MA MA - Neo Babson Maximus, aka Charles Allen, 22, Dartmouth, 12 Oct 2007

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DNA Solves
I live nearby and drive up & down College Lane often. While the neighborhood is lower middle class, some of those homes are downright odd.

There's even a gun shop midway up the dead end residential street and a guy who often stands by his second floor window hiding behind a curtain in another house. Of course that's probably because me & my family case the street looking for clues.

All of the homes on College Lane pretty much share one, long back yard. They're close together, too.

I'm always looking because I'd want someone to keep looking for me.
After watching the show Disappeared today about Charley Allen, Jr., I want to let his family know that I am praying for him and his return and them as well that they continue to have strength and to never give up HOPE.

While I too have a child with bi-polar sometimes things she says and thinks are blown out of proportion when she is not on her medication. She will sometimes think things are worse than they actually are and I pray this is the case with Charley and he is out there just confused.

I am wondering if UMass is the same school that that girl went missing from awhile ago after just up and taking a trip to Vt or NH and never to be seen again except for the one bus driver who asked her if she needed help. When PD got there after he called them, she was gone. I wonder if these cases are connected in some way. Just because she was a young woman does not mean it cannot happen to a young man as well. Maybe Charley's parents can contact her dad and see if he can help in some way.

Again, my prayers go out to the family.
After watching the show Disappeared today about Charley Allen, Jr., I want to let his family know that I am praying for him and his return and them as well that they continue to have strength and to never give up HOPE.

While I too have a child with bi-polar sometimes things she says and thinks are blown out of proportion when she is not on her medication. She will sometimes think things are worse than they actually are and I pray this is the case with Charley and he is out there just confused.

I am wondering if UMass is the same school that that girl went missing from awhile ago after just up and taking a trip to Vt or NH and never to be seen again except for the one bus driver who asked her if she needed help. When PD got there after he called them, she was gone. I wonder if these cases are connected in some way. Just because she was a young woman does not mean it cannot happen to a young man as well. Maybe Charley's parents can contact her dad and see if he can help in some way.

Again, my prayers go out to the family.

:wagon: to Websleuths, Nana2Haliae714!

Thanks for joining us in Neo/Charlie's thread. :seeya: Hope to see you posting again soon!
Yes, thanks for joining us.

I can't believe I missed the episode today of Disappeared. Darn....

That UMass that the girl went missing from was UMass Amherst in Western Mass. Charlie was attending UMass Dartmouth, in Southeastern Mass.

Glad to have you here.
Just saw Charlie's episode for about the 100th time. I wish that there was some resolution to this case. I hope that he is alive and well somewhere.

After losing my boyfriend to suicide brought on my bipolar disorder, and remembering the struggles that led to his end, I send all of my love and prayers to Charlie's family. May he be found safe and sound very very soon.
I just watched Charlie's disappeared episode again. I can't help thinking that if he had of disappeared now, his case would have received a lot more attention. It's pretty fascinating.

My own thoughts are that he is dead. I believe he had some type of psychotic break and either suicided or succumbed to the elements.
I wonder if the comment about the periodic table of elements is more philosophical than practical. The periodic table contains all the elements. It is a list of the beginning of everything. The building blocks of all matter. So, in theory, all of the universe is in the periodic table.
Just thought I would give this thread a bump because I watched the Charlie story again today.

I tend to agree with the posters that feel he had a psychotic break and is no longer alive. Even if he was homeless and living on the streets if he told anyone his new name, I believe it would send up red flags to whoever heard it and he would of been found by now.

By the way.....I just love this community!
Hi everyone...I too just watched (listened) to this story again yesterday. So, to play devil's advocate a bit (on the hopeful side...) The last conversation his sister had with him she said she told Charlie that she tried to check his facebook account and that they had been deleted, which Charlie said he hadn't done. His sister said Charlie sounded alarmed by that.... I guess he could be having a break and be confused, but if his main symptom is fear/paranoia, I would think he could remember something he himself had done recently if it related to his own idea of why he is afraid. Anyone familiar enough with BPD/Paranoid state to know the possibilities? The psychotic break seems the best explanation, but I am troubled by the fact Charlie seemed convinced he hadn't deleted his own e-info. Also, just this gave me a better sense of his personality....
I hate that his family has never attempted to really speak out about it to gain publicity... Has anyone asked them on facebook if they would be willing to come on here and ask questions maybe? Keeping thr facebook page for him open must mean they still want attention on the case but we know so little after all of this time.l
I had recently watched the story of his disappearance on TV. Though it seems a possibility that his mental illness played a role, those closest too him (family, friends) do not agree. They would know him best. So if that is put aside, his last statements indicate he was concerned someone wanted to do him harm. Is there any possible motive? If I remember correctly, he stated he had not removed his Facebook account, someone else did, which would take some computer skill. Though I know very little about Charles/Neo, i do know he was a top Half Life player for a couple years around 2001/02. Then I read the European (maybe German) teams took over which might have left some resentment in Neo. In 2003, Axel Grebbe ("Ago") hacked into the Half Life's company's files to leak the beta version of Half Life 2. The owner asked the Half Life community for help finding the culprit and they/someone must have helped since Axel was caught and the owner thanked the community for it's help. Does anyone know if Neo/Charles assisted or played the main role in identifying Axel? With Neo's skills, it's quite possible and if he did, this may have caused some resentment. Axel came off probation, not too long before the disappearance of Neo/Charles, and has amazing computer skills. I wonder if the "Ag" in Ago not only are the first letters of his first and last names but also stand for the element silver in the periodic table.

Now that I re-read this post, I kick myself for not having replied sooner.

