. It is an interpretation supported by many pieces of different kinds of evidence from different sources, any one of which can be debated separately as to its merits or credibility/plausibility, but which taken all together I think cannot be argued to be coincidence and paint a rather clear and convincing picture of what Patsy did that night and subsequent morning and why. I don’t claim that the theory can perfectly explain every single thing or that some of the individual pieces of evidence and their interpretations cannot be challenged or indeed mistaken, but I do claim that it is extremely unlikely, if not downright impossible, to get this much converging evidence pointing to the Healed of Cancer/NIVSB method of staging being used by Patsy if this is not indeed what happened that night and morning.

Let’s take a closer look at the evidence for the influence of this Healed of Cancer/NIVSB combination showing up in the crime scene.
The first thing to note is that the idea that after the initial blow to JonBenét’s head, whatever the cause, Patsy tried to use faith healing to save her daughter, can explain why the medical experts say that there was a significant time between the head blow and the strangulation. This time gap is conspicuous and often wondered about. It is an unexplained variable that most interpretations of the night’s events just take for granted. If Patsy indeed did try to use faith healing to save JonBenét, it is clear that she would spend at least a bit of time, more than a few minutes, to try to create the right conditions while holding out hope that her plan would work. After she sees that it’s not working, she has to change her plan.

This is where the first evidence linking Patsy’s behavior on the 26th to material found in Healed of Cancer becomes apparent. It is not just that the indian-papoose-like wrapping of the blanket resembles the Patsy-invoked story of Lazarus, it is that Dodie Osteen actually mentions precisely this biggest of Jesus’s pre-crucifixion miracles at the end of her book to suggest that really no form of divine intervention is off-limits in one’s life, depending on what one’s need is. The only thing that is needed is faith in and complete devotion to God’s instructions and his Word (Jesus Christ), which can be found in Scripture. Note that the Lazarus reference showing up in Healed of Cancer was not obvious from the initial observation that Patsy’s remark seemed to be tied to John’s description about the indian papoose. Rather, it is a first corroborating piece of evidence that Patsy can be tied to the physical evidence of staging in the wine cellar through her connection to the book and her verbal as well as non-verbal behavior upon seeing JonBenét’s body.

Patsy’s utterance about Lazarus upon seeing the lifeless JonBenét is a near-verbatim repetition of the one line in Healed of Cancer mentioning him:

Dodie Osteen in Healed of Cancer: “When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He told the disciples to roll away the stone.”

Patsy Ramsey, according to Linda Arndt’s police report: “Jesus! You raised Lazarus from the dead, […]”

The only thing she changes is that she addresses Jesus directly by inserting ‘you’, rather than giving a third-person account as in Healed of Cancer. This too makes sense in light of what Healed of Cancer says because Osteen recommends in several places in the book to address Jesus directly. Indeed, Osteen at one point says “Just raise your hands and say, ‘O Jesus, […]’”. This too is echoed by Patsy’s behavior as Arndt describes that Patsy “lifted her arms straight into the air” before uttering the words about Lazarus.

Now, as a first example of individual pieces of evidence that could be debated, one could argue that this description about Lazarus is a very general one, indeed it is the one fact that Lazarus is most known for, so that the two descriptions mentioning this same person were likely to resemble one another regardless of direct influence. But note that Patsy could have said many similar things that are more different from the thing she is reported as saying, e.g. only saying “Bring my baby back like Lazarus!”, or “Lazarus was resurrected by Christ, let him also resurrect my baby!”, or “JonBenét! Stand up from the grave like Lazarus through the power of Jesus!” etc. But, according to Arndt, she didn’t. She used virtually the same wording as Osteen did in Healed of Cancer, a book that Arndt presumably would not have been reading from at the time of her writing her report in the weeks following the murder. Another point one could argue is that Patsy was reported to have read from Healed of Cancer zealously every day during her battle with cancer. So perhaps she was innocent and surprised to find JonBenét dead (or had been fearing this outcome during the course of the morning), but she recalled the phrase from Osteen (engraved in her long-term memory) only after seeing JonBenét dead for the first time. Indeed, such a thing is technically possible, but is it more plausible than her having been exposed to the line only a short time earlier that night (especially considering the indian-papoose-like-Lazarus-resembling blanket-wrapping)? I think not.

But this is actually not the first time that day that Patsy uses words taken directly from Healed of Cancer at an important moment during the unfolding of events in the case. On the 911 call, although there has been much debate about what words, if any, can be discerned in the (enhanced) recording after Patsy fails to hang up, arguably the most reported statement that people say they can hear (and I am one of them, I think this part is actually quite clear and not as ambiguous as it is made out to be) is “Help me Jesus, Help me Jesus”. (I think she says “JC? Help me Jesus, help me Jesus, help me…”. The “JC?” could possibly be “JB?”)

What do we find in Healed of Cancer? Osteen recommends uttering precisely these three words (in slightly different order) at a moment when one feels weak:

“Just reach up and take hold of the Lord’s strength. I’ve done that so many times! I’ve reached up and said these three little words, ‘Jesus, help me.’ And He has never failed to help me. He’ll never fail to help you either.”

Again, one could argue about the generic nature of the utterance, especially for a devout Christian, but again, Patsy uses the exact same words Osteen recommends in virtually the same way as it is prescribed at a moment that very closely matches the context of the recommendation: if Patsy indeed staged the scene, and was responsible for her daughter’s death, the moment she (believes she) hangs up the phone after the 911 call is the first moment that she has gone public with her deception and at which point there is no return. She has falsely claimed her daughter kidnapped and missing to police while keeping her dead body hidden from them, a very serious felony. Even if she had spent the previous hours preparing for this moment with her staging, making her plan a reality in this way would no doubt cause serious anxiety and feelings of weakness and worry, worry about both the likelihood of her daughter’s resurrection as well as the possible legal consequences for her and the damage that her reputation would suffer, not to mention about having to come clean to John about what happened to his daughter (or having to lie about it).

With these two close paraphrases of Healed of Cancer by Patsy on the 26th established, as well as the link with part of the physical staging of JonBenét’s body with the blanket, let’s now back up a bit and consider: if Patsy was using Healed of Cancer the night before in an attempt to save her daughter, before she even commenced staging an intruder crime scene (as suggested by the time gap between head blow and strangulation and Patsy’s verbal behavior echoing the book the following day), and if she was showing signs in her behavior on the 26th (by following the book’s advice at crucial moments) and at night during the staging of JonBenét’s body (with the blanket) of still believing in the possibility of saving her during and after staging a supposed intruder crime scene, what does it suggest about what may have been going through her mind while writing the ransom note that claims to be from an intruder? It suggests that she was of two minds that night and was writing a ransom note that tried to serve two purposes at the same time: a primary purpose of trying to save her daughter through performing a religious ceremony by following instructions from God (a magical thinking, delusional mind-state), and a secondary purpose of coming up with an excuse for why her daughter was found dead in her home if she in fact did not succeed in having her resurrected (a more practical, rational, self-serving and deceitful, as well as felonious mind-state). In other words, the words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs of the ransom note had dual meaning in Patsy’s mind.

Using this dual meaning hypothesis, how can we find further (new) evidence to support it so that the hypothesis can become a theory that actually explains substantial parts of the already known evidence and open questions from the case?
This is where we need to do a closer reading of the entire Healed of Cancer book and see what Patsy would have encountered in it if she indeed was actively using the book that night to guide her behavior in trying to save JonBenét after the initial head blow.
Luckily, the Healed of Cancer “book” is more of a glorified pamphlet, containing less than 80 small, easily digested, pages. Although Patsy only would have needed to quickly skim through the book looking for useful advice that jumped out at her, it is worth noting that with such a small book she could have actually read a substantial part of the book that night and still have had time to do all her other staging. Another thing to consider is that the book is so small that she could have easily hid it, either on her or somewhere in or around the house, with the book being roughly the size of a very thin smartphone that easily fits in the pocket of a pair of jeans, for example.

What are some of the things that are significant about Healed of Cancer’s content? After some introductory chapters telling the story of her own miraculous healing of cancer, Osteen goes on to describe 40 verses of Scriptures that she says were particularly helpful to her and that she recommends her readers to rely on also. These 40 verses each have a short paragraph or two with Osteen’s interpretation and recommended use. It is these 40 verses and their explanations that have to be examined especially carefully to discern how they may have influenced Patsy’s thinking and staging. Osteen refers to the places in the Bible where these verses occur. Although Osteen herself mentions using a New King James Version and The Living Bible, there are good reasons to believe that Patsy actually used the NIV Study Bible to look up the references that night. That book was not only known to be present in the house that night, it also contained “circled” verses that John brings up in a police interview which suggests that the book itself may also have been used as a staging prop or at least appeared conspicuous or appeared to have been used somehow that night by the person staging the scene (Patsy). So although it was found upstairs in John’s office part of Patsy and John’s upper floor of the house that they had to themselves, I assume that Patsy was able to use the book that night without waking or raising suspicion from John. She then put it where it was found before informing John of the note and likely before calling 911. Or perhaps they had a second copy of the book (the book has a portable edition which is smaller than the version that appears to be on John’s desk, and Patsy later claims that they had lots of bibles in their home).

