Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 1

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I think they need a new pr person then......the parents are coming off as seeming a bit odd.

Not only does it sound odd but I think it is insane. They laid out there children's daily agenda and plenty of photos for any crazy person to know. They have a missing 4 year old and they are not concenred for the world to know where there 2 year old twins are at what time and what they look like?

I did find something that is a verrrrry interesting read, as far as theories go:
"Here is my (current) theory (my opinion only):

M did not get up and walk out that door. Even if the parents were telling the truth about the 30 minute checks there was still plenty of time to take M. I believe that SM, RH, and any other perps watched this family (perhaps even his Lover's husband did as he cleaned the pool...I wonder if they checked into that???) and after a couple of days of the same routine (get kids from the babysitter/daycare, feed them, put them to bed then eat dinner with friends) the predators knew when and how to do it. The Mcans were near the end of their vacation so, if my theory would be the case, the perps had lots of intel on how to nab this child just from watching the parental movement in the previous days.

The reason I do not believe M left on her own is because she was a very little girl.
Any adult seeing a kid that age walking around would most likely see the child was lost. The vanishing of M took place between 1900 and was still light out for the most part. If M woke up and wanted her parents I do not believe she would walk the totally oposite way of where her parents were (and also, light, sounds, etc). The store was closed.

These type of resorts also usually start a group of people every one to two weeks. On the day of their arrival including the next day or so, I bet that RM or SM (or both) were on the resort property hunting a child. M looked like RM's daughter and he lit onto that like pouring kerosene on a match. . . ." by Nursebeeme
Thanks for that link scandi.It is very interesting...
On thing I've noticed about people like this SS is they are reluctant to risk anything that might keep them from their profession. I just don't see anything about Madeline in all this. Even if they are innocent with any involvement in her disappearance, this certainly looks purely self serving to me.

I think that is my point. They ARE self serving! I didn't see anything about Maddy in any of that either! Mom is out playing tennis supposedly to relieve stress while the other kids are with sitters? I would be holding them as closely as possible while never allowing them out of my sight...all while organizing search teams and whatever I needed to do. I watched Natalie's mom and don't think she would have even considered hitting a ball around in Aruba while searching for her child! It is simply ludicrous!
I have to say HI to Dingo first! <<wavy guy>>

Hi Mjak, I was sitting here thinking about your post as your thought was so good. And I said to myself, I wonder if LE has them doing this to attract the person back or other pedo's or those who steal children, thinking they might know who took Madeline? Nah, no one would ever risk their children with that.

I read at Steve Huff's site a great post, and that person said there were 9 adults in their party between Drs and spouses, as many or more than that for children with them and Madeline was the oldest child of all. Can you imagine!

That link I posted that Nursebeeme wrote, I believe she is right, that Murat and SM do know who took Madeline. She said all these people know each other and have a great pipeline. And that this part of Portugal is teeming with pedos.

I'll have to write to my sister who lives in Paris and they vacation in Southern Spain, never to take her little girls to Portugal. They are going to Greece for the summer, and my Grandaughter is going with. Hmmmmmm
Not only does it sound odd but I think it is insane. They laid out there children's daily agenda and plenty of photos for any crazy person to know. They have a missing 4 year old and they are not concenred for the world to know where there 2 year old twins are at what time and what they look like?


This part was disturbing to me, too. I have always been so protective of my children that to expose them in such a way is simply beyond my comprehension. My children are grown and I still gripe at them when they give out too much info online for their own good! LOL (Hey, I love them and will always be their mom! Now ask me if they listen?!)
Hi Shazza, I am sitting here with my mouth wide open! I think you misunderstood the point I was trying to make.

ITA with you. It almost seems to me like bringing an entourage from
England to deal with PR, financial and legal matters is a bit odd too. Money means nothing to them because it all could be done by phone or fax! And none of this really has anything to do with finding Madeline, no. It is about protecting their good name and any problems they might run into there.
Scandi Im sorry that you thought I had the wrong idea, what I was trying to say is instead of spending money on PR and such which I know is not a bad idea, they should have had a PI right from the start and offered reward money for any information on the whereabouts of their daughter imo, that is where I would have been putting my money, as money talks.
Again I apologise if my comments have upset you as I have not intentionally meant to upset anyone.
Why do parents of a missing child NEED a PR firm?! I can see appointing someone capable to handle the press and such, but to hire professionals to spin things on the web? I don't understand!
Why do parents of a missing child NEED a PR firm?! I can see appointing someone capable to handle the press and such, but to hire professionals to spin things on the web? I don't understand!
Me either, they sound like the type of people who need to be in the spotlight... sharing their daily routine etc, why would you do that, how will that help Madelaine.
The problem is the PR relations firm or person they hired. I agree...I would fire 'em! They are taking them from irresponsible parents to self-centered and indulgent parents...which seems like is a more convincing case of them being irresponsible to begin with!
The problem is the PR relations firm or person they hired. I agree...I would fire 'em! They are taking them from irresponsible parents to self-centered and indulgent parents...which seems like is a more convincing case of them being irresponsible to begin with!
Couldnt agree more.

THE father of missing Madeleine McCann last night made an emotional return to his home village, and promised neighbours: &#8220;There&#8217;ll be a massive party when we bring her back safe and sound.&#8221;

Cardiologist Gerry McCann, 38, visited an amazing shrine to Maddie and revealed how it was helping him and wife Kate through their ordeal.
Well-wishers have turned the war memorial at Rothley, Leics, into a monument of hope following the kidnap of four-year-old Maddie in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3.
An incredible 14 MILES of yellow ribbon have been used by the campaign. It is tied round benches, houses, lamp-posts and even cars.
Gerry also read some of the messages of support left amid a mountain of cuddly toys, and chatted to locals who had gathered to see him.
He said: &#8220;The support is fantastic and we are planning a big party when we all get back.
&#8220;We are kept in touch with what is going on here through the TV &#8212; it really does help us. It is incredible and gives us all strength.&#8221;
Gerry also spoke to eight-year-old Molly Earp, who handed him prayers and poems that are being printed in the area. Molly&#8217;s poem included the line: &#8220;Let our hearts long for Madeleine&#8217;s return.&#8221;
She told Gerry: &#8220;I would like you to take these prayers for your family in Portugal.&#8221;
Clearly moved, Gerry replied: &#8220;Thank you very much &#8212; I appreciate what you have done.&#8221;
He then bent down and kissed her tenderly on both cheeks.
Molly said later: &#8220;He gave me a kiss and I started to cry. I know him from church and I know Madeleine, who is a very nice girl.&#8221; After meeting Molly, Gerry paused to add his own bow of yellow ribbon to the thousands covering the memorial area.
Then he left to spend the night with friends, unable to face returning alone to the family&#8217;s home less than a mile away without Maddie and the rest of his family.
Kate, 38, remained in Praia da Luz yesterday with the couple&#8217;s two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, and led Portugal in a minute&#8217;s silence to pray for Maddie&#8217;s return.
Gerry had jetted into the UK early yesterday to discover more about the British effort to find his daughter. He talked to senior Leicestershire police officers, met colleagues at Glenfield Hospital, Leics, and held lengthy talks with lawyers running the trust fund set up to help the search for Maddie.
Last night the fund had topped &#163;184,000 and was increasing at &#163;2,000 an hour, not including cheques still to be cleared by banks.
Gerry was due to fly back to Portugal early this morning.
POLICE today asked holidaymakers who visited the Portuguese resort where Maddie went missing to send their photographs to this special website - - in an attempt to identify her abductor.,,2-2007230463,00.html
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