Still Missing MA - Ana Walshe, 39, allegedly left home, may have been dismembered, Cohasset, Jan 2023 *husband indicted* #4

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My (self snipped) post preceding post below by @Petunia83:
"BW, perfect con man?...
Apparently he used most of his effort to hone his grifting skills."
Which is baffling to me because that also requires effort… Why not put that same effort into a noble pursuit?…
snipped for focus @Petunia83
IDK. Maybe because BW is not noble. (no sarc, no snark)

ETA: So sad for the three little boys who will grow up, now essentially w'out their father and will later learn about the kind of person(?) BW was and is. They will also learn about their Mother and the void in their lives caused by BW.
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I've been afraid to ask this, but here goes...

What is meant by "plastic grinders from Home Depot?" I have googled and get all sorts of possibilities. :oops::(

Prosecutors said that a bloody knife was also found in the Walshe's basement, along with a second knife. They also said that a heavy duty large tarp and plastic grinders from Home Depot were found.
The only thing I can think of are tile grinders. If you are putting up a backsplash or tile in a bathroom or kitchen, they help you cut through the tile to fit around things like electrical outlets without breaking the whole piece of tile or glass. They often have diamond blades to cut through porcelain and glass tile. The bodies can be metal or plastic but it looks like many of the popular ones are plastic.

LE observing the liner is so bizarre to me. Did they question him about it? Grill him? Not think twice about it? What reasoning did he give, if asked? Such a red flag!!
It’s been reported that LE asked him about the liner on their return visit on the 5th, at which time it was no longer in car. In response to being asked what happened to it, BW said he threw it out. So, it seems they did think twice about it on the 4th, their first visit, but I suppose if LE is hoping for cooperation, which they got to the extent that he let them in house, and on premises, to look around, they don’t want to start out with grilling the husband of missing woman, even if typically in such a situation, husband may be initial person of interest.
Could Ana's body have been at his mother's home that day, the 4th?
Unlikely. The prosecutor said he was seen on video disposing what appeared to be heavy bags into dumpsters in, I believe, Abington and Brockton, on January 3rd and these items were shredded and incinerated at whatever site the dumpsters were later brought to, and that happened before LE went to the site. Seems to be the working theory that AW’s bodily remains were in those bags. :-(
LE observing the liner is so bizarre to me. Did they question him about it? Grill him? Not think twice about it? What reasoning did he give, if asked? Such a red flag!!

I believe this observation was made pursuant to a "welfare check" for Ana when she didn't report to work as expected and the husband's response was she left for the airport several days earlier. Until evidence obtained legally indicates otherwise, this was not the day to grill BW about a liner observed inside his vehicle!

BW's story wasn't checking out and authorities returned the following day to follow up, and each day BW was digging himself in deeper with inconsistent statements to police, leading to probable cause for a Judge to sign the search warrants and police to execute them.
No body, no crime? Brian Walshe and the surprising conviction rate of ‘no-body’ murder cases

“He has since become a leading expert on the subject, and lectures prosecutors and police investigators across the country on how to secure homicide convictions in the absence of the victim’s remains. Below, he walks The Post through the complications of a no-body murder, and what to expect from the Walshe case.”

Among other things, interesting tidbit in this article I haven’t seen, a picture of the script Brian wrote himself for responding to friends who heard Ana was missing.
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No body, no crime? Brian Walshe and the surprising conviction rate of ‘no-body’ murder cases

“He has since become a leading expert on the subject, and lectures prosecutors and police investigators across the country on how to secure homicide convictions in the absence of the victim’s remains. Below, he walks The Post through the complications of a no-body murder, and what to expect from the Walshe case.”

Among other things, interesting tidbit in this article I haven’t seen, a picture of the script Brian wrote himself for responding to friends who heard Ana was missing.
View attachment 397673
Oh wow! I haven’t seen this script picture before. Is there a complete picture of it or an article that reveals all the writing on it?
No body, no crime? Brian Walshe and the surprising conviction rate of ‘no-body’ murder cases

“He has since become a leading expert on the subject, and lectures prosecutors and police investigators across the country on how to secure homicide convictions in the absence of the victim’s remains. Below, he walks The Post through the complications of a no-body murder, and what to expect from the Walshe case.”

Among other things, interesting tidbit in this article I haven’t seen, a picture of the script Brian wrote himself for responding to friends who heard Ana was missing.
View attachment 397673
Yes, and the poster of praises and affirmations hanging on his wall. So odd.
I was wondering if BW wrote this, if it’s his handwriting, or if someone else like a lawyer maybe wrote it for him. Very neat writing. All MOO.
It's probably his writing. I don't think his lawyer would tell him to write that. Also look at the other note. Is that a script of what to do with her cell phone? 1. Taxi. 2. Call? 3. Call?
I thought the opposite -- that Ana most likely wrote on the wine box and Brian wrote the notes. MOO
Ana also wrote on the wine box. She signed her note, and he signed his. GM likely also wrote on a side that's not visible in the photo.

Ana also wrote on the wine box. She signed her note, and he signed his. GM likely also wrote on a side that's not visible in the photo.

Personally, I think the writing on both visible sides of the box in the photo you posted, look like they were written by the same person.

There is a line at the bottom of the lefthand face of the box that looks different, like maybe Brian wrote "love, Brian", but the upper text looks to me like the same writing as on the center face, signed by Ana.

I'm no handwriting expert but that's what I think, MOO
Personally, I think the writing on both visible sides of the box in the photo you posted, look like they were written by the same person.

There is a line at the bottom of the lefthand face of the box that looks different, like maybe Brian wrote "love, Brian", but the upper text looks to me like the same writing as on the center face, signed by Ana.

I'm no handwriting expert but that's what I think, MOO
IMO they're different. Note the direction of the line through the capital A's is different. The style of the number 2 and the length of the upward stroke in the capital N's are different, too. Also not a handwriting expert, JMO!
Poss. Divorce in MASS. Alimony for BW?
The only reason I think he'd entertain that idea is if it benefited him. If he can't work or find job when out of jail, he can go for alimony...
snipped for focus @keek
If BW searched online in hopes of finding an alimony windfall to him for a long time, he might have been disappointed to find this:

MGL c.208, § 49(b). Length of general term alimony
Length of marriage... Length of general term alimony
5 up to 10 years........No more than 60% of the number of months ............................of the marriage

I just looked that section, did not try to spitball any $$$ amts.
imo jmo moo

Oh wow! I haven’t seen this script picture before. Is there a complete picture of it or an article that reveals all the writing on it?

Yes, and the poster of praises and affirmations hanging on his wall. So odd.

I was wondering if BW wrote this, if it’s his handwriting, or if someone else like a lawyer maybe wrote it for him. Very neat writing. All MOO.

Glancing at the notes written on the wall poster, I'm pretty sure the poster is from the Boston Breakthrough Academy self-help course Brian completed in 2020 following his arrest for fraud. The notes remind me of the letters submitted to the court prior to his sentencing in that case.

The recommended sentencing pursuant to his 2021 plea deal hasn't actually been imposed by the court yet and is still pending after the court became aware of allegations of more fraud by BW while he was released on bail under house confinement since 2018.


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