GUILTY MA - Vanessa Marcotte, 27, murdered, Princeton, 7 Aug 2016 #8 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The defense lawyer can allege anything, but without evidence it won't work. The DA will be easily able to refute any such claim, as there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest VM had any intention of meeting up with anyone, let alone a guy standing by a pretend broken down SUV (and probably pretending to be on a call as well).

With the DNA match and the state of the victim's body, this is a slam dunk case, IMO.

Oh I know but I was just saying itin reply to someone else who suggested they think the lawyer will try that. Because I could see some shady lawyer doing exactly what they suggested.
Your previous post was very clear that you were responding to my quote as to how his defense may be handled.
I have no idea how that somehow got turned around into you stating it as a fact.
I'm not see either. But neither of us said it like it would for sure happen. I wonder is the lawyers coukd live with himself if he did try that route to get his client off. Because he clearly seems to be try to do the ny client doesn't speak English and may nt have understood the cops route. Or at least what i read seemed that way but I could have just got then wrong impression
Who is the we that you are referencing? Your posts repeatedly accused VM of meeting a secret lover months before an arrest was made.

I've never thought there was a secret lover. I always thought it was highly unlikely but was willing to bat around the idea with the ones who did think she might. My post itself was in reply to rocky saying he could see the lawyer trying that and my other was saying I could see the lawyer trying that stuff to try to make his client sound innocent or like it was some accident we all know it wasn't. So by we I meant rocky and me.

My main thoughts before the arrest had been someone working or living at a home near or someone from her tutoring and volunteering or a creepy neighbor or creepy friend of the parents. But like in most cases I'm willing to discuss possibilities when someone brings up any idea they have and I know a few people brought up secret lover a lot. I usually would say I don't think it was one but would say if it ended up being one I could only see it being so with whatever scenario. I can't think of the persons name that was very into the idea. There was someone very into the accomplice idea which I never ever believed possible until I read about the creepy stuff he would say in his Bluetooth to someone and that itself opened up the possibility for me. And because I started to wonder if he thought he left no DNA cause he assumed the other guy only could have and submitted his cause if it.

I always keep my mind open to possibilities and hear anyone's ideas and prepare myself to be wrong in any case.
I agree, it wouldn't surprise me if he was faking it.
On the subject of phones, it didn't take long for LE to get her phone records from Apple. According to the prosecutor, they had those before they set up the tip line.

Just to add. It makes me believe he was faking it more when you add he used a Bluetooth, according to the Post Office worker.

Oh good point! It hasn't crossed my mind that he likely used hands free Bluetooth device since the way the post office lady talked it was like he's handing her stuff but talking to someone likely on a headset or something.

I always felt it was he was pretending tone on the phone so nobody would stop and offer help(less he has a partner who called or his wife called) and you made me feel even more certain he probably was. He likely wanted nobody stopping to offer help.

And like FM said up above, I also think that's shat the lawyer will do and see him pulling the didn't understand English and is a good hardworking husband and is scared someone will attack and maybe even try to say trump has caused him to be more afraid people will target him or some crap like it. Maybe throw in god fearing. And then maybe use having a cop mom to benefit him. And they'll try to make everyone doubt it was murder and try to make them think it was some sex accident is s possible one he may try. They even may try to do some ******* one about how her jogging clothes caused his client to do it. Since people even tried blaming what happened to vetrano on her clothing. I guess time will tell us what the lawyer tries. It's obvious he's guilty.
Do they track the fed ex work vehicles? I wonder if like he could say he was working and park his vehicle somewhere briefly to go do that and then finish work and try to say he stopped to have lunch. I mean we don't know if he was working just that he wasn't on the schedule. From what I've read. But that's the way I read it but maybe I'm wrong
IMO this never goes to trial and the defense accepts at plea deal. I wonder how many of out unanswered questions are ever answered.
IMO this never goes to trial and the defense accepts at plea deal. I wonder how many of out unanswered questions are ever answered.

I think the prosecution is going to feel very strongly about their case and I'm not sure they will offer any such deal. I think the prosecution is going to feel very strongly about their case and I'm not sure they will offer any such deal DNA under the fingernails of a strangulation victim is about as damning as evidence can get. Taken with the rest of the circumstances including his cell phone placing him in the passivity of the crime the witness statement placing his vehicle and a person matching his description at the scene of the crime, this is a very strong and clear case. The only hangup being the validity of how the sample was elicited from him. as long as they determined that it is admissible this case should have a clear outcome. The jury certainly won't care how much he pretends not to know any English JMO
I believe your right again FM. Life without parole without trial is rare and there is no reason to accept anything less.

Yea if this isn't a life in prison worthy case I'm not sure there is one. This girl was totally innocent. From a good family. From a well-off town. And the crime actually happened in that well-off town. Everyone wants justice. Many (as I do) will feel that even life in prison is insufficient for this worthless human being. They are going to use this case to send a message to anyone else out there. This kind of crime is absolutely intolerable And if you commit it, you will pay the steepest price allowed under the law!
Yes life in prison is not a sufficient punishment. Does this picture look like man who is suffering in prison? His name is Robert Breest and when you read about what he was convicted of and what he is accused of doing you'll realize there is only one form of suitable punishment for these monsters.



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Some of your comments got me thinking about a few things.
- some of you questioned how AO could have gotten the job and a buddy/accomplice so fast. Maybe his brother works at the same place and hooked him up with the job (sorry if this was mentioned before). He could also be the person AO talks to on the bluetooth. My mail lady talks on the bluetooth all the time everyday with another postal worker cause they are both doing the same job and its funner that way. If AO is associated with the northborough/westborough attacks (great observation about the fedex building nearby FM), then it makes some sense if his brother is the accomplice in many ways...familiarity/comfort/trust, explains how they found each other so fast.
- I wonder if the brother drives a small dark car...and what he looks like.
- I wonder if his name is really Angel but simply added an "o" to IDs to change name enough.
- I agree and think he was pretending to talk on phone on day of murder.
- Also agree that he may have seen her before from his trips to post office. But likely didn't know her anymore than that.
- He may have punched her and broke nose on initial attack to stun her and drop her to ground, so he could pull her away into forest with less resistance. This seems to have been the case with KV.
- I read in some article that his wife and kids came to US later. It says that he eventually made enough money to bring them over. So he might have been living by himself initially and during crime. So his wife wouldn't have seen scratches.
Just my 2 cents. What do you think?
Yea if this isn't a life in prison worthy case I'm not sure there is one. This girl was totally innocent. From a good family. From a well-off town. And the crime actually happened in that well-off town. Everyone wants justice. Many (as I do) will feel that even life in prison is insufficient for this worthless human being. They are going to use this case to send a message to anyone else out there. This kind of crime is absolutely intolerable And if you commit it, you will pay the steepest price allowed under the law!

Not to mention Early will want to win in following his loss to the same attorney in the other Princeton homicide trial.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Some of your comments got me thinking about a few things.
- some of you questioned how AO could have gotten the job and a buddy/accomplice so fast. Maybe his brother works at the same place and hooked him up with the job (sorry if this was mentioned before). He could also be the person AO talks to on the bluetooth. My mail lady talks on the bluetooth all the time everyday with another postal worker cause they are both doing the same job and its funner that way. If AO is associated with the northborough/westborough attacks (great observation about the fedex building nearby FM), then it makes some sense if his brother is the accomplice in many ways...familiarity/comfort/trust, explains how they found each other so fast.
- I wonder if the brother drives a small dark car...and what he looks like.
- I wonder if his name is really Angel but simply added an "o" to IDs to change name enough.
- I agree and think he was pretending to talk on phone on day of murder.
- Also agree that he may have seen her before from his trips to post office. But likely didn't know her anymore than that.
- He may have punched her and broke nose on initial attack to stun her and drop her to ground, so he could pull her away into forest with less resistance. This seems to have been the case with KV.
- I read in some article that his wife and kids came to US later. It says that he eventually made enough money to bring them over. So he might have been living by himself initially and during crime. So his wife wouldn't have seen scratches.
Just my 2 cents. What do you think?