So going through Healed of Cancer we have to look both at what Osteen herself says there as well as look up the references in the NIVSB and try to ascertain where in that book Patsy likely would have directed her attention, in order to discern the influence these passages likely read by Patsy would have had on the ransom note and the crime scene.

Let’s first consider the idea of her writing a ransom note in the first place. I have argued in this thread that the three books about detective Alex Cross (by James Patterson) that were published at the time were also used as inspiration by Patsy for staging that night and by both Patsy and John as inspiration for their intruder theory post-26th. In broad strokes, the Ramsey note/crime scene can be seen as an amalgam of three different themes that correspond to the three slightly different themes in these three books: one book deals with a killer duo who targets the rich and the elite to punish them for collaborating with a corrupted government that has betrayed the interests of the common people (while leaving notes at the crime scenes), as well as dealing with a separate killer who brutally kills small children (including a six-year-old girl with the right side of her face mutilated). Another book deals with a kidnapper-killer who kidnaps children and sends their famous parents a note with a ransom demand. And the third book deals with another kidnapper-killer duo who attack exceptionally beautiful women, one of them usually brutally murdering them and leaving them dead at the scene and another kidnapping them and taking them to an underground cellar complex where he provides them with a long rambling note detailing his strict rules that need to be followed or else they will be executed in short order.
I hope it is obvious which of these elements echo which specific parts of the JonBenét Ramsey murder. I go more in depth on this elsewhere in this thread.

So only one of these stories (Along Came A Spider) has the ransom element that appears in the Ramsey note. But if we compare the ransom amount asked for in the book’s story, or indeed the ransom note(s) in the story itself, we find that there are significant differences with the Ramsey note. The kidnapper in that story actually does ask for a large sum of money, in contrast to the oddly low and specific number of the Ramsey note. So it appears the idea of a kidnapper who asks for a ransom was an element from the stories that appealed to Patsy; it was something that could be used. But one of the questions that has always puzzled people familiar with the case is: if she staged the scene to look like a kidnapping for ransom, why then would Patsy (or anyone) leave the body in the home? People usually try to “explain” the missing attempt at removing the body from the home by guessing that the stager must have either run out of time or perhaps they were surprised by the other parent insisting that 911 be called so that the plan to get rid of the body was foiled. I counter that Patsy (who to me is clearly the only possible stager) never planned to remove JonBenét’s body from the home because she purposely and carefully staged the scene precisely in the (delusional) hope that JonBenét would be resurrected inside the home, emerging alive from the wine cellar (somehow not bothered by the latched door), similar to how Lazarus emerged from his tomb.
But we can ask the question in a slightly different way: if Patsy was indeed borrowing from the three stories that I mentioned, and two of the stories involve killers who leave their victims dead at the scene without asking for ransom, then why did Patsy feel the need to include this element in the note when it wasn’t necessary and didn’t fit a scenario in which JonBenét wouldn’t come back to life and would be found dead in their own home?

The answer can be found by searching for the use of ‘ransom’ in the NIVSB. Although the word doesn’t occur in Healed of Cancer, it does occur dozens of times in the NIVSB and after determining which occurrences may have influenced Patsy’s thinking we can check which of them could have been encountered either close to a passage referenced in Healed of Cancer or by a look-up action in the NIVSB inspired by advice from Osteen.

As it turns out, ‘ransom’ is used a fair number of times in the text of this bible itself as well as in the accompanying footnotes to express a very specific idea. Here is a non-exhaustive sample:

- Genesis 22:13 (footnote):

instead of Substitutionary sacrifice of one life for another is here mentioned for the first time. As the ram died in Isaac's place, so also Jesus gave his life as a ransom "for" (lit. "instead of") many (Mk 10:45).”

- Romans 3:24 (footnote):

“[…] redemption. A word taken from the slave market — the basic idea is that of obtaining release by payment of a ransom. Paul uses this word to refer to release from guilt, with its liability for judgment, and to deliverance from slavery to sin, because Christ in his death paid the ransom for us.

And the part that comes before the above part of the footnote:

“3:24 justified. Paul uses this verb 22 times, mostly in 2:13-5:1; Gal 2-3. It is translated ‘justify’ in all cases except two (2:13; 3:20, where it is translated ‘declared righteous’). The term describes what happens when someone believes in Christ as his Savior: From the negative viewpoint, God declares the person to be not guilty; from the positive viewpoint, he declares him to be righteous. He cancels the guilt of the person's sin and credits righteousness to him. Paul emphasizes two points in this regard: 1. No one lives a perfectly good, holy, righteous life. On the contrary, ‘there is no one righteous’ (v. 10), and ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (v. 23). ‘Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his [God's] sight by observing the law’ (v. 20). 2. But even though all are sinners and not sons, God will declare everyone who puts his trust in Jesus not guilty but righteous. This legal declaration is valid because Christ died to pay the penalty for our sin and lived a life of perfect righteousness that can in turn be imputed to us. This is the central theme of Romans and is stated in the theme verse, 1:17 (‘a righteousness from God’). Christ's righteousness (his obedience to God's law and his sacrificial death) will be credited to believers as their own. Paul uses the word ‘credited’ (and related terms) ten times in ch. 4 alone. freely by his grace. The central thought in justification is that, although man clearly and totally deserves to be declared guilty (vv. 9-19), because of his trust in Christ God declares him righteous. This is stated in several ways here: (1) ‘freely’ (as a gift, for nothing), (2) ‘by his grace,’ (3) ‘through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus’ and (4) ‘through faith’ (v. 25).”

- Ephesians 1:7 (footnote):

“1:7 redemption. See v. 14; 4:30; Ro 3:24; Tit 2:14. The Ephesians were familiar with the Greco-Roman practice of redemption: Slaves were freed by the payment of a ransom. Similarly, the ransom necessary to free sinners from the bondage of sin and the resulting curse imposed by the law (see Gal 3:13) was the death of Christ (called here ‘his blood’). through his blood. Cf. 2:13; 1Pe 1:18-19.”

- Colossians 1:14 (footnote):

“1:14 redemption. Deliverance and freedom from the penalty of sin by the payment of a ransom — the substitutionary death of Christ.

I analyze the overlap between the Ramsey note elements with passages containing this word and use of ‘ransom’ more in-depth elsewhere.

But for now, I hope it is clear that ransom has a very specific religious meaning in various places in the NIVSB. And as we will see, some of these places are very close to verses that Osteen refers to in Healed of Cancer.
The concept that ‘ransom’ is used to express is also very closely related to the concept of ‘Saved By The Cross’, the phrase that many people for a long time have suspected was intended by Patsy with the note’s sign-off of ‘S.B.T.C’. Moreover, although Shapiro, when first discussing Healed of Cancer’s possible influence on the note, pointed out that ‘Victory!’ is a closely related concept as well because in faith healing circles it is used to refer to victory over Satan and disease, ‘victory’ is actually also used more broadly (or rather, more specifically) in the Bible (especially in the New Testament) to refer to victory over sin. And as we just saw in the above passages about ‘ransom’, that idea too relates to this very specific idea of overcoming sin and guilt through Christ’s (symbolic) death.

So now we start to see why the Ramsey note was designed to be a ransom note by Patsy. It wasn’t just a random trope that she picked willy-nilly from the collection of cliché kidnapper-killer elements that she either remembered from movies (as envisioned by the movie buff theory) or that she encountered in the (fictional) crime story books that she skimmed through looking for inspiration for staging (as in my theory), it was an element that she very deliberately chose because it served her dual purpose so well. She needed it because it was the best way to establish an overarching framework in which several hidden religious references could be added in a way that she believed would please her Lord’s commands that she was interpreting from what she read in Healed of Cancer and the NIVSB. But because she had to stick to this ransom theme, while at the same time using inspiration from several kinds of fictional stories, including stories without a ransom theme, the Ramsey note and staged crime scene came out as weird as it did. It was composed from a mix of story elements and influences that don’t all go together well. Patsy probably could have written a more believable ransom note if that had been her only goal. But because she was deliberately forcing the issue with the religious dual meaning obeying all sorts of specific commands, the note came out rather weird and not very believable.

So what kinds of advice did Osteen give in Healed of Cancer and how can we trace it back to specific parts of the note and the crime scene?

One inescapable theme in Healed of Cancer is “the Word of God” or “God’s Word” or “His Word” or just “the Word”. In the 59 pages that Osteen herself writes (the other pages are testimonials from other people) in the book, a lot of them containing quoted scripture, the word ‘word’ (with or without capital letter, mostly with) occurs 59 times, almost all of them referring to some form of the concept of God’s Word. So it has an average of one occurrence per (short) page. The plural ‘words’ occurs an additional 9 times. In the 13 pages of testimonials by others neither the singular or the plural occurs even a single time.

What are the kinds of thing Osteen says about this Word of God?

