Found Deceased MA - Jaimee Mendez, 25, Swampscott, 6 Nov 2014 - #2 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I wonder if there are agencies are looking at him for other disappearances. There is quite a span of time between 1997 and seems hard to believe this was his first murder. jmo.

As for the waving and all of that-clearly he has that whole Scott Peterson thing working...Fleury gave interviews to the media and spoke with investigators multiple times. This may be his final ride, but he is going to enjoy the attention while he has it. Again, jmvho.
hmm... this perp is now in jail. Nice thought to have, today. Many wishes for her family's well being, as the case goes through court.
Just heard the news of Fleury's arrest. Relieved, because I was beginning to think he was going to get away with murder. Guess JF thought so too; thinking if he slithered out of Massachusetts to Virginia he would be forgotten about...

The arrogance of this man is stomach turning, as well as what he did to become a convicted sex offender, then taking sweet Jaimee. I am so glad he is behind bars. God knows what else he has done that we don't know about. He is a predator. If only his arrest would bring Jaimee back.... Wish I could give her poor Mom a hug (and the rest of her family). Hopefully, Fleury won't be able to hurt anyone anymore. He has destroyed too many lives already.
Hope you're all good, findjaimee. Thoughts and prayer continue...
Bumping for Jaimee and family, who are still in our thoughts and prayers. I will be happy to hear of progress in the pursuit of justice for Jaimee.

Looks like something funky is happening. There was supposed to be a bail hearing, but instead there were motions filed by the defense to preserve samples from the medical examiner and to obtain notes from the Lynn Item when Fleury gave his interview last year. What could that be about?

The wheels of justice are moving like molasses in this case. Thoughts and prayers are always with the family.
I don't see anything funky in the lawyers request,it seems pretty normal for an attorney to ask for all all media ,it helps him decided if a change of venue should be requested. It looks like bail was denied . Flight risk ,drug addict and danger to society .
But he's not asking for all media.Only for the information surrounding the one interview with Fleury. And in my opinion, it has nothing to do with appropriateness of a change of venue, since there is plenty of media coverage on this one. But more likely the lawyer is looking for something he did or didn't say that was either told off the record, or was simply not printed in the paper. A slip of the tongue that was not appreciated by the reporter, a name, a vehicle color. Something.

I have not seen a story yet that specifies bail was denied. Only reports that it was a bail hearing. But then again, the media does not always report accurately, either.
But he's not asking for all media.Only for the information surrounding the one interview with Fleury. And in my opinion, it has nothing to do with appropriateness of a change of venue, since there is plenty of media coverage on this one. But more likely the lawyer is looking for something he did or didn't say that was either told off the record, or was simply not printed in the paper. A slip of the tongue that was not appreciated by the reporter, a name, a vehicle color. Something.
I have not seen a story yet that specifies bail was denied. Only reports that it was a bail hearing. But then again, the media does not always report accurately, either.

BBM; This is more correct as I understand "Work Product". Searching or obtaining a warrant to obtain a reporter's notes requires a motion because that material is protected under the Privacy Protection Act.

"In direct reaction to this ruling, Congress passed the Privacy Protection Act of 1980, which limits the circumstances under which federal, state and local law enforcement officials may obtain warrants to search for journalists’ “work product materials” or “documentary materials.”
“Work product materials” are items created or possessed for the “purposes of communicating such materials to the public,” such as drafts of articles, outtakes or notes. "

Justice for Jaimee Mendez

No new evidence was heard on the last court date 11/30, and another court date is set for the first week of Jan on either the 3rd or 5th, as stated on the page linked above.

Prayers and thoughts continue for Jaimee's family's and friends' well being and perseverance.
"The attorney for a man charged with murdering a Swampscott woman in 2014 was granted permission Thursday to have his own expert retest her remains for the possible presence of an often-deadly painkiller. "

"Another hearing is scheduled for April 12. Fleury, who remains held without bail, is not expected to be brought to court for that proceeding. "
Jaime Mendez


