MA MA - Joan Webster, 25, Logan Airport, Boston, 28 Nov 1981

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Eve, regarding " I don’t think Joan had the time to get into undercover or nefarious activities." Agree, and considering all Joan had invested studying for her future career, I can't see her wanting to venture off .... You know the way parents who are actors are strongly opposed to their children becoming actors, I wonder if her parents might be just as opposed to Joan being "recruited".. Is it possible the mystery person at the airport was trying to do just that, trying to recruit her? But, why would that bring her harm, even if she wasn't interested..
The discarding of her purse and wallet, off of route 7 (was it) - that has my interest. Was this consistent to their being tossed from a car on the way to Perkins Hall? If so, is it possible Joan tossed them to indicate she was being attacked in the car - but how could that take place, unless both the person she was with and the driver were involved... Perhaps the tossing of her purse was the discard of personal items an attacker does right after he's taken control of a victim, while driving - seen in the more recent crimes I follow where a victim's cell phone gets carelessly tossed out for fear it provides tracking.. but back then, before cellphones, tossing her purse makes no sense...
Hadden Clark led police to a bucket containing 230 pieces of women's jewelry that he had buried under a whellbarrow on his grandfather's (his grandfather was for a time mayor of White Plains, NY) Wellfleet Cape Cod property. One of the pieces was the high school ring of Harvard graduate Laura Houghteling, whom he had murdered. Perhaps some of the jewelry from Joan Webster was in the bucket and can be identified.
Hadden Clark led police to a bucket containing 230 pieces of women's jewelry that he had buried under a whellbarrow on his grandfather's (his grandfather was for a time mayor of White Plains, NY) Wellfleet Cape Cod property. One of the pieces was the high school ring of Harvard graduate Laura Houghteling, whom he had murdered. Perhaps some of the jewelry from Joan Webster was in the bucket and can be identified. doesn't seem to be good match for Joan's killer, no? But where did he get all that jewelry? Mention of his breaded friend "Jesus" caught my attention..
I really appreciate the interest and comments. Every piece helps find the true killer. A brutal murder would not be the response to declining a recruitment offer. Joan would have opportunity and contacts if she had any inclination to follow in the intelligence footsteps.

The purse and wallet were discarded in the marsh on the southbound side of Route 107. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction and a busy thoroughfare. The route goes north from the airport. Cambridge is west of the airport. The remains were found further north in Hamilton, MA. Based on the location of the purse and wallet, it is likely it was tossed heading back toward the airport. The marsh along Route 107 was known as a dumping ground. That suggests to me the offender discarded her belongings. It would be impossible for Joan to toss it that far from a vehicle headed north. They were not headed toward Cambridge at all. Joan never made it to her dorm.

I suspect the driver was also involved. The disappearance was heavily publicized. A legitimate driver would have said something. Reward money was also offered.

I have looked at Hadden Clark before. This person is truly a monster that certainly had the capacity to commit horrific acts. However, Clark does not fit. He was a cross-dressing paranoid schizophrenic with disturbing behaviors well-documented long before Joan disappeared. He was disorganized. He moved a lot and it is not known if he was in the Boston area at the time. He was younger than the man described in the police report. At some point he was in the Navy. The dates would have to be checked. Hadden Clark was 6’2”; he was too tall. Joan would not willingly change vehicles with this person, or have any reason to even know him. There is some connection between Clark and his two known victims. If Joan’s jewelry had been contained in the bucket, it would have been identified. Again, Joan’s case was all over the media. With Hadden Clark’s history, authorities would not be covering for him.

I appreciate every suggestion. It helps solidify what is known and helps narrow the field.

Was Hadden Clark capable of such a heinous act? Yes, but he was not the man that left the airport with Joan.
Eve, is there any information in the case files about when the ticket for Joan was bought? Whom paid for it? Is there any info on the time when she was at the airport before departure? Is it possible she made the airplane trip with the bearded guy? Would it be possible after all these years to get the passengers manifest for the flight in question?

