Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 11

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. . . But if it turns out the McCanns did do something to her and ROB was simply the person in charge of moving her body and cleaning up the crime scene, I would bet he'll talk.
The truth is the truth is the truth is the truth is the truth. May the blindingly bright light of truth shine upon the case of this missing little girl.
The truth is the truth is the truth is the truth is the truth. May the blindingly bright light of truth shine upon the case of this missing little girl.

Amen! I want to know where Madeleine is. We all do.
I don't know how well Russell O'Brien knows the McCanns, but he's friends with Mathew Oldfield who worked with GM at the hospital in Leicester.

They may have all been on a previous trip together in Greece in addition to their shared professional contacts in the UK. At any rate, I find this article that was originally published in the Sol Newspaper in early July an interesting read again:

Pact of Silence

Madeleine’s parents and the friends with whom they spent their holidays in PDL are suspects in the inquiry. There are contradictory versions about the night of the kidnapping, and an assumed pact of silence in the group

A few kilometres from Lagos, in the Ocean Club resort at Praia da Luz, the faint illumination further densifies the climate. At the reception, which leads to the Tapas restaurant, there is nobody. Getting inside is easy.

It’s 9.30 p.m. If we were to believe the several members of the McCann’s holiday group, and after several mismatching versions, at this time Madeleine was being carried out of her apartment by a dark-haired man, who would be around 35 years old.

From the same table where the group of nine had dinner on that evening, one tries, in vain, to observe the apartment’s front – a ground floor apartment that faces the restaurant. A linoleum screen on the side of Tapas and the corridor of bushes that follows the limits of the apartment’s back yards prevents any vigilance to that level.

The choice of Algarve as a holiday destination would come to change their lives. Everything was arranged with three other couples, with whom they used to travel. Some of them had recently been to Greece, with their children, and the Mark Warner agency, the same that prepared their trip to the Algarve, had done their itinerary for the islands. According to their reports, the hotel where they stayed had a baby listening service – a service that is assured by four or five members of staff who would control the children while the adults dined, by listening through doors and windows to confirm that everything inside was quiet.

At the Tapas bar, from bartenders to staff from the Kid Club, criticism is whispered: “We have a creche where they left their children for most part of the day, where they could be until 11.30 p.m. without spending another Euro. They could also have used our baby-sitters, who stay with the children in their rooms until 1 p.m. In this case, they would have to pay an extra fee, but these people looked like they could afford it”, an employee comments, concluding that “this was a very strange group, that never stayed with their children”.

The children’s routine

The story of Madeleine looks like a tangled ball of wool. In the last days of April, Kate and Gerry, both 39 and doctors, arrive with their friends in Praia da Luz. The weather is not very good, but the group makes the best of it. The children seem to exist outside of the adults’ world. In the morning, Kate would take Madeleine, almost 4, and the 2-year old twins, to the Kid Club. The other couples in the group did the same. While the little ones entertained themselves with collages and paintings, the group divides itself between tennis and jogging until lunchtime. In the creche, the girl’s picture is taken: “She was shy and had some difficulty in adapting to the group. She always stayed close to the english children she already knew”.

It is at lunchtime that the families socialize a bit. After a short nap, the children go back to the Kid Club, while the parents use the activities that the club offers. They only get to meet again in the late afternoon, when the children’s dinner is served. Before 8 p.m., Madeleine and her siblings, who seem to function like a clock, are already asleep. Half an hour later, the group of friends meets at Tapas. The staff remember that they only leave at midnight: “They were very lively and drank a bit too much. I didn’t even realize they had children, because I never saw them around”.

Mathew Oldfield, one of the elements of the group, is back in England. He reacts with surprise upon the contact of Sol, but he does not avoid the conversation: “We drank. We were on holidays. So what?”.

And thus the days followed one upon another, at the Ocean Club. The holiday week is almost over and the group’s spirit does not change. Nobody had noticed until then, how the children were kept at a distance.

The most reliable way to undrestand what happened on May 3, when Madeleine disappeared, is to analyze the various versions that emerged.