- “One of the most important things that helped me to be healed was the unshakable confidence I had in the Word of God.”
- “1. PROVERBS 4:20-22: The Word of God will save your life.”
- “The reason the Word of God is so important when you're fighting a battle for your health is because in many cases it’s the only hope you have. That was so in my case. Give God’s Word first place in your heart because it is life and health to your body.
- “I am one of God’s children just like you are. God wants to help you. He wants you to live. He wants you to live a long, healthy, productive life. But your healing doesn’t just automatically happen. You must fight your sickness with God’s Word and your faith.
- “If you do not know the Word of God, you need to learn it. Many people suffer and die needlessly because they do not know what the Word of God says about healing.
- “Don’t condemn yourself if you don’t know the Word. Just get in the Bible and seek the Lord, and He will show Himself strong on your behalf.
- “7. EXODUS 15:26: Obey God’s Word and be healed.
- “God’s promises are conditional, and there are some things we must do. Hebrews 11:6 says that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If you are not diligently seeking the Lord, I encourage you to start today. Read and listen to God’s Word. Seek Him with all your heart. Keep His commandments and change will take place in your life.
- “12. PSALM 107:20: God’s Word is healing.”
- “He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
- “O God, our Father, Your Word says that You are a very present help in the time of need. I come to You now on behalf of this person who is suffering with cancer, or some other serious disease. Father, I ask You, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to touch and heal them.
- “2. JOSHUA 21:45: God’s Word will not fail.
- “If you are having symptoms, you can bind those symptoms here on earth and they will be bound in heaven. Rest assured God will keep His Word.”
- “Even so, I never gave up confessing the Word of God, because I had an unshakable confidence in God’s Word. I knew Jesus would not lie to me, and I knew that if I kept on believing, I would receive. And I did!”
- “It is important to worship God. Maybe you’ve not been used to worshiping God in your church. If not, you can worship Him right now. Just raise your hands and say, ‘O Jesus, I love You and I worship You. I come before You today, thanking You that Your Word hasn’t changed.’”
- “The devil is the one who is the accuser of the brethren (see Revelation 12:10). When he tells you anything, believe just the opposite, and you'll have the truth. I learned not to condemn myself any more. I would say, ‘I thank You, Father, that I am holding fast to my confession without wavering. I don’t waver in my spirit man because I know Your Word works.’”
- “Put your confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word no matter what happens. He is your hope. God will surely reward your trust in Him!
- “Then we got over into Hebrews where it said Jesus didn’t change. So we prayed, in just the simplest way we knew how, ‘Jesus, Your Word says You haven’t changed. Here we are faced with a little child that has cerebral palsy and brain damage. Father, if You don’t change, then You are still the same now. You can touch our little girl and make her whole. Would you touch her and heal her?’”
- “Do you know how your soul will prosper? By putting the Word of God in it. Then you will know how to stay in good health. The Lord wants you to walk in divine health. And you can do that by getting the Word of God into your heart. Then when sickness tries to come upon you, you'll be prepared to stand against it.”
- “Whatever your need is, find the promise you need in the Word of God, then ask according to His will. God’s will is His Word.

Four main ideas keep coming up throughout the book: 1. The Word saved Osteen’s (and Patsy’s) life from cancer and can save a life now in a new case too 2. Jesus is the Word of God 3. One must look for it in Scripture and 4. One must obey God to get what one needs/wants through His Word

Several things can already be pointed out from just the above quotes alone.
We can see in some of these quotes one of the other recurring pieces of advice that Osteen gives: to keep/obey God’s command(ment)s. This is stressed several times throughout the book:

“7. EXODUS 15:26: Obey God’s Word and be healed.

“10. MALACHI 3:10: Obey all God’s commandments and receive all His blessings.

“In order to diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, you must follow all of His commandments.”

“When I was sick, I had to cast down my imaginations concerning symptoms, and you will, too. Make your thoughts obey you. Bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”

This, of course, is echoed conceptually in the Ramsey note by a very similar focus on the concept of obeying and following instructions, including using that idiom multiple times (“follow our instructions” (2x), “my instructions”, “I will call you […] to instruct you”).

The NIVSB in dozens of places, including close to places referred to by Healed of Cancer, talks of the more verbatim match with the Ramsey note in the context of God either speaking himself or people speaking about what He or Moses or a prophet wants people to do (in either the running text or the footnotes and introductions): “follow my instructions”, “the Lord’s instructions”, “disobeyed the instructions”, “await his arrival and instructions”, “has not carried out my instructions”, “The Lord bless you! I have carried out the Lord’s instructions.”, “‘I have sinned. I violated the Lord's command and your instructions.[’]”, “he violated the clear instructions the Lord had given”, “as representatives of the Lord's rule, had all given final instructions”, “The Lord said to him. Giving instructions to Elijah that revealed his sovereign power over people and nations.”, “in view of Jesus’s instructions”, “He who obeys instructions guards his life, but he who is contemptuous of his ways will die.”, “his obedience to God's instructions, given through dreams”, “These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions”, “Further instructions” [header of a section], “For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.”, “I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household”, and on and on.

Another thing that can be seen from some of the quotes about God’s Word in Healed of Cancer and the quotes above from the NIVSB is that, in addition to “follow” “instructions”, there are other verbatim elements that occur in passages which also match the Ramsey note.

For example, Healed of Cancer uses “you must” seven times in her 60 pages, and all of these occurrences are precisely in passages which can link her advice to what Patsy would have needed to do to stage the note and physical scene to hope for JonBenét’s resurrection:

“One night, in the early hours of the morning, God spoke to my heart: ‘It is not your husband’s faith; it is not Oral Roberts’ faith; it is not Kenneth Hagin’s faith; it is YOUR faith that you must go on now.’ I knew it was between me and Jesus from that time on.”

“[…] you must follow all of His commandments.”

You must fight your sickness with God’s Word and your faith.”

You must decide that you want to live.”

“How can you pray and ask God for healing in confidence if you don’t know that it is His will for you to be healed? You can’t! You’ve learned in the world that if you get sick, you must suffer. And if you're lucky, you might get well. Now you must renew your mind with healing scriptures.”

You must have on the whole armor of God every day. Resist the devil each day by saying, ‘Devil, take your hands off me and off my body in Jesus’ Name.’ Then remind your body to line up with the Word of God. It will work!

The Ramsey note has “you must follow our instructions to the letter” echoing the “you must follow” from Osteen’s “you must follow all of His commandments.”

The concept and word of ‘representatives’ (of God, church, nations, among other things) is also used a couple of dozen times throughout the Bible, as well as the word ‘represent’ (found in the Ramsey note) in the context of people. For example in the following footnote to Psalm 80: “Israel's prayer for restoration when she had been ravaged by a foreign power. It seems likely that "Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh" (v. 2) here represent the northern kingdom.” Healed of Cancer has a reference to Psalm 75, which is found four page flips before this footnote. The word ‘country’ also occurs hundreds of times throughout the Bible as well as the concept and word ‘serve(s)’. Many of the Ramsey note’s particular words have second meanings with clear religious counterparts in the Bible.

But instead of approaching the note from the point of view of this general sort of overlap, can we discover some of the specific passages and verses that Patsy likely based herself on? I think we can.

First, let’s consider the Ramsey note’s opening line after addressing the note to ‘Mr. Ramsey’: “Listen carefully!” How does this tie in with the previously established theme of obeying commands and following instructions? Certainly Osteen stresses the importance of paying close attention to what the Lord commands to do, but she doesn’t actually use this phrase (she only says “Read and listen to God’s Word.”). So what is the connection?

One of the 40 “healing scriptures” that Osteen recommends relying on is the following:

“7. EXODUS 15:26: Obey God’s Word and be healed.
If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians [in the permissive sense]. For I am the Lord who heals you.
Are you doing what is right in God’s sight? Are you giving attention to His commandments and keeping them?
God’s promises are conditional
, and there are some things we must do. Hebrews 11:6 says that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If you are not diligently seeking the Lord, I encourage you to start today. Read and listen to God’s Word. Seek Him with all your heart. Keep His commandments and change will take place in your life.

Clearly, this is one of the crucial pieces of advice that I claim Patsy took to heart that night and used for her staging. But the verses cited in italic by Osteen still don’t actually contain “listen carefully”. That’s because she is using the New King James Version translation for her bible quotation.
If we look up the same verse, Exodus 15:26, in the NIVSB (with the NIV translation), the one the Ramseys had in their home, we find:

“He said, ‘If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.’”

Notice that the words, including ‘listen carefully’ are spoken by the Lord Himself. One page flip before the reference to this passage in Healed of Cancer we find the advice:

“The reason the Word of God is so important when you're fighting a battle for your health is because in many cases it’s the only hope you have. That was so in my case. Give God’s Word first place in your heart because it is life and health to your body.”

Patsy seems to have taken this advice quite literally: she gave the words she found Him speaking “first place” in her ransom note (after the addressing part). She was trying to “obey” everything that she interpreted as a “command” and trying to “follow” “instructions”, in the hope that it would bring “life and health” to JonBenét through “the Lord, who heals” her.

How else could Patsy try to obey commands when no one was actually speaking to her? Osteen recommends to “[r]ead and listen to God’s Word. Seek Him with all your heart.” and “Now you must renew your mind with healing scriptures. Whatever your need is, find the promise you need in the Word of God, then ask according to His will. God’s will is His Word.” and “Don’t condemn yourself if you don’t know the Word. Just get in the Bible and seek the Lord, and He will show Himself strong on your behalf.” and “I gained hope and encouragement from the precious promises that God revealed to me through His Word. I clung to my Bible and its healing promises. The Word became my life. I read and confessed the Scriptures daily.”

