VERDICT WATCH MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #15

Loughran, who grew up in Canton, said he was told to report to work for the pending blizzard and made his first of three passes by that address about 2:45 a.m.
“I saw nothing,” Loughran testified when asked if he observed anything in the area of the flagpole.
Loughran maintained he had a clear view of the front yard during his three passes. He said his driver’s seat was raised to see over the plow and the headlights and plow lights were so bright it was “almost like driving with a spotlight.”
Loughran said he was vigilant about looking on both sides of the vehicle for cars, pedestrians and “God forbid, any animals” while plowing.
During a pass about 3:30 a.m., Loughran testified he saw a Ford Edge SUV parked on the street in front of the house by the flagpole where O’Keefe’s body was later found. He said he remembered it because it was unusual.
“The Alberts never had a car parked out front. It was weird,” Loughran said.
Great. Thanks.I'm about to rewatch his testimony but at least this source suggests my memory is still semi functional
Wasn’t that the house of the Assistant Chief of Canton PD? :rolleyes: Not saying there was anything nefarious here, but 100 coinky dinks in one case is a bit much for me. I usually don’t tolerate one.
So another piece of the conspiracy is revealed. Thanks for this information, I didn't know about that until now.
I am trying to recall something about the testimony of Bukhenik - did he say at one point that when he and Proctor first saw JOK's body, their working theory was that he had perhaps been dragged by a car? I can go back and listen, of course, but wondering if anyone else remembers him saying this.
No I think it was that he could have been in a fight. I remember Jackson dragging that out of Proctor, possibly Bukhenic too though that's more hazy.moo
It would depend on how it happened. Which the CW cannot explain. This is part of why I find her NG.

What I found interesting is that after I listened to people the world over claim that his injuries looked like typical dog bites and claw marks, there are practically no pictures that I could find that look like John's injuries. I really expected a great many that matched, honestly.

ETA: To clarify, I maybe saw a couple that could be considered similar. But most didn't like anything like his injuries.

Also, I find it interesting that an expert had to reach out to them after the trial started. I would think that a dog bite expert would have been a no brainer. Did they not try to find one? Or could they not find one who would agree that those injuries came from a dog? I also still don't know why they didn't make a request for his shirt to be independently tested for canine DNA.
IIRC, one of the pre-trial motions was specifically about the fact that they had made requests for the clothing. In fact, I believe the court at one point mandated that the clothing be made available to the defense for testing. The pretrial motion was a vigorous plea to the judge to enforce her previous order. I don't know why the CW wouldn't comply.
Lucky was very clear that the times in the police report are not what he told the police.
Yes, they had his first pass at 12:15 or so. He clearly stated numerous times that he was on the road beginning between 2:20 and 2:30, no earlier, no later. His recollection and his recollection of his testimony to LE were crystal clear.
more about Lucky

Loughran’s testimony, according to the defense motion, not only establishes reasonable doubt as to the commonwealth’s version of events; it also highlights what they allege to be “extraordinarily misleading and inaccurate information” provided by State Trooper Michael Proctor, a Canton resident and one of the investigators handling the case. Specifically, the defense references a police report prepared by Proctor on February 3, 2022, which cites an interview with DPW Superintendent Michael Trotta stating that “no snowplows were dispatched to the area of 34 Fairview Road” during the snowstorm on January 29. According to the defense motion, however, not only is that statement “patently false,” but two DPW employees, Brian Loughran and Bill Walsh, reportedly told the defense team’s private investigator that Loughran was in fact dispatched to plow Fairview Road.

This is cray cray!!

It was the Albert, McCabe stare down straight across the room to the jury box in court that really bothered me. It was the town bullies trying to intimidate the jury; just like CA did on that video to a rival hockey team. “I’m gonna f you up!”
Fantastic post!
more about Lucky

Loughran’s testimony, according to the defense motion, not only establishes reasonable doubt as to the commonwealth’s version of events; it also highlights what they allege to be “extraordinarily misleading and inaccurate information” provided by State Trooper Michael Proctor, a Canton resident and one of the investigators handling the case. Specifically, the defense references a police report prepared by Proctor on February 3, 2022, which cites an interview with DPW Superintendent Michael Trotta stating that “no snowplows were dispatched to the area of 34 Fairview Road” during the snowstorm on January 29. According to the defense motion, however, not only is that statement “patently false,” but two DPW employees, Brian Loughran and Bill Walsh, reportedly told the defense team’s private investigator that Loughran was in fact dispatched to plow Fairview Road.