It would have been 10 p.m. when Kate decided to check the children at the apartment. This is the only moment in the story that gathers consensus. Madeleine had vanished from her bedroom and the twins were sleeping like nothing had happened. The mother was back at the restaurant in one leap. She was disoriented.

PJ called two hours later

In seconds, the resort is in turmoil. The group’s four men and the club’s employees check every corner. They seem to be oblivious of the essential: to call the authorities. GNR is the first to arrive at the scene, but the news only reach Policia Judiciaria (PJ) more than two hours later. The first explanations arise. Where were the parents when the child disappeared? Gerry explains that, inspired in the scheme that some of the friends had used on their holidays in Greece, the nine members of the group took turns in checking on the children with some regularity.

This is the beginning of a story that will change in many chapters. Gerry starts by saying that he first left the table to check on the children around 9.05 p.m. When he entered the apartment the children were fine, he just noticed that the door to their bedroom was partially open. He looked at the window, which was closed, just as the shutters, and relaxed.

Ten minutes later, his friend Jane Tanner, who went around the apartments, crossed ways with a dark-haired man who was walking in the opposite direction, carrying a child. She didn’t make any connections either.

A few minutes later, Mathew Oldfield enters the room, sees the McCann children fast asleep, and notices nothing out of the ordinary. It is at 10 p.m. that Maddie’s mother discovers her daughter has disappeared. The window was wide open and the shutters were up.

To GNR, who is in the area with sniffer dogs to search for the child, this is a highly unlikely scenario. One of the military assures: “This is an extremely silent area, where there are practically no passing cars. That shutter was very difficult to lift from the outside, and would have made a lot of noise. It would have been a lot easier to use the door, but there were no signs of a break-in”.

This was just one of the reasons why the group became suspicious in the eyes of the investigators. Russell O’Brien, Jane Tanner’s husband, is already back in England, but he knows he could be summoned back to Portugal for a deposition anytime. Over the phone with Sol, he tries to keep his british phlegm: “It is normal that we are suspects, and the DNA test is a consequence thereof. We were the closest people involved”.

The conversation always comes back to the same issue: the night of the disappearance. The account of that last dinner has disparate versions among the group’s members. Some swear that someone left the table every half hour to check on the kids; other reduce that time to half of it. Some say control is made window by window; others say the adults entered each other’s apartments.

One of the employees that was on duty that evening does not remember a lot of movement: “I only remember a tall, grey-haired man getting up once from the table”. It was Russell, who, two days earlier, also had attended dinner.

An aerobic instructor from the resort entertains the dinner guests at Tapas with a ‘Quiz’. At 9.30 p.m. the game ends, and Gerry invites her to their table, where she stays for half an hour. During that time, as she later confided to friends, nobody left the table, but one of the chairs was vacant. Najova Chekaya refuses to talk to Sol. And Russell, when the questions start to surround him, loses his sympathy: “I have nothing further to tell you. I am not going to dishonor the compromise I assumed with Kate and Gerry. They want to control all information that is disclosed”.

Gerry changes his version several times, but he maintains that the door to his children’s room was open. Mat revokes his first statement: when he entered Madeleine’s room, the door was open and there was more light, as if the shutters had been raised. Here starts to develop the theory that there was already someone inside the apartment. Which reinforces Jane Tanner’s version (that she saw a man carrying a child).

Only Jane saw the man carrying a child

But there is a witness whose deposition contradicts this theory. Jeremy Wilkins – a tv producer who had met Maddie’s father during their holidays and used to play tennis with him – was walking his eight months old son at that time. He met Gerry, who went out through the apartment’s back door after having checked on the children, and the two man exchanged a brief conversation. At that time, if one is to believe the first accounts, Jane would have left Tapas in the direction of the apartment’s main entrance, and would have crossed paths with both of them. “It was a very narrow road and I think it would have been almost impossible to walk by without me taking notice”, Jeremy says, pointing out the fact that he saw no man carrying a child, as Jane states.