So Patsy had to seek the Word of God in the Bible. How could she do that? It just so happens that the NIVSB had three convenient places in the back of the book where she could look for it: an Index to Subjects, an Index to Notes and a Concordance.

The Index of Subjects conveniently has an entry both for “Word of God” (under ‘W’) as well as an entry for “God’s word” (under ‘G’, although this entry only contains one irrelevant reference that cannot be interpreted as a command). The Index to Notes does not have an entry for “God’s Word” but it does have an entry for “WORD OF GOD” where there is conveniently also an entry for “WORD OF LIFE” underneath it, which is another word Osteen emphasizes several times in Healed of Cancer, and which, we will see, is also a word identifying Jesus. The Concordance has neither an entry for “God’s Word” (only “God’s”) nor for “Word of God” (only “Words”). So the first two indexes’ entries for “Word of God” seem like her best option, the ones that would have spoken to her most and seemed to be a sign from God.

Let’s look at what Patsy would have seen looking up these entries:

Word of God entries.jpg

We see that the Index to Subjects entry has two references which clearly potentially could have a link with the 118 number (Jn 1:1-18 and Jas 1:18). There are a few more ways to get to a 118 number with the other references but I’ll leave aside looking at them for now. But we see that the Index to Notes entry also has a reference that is very close to a possible 118 reference (the one that I think, for different reasons, Patsy used): 1Jn 1:1 which is seven verses before 1Jn 1:8. (the Jn 1:1 reference is technically also possible as it is 17 verses away from Jn 1:18, which is the same (end) verse referenced under the Index to Subjects). Again, for now I leave aside other possibilities such as the Psalm 119 reference being close to Psalm 118 which has been speculated about in the case before.


But before getting to why and how 118 possibly came to be used, let’s take a look at what these other referenced verses and their passages are actually about and how Patsy may have interpreted commands from God from them that she would have tried to obey. You’ll note that the Index to Notes entry has the shorter list of references, with 6 bible books being referred to. This probably would have appeared like a more manageable group of references to Patsy who was under a severe time constraint. It would have been a welcome small group of places to look through to look for commands that she could focus on so that she could convince herself that it was still possible to hope for a miracle through the Lord’s rewarding of her obedience.

What do we find under these references? Psalm 119 is the most extensive reference because it specifies no less than 176 verses. The psalm starts out repeating some of the same phrases Osteen also uses (“blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart”, “You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.”, “I will obey your decrees; do not utterly forsake me.”), which would have appeared to Patsy like she was on the right track: the Lord was confirming what Osteen had been recommending.

But we also start seeing new elements that have close thematic and verbal counterparts in the Ramsey note and crime scene: “who walk according to the laws of the Lord”, “as I learn your righteous laws”, “with my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth”, “I will not forget your law”, “Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you”, “do not let me stray from your commands”, “I have hidden your word in my heart”, “I have set my heart on your laws”, “your servant will meditate on your decrees”, “Keep me from deceitful ways”, “though the wicked bind me with ropes”, “that I may keep the commands of my God!”, “Uphold me, and I will be delivered”, “You reject all who stray from your decrees, for their deceitfulness is in vain.”, “let no sin rule over me”, “I call with all my heart; answer me, O Lord, and I will obey your decrees. I call out to you; save me and I will keep your statutes. I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.”, “Look upon my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law. Defend my cause and redeem me”, “I look on the faithless with loathing, for they do not obey your word.”, “I follow your commands”, “May my supplication come before you; deliver me according to your promise.”, and on and on with similar words and themes.

Many of these can already be argued to be fairly close to their counterpart words and concepts in the Ramsey note and crime scene. But for now let’s take them as just priming a particular set of words and concepts that happen to share a lot of thematic characteristics with the Ramsey note (and some parts of the crime scene) if one reads the note (and Patsy’s actions on the 26th) as having hidden religious meaning.
What started as a blank page for Patsy on which she could have written anything, now is starting to become a framework of ideas that have to do with listening carefully to the word of one with power, obeying commands, following instructions, knowing about law, not straying from commands, looking out for deceit, relying on faith instead of reason, offering a symbolic ransom, asking for delivery, focusing on one’s heart and hiding a message in it, watching out for wicked people who use ropes to bind things.
These are words and concepts that Patsy would have encountered reasonably early during or even before her staging as she was trying to use faith healing to heal JonBenét’s head wound. In my theory the skull fracture would have occurred fairly early somewhere between around 21:15 and 22:30. As I argue in my theory, Patsy also (a little later in the night) looked through novelizations and other fictional books to look for inspiration for her staging. In some of these books she encountered words and concepts that seemed to echo partially some of the material she encountered while looking for God in Osteen and the Bible. This caused her to select some of that material and it is mostly those words and phrases that filled out the conceptual framework with specific verbal elements.

Let’s move on to the next reference in the “WORD OF GOD” entry from the Index to Notes. It says to look up Luke 3:2. What do we find there?

Luke 3_2 with context.jpg

We find that Patsy’s attention would have been directed to repenting so that sin could be forgiven and the repentant person could be delivered. If Patsy had been responsible for the skull fracture, it is not difficult to see how reading such a passage while looking for commands from God, she would’ve felt an incredible feeling of guilt and pressure to repent for the sinful nature of her actions. We also see that a great reward was being offered to her if she did repent: she would receive God’s forgiveness and avoid the “penalty” for her sin.

What is hard to miss as well is the very explicit connection to the meaning of the phrase ‘Saved By The Cross’: “Christ” would deliver her “from sin’s penalty by dying on the cross.” So rather than the phrase being meaningful in relation to beating cancer and overcoming Satan and/or his disease (as originally suggested by Shapiro and the Seraph profiling report), Healed of Cancer appears to have pointed Patsy to a passage in which the phrase would have meaning in relation to overcoming her own sinfulness. Now why would she sign off the note with the acronym of the phrase that is here related to being sinful? The answer seems rather clear: she felt personally responsible for the action(s) that had caused JonBenét’s skull fracture (and the subsequent strangulation), rather than blaming John or Burke. In her private world of meaning in which she communicated with her Lord, she fully acknowledged that she was the responsible, sinful and guilty person who had brought about her daughter’s death.

So where would the ‘Victory!’ part of the sign-off have come in in this context? Although there are a number of ways to explain this, as we will see later, for now I’ll just show one way to explain it that is very obviously related to this passage: if Patsy interpreted this passage as her Lord commanding her to repent for her sin, and if she was looking for further “instructions” to follow, a very logical course of action would have been to look up ‘Sin’ in the index(es) to look for some more references that could help her along with that. What would she have seen if she looked up ‘Sin’ in the Index to Notes?

Sin entry - victory over.jpg

So now both the meaning of the phrase ‘Saved By The Cross’ as well as the term ‘victory’ are related to the concept of overcoming sin through connections between Healed of Cancer and the NIVSB. Patsy’s observed behavior on the 26th (as well as testimony about her behavior in the years before the murder) ties her firmly to the first book. The second book was found open in the Ramsey home.
Moreover, in the sub-section of ‘victory over’ we see that two verses it refers to are 1 John 1:7 and 1 John 1:9. Now we can see part of the reason why I believe that the 118 ransom amount is tied to 1 John 1:8, the verse right in between the two listed verses relating to achieving victory over sin. That verse can be taken as an explicit expression that one is sinful, which is what Patsy came to believe she needed to acknowledge/confess in order to obey God’s commands. That would allow her to hope to receive from Him according to her need and what she asked of Him. The verse reads:

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”

It is her confession to being sinful. It also has two words we find in the Ramsey note “You can try to deceive us”. Why did Patsy feel it was important to incorporate such a confession of sinfulness into the note?

Precisely because of what 1 John 1:9, one of the two verses listed here under ‘victory over sin’, prescribes:

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

The other verse listed, 1 John 1:7, is also telling:

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

Here we see the suggestion that blood can purify from sin. JonBenét had only a small cut on her genital parts from which she bled. Although this was not a massive wound, many items around her in the wine cellar were found to have blood or traces of blood products on them. What this suggests is that Patsy through some sort of ceremonial ritual turned the blood from JonBenét’s wound into “the blood of Jesus” which “purifies us from all sin”. We will see further evidence later that suggests that she came to believe this was a meaningful and appropriate thing to do.

For now, we need to consider some of the additional information she would have encountered on this page in the footnotes (which she seems to have used as clarification of God’s “instructions” to her) and which can be tied to her later behavior:

- The footnote to the verse (1 John 1:9) that ‘victory over sin’ lists explains:

will forgive us. Will provide the forgiveness that restores the communion with God that had been interrupted by sin (as requested in the Lord's Prayer, Mt 6:12).”

John describes in The Death of Innocence how at their daughter’s memorial service when the Lord’s Prayer was being offered “Patsy raised her hands in prayer” and “suddenly Patsy got up and went down by JonBenét’s coffin and knelt to pray. I don’t know why she did that.”
I think when taking $118,000 as referencing 1 John 1:8 in the NIVSB, it is very clear why she did that. She was receiving her “forgiveness” and restoring her “communion with God that had been interrupted by sin” to crown her “victory over” sin, as “requested in the Lord’s Prayer”.

- “1:2 The life ... the eternal life. Christ. He is called "the life" because he is the living one who has life in himself (see Jn 11:25; 14:6). He is also the source of life and sovereign over life (5:11). The letter begins and ends (5:20) with the theme of eternal life.”

