GUILTY MA - Colleen Ritzer, 24, brutally murdered, Danvers, 22 Oct 2013 #1

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Why a box cutter and not a knife? Was he really planning to kill her, or to threaten her? A box cutter doesn't "feel" like the first weapon of choice for a premeditated murder... especially when most homes have knives in the kitchen. But then why would he think he could threaten a teacher and get away with it... so that doesn't make sense. I really don't understand this.

I think a box cutter is smaller and has a cover while a regular knife would have an exposed blade and would be harder to carry around.
I think a box cutter is smaller and has a cover while a regular knife would have an exposed blade and would be harder to carry around.

Yep; it's razor sharp, has it's own enclosure, good excuse for having it in yr bag vs a knife. Ideal weapon if you're planning to get up-close & personal anyway.
Snipped for space...

Health is a big issue with our children today, stressing healthy eating choices and exercise. I think it's far past time that mental health is also incorporated into the equation. I would guess that mental health, is responsible for more youth deaths and crime, than any other cause.

Good post, I completely agree with everything you said, especially this last part. I work in the field of mental health, and sadly it's an area that doesn't get enough funding or attention. While things are slowly changing, there is still a big stigma surrounding mental health issues; it's something that people don't like to talk about and for the most part is swept under the rug. While at this stage it doesn't seem like early prevention was possible in this case, on the whole mental health is something that needs to be incorporated into teaching students about various health issues. Considering the staggering amount of people who will be effected by this over the course of their lives, there definitely needs to be a lot more education out there to start moving the focus to ALL aspects of health. I'm also a strong believer that anyone who goes into teaching should go through a standard counselling or mental health awareness course, it may help pick up on warning signs a lot earlier in some cases.

Again, not necessarily in this case, but your post struck a nerve with me and I had to comment.

Change of clothes means nothing since he was in soccer, I agree.

But, for the last paragraph, she may have wanted to talk to him to "gently let him know she is not interested." That may have set him off, if there is any truth to the rumor.

I'm the older lady "nearly 50" that still tries to be friends but gently let someone down. I know I should not, but I cannot help it. My bleeding heart, and inability to see that may make it worse.

He went into a rage, planned or not. Let's see how it pans out. Teens feeding MSM is not necessarily what PC will say, just their own thoughts about it. ;)

If this was planned, he may have seen her as an easy target as she was so caring towards her students. It seems she was truly a beautiful person who actually cared about her students and their well-being. I think he may have taken advantage of this, and decided she was the appropriate target for his desire to kill. Maybe her kindness set him off; his parents were divorced and he was going through some big changes in his life, he may not have been able to stand how kind his teacher was being to him, which caused him to lash out at her.

If this wasn't planned, it's possible that he became upset with her after being turned down. Young kids can definitely read a lot more into situations, and it's possible he saw her kindness as an advance. She was a good looking young woman, he may have felt that she was leading him on. A box cutter is something that he could have found anywhere, it may have even been in the classroom with him, or he may have had it in his bag for whatever reason. It's not necessarily a weapon, it's a functional tool that has many uses. He could have just grabbed whatever was on hand at the time.

Snipped for space...

Why a box cutter and not a knife? Was he really planning to kill her, or to threaten her? A box cutter doesn't "feel" like the first weapon of choice for a premeditated murder... especially when most homes have knives in the kitchen. But then why would he think he could threaten a teacher and get away with it... so that doesn't make sense. I really don't understand this.

I honestly don't think he was thinking too far into the future, I don't believe he had a plan to get away with it. Being a student at that school for at least 5-6 weeks (as other posters have pointed out), he surely would have had to know that at least some of his actions were caught on camera. For this reason I don't know if this attack were completely premeditated as he had to have known he would be caught. He moved her body to dispose of her, but this may have been due to some feeling of guilt or disgust with himself - he wanted to move the evidence to pretend it didn't happen. This would tie in with him seeing a movie and getting a bite to eat after, it's like he was disconnected with reality and was trying to get a sense of normalcy after what had just happened.

Although, it's also possible that this really was a cold, calculated murder. At this stage, I just don't think we have enough information to really know for sure. MSM articles this close to the actual event are often full of sensationalized rumors from people who are not close enough to the situation to actually know what happened. I'm on the fence until we find out more.


Rest in peace, Colleen. You were a beautiful person who touched so many lives, the world is truly a sadder place without you. My thoughts are with your family and friends, and all those affected by this senseless crime.
Well I'm in the east too. Our school system starts school early August because of extreme weather and snow. JMO.