very good observation about his wife and children coming over later. I see this as a very high possibility since it would have given him the freedom to go wherever you want and do whatever he wanted without any one to be accountable to. I doubt he actually lived alone he probably has always shared his space with his brother or someone else since he came here but that relationship is certainly less demanding and probably not at all demanding on his schedule. I doubt he actually lived alone he probably has always shared his space with his brother or someone else since he came here but that relationship is certainly less demanding and probably not at all demanding on his schedule. I also think that whether or not his brother was involved somehow that his brother would be highly unlikely to rat him out if he did know.
I think the prosecution is going to feel very strongly about their case and I'm not sure they will offer any such deal. I think the prosecution is going to feel very strongly about their case and I'm not sure they will offer any such deal DNA under the fingernails of a strangulation victim is about as damning as evidence can get. Taken with the rest of the circumstances including his cell phone placing him in the passivity of the crime the witness statement placing his vehicle and a person matching his description at the scene of the crime, this is a very strong and clear case. The only hangup being the validity of how the sample was elicited from him. as long as they determined that it is admissible this case should have a clear outcome. The jury certainly won't care how much he pretends not to know any English JMO
No case is prosecuted unless the prosecution believes they have a strong case. If the D.A. feels there is not enough evidence to convict, there will be no trial.
This is however, far from a "clear case." It is the job of the Defense Lawyer to raise doubt.
Although this guy has already been found guilty in the court of public opinion, he has the right to a fair trial, guilty, or not.
I can raise doubt with all the above statements, and if the Defense Lawyer is doing his job, he will too. If he is charged with Felony Murder, (First degree) the lawyer may get the conviction reduced to Manslaughter. The defendant has pleaded not guilty to the current charges. He hasn't been charged with murder as of yet. This example is based only on what we know so far, and how an Attorney may handle this. Not facts, just an example.
1) He is waiting down the road to meet with Vanessa, because she agreed to meet him. His hood is up because while he is waiting, he decided to check his oil, and while doing so, his phone rang. If phone records indicate no call was made, that's because he was trying to call someone, but didn't enter the entire number, not knowing this yet when the witness drove by, but was waiting for the phone to ring with it up against his ear.
2)Vanessa showed up and consented to sex in the woods. In the moment of Erotic Asphyxiation, things got out of hand, and the structure of her neck was damaged, causing death.
3)The defendant then paniced, and set her on fire, because he was afraid. In doing so, he slipped and fell, breaking her nose.

I am no way suggesting this happened. This is how generally speaking a Defense Lawyer may handle this.
That explains the evidence of him being there, his phone records showing his phone there,why his hood was up, and his DNA under her fingernails.
The doubt has been raised. Now it's up to the Prosecution to prove this to be false. If the Prosecution can't, he is convicted for Involuntary Manslaughter, ( no past criminal history..10-16 months) and Desecrating a Human Corpes (no more than 7 years)
If convicted for the above, this guy could walk in 5 years.
There are only two people that know, what really happened. One is dead, and we are not sure yet how much the other is talking, if he is at all. With the exception of motive, the Prosecution has to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Another factor will be the report from the M.E. stating cause of death. Was it strangulation, or was she still alive when she was burned?
Another factor will be any of her blood drops that may have been found leading into the woods along the cart path. That may suggest she was punched in the face before being dragged in the woods.
We haven't seen any evidence as of yet. Only MSM reports, and some of those reports have been false.
Yea if this isn't a life in prison worthy case I'm not sure there is one. This girl was totally innocent. From a good family. From a well-off town. And the crime actually happened in that well-off town. Everyone wants justice. Many (as I do) will feel that even life in prison is insufficient for this worthless human being. They are going to use this case to send a message to anyone else out there. This kind of crime is absolutely intolerable And if you commit it, you will pay the steepest price allowed under the law!
There are laws the Jury has to follow, and there are laws the Judge has to follow as well.
How wealthy a town may be will not be a deciding factor in the outcome of this trial.
Some of your comments got me thinking about a few things.
- some of you questioned how AO could have gotten the job and a buddy/accomplice so fast. Maybe his brother works at the same place and hooked him up with the job (sorry if this was mentioned before). He could also be the person AO talks to on the bluetooth. My mail lady talks on the bluetooth all the time everyday with another postal worker cause they are both doing the same job and its funner that way. If AO is associated with the northborough/westborough attacks (great observation about the fedex building nearby FM), then it makes some sense if his brother is the accomplice in many ways...familiarity/comfort/trust, explains how they found each other so fast.
- I wonder if the brother drives a small dark car...and what he looks like.
- I wonder if his name is really Angel but simply added an "o" to IDs to change name enough.
- I agree and think he was pretending to talk on phone on day of murder.
- Also agree that he may have seen her before from his trips to post office. But likely didn't know her anymore than that.
- He may have punched her and broke nose on initial attack to stun her and drop her to ground, so he could pull her away into forest with less resistance. This seems to have been the case with KV.
- I read in some article that his wife and kids came to US later. It says that he eventually made enough money to bring them over. So he might have been living by himself initially and during crime. So his wife wouldn't have seen scratches.
Just my 2 cents. What do you think?
Great post.
If his brother was involved, I expect conspiracy charges to be added to the list.
I think the prosecution is going to feel very strongly about their case and I'm not sure they will offer any such deal. I think the prosecution is going to feel very strongly about their case and I'm not sure they will offer any such deal DNA under the fingernails of a strangulation victim is about as damning as evidence can get. Taken with the rest of the circumstances including his cell phone placing him in the passivity of the crime the witness statement placing his vehicle and a person matching his description at the scene of the crime, this is a very strong and clear case. The only hangup being the validity of how the sample was elicited from him. as long as they determined that it is admissible this case should have a clear outcome. The jury certainly won't care how much he pretends not to know any English JMO

