GUILTY MA - Vanessa Marcotte, 27, murdered, Princeton, 7 Aug 2016 #8 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
It's a shame in this world no matter where we live that we can't even jog alone in peace out in nature without fear that we could be victimized! Yes what happened to Vanessa may be considered rare "statistically" by experts but it is a reality for all women. :(

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That's some food for thought. I wonder if any cigarette butts were found at the scene- would also explain his quick attempt to burn the poor victim since he may have had a lighter on hand.

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I was thinking more along the lines that if he doesn't smoke, why would he have a lighter on him?
I was thinking more along the lines that if he doesn't smoke, why would he have a lighter on him?

Very true.... I'm reflecting back on the article (thread #7) from MassLive that stated his mother is a cop in PR. Could knowledge from her profession have influenced his decision to burn poor Vanessa on her extremities so that his DNA traces would be destroyed?

Secondly, if the report is true that his mother is a cop I am quite confident he understood his Miranda rights and signing consent for DNA swabbing. I don't buy the defense attorney' argument that Ortiz didn't understand what he was consenting to.


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I agree, stupid in many ways.
Let me add arrogant.
1) Parked his car along that road for as long as he did.
2) Made at least one phone call from the scene.
3) Drove around in the same SUV, knowing people were looking for it.
4) Volunteered to give the cops his DNA.
5) Made no attempt to hide the body.
Anyone else besides me think this guy did this so many times before that he was feeling rather confident he could get away with it and would never be caught? (maybe excluding the murder part, maybe not)
Anyone else besides me think he thought he was smarter than the Cops?

Yup. Totally agree. Stupid -- but probably more arrogant even than stupid. I wanted to slap his face (do more than that actually) when I saw several pics with the same expression -- at once scowling and surprised. I think he was, indeed, genuinely surprised that all this was happening to him. And the reason for that is that these types of crimes are old hat to him.

Question related to his court appearance: It appeared from the reports that I saw and viewed that he stood in the doorway (just behind the doorway, actually) of the courtroom on Tuesday and didn't actually go into the room. True, Rocky? Anyone? If accurate, I don't know why this was permitted. He should have been made to go into the room at least.
Yup. Totally agree. Stupid -- but probably more arrogant even than stupid. I wanted to slap his face (do more than that actually) when I saw several pics with the same expression -- at once scowling and surprised. I think he was, indeed, genuinely surprised that all this was happening to him. And the reason for that is that these types of crimes are old hat to him.

Question related to his court appearance: It appeared from the reports that I saw and viewed that he stood in the doorway (just behind the doorway, actually) of the courtroom on Tuesday and didn't actually go into the room. True, Rocky? Anyone? If accurate, I don't know why this was permitted. He should have been made to go into the room at least.

That just seems to be the way this courthouse is set up: "He did not make an appearance in the courtroom, but was held inside a small ante-room to the side of Judge Mark E. Noonan’s bench as charges were read."

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Yup. Totally agree. Stupid -- but probably more arrogant even than stupid. I wanted to slap his face (do more than that actually) when I saw several pics with the same expression -- at once scowling and surprised. I think he was, indeed, genuinely surprised that all this was happening to him. And the reason for that is that these types of crimes are old hat to him.

Question related to his court appearance: It appeared from the reports that I saw and viewed that he stood in the doorway (just behind the doorway, actually) of the courtroom on Tuesday and didn't actually go into the room. True, Rocky? Anyone? If accurate, I don't know why this was permitted. He should have been made to go into the room at least.
MSM said that the reason he didn't enter the courtroom, was because he was afraid.
A defendant does not have to enter the courtroom at all, if he is represented by a Lawyer,
It is his right to be inside the courtroom, if he so chooses.
Question related to his court appearance: It appeared from the reports that I saw and viewed that he stood in the doorway (just behind the doorway, actually) of the courtroom on Tuesday and didn't actually go into the room. True, Rocky? Anyone? If accurate, I don't know why this was permitted. He should have been made to go into the room at least.

I 100% agree with you searunner!! He should have been hauled in just like anyone else.
"Colon-Ortiz remained behind a door during the arraignment before Judge Mark Noonan and spoke through an interpreter. His lawyer, Edward P. Ryan Jr., said Colon-Ortiz does not speak English, was frightened and was unable to walk into the courtroom."

Seriously?!? He SHOULD be afraid-very afraid. And he should NOT get preferential treatment either!

Just my angry opinion......

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MSM said that the reason he didn't enter the courtroom, was because he was afraid.
A defendant does not have to enter the courtroom at all, if he is represented by a Lawyer,
It is his right to be inside the courtroom, if he so chooses.

