Madeleine McCann found?

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Those parents who leave their babies outside are Nordic parents.

Swedes, Danes, Fins - the same folk who also believe in hot saunas followed by rolling naked in the snow.

It is a cultural belief.

They never ever leave their babies outside AT NIGHT.

They never leave their babies out of their sight, either.

The McCanns didn't leave their babies outside, they left them in an unlocked foreign hotel room completely alone and unobserved.

This is not acceptable anywhere save a war zone, in my country or in the UK or even Portugal or any of the Nordic countries.

The babies in the cold are with their mothers or carers. Madeleine and her siblings were entirely alone.

That is not true. They just park them and go in, I have more pictures of prams parked all over the side streets and no one can see them from inside. They can not watch them every minute from out there. It would take a second for someone to push one right down the street. It is a practice that would never been done here, I would not do that either. It is a parenting decision and very much like this.

No matter what they did leaving the kids in that room does not meet neglect for me. IT may not be the smartest thing but I don't see neglect.

"For Danes, the dunes are a matter of necessity because their kids nap outside year-round. If the family doesn’t have a yard or a balcony, the babies might nap in the courtyard while moms check on them occasionally from their fifth-story windows as they bring their minimalist houses to the impossible levels of perfection Oprah featured in her Copenhagen segment."
That is not true. They just park them and go in, I have more pictures of prams parked all over the side streets and no one can see them from inside. They can not watch them every minute from out there. It would take a second for someone to push one right down the street. It is a practice that would never been done here, I would not do that either. It is a parenting decision and very much like this.

No matter what they did leaving the kids in that room does not meet neglect for me. IT may not be the smartest thing but I don't see neglect.

Fair enough.

So what do you think happened to Madeleine, while her parents were out not neglecting her?
I think that some one was watching her and looking for opportunity. I believe they found that and took her. I don't see anything else that fits or makes logical sense.

Again, Please know that I would not leave my children alone in a room at that age. I just don't think it makes them more likely to be murderers..
I think that some one was watching her and looking for opportunity. I believe they found that and took her. I don't see anything else that fits or makes logical sense.

Again, Please know that I would not leave my children alone in a room at that age. I just don't think it makes them more likely to be murderers..

Once again, the allegation has never been murder.

The suspicions of the PJ indicate that Madeleine came to harm somehow while alone and unsupervised in that room and her parents devised an elaborate cover up to save their own reputations.

MDI (McCann did it) believe that the criminal charges should be

neglect leading to death
lying to police
fraud (McCann Fund)
manslaughter (if their actions resulted in a drugged and woozy Madeleine)

But not murder.

I really think that there was more than enough opportunity, for someone to grab her and take her.

Was there any evidence that the children were drugged when put to bed?
Evidence of drugging? Well no, primarily because she vanished.

Ha.. I did not mean on Madeleine. I meant that it was a practice that was going on there? Is there any proof any of the other children were drugged?
Ha.. I did not mean on Madeleine. I meant that it was a practice that was going on there? Is there any proof any of the other children were drugged?

Does it matter?


Would it prove anything at all?

I'm more interested in reading the evidence that makes you so sure it was an intruder. As far as I know, there isn't any.

No stray fingerprints or DNA, no sightings, well there was one but unfortunately for the McCann, Gerry was positively identified carrying M away.

I think that some one was watching her and looking for opportunity. I believe they found that and took her. I don't see anything else that fits or makes logical sense.

Again, Please know that I would not leave my children alone in a room at that age. I just don't think it makes them more likely to be murderers..

You wouldn't leave your children alone because you care about them.

In my way of thinking, if you're cold and careless enough to leave two-year olds alone you could very easily be cold and careless enough to do something else, and infinitely more likely to end up having to cover up a neglectful death of a child.
It does make me wonder what it would take to make some folks look hard at the parents.

You wouldn't leave your children alone because you care about them.

In my way of thinking, if you're cold and careless enough to leave two-year olds alone you could very easily be cold and careless enough to do something else, and infinitely more likely to end up having to cover up a neglectful death of a child.

I don't see this as cold. I don't agree with it, But I don't think it means they did not care about their children. Was this a great choice? No. But I can not believe that they thought at all that anything bad would or could happen to the kids.

Since Madeleine is missing the easiest view is that she was taken. The place where it starts to get muddy is was her parents responsible? I just don't see that. I don't see the leap yet. Im still looking at documents and such. If you have a good resource that you think has information I need to see something else, Please post it.
Does it matter?


Would it prove anything at all?

I'm more interested in reading the evidence that makes you so sure it was an intruder. As far as I know, there isn't any.

No stray fingerprints or DNA, no sightings, well there was one but unfortunately for the McCann, Gerry was positively identified carrying M away.


Well yