MA - Aaron Hernandez, N E Patriots player, charged with homicides, commits suicide #7

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I have long said that people such as those here or on other court type forums that are acutely aware of who JM is or JB etc. and follow all of this stuff are very much in the minority. They probably have heard the name AH,,,maybe knew he got in some trouble but following it carefully and even knowing if and how he was sentenced...not surprised some did not know. I suspect they found on in the deliberation room fast enough...I can't read that article as I don't wish to subscribe but the jist of it is about what I thought...they were not real happy (very grim faces) to acquit him but cw did not give them enough to do otherwise.

I didn't pay for the article either. I used my husbands laptop and was able to read it. You get five free articles on Boston Globe
Just re-watched this. RM's testimony starts at 53:25. Worth a re-watch.

Thanks BUF for adding this link. Last night when it was mentioned here on WS about RM's testimony I thought when I had time I would go look for it.
Much appreciated. Just watched it all.

What I thought about RM's testimony (back when I was watching the trial live) was how calm, cool and collected he was on the stand. AND yet his BFF (AH) is now with the NFL. Plus a team so close to home. RM just seemed not
phased about it at all. I never gave it a 'thought' he 'might' be more than a BFF to AH. ESP as I saw RM walked in the CR with a GF (or it appeared to me she was a GF). Then again today
you never know that could be a 'front'.

Another thing I was discussing with a friend of mine was that AH lead two lives. At Gillette he was all TEAM PATS. 100%. Played the game with all his heart and passion. But once he left
Gillette, AH had a different side to him. AH never mixed socially with the PATS after hours. AH did not attend any family social events ever with the PATS. He kept his personal life very personal.
AH turned down countless invites to BBQ's etc etc with the players and their families.

I know RM said he only met AB once in testimony. Do you all think as close AH and AB were, that AB knew about RM possibly be more than a 'personal assistant'?
I thought that exchange about 'con' was interesting also... especially RM's reaction to it. What is your take on what it may mean?
Re: Nickname CON at 1:07:00

My first thought was Con Man. But RM doesn’t seem like a Con Man.
So my next thought was Confidante.

Yes, RM’s reaction … his demeanor changed a bit during this questioning.
One of the takeaways for me from the RM testimony was that once the prosecution was finished Baez had no questions of him. None, which struck me as odd. Almost as if someone said leave him alone. No matter what relationship existed it had to be painful for RM to testify, Unless there is something I missed I don't know that their relationship was gay. I have a friend of over 33 years, we lived together for 8 of them. We vacationed together, outlasted marriages, buried our parents and have the utmost trust of each other today. There's nothing gay about it. We even have been teased about it over the years. When asked if we were gay the response always has been "we are happy, does that count?'

.......kinda' lends new meaning to SJH saying she was "playing my role"......
It wouldn't surprise me to know that SH was aware but accepted it, he was living with her in a beautiful home, yes she had his baby that probably kept her busy. From his incident in Fl in 2007 (ten years ago) when he was 17 ( juvenile) and another incident of shooting two guys, (both survived) that he was not charged but implicated, he seems to have had a long list of issues. Juvenile records are sealed ( if i'm not mistaken ) so it's no telling what those would show.
mention above it AB knew about AH and potential bi sexual preferences...sure he did/does....also probably motivated his trying to get money to not go further with any information and thus a motivation for AH to shoot or arrange for his shooting in Florida. I think any thinking that says AH or RM or anyone for that matter have to be only prefer one or other partners for sex may be outdated...I think these days bi is more common than we know and I did note that RM mentioned his finance picking him up after the trip with AH and I assume that may have been a woman...and yes I agree that Shay was fine with virtually anything that AH did including murder so his going with a guy would be okay too.
Where did the info about him allegedly being bisexual originate? The DM?

good question...I believe it has been more or less confirmed three notes left to fellow inmate/lover and that person is on suicide watch now. Then old stories started surfacing and I guess it has been known for sometime but not really much fact his sexual preferences are really of zero value in terms of the crimes he has been convicted of or acquitted of. Just human interest I guess.
Re: Nickname CON at 1:07:00

My first thought was Con Man. But RM doesn’t seem like a Con Man.
So my next thought was Confidante.

Yes, RM’s reaction … his demeanor changed a bit during this questioning.

My first reaction was 'con' man too, but it didn't make sense to me. I think that was RM's reaction also.

'Con'fidante make much more sense. Thanks.

I honestly don't care what AH's sexual preference was. What bothers me, is 'IF' this is true, all the lying and coverup that took place to save his macho athlete persona. If it was true that OL said something referring to this to AH and that is why he was murdered, that is vital information that should have been disclosed. But you know that whole thing... once you tell a lie, you have to tell another, then another to cover it up.
Jmo the brain being looked at for chronic traumatic encephalopathy is just looking for an excuse for him being a murderer. Jmo

It can answer part of the question though. I think sociopathy goes farther Than CTE, (esp in OJ's case) in this case but it had to be looked at.

Although I was unhappy with their verdict, found it strange and I thought they were gullible to let him off with a slap on the wrist, I did respect them more than Casey's jury because of the amount of time they spent deliberating.

That's crazy that many of them were unaware he was already serving time for murder.

That's hard to miss in these parts! I don't follow sports at all and I knew about AH.

I know RM said he only met AB once in testimony. Do you all think as close AH and AB were, that AB knew about RM possibly be more than a 'personal assistant'?[/QUOTE]


RM testified that he recalled only meeting AB once. He also testified that he never ever went clubbing with AH. IMO, this follows that AB was nothing more to AH than his supplier, whereas AH saw RM was the real deal, confidante, true friend. IMO, friendships at 6th grade know EVERYTHING about you, and where many begin experimenting sexually.

Much also been said about RM as "personal assistant" but that role also appeared to be temporary as RM testified he was a craftsman working with his Father until he required surgery that left RM out of a job. Locals cite RM returned to carpenter work when his Dad recovered. RM doesn't appear to be a hanger-on. Perhaps one of the few not taking advantage of AH? Finally, AH & RM more similar than different: remember AH & SJ high school sweethearts; same is said about RM and his fiance (also HS sweetheart and who are to be wed summer 2017). It wouldn't surprise me if RM was AH first love and true love. The more I think about it, not surprised that AH & SJ never married.....
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