MA - Aaron Hernandez, N E Patriots player, charged with homicides, commits suicide #7

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More on that sidebar during the hearing about the notes yesterday. They are going full force into their own investigation...

Leontire told McGuire that Hernandez's family and his attorneys aren't ready to believe the state's conclusion that the Bristol native, serving a life sentence for murder at the time of his death, committed suicide by hanging himself with a bed sheet in his cell.
State officials also involved in the sidebar conference told the judge that Leontire informed them that Hernandez's family's lawyers have evidence that Hernandez was murdered. No one discussed what that evidence may be and Leontire told the judge he hasn't made that assertion publicly in court.

"My concern is we are receiving information as to what took place in that prison," Leontire said. "At some point and very quickly I am going to be coming back to the court to start to depose prison workers and prison officials about what transpired."

Much more at link...
Just an fyi...I don't search out these peoples tweets...if you search #aaron hernandez you will see tweets from various people who used the hashtag.
He makes it sound like Baez invited them and set the whole thing up. But I suppose some of the other jurors could have called the law office first, without his knowledge and then the invitation was extended to all of them.

What I'm taken aback by is the assumption that if Baez was behind it, he probably had good intentions. Didn't he spend most of the trial attempting to smear the murder victims to try make his client look better? What part of that made him appear to be a sensitive, empathetic person who cares deeply about other people's need for closure?

If anything, the request was insensitive to Hernandez's family. IMO of course.

I think it would be strange for jurors to call Baez and ask if they could attend the funeral---------------and then not attend after they were told they could. How much thought and nerve would it take to call and ask that? And then not attend? Weird.
Linda Kenney Baden‏ @kenneybaden
#AaronHernandez press release by @BaezLaw on behalf of team time to cease & desist- stop malicious untruths immediately. @ProfRonSullivan

Then why doesn't Baez release who the 3rd letter was to? What's the big secret? We all know that information is going to come out so why not release it now?
Linda Kenney Baden‏ @kenneybaden
#AaronHernandez press release by @BaezLaw on behalf of team time to cease & desist- stop malicious untruths immediately. @ProfRonSullivan

I thought the trial was over.

Maybe team baez should tell team army.

Lonely Aaron Hernandez asked to share his cell with prison lover Kyle Kennedy - but the request was denied, says lawyer

'Hernandez had requested to the prison that my client, Kyle Kennedy be his cellmate,' Army, managing partner of the Boston firm Army & Roche, told*

Idk sounded pretty serious to me. Jmo
I think it would be strange for jurors to call Baez and ask if they could attend the funeral---------------and then not attend after they were told they could. How much thought and nerve would it take to call and ask that? And then not attend? Weird.

I am wondering if maybe ONE sympathetic juror called Baez's office---and maybe just to give their condolences---and from that , Baez took it upon himself to invite everyone and offer up the party bus?
I am wondering if maybe ONE sympathetic juror called Baez's office---and maybe just to give their condolences---and from that , Baez took it upon himself to invite everyone and offer up the party bus?

I hope this is just a very bad rumor..can you just see a bus full of non family...non friends pulling up to this service? Sorry but if I were the family I would be very angry.Something really off with this story
Ted Daniel‏ @tvnewzted
Atty for inmate who claims to have received letter from #AaronHernandez before AH suicide plans news conference Wednesday
Ted Daniel‏ @tvnewzted
Atty for inmate who claims to have received letter from #AaronHernandez before AH suicide plans news conference Wednesday

I don't know who this guy is but if what he says is true including..."Source: Juror called Atty's representing #AaronHernandez to inquire about group of jurors attending his funeral (1/2)"

then I have to really wonder about at least some of these jurors..sorry but only one reason someone not family/friend goes to a funeral and that would be person attracted by the celebrity.
I don't know who this guy is but if what he says is true including..."Source: Juror called Atty's representing #AaronHernandez to inquire about group of jurors attending his funeral (1/2)"

then I have to really wonder about at least some of these jurors..sorry but only one reason someone not family/friend goes to a funeral and that would be person attracted by the celebrity.