Thanks Rocky- I wasn't aware that the defendant didn't have to enter the courtroom in MA. :)

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Thanks Rocky- I wasn't aware that the defendant didn't have to enter the courtroom in MA. :)

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I believe this is the reason this guy hasn't been charged with murder as of yet.
Rule 7 Massachusetts court system..

"The court shall ensure that at or before arraignment, (i) a copy of the defendant's criminal record, if any, as compiled by the Commissioner of Probation is provided to the defense and to the prosecution, and (ii) the parties are afforded an opportunity to move for the preservation of evidence pursuant to
Rule 14(a)(1)(E) ."

I believe that they are not sure this guy is who he says he is.
If they charge him, and he is not, he can walk because this rule was not followed, so they charged him with Assault and Battery/ and Assault with intent to rape, and save the major charge for when they know for sure who he is.
I think that's why when DA Early was asked if he is a US citizen, he answered he wasn't sure.
Throwing something out to the group:

Re: LE using the word "broad" last Nov when they released the statement that they believe a male having access to a dark-colored SUV who had broad knowledge of the area was involved in this crime. Paraphrasing.

I suspected back then that there was significance to the word "broad," as did a couple others. But nobody, I believe, expressed then or more recently the thought that the main reason the word broad was chosen is because LE suspected back then that Vanessa's killer was also responsible for the two attempted abductions.

What does everyone think? Is this the main reason LE chose that word? I say, yes.

I agree- yes

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Thanks Rocky- I wasn't aware that the defendant didn't have to enter the courtroom in MA. :)

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I dug up the exact wording.
Also Rule 7 Massachusetts court system...

(b) Arraignment Procedure.
(1) Notice; Plea; and Bail. The court shall:
(A) read the charges to the defendant in open court, except that the reading of the charges in open court may be waived by the defendant if he or she is represented by counsel;
(B) enter the defendant's plea to the charges;
(C) inform the defendant of all warnings and advisories required by law; and,
(D) determine the conditions of the defendant's release, if any.

Excellent links! These include more details than many of our local media sources :)
A small bit of translation via google from the second article you linked said: "In documents that include a birth certificate of Puerto Rico, he appears as the son of Messrs. Nelson Colón Ríos and Diana Ortiz Feliciano and born in Bayamón. Currently, he worked as a driver at Federal Express (FEDEX) package and correspondence company.
Authorities said Colón Ortiz, is not an undocumented immigrant, according to his documents and his defense lawyer, assures that he is a citizen of the United States."

I hope LE is checking on the authenticity of Ortiz's documents.

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I believe this is the reason this guy hasn't been charged with murder as of yet.
Rule 7 Massachusetts court system..

"The court shall ensure that at or before arraignment, (i) a copy of the defendant's criminal record, if any, as compiled by the Commissioner of Probation is provided to the defense and to the prosecution, and (ii) the parties are afforded an opportunity to move for the preservation of evidence pursuant to
Rule 14(a)(1)(E) ."

I believe that they are not sure this guy is who he says he is.
If they charge him, and he is not, he can walk because this rule was not followed, so they charged him with Assault and Battery/ and Assault with intent to rape, and save the major charge for when they know for sure who he is.
I think that's why when DA Early was asked if he is a US citizen, he answered he wasn't sure.

Wow! Now this all makes more sense to me. I am glad the DA and LE are being thorough. Thanks Rocky!

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When ACO was talking (or appeared to be talking) on his phone at the side of the road, I wonder if he was speaking with his accomplice (in the other incident). Were they stationed at different points in Princeton, and kept in communication with each other as they looked for a victim?

I agree that the reason ACO seemed sloppy and stupid is that he's arrogant. Psychopaths are usually narcissists and they're convinced they're superior to everyone else. The scowl on his face reflects the anger he feels toward women and authority. Wow. If he really is the person his documents show him to be, I wonder what type of relationship he had with his mother--she is both a woman and an authority figure. Hmm....
Wow! Now this all makes more sense to me. I am glad the DA and LE are being thorough. Thanks Rocky!

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There it is.
Time stamp 7.00.
Rule 7. the reason he hasn't been charged with murder as of yet.

I also wondered why this defense lawyer caved, and didn't argue for a reduction in bail, and not knowing if this guy is who he says he is, and not having his criminal background, I am sure the Judge would have denied a lessor bail, so the Attorney decided to accept without prejudice subject to further review until a background check can be completed.
Having trouble moving between threads and quotes on Tapatalk and trying to catch up from yesterday afternoon.