I don't think a difference of a few weeks really matters. My point was that this teacher and this student would not have had a history together of any kind other than the first few weeks of school at that point. But, fwiw, the students started back on the Wednesday after Labor Day 9/4
Change of clothes means nothing since he was in soccer, I agree.

But, for the last paragraph, she may have wanted to talk to him to "gently let him know she is not interested." That may have set him off, if there is any truth to the rumor.

I'm the older lady "nearly 50" that still tries to be friends but gently let someone down. I know I should not, but I cannot help it. My bleeding heart, and inability to see that may make it worse.

He went into a rage, planned or not. Let's see how it pans out. Teens feeding MSM is not necessarily what PC will say, just their own thoughts about it. ;)


Not necessarily. It depends on how many clothing changes he had accounted for. Assuming he was not wearing his soccer clothes to class, it will be interesting if he did not bring his soccer clothes and instead brought street clothes to change into. We need more specific information. What was he wearing when he killed her and what sort of clothes did he change into?
I'm updating the time line, per several links excerpted and quoted below
Pls feel free to suggest corrections (if you post correction on the thread, pls alert me by PM too, so I can change and add it on the thread.)
Esp. welcome = suggestions for lines in red below.
Thanks to those who have offered additions.

Oct 22 Tues.
_?_ *** ……….. During math class, CR asks PC to stay after class
3:15 *....….…... PC is seen sitting in CR’s classrm; teacher standing at computer, per student
3:30***…………PC followed CR in faculty bathroom
# ………….in regular student girls’ bathroom
# …………CR is punched a couple times, killed w. box cutter PC brought into school
_?_ # ……….. CR’s body is placed in recycling bin, rolled outside
# …………Body is tossed from bin, ~20 ft into woods behind h/s athletic fields
# …………bin is pushed over embankment ~100 ft from body
…………__________anything? _________
_?_ * ……….. PC is seen by teammates running from practice field
4:00 *...............PC misses soccer practice
##………..PC seen bought tix for “Blue Jasmine” 4:30 showing, per theater mgr.
+…………movie runs 1 hr, 38 min (plus trailers, etc.?). Did he stay thru entire movie?
4:15 ### …….. video of Chism entering the theater, paying $8.00 in cash for tix
_?_ ?…………CR’s smashed phone was left close to theater
_?_ ? …………PC’s smashed phone was left close to theater
6:00 *...............PC misses team dinner
6:15 ### ………video of PC leaving theater bldg after movie ended
_?_ #…………..PC at Wendy’s
_?_……….PC used CR’s bank card to buy at Wendy’s
6:30 *...............PC is seen at movie theater near home
***……….. Hollywood Hits Cinema, showing “Blue Jasmine”
~7:34***……….LE receives rpt CR missing
9:25*................LE tweet re PC as missing person
Late ***…….….LE discovered body behind school

Oct 23 Wed.
~12:00 **………LE found CR’s body close to school
12:30*………….PC is found by LE, walking North on SB Rte.1, in Topsfield

* pub. Th Oct 24
" Cambria Cloutier, another 14-year-old freshman, who was also in the class, said she walked by Ritzer’s classroom at about 3:15 pm. “She was standing at her computer and he was just sitting there,” Cloutier said. “It just looked normal, like any other day.”
"Chism was last seen around 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at a movie theater near his house. Danvers police issued a tweet, seeking him as a missing child at 9:25 p.m. Chism was found by police in neighboring Topsfield at 12:30 a.m. Wednesday, walking north on the southbound side of Route 1."
"Several of Chism’s soccer teammates said he had mysteriously vanished Tuesday afternoon, missing the team practice at 4 p.m. and a team dinner at 6. Teammates last saw the youth running away from the practice field, breathlessly telling them he had something he needed to take care of."

** pub. Th. Oct 24
“Investigators found Ritzer’s body shortly after midnight while combing through the area around the school after they found blood in the bathroom, Essex District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett said.”

