MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #3

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Toddler’s remains found on Deer Island
The remains of a female toddler were found on Deer Island Thursday, a State Police official said.
A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation said investigators believe the child’s remains may have washed up on shore.
Deer Island is home to a sewage treatment plant and connects to the town of Winthrop.


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Thread #2

New thread just in time to :sleep:

3rd time's a charm as they say? A NAME for Baby Doe!
yah know i wonder... did she have birthmarks? I also wonder , she was of age 3 to 4, most little kids that age summertime will have little bruises scratches, on legs knees from playing falling, Wonder if she looked like the typical little 3 to 4 yr old does with the knick and scratches, Wonder if her little toe nails fingernails have been painted... Im feeling like she was asleep when whatever happened to her happened. my niece refuses to sleep in a shirt, she will sleep in bottoms prefers jus panties, but if made she will sleep in sleep bottoms.... I wonder if those were her sleeping pants she was wearing. bc its summer time why else would she be in those pants with no top in middle summer, only to sleep........ also i wonder if her feet were clean, like maybe she had a bath and was in bed, or if they were dirty as she had been running around barefoot... when i was little my momma never put me to bed with my hair in a pony tail wet bc the hair sours going to bed put up wet.. and her hair had a pony tail when they found her.. but maybe it wasnt wet.... i wonder if her hands and face were clean, like she had recently been bathed and put down for bed or dirty with smeared food chocolate candy etc.... Also.... curious if they drew blood and did blood work as far as checking white blood cell and red blood cell count, to see if she was sick, her cell count and kidneys and so on could tell allot ab her condition...... I jus dont know... I also wonder why this happened to her, why didnt she deserve better than this. Why couldnt she just be a happy little innocent baby... I know there is bad things in this world, but i tell u this makes me cry.. Why do people have to be this way.... Im sheltered to an extent and dont like to believe this really exist, and this is REALITY to me, and my heart breaks for this baby... Who does this? Why did someone feel this was okay? Apparently they have some [psychological issues and need to be found fast.....
please refrain from posting blogs. Thank you.
yah know i wonder... did she have birthmarks? I also wonder , she was of age 3 to 4, most little kids that age summertime will have little bruises scratches, on legs knees from playing falling, Wonder if she looked like the typical little 3 to 4 yr old does with the knick and scratches, Wonder if her little toe nails fingernails have been painted... Im feeling like she was asleep when whatever happened to her happened. my niece refuses to sleep in a shirt, she will sleep in bottoms prefers jus panties, but if made she will sleep in sleep bottoms.... I wonder if those were her sleeping pants she was wearing. bc its summer time why else would she be in those pants with no top in middle summer, only to sleep........ also i wonder if her feet were clean, like maybe she had a bath and was in bed, or if they were dirty as she had been running around barefoot... when i was little my momma never put me to bed with my hair in a pony tail wet bc the hair sours going to bed put up wet.. and her hair had a pony tail when they found her.. but maybe it wasnt wet.... i wonder if her hands and face were clean, like she had recently been bathed and put down for bed or dirty with smeared food chocolate candy etc.... Also.... curious if they drew blood and did blood work as far as checking white blood cell and red blood cell count, to see if she was sick, her cell count and kidneys and so on could tell allot ab her condition...... I jus dont know... I also wonder why this happened to her, why didnt she deserve better than this. Why couldnt she just be a happy little innocent baby... I know there is bad things in this world, but i tell u this makes me cry.. Why do people have to be this way.... Im sheltered to an extent and dont like to believe this really exist, and this is REALITY to me, and my heart breaks for this baby... Who does this? Why did someone feel this was okay? Apparently they have some [psychological issues and need to be found fast.....

Awwww! This is just a good post... You made me cry. You ask some great questions!! Birthmarks, toe polish, nail polish... All good things that might jog a person's memory. Oh, and different pictures of her definitely - w/o the ponytail and smiling with teeth - we need those. Our baby needs those.