But Jane continues to guarantee that, at the top of the street, she saw a man with a child in his arms.

Although the area is scarcely lit, and the situation did not make her suspicious at the time, she describes the beige trousers, the dark thick jacket and the black classic-style shoes in a detailed way. Once again, Jeremy disagrees: “If that happened, I would have likely seen it”.

On the next day, the media circus was fully installed. The first reports are on Sky News first thing in the morning, even before portuguese press takes hold of the story. Journalists and locals dispute the information. Robert Murat, the son of an english mother and a portuguese father, with little luck in business, does not waste the opportunity. He moves from failed businessman into the role of a translator for the press and the police. Some british journalists, after sucking him to the bones, start suspecting his availability.

The Murat contradiction

Contrarily to the GNR elements and the Ocean Club’s staff, who participated in the searches on the night before and assure they did not see Murat around, Gerry and some of his friends guarantee that he was there. And thus he becomes an arguido.

Gerry and Kate’s friends, who are interrogated tightly by the PJ over almost a month, refuse to clarify this contradiction, when asked by Sol. “We have a pact. This is our matter only. It is nobody else’s business”, says David Payne, another element with the group. Minutes after we tried to contact Kate, Gerry, in a fury, calls the Sol journalist: “What do you think you are doing? Do you think you’re better than the portuguese police? I’m going to forward your contact to PJ and you will have to explain yourselves”.
This was the original SOL Pact of Silence report. It seem so long ago that it came out. But when you re-read it, with today's headlines as a guide, it seems to make a lot more sense.

I wonder if the JP are pulling in ROB or JT to break them down and make them tell the truth (assuming they haven't so far- I don't know if they have) or if they really believe they're guilty of something.

I just wish we could find Madeleine or her body. If she's alive, I'd jump for joy. But if not, her remains would provide crucial clues that would solve the case and maybe lead to arrests.
This was the original SOL Pact of Silence report. It seem so long ago that it came out. But when you re-read it, with today's headlines as a guide, it seems to make a lot more sense.

I wonder if the JP are pulling in ROB or JT to break them down and make them tell the truth (assuming they haven't so far- I don't know if they have) or if they really believe they're guilty of something.

I just wish we could find Madeleine or her body. If she's alive, I'd jump for joy. But if not, her remains would provide crucial clues that would solve the case and maybe lead to arrests.
I am glad to read this news ..thanks to you all for keeping this alive. I think we will find out what became of poor Maddie. It is only a matter of time.
This is truly a sad state of affairs, if it is true and they now suspect one or more of the McCanns friends then hopefully we will find out what has happened to Madelaine. It sounds to me as if the LE had their suspicions about the McCann party but until they had the proof to back up their suspicions were unable to act. I personally always thought that it was the McCanns or their friends, hopefully the truth will be known soon.
Waiting anxiously hoping to hear some news today. Prayers for little Madeleine!
WHY would Russell O'Brien do such a thing, if he did????

Possible reasons (just my OPINIONS ONLY):

1) He accidentally overdosed her with her parents' knowledge of the sedation ONLY, parents are unaware that Maddie died.

2) He accidentally overdosed her with her parents' knowledge of both the sedation and death.

3) He is a pedophile and he did his nasty thing to her and then killed her and disposed of her.

4) He is a pedophile and she died accidentally during his nasty thing and he disposed of her.

5) She was screaming for her father as she reportedly did on previous nights and he killed her in anger, sick of her being the one child to not comply with going to sleep and ruining the adults' evening together.

6) Back to the sedation theory: is it possible he sedated her WITHOUT her parents' knowledge?

Anyone else have any other ideas?
". . .Full results of DNA tests on blood specks found in the family's apartment are expected from a British forensic laboratory "imminently". . ."

". . .They are also looking again at claims a pensioner disturbed an intruder in her apartment directly above the McCanns' holiday flat just two weeks before Madeleine vanished. . ."

". . .A Briton who owns a holiday flat in Praia da Luz's Ocean Club complex, where Madeleine was snatched on May 3, suggested that burglars could be behind her disappearance. . ."