We will see shortly that it is significant that Christ is called “the life”. Osteen also emphasized this word quite a bit. Also significant is that the header on this page for the beginning of 1 John is “The Word of Life”. Jesus is described as both “the Word” and as “the Life” so we can see just how pregnant with meaning this phrase would be to one who is looking for Jesus and God in scripture and who is hoping for restored life for her daughter through Jesus as promised to her.

In the outline of the letter of 1 John, given on the facing page, Patsy also could have seen

“2. Confession of sin (1:8–2:2)”

which supports what I said earlier that 1 John 1:8 seems like a good place to start if one wants to confess one’s sin(s), which is what Patsy was being shown by the “WORD OF GOD” was important to do.

Back to the Luke passage from the “WORD OF GOD” entry: we find some further priming possibilities: “a distant country” resembling somewhat the possible origins of the foreign faction. “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance” could hint at why the pineapple might have been used if it had been staged, but my personal sense is that it is more plausible that the eaten pineapple piece wasn’t staged symbolically but a coincidentally consumed bit of food shortly before the skull fracture which had little to do with whatever caused it to happen. In some obscure sources it is sometimes mentioned that pineapple had symbolic meaning for Christians in relation to fertility and such, so we shouldn’t completely discount the staging possibility either, especially since the piece found was relatively intact for a piece of eaten and partially digested food.

What is the next reference in the ‘WORD OF GOD’ entry? John 1:1, the beginning of the Gospel of John:

John 1_1 with context.JPG

Mostly we see the same theme repeated again that Jesus is the “Word” and identified with “life” also. We get another identification of Christ with “light”. (Patsy makes it a point in her 1997 police interview to suggest that it was normal that they would leave a light on at night in both JonBenét’s room and in the sunroom—the room Patsy associated with God and where she chose to be between 8 and 10 am that morning—which is what she may have done that night with a religious purpose).

But we also find the header of “The Word Became Flesh” and a footnote that says about Christ being “the true light” that it “is referring to the incarnation of Christ.” If we go back to the outline of 1 John on the facing page of 1 John 1:8, we find that the first description in the outline there is “I. Introduction: The Reality of the Incarnation (1:1–4)”.
We can find other places in the NIVSB, related to passages in Osteen, that also describe Christ as the incarnate word. Why is this significant?
Because the page that was found to be earmarked in the Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary on a coffee table in the room Patsy was in when JonBenét’s body was discovered and everyone but her ran to check on it, was described by Steve Thomas as having the word ‘incest’ close to the lower left corner. On the same page of editions of that book where ‘incest’ is in that location, the word ‘incarnation’ is a little above it in the same column. Despite Thomas’s description, the word ‘incest’, I believe, was not being targeted, it was ‘incarnation’.

incest & incarnation together.jpg

What reason is there to believe this? Patsy was copying what she had read in Healed of Cancer:

a page was supernaturally turned under on one edge.jpg

Now that we know that ‘incarnation’ is yet another word signifying Christ, who is the Word of God, it is no wonder why Patsy would want to “supernaturally” highlight that word: Osteen had said/referenced “The Word of God will save your life.”, “God’s Word will not fail.”, “God’s Word is healing.”, “You can find strength in God and in His Word.”, “What you say will make a difference.”

Accounts vary on how long Patsy was alone in the den when everyone ran to see JonBenét’s body (Patsy seems to be the only one who suggests she wasn’t alone for any time). But according to some descriptions it could have been “minutes”, indicating that perhaps she had at least a good moment of privacy to herself in which she could have done a thing like this. And it’s very telling that these few minutes around the discovery of JonBenét’s body, when push came to shove and Patsy was about to find out if all of her efforts had worked and her hope would become reality or her world would come crashing down, there is a cluster of behaviors by Patsy that are attested to which all in some way or another can be tied to the advice in Healed of Cancer and its references in the NIVSB.

This, in my opinion, makes it very likely that the earmarked page was Patsy’s work, and not that of someone trying to point to incest or a chance irrelevant circumstance. There is also the possibility that she earmarked it earlier when she was in the room before the body had been discovered and people were not paying close attention to her in an unguarded moment.

What is the next reference listed under the “WORD OF GOD” entry? Hebrews: 4:12. What would Patsy have seen around that verse?

Hebrews 4_12 with context (colored).jpg

We see here a cluster of elements containing ideas that overlap with kidnapper counterparts in the Ramsey note. They help explain why some of its awkward phrases were included. As I mentioned earlier, this happened because Patsy was forcing the issue of including lines that had religious significance to her, which made some of the lines sound very contrived, illogical and unbelievable from the perspective of a real kidnapping scenario, all the more so because she used some words and phrases from various not so realistic fictional stories to fill out the religious concepts.

We find here in the Hebrews passage something which must have sounded very much like a command to Patsy in her desperate state: “Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.” Disobedience, she had already been told by Osteen, was the last thing she needed to show if she wanted to have any chance that her prayers would be answered.
She had already encountered the idea that Christ’s death had paid for her own sins and that Osteen had recommended to rely on Christ (the Word) to receive according to her need. Now, in the footnote to this verse here she reads that the verse is an “exhortation to enter salvation-rest by faith” and that “the believer” can and should “gain salvation” by resting “in the finished work of Christ on the cross”. She translates the “exhortation” to “I advise you” in the ransom note and her stipulation “to be rested” is yet another reference to her acceptance of Jesus Christ, her Lord and Savior, and the concept of his death on the cross that will redeem her from her sin., which is the “the delivery” part in the note (a word and concept, we saw, that she also encountered in the Psalm 119 reference).

By incorporating this line into the note, she is showing God that she is trying hard to “listen carefully” and making every effort to obey every command that she can find in the verses she finds herself directed to. Note also the “, therefore,” in the sentence above which is a synonym for “and hence”, which Patsy copied from Catnapped as I have argued in this thread, but this way of speaking may have been first primed by the biblical verse.

The line “I advise you to be rested” has been much commented and speculated on, from reading feminine concerns into it to taking it at face value as part of a master plan to trying to sound like Scorpio in Dirty Harry. Although I certainly believe Patsy did consult the novelization version of Dirty Harry and the idea about getting sleep in the context of a kidnapping delivery is certainly raised there, as well as in several other stories that I claim Patsy used for inspiration and seeing this element used is what inspired her to write it into the note in the way that we find it, what we find here in the Hebrews passage is what I think actually explains why Patsy took notice of that particular element of the crime stories and why it was important to her that she adapted it to include the line in the note. It was not a thoughtless throwaway line but actually was very significant as part of her own understanding of and purpose for the note with dual meaning.

Something similar can be said for the “constant scrutiny”, “monitor” and “catch you” lines: although there are certainly fictional story passages corresponding to this kidnapper trope in the material that I claim she borrowed inspiration (and verbatim phrases) from, the reason why she paid attention to that story element is because here just below the ‘rest’ passage she found a very explicit description of God’s all-seeing, all-penetrating sight and judgment, identified here also with Jesus as the “incarnate Word”. This is why she was so susceptible to taking the perspective of the cliché bad guy who is in complete control of the situation and exercising total power over his targets.
What the line meant to Patsy was that she acknowledged that the Lord would immediately know if her intentions in following His instructions and putting her faith in Christ were not completely sincere and if she did not fully believe in His divine authority and power over matters of sin and righteousness, life and death. She includes the “family” part not just because it also plays a central part in Catnapped! (which she is borrowing part of her phrasing from), but also because in a footnote here it states that “a family” is part of offering a sacrifice for one’s sins (one can’t take it upon oneself) and that one “had to be called by God.” How fortunate for Patsy then that her Lord, who had opened the letter speaking Himself with “Listen carefully” also mentions that “I will call you”, which is precisely what she reads here is required. The timing of “between 8 and 10 am” may well be a reference to 1 John 1:9 (9 being between 8 and 10) which had told her under the ‘victory over’ part of the ‘Sin’ entry in the index that if she were to “confess” her “sins”, He would be “faithful and just” and “forgive” her “sins and purify” her “from all unrighteousness.”

But there are still more inspirational elements from this one page: we find here also that “we must give account” to God’s all-seeing and all-penetrating judgment. Patsy writes in the note that “You will withdraw $118,000 from your account”, which, when one realizes that 118 refers to the confession of her sinfulness via reference to 1 John 1:8, comes out to mean that God orders her to subtract her sinfulness from His “account” of her. In other words, she will have to confess her sin privately (“tomorrow” according to the note) so that he can remove it from his account and she can be forgiven, precisely as 1 John 1:9 says is required to achieve “victory over” sin and to “purify” her and clear her “from all unrighteousness.”

It is mentioned that people who are “ignorant and going astray” have to be dealt with by a priest who represents the people in “matters related to God” and who offers “sacrifices for” himself “as well as” (also verbatim in the Ramsey note and in Catnapped) “the people”. So “astray” is associated with falling short of the knowledge needed to sacrifice for sins correctly. Patsy writes that “If we catch you talking to a stray dog, she dies.” This is another creative way for her to create a phrase with dual meaning. In another place in the NIVSB that is related to an Osteen reference and a Patsy behavior from that morning (to be discussed later, inspired by her reading the last page of the Bible, the end of the book of Revelation), a footnote mentions that “dogs” was “[a] term applied to all types of ceremonially impure persons.” So “a stray dog” is meant to convey that if she were to be ignorant of the requirements of the ceremony of sacrificing for her sins, her daughter would die (or rather, remain dead).

