MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #3

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^ I asked joypath that in the last thread. I forget the answer. And now I forget if the toxicology reports are even fully back yet?
Thoughts on the hair...I'm sure her hair was matted and pressed against her head. The reconstruction of her hair in my opinion was only to make it look as it would if it were dry and normal. They did say there was a hair tie found with her. I also don't know to assume if she truly was topless or LE is holding that back for identification purposes.
All of these theories, suffocation, drugs, etc...would show up in an autopsy and show cause of death...

I didn't mean that drugs were the cause of her death. I thought her mother might have died of a drug overdose and left her with nobody to take care of her.

But the toxicology report isn't back yet, as far as I know. Or hasn't been released, anyway.
Thoughts on the hair...I'm sure her hair was matted and pressed against her head. The reconstruction of her hair in my opinion was only to make it look as it would if it were dry and normal. They did say there was a hair tie found with her. I also don't know to assume if she truly was topless or LE is holding that back for identification purposes.

I will have to go back and look to see what joypath said. It must be highly frustrating not to be able to find cause of death. I know if I don't fix my hair, it just looks poofy (think fuzzy chihuahua). When wet and styled with mouse, curly and wavy. My point being is that your post makes me realize that how her hair was normally styled could be much different than what the picture shows. I look a lot different with straightened versus curly hair.

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What doesn't show up on an autopsy?

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Oh I KNOW, Right?

So what COD would not show on a cadaver just days old - obvious things were ruled out, trauma, drowning, toxins.

Honestly all the organs would be dissected, slides made, the brain would be removed, the lung tissue, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen and everything examined, OH there is So much more.

CO, suffocation, asphyxia, drugs, and even starvation failed to yield a result. Anaphylaxis, Allergies, peanuts are all so obvious in autopsy , AFAIK.

What COD would not show in Post -Op?

And WHERE is JOYPATH? :tantrum:
This local along with others are calling for heavier security at Deer Island:

"One neighbor, *********, said she was walking her dog near Taft Avenue when she came upon the woman who had found the girl’s remains and she saw a plastic bag. She remains of a girl believed to be a toddler were found on the shoreline of Deer Island on Thursday afternoon.

“All of a sudden, police cruisers pulled in and they were talking to a woman,” ******* said. “She looked visibly upset and I could see she was crying.’’

****** called the discovery “tragic.”

“I just hope they find whoever did this,” she said.

Like other neighbors, she called for a heavier security presence in the public park on Deer Island, which is also home to a large sewage treatment plant. She said the entrance to Deer Island has no gate and young people frequently gather there for parties and drinking. ****** said she has found syringes there."
The mother could be dead from an overdose, like several hundred other Massachusetts men and women, and left a child who wasn't wanted or was neglected :(

I just came across a story like that in the Globe - young woman OD'd and her baby died from starvation before they were found. Horrible!
i had a very emotional night last night thinking of her and how someone can do this witha child. Someone once told me... remember we have to think about a child as in if shes not 4, think of it as shes only been in this world for 4 years. not that shes 4, but only been here for 4 years, and my child now is 13, but i was thinking back to when he was 4 and the sweetness and innocence about him, and that someone did this too her. Then I was thinking of my best friends little girl 3 yrs old, loves her nails done, and pop cycles, so i couldnt help but wonder all these little things our girl might have liked, then i got mad thinking about how someone could only let her have 4 yrs... she was jus a little girl, who prob liked the same little things all the littles girls we know like.... HAve u ever seen the movie Steel Magnolias, the part where Shelby's mother is leaving her graveside and is crying like a baby, and her friend come over to be with her, then all the sudden she snaps with anger that her daughter Shelby died, and it wasn't fair.. remember that? That was me last night balling like a baby, then i got so mad at who did this....
Yeah, Floridian is awesome. Good job miss priss!! ;-) Floridian - honey you know I will be ringing your phone off the hook if something turns up on our girl! :) I just came over here to see whats new. Lots to read. I'm glad more people came over here.
I am so sorry Floridian. This case breaks my heart too. Everyday I see my friend's four year old son and two year old daughter. The same thoughts cross my mind about nails being painted and if she enjoyed Bug Juice or crazy cute earrings from Walmart. I wish I could give everyone on here big hugs. It takes a lot to follow the news everyday and analyze every detail in hopes of finding that one clue to give Baby Girl her name back. I can't even imagine how LE and ME feel.

