MISTRIAL MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Since we are back to theorizing: wrt 34 Fairview
Has anyone got any detail about the exits from the basement to the back yard? The aforementioned bulkhead doors? Could the steps be concrete? Could falling backwards onto those steps cause the head injury to JOK?

Reaching a little further: could a large, unknown man climbing those steps startle a dog which had been turned loose to do her business in the back yard?
I have tried looking at those on Google Maps Satellite but cannot get it to date to anything other than April 22 and that view shadows the entire back wall of the house...
Anyone seen any photos of what those looked like?
Not only was POK’s interview posted yesterday, but also one of a longtime friend of JOK. I expect there will be many more of these interviews to come.

Wouldn’t it be something if we woke up Monday morning to GMA (or another national morning show) to them interviewing a group of jurors and finally find out the split numbers?

Might be a futile expectation….but one can only hope
I'm trying to stop myself from wanting it.

I know I'll never understand how they got past the medical testimonies and also the lack of investigations like DNA swab from the actual cuts on his arm..

Did they do any scrapings at all on those wounds?
I know I'll never understand how they got past the medical testimonies and also the lack of investigations like DNA swab from the actual cuts on his arm..

Did they do any scrapings at all on those wounds?
Trimmed by me. Another LE overlook, though I would expect the ME to actually do the sampling. On another item: my recall is that the only sampling done on the clothes JOK was wearing were swabs, and then only a few...and those revealed porcine DNA? And there was no record presented at trial that showed exactly where those swabs were taken?

Does this represent SOP? Why would the garments themselves not go to the DNA Lab? I would think the DNA specialists would know where and how to locate and extract the sampling better than a "ordinary" crime scene type.
Expert witnesses constantly disagree with each other in trials, when they get into an area which is essentially speculation and theory. Expert witnesses for the defense are paid a great deal of money. If you believe the whole justice system is corrupt, why would you believe a retired medical pathogist was both incapable of error and uncorruptible?

Are you saying you believe the medical pathologist was corrupt??!!
Trimmed by me. Another LE overlook, though I would expect the ME to actually do the sampling. On another item: my recall is that the only sampling done on the clothes JOK was wearing were swabs, and then only a few...and those revealed porcine DNA? And there was no record presented at trial that showed exactly where those swabs were taken?

Does this represent SOP? Why would the garments themselves not go to the DNA Lab? I would think the DNA specialists would know where and how to locate and extract the sampling better than a "ordinary" crime scene type.
The whole thing was bizarre.
I'll never understand it or accept it because all police are not like this.
Expert witnesses constantly disagree with each other in trials, when they get into an area which is essentially speculation and theory. Expert witnesses for the defense are paid a great deal of money. If you believe the whole justice system is corrupt, why would you believe a retired medical pathogist was both incapable of error and uncorruptible?

because I have a basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology.
I also respect experts.
I know, for example they will not risk their entire careers and reputations by going over to the dark side for money.
Are you saying you believe the medical pathologist was corrupt??!!
I don't believe anyone is 'corrupt'. IMO it is naive to believe there are heroes who wear white hats and devils who wear black hats. I believe in shades of grey, especially when we are talking about the justice system, where each side is trying to convince a jury about something that no one was present to witness, except the victim and the alleged perp

I believe humans are fallible beings, and can convince themselves they are speaking truth when it serves their purpose. ie, when they are outraged about the death of a fellow officer, or when they are paid to give testimony about something they did not personally conduct an autopsy on.


ETA I didn't listen to the defense expert witness. Most trials include defense expert witnesses, including, most recently, Chad Daybell's, who was found guilty none-the-less.
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From that article:
“Above all else, a totalizing drinking culture is what both defined and obscured this unresolved, perhaps irresolvable case. It opens the elevator shaft onto a bottomless enigma. Did Read—who allegedly woke up thinking she’d last seen O’Keefe at a bar—ever piece together any reliable memory shards from that night? Or did her mutating account of events generate itself from a primordial soup of liquor, panic, guilt, and conjecture? Did visitors to Fairview Road miss O’Keefe’s body on the lawn because it wasn’t there, or because they were too drunk to notice? Do any of these people really remember what happened?