*** pub. Th. Oct 24
“Danvers High School teacher Colleen Ritzer offered
suspect Philip Chism after-school math tutoring on the day of her murder, a student told ABC News today.
"She just asked him to stay after for help because he needed it," student Rania Rhaedaoui said.
Rhaedaoui was sitting two seats away from Chism, 14, who she said had remained quiet in math class and shunned group work in class, preferring to work alone.
"He just didn't raise his hand once, didn't ask any questions," she said.
On Tuesday, while his classmates completed worksheets, Rhaedaoui said Chism instead chose to draw in his notebook.
Ms. Ritzer noticed, but instead of getting mad at the student for being off task, Rhaedaoui said she expressed interest in the fact Chism could draw.
"She connected with all of her students, so she knew if something was wrong or if you needed help with anything," Rhaedaoui said…..”
“After he allegedly killed Ritzer, police said the teen went to the Hollywood Hits Cinema, where he reportedly watched Woody Allen's ‘Blue Jasmine.’"
“Police discovered Ritzer's blood in a second-floor bathroom late Tuesday night before her body was found behind the school, Essex County District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett said Wednesday. Chism was arrested early Wednesday morning.”
“Investigators say Chism killed Ritzer around 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in the school's faculty bathroom.
and that surveillance cameras show him using what appears to be a recycling bin to move her body to the woods behind the school.”
“Chism was reported missing at 5:34 p.m. by a family member, according to the district attorney's office. A few hours later, Danvers Police received a report that Ritzer, who lived in Andover, had not returned home from work and was not answering her cell phone.”

# pub. Th. Oct 24
“With a box cutter the suspect, 14-year-old
Philip Chism, had brought into school, a source close to the investigation says.”
“What happened to her body afterward? It was stashed in a recycling bin, rolled outside, then dumped about 20 feet into woods behind the northeastern Massachusetts high school's athletic fields, adds another source. It was left there -- not buried, not even covered.
“And where did the alleged killer go afterward? After changing his clothes, he went to a Wendy's fast food restaurant and a movie, sources say, …”
“…. Ritzer had gone to a regular students' girls bathroom on Danver High's second floor, as someone was in the locked faculty bathroom, a source close to the investigation said.”
“This bathroom wasn't locked. Chism allegedly followed her in.”
“There, Ritzer was punched a few times before being killed with a box cutter around 3:30 p.m., said a source.”
Her body went into a recycling bin, then outside the school where it was tossed. Authorities eventually found a bin that apparently had been thrown off an embankment some 100 feet away from Ritzer's body, a source said.”

## pub Th. Oct 24
“Police had tweeted Tuesday that Chism was last seen about 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Hollywood Hits movie theater in Danvers. Theater manager Scott Przybcien told the
Boston Herald that Chism saw the 4:30 p.m. screening of the Woody Allen film Blue Jasmine.”

pub. Th. Oct 24
“…video showed Chism entering the theater at about 4:15 p.m., paying $8.00 in cash for a movie ticket, then leaving the building at about 6:15 p.m., after the movie ended….”

+ Per website info as of 10/24
Blue Jasmine (PG-13) 1hr 38min 1:15pm, 3:50pm, 6:50pm
IF it was premeditated, maybe he was doodling so that he would get caught and have to stay after. I recall reading that other students said it was unlike him to do that, he was normally a good student. Maybe he knew her well enough to know what was tolerated in her class and he did what was not acceptable so that he could have the time to carry out his plan.

I would still like to know WHY though. It seems weird as the article DeeMarie posted stated that usually if someone confesses, they do not hold out the motive. At that point they want to be justified, whether their thought process of it is warped or not.

One may hold back the motive if it embarrasses them.
He was in an after school math class at 3pm instead of out on the field playing soccer which is where he would normally be. That has to tell us something about why he killed her. jmo
He was in an after school math class at 3pm instead of out on the field playing soccer which is where he would normally be. That has to tell us something about why he killed her. jmo

Practice started at 4

Not necessarily. It depends on how many clothing changes he had accounted for. Assuming he was not wearing his soccer clothes to class, it will be interesting if he did not bring his soccer clothes and instead brought street clothes to change into. We need more specific information. What was he wearing when he killed her and what sort of clothes did he change into?

According to this UK article he changed into a clean sweat suit.
crinme data shows, from 1999 thru 2011, a total of 4 murders in Danvers.

info re Danvers High School:
(and 'old" website

Danvers High School website:
(and 'old" website
Having trouble accessing the Academic tab and Classes section.
"Program Overview
The boys soccer program at Danvers High School has established a tradition of excellence within the Northeast Conference with three highly competitive teams at the varsity, junior varsity and freshman level. Each team practices six days a week from September through November, often playing multiple games throughout the week." BBM

There's also an athletic calendar.
Hey sleuthers. New to this thread and haven't read through it yet, but have been following this case due to 14-year-old Philip Chism's age and other info about his recent move from TN. Although it has not been released by investigators, imo the motivation was sexual in nature.