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Hi Ebfortin 76,

The flight manifest was obtained right after Joan was reported missing. There was considerable manpower from numerous departments calling names on the list. I assume the list remains in the current custodian’s files. Authorities would likely redact everything on the list making it useless if released. However, they have a lot of documents missing that are relevant.

There were five flights that all came in around the same time. All of the passengers recovered luggage from the only operating carousel. According to Tim Burke, another flight came in from Newark about the same time. Based on flight information I have, there were frequent and regular flights from Newark to Boston.

Joan spoke with a married couple and a priest on the flight. She waved to a classmate at the airport. The classmate and his girlfriend were not going in the same direction, so did not offer a ride. There are also no recovered documents that these witnesses saw Joan with anyone else. The first indication is the article reporting Joan spoke with a man behind the counter. This was reported by a classmate.

If the man was on the flight with Joan, I don’t think she was aware of him. Witness accounts do not suggest that. I would be very interested to see that roster.

I can only speculate on other questions. I think it is fair to assume the ticket was purchased during the Thanksgiving break. Joan had planned to have a guest visit her in NJ. Those plans changed. George would most certainly have booked and paid for the ticket. He always did. Back in 1981, it was not necessary to be at the airport hours before the flight. Joan would have been there without rushing, but keep in mind, the family made appearances at the homes of two friends before making a half hour drive to Newark. I think it is fair to say she was not there a long time before the flight.
Hi Ebfortin 76,

The flight manifest was obtained right after Joan was reported missing. There was considerable manpower from numerous departments calling names on the list. I assume the list remains in the current custodian’s files. Authorities would likely redact everything on the list making it useless if released. However, they have a lot of documents missing that are relevant.

There were five flights that all came in around the same time. All of the passengers recovered luggage from the only operating carousel. According to Tim Burke, another flight came in from Newark about the same time. Based on flight information I have, there were frequent and regular flights from Newark to Boston.

Joan spoke with a married couple and a priest on the flight. She waved to a classmate at the airport. The classmate and his girlfriend were not going in the same direction, so did not offer a ride. There are also no recovered documents that these witnesses saw Joan with anyone else. The first indication is the article reporting Joan spoke with a man behind the counter. This was reported by a classmate.

If the man was on the flight with Joan, I don’t think she was aware of him. Witness accounts do not suggest that. I would be very interested to see that roster.

I can only speculate on other questions. I think it is fair to assume the ticket was purchased during the Thanksgiving break. Joan had planned to have a guest visit her in NJ. Those plans changed. George would most certainly have booked and paid for the ticket. He always did. Back in 1981, it was not necessary to be at the airport hours before the flight. Joan would have been there without rushing, but keep in mind, the family made appearances at the homes of two friends before making a half hour drive to Newark. I think it is fair to say she was not there a long time before the flight.
The reason why I ask when the ticket was bought is it can indicate if it was planned in advance or an all of a sudden thing.

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Hi Ebfortin 76,

I spoke with Joan on Thanksgiving day. Nothing was said about going back early. That does not necessarily mean anything, but at that time, I had the understanding Joan had a guest coming to NJ. Your point is well taken. The change in plans had to come sometime over the break.

On Thanksgiving Day, the family drove to PA, and had dinner with Eleanor's mother at her retirement home. On Friday, the family went in to NYC and saw the show Pirates of Penzance. I know the routine well. They probably had dinner at a restaurant in the theater district. They get people out quickly in time for the show. The route home would be through the Lincoln Tunnel. Most times, George liked to stop for a nightcap and see an entertainer named Cosmos. The bar was just before entering the tunnel to go to NJ.

The family probably had dinner on Saturday at their club and then went to the cocktail parties. The Websters are creatures of habit, there would be very little variation.

