MA - Vanessa Marcotte, 27, murdered, Princeton, 7 Aug 2016 #4

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To clarify for everyone: I was referring to Mayor Mazzarella in the youtube video put in here.
I agree. Knowing OF her is quite different than knowing her. I am still in a mode of SM groups where runners share their routes and experiences. I have no idea if LE has looked at that SM activity, I assume they have. They are smarter than I.

But I do know from other cases that runners often belong to online groups and such.
I will hold on to the plausibility that this killer was familiar with the perp in Karina's murder and that they have belonged to the same circle of SM acquaintances. I still do not think they are the same person.

I would like to ask - we have runners in this forum - are there social media groups, private pages, etc that runners belong to? I mean aside from the apps like MapMyRun, etc.
Chat's forums, etc?

Thanks for anyone who can answer.


Interesting. Maybe you are right and the running is a key issue in this.
How can anyone with a conscience , not come forward with pertinent information? If there are people holding back direct information about the perpetrator, they should be held accountable.

I know. It's very very sad.

How can someone with a conscience abduct, rape, kill, strip and burn a girl minding her own business?

Just imagine what kind of people that person associates with!

Why Would they come forward!

He must have a mother!

Princeton is very remote. It would pose many challenges for someone to have stalked her from NYC. Given the location of the crime it points to someone who is familiar with and comfortable in the area, rather then to someone from outside the area.

<mod snip>

I don't get that impression. I think this was a peer who met up with her for innocent reasons, snapped, and scrambled to cover his tracks, "disappearing" from the area just after the crime in an attempt to avoid bringing shame to his family.

I don't get deranged psychopath out for a Sunday drive who happens upon an unlikely and vulnerable victim though.

Btw her cause of death has never been confirmed. The above video is very old.

Definitely not a random crime. Doesn't seem like a case of a nutter walking around the woods and chancing upon her. But also doesn't seem like a case of someone meeting her innocently, snapping and doing this in a fit of rage. It seems planned - someone who knew her routine.

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I'm not so sure I follow the theory that two map my run runners were plotting stalking attacks on two seperate runners around the same time in seperate cities and knew of each other's attacks....

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you are proposing but that doesn't seem like the most likely of scenarios in my humble opinion. I have trouble believing either attacker relied on social media, let alone that they both did and were someone known to each other and aware of each other's plans.
It could be planned or it could not be. I can see it going either way. I do however think her attacker was a peer and was known her though.

I also wonder if perhaps it was an accident, IF the perp called someone or sought out someone else help to deal with the body. Perhaps LE could be aware of a second person and are trying to figure out who helped the perp?
This does not appear to be 'accidental' whatsoever - In my opinion. IF someone had helped cover up, it seems the second person would have to be at a house nearby. It is a short time frame.
That is your opinion of course and your entitled too it.

I however believe it's possible this was indeed an "accidental" murder. I can see a scenario say in which he calls her as she running or just passed by and asked her to talk and she agrees but says she has to be back by a certain time. If the conversation soon took a turn that made VM feel uncomfortable something could have escalated soon after he made contact with her. Putting him in a position where he had to quickly think through how to cover his tracks. If he lived local or already had supplies on him from his line of work or hobbies, the crime and its cover up could have easily taken place within an hour window, and we have been given a 2 hour window to consider.

To me it's entirely possible that this wasn't planned but rather an encounter gone wrong along with a cover up.
I know. It's very very sad.

How can someone with a conscience abduct, rape, kill, strip and burn a girl minding her own business?

Just imagine what kind of people that person associates with!

Why Would they come forward!

He must have a mother!


As we all know there are some that are just real good at staying out of the radar.

He could live alone and not associate with many if any people. Might not have a job and lives off the system which would afford him time to hide or take off while he heals up from any obvious signs of his physical confrontation with Vanessa.

Also family has been known to protect no matter what the crime.

I just hope that LE has a boatload of information up their sleeves and are crossing their t's and dotting their i's.

If not (and I hate to say this) but it could go as another unsolveable crime to be solved somewhere (maybe) down the road when and if he does it again.
It is a scary world we live in and these crimes happen everywhere. From the most remote areas to the big city.
I just feel that if they really really had something that there would have been an arrest by now.
Also to clarify my above post this also could be someone that works from home or is independently wealthy where they can stay under cover. Need groceries? Drive four towns over and scratches etc. are not noticed pertaining to a crime. There are so many senarios and possibilites.
What is the average time it takes to name a poi in murder cases where the perp is unknown? Does anyone know? I'm curious.
What is the average time it takes to name a poi in murder cases where the perp is unknown? Does anyone know? I'm curious.

Good question ThinkHard. I myself think that all harbors on what they have for clues/info. We know they have DNA which is an unknown one at the moment? Or do they know and have not released anything?
Vanessa's cell phone is missing which a witness driving by saw her talking on? Could it have been another jogger that was seen and not Vanessa at all?
That is your opinion of course and your entitled too it.

I however believe it's possible this was indeed an "accidental" murder. I can see a scenario say in which he calls her as she running or just passed by and asked her to talk and she agrees but says she has to be back by a certain time. If the conversation soon took a turn that made VM feel uncomfortable something could have escalated soon after he made contact with her. Putting him in a position where he had to quickly think through how to cover his tracks. If he lived local or already had supplies on him from his line of work or hobbies, the crime and its cover up could have easily taken place within an hour window, and we have been given a 2 hour window to consider.

To me it's entirely possible that this wasn't planned but rather an encounter gone wrong along with a cover up.

It's possible, but unlikely, IMHO. Reason why I think it's planned is that the whole thing seems to have gone through so cleanly. Two months post the tragic event, there seem to be few pointers as to what happened. And the perp had a limited time window to do this - it isn't like the body was found days later. An on-the-spot "accident" would have resulted in more clues being left behind, mistakes being made. Leave alone an altercation and scuffle resulting in people nearby getting alerted ( there were houses not too far away, weren't there)?

Again, an "accident" can't be ruled out - just much less likely. JMO

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It's possible, but unlikely, IMHO. Reason why I think it's planned is that the whole thing seems to have gone through so cleanly. Two months post the tragic event, there seem to be few pointers as to what happened. And the perp had a limited time window to do this - it isn't like the body was found days later. An on-the-spot "accident" would have resulted in more clues being left behind, mistakes being made. Leave alone an altercation and scuffle resulting in people nearby getting alerted ( there were houses not too far away, weren't there)?

Again, an "accident" can't be ruled out - just much less likely. JMO

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Yes, that would have likely been solved sooner.
The longer this goes on, the more it appears this killer really knows what he is doing. Although, it seems they are being very thorough as well.
It is not known what part of his body was injured to be covered. Although, someone pointed out how the scars can last, especially a bite mark.
Hi. I haven't been keeping up with this case, but whatever happened to the man and woman that checked into a nearby hotel, lodge, or B&B - can't remember which - and the man had fresh scratches?

Did that turn out to be a made up rumor?
Hi. I haven't been keeping up with this case, but whatever happened to the man and woman that checked into a nearby hotel, lodge, or B&B - can't remember which - and the man had fresh scratches?

Did that turn out to be a made up rumor?
It was unrelated. They had been in a motorcycle accident.
It doesn't seem like someone followed her from NY, as people have pointed out it is a rural area, it seems the DA thought it may be someone local and killer could have just done this in NY. Person seems to have been determined to do this and was familiar with her running route as the only open time frame to attack her alone in the area. Knowing it by map run AP , but more than likely seeing her running the loop.
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