". . .Ian Robertson, from Neyland in Pembrokeshire, south Wales, experienced a break-in at his apartment, which is just 100m from the McCanns' flat and identical in layout, in February. . ."
this morning in Correio da Manha:

Madeleine McCann case
English delay exams

Since Thursday, the result from the exams on the biological residues that were collected by the PJ, are awaited in Portugal. The English lab has once again delayed the delivery, and now denies to establish a new deadline. The PJ continues to follow the death theory and Olegario de Sousa, the institution’s spokesman, recognized that “the results are precious”. The English police continues to insist on imminent detentions.

Four days after the foreseen date to receive the results from lab tests on the residues that were collected in Praia da Luz, the English lab has again not sent any elements to Policia Judiciaria. It has only communicated that the analyzes are in their conclusion phase, and that they will be sent to Portugal opportunely. And in order to avoid hollow expectations, the lab doesn’t even announce an arrival date. It could be this morning or it could be any other day this week, police sources have assured to CM.

A reality that disappointed Policia Judiciaria who seems to be increasingly on a run against time. With information leaks in Portuguese and English press, the authorities believe it will be difficult to achieve the effect of surprise in the investigation, namely if the possibility of searches on a specific suspect are made real, who has been identified by the police for a long time.

The expectations around the day of yesterday were great. Olegario de Sousa, the PJ’s spokesman, guaranteed to Lusa at the end of the morning that Judiciaria hadn’t received any indication on the results from the lab in Birmingham, but he admitted that could happen “still today [yesterday]”.

Olegario de Sousa then recognized that in order to follow the investigation lead that is analyzing the possible death of Madeleine, the “results are precious” from the blood residues. But he said those data would only be useful “if they bring any information” that is new.

On other “open” investigation lines, the PJ’s spokesman said the police “keeps working”, but he refused to reveal what diligences were being performed.

Olegario Sousa also explained that news that were published by some media, giving as certain the inquiry of a neighbour of the apartment from where Madeleine disappeared on the night of May 3, were “pure speculation”. But he did not advance any information on new diligences of Judiciaria in the Algarve, as the press in general has been suggesting.

English speak of detentions

British daily newspaper ‘The Times’ insisted yesterday, in its online edition, that a detention could be made at any moment. They guaranteed that the execution of that diligence was only depending on information that should arrive from Portuguese police, namely after receiving the analyzes’ results, which might confirm the investigation line that was already being followed.

As CM has reported, the same newspaper had guaranteed last weekend that arrest warrants had been issued in England, for searches to be made or even the detention of the suspect that police identified.

At the same time, English journalists advanced the possibility that the operation could happen today, having even assured that a great number of elements was being mobilized. The diligences would be accompanied by Portuguese police, and any arrested suspect could be extradited.

CM could not confirm such a scenario.
in Diario de Noticias today:

McCanns’ return penalizes PJ

If Madeleine McCann’s parents return to England, as they have already announced, Policia Judiciaria (PJ) may have difficulties in making the couple return to the country for a new interrogation, if they come to be considered suspects according to new clues.

This is the opinion that was yesterday expressed to DN by a lawyer, who believes that the strong media impact and the pressure that has been made by English media on the Portuguese authorities will make it more difficult for PJ to guarantee the presence of Gerald and Kate McCann in future inquiries.

On the other hand, he adds, if the couple is constituted arguidos in Portugal, their situation would depend on the coercion measure that is imposed by a judge. Yet, it would be assured that “they could not return to England anymore” in order to try to lead a normal life, even defending the stability of their twin children.

“PJ has been preparing, for two weeks, the public opinion and Maddie’s parents and friends for clues that point to the death of the child and the possibility of advancing with new arguidos”. For that, “security in the investigations is necessary, as the credibility of Portugal is questioned, at a time when we preside the EU”.

70-year old Pamela Fenn, who was supposed to be heard as a witness in the Madeleine case, will presumably be heard today.
This reminds me of an army or a navy laying down lots of smoke so you can't see their movements clearly. I think I know whats going on but I don't think it good to say at this time. An interesting strategy for handling the media and working the case at the same time.

