Madeleine McCann found?

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here is a murder case of an australian woman in the algarve in 2008. Apparently the pm said she had been killed with multiple blows with an axe, but the PJ said it was suicide. ccording to the report she live din an area where there was drug and child traffiking to north africa, and her family believed she may have seen something. She left a note saying she was going away, she did not now how things would wor out and asking for forgiveness. The PJ said this was a suicide note, but her family do not believe it, and the PM said she was killed by mutilple blows with an axe and had defnesive wounds.

As for Amaral,
he has never been cleared of torture
, and his criminal conviction still stands. he has lost his case in the criminal courts now, and has been ordered to pay not only the defence costs, but those of the court too. Something which can easily run up into tens of thousands. I cannot speak about Portugal, but in the UK if you lose you will normally have to pay at least some of the winners fees, if you are asked to pay court fees it is normally an indication that you have had no case.
He has failed in overturning his conviction in the torture case, he still has a libel trial case, and an assault case coming up. I also believe he is being chased by the taxman over unpaid taxes and debts. He won his appeal on the book ban, but that was not a decision based on its factuality, just his right to expression, but this is not an defence in libel trials so he could still lose his libel trial.
As far as I am aware the book is not banned in the UK, but it is up to sellers and publishers if they want to help publish and sell it. In the UK publishers and sellers can be held liable for libelous material, and would lose out of the book was found to be libelous and then banned. Also the book ban trial was not a libel trial, so it does not mean if it is ruled the book is libelous the book cannot then be banned. But the court could not maing a ruling then based on the factuality of the book as it was not a libel trial.

BBM are you absolutely sure about this? I would like to see a MSM link about this current case- preferably in English

English translation (found on internet I cannot verify the accuracy apart from first sentence)

The criminal court acquitted him of Faro, this Tuesday Aragão Correia, a lawyer for Leonor Cipriano - mother of missing girl in the Algarve in 2004 - and Professor António Pedro Dores, of defaming former Inspector of Judicial Police Gonçalo Amaral.

Aragão Correia and president of the Association Against Exclusion for Development (ACED), Antonio Pedro Dores, were accused of defaming the former inspector, who investigated for nearly eight years the disappearance of Jane, daughter of Leonor Cipriano.

In its judgment, the judge said the conditions were not met to consider even the possibility of legal order António Pedro Dores, president of ACED, who spread the "Report on Torture Leonor Cipriano perpetrated by the Judicial Police," the object of the process raised by Gonçalo Amaral.

As for Marcos Aragão Correia, cemented his acquittal in the fulfillment of civic duty to denounce acts of torture that is required every citizen and, on the other hand, has proven that as the lawyer for Leonor Cipriano was convinced that Gonçalo Amaral was the same co-author of the acts of torture against the mother of Joan.

By having knowledge of the acts committed against Leonor Cipriano - whose existence, as an autonomous object of judgment, the court did not question - through a conversation with your client, Aragão Correia became convinced of the veracity of the version heard, which, in the opinion of the court annulled the severity of their publication.

However, based on the testimony he heard - including that of Leonor Cipriano - the court failed to establish that Gonçalo Amaral has witnessed acts of torture or even coordinate the team that practiced.

On the other hand, claimed that Aragão Correia knew someone publicly attributed those acts could constitute matters "offending the honor and dignity," though it has done so in the belief that Eleanor had told the truth.

In 2009, Gonçalo Amaral was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment suspended for making false allegations in the trial of former agents and inspectors of the PJ, accused of torture to his mother Joan.

The former inspector considered that the report of the ACED was "damaging the honor and consideration personal and professional" and has decided to lodge a complaint for defamation against Aragão Correia and president of the association.

The Public Ministry (MP) asked for the acquittal of both, claiming that no longer makes sense to talk about defamation, since all the evidence pointed to the existence of torture, despite never having tasted exactly your own.

Heard as a witness in closing arguments of the trial, Leonor described the inspectors put a bag over his head, kicked around the body and hit him with a telephone card and a blunt object.

Reportedly, the attacks continued after they have forced to kneel on two glass ashtrays that she said would have been transported by the Gonçalo Amaral.

Leonor and the missing girl's uncle, João Cipriano, were convicted in November 2004 to 20 years and four months and 19 years and two months imprisonment, respectively, for murder and concealment of a corpse.

On appeal, the sentence of Leonor Cipriano was reduced to 16 years and eight months.

The artcile states that they did not find evidence Amaral was involved in thr torture, but this trial was not about that, so they were unable to find him guilty or not guilty in that respect.

Two courts have found Cipriano was tortured in police custody by unidentified police officers. The court rules that although she had been torture dby the police, because they put a bag over her head they could not identify which individuels actually assaulted her. Amaral received a criminal conviction with a suspended prison term, for falsifying evidence in relation to the torture trial. The 2012 amnesty international report on Portugal mentions this case. he is awaiting a criminal trial for the assault of the mother's brother.

English translation (found on internet I cannot verify the accuracy apart from first sentence)

The criminal court acquitted him of Faro, this Tuesday Aragão Correia, a lawyer for Leonor Cipriano - mother of missing girl in the Algarve in 2004 - and Professor António Pedro Dores, of defaming former Inspector of Judicial Police Gonçalo Amaral.

Aragão Correia and president of the Association Against Exclusion for Development (ACED), Antonio Pedro Dores, were accused of defaming the former inspector, who investigated for nearly eight years the disappearance of Jane, daughter of Leonor Cipriano.

In its judgment, the judge said the conditions were not met to consider even the possibility of legal order António Pedro Dores, president of ACED, who spread the "Report on Torture Leonor Cipriano perpetrated by the Judicial Police," the object of the process raised by Gonçalo Amaral.

As for Marcos Aragão Correia, cemented his acquittal in the fulfillment of civic duty to denounce acts of torture that is required every citizen and, on the other hand, has proven that as the lawyer for Leonor Cipriano was convinced that Gonçalo Amaral was the same co-author of the acts of torture against the mother of Joan.

By having knowledge of the acts committed against Leonor Cipriano - whose existence, as an autonomous object of judgment, the court did not question - through a conversation with your client, Aragão Correia became convinced of the veracity of the version heard, which, in the opinion of the court annulled the severity of their publication.

However, based on the testimony he heard - including that of Leonor Cipriano - the court failed to establish that Gonçalo Amaral has witnessed acts of torture or even coordinate the team that practiced.

On the other hand, claimed that Aragão Correia knew someone publicly attributed those acts could constitute matters "offending the honor and dignity," though it has done so in the belief that Eleanor had told the truth.

In 2009, Gonçalo Amaral was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment suspended for making false allegations in the trial of former agents and inspectors of the PJ, accused of torture to his mother Joan.

The former inspector considered that the report of the ACED was "damaging the honor and consideration personal and professional" and has decided to lodge a complaint for defamation against Aragão Correia and president of the association.

The Public Ministry (MP) asked for the acquittal of both, claiming that no longer makes sense to talk about defamation, since all the evidence pointed to the existence of torture, despite never having tasted exactly your own.

Heard as a witness in closing arguments of the trial, Leonor described the inspectors put a bag over his head, kicked around the body and hit him with a telephone card and a blunt object.

Reportedly, the attacks continued after they have forced to kneel on two glass ashtrays that she said would have been transported by the Gonçalo Amaral.

Leonor and the missing girl's uncle, João Cipriano, were convicted in November 2004 to 20 years and four months and 19 years and two months imprisonment, respectively, for murder and concealment of a corpse.

On appeal, the sentence of Leonor Cipriano was reduced to 16 years and eight months.

The artcile states that they did not find evidence Amaral was involved in thr torture, but this trial was not about that, so they were unable to find him guilty or not guilty in that respect.

Two courts have found Cipriano was tortured in police custody by unidentified police officers. The court rules that although she had been torture dby the police, because they put a bag over her head they could not identify which individuels actually assaulted her. Amaral received a criminal conviction with a suspended prison term, for falsifying evidence in relation to the torture trial. The 2012 amnesty international report on Portugal mentions this case. he is awaiting a criminal trial for the assault of the mother's brother.

You are aware that this sort of accusation is a hazard of the job for Police Detectives, right?

Soon you'll be accusing Amaral of abducting Madeleine.
he was not just accused, he recived a criminal conviction for falsifying evidence that made it look like she was not tortured. Two courts ruled she was tortured by the police, and that amaral at the very least knew about it. The courts rules they could not identify the cowards as they put a bag over the woman's head.

Amaral was accused of being directlt involve din torture, and took his accusers to criminal court for libel. he lost.

Amaral is awaiting a criminal trial for assault, a civil case for libel, and is in troubel with the taxman.

His former co-accused, is now facing criminal charges for blackmail.

Is it true that Cipriano's lawyer is taking her case to the UN?
Take it to a Court of Law. And then let's see how far you get.

Oh Sorry, I forgot. The whole World is IN IT. Absolutely everyone is covering for a couple of middle class Doctors who must have some horrendous secret that would bring down The Governments of several Countries.
Is this what you believe?

Now missing people are part of the conspiracy! A group of individuels has written an open letter to missing people, claiming that some people think the children on their site are not really missing and they just seek donations to pay high wages. They have demanded the kate mccann is removed as ambassador, and that they remove madeleine from the missing children pages. They say if their requirements are not met they will take action, and they will have the police investigate them.
There is also a petion on one of their twitter accoutns trying to get the police investigation closed down. Why would a bunch of grown adults try to stop thepolice looking for a missing child, or finding out what happened to them. madeleine has not been declared dead therefore he has the same rights as any other EU citizen and there is a legal obligation to do their best to find her.

Going bac to missing people, by claiming they will get the police to investigate them this means one of two things 1) they have reason to suspect missing people of a crime, and instead of telling the police they are using it to coerce missing people or 2) they do not have any knowledge of a crime, and are threatening to go to the police and demand an investigation based on nothing - which is wasting police time and a crime.
he was not just accused, he recived a criminal conviction for falsifying evidence that made it look like she was not tortured. Two courts ruled she was tortured by the police, and that amaral at the very least knew about it. The courts rules they could not identify the cowards as they put a bag over the woman's head.

Amaral was accused of being directlt involve din torture, and took his accusers to criminal court for libel. he lost.

Amaral is awaiting a criminal trial for assault, a civil case for libel, and is in troubel with the taxman.

His former co-accused, is now facing criminal charges for blackmail.

Is it true that Cipriano's lawyer is taking her case to the UN?

It has already been lodged by Leonor Cipriano's Lawyer, but these things take some time.
However, it has now been formally accepted by The Portuguese State on three separate occasions, so I don't understand why Portugal don't release her and pay her. The Trial itself was a farce beyond belief.
No Body. No Forensics. No Motive. And No Witnesses. Just the word of a bunch of thugs who beat a Confession out of a defenceless woman, and threatened her brother with the same treatment if he didn't confess.
I do not understand why the ECHR has not got involved, it was illegal to use anything she said to the police against her because the courts ruled she was tortured, and that breaks the law in that she had a right to a fair trial. remember when the UK recently refused to extradite a terror suspect because the ECHR ruled there was a chance his trial might use evidence which was gathered by torture and that trespassed upon his right to a fair trial.
Her lawyer should lodge a case everywhere he can think of, especially now he has won the libel case.

No wonder the PJ officers who tortured Cipriano, and/or watched and thought this was acceptable were incensed with kate McCann. leonora cipriano was all on her own, kate was with a translator, a lawyer, there were embassy officials on the scene, british family liason officers, plus the world's media who would certainly see and photograph with glee if kate had appeared with injuries like leonora was given. They actually had to get a result through police work this time.