During Joan's first year of grad school, she forfeited her Thanksgiving break. She had a heavy workload and needed the time to get work done. That's why going back early in 1981 to work on a project makes no sense. She busted her tail to get a project done and present it on Monday, before the break. She was very upbeat when I spoke to her. The presentation had gone well and she got high marks. George offered the explanation and no one challenged it. There is nothing in recovered records to support she went back to meet with classmates on Sunday.

When Eleanor called our house to let us know Joan was missing, she asked if I had a phone number. It was a friend of mine who had planned to meet the parents in NJ. This person did not live in the NE. He did not match the description of the man at the airport. Eleanor suggested Joan changed her plans to go visit him. It was out of character for Joan to go someplace and not tell anyone. My friend does not recall the explanation for a change in the weekend plans. This family has things scheduled down to the nano second.

That is one of the facts that bothers me, George came out with an explanation that was plausible, but it was a distortion of the facts.

I suppose there could be a multitude of explanations why Joan went back early. If George's itinerary changed, everyone else would fall in line to accommodate it. I have also contemplated there was some discord in the family during the break. That would not be visible to the outside observer. I base that on some of my own experiences over many years.

I feel confident in saying the plans were changed over the break. No question, George would have booked the flight and paid for the ticket.
I am adding another element to the profile. The cabbie gave a very accurate description of Joan. He described Joan, what she was wearing, and her suitcase. After reading the police report, I have no doubt this was Joan.

The cabbie also described what the man wore. The man seen leaving Logan with Joan wore a dark overcoat. This man was likely a professional person.

Tim Burke’s book claims Joan asked a cabbie to go to Cambridge. That is true. She asked the Town Taxi driver. Burke misrepresents this fact and suggests the driver was Leonard Paradiso, a man well over 6’ and more than 200 pounds. The man with Joan took control and switched cars.

Authorities had this lead, but deliberately went off the rails to point fingers at someone who did not fit the description. The Websters had this lead, verified in source documents. I can’t come up with any other reasonable explanation; this was a cover up.

It still is being covered up.


Middle-aged white male
Dark hair
Approximately 160 pounds
Under 6” tall
Wears glasses
Dark overcoat
Influence over authorities
Joan was relaxed with him
Joan likely knew her killer
The level to which the investigation into Joan’s disappearance and murder was deliberately diverted is evidence of malfeasance by the authorities. That takes Joan’s case to a different level and raises reasonable questions, “Was Joan’s murder premeditated? Was she the intended target of the crime?”

The fact that critical documents, relevant to resolve Joan’s murder, are missing from the current custodian’s files is another indicator of obstruction. The DAO obtained the files from the MSP when Joan’s case was turned over after the discovery of Joan’s remains. The MSP was central to the perception Joan was murdered by Paradiso on his boat. I think it is reasonable to conclude, items were removed from records to prevent resolution.

Tim Burke removed a carton of files from the Suffolk County DAO when he left that employment. Burke directly quoted from documents the current DAO initially denied, and later claimed they do not have in their possession. The custodian acknowledges the documents, but states source documents relevant in resolving Joan’s murder were sealed or impounded in the Marie Iannuzzi case. It is not reasonable the investigative files would not contain source documents that were the foundation of the state’s allegations. I think it is evident Burke had them to publish his account in 2008. He has direct quotes from the documents. Note: A primary witness affirmed Burke had a carton of Joan’s files outside the stewardship of the DAO.

The current custodian has neglected to obtain source documents that have been offered. ADA John Dawley affirmed he knows Tim Burke and does not want to focus on him. ADA Dawley advised me not to probe deeply. ADA Dawley informed me their files contained a summary report. When requesting the document through an FOIA, the DAO now suspiciously claims they cannot find those records. There is continued obstruction.

I go back to my first point, “Was Joan the intended target?” That is the only reasonable conclusion when you factor in the concerted efforts to avoid the truth. The deception began day one by suppressing the lead provided by an eyewitness at the airport, the cabbie. That adds another dimension to the profile. The offender knew where Joan would be.