Russell O'Brien


Jane Tanner
This reminds me of an army or a navy laying down lots of smoke so you can't see their movements clearly. I think I know whats going on but I don't think it good to say at this time. An interesting strategy for handling the media and working the case at the same time.

I can relate to has always felt that way to me....
(Babelfish Translation)

Dog with strong reaction inside of the used car for the McCann

"The announcement to the PJ of the return of the McCanns appeared at the same time that a pisteiro dog of the English Police inside had "a strong" reaction of the car that the couple rented after the disappearance of their daughter, Madeleine. A reaction that left the investigators intrigued. The Renault Mégane demoradamente was analyzed, for more than a week, by the technician of the Laboratory of Scientific Policy, which removed some vestiges that are to be analyzed and that will be able to help to explain whether the car was related to the disappearance of the girl. What is fact is that "springer spaniel" Eddie, that detects the odor immediately the corpse, it inside had a very strong reaction - that the investigators try to understand - of the automobile, a time that Kate and Gerry had occupied the car two or three days after the daughter had disappeared from the room where she slept, in the past day 3 of May, in the apartment Ocean Club (Beach of the Light). Such with the JN notified, the dogs had also had strong reactions inside of the apartment that the McCann had occupied during its week of vacation, and also noutros places in the Beach of the Light."

Is this the first we have seen that confirms detection by the dogs in a car?? Where/how does the 2 hour window fit with this? This is not good, not good at all....

List of Registered Medical Practitioners

Results of search on 21 AUG 2007 at 14:53:16. The details shown are valid at the date and time of the search only.

GMC Reference Number 4090124
Given Names Russell James
Surname O'Brien
Sex Male

Registration Status

More Details
Primary Medical Qualification
MB ChB 1994 Leic (Conferred)
Provisional Registration Date 11 JUL 1994
Full Registration Date 02 AUG 1995
Specialist Register
General (internal) Medicine from 24 OCT 2006
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics from 24 OCT 2006

GP Register
This doctor is not in the GP Register
I remember reading a news report that PJ thought she had been buried and then moved. The media certainly would have been watching their movements several days out from the disappearance, but that doesn't prevent them from lending out the car.
(Babelfish Translation)

Dog with strong reaction inside of the used car for the McCann

"The announcement to the PJ of the return of the McCanns appeared at the same time that a pisteiro dog of the English Police inside had "a strong" reaction of the car that the couple rented after the disappearance of their daughter, Madeleine. A reaction that left the investigators intrigued. The Renault Mégane demoradamente was analyzed, for more than a week, by the technician of the Laboratory of Scientific Policy, which removed some vestiges that are to be analyzed and that will be able to help to explain whether the car was related to the disappearance of the girl. What is fact is that "springer spaniel" Eddie, that detects the odor immediately the corpse, it inside had a very strong reaction - that the investigators try to understand - of the automobile, a time that Kate and Gerry had occupied the car two or three days after the daughter had disappeared from the room where she slept, in the past day 3 of May, in the apartment Ocean Club (Beach of the Light). Such with the JN notified, the dogs had also had strong reactions inside of the apartment that the McCann had occupied during its week of vacation, and also noutros places in the Beach of the Light."

Is this the first we have seen that confirms detection by the dogs in a car?? Where/how does the 2 hour window fit with this? This is not good, not good at all....

Everything we heard about the McCanns early on said they didn't rent a car for their vacation, but this turned out to be untrue. However, they didn't keep the same car during their entire stay in PDL. They turned in the original and rented out at least one other vehicle, all of which were searched. If the car they rented after Madeleine went missing was hit on by the scent dog, it means the McCanns know where her body is and moved it with the car.
Could the body possibly have been hidden inside a suitcase? Most likely, the searchers who were looking in the apartment on the night of May 3rd, would not have even thought to have opened up the suitcases and look. It would then make it fairly simple to walk out with a day or so latter. Horrible thought.:sick:
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