Its awful we have two missing little girls, one women killed with multiple blows with an axe declared a suicide, uninvestigated assaults on children, the casa pia case, one officer with a criminal conviction for fabricating evidence who is awaiting trial for libel and assault, another officer facing a criminal conviction for blackmail, and two courts declaring the police tortured a woman, all within a thirty mile area in five years!
I do not understand why the ECHR has not got involved, it was illegal to use anything she said to the police against her because the courts ruled she was tortured, and that breaks the law in that she had a right to a fair trial. remember when the UK recently refused to extradite a terror suspect because the ECHR ruled there was a chance his trial might use evidence which was gathered by torture and that trespassed upon his right to a fair trial.
Her lawyer should lodge a case everywhere he can think of, especially now he has won the libel case.

No wonder the PJ officers who tortured Cipriano, and/or watched and thought this was acceptable were incensed with kate McCann. leonora cipriano was all on her own, kate was with a translator, a lawyer, there were embassy officials on the scene, british family liason officers, plus the world's media who would certainly see and photograph with glee if kate had appeared with injuries like leonora was given. They actually had to get a result through police work this time.

Its awful we have two missing little girls, one women killed with multiple blows with an axe declared a suicide, uninvestigated assaults on children, the casa pia case, one officer with a criminal conviction for fabricating evidence who is awaiting trial for libel and assault, another officer facing a criminal conviction for blackmail, and two courts declaring the police tortured a woman, all within a thirty mile area in five years!

Shocking. But completely off irrelevant.

What has (allegedly) occured in one case has exactly no bearing on Madeleine's disappearance.

The investigating officers did not abduct her.
Shocking. But completely off irrelevant.

What has (allegedly) occured in one case has exactly no bearing on Madeleine's disappearance.

The investigating officers did not abduct her.

But that is the point it is not irrelevant. The mother of a missing girl was tortured into a confession, the courts have ruled that. At the time of the madeleine investigation several officers involve din the case, including the lead investigator, were awaiting trial for the torture. Any evidence that there was an abductor in the area weighted the torture trial against them, since it made it more believable that the abductor had also taken Joana. Therefore it can always be argued that the madeleine investigation was going to be bias, even subconsciouly, against the idea of an intruder. Plus it also smacks of general incompetance and corruption at best - would you want these police to investigate a crime you were a victim of. I am not saying all Pj are like this just this bunch , I am sure all countries have similar problems (have you read the british news about the police officer who got a not guilty verdict in a manslaughter trial).
But that is the point it is not irrelevant. The mother of a missing girl was tortured into a confession, the courts have ruled that. At the time of the madeleine investigation several officers involve din the case, including the lead investigator, were awaiting trial for the torture. Any evidence that there was an abductor in the area weighted the torture trial against them, since it made it more believable that the abductor had also taken Joana. Therefore it can always be argued that the madeleine investigation was going to be bias, even subconsciouly, against the idea of an intruder. Plus it also smacks of general incompetance and corruption at best - would you want these police to investigate a crime you were a victim of. I am not saying all Pj are like this just this bunch , I am sure all countries have similar problems (have you read the british news about the police officer who got a not guilty verdict in a manslaughter trial).
No court declared the mother was tortured into any confession, steady on there

The courts ONLY declared she was tortured/beaten, they never said who byand no one ever proved it either, there is no evidence to say she was torturedby the police anywhere, but there is evidence she wasbeaten up by inmates, so there you go
No court declared the mother was tortured into any confession, steady on there

The courts ONLY declared she was tortured/beaten, they never said who byand no one ever proved it either, there is no evidence to say she was torturedby the police anywhere, but there is evidence she wasbeaten up by inmates, so there you go

The Court Ruled, at Trial and on Appeal that Leonor Cipriano was Tortured by Elements of The PJ while in their Custody. Goncalo Amaral was Convicted of Falsifying Evidence to Cover Up this Torture, as was another PJ Officer whose name I can't remember at the moment.
The Court Ruled, at Trial and on Appeal that Leonor Cipriano was Tortured by Elements of The PJ while in their Custody. Goncalo Amaral was Convicted of Falsifying Evidence to Cover Up this Torture, as was another PJ Officer whose name I can't remember at the moment.