"Thought it very interesting and ironic that Danvers High math teacher Colleen Ritzer's ultimate goal was to become a school psychologist"...

Ritzer was in her second year as a teacher at Danvers High School. She was also studying for a Masters degree at Salem State University.

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She still lived with her parents in nearby Andover and was going to graduate school to be a school psychologist..

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'It has been revealed that he wore gloves, used a boxcutter to murder her, changed and discarded the clothes, then went to a fast food restaurant using her ATM card, and then went to a movie'. This would indicate a psychopathic personality/void of empathy/conscience, forensically aware, and escalated sexual predator, imo. The movie attended; not exactly a teen choice, was a feeble attempt at establishing an alibi.
This was a sexually motivated premeditated crime of opportunity by an escalating sociopathic predator initially born out of pornographic fantasy, imo..

Fortunately most predators are caught early in their journey of evil before becoming serial offenders with multiple victims...
A common denominator among sexual predators/serial killers is the age at which they cross the threshold from fantasy to tragic reality. Ironically this age is the same as Philip Chism. Serial killer Edmund Emil "Big Ed" Kemper III, Gary Hilton; the forest killer, and Gary Ridgeway; green river, and many others began their evil deeds at the age of 14 years. The list of others is very long.

Imo, and hopefully, Philip Chism was a serial killer in training.. Based on his age and the info that he went to see the movie "Blue Jasmine" at the Hollywood Hits Cinema and then went for meal at Wendy's after dumping her body, is very revealing, imo. This indicates that he felt no remorse, had another self, and likely has a sexually violent past in TN, imo.. Being juvenile, it would likely be sealed records..
Time will tell, but his dna should be entered into FBI CODIS/ IAFIS, and his previous addresses in TN, etc., should be scrutinized for prior rapes and other similar crimes, imo...

When Alaska hybrid serial killer Israel Keyes was asked by FBI investigators why he killed. He responded, "why not"?
I'm wondering if perhaps he was experiencing a psychotic break. I know early 20s is when schizephrenia usually starts rearing its ugly head and he's a bit young, but its a thought. My former stepson heard voices when he hit his 20s and almost fatally stabbed his mother and older brother to death one night. He was diagnosed in jail with paranoid schitzephrenia. Former stepson is serving a 7 year sentence and family has embraced him/forgiven him.
'It has been revealed that he wore gloves, used a boxcutter to murder her, changed and discarded the clothes, then went to a fast food restaurant using her ATM card, and then went to a movie'. This would indicate a psychopathic personality/void of empathy/conscience, forensically aware, and escalated sexual predator, imo. The movie attended; not exactly a teen choice, was a feeble attempt at establishing an alibi.
This was a sexually motivated premeditated crime of opportunity by an escalating sociopathic predator initially born out of pornographic fantasy, imo..

Fortunately most predators are caught early in their journey of evil before becoming serial offenders with multiple victims...
A common denominator among sexual predators/serial killers is the age at which they cross the threshold from fantasy to tragic reality. Ironically this age is the same as Philip Chism. Serial killer Edmund Emil "Big Ed" Kemper III, Gary Hilton; the forest killer, and Gary Ridgeway; green river, and many others began their evil deeds at the age of 14 years. The list of others is very long.

Imo, and hopefully, Philip Chism was a serial killer in training.. Based on his age and the info that he went to see the movie "Blue Jasmine" at the Hollywood Hits Cinema and then went for meal at Wendy's after dumping her body, is very revealing, imo. This indicates that he felt no remorse, had another self, and likely has a sexually violent past in TN, imo.. Being juvenile, it would likely be sealed records..
Time will tell, but his dna should be entered into FBI CODIS/ IAFIS, and his previous addresses in TN, etc., should be scrutinized for prior rapes and other similar crimes, imo...

When Alaska hybrid serial killer Israel Keyes was asked by FBI investigators why he killed. He responded, "why not"?

I tend to agree with you, but I'm wondering about the sexual motivation. Are you saying that because he's a teenaged male and she's a young and attractive female, or because something else about the case suggests it? Or is it part of the "normal" psychology of the budding serial killer?

About the box cutter, it just still seems odd to me, as a knife also can be small, fold up, be inconspicuous, etc. One report has him bringing it to school, while another has him stealing it from the art department before confronting her. The latter makes more sense to me, but then if his fantasy involved "slashing" as the report linked above suggests, then maybe it was just his MO.
I tend to agree with you, but I'm wondering about the sexual motivation. Are you saying that because he's a teenaged male and she's a young and attractive female, or because something else about the case suggests it? Or is it part of the "normal" psychology of the budding serial killer?