Middle-aged white male
Dark hair
Approximately 160 pounds
Under 6” tall
Wears glasses
Dark overcoat
Knew Joan’s whereabouts
Influence over authorities
Joan was relaxed with him
Joan likely knew her killer
Eve, I agree with your reasoning. However the behavior you describe would be exactly the same if we go by the theory that they were trying to protect someone they needed. As we already discussed. I'm not saying one theory is better than the other. I'm just saying that I my opinion, we can't conclude anything with what you described in your last post.

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Hi Ebfortin 76,

Your point is well taken. I am trying to look at this as a whole. Joan's comfort level and switching vehicles with the man are part of my reasoning.

For this to have been random just does not seem plausible to me. Joan collects her luggage. She is not seen with this man on the plane or gathering her luggage when she waived to friends. This man turns up in the cab line, and Joan tells the cabbie he is with her. The man exchanges words and said "we" don't want to take this cab. Joan's luggage is removed from the trunk. Joan and the man move to a blue vehicle. The cabbie does not identify a cab company. I doubt it would be very easy for a vehicle just to butt in the line of the cab pool.

That is the critical point where Joan disappeared. It seems too orchestrated just to happen by chance. The key factor that suggests Joan was the target is her willingness to change cars with the man.

The evidence points to Palombo's involvement in the crime. The body is buried in close proximity to his house. The purse ends up tossed along a route Palombo would often take to the airport. The suitcase was found at the bus station where there was known undercover police activity. His superior, Carmen Tammaro, knew the woman who dropped the dime on Paradiso in January 1982. Tammaro and Palombo work the statement with the snitch Robert Bond. Both officers are familiar with Paradiso. They infuse the correct manner of death in an otherwise false statement.

Was Palombo driving the blue car? A cop could insert his car in the cab line. Palombo was hell bent on pinning multiple crimes on Paradiso. Palombo had no visible reason to go after Joan. Whether he was driving or not, it appears he was acting in concert with the man with Joan, the one who knew Joan. The man with Joan is who was shielded.

The transfer of vehicles was just too smooth drawing little attention, only the cabbie who had Joan's bag in his cab. I do not see this as random. If this was premeditated, and Joan knew the man, then it is reasonable to conclude the man knew where Joan would be. He exchanges words over a heavy bag, he maneuvers Joan to a car that happened to be there. Joan disappeared without a trace, at least unbeknownst to the public. Her items are spread all over the place.

That is all calculated behavior.
Hi Ebfortin 76,

Your point is well taken. I am trying to look at this as a whole. Joan's comfort level and switching vehicles with the man are part of my reasoning.

For this to have been random just does not seem plausible to me. Joan collects her luggage. She is not seen with this man on the plane or gathering her luggage when she waived to friends. This man turns up in the cab line, and Joan tells the cabbie he is with her. The man exchanges words and said "we" don't want to take this cab. Joan's luggage is removed from the trunk. Joan and the man move to a blue vehicle. The cabbie does not identify a cab company. I doubt it would be very easy for a vehicle just to butt in the line of the cab pool.

That is the critical point where Joan disappeared. It seems too orchestrated just to happen by chance. The key factor that suggests Joan was the target is her willingness to change cars with the man.

The evidence points to Palombo's involvement in the crime. The body is buried in close proximity to his house. The purse ends up tossed along a route Palombo would often take to the airport. The suitcase was found at the bus station where there was known undercover police activity. His superior, Carmen Tammaro, knew the woman who dropped the dime on Paradiso in January 1982. Tammaro and Palombo work the statement with the snitch Robert Bond. Both officers are familiar with Paradiso. They infuse the correct manner of death in an otherwise false statement.

Was Palombo driving the blue car? A cop could insert his car in the cab line. Palombo was hell bent on pinning multiple crimes on Paradiso. Palombo had no visible reason to go after Joan. Whether he was driving or not, it appears he was acting in concert with the man with Joan, the one who knew Joan. The man with Joan is who was shielded.