Excellent review searunner! [emoji106]

Searunner stated, "*Why did he move from PR? Hope we learn more. Given his age and the viciousness of this crime, I have zero doubt that he has committed crimes against women before. Having no record just means he's gotten away with his crimes. He was only in the US for about two-three months (we don’t know when in May he moved here) before he committed this crime. That seems incredulous to me. His impulse control is apparently nil. "

I strongly agree that he has done this before, and the more posts I read and research online I think he's definitely connected to rapes in Puerto Rico. Do we know when he left PR and what area of PR he lived in or where his other child lives in PR. The composite of the Santurce Rapist (just outside San Juan) keeps haunting me with its resemblance to Ortiz.

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I agree and think because he got away with those crimes he became more cocky and that's why the idiot was driving the car around when I'm sure he knows they were looking for one
So Oritz moves his entire family from PR to Worcester MA a place he has no known ties to in May 2016. He finds a place to live buys a car and lands a job within 2 weeks all without speaking the language we are led to believe. And in a matter of days finds an accomplice if we assume the Westboro attack was ACO to attack female joggers. That doesn't seem to add up.

I think he speaks it perfectly fine but is smart enough to think if he pretends he doesn't he can somehow get out of the DNA evidence by saying he didn't understand it. Part of me thinks the person the post office lady said he was always talking to on Bluetooth is the accomplice(if he has one. I could see both ways) and maybe he was scouting for future victims and telling him in Spanish thinking they won't know.

And that makes me wonder, could he work for the same place? And could he be who got him hired? Or could it be his brother who it says lived with him. I wonder if he's still in the area. I'm sure his cop mom is embarrassed
The Puerto Rican economy has been decimated by some tax law changes. It used to have a relatively thriving economy. But they took on billions of debt and are now in default. So there is likely to be many more citizens coming from that area. Let's hope they are all law abiding citizens that decide to relocate.

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I won't lie before this arrest I would have not realized that place is one where he wouldn't be an illegal immigrant if he didn't come in correctly(I'm sure in knew in school but had forgot) And because everyone mentions it being part of the US or whatever, I don't believe he wouldn't speak English fluently and is bilingual and maybe even speaks more than the two.

I wonder if his mom made him move because she suspected him of other crimes. Has anyone looked into the brother who it says lived or lives with him? I wonder if he's older and he's a record. Because I believe if he has an accomplice that they will be older(idk why)

And I think maybe he gave the DNA because he is cocky and thinks the other guys was and not him. Maybe he has issues getting it up or finishing and hus cocky *advertiser censored* figured there wasn't any semen to have his DNA or used a condom and didn't know it was under her nails
I’m just catching up from yesterday - really great post from Searunner and thanks Rocky for the outline of the knowns vs unknowns. I agree with almost all your points except for how long he was with her. My guess is that she didn’t reach his vehicle until ~1:30 - and I think he probably turned her cell phone off at 2:11, after it was all over, so only around 45 minutes. MOO

Regarding if VM was the specific target, I’m slowly changing my way of thinking. I initially thought she was targeted directly but I’m not sure he would have had the opportunity to interact with VM enough to know her schedule. I’ve been dwelling on the fact the CO had only been in the US for 3 months before this attack and he started working soon after moving here. He did not have a chance to get familiar with the area.

SO - where was he comfortable? What was he familiar with?

As others have suggested I totally think this was not his first attack and I am strongly considering that he was behind the Northborough attack as well. Here’s what I’m thinking:
-May 2016: CO moves to Worcester, gets a job working for Fed-Ex contractor within 2 weeks, works 4am-11am, weekdays, some weekends; this does not leave much time for him to explore the community

**Assuming - MOO – that he is a repeat predator and has done this before in PR, he probably immediately starts to look for places where he can easily attack women

-June 2016: Big assumption here - if, as hypothesized, he works out of the Northborough FedEx warehouse, he would first feel familiar with the area around his workplace. He scopes out the roads, nearby parks, and attacks a jogger in the vicinity of his work; she escapes; he’s forced to find a new location

-August 2016: He’s been driving the Princeton route for approximately ~3 months; has noticed women walking/jogging on BSR; it’s rural, fairly secluded, and there is a good pull-off near the cart path; he decides this is the area of his next attack

On the day of VMs attack, maybe he was tied up with family obligations in the am (church?) and wasn’t able to leave Princeton until ~12:00, putting him on BSR at 12:30/12:45ish. I don’t think he could have been there for very long or else there would probably be additional witness testimony. He opens his trunk, talks or pretends to talk on his cell, and waits.


I agree and wonder if any crimes happened near his home also. And by routes he had. I think he used the job to scout for victims and the post office lady may have been next and I'm sure he saw vanessa and put her on his list. Maybe he told the person on Bluetooth anytime he saw someone and where and when and any info he knew. And they kept track. I wonder if anyone he delivered to got attacked

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