Why did someone do this to her? Did they feel they had no other options? You hear of pet owners who abandon their pets because they cannot afford to feed them, but this is a child. This world... this world can be so cruel. I'm sort of leaning John Walsh's line of thinking it could be the boyfriend of her mother that did it. Jealous of the attention the child received, selfish, wanting to hurt the mother so bad he took her baby from her and killed her.

If she is the daughter of a migrant family and she became ill and the parents were too afraid to seek medical help because of fear of deportation, that's pretty bad too.

Again, why Deer Island? Did they leave her there because they thought it was be a beautiful place? Had she been there when she was alive and been so happy that whomever did this thought it would be nice to bring her there in death? I agree, someone has some serious psychological issues. They do need to be found and our baby needs her name back.

I think she might have been sleeping too when whatever happened to her happened. There is no picture of a top released, so I assume there was no top. Some kiddos go through a stage of not wanting any clothing on. She was probably snuggling with her blanket while sleeping. I'm 49 and I have a leopard spot print blanket I wouldn't part with for the world. She liked zebras. I like zebras too. I wonder if she had gotten to go to the zoo recently. Okay... I have to take a little break or else I'll be boo-hooing all day. This child has a piece of my heart.. :heartbeat:
Awwww! This is just a good post... You made me cry. You ask some great questions!! Birthmarks, toe polish, nail polish... All good things that might jog a person's memory. Oh, and different pictures of her definitely - w/o the ponytail and smiling with teeth - we need those. Our baby needs those.

Why did someone do this to her? Did they feel they had no other options? You hear of pet owners who abandon their pets because they cannot afford to feed them, but this is a child. This world... this world can be so cruel. I'm sort of leaning John Walsh's line of thinking it could be the boyfriend of her mother that did it. Jealous of the attention the child received, selfish, wanting to hurt the mother so bad he took her baby from her and killed her.

If she is the daughter of a migrant family and she became ill and the parents were too afraid to seek medical help because of fear of deportation, that's pretty bad too.

Again, why Deer Island? Did they leave her there because they thought it was be a beautiful place? Had she been there when she was alive and been so happy that whomever did this thought it would be nice to bring her there in death? I agree, someone has some serious psychological issues. They do need to be found and our baby needs her name back.

I think she might have been sleeping too when whatever happened to her happened. There is no picture of a top released, so I assume there was no top. Some kiddos go through a stage of not wanting any clothing on. She was probably snuggling with her blanket while sleeping. I'm 49 and I have a leopard spot print blanket I wouldn't part with for the world. She liked zebras. I like zebras too. I wonder if she had gotten to go to the zoo recently. Okay... I have to take a little break or else I'll be boo-hooing all day. This child has a piece of my heart.. :heartbeat:

Floridian's post was definitely awesome. I had not heard John Walsh's theory before, but was just thinking something similar. Abuse doesn't have to be physical to be effective. Mom gets in a relationship. Guy demeans her or possibly threatens baby girl to control mom. He keeps them isolated from others to inflict his control even more, which could explain why no one recognized her. Maybe he is the kind of guy that can't keep a job, so they move a lot. Moving could be part of keeping them isolated. As for Baby Girl's death, I think that either Mom could have done it to either comply with her boyfriend or maybe she felt that was the only way out. The mindset of someone being abused is far from normal. The boyfriend could have done it as an act of revenge for something the mom did that didn't comply with his ways or he was drunk or high and decided to take her life. The fact that Baby Girl seemed healthy (no physical signs of abuse) leads me to believe the mental abuse scenario. Maybe he physically abused the mom, but not her. Eventually we will know. This is all just my opinion and thoughts.

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Floridian's post was definitely awesome. I had not heard John Walsh's theory before, but was just thinking something similar. Abuse doesn't have to be physical to be effective. Mom gets in a relationship. Guy demeans her or possibly threatens baby girl to control mom. He keeps them isolated from others to inflict his control even more, which could explain why no one recognized her. Maybe he is the kind of guy that can't keep a job, so they move a lot. Moving could be part of keeping them isolated. As for Baby Girl's death, I think that either Mom could have done it to either comply with her boyfriend or maybe she felt that was the only way out. The mindset of someone being abused is far from normal. The boyfriend could have done it as an act of revenge for something the mom did that didn't comply with his ways or he was drunk or high and decided to take her life. The fact that Baby Girl seemed healthy (no physical signs of abuse) leads me to believe the mental abuse scenario. Maybe he physically abused the mom, but not her. Eventually we will know. This is all just my opinion and thoughts.