Jaimee is here, forever. Resisting the mightiest winds like a mountain of stone. Like a marble column she gleams in the sun holding me up until the end of my time, She is the tallest redwood digging her roots deep into my soul forever holding me together.
Her presence is all around me wafting through my mind until I see her as I seen her before, young, beautiful and full of love. when my mind is going 100 miles an hour and I am about to be blown off this earth, as my world passes by me like a blur, she slows me down, she continues to keep me fresh, keeps me thinking forward. She wraps her wings around me and walks me through my daily chores giving me the strength to continue on, FOREVER!
By Steven Mendez
Here is Michelle's post on Face Book

they are letting the murderer take a plea for manslaughter at 2 oclock on friday at salem courthouse..anyone who can come please come ....even though for the past 2 1/2 years this case against him has been solid..even though autopsy report shows her head was fractured,her rib was fractured, her nose was broke,her jaw was fractured ,her teeth were knocked out... all by expert opinion from a highly respected forensic anthropologist .... happened before she was wrapped in a net then tied to lobster traps that came from the yellow boat off the swampscott pier,that jason fleury use to work on ,even though they have eye witness accounts that jaimee left rite aid in jason fleurys van..even though the rug found in the dumpster was the same rug he ripped out of his van after he murdered jaimee..even though in that same dumpster a bag with mens clothing and black gloves were in the same bag with jaimees sneakers,even though jaimees blood was found in his van and on the rug..on the ceiling of the van also...blood was found on the mattress he stuffed in his storage van parked on spring rd in front of his house.even though jaimee made several phone calls saying she was afraid ,saying to her friend john erikson from nahant,(to please tell her other friend chris hadley from swampsctt) ,to hurry up cause now hes saying he wants to have sex with me....jaimee telling her friends im on spring rd behind cvs on eastern ave..which is where fleury lived ....even though fleury told renee? (who ever she is ..he stayed at the motel with her the week after he killed jaimee,)that if he had done it ...he would have tied her to lobster traps and thrown her off the pier,even though ,fleurys original alibi and mother of his child..nicole april of lynn ..said on recording that she had a dream he tied her to lobster traps and threw her off the pier...even though they have security video from technology way showing a mini van and a male figure throw jaimees coat out on the ground ..after parking in the back corner for an unknown lengh
th of time..even though fleury had scratches on his face and hands,even though the morning after he murdered jaimee and before he went to work
he went to the swampscott pier,i guess to make sure he didnt leave anything there ,or make sure he did a good enough job...his cousin robert would know if he picked up anything,but i guess he just stood and looked out he says..even though fleurys phone charger was found beside her coat at technology way...fleury says he gave it too her cause her phone was dead...lier.. the phone calls she made that night came from her phone jaimees phone was not dead..fleury says jaimee used his phone to call a drug dealer cause hers was dead...********..who did fleury call while he was with jaimee that night ,and why was he willing to throw them out there...they have phone records!!!!!!!! who did fleury call that night!!!!!!!nicole april lied and said she was with fleury from 11 oclock slept in his van with him and got dropped off in the morning by fleury and his cousin robert before they went to work...very minimal amounts of drugs were found in jaimees system....soooo with all this evidence and much more ,and after 2 1/2 byrs of waiting for trial...and fleurys lawyer michael phelan not putting in any motions to surpress this whole time..and trial to start april 3rd..fleury was offered a deal to plead to manslaughter.and take 17 yrs how ever much time that really means....which he accepted. of course....because .our massachusetts D/A s decided its too risky to go to trial...all of a sudden...because fleury will claim jaimee overdosed and he got scared and the jury might find him not guilty tell me how dose an overdose victim make phone calls for help!!!!how can you claim that defence when your on record with the lynn item saying your well aware of the good samaritain law ..where you can drop overdose victims at the hospital with no questions asked..and why do you go through so much trouble to hide her..if she just overdosed!!!!!!! so members of the public beware ...this level 3 sex offender, known to be unstable,violent woman beater,sexual deviant, career criminal drug addict...whos never done any amount of time in jail worth mentioning..will be able to come back out and live his life again,while we are still collecting the rest of our daughters body parts as they wash up on the beach.....all the time and energy from law enforcement not to mention wasted tax payers money put into this case. all to let this creature plead to manslaughter,and denying our family the right to know, through testimony.. what happened the night jaimee was it the money they dont want to spend??did fleury rat out some major drug dealer???what was it????that made them decide to offer a deal...cause saying that all of a sudden the case is weak is ********.....i guess this is what massachusetts calls justice.
That is bs and it makes me sick.