Ted Daniels is a Fox 25 reporter who has been around for a while.
Ted Daniels is a Fox 25 reporter who has been around for a while.

it seems that AH is going to need more PR help after his death than during his life~~
I just remain confused - he killed himself after being locked up for life.

He waited IMO for the white house deal -- it is that simple IMO

In history, they are gonna both be linked forever - it's just how he wanted it .............................................

he accomplished his goal

giving away stuff is classic suicidal behavior

This was wildly planned out for months IMO Where the world IMO is getting messed up is focusing on the recent trial - IMO that had nothing to do with anything

He is locked up forever - why would anyone believe that he cared about this -- got him out of his cell

once e they won IMO he planned on killing himself that night- it is just not all that complicated IMO

and it worked forever the coverage of the little whatever it is won the super bowl will forever be connected with he hung himself

It truly is that simple IMO

All those guys that successfully ran around chasing some ball - are forever marred by his death, he won, forever how are they gonna be able to celebrate chasing a ball when one of their X's killed himself that day

forever...............................he took it away

and IMO he did so as a malignant narcist

but.................................................he won
Then why doesn't Baez release who the 3rd letter was to? What's the big secret? We all know that information is going to come out so why not release it now?

From everything that has been released coming from court, appears that no one but the State Police and Prison know for certain who and what the notes say. I do hope for transparency that they Family/legal team do get copies of unredacted.
Thought this was an appropriate comment on one of the news stations regarding the 3rd letter:

"And I'm supposed to believe the person who said Caylee Anthony died accidentally?? Don't think so!"
Evidently there is stuff that could potentially be problems for the prison. The Prison is on lockdown. This is a prison that had a big riot just this past January. Now we know of at least 1 Correction Officer not making round at time was suppose to and someone died. Also there was reports from somewhere that AH smoked K2 the night prior. Contraband.

JMHO while at present I will take the word that was suicide. But unless there is video toward the cells, it is going to be a fight and rightfully so. Who is to say that someone didn't go in and "assist" in AH death. It has happened before at the same prison.

I have concern for those employed at the prison as well as the other inmates. This is a prison and little things can put the Correctional Officers lives in jeopardy. Just think there could have been an escape convict instead of a suicide. Potentially a murder. Could have scary as sounds even been a CO instead of an inmate found dead. This is serious not just something to be flip about. JMHO

Prison where Aaron Hernandez committed suicide is on ‘lockdown’
by Ellen Killoran April 25, 2017

The Massachusetts maximum security prison where Aaron Hernandez took his own life last week is on lockdown as investigators probe the former NFL star’s death in addition to other, unspecified issues at the prison.

According to the Boston Globe, Daniel Bennett, Massachusetts’s top public safety officer, objected in court on Monday to a request that Hernandez’s suicide notes be released to his family, indicating that it might impact an investigation into the prison death.

“[The prison is] in lockdown and one of the reasons is because of issues with Mr. Hernandez. And things that have happened with Mr. Hernandez,” Bennett reportedly said during a discussion with the judge and lawyers on Hernandez’s case.

“There was a lot of other issues that could have gone on at Souza,” Bennett reportedly said.
When you see utterly stupid-unprofessional tweets like this one, after the reporter has already retweeted twice about the death. The one just prior being a statement from the Prison, then tweet this. It does give credence to what attorneys for the family are saying.

Byron Barnett‏ @Byron_Barnett Apr 19
@ProfRonSullivan Hey Ron, can you call me about Aaron? I assume u heard about his suicide. 781-*advertiser censored*-xxxx. Thx

Byron Barnett Retweeted
John Cuoco‏ @JCuocoNews Apr 19
Official info from DOC on Aaron Hernandez suicide using a bed sheet @7News

Byron Barnett Retweeted
7News Boston WHDH‏Verified account @7News Apr 19
7News Boston WHDH Retweeted Nicole Oliverio
Stay with #7News live on air and streaming the in app for the breaking details. … #7News

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