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Oh my! Isolation... you're so right about that being a means of control too. And moving a lot makes sense too. No time to establish friendships or find a confidant with whom to share your fears or feel you have a way out of your bad situation. I can see the mom feeling she has no alternatives and in way feels death is a better way out for her little girl rather than having to endure the abuse. I'm glad you feel we will know. I think so too. Somebody has to be just busting at the seams to speak up about Baby Girl.

Oh Floridian posted the Wikipedia link for Dear Island Jane Doe. It has a LOT of information including the John Walsh information.

It's very lengthy and it was just updated on September 6th. I don't know if you can read it from your phone, but it is worth a look for sure.

Praying for news today for Baby Girl. :praying:
Oh my! Isolation... you're so right about that being a means of control too. And moving a lot makes sense too. No time to establish friendships or find a confidant with whom to share your fears or feel you have a way out of your bad situation. I can see the mom feeling she has no alternatives and in way feels death is a better way out for her little girl rather than having to endure the abuse. I'm glad you feel we will know. I think so too. Somebody has to be just busting at the seams to speak up about Baby Girl.

Oh Floridian posted the Wikipedia link for Dear Island Jane Doe. It has a LOT of information including the John Walsh information.

It's very lengthy and it was just updated on September 6th. I don't know if you can read it from your phone, but it is worth a look for sure.

Praying for news today for Baby Girl. :praying:

I had read part of the Wiki link last night and went and read the rest just now. Could the possible boyfriend have previously worked at the water treatment plant on Deer Island, explaining a familiarity with it? Being a current employee would be way too obvious. I don't get a vibe from this that there were other children in the home (at least in my presented scenario). A single mother with a young child would be an easier victim. More children equal more chances to be found out, if that makes sense. No one wants to think there could be more children in harm's way.

Let's say the boyfriend smothered Baby Girl (I prefer to call her that) while she slept after Mom maybe did something the boyfriend didn't like (spoke to someone at a grocery store, called an old friend, etcetera). He tells Mom this is her fault and she will go to prison or lose him. That is how he gets her to help him place Baby Girl on the beach. Again, this is a scenario and an opinion. But it explains how it could have happened.

The details that this little girl was cared for are why I think she will be identified. You are right that there has to be someone who wants to speak up. I think eventually they will.

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Personally, I'm betting on some kind of connection with the opiod/prescription drug epidemic.
I have read about that in previous threads. You know, an abuser could control a partner with those kinds of drugs. I could definitely see a connection in that respect, carbuff

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Floridian's post was definitely awesome. I had not heard John Walsh's theory before, but was just thinking something similar. Abuse doesn't have to be physical to be effective. Mom gets in a relationship. Guy demeans her or possibly threatens baby girl to control mom. He keeps them isolated from others to inflict his control even more, which could explain why no one recognized her. Maybe he is the kind of guy that can't keep a job, so they move a lot. Moving could be part of keeping them isolated. As for Baby Girl's death, I think that either Mom could have done it to either comply with her boyfriend or maybe she felt that was the only way out. The mindset of someone being abused is far from normal. The boyfriend could have done it as an act of revenge for something the mom did that didn't comply with his ways or he was drunk or high and decided to take her life. The fact that Baby Girl seemed healthy (no physical signs of abuse) leads me to believe the mental abuse scenario. Maybe he physically abused the mom, but not her. Eventually we will know. This is all just my opinion and thoughts.