The transfer of vehicles was just too smooth drawing little attention, only the cabbie who had Joan's bag in his cab. I do not see this as random. If this was premeditated, and Joan knew the man, then it is reasonable to conclude the man knew where Joan would be. He exchanges words over a heavy bag, he maneuvers Joan to a car that happened to be there. Joan disappeared without a trace, at least unbeknownst to the public. Her items are spread all over the place.

That is all calculated behavior.
Hi Eve.
I just started reading this case. I still have lots to go, however, can you tell me how big Paradiso's boat was? Do you know if it was a cabin cruiser at a slip. or something smaller?
The reason I ask is, Why would someone want to go for a boat ride at 11:00 PM On a cold November night? According to this, When Joan got off the plane at 10:00, the weather was 42 degrees and it dropped to around 32 degrees after midnight. There was hardly any moon, as well. Not the best night for a boat ride.
To me, if she was killed on his boat, she didn't go there willingly, imo.
Hi guys,

This is a scintillating thread. To all those involved, my earnest compliments. Your dedication and passion deserve commendation. I wait with bated breath for what will happen next.

Miss Carson, I feel your pain. When a loved one is murdered, the pain destroys the heart. Couple that with not knowing the killer’s identity, probable law enforcement cover-up combined with a dysfunctional law enforcement apparatus, and the likelihood of family involvement, the pain must be unbearable and certain to destroy one’s soul. I feel for you, and I’m truly sorry for your loss.

I’m confident that Joan was a remarkable young lady, a kind soul with a warm heart. Her life should not have ended the way it did, hit over the head with a blunt instrument, stripped naked, wrapped in a garbage bag, and buried in a shallow grave like a ragdoll.

You seemed to have exhausted and traveled all avenues pertaining this cold case proceeding forth. Furthermore, you’re adamant with your estimation that Palombo was the killer. (disguises, airport assignment, etc.)

If I’m about to go over old stomping ground, please forgive me. You've provided us with a plethora of information, thank you. In all honesty, it’s difficult to keep on top of it all.

Before his death, Palombo was a member of the diseased apparatus. It’s the same apparatus that we entrust with upholding the law. Thus, if you’re analogy regarding Palombo is correct, it’s likely that a massive cover-up has taken place, there are multiple parties involved, and responsible for the affair. If this is the case (and it seems likely because of the rotten aroma) the prospect of you ever finding out the identity of the man that murdered your sister-in-law, together with all the other players, is less than zero. But, somewhere out there, somebody knows the truth about her murder.

Law enforcement officers are there to ensure our safety. However, at times, they develop into the ghastly creatures they chase daily. The consensus indicates that serial killers are normal people like you and me. Although there’s no suggestion indicative of Palombo being a serial killer, or that he murdered somebody else (there’s nothing I’ve read on this thread or anywhere else) I want to illustrate the fact that murderers live a normal life as we do. The difference, however, between them and normal law-abiding citizens, is that deep inside there’s a monster that’s primed expecting to be unleashed at a moment’s notice.

For me, the only disturbing thing about the Joan Webster murder is why.

Why would Palombo, or the authorities, pick up Joan at the airport and then kill her? What was so momentous to them that Joan Webster was marked for death? Was Joan aware of something so sinister that it could derail “a” career? Was Joan involved in matters that not even you, her sister-in-law, knew about?

Be that as it may, if Joan was picked up at the airport by Palombo, or his partners, that shows premeditation. It’s also indicative that wheels had been set in motion, and the process was being carried out with military precision. The ultimate objective…her murder!