About the box cutter, it just still seems odd to me, as a knife also can be small, fold up, be inconspicuous, etc. One report has him bringing it to school, while another has him stealing it from the art department before confronting her. The latter makes more sense to me, but then if his fantasy involved "slashing" as the report linked above suggests, then maybe it was just his MO.

ami, jmo, Chism preplanned the attack right down to the the body disposal by using the portable recycling container and then relocating & dumping the body in the woods for carnivore scavenging to destroy forensics and to alter or destroy indicators related with the cause and manner of death. It would be plausible that he also brought the box cutter from home or carried it at all times.

It is concerning that Colleen Ritzer, was working towards her Masters in Psychology with a goal of becoming a School Counselor. Did she detect psychological issues with Chism, and take him on as a personal project of sorts?

It could be a thrill killing, or due to pent up rage, or just a fun thing to do by a deviant mind/rush. It could have been for revenge.
Makes one think that there was a great deal of anger at someone like the victim, or at the victim herself..
Many questions remain unanswered due to lack of info, such as was there signs of a sexual attack, were there defensive wounds to her hands, COD, etc.
Imo, there will be many tell tell signs in Chism's background such as animal torture/abuse; cats>felines>females..

Defeminization is a possible motive, imo.. (many answers are hidden in this article, imo)

Imo, one thing that we can predict is that psychological profilers from the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit have been dispatched to Danver, MA...
Philip Chism; a confessed killer and self professed artist, refuses to volunteerly share his motive/s for Colleen ritzer's murder.
I took a very enlightening course at a missing/murdered person conference a few years ago. It was called Illuminations, and was presented by Psychologist Allison West. They use artwork interpretation as a means of communication..
We do know that Colleen Ritzer observed Chism's art. What did she see in them?
Imo, Chism's artwork may provide answer to many of the investigator's unanswered questions.JMO

Our Mission

Illuminations… artwork creating change…
about being victim… about being a victimizer.

At first sight, Illuminations is one among many organizations providing a variety of programs and programming designed to raise and deepen awareness about the victimization of children for the general public. And like other such organizations, it also provides a wide spectrum of professionals with specialized training focused on fostering and refining skills related to the field of victimization. But it is something more and something uniquely different. Illuminations is personal. It is a voice.

It is the voice of a young man who took so long to find a voice…and then a voice that could speak the breadth of the truth of his experience…of deception, betrayal, victimization and ironically of beauty, innocence, and an imagination which gives birth to hope. His critically acclaimed art, which lies at the heart of Illuminations, is his voice, his truth. All of the events and programs which Illuminations makes available to the public and to the professional community are based upon and make critical use of his important artwork and become the framework for his voice. And yet, as much as it is his voice that speaks, it is equally theirs….the voices of all victims.
<sniped BM-Read More>
Philip Chism; a confessed killer and self professed artist, refuses to volunteerly share his motive/s for Colleen ritzer's murder.
I took a very enlightening course at a missing/murdered person conference a few years ago. It was called Illuminations, and was presented by Psychologist Allison West. They use artwork interpretation as a means of communication..
We do know that Colleen Ritzer observed Chism's art. What did she see in them?
Imo, Chism's artwork may provide answer to many of the investigator's unanswered questions.JMO

Our Mission

Illuminations… artwork creating change…
about being victim… about being a victimizer.

At first sight, Illuminations is one among many organizations providing a variety of programs and programming designed to raise and deepen awareness about the victimization of children for the general public. And like other such organizations, it also provides a wide spectrum of professionals with specialized training focused on fostering and refining skills related to the field of victimization. But it is something more and something uniquely different. Illuminations is personal. It is a voice.

It is the voice of a young man who took so long to find a voice…and then a voice that could speak the breadth of the truth of his experience…of deception, betrayal, victimization and ironically of beauty, innocence, and an imagination which gives birth to hope. His critically acclaimed art, which lies at the heart of Illuminations, is his voice, his truth. All of the events and programs which Illuminations makes available to the public and to the professional community are based upon and make critical use of his important artwork and become the framework for his voice. And yet, as much as it is his voice that speaks, it is equally theirs….the voices of all victims.
<sniped BM-Read More>

Except he's not a victim. He's a killer.
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