The connotation of ‘dogs’ is again described in another telling footnote:

dogs. A harsh word for Paul's opponents, showing their aggressive opposition to the gospel and the seriousness of their error and its destructive, ‘devouring’ results (cf. Gal 5:15). Their teaching was probably similar to what Paul had to oppose in the Galatian churches (see Introduction to Galatians: Occasion and Purpose), mutilators. Again a strong, painfully vivid term; the false teachers have so distorted the meaning of circumcision (cf. v. 3) that it has become nothing more than a useless cutting of the body.”

So the ceremony concerned, as we will also see from other references, was that of circumcision, precisely a ceremony that would match the one (unexplained) bleeding injury JonBenét suffered on the night of her death (peri-mortem). We will see that Patsy likely came to believe that such a symbolic circumcision would establish a (personal) new covenant between her and her Lord, as “commanded” by him through the verses she encountered. Some of the facts about the physical evidence found in and around the wine cellar can best be explained by understanding Patsy to have performed some such ceremony. The possible motif of a religious ritual being involved was mentioned early in the case by the outsider’s profiling report by Seraph, but they seemed to be thinking along the lines of a possible (pre-meditated) sacrificial offering by Patsy in exchange for her own health or to be together with a pure version of her daughter in the afterlife or some such interpretation. I think a pre-meditated Patsy interpretation is likely not correct, although it should not be fully discounted and in my opinion is a better avenue for exploration than any IDI, BDI, JDI or even RDI (both parents being involved pre-911 call) ‘theories’, which in my opinion have no chance at all of being correct.

We also find on the page of Hebrews 4:12 that “since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess” and “[l]et us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” with one of the footnotes explaining that it “suggests that the readers were in danger of letting their faith slip (see similar admonitions in 2:1; 3:6,14)”. We find similar emphasis on the importance of “confidence” in Osteen’s advice in various places.

The reliance on faith and emphasis on its importance for salvation in the Ramsey note is translated by Patsy into “Don’t try to grow a brain John.” (borrowed from Speed in the way I describe in this thread) followed two lines later by “Don’t underestimate us John” and “Use that good southern common sense of yours.” (the latter which I believe borrowed inspiration from John Grisham’s book A Time To Kill). ‘Don’t try to grow a brain’ I believe for Patsy meant ‘rely on your faith instead of on reason’ and ‘good southern common sense’ meant ‘faith’. She intentionally wrote these lines to imbue them with this dual meaning that she believed had spiritual, religious potency. Although it wasn’t rational for her to believe that John would get any of this meaning from reading the note, it was more of a personal message from her to her Lord that she was well aware of what was required and what was being asked of her and her family to receive the miracle she needed. I argue more extensively elsewhere that the entire last paragraph received special attention from Patsy and that she tried to imbue it with a lot of religious meaning because it was the climax of her note which was to bring about the miracle and it was capped off with the highly meaningful ‘Victory! S.B.T.C’ sign-off whose hidden meaning was the crux (no pun intended) of the whole note and staging operation.

Finally, we find an occurrence of ‘represent them before God’. The concept of ‘represent’ of course is also used by the ‘kidnapper’. I will leave aside the question of how Patsy may have thought it important to include it in the note.

All in all, this one page around Hebrews 4:12 (which also has another occurrence of ‘victory’ in the context of Jesus’s temptation and ordeal on the cross in a footnote on the facing page) significantly adds to the collection of very specific set of ideas found expressed in the Ramsey note which are also found in the passages referenced by the ‘WORD OF GOD’ entry.


That brings us to the last two references listed by that entry, both in the same bible book: 1 Peter 1:23,25 and 1 Peter 2:2, which are both located on the same page. What would Patsy have found there?

The actual verses themselves in this case are not as interesting as what it is we find elsewhere on the page. For one, one of the footnotes is another example (that I didn’t list in the earlier examples) of an explanation in the NIVSB of the religious interpretation of Jesus’s death as a “ransom”. So now we have one way of explaining how Patsy came to see this concept and where she got the inspiration for writing a “ransom note”.
Not only that, the footnote is to the verse 1:18. So again we have a very strong candidate for motivating the $118,000 amount. Although it means we now have more than one good candidate verse/footnote to explain the amount (1 John 1:8 and 1 Peter 1:18), I want to argue again (as I have in the methodological part of my theory) that there doesn’t necessarily need to be one absolute “meaning” of the amount. Meaning is something complex which can best be described by explaining the dynamic process which causes us to use particular symbols that are significant to us. This does not require that we think of this meaning as a sort of definition that uniquely describes the symbol in one way. Patsy could well have noticed both the 1 John 1:8 connection with 118 as well as the 1 Peter 1:18 connection and considered it meaningful, or a divine ‘sign’ that the number was appropriate to use. In any case, these two different verses/footnotes are very much related in the meaning of what they express.

The footnote here to 1 Peter 1:18 states:

1:18 redeemed. In the Bible, to redeem means to free someone from something bad by paying a penalty, or a ransom (see e.g., Ex 21:30 and note; see also Ex 13:13). Likewise, in the Greek world slaves could be redeemed by the payment of a price, either by someone else or by the slave himself. Similarly, Jesus redeems believers from the ‘curse of the law’ (Gal 3:13) and ‘all wickedness’ (Tit 2:14). The ransom price is not silver or gold, but Christ's blood (Eph 1:7; IPe 1:19; Rev 5:9), i.e., his death (Mt 20:28; Mk 10:45; Heb 9:15) or Christ himself (Gal 3:13). The result is the ‘forgiveness of sin’ (Col 1:14) and ‘justification’ (Ro 3:24; see note there), empty way of life . . . from your forefathers. Some maintain that the recipients must have been pagans because the NT stresses the emptiness of pagan life (Ro 1:21; Eph 4:17). Others think they were Jews since Jews were traditionalists who stressed the influence of the father as teacher in the home. In the light of the context of the whole letter, probably both Jews and Gentiles are addressed.”

So again it is very clear what the concept of ‘ransom’ represents and how it is related to “Christ’s blood”.
On the facing page the opening verses of the letter of 1 Peter and a footnote makes it even clearer how his blood can be used to be redeemed from sin:

“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,

To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood:

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.”

And the footnote:

1:2 chosen. See note on Eph 1:4. foreknowledge. See note on Ro 8:29. Father . . . Spirit . . . Jesus Christ All three persons of the Trinity are involved in the redemption of the elect. sanctifying work. See note on 2Th 2:13. The order of the terms employed suggests that the sanctifying work of the Spirit referred to here is the influence of the Spirit that draws one from sin toward holiness. Peter says it is ‘for’ (or ‘to’) obedience and sprinkling of Christ's blood, i.e., the Spirit's sanctifying leads to obedient saving faith and cleansing from sin (see note on ICo 7:14). obedience to Jesus Christ God's choice or election is designed to bring this about. sprinkling by his blood. The benefits of Christ's redemption are applied to his people (cf. Ex 24:4-8; Isa 52:15; Heb 9:11-14,18-28). Grace and peace. See notes on Jnh 4:2; Jn 14:27; 20:19; Gal 1:3; Eph 1:2.”

This footnote could hardly make it any more explicit that the “sprinkling of Christ’s blood” “leads to obedient saving faith and cleansing from sin”. Obedience is the theme that Osteen had already emphasized, as had some of the other references, and which Patsy was trying to achieve to get JonBenét resurrected and which she also made a major theme of her ransom note. Here it is very explicitly tied to “sprinkling of” “blood” enabling the “cleansing from sin”, which is exactly what would have been necessary to get small drops of blood on so many of the items on or around JonBenét’s body in the wine cellar, considering the amount of blood coming from the wound would have been relatively limited.

Note also that the opening verses in the running text very much echo the concept of a “foreign faction” that “a group of individuals” “represent”. A footnote to the phrase “strangers in the world” makes more clear what this could have meant to Patsy in her dual meaning reading of the note: “People temporarily residing on earth but whose home is in heaven (cf. 1Ch 29:15; Ps 39:12; Heb 13:14).”

The term “God’s elect” is also rather close to the concept of ‘represent’ as well as that of the other meaning of ‘attaché”. “God’s elect” here refers to the “strangers of the world” who are the people on earth chosen by God to be saved. So in the Ramsey note the “group of individuals who represent” them would appear to be these apostles whose letters she is taking advice from for achieving redemption from her sin so that she can receive from her Lord according to her need, which is JonBenét being healed and resurrected.

The connection to the other sense of ‘attaché’ also becomes more apparent when we consider why the full phrase in the Ramsey note is the odd “adequate size attaché”. This is explained by a description that is found in the introduction to the letter of Colossians, a letter that is also referenced by Osteen and a letter which also has one of the occurrences of ‘ransom’ being described with the religious interpretation. In the introduction to Colossians we read:

“Thus Christ is completely adequate. We ‘have been given fullness in Christ’ (2:10). On the other hand, the Colossian heresy was altogether inadequate. It was a hollow and deceptive philosophy (2:8), lacking any ability to restrain the old sinful nature (2:23).
The theme of Colossians is the complete adequacy of Christ as contrasted with the emptiness of mere human philosophy.”