This is cray cray!!

That blatant lying by the CW is unparalleled in any case I've ever seen!
Good point about a possible plan to move the body. If the Edge was one of the unmarked police vehicles, I bet they thought no one would be searching that car. I think visibility was very poor. They may have heard the loud plows and saw their headlights and knew they were plowing that neighborhood and didn’t want to take the chance of moving him. As the storm became more intense, perhaps they decided to leave the vehicle where it was until the snow provided a covering for the body.
I don’t think there was any murder plan that night. Because the blood from John’s head wound ran down the back of his shirt, he was either upright for a bit or he was propped up for a time. Medical experts defined the head wound as lethal and the skull fracture as almost immediately debilitating. If an accident happened in the home, perhaps concurrent with an attack by Chloe, could John have stumbled outside and collapsed in the snow where he was found? Or, could the drunks in the house have propped him up to see if they could revive him and when they realized he was too far gone brought him out and laid him where he was found? If anyone was the least bit culpable they did not want him found in the house. They were all in some stages of intoxication. Judgement is clouded. Stupid plans are formed.
Sheridan testified that the head wound would have rendered JO immediately unconscious. Prior to his testimony I also considered the possibility of badly injured JO wandering from back yard or side door out into the yard and falling where he was found. Had to abandon that one.moo

I suppose the moving the body scenario could make sense if for instance BH and BA were out back and in process of carrying JO through side gate (BH's govt ford edge parked near flag pole for that purpose as speculated) when the approach of snow plow makes them reconsider. They wait for Lucky to pass by again on way back towards cedar crest then abandon plan leaving JO where he would be found. BH gets back into his car and drives away. It would be about 3.45 am by this time. All pure speculation!
Didn’t the 911 caller state the following when JOK was found that morning,
“…a man unresponsive in the snow,” the 911 caller is heard saying. “…We just flipped him over.

I think that probably isn't clear from the call and I don't think they flipped him. I'm fairly positive the trial testimony and evidence supports JO being found on his back. KR was out of the car and laying on JO wailing in despair and horror, KerryR pushed her off, wiped snow off his face and began CPR and instructed KR on how to assist. She told KR or J Mc to get blankets from car to place under him. JMc or KR did this then JMc placed the 911 call. jmo
Hi, @CourtandSims4. Thank you for well thought out post. I am one who likes to hear opposing thoughts and the reasoning behind them. It helps me think outside the box.
The part of your response that I found interesting was: “And the experts the FBI hired was simply asked to see if that car hit that body. (Karen's words.) This was very narrowly defined, which left open other possibilities for me.”
Could you please expand on this? I myself found their testimony very compelling. Hitting the arm of a person who was trying to jump out of the way may spin the victim, but according to the experts, physics and kinetics show that this would not propel the body up to 30 feet. It has the do with the center of mass. If the arm was struck in such a way as to spin the person into the vehicle, there would be numerous injuries to the torso and to the vehicle itself. Also, the injuries to John’s arm were not caused by a vehicle.
I would appreciate it if you would elaborate on the other possibilities you have thought of that would show how KR hit and killed JOK with her vehicle.
I'm not sure if any spinning was involved. If he was already trying to move out of the way or anything else, that could play a part in this. This is the problem. It's basically trying to guess what he must have done in reaction to a SUV coming at him. And then being asked "did this happen?" Obviously Trooper Paul was not up for this. He shouldn't be doing this work and Troopers shouldn't be getting doubled up as experts. Taking some classes is not enough, imo, but that's another subject altogether.
IIRC, one of the pre-trial motions was specifically about the fact that they had made requests for the clothing. In fact, I believe the court at one point mandated that the clothing be made available to the defense for testing. The pretrial motion was a vigorous plea to the judge to enforce her previous order. I don't know why the CW wouldn't comply.
I would love it if you can point me in the right direction to find out more about this. I searched and couldn't find anything.

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