This is a valid, excellent theory that deserves to be explored & discussed further.

Thank you for doing such an extensive job researching & formulating this awesome theory!

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actually, I don't know if that person was ever considered by the police, in this case, so we cant sleuth them according to the TOS, I believe.
Just watched Charlie's fascinated by this case now.
I can't help but feel there is more to this than just mental illness gone awry.
I have a very close friend who witnessed 2 of our close friends pass. After the second death his mother moved him to Portland Oregon thinking that was the best place for him. Once he was there he started making multiple Facebook pages where he would talk to himself as other the other profiles . He started posting that somebody was following him and that he had a hit on his head. I talked to his mother and she said that he had fallen and hit his head and she physically saw this but he insisted that somebody had jumped him. He kept saying that he was homeless even though I knew for 100% that he was not. Then suddenly it all stopped. His mother called me on a Monday and said that he hadn't been home since the previous Thursday and he had dropped his classes at Portland university on Wednesday. Then a couple of days later there's a knock on my front door at 3 am. He had taken a greyhound bus from Portland to Oklahoma without telling anybody that he was leaving. He said he lost his jacket with his ID and Bankcard while he was on the bus. I immediately noticed that something wasn't right. (I'm working on my graduates in Psychology) He kept showing me his arm and saying he almost severed it while he was on the bus and that he had a blood infection (there wasn't even a scratch) he said he had a Meth rock imbedded in his foot and everytime he would stomp his foot it would send it into his bloodstream. He kept telling me that the ANSWER to everything was in the portals. He insisted that our friend had faked his own death and just gone into another portal . He got a screw driver out of my garage and kept taking the door knobs off and switching them around and telling me that if I had the key I could go through whichever portal I wanted. He kept asking if I had seen anything weird because Apparently my backyard was full of robed people who were trying to get him to March with them to Kansas. Nothing made sense but I pretended like What he was saying made perfect sense. One night we were driving to a restaurant when he started screaming about the rabbits coming out of the rabbit hole and that they were coming for us (I realized he meant the tail lights of the car in front of us), I was so scared he was going to try to jump out of the car that I put the child locks on and made him sit in the back seat. About a week into this I realized he hadn't slept a wink since he'd appeared in town. I asked him if he wanted a melatonin tablet to help him sleep and he told me that he couldn't take it because it wasn't the red pill or the blue pill. I was in class one day when he called me screaming that "they" had tracked him down and were trying to kill him. I told him that I'd be back in half an hour and he told me that he wouldn't be here anymore because "they" wouldn't let him stay in this dimension. I ended up having to call the police to come check on him. I got home about the same time as the police arrived and we found him sitting in one of my neighbors cars eating a sandwich with a noose around his neck and a fake bomb strapped to his chest. The people took my statement and decided that he was a danger to himself and others. He had told the police officers that if they took him to a mental facility that he would bash everyone of the mother****er's head in, strip down and go into the woods and when he came out he would strangled the life out of every single soul until he was able to get back to the right dimension. He insisted that he was the only sane person left in the world. Needless to say the police did take him to a mental facility (where he permanently resides) he was diagnosed with bipolar and has to take lithium and thorazine. I visit him about twice a week. He was extremely mad at me at first for calling the police but says the finally realized how sick he was. His mother told me that she had tried to have him committed while in Portland after he told her that he was going to fake his own death and start a new life, but in Portland they only kept him for 3 weeks. The moral of this whole post was that I have first hand experience in a situation with very similar qualities to Charles/Neo and if he was truly manic like my friend he very well could have tried to start a new life or he could be in a mental institution where there are confidentially laws and he just hasn't given them permission or contact information of his family.
Something that I wanted to add to my previous post. My friend I was referencing to is an extremely intelligent man before he left Portland U, he was working on an engineering degree. I also wanted to add that he has been in the facility that he is in for the past six months and even though he has his lucid moments (with help of the meds I mentioned) his thoughts are largely unrealistic (which is why he is there permanently). When his mind snapped it seems to have stayed that way. I went an visited him again this morning and he was telling me how our friend that died is in there with him using another name and how the nurses don't like him so they put a 300 dollar hit on his head for the aryan brotherhood to take him out. When he was first taken in he had put me on his no contact list (like I said he was extremely angry at me for calling LE), when he finally took me off the list and called me to come visit him I was very weary. At the first visit the first thing he said to me was why did you never come visit him, He said that he'd been trying to call me with his mind but I never answered. I said well you know that I would have come to visit you if you hadn't put me on the no contact list, his response was oh yeah, hysterical laughing, and I was angry. After that he would call me multiple times a day telling me that they were releasing him and that I needed to come pick him up. I would call the nurse and she would say that wasn't going to happen. Because I was where he was I would frequently talk to his mother to keep her updated, she had no idea that he had been put on medication (because of confidentiality laws). Another thing that he constantly tells me is that the chemicals in our towns water is what made him crazy. Please take this for what its worth, just a story about my close friend with Bipolar who is about the same age as Neo/Charles, with Psycosis that he has not been able to recover from.

83-Bi 84-Po (down 1) 116-Lv 85-At 86-Rn (BIPOLAR) 10-Ne 8-O 56-Ba 5-B 16-S 8-O 7-N ( NEO BABSON-can't spell maximus)
I don't doubt his family's claims that he would never take off and break contact with his loved ones and friends. However, I think that would be in a normal state of mind and he was clearly suffering through some episode that night. I fear that he is most likely deceased; I only wonder if it was due to exposure or if he was met with foul play. And if he is deceased, then where are his remains?
I hate that there haven't been any recent searches. Regardless of whether he's alive or not, he deserves to be looked for and recovered and buried (if deceased). JMO

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