This is one of only ten occurrences of the word ‘adequate’ in the whole NIVSB. So here we find yet another word that signifies Christ, a common theme in Patsy’s religious reading that night, and again we find it in the context of overcoming sin. An “adequate size attaché” in the second meaning of the dual meaning of the letter therefore seems to mean either ‘make sure you bring someone who represents Christ” (which Patsy did by inviting the Fernies, the people who brought her into her church and which is also recommended by a passage in Osteen) or ‘be a representative of God’s elect who is truly a follower of Christ’. In any case, the odd phrase is again not a random, throwaway line but a line that was deliberately used to incorporate a religious meaning that Patsy was imbuing the ransom letter with. The concept of the size of the ransom container is also primed in several of the fiction books that I claim she used.

Two more footnotes on this page are worth considering:

1:13 prepare ... for action. The first of a long series of exhortations (actually imperatives) that end at 5:11. This one is a graphic call for action. In the language of the first century it meant that the reader should literally gather up his long, flowing garments and be ready for physical action. grace to be given you. The final state of complete blessedness and deliverance from sin. Peter later indicates that a major purpose of this letter is to encourage and testify regarding the true grace of God (5:12).
1:14 children. Christians, born into the family of God (see V. 23), are children of their heavenly Father (v. 17) and can pray, "Our Father in heaven" (Mt 6:9). Believers are also described as being adopted into God's family (see Ro 8:15 and NIV text note).”

The flowing garments remark may have been interpreted by Patsy as a command (especially because of the description about being “imperatives” and “a graphic call for action”) to leave a garment (the nightgown Barbie) with JonBenét. We know that this was the item that appears to have had the most blood samples on it, and I argue elsewhere that the pattern of the suspected blood drops seems to be consistent with a shape resembling a cross.

The word ‘grace’ is explained to refer to the “deliverance from sin”. ‘Grace’ is the first word on Patsy’s tombstone.

Compare the remark about Christians being “children of their heavenly Father” to Patsy’s remark in the CNN interview that JonBenét “[...]loved her daddy. She was daddy’s girl.” Although this also seems to echo a phrase that John had used for his daughter Beth after her death, so perhaps Patsy was trying to help John with his grief by speaking in similar terms about JonBenét.

Although not hugely significant, let’s take a look at the actual verses from 1 Peter referenced in the ‘WORD OF LIFE’ entry:

“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” (1:23)

“but the word of the Lord stands forever. And this is the word that was preached to you.” (1:25)

[(2:1)]“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.
(2:2) Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,
[(2:3)] now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”

The concept of avoiding deceit is found in the Ramsey note and slander is arguably avoided as well by (strangely) mentioning “respect” for John’s business in a note aimed at punishing him. Osteen too mentions the importance of submitting to one’s husband.

The milk reference is a long shot possibility for possibly being a reason for being added to the pineapple, although it’s not clear that there was milk in the bowl, but I still maintain that the pineapple bowl was likely not staged.

So now we’ve seen a lot of evidence for how the ‘WORD OF GOD’ entry in the Index to Notes may have played a large part in shaping Patsy’s thinking to compose the ransom note and stage the crime scene in a very particular way.

Outside of the actual confession elements about the nature of the crime near the beginning and at the end of the note (which I argue for more extensively elsewhere), there is one more major piece of evidence found in the Ramsey note that I think thoroughly ties Patsy’s later behavior to the note and again shows guilty knowledge on her part.

Underneath the ‘WORD OF GOD’ entry we found that there was a ‘WORD OF LIFE’ entry as well, which references 1 John too. We also saw that Patsy would have seen Jesus being referred to as not only ‘the Word’ but also ‘the life’ in several places. And since she was following Osteen’s advice to look for God’s Word in the Bible, and she was using the index(es) to do so, it makes sense that she also would have looked up the word ‘Life’ in the index(es).

If she did, she would have found that it was listed in the Index to Notes on page 1997 and that the entry for ‘Life’ had a sub-entry for ‘resurrection’. Osteen in Healed of Cancer told her under a reference to a verse in 1 John that says “Be confident in your prayers.” that:

“Now you must renew your mind with healing scriptures. Whatever your need is, find the promise you need in the Word of God, then ask according to His promise for your need, and pray that promise, you will have the confidence that He will hear and answer your prayer.”

Patsy solves the problem of following this advice without giving herself away to police in the ransom note by using ‘1997’ with dual meaning. She found the promise she needed (‘resurrection’) as a sub-entry in the entry for ‘Life’, which is ‘the Word of God’ (namely, Jesus) and asked (“want her to see”) according to His promise for your need (the “promise” for her “need” is listed on page 1997):

“if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to the letter” → ‘if you want her to be resurrected by Jesus, follow instructions found in the letter(s) of the Bible that the entry references’

Patsy incorporates (either consciously or sub-consciously) the “you must” phrase that Osteen uses in the Healed of Cancer passage right before recommending this course of action. The “instructions to the letter” refers not only to the instructions that we have been looking at so far in the letters of the New Testament listed under the ‘WORD OF GOD’ entry, but also some of these and other letters listed under the ‘resurrection’ sub-entry on page 1997.

That Patsy is fully aware that she did this is, incredibly, alluded to by her in The Death of Innocence when she makes it a point to describe what she experienced at JonBenét’s memorial:

“I heard the organist begin a familiar melody, ‘I Am the Bread of Life,’ a praise song that had given John such strength after Beth’s death and a favorite we had often sung as we took communion as a family. John had already told me, ‘I want this song to be sung at my funeral.’ Little did we realize we would be alive to sing this worship song at our daughter’s service. Now the song seemed unusually meaningful to me.

I am the resurrection,
I am the life.
They who believe in me, even if they die
They shall live forever.

And I will ra-aise them up.
I will ra-aise them up,
I will ra-aise them up on the last day.

Those words blessed me. I knew I would see my daughter again someday, sometime in the future.
For some reason (I do know not why; maybe it was the medication), I began walking up the aisle toward the altar, with Burke dutifully following me and John holding me up. The music seemed to lead me forward, just as we did at communion, just as we had done that Christmas Eve. John gently guided me back to my seat in the pew, aware that my overwhelming grief was making me delirious.”

This is an understandable experience in case my scenario of how the line about 1997 came about is correct. It is, indeed, an embedded confession and it mentions also the communion concept that is described in the footnote on the page of 1 John 1:8. John actually says she moved forward during the Lord’s Prayer, Patsy seems to remember this song instead. Both would have been incredibly meaningful to her in the moment because of what she read the night of her staging and how she interpreted it.
The ‘Bread’ part in ‘I Am the Bread of Life’ is actually yet another word used to refer to Jesus in a passage that she would have encountered that night. It is explained on the page after the page with the ‘listen carefully’ command spoken by God that she was referred to by Osteen, which I have already argued was her main inspiration and reason for including it as her opening line in the note. There is yet more evidence to tie her to that specific page with the explanation about Jesus being identified with ‘the bread’.

Although there is more to be explained about how Patsy’s behavior on the 26th ties into her reading in Healed of Cancer and the NIVSB on the night of JonBenét’s death, for now I will end this exposition about all the connections between the ransom note, crime scene, Patsy’s behavior and these two books by explaining something that I believe, very likely, not even John Ramsey or Burke Ramsey (or anyone else alive for that matter) currently knows about something Patsy did on the 26th and why she did it.

This is the power of an evidence-based theory. Although it is often assumed, by people who like myself are certain that no one outside the family was involved, that either John or Burke (or both) knows everything there is to know about this crime and could tell us every single thing about what happened and why if somehow they became inclined to do so, my theory suggests that this is very likely not the case. Although I do believe Patsy would have had to have told John at least the gist of what she really did and why, I hardly believe that she or John would have liked to spend analyzing and discussing the details of Patsy’s motivations that night in any great detail, simply because it would have been way too painful for them to do so (not to mention embarrassing for Patsy).
So if my theory about Patsy using the connections between Healed of Cancer and the NIVSB to write a dual meaning ransom note are correct, then it is very unlikely that John would have ever tried to figure out all these little connections in as much painstaking detail as I have been trying to do, if he knew about it at all. That’s why I don’t believe he or Burke or anyone would know about the following detail because it’s not likely to be something that Patsy would have shared with anyone, as it has to do with her delusional magical thinking state of mind that night, when she still had hope that JonBenét would be resurrected. I only discovered this connection myself very recently, and I think it captures very well how Patsy thought and operated that night.

I have already argued how and why I believe Patsy came to incorporate the ‘listen carefully’ part from the Bible verse she found in Exodus 15:26 in the NIVSB into the Ramsey note. But I think, believing that this was God speaking to her to give her commands, she also read a little further in this part of the NIVSB to look for more commands and ideas about how to proceed next. What would she have read on that page and the next one in the book?

Exodus 15:26 is the second to last verse of Exodus 15. So on the same page just after it, Exodus 16 starts. It’s not crazy to think Patsy would have looked at Exodus 16 to see if the message from her Lord about obeying commands continued there. Exodus 16 runs from the last column of this page to just past the next page. What is it about?