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this is about as bad as Rachelle Bond walking. wtf.

Here is Michelle's post on Face Book

they are letting the murderer take a plea for manslaughter at 2 oclock on friday at salem courthouse..anyone who can come please come ....even though for the past 2 1/2 years this case against him has been solid..even though autopsy report shows her head was fractured,her rib was fractured, her nose was broke,her jaw was fractured ,her teeth were knocked out... all by expert opinion from a highly respected forensic anthropologist .... happened before she was wrapped in a net then tied to lobster traps that came from the yellow boat off the swampscott pier,that jason fleury use to work on ,even though they have eye witness accounts that jaimee left rite aid in jason fleurys van..even though the rug found in the dumpster was the same rug he ripped out of his van after he murdered jaimee..even though in that same dumpster a bag with mens clothing and black gloves were in the same bag with jaimees sneakers,even though jaimees blood was found in his van and on the rug..on the ceiling of the van also...blood was found on the mattress he stuffed in his storage van parked on spring rd in front of his house.even though jaimee made several phone calls saying she was afraid ,saying to her friend john erikson from nahant,(to please tell her other friend chris hadley from swampsctt) ,to hurry up cause now hes saying he wants to have sex with me....jaimee telling her friends im on spring rd behind cvs on eastern ave..which is where fleury lived ....even though fleury told renee? (who ever she is ..he stayed at the motel with her the week after he killed jaimee,)that if he had done it ...he would have tied her to lobster traps and thrown her off the pier,even though ,fleurys original alibi and mother of his child..nicole april of lynn ..said on recording that she had a dream he tied her to lobster traps and threw her off the pier...even though they have security video from technology way showing a mini van and a male figure throw jaimees coat out on the ground ..after parking in the back corner for an unknown lengh
th of time..even though fleury had scratches on his face and hands,even though the morning after he murdered jaimee and before he went to work
he went to the swampscott pier,i guess to make sure he didnt leave anything there ,or make sure he did a good enough job...his cousin robert would know if he picked up anything,but i guess he just stood and looked out he says..even though fleurys phone charger was found beside her coat at technology way...fleury says he gave it too her cause her phone was dead...lier.. the phone calls she made that night came from her phone jaimees phone was not dead..fleury says jaimee used his phone to call a drug dealer cause hers was dead...********..who did fleury call while he was with jaimee that night ,and why was he willing to throw them out there...they have phone records!!!!!!!! who did fleury call that night!!!!!!!nicole april lied and said she was with fleury from 11 oclock slept in his van with him and got dropped off in the morning by fleury and his cousin robert before they went to work...very minimal amounts of drugs were found in jaimees system....soooo with all this evidence and much more ,and after 2 1/2 byrs of waiting for trial...and fleurys lawyer michael phelan not putting in any motions to surpress this whole time..and trial to start april 3rd..fleury was offered a deal to plead to manslaughter.and take 17 yrs how ever much time that really means....which he accepted. of course....because .our massachusetts D/A s decided its too risky to go to trial...all of a sudden...because fleury will claim jaimee overdosed and he got scared and the jury might find him not guilty tell me how dose an overdose victim make phone calls for help!!!!how can you claim that defence when your on record with the lynn item saying your well aware of the good samaritain law ..where you can drop overdose victims at the hospital with no questions asked..and why do you go through so much trouble to hide her..if she just overdosed!!!!!!! so members of the public beware ...this level 3 sex offender, known to be unstable,violent woman beater,sexual deviant, career criminal drug addict...whos never done any amount of time in jail worth mentioning..will be able to come back out and live his life again,while we are still collecting the rest of our daughters body parts as they wash up on the beach.....all the time and energy from law enforcement not to mention wasted tax payers money put into this case. all to let this creature plead to manslaughter,and denying our family the right to know, through testimony.. what happened the night jaimee was it the money they dont want to spend??did fleury rat out some major drug dealer???what was it????that made them decide to offer a deal...cause saying that all of a sudden the case is weak is ********.....i guess this is what massachusetts calls justice.
I thought the family of the victim had to be on board with a plea deal if one is offered. Guess not.

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