What has this got to do with Madeleine?
two girls disappeared within three miles and therefore there could be a connection. it is rare to have a child disappear and not be found, yet this happened twice within three years and three miles. The only reason anyone is in prison for Joana's disappearence is because information gained under torture and threats of torture were used in the case which is illegal under EU and international law. If it goes ot the EU or UN it is likely the conviction will be thrown out.
It also demonstrates that the police officer in charge was not suitable criminals tend not t be. Considering much of the case against the mccanns is getting put around by amaral it is worth keeping in mind, that unlike any of the tapas nine, he is a convicted criminal.

Two courts have ruled that Cipriano was tortured at the police station. the court rules it was unidentified police officers that were responsible.
I am trying to find out more about the Mari Luz Cortez case, does anyone have a link? (independent from the various partisan blogs)

What caused the discord between her parents and the McCanns?
I am trying to find out more about the Mari Luz Cortez case, does anyone have a link? (independent from the various partisan blogs)

What caused the discord between her parents and the McCanns?

It is difficult to find information on it, at least in English. Every english media report talks about it in relation to madeleine mccann. Unfortuently there is a huge amount of information on blogsites, but non of these look independent, and they clog up the searches. there are soem contradictions, some reports say her death was due to drowning after falling in the killers flat and losing consiousness, leading to him and his sister thinking she was dead and dumping her in a river, whereas other reports say she was suffocated, and had suffered head and rib injuries.
Apparently her killer, a man with previous convictions for paedophilia who lived in the area, laucnched an appeal, but I cannot see any mor einformation about this.
I could not find anything reliable about mari and madeleine's family, other than the mccanns offering sympathy, and their investigators looking into a connection. It is easy to be thrown by the fact it was different countries, but the disappearence were only 120 miles apart so it is easy to see why people thought there might be a connection.

A little boy called Yeremi vargas disappeared from Gran canaria only two months before madeleine Mccann disappeared too.
What in the heck is going on with all the rude attacking posts around here? This is not part of our terms of service :tos: If you want to dispute a post that is fine but don't attack the poster you are responding to.
New Image:


Madeleine McCann could still be alive: UK police

UK police say it's possible that missing girl Madeleine McCann is alive

Police issue computer-generated photo of missing Madeleine McCann
UK police still hope to find Madeleine alive as ninth birthday nears
( Bumping for Madeleine)
"We genuinely believe there is a possibility that she is alive," Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood from Scotland Yard's homicide and serious crime command said.

"And we are currently developing material which we believe represents genuinely new information.

"From the outset, we have approached this review with a completely open mind, placing Madeleine McCann at the heart of everything we do"
( Bumping for Madeleine)

"We genuinely believe there is a possibility that she is alive," Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood from Scotland Yard's homicide and serious crime command said.

"And we are currently developing material which we believe represents genuinely new information.

"From the outset, we have approached this review with a completely open mind, placing Madeleine McCann at the heart of everything we do"

Reviewing the case cannot happen soon enough, in my opinion.

However, it is worrying that Redwood has essentially made a statement about nothing. As no one knows what happened to Madeleine, it should go without saying there's a possiblility she is alive.

The IDI's have seized upon this empty comment as somehow supporting their beliefs, where really, it is merely a throw away media-friendly statement of the obvious that should perhaps have been avoided by an investigator of his rank.

the review has been going on since last year. redwood made a statement about the possibility of her being alive recently, and said it was due to specific pieces of information they had. he made a point of saying this was just one possibility, but that they had information which led them to believe it was possible. As this is a UK review the UK newspapers cannot report leaks like they could do with the portuguese investigation so we do not get told what information this is.
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