MA MA - Neo Babson Maximus, aka Charles Allen, 22, Dartmouth, 12 Oct 2007

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I hope it's ok to post this, but I thought this was a nice cover of the case. >>>> [video=youtube;pkx-DlWAsRM][/video]
Did anyone consider that he actually meant just that when he said "the answers are UNDER the periodic table of elements"? Did he have one in his room somewhere and maybe left a note or a letter or something UNDERNEATH it. Could be in a notebook or maybe he had a table up on the wall. I don't know. Just my understanding of it.

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Did anyone consider that he actually meant just that when he said "the answers are UNDER the periodic table of elements"? Did he have one in his room somewhere and maybe left a note or a letter or something UNDERNEATH it. Could be in a notebook or maybe he had a table up on the wall. I don't know. Just my understanding of it.

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This is a great question and I've often wondered this as well.

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I think of him often. He was one of the first cases I ever read about.

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First time posting on WS, so please forgive me!

I graduated UMD in 2015, and just heard of Charlie/Neo's case last fall while watching a "Disappeared" episode. I haven't been able to shake thoughts about him, or his family since them. I was really similar to Charlie, in that I also went through a lot of things at Umass Dartmouth. The school kind of exacerbated my problems; It was dark and gray, constantly raining, and people there were very hard to get close to. I lived with the same girls and constantly hung out with them for four years, but never felt any kind of closeness or genuine companionship from them. I wonder if Charlie was lonely there too? Struggling with a mental illness is never easy, but that environment was especially hard.

I also would like to say that the wooded areas surrounding campus weren't very thick... I'd find it hard to believe that they would "miss" him there when a search was conducted. Especially because college kids were constantly roaming through. Also, friends of mine lived in New Bedford... bad bad area... Things constantly being stolen, rent was dirt cheap but there was a reason for that. I truly hope Charlie just picked up and left, and didn't meet with any foul play.

I think about him often, and hope that his family gets the answers that they need.

Included: some photos I took while "roaming" through campus. As far as I/my friends knew, the teepee was always there.


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I don't know what it is about this case that has stayed with me since I first heard about it. Perhaps it's the fact that I am bipolar and the media continually mischaracterizes the illness, Being "Manic" is usually flying high, everything is AMAZING, everything tastes better, music is more profound, you are on top of the world and Depression is like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, and unfortunately very dangerous for someone who is unmedicated. (My sister hung herself after going off her meds)
There is Bipolar I and Bipolar II -- Generally, paranoia can slowly build into an event or an episode. But these are noticeable and manageable. I hate the media who seems to put together bipolar a MOOD disorder with schizoaffective disorders. Gathering from things have been reported, it sounds a whole lot like a psychotic break. I have only had one in my life, and it was because of going cold turkey off a medication (Effexor) when my pharmacy was closed. It didn't come on suddenly, my inner thoughts became more and more irrational and once I hit that benchmark, of auditory and visual hallucinations but I was scared, I wanted it to stop, I knew that my thinking was off. His friend would have (or should have) noticed something off. Someone who on the verge of a psychotic break wouldn't, in my experience be able to play 3 hours of tennis and not give off any strange vibe.
I wish this case would be solved because I have lost friends who were bipolar to suicide and my sister. It just seems as soon as anyone is reported missing or dead that is 1- Mentally ill 2- History of running away 3- drug history and of course 4- former or current sex work-- the police just throw them into a high-risk category, and it goes nowhere.
Love and Light to the family and Charlie if he's still out there.
I’m real appreciative to the recent posts from the past 9 months. The mental health points were spot on.

Livlugosi is also 100% correct:

The woods are not thick at all. It is a very settled, residential area, in a seaside town, with small patches of “woods”, which are just people’s backyards.

Also, if you watch the disappeared episode, “they” make the situation seem as if the search were this huge undertaking with extensive community involvement. That is not true at all. Many students at the school and people in town, haven’t heard of Neo, didn’t know a search was happening and to this day weren’t aware even of his disappearance. This “search” was NO Molly Bish-type of media covered event. Volunteers were not invited and the police are STILL secretive about the whole thing. I was a student at UMass Dartmouth at the time of his disappearance, and I did not know about it until much later. I’m also a resident/homeowner in the town and active in town politics, so I find it odd that the disappeared episode paints this community-driven picture of search and the reality is, most of us didn’t know anything about it. It also took campus police three days to tell the local police, that a student was missing.

They say in the episode that Neo’s stuff was found in a residents yard. That resident is actually a town police officer. I find that a little suspicious.

A young woman in, I think, Virginia, found what she said was his laptop and a few other items, while hiking in her area. She was kind enough to have sent them to Dartmouth police, and if it wasn’t for HER saying that she did it, I wouldn’t have known, because the police never mentioned this at any point, thus far.

The lady who said he came to her 2nd floor is very......interesting. She was going through a very prominent, media covered lawsuit at the time of this supposed visit from Neo. Her lawsuit was widely discussed on the local newspaper message boards of the time. She had supposedly hired FAKE veterinarians to treat and perform surgery on local pets at her clinic. It’s...interesting and quite a bit heartless. Feel free to google it. Her backyard that he supposedly ran off into, is just her fairly small/normal sized, overgrown backyard, that abuts a cleared small/normal sized backyard of a house on a main drag. She doesn’t live in or near the “woods”, she’s just a terrible landscaper with an overgrown lot in a thickly settled development of homes.