I fully agree. I believe his lawyer may go the route rocky and me discussed. My question is will he be honest with his lawyer or try to pretend he's innocent. I also wonder if he will plead not guilty or if he will try and say it was an accident. And if his acting scared And not entering the courtroom was his idea or his lawyers and same with acting like he needs a translator. I hope we find out if there are other victims and other planned ones and why he did it. Maybe he will want to clear his conscious but if he has a partner the only way I see him telling is if he's offered a deal. I mean his lawyer has to know he's guilty but if the guy is telling him that or pretending he isn't and lying about being innocent is what I wonder. Maybe they assume there are others and want to slam him with all of it at once and are out getting the needed evidence.

Cause I just can't see this being his first time with how daring and cocky it all is makes me feel like it's a third or worse.
Some of your comments got me thinking about a few things.
- some of you questioned how AO could have gotten the job and a buddy/accomplice so fast. Maybe his brother works at the same place and hooked him up with the job (sorry if this was mentioned before). He could also be the person AO talks to on the bluetooth. My mail lady talks on the bluetooth all the time everyday with another postal worker cause they are both doing the same job and its funner that way. If AO is associated with the northborough/westborough attacks (great observation about the fedex building nearby FM), then it makes some sense if his brother is the accomplice in many ways...familiarity/comfort/trust, explains how they found each other so fast.
- I wonder if the brother drives a small dark car...and what he looks like.
- I wonder if his name is really Angel but simply added an "o" to IDs to change name enough.
- I agree and think he was pretending to talk on phone on day of murder.
- Also agree that he may have seen her before from his trips to post office. But likely didn't know her anymore than that.
- He may have punched her and broke nose on initial attack to stun her and drop her to ground, so he could pull her away into forest with less resistance. This seems to have been the case with KV.
- I read in some article that his wife and kids came to US later. It says that he eventually made enough money to bring them over. So he might have been living by himself initially and during crime. So his wife wouldn't have seen scratches.
Just my 2 cents. What do you think?

I agree on all of that. That's what I was wondering a few pages back because that seems like a good job to get fast for someone's not even from the US. IFhe has a partner then that is who I think and if he wasn't pretending to be on the phone then my idea is he was talking to him because one of them was trailing her to keep tabs at how far back she is and if any cars are coming and could see them. Which he could do via his Bluetooth and pretend to be using his actual phone anytime someone drives by. I don't want to so bad but somehow someone from where he's from with his ethnicity getting that job so fast in a wealthy mostly white area and without any references from the US(less he's lived here or worked here before) just doesn't seem possible. Those jobs aren't easy to get here in my small town so I can't see him getting it so fast cause they don't even even if he plans to stay long etc

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