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I am so sorry Floridian. This case breaks my heart too. Everyday I see my friend's four year old son and two year old daughter. The same thoughts cross my mind about nails being painted and if she enjoyed Bug Juice or crazy cute earrings from Walmart. I wish I could give everyone on here big hugs. It takes a lot to follow the news everyday and analyze every detail in hopes of finding that one clue to give Baby Girl her name back. I can't even imagine how LE and ME feel.

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oh i know, i think what really brought it on was my friend text me to tell me her 3 yr old daughter, had a new pet, a rubber fishing worm.. she thinks it is real. I thought that was so precious and i immediately thought of our girl... that sweet cute stuff kids do, and wondered what she was like.. Like u said the bug juice, playing in dirt, what was her fav thing to do etc and so on... I just want her named.... Its something so simple, it was given to her at birth, and nobody knows who she is..
smothering may not if she didnt fight it. (asleep) she could have had decomp to the eyes so the petichae wasnt evident. the other sign is cuts inside the inner lip but that is usually from fighting or pushing down hard.

All of these theories, suffocation, drugs, etc...would show up in an autopsy and show cause of death...
From what i have read,her composite, is basically the pic from the morgue, except redone in ways of fixing the coloring of her skin, and swelling, the decomp that has taken place that stuff was what has been photoshopped.
As far as her hair , according to what i read, thats the way she was found with her hair that way, and with that pony tail.... The lady that did the composite wouldnt have added the cut piece of hair on the left side like that unless it was that way.. the other side is nothing like that, even right up to the little cow lick in the center on top, all those are our babies features....

Race: no it says she is either Hispanic, Caucasian, or mixed of both. They never came out and said exactly.. , and I also read she was very fair skin.... SO makes me wonder if she is Causation. My opinion... Ive always thought Caucasian.. I don't see any features that give off anything else, she may be mixed with something else, I really don't know. I know shes a gorgeous little girl, and I keep looking at the pic waiting for her to smile.. I cant tell u how many times I do that....
My friend's daughter is mixed race; Caucasian and Hispanic. She still has pretty fair skin. I think that is dependent on genetics. To look at my friend's daughter, you would never know she was mixed. I have another friend who has the same races mixed daughter and you can definitely see the Hispanic side. I think it just can be hard to tell sometimes.

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I think the experts don't know if she is Caucasian, Hispanic or a mix. The more I stare at the picture I think she could be Hispanic/Caucasian mix.

Keep thinking of the guy who kept the 3 women as prisoners, Ariel Castro, for some reason. He had a child with Amanda Berry.

Maybe her age was the reason she was killed. She would have been able to go to school most likely this year and the person in control of the situation was not going to allow that to happen.

"Lento avance en el caso de la niña Baby Doe de Deer Island

Detectives tratan de identificar el cuerpo de la pequeña encontrada muerta"

We had evening showers. It's steamy and foggy outside, like the picture of Deer Island. What's the poem about fog coming in on little cat feet?

From this picture, I wonder if LE just roped this area off because of the divided roadway and were questioning everyone coming and going?

We had evening showers. It's steamy and foggy outside, like the picture of Deer Island. What's the poem about fog coming in on little cat feet?

From this picture, I wonder if LE just roped this area off because of the divided roadway and were questioning everyone coming and going?

View attachment 81209

They did stop everyone going in or out and question them, but I don't know whether that's a picture of it. This looks more like marking part of the scene.

Found your poem:
for the locals that live there, what do u know about Maypole Rd 37 miles from where our girl was found. What do any of u know about it??
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