I searched, but can’t seem to find the couple who said Neo came to their door asking for a ride back to school. If they ever get on here, I’d love to hear from them. I find it disturbing that the police or wait I think it was the private eye (I’d have to go back and look) was so quick to dismiss this couples experience.
I could be completely off the mark here, but after watching the 'Disappeared' episode, it struck me that his reaction reminded me more of a drug induced reaction. I am not saying he doesn't have mental illness diagnosed. I haven't spent a lot of time on this case. But the energy burst just made me think meth, PCP, some stimulants. JMHO.
I could be completely off the mark here, but after watching the 'Disappeared' episode, it struck me that his reaction reminded me more of a drug induced reaction. I am not saying he doesn't have mental illness diagnosed. I haven't spent a lot of time on this case. But the energy burst just made me think meth, PCP, some stimulants. JMHO.

Well, maybe you're not off the mark, Wendy.

I haven't gone in this direction, because it's a long shot, but if someone was on drugs, it would explain the inappropriate attire for the weather.

It would explain referring to UMass as SMU, if he were staying with some older drug users in New Bedford, because lots of people there still say SMU, and most of the drug users there share apartments with a small crowd.

It would explain staying away for as long as he has.

I'm curious about his sibling, in the following manner.

Did she drop out of school and move away right after this?
Or, did she finish school and enter the professional realm?

I know shes in the south pacific last I read, but is that for safety reasons?

Was there a real threat, as Charlie had warned her about?

I tend to not think up satisfying answers for these questions, so they're still open in my head.
I’m real appreciative to the recent posts from the past 9 months. The mental health points were spot on.

Livlugosi is also 100% correct:

The woods are not thick at all. It is a very settled, residential area, in a seaside town, with small patches of “woods”, which are just people’s backyards.

Also, if you watch the disappeared episode, “they” make the situation seem as if the search were this huge undertaking with extensive community involvement. That is not true at all. Many students at the school and people in town, haven’t heard of Neo, didn’t know a search was happening and to this day weren’t aware even of his disappearance. This “search” was NO Molly Bish-type of media covered event. Volunteers were not invited and the police are STILL secretive about the whole thing. I was a student at UMass Dartmouth at the time of his disappearance, and I did not know about it until much later. I’m also a resident/homeowner in the town and active in town politics, so I find it odd that the disappeared episode paints this community-driven picture of search and the reality is, most of us didn’t know anything about it. It also took campus police three days to tell the local police, that a student was missing.

They say in the episode that Neo’s stuff was found in a residents yard. That resident is actually a town police officer. I find that a little suspicious.

A young woman in, I think, Virginia, found what she said was his laptop and a few other items, while hiking in her area. She was kind enough to have sent them to Dartmouth police, and if it wasn’t for HER saying that she did it, I wouldn’t have known, because the police never mentioned this at any point, thus far.

The lady who said he came to her 2nd floor is very......interesting. She was going through a very prominent, media covered lawsuit at the time of this supposed visit from Neo. Her lawsuit was widely discussed on the local newspaper message boards of the time. She had supposedly hired FAKE veterinarians to treat and perform surgery on local pets at her clinic. It’s...interesting and quite a bit heartless. Feel free to google it. Her backyard that he supposedly ran off into, is just her fairly small/normal sized, overgrown backyard, that abuts a cleared small/normal sized backyard of a house on a main drag. She doesn’t live in or near the “woods”, she’s just a terrible landscaper with an overgrown lot in a thickly settled development of homes.

I searched, but can’t seem to find the couple who said Neo came to their door asking for a ride back to school. If they ever get on here, I’d love to hear from them. I find it disturbing that the police or wait I think it was the private eye (I’d have to go back and look) was so quick to dismiss this couples experience.

Hi I am new to the site, but I am wondering if you could elaborate more on the girl who found his laptop. How did you hear about this? Was the family notified? When did she find it? Any more information that you feel comfortable sharing would be really helpful.

Thank you!
Hi I am new to the site, but I am wondering if you could elaborate more on the girl who found his laptop. How did you hear about this? Was the family notified? When did she find it? Any more information that you feel comfortable sharing would be really helpful.

Thank you!

Hi Bogie,

I talked to the girl on the Facebook Page. I don't recall her name. it was about 4 years ago, in comments. She said that she found Neo's laptop and I think a phone, while hiking in Virginia. She said that she went online, looked him up, called Dartmouth Police, then sent the items to Dartmouth Police, and never heard anything again.
He said that the answer would be found on the periodic table of elements - Lithium?

It is used to treat bipolar disorder and it is known that he stopped taking his medication due to taking a interest in Scientology (Who are strongly against medications) Maybe this was his way of explaining it to his sister. He has stopped taking his medication (Lithium) and that is why he has to go.

From all accounts Charlie was a smart man and excelled at anything he put his mind to. I believe he could be out there somewhere whether it be homeless or in a cult.
Such a strange case. I hope his family gets closer some day.

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