Its header reads ‘Manna and Quail’. It tells the story of how the Israelites are led by Moses to the Desert of Sin after having escaped Egypt. They become increasingly frustrated with Moses because at least in Egypt they had food but here in the desert they are starving.
But the Lord tells Moses “I will rain down bread from heaven for you” and “I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.” Already we see how Patsy was likely influenced by this passage to incorporate her own focus on “follow our instructions” at the end of the same opening paragraph of the Ramsey note that has “Listen carefully!”. In the NIVSB on this page the two terms are almost next to each other, in opposite columns. In a footnote on this page we find what I mentioned earlier, the explanation that Jesus is the “bread”:

16:4 bread from heaven. Jesus called himself "the true bread from heaven" (Jn 6:32), "the bread of God" (Jn 6:33), "the bread of life" (Jn 6:35,48), "the living bread that came down from heaven" (Jn 6:51) — all in the spiritual sense (Jn 6:63). For a similar application see Dt 8:3 and Jesus' quotation of it in Mt 4:4. go out each day and gather enough for that day Probably the background for Jesus' model petition in Mt6:ll; Lk 11:3. test See notes on 15:25; Ge 22:1.”

We already saw that there is evidence that Patsy used this word ‘life’, that also is used to refer to Jesus, in a symbolic way to imbue the ransom note with extra religious and spiritual potency through the ‘Life > resurrection (p.) 1997’ connection. I argued that she also used ‘adequate’ to refer to the power of belief in Christ and that she earmarked the page of the Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary to mark ‘incarnation’, another word used to refer to Jesus Christ. The term ‘the bread of life’ described here in the footnote, was also found in the title of the song played at JonBenét’s memorial that Patsy talked about in The Death of Innocence, that had the allusions to Jesus with ‘the resurrection’ and ‘the life’. So we see a clear part of the m.o. for how Patsy seemed to try to imbue the scene with religious significance that was meant to increase her chances to be heard by Jesus and have her Lord resurrect JonBenét: simply by invoking one of his many names in meaningful places and moments she believed she was increasing her chances to bring about the miracle. This is also seen in the example of her repeating Osteen’s recommended three words asking for help from Jesus immediately after her 911 call. This is quite literally also what Osteen had recommended: “Put your confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word no matter what happens. He is your hope. God will surely reward your trust in Him!

Note that if these interpretations are correct, two of Patsy’s mentions of Jesus occurred around the time JonBenét’s body was found: the ‘incarnation’ page just before going out to see her body and invoking the actual name of Jesus right after being faced with JonBenét’s lifeless body. She was also observed clutching a crucifix and praying while she was in the den, not long before JonBenét was found, which is a third (non-verbal) reference to Christ.

But there is actually yet another, hidden, deliberate invoking of Jesus just before going out to see whether all of her efforts from the night before and that morning had worked. She was hearing a lot of commotion coming from the basement and kitchen area and this was the moment of truth for her: she was about to find out whether the miracle she had tried so hard to bring about had really occurred or whether she had been delusional about interpreting signs from God and whether she was going to have to face responsibility for what she had done and whether perhaps her Lord had judged and forsaken her. It was the most desperate moment of her life.

As we know, even though the other people ran to check and see what had been found and what was going on, Patsy stayed behind in the den. I speculated that possibly this is the moment when she earmarked the page. But what else do we know about what was going on during exactly this crucial moment?

When people came back in the den, she was observed to be watching out a window, which itself actually might be tied to a passage in Joshua 2 about binding a “scarlet cord in the window” where it is explained that:

[t]he function of the red marker was similar to that of the blood of the Passover lamb when the Lord struck down the firstborn of Egypt (see Ex 12:13,22-23). The early church viewed the bloodcolored cord as a type (symbol) of Christ's atonement.” and “2:19 his blood will be on our head. A vow that accepted responsibility for the death of another, with its related guilt and the retribution meted out by either relatives or the state.”

The possible presence of such a cord in the crime scene photos should be checked by investigators. Another possible explanation for this behavior by Patsy, however, is a passage that Osteen quotes under Scripture quotation number 10 that she recommends:

“10. MALACHI 3:10: Obey all God’s commandments and receive all His blessings.
‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.’”

The moment JonBenét was found was of course for Patsy supposed to be the great miraculous moment of receiving her blessing, with JonBenét somehow emerging alive from the basement. So perhaps this promise, here associated with a (metaphorical) window being opened is what made Patsy look out the window to look for a sign.

But this behavior is actually not what I wanted to draw attention to here. It is the words Patsy is meant to have spoken when she remained behind in the den. How do we know these words? They are, in fact, only reported by Patsy herself in her 1997 police interview (it is unknown if statements by the Fernies or Whites or anyone else present in the house at the time back up her account of this part of the unfolding of events). What does Patsy say she said at precisely this moment of truth?

“and then I heard John scream, screaming and uh, then he just screamed uh, I think Fleet came running and said call 911 and get an ambulance or something and I kept saying ‘What is it? What is it?’ And, and uh I think Fleet ran up and John Fernie took the phone and said send an ambulance. ‘I don’t know what it is, just send help’ or whatever he said and, and I think Barbara had a hold of me and she wouldn’t let me, she wouldn’t let me go in there. And then people were coming, coming back in”

Whether or not other people present in the home have reported hearing her speak those words, I believe Patsy is telling the truth here about what she recalled saying. Why?

The story about the Lord raining down “the bread from heaven”, which as the header hinted at in the Old Testament was known mostly as a substance named ‘manna’, continues:

“Moses said to them, ‘It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat. This is what the Lord has commanded: 'Each one is to gather as much as he needs. […] [’] […] The people of Israel called the bread manna.”

And a note to this last sentence explains:

Manna means What is it?

So on the page of and the page after the verse with ‘listen carefully’ spoken by the Lord in the context of obeying commands, which Osteen refers to, which also has “follow my instructions”, Patsy learns that “the bread” refers to Jesus, that the Lord provides the bread in times of great need, that the bread was also called ‘manna’, and that ‘manna’ means ‘what is it?’. And according to her own words, at the very moment that was arguably the most important moment of her life after her cancer diagnosis, when she was about to find out what her daughter’s fate was, she repeated those same exact words: “What is it? What is it?”. Yet another occasion that morning where Patsy appears to be invoking Jesus, her Lord and Savior who she believed had cured her of stage four cancer, at a critical moment in the case, that can be tied to the Ramsey note.

Another footnote to the same sentence about the people of Israel calling the bread ‘manna’ refers to a page of Numbers 7, where a footnote reads:

The Lord became exceedingly angry. The rejection of his gracious gift of heavenly food (called "bread from heaven" in Ex 16:4) angered the Lord. God had said that the reception of the manna by the people would be a significant test of their obedience (Ex 16:4). In view of the good things he was to give them (10:32), the people were expected to receive each day's supply of manna as a gracious gift of a merciful God, and a promise of abundance to come. In spurning the manna, the people had spurned the Lord. They had failed the test of faith. Moses was troubled. The people's reaction to God's provision of manna was troubling to Moses as well. Instead of asking the Lord to understand the substance of their complaint, Moses asked him why he was given such an ungrateful people to lead.”

It’s clear then, if Patsy read this too, why she would try to make a conscious effort to include a reference to this ‘manna’/Jesus/‘what is it?’ because she was desperately trying to avoid being perceived by her Lord as disobedient.

Now, to be fair, Patsy does use ‘What is it’ one more time in her 1997 police interview, saying that the 911 operator also “just kept saying, ‘well, what is it’”, which as we can hear now is a paraphrase of what the operator actually said (“what’s going on?” (3x) ). So one could argue that it was just Patsy’s regular way of speaking when telling a story and that there was no other reason for saying the words. But note that when recounting what she herself said she repeats and acts out the phrase twice herself “what is it, what is it”, which is similar to how she repeated the ‘help me (Jesus)’ three times after the 911 call, as if using it to conjure up a spiritual power (as advised by Osteen).
And she puts a paraphrase of the phrase on either John Fernie’s or Fleet’s lips by claiming that one of them said “I don’t know what it is […]”. Both times she quotes the phrase, first as her own words, then as Fernie’s or White’s, she folllows her statement with a double ‘and...and…’, which is arguably a marker for deception. After quoting her own words, the most significant part of the story in my interpretation, it’s even a ‘and...and...uh…’.
In other words, in this part of the interview her mind is really focused on this phrase, as if the phrase itself was somehow important to the story. In her paraphrase of the operator’s words she kind of plays down the phrase with ‘well…’.

In any event, according to Patsy’s own words in the moment she realized her daughter had likely been discovered she used a phrase that we can tie to a reference to Jesus, mediated by a connection between Healed of Cancer and the NIVSB.

Patsy wrote the note.

She, and only she, composed every single word and idea found in it.

She did so in a hurry, but very deliberately, on the basis of inspiration she took from material in written sources. Even if there were no evidence whatsoever that tied her handwriting to that of the note (which there is in fact a lot of), it would still be absolutely certain that she alone wrote it. And we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that John knows full well about her method of staging and joined in on her lies from the 26th on to protect both her and himself from possible legal consequences. He could, and should, still be indicted and prosecuted successfully for his involvement in the cover-up of the circumstances surrounding his daughter JonBenét’s death. I advise him not to be rested, but to take accountability.

Happy would-be 34th, JonBenét.

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