Joan knew the man that picked her up. She had been around him before. If Joan knew Palombo (or perhaps she knew his identity from possible previous encounters with George Webster or family circles), she could have easily gone with him that fateful night. However, the cab driver provided a compelling profile of the individual that looked nothing like Palombo. In other words, if it wasn’t Palombo, the person was wearing a disguise. Of course, if it was a “disguised” Palombo, it’s possible that he told Joan that he was carrying out an undercover assignment and was instructed to take Joan home that night. But it’s all conjecture. Nobody knows what discussions took place that night between Joan and the responsible party(s). The only person to have heard them talk outside the airport was the cab driver.

The only certainty thus far is that she knew the man that picked her up. She felt safe and comfortable around him. Otherwise, I don’t believe that a well-educated young woman would get inside a vehicle with a total stranger. I don’t think that anybody in their right mind would. As far as I’m aware Joan didn’t do drugs. This dismisses the likelihood that she was high. She was compos mentis.

The Paradiso connection is total garbage and nonsensical. Paradiso was railroaded, nothing more, nothing less! And the authorities know it!

When the truth comes out, “if” it ever comes out, you’ll find that after peeling away the onion layers when you reach the core, the truth is as dark as those involved in the affair. I believe that this is a “collective” cover-up of gargantuan proportions! It may have links to other murders that are unbeknownst to us. It’s the reason you’ve been warned not to dig too deep.

Not wanting to sound too melancholic or overdramatic, I’m positive that Joan’s murder undoubtedly involves the higher spheres of the political juggernaut.

Who, what, or for what reason, remains to be answered.
Hi Rocky1,

You are absolutely correct. Who in their right mind would go out for a cruise in those conditions.

The boat was a 26' Chris Craft cabin cruiser. I do have an interior shot of the boat. It was a rather small space. The head room was probably not much more than 6'. Paradiso would have a hard time standing up straight inside the cabin. I have uploaded a picture of the boat on the day it was raised, September 27, 1981. There was no evidence that connected Joan to the boat or Paradiso.


Paradiso previously moored his boat at Pier 7 in Boston. This was more of a commercial area. I am uploading a shot of the pier. I believe this was taken during the spring of 1981. I have added a red arrow to point out Paradiso's boat.


The boat was tied to the Erie Barge when it was moored here. From the pier, you would have to walk down a ramp to the barge and then jump down onto the boat.

The weather conditions were also windy that night. It hampered efforts to contain the 12 alarm fire in Lynn, MA that began at about 2:30 a.m. the morning of November 28, 1981.

I didn't have the level of information at the time to understand how absurd this scenario was. The explanation promoted was that Paradiso dumped Joan's body in Boston Harbor. Joan's skeleton was discovered in April 1990 buried in Hamilton, MA, more than 30 miles from the alleged crime scene. That made absolutely no sense with the explanation circulated.

As I dug further into Joan's case, and you will see posted in this thread, the alleged crime was impossible. Certified court records from the Federal District Court in RI affirmed the boat did not exist when Joan disappeared on November 28, 1981. Judge Bruce Selya presided over a bankruptcy fraud case that involved the boat. Case records CR 85-010-S were missing from the current custodian's files.


  • pier 7 9-27-1983.jpg
    pier 7 9-27-1983.jpg
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Hi Rocky1,

You are absolutely correct. Who in their right mind would go out for a cruise in those conditions.

The boat was a 26' Chris Craft cabin cruiser. I do have an interior shot of the boat. It was a rather small space. The head room was probably not much more than 6'. Paradiso would have a hard time standing up straight inside the cabin. I have uploaded a picture of the boat on the day it was raised, September 27, 1981. There was no evidence that connected Joan to the boat or Paradiso.


Paradiso previously moored his boat at Pier 7 in Boston. This was more of a commercial area. I am uploading a shot of the pier. I believe this was taken during the spring of 1981. I have added a red arrow to point out Paradiso's boat.


The boat was tied to the Erie Barge when it was moored here. From the pier, you would have to walk down a ramp to the barge and then jump down onto the boat.

The weather conditions were also windy that night. It hampered efforts to contain the 12 alarm fire in Lynn, MA that began at about 2:30 a.m. the morning of November 28, 1981.

