Deceased/Not Found MA - Ana Walshe - Supposedly Left Home in Rideshare to Airport - Cohasset #3

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Why would she refuse a divorce? He was holding her back.
I think she brought up divorce and that was an absolute non-starter for him. She may have even tried to frame it generously as a way to protect their assets while he is in prison but given what we know about his family history, it may have sent him into a rage.
Confused about the disinterring charge?
Just my guess: He "conveyed away" a human body without being authorized, i.e. as a Medical Examiner or funeral home director. At the beginning of any sentencing the prosecution throws as many charges as they can at a defendant, most of which will go away with plea bargaining so both sides can concentrate on the murder charge.

I am not a lawyer. Mass law "Section 71. Whoever, not being lawfully authorized by the proper authorities, wilfully digs up, disinters, removes or conveys away a human body, or the remains thereof..."
My brain heard "how to embalm a body." Sort of makes more sense together with his search about formaldehyde. Imo
Yes, I remember that google search also. I thought the reference or question others had above about mound or bound was perhaps about an additional search (there were so many!), but maybe it was in reference to the “embalm” search which I remember hearing also.
I can't believe in the year of our Lord 2023 there are people, criminals even, who do not realize Google tracks and will turn over everything you do in any Google app. It is extremely concerning from a privacy perspective but it is obviously very helpful in any criminal investigation.

Also, that “10 best ways to dispose of a body” would contain a no-fault advice.
When I heard the broken teeth search, it made it seem that he had beaten her to death.

Maybe not. Perhaps one of his searches yielded the incinerator advise, but teeth don’t burn well. Hence the search about teeth, whether he needed to get rid of the teeth, maybe scatter them around the dumpsters, before dismembering the body. (At least this is my hope. He could have been totally maniac when killing her, and she was a petite woman.)
I have a very different question. He was supposed to be on house arrest. Yet he apparently was visiting a wide radius of dumpsters while trying to dispose of evidence. Isn’t it a separate crime? Should violation of house arrest be filed separately as well?
Brian stated Ana left the house at 6 or 6:10am on January 1st. Her phone was pinged and it was found to be at her home on Jan 1, but turned off on January 2nd at 3:14Am. Brian stated Ana was wearing a black dress, hunter boots, watch, necklace and ring and carrying a Prada purse.
January 1st, using his son's ipad, some of the searches were listed in court:
4:55AM-How long before a body starts to smell
4:58AM-How to stop a body from decomposing
5:20AM-How to mound a body
5:47AM-10 ways to dispose of a body if you really need to
6:25AM-How long for someone to be missing to inherit
6:34AM-Can you throw away body parts
9:29AM-What does formaldehyde do
9:34AM-How long does DNA last
9:59AM-Can identification on partial remains be made
11:34AM-Dismemberment and the best ways to dispose of a body
11:44AM-How to clean blood from a wooden floor
11:56AM-Luminol to detect blood
1:08PM-What happens when you put body parts in ammonia
1:21PM-Is it better to throw crime scene clothes away or wash them

On January 2nd he went to Home Goods and purchased 3 rugs.

More google searches on January 2nd
12:45PM-Hacksaw best tool to dismember
1:10PM-Can you be charged with murder without a body
1:14PM-Can you identify a body with broken teeth
that same day he was seen on security video at Home Depot in Rockland buying cleaning supplies, mops, brushes, tape, tarp, a tyvek suit with boots, buckets, goggles, baking soda and a hatchet. at 5:32PM he was seen at some street in Hingham.

January 3rd

By tracking his phone, at 4:27PM he was at an apt complex in Abington. Surveilance photos showed his car and a man fitting his description exit the car near a dumpster. He leans in with a garbage bag which appears to be heavy as he had to heft the bag in. At 4:48PM he hit another complex in Abington to dispose of another bag. And his phone showed him in Brockton at a third complex at 5:10PM. Video again showed him discarding bags at that dumpster in Brockton.

more google searches that day
1:10PM-what happens to hair on a dead body
1:13PM-what is the rate of decomposition of a body found in plastic bag compared to on a surface in the woods
1:20PM-can baking soda make a body smell good

January 4th
Brian went to Home Goods and TJMaxx and purchased towels, bath mats, men's clothing. At 4:15PM he went to Lowes and purchased squeegies and a trash can. That was the day officers went to Ana's to do a well check. They observed his car with seats down and a plastic liner in the back of the car. The next day, the liner was gone and car was freshly vacuumed. Blood was found in the car which matched, through DNA, Ana.
January 5th
His phone showed he travelled to his mothers in Swampscott at 9:34AM and he went to the dumpster on that property.

I am shocked at these google searches. You can’t help stupid. Just unreal. Those poor kids. What a vile creature
Alternately, could it be Ana who threatened divorce, perhaps repeatedly in recent months or years. It appears she was trying to consolidate properties/assets in an apparent effort to move her family, minus Brian, to DC, possibly in fear for her family’s safety. Brian the loser refused to relinquish what he stood to lose in divorce when he stood to gain the proceeds of jointly held assets and life insurance if Ana went permanently missing.
I propose harshest convictions specifically for those who, in concealing a body, destroy it. That should be a sentencing enhancement, if nothing else.

No criminal should benefit at trial from the absence of a body if they had the means to disappear it. The judge should instruct a jury that absence of a body does implicate the accused.

I am left this morning with anger, sadness, more anger, more sadness.

Marriage should be a safe place. Home should be a safe place.

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I just watched the arraignment.

That is stone cold sober.

I noticed he shook his head no twice. Once when she said Ana's blood was found in his car.

He didn't shake his head for the Home Depot purchases or the relay station recoveries. Something about her blood in his car, that he silently objects to. (I think the head-shaking is all but involuntary but the internal dialogue probably sounds like "blood in the car? Impossible, I had a plastic liner", smartest man In the room.)

We now know how cold, calculating, detached he truly is but, as he listened to what happened to Ana and her parts, he didn't buckle an inch. While we are reeling.

I did detect some gum chewing (oral gums, not bubblegum). I don't suspect grief or fear or remorse or panic. I suspect he was calculating. How to spin it. How to deflect, how to manipulate. Nothing new there.

Ana was murdered in her NYE clothes, inches from her purse (MOO based on the details released today)... inches from her purse and probably minutes after their friend left.

She maybe saw 3 hours of 2023.

Those poor little boys.

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