MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #4

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I wish we had clarification on that. In my mind it had to be a freezer. You could not keep a body in a fridge for weeks and not have a horrid smell eventually of decomp in that apt. In my mind they would have dumped poor Bella sooner if there was a smell in fear of being caught. I was channel surfing the other night and there was a blurb on another case. Body had been frozen and somehow discovered. ME had to work quite quickly to gather evidence as the body thawed. That body was not in water so I wonder if anything could be retrieved????

Oh gosh! That makes me think of Bernie Tiede. The guy from Carthage, Texas who shot the widow, Marjorie Nugent, and stuffed her in the freezer - a deep freezer - not the stand up kind. They took her in the freezer and didn't allow her to thaw because they said that would have destroyed evidence. Something about as she defrosted she would have kind of melted... something to that sort.
You are forgetting they were getting high in that apartment. Smell might not have bothered them.

Yep! Neighbors reported pot smell wafting out of the apartment all the time.
I know! Oh! David Blaine does some strange things... Wasn't he frozen in ice too?

Yes he is bizarre! But it was the only example I could think that would describe what I think happened to this sweet angel. If the hands of a man could start to fall apart like that after being submerged for just those days, I can only imagine the effect would be more so on skin that no longer has blood flow to it and is as delicate as a toddlers skin is.

And from what I recall from watching the arraignment during my child's non nap where she just hid under a pillow playing with "baby Mickey" I believe they said the ladies dog was pawing at the bag, and then she and another person approached the bag and opened it. Yet another example of how amazing dogs are! Who knows how long she would have been there if not found then, or if she would have eventually got swept back into the water with the tide.

Who bets RB tries to say she just wanted a night to be closer to her daughter by staying by the water that night?!?
You are forgetting they were getting high in that apartment. Smell might not have bothered them.

Agree but if she was kept for a length of time in the fridge? They did seem intent on covering this up. Then again who knows how a coupla wacked out drug addicts think? You may be right. Perhaps once we get a complete ME report we will have a better timeline. And anything the other tenants report as to seeing/hearing Bella. I know we have heard from one or some. We may hear more as it seems folks are more willing to talk once they know the accused are behind bars.
RB is evil. I watched the court footage and was disgusted. I think MM was shaking his head "no" by the story she has told is not the truth. I think his version will show them both equally involved.

I think they started doping together. She was already abusive to her child. One of them suggested the child was "possessed" and in their mind that made the abuse ok. They are both sick. Both deserve to rot in jail.

As for the bio dad. Very immature. Probably did have some feeling for Bella, but obviously not enough to honor her in death and turn her murderers in. He really needs to do himself a favor and keep his mouth shut.

As for the track mark on her neck, proving she was held against her wheel..not buying it. That might just be her "good" vein to shoot up in. My Ivs are usually put in uncomfortable spots bc my veins pop and roll. I'm sure Her veins are in horrible shape from the drug use.

Will court records show why she lost her other two children? I'm just curious if physical abuse was a factor there too.
This is why I am soon after LE found out baby doe's identity did they arrest mm and rb? How much physical evidence did her body have? In many cases, LE watches and investigates suspects for some time, but in this case, they are charged immediately? Now they are saying Bella was possessed, is LE going to go for 1st degree murde based on that even though they could just be saying that for insanity defense?

I worry they have nothing besides mm and rb pointing fingers at each other. ETA: And this will be a repeat of the Anthony case where's its assumed any unlikeable person convicted of killing their child will be found guilty.
Let's take a moment to remember all the little girls who are missing and who were not matches to Baby Doe. There are families without answers and my heart goes out to them.

Absolutely. And I hope this case stayes national. There are so many out there just like Bella. Bless her and all the others.
RB is a liar for sure but so is MM. He kept telling LE that Bella was taken by Child Services up until his arrest and while he was in the hospital. I hope RB's charges are upgraded. The anger in her face instead of remorse or pain tells me she is pissed that her story didn't work for her. JMO
Yep! Neighbors reported pot smell wafting out of the apartment all the time.

Gee I wonder if MM forced her to take tokes given she was drugged and held against her will!!! Just bouncing off your post Boots
Did MM's story ever come out of what he says happened? Or has it only been RB's version?
Oh gosh! That makes me think of Bernie Tiede. The guy from Carthage, Texas who shot the widow, Marjorie Nugent, and stuffed her in the freezer - a deep freezer - not the stand up kind. They took her in the freezer and didn't allow her to thaw because they said that would have destroyed evidence. Something about as she defrosted she would have kind of melted... something to that sort.

OT Wasn't that a crazy story! I loved the movie Bernie.

SNIP from Texas Monthly:

"Not wanting to destroy evidence, the sheriff ordered his deputies to lift the entire deep freeze, with Mrs. Nugent still inside, onto a pickup truck and drive it to Dallas for an autopsy. (The deputies connected a gasoline-powered generator to the freezer to keep it working.)" - See more at:

In my mind's eye I can picture the deputies loading her up. Made me snicker. Poor old woman.
There are conflicting reports about where Baby Bella's lifeless body was thrown away. Placed on Deer Island I never bought it. That narrow road and carrying a 30 pound bag is not on my radar.

This report;

"The pair used a large amount of heroin before McCarthy dumped Bella's body in the water by the Seaport District. Bond, the DA's office says, called the baby a "demon."

Here is a map of the "Seaport District". I am well familiar with it. Wharves everywhere and deep water.!3m1!1s0x89e37a831865f8c5:0xad7eb0e04b6892d9

Earlier reports said she was deposited near "City Point". I posted that map earlier.

But in court today the Prosecutor clearly said "seaport District".

That area has the bag flowing directly toward Deer Island, IMO
Just finished a long shift , gonna catch up now , just wanted to say thank you all for updates and links !

Wow they sure link pure evil in court today ,Poor baby bella .

Will read up..
Thanks again.
There is a recent case somewhere here out of Michigan. Mom killed I believe 2 of her Children and kept them in a freezer for some time. Anyone familiar with it and how the bodies were handled? I have been sick with a nasty head cold last 2 days which accounts for my many, many posts LOL I'm still looking for my book on the "Body Farm"
Amoroso told reporters he knew Bond didn't kill their daughter and said a track mark on Bond's neck leads him to believe she was sedated against her will because he doesn't see how she could have injected herself.

"I was with her for quite some time and I know more about Rachelle than a lot of people do," he said.


Is it just me? Is he as stupid as he sounds OR does RB have some type of masters degree at manipulating him?

He was with her for " some time" and knows so much about her? Yet, he left her when she was pregnant bc he found out she was a prostitute ( and at some point also knew of her drug addiction). I could be wrong, but thought it said they MET at the Occupy Boston thing, conceived Bella in a tent and then he ran to FL. So at what point did he get to " know" her so well, that he can now speak so surely regarding what she allegedly did or didn't do?
I say RB is a MASTER of manipulation- and I don't think JA is the first guy ( or last) that she's hoodwinked real good.
I hope and pray for Bella that the state has more than they are letting on regarding RB's involvement. I do think MM had his hand in it, but that guy was so drugged out and confused looking, I doubt he wore the pants in that relationship. She appears calm, unconfused and almost.. Smug?
Again the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach to even think what little Bella had to endure. I just hope justice prevails, and that sweet little one is at peace now.

ETA link-

Because junkies are known to be free handed with their dope. If he could kill Bella, he wouldn't kill you, too, b****? No, more likely he would waste his good ***** doping you against your will so you won't rat him out.

Woman, please. JA may buy your doo-doo, but I know who are. Bye, Felicia.
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