I didn't have the level of information at the time to understand how absurd this scenario was. The explanation promoted was that Paradiso dumped Joan's body in Boston Harbor. Joan's skeleton was discovered in April 1990 buried in Hamilton, MA, more than 30 miles from the alleged crime scene. That made absolutely no sense with the explanation circulated.

As I dug further into Joan's case, and you will see posted in this thread, the alleged crime was impossible. Certified court records from the Federal District Court in RI affirmed the boat did not exist when Joan disappeared on November 28, 1981. Judge Bruce Selya presided over a bankruptcy fraud case that involved the boat. Case records CR 85-010-S were missing from the current custodian's files.
I am very familiar with Pier 7. I live west of the city.
There's something about her suitcase that is odd to me. My first thought was perhaps for some reason she couldn't find it on the carousel, and that's why she was seen talking to someone behind the counter. And why not get rid of it at a closer location than the bus stop? I'd think someone would want to get rid of it somehow where it can't be found. I may be off, but, could it be possible her suitcase never got on the plane and was sent by bus with a promise it would be delivered, but nobody could get in touch with her? I know this was 1981, but I also know how airlines are always messing up with the luggage. Maybe the Bus driver unloaded it and set it on the ground and left? I know far fetched, due to all the publicity, but just a thought. Maybe the bus driver was long gone in some other state and never heard or saw the TV interview. Something doesn't add up there imo. Especially where her carry on was never found but her suitcase was.
Does anyone else think that a cabbie remembering what two people were wearing, right down to the details, including the colors, with the hundreds of people, if not thousands seen at any given time at Logan is a little sketchy?
Hi Rocky1,

You are absolutely correct. Who in their right mind would go out for a cruise in those conditions.

The boat was a 26' Chris Craft cabin cruiser. I do have an interior shot of the boat. It was a rather small space. The head room was probably not much more than 6'. Paradiso would have a hard time standing up straight inside the cabin. I have uploaded a picture of the boat on the day it was raised, September 27, 1981. There was no evidence that connected Joan to the boat or Paradiso.


Paradiso previously moored his boat at Pier 7 in Boston. This was more of a commercial area. I am uploading a shot of the pier. I believe this was taken during the spring of 1981. I have added a red arrow to point out Paradiso's boat.


The boat was tied to the Erie Barge when it was moored here. From the pier, you would have to walk down a ramp to the barge and then jump down onto the boat.

The weather conditions were also windy that night. It hampered efforts to contain the 12 alarm fire in Lynn, MA that began at about 2:30 a.m. the morning of November 28, 1981.

I didn't have the level of information at the time to understand how absurd this scenario was. The explanation promoted was that Paradiso dumped Joan's body in Boston Harbor. Joan's skeleton was discovered in April 1990 buried in Hamilton, MA, more than 30 miles from the alleged crime scene. That made absolutely no sense with the explanation circulated.

As I dug further into Joan's case, and you will see posted in this thread, the alleged crime was impossible. Certified court records from the Federal District Court in RI affirmed the boat did not exist when Joan disappeared on November 28, 1981. Judge Bruce Selya presided over a bankruptcy fraud case that involved the boat. Case records CR 85-010-S were missing from the current custodian's files.
Thank you for the pics. I think we can move away from the boat theory. As you said, the boat did not exist when Joan was killed. it would be tough to get that boat seaworthy in between the two months it was raised and when she was killed.
I read more of your posts, and i can see it's quite certain her suitcase was with her, so disregard my previous post.
I think whoever killed her knew the area around Hamilton.
Does anyone else think that a cabbie remembering what two people were wearing, right down to the details, including the colors, with the hundreds of people, if not thousands seen at any given time at Logan is a little sketchy?
Yes it can be thought as sketchy. However there some negative exchange with the guy. He had to remove the luggage, then lose the trip he was set to do. Lost time getting a new client. So I think that's something that would stick in his mind. I know it would with me.

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