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Yeah, Floridian is awesome. Good job miss priss!! ;-) Floridian - honey you know I will be ringing your phone off the hook if something turns up on our girl! :) I just came over here to see whats new. Lots to read. I'm glad more people came over here.
Personally, I'm betting on some kind of connection with the opiod/prescription drug epidemic.
Me too. Do I think the caregiver is young (yes) do I think this involves drugs (probably) do i think they are in the welfare capitol of the US because theyre struggling? (perhaps) The child was really taken care of prior to death. That on top of placing that little blanket with her as a comfort item just shows me someone cared more for her in life than they did in death. JMO. Im wondering if mommy is even alive.
I had read part of the Wiki link last night and went and read the rest just now. Could the possible boyfriend have previously worked at the water treatment plant on Deer Island, explaining a familiarity with it? Being a current employee would be way too obvious. I don't get a vibe from this that there were other children in the home (at least in my presented scenario). A single mother with a young child would be an easier victim. More children equal more chances to be found out, if that makes sense. No one wants to think there could be more children in harm's way.

Let's say the boyfriend smothered Baby Girl (I prefer to call her that) while she slept after Mom maybe did something the boyfriend didn't like (spoke to someone at a grocery store, called an old friend, etcetera). He tells Mom this is her fault and she will go to prison or lose him. That is how he gets her to help him place Baby Girl on the beach. Again, this is a scenario and an opinion. But it explains how it could have happened.

The details that this little girl was cared for are why I think she will be identified. You are right that there has to be someone who wants to speak up. I think eventually they will.

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Good post. If this is the scenario, the woman complies because she doesnt want to lose her bread winner maybe and be left to fend for herself. I've seen that scenario play out a couple of times up here! They cover for their bread winner. JMO. Ive always been leery of the water workers...but LE claims they ruled them out. They never really talked about it in depth...I found that odd. I can't believe its been this long and the child still does not have a name. Id understand if this was a pile of bones found but this is a child in nice Cipro clothes with hair ponytailed halfway. Someone did her hair, someone was all matchy matchy with her clothing and accessories. She meant something to someone. I dont believe there is not a grandmother out there that has not seen her grand daughter in a while. Maybe the grandparents are out of state and thats why they dont think this applies to them. If the mom was on the phone saying "oh baby girl is fine, shes playing outside" - its not like the grand parents can validate that, they arent there. I wont be shocked if this has a Casey Anthoy twist to it. Oh baby is at the beach. LOL Sure she is! In a bag! Grrrr. Rant over. LOL
Good post. If this is the scenario, the woman complies because she doesnt want to lose her bread winner maybe and be left to fend for herself. I've seen that scenario play out a couple of times up here! They cover for their bread winner. JMO. Ive always been leery of the water workers...but LE claims they ruled them out. They never really talked about it in depth...I found that odd. I can't believe its been this long and the child still does not have a name. Id understand if this was a pile of bones found but this is a child in nice Cipro clothes with hair ponytailed halfway. Someone did her hair, someone was all matchy matchy with her clothing and accessories. She meant something to someone. I dont believe there is not a grandmother out there that has not seen her grand daughter in a while. Maybe the grandparents are out of state and thats why they dont think this applies to them. If the mom was on the phone saying "oh baby girl is fine, shes playing outside" - its not like the grand parents can validate that, they arent there. I wont be shocked if this has a Casey Anthoy twist to it. Oh baby is at the beach. LOL Sure she is! In a bag! Grrrr. Rant over. LOL

Fantastic post! Grandparents might not be in the picture or deceased. Perhaps LE stated they cleared the water workers because they did find a possible suspect but didn't want to put pressure on them without more evidence. The biggest problem with identifying baby girl is that she resembles so many other girls. I had to do a double take the first time I saw the recreation because she looked so much like my cousin's daughter (who is 2 and ok). While we were on vacation in Boston, I took lots of pictures and video. I combed over all of it looking for a needle in a haystack. I never found anything, but I hoped I would have. Anything to give her back her name.

One thing I have never heard was if she had a tan or sun exposure. I put on lots of sunscreen when we went to Nantasket beach and I still got sunburnt. It was summer and she could have been to a beach or park.