Even under ideal circumstances, memories aren’t retrieved, exactly, so much as they are reconstructed. (Like a car crash, you might say.) The blackout drinker, it follows, has no materials to build with. Blackouts occur when alcohol interferes with receptors of the hippocampus that aid in memory consolidation, rendering the drinker incapable of making and storing new memories. She can be an engine of a narrative, but she cannot tell the story. Others may know her (provided they are not also blackout drinking), but she cannot know herself; she is absent from her own consciousness.”

Add to the above the snow, and the egregious incompetence of the ieve we will be left forever in the dark about the truth of what happened that night.

My heart aches for John O’Keefe’s family. To lose two children, or two siblings…and then go through the spectacle and harassment of crazy internet bloggers in this whole ordeal…If I were Paul, I would be angry too. I can see how he can interpret Karen Read’s attitude and demeanor as her enjoying her celebrity, and be infuriated by it. It would just be the final straw because he 100 percent believes she killed her brother, even if many of us don’t or even if we think it’s possible she did, but do not believe it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

It’s all just such a horrible tragedy.

Agree about alcohol 100%. RIP, John O'Keefe.
I have a question, how many of you good people have butt dialed someone with an IPhone or android? I'm literally curious because I haven't in about 18 years since I had a Blackberry.
The only way I have ever done it on a touchscreen was on a Motorola-Android that had a "hot key" call back, on the home screen...wasn't a butt dial but if the user squeezed a side key while a finger was on the face, the silly thing would dial back the last incoming number. I think that caused a bunch of complaints because it went away about 5-versions back.
You still had to pick up the phone and engage one of the side keys, so it couldn't happen unless the phone was in your hand...
I have a question, how many of you good people have butt dialed someone with an IPhone or android? I'm literally curious because I haven't in about 18 years since I had a Blackberry.

Well, Blackberrys were great. The company had an excellent start but lost the market.
Old Blackberrys had a moving lid and knobs. Both 'Droid and iPhone have touchscreens, swipe functions. Android and especially, iPhone are incredibly butt-dialable, purse-dialable, and overall sensitive. Maybe Fold is better, but in general, when you switch Droid or an iPhone to a "newer, better" one, you are, essentially, upgrading your camera.
The only way I have ever done it on a touchscreen was on a Motorola-Android that had a "hot key" call back, on the home screen...wasn't a butt dial but if the user squeezed a side key while a finger was on the face, the silly thing would dial back the last incoming number. I think that caused a bunch of complaints because it went away about 5-versions back.
You still had to pick up the phone and engage one of the side keys, so it couldn't happen unless the phone was in your hand...
I had Iphones for about 7 years and not once did I accidentally call someone, that's why it's confusing to me, at least.
here's the thing though, KR was very friendly with his wife.. sounded like a really nice friendship. His wife testified to that..

They all got on well and he testified himself that he had thanked her for her work with the children and making JOK's life better.

I did not get the impression that him and JOK were close though, they didn't see each other often at all..

Looks like he zoomed straight into hate there...and he's happy to stay there.. Ah well, whatevs..

They are victim's relatives. There is only one victim in this case, JO, and relatives are off-limits.

We had other cases, other relatives, I'd love to discuss some of them, but we should not. PO lost his sister to cancer, his brother to murder. He is managing the best way he can. His right to feel however way he wants towards KR, he is in the epicenter of events.
I wish I knew more about the custody battle between John and his mother over his late sister's children.

These children are teenagers and for sure, can check all websites. Inclusing WS. This is beyond the pale. Go to SM; they are gossiping. Can the victim's orphaned wards be left alone?
They are victim's relatives. There is only one victim in this case, JO, and relatives are off-limits.

We had other cases, other relatives, I'd love to discuss some of them, but we should not. PO lost his sister to cancer, his brother to murder. He is managing the best way he can. His right to feel however way he wants towards KR, he is in the epicenter of events.
I happen to see Karen Reed as a victim too.
I happen to see Karen Reed as a victim too


KR is not linked to JO. He was leaving her. So, definitely she is not the victim of his murder. Think for yourself: she was sleeping in a warm house, while he was dying, or lying dead under a snowy sky.

Happy to discuss the details of KR trial, although we are going in circles here.

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