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Fantastic post! Grandparents might not be in the picture or deceased. Perhaps LE stated they cleared the water workers because they did find a possible suspect but didn't want to put pressure on them without more evidence. The biggest problem with identifying baby girl is that she resembles so many other girls. I had to do a double take the first time I saw the recreation because she looked so much like my cousin's daughter (who is 2 and ok). While we were on vacation in Boston, I took lots of pictures and video. I combed over all of it looking for a needle in a haystack. I never found anything, but I hoped I would have. Anything to give her back her name.

One thing I have never heard was if she had a tan or sun exposure. I put on lots of sunscreen when we went to Nantasket beach and I still got sunburnt. It was summer and she could have been to a beach or park.

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JMO. As sleuthers, Im sure we get on LEs nerves. We are only playing with half the deck of cards they are holding. I want to believe no mother would let her child lay on a cold slab in the morgue under the toe tag DOE. That would have to eat away at her. The child screamed FEMALE presence. I feel strongly about that. There was/is a female in her life. Floridian and I were talking and to her it seemed like the childs hair had been cut SUPER short on the LEFT side. Look at this with us. You're looking right at the photo from your computer, now look to the left. See all the photoshop cloning of the hair? Its super short, it looks butchered to us. Do you think she got "mommy haircuts" because she was so isolated or do you think our baby girl got ahold of some scissors and gave herself a little snip snip. This is the age children love some scissors. IF she did cut her hair, has any MA mommies and daddies been told any stories about "omg lil suzy cut her hair and it looks terrible!" usually they share this info with someone. Just a thought we had! :) The artist must have added that feature for a reason. (scroll down this page to the first post where her photo will always be)

The new billboard that was released just yesterday. LE says the billboard will run *at least* through October. per
The original article I posted is on the last thread.


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Sounds like they're still trying to get her face out there. IMO that really means they think she is a US resident and definitely local to Mass, and probably not Emili or any other foreign missing girl.

I wonder if that also means they don't think she is an illegal immigrant? I would think if she died naturally and no one spoke up as to knowing her because of immigration status, then new billboards wouldn't change that... IMO this means that LE knows/thinks she is a local (as they have mentioned but not definitively), or has been for at least a year, and that they are fairly certain she is not, say... an immigrant from Central America or Mexico... maybe she is bi-racial, partially white? Which might convince them that she probably isn't illegal.

OR, they're just out of new leads and are throwing up a last try... I hope that is not the case.

ETA: am I correct that they have never flat out said her race? I would think with DNA results, they would have said definitively if she were 100% Caucasian?

The new billboard that was released just yesterday. LE says the billboard will run *at least* through October. per
The original article I posted is on the last thread.

whoops! didn't see you'd posted the billboard!
Oh my! Isolation... you're so right about that being a means of control too. And moving a lot makes sense too. No time to establish friendships or find a confidant with whom to share your fears or feel you have a way out of your bad situation. I can see the mom feeling she has no alternatives and in way feels death is a better way out for her little girl rather than having to endure the abuse. I'm glad you feel we will know. I think so too. Somebody has to be just busting at the seams to speak up about Baby Girl.

Oh Floridian posted the Wikipedia link for Dear Island Jane Doe. It has a LOT of information including the John Walsh information.

It's very lengthy and it was just updated on September 6th. I don't know if you can read it from your phone, but it is worth a look for sure.

Praying for news today for Baby Girl. :praying:

Scanning the Wiki again. Hey back the train up. Wait a minute this is new. This was recently added. "One of the investigators also states that there is also a possibility that the disposal may have been performed by an employee of the water treatment plant that the body was found near.[SUP][7][/SUP] As the area has been regarded as a "busy" area for both workers and the public, it is possible that the bag was placed at the scene overnight, to prevent the individual from being seen.[SUP][29]"

So they haven't cleared everyone there! Thats new. Interesting. Leery of those workers...leery I say! Its what Ive been saying all along. Those foggy late night/early morning hours and a worker. JMO. Why don't they go through the vital records and see who works there that gave birth about 3-4 years ago? Or who everyone is shacked up with or dating. People at work know other people's business. Surely someone remembers a child in someone's background? How creepy would it be if a water worker did this so they could look out and see what is going on at all times...puts them close enough to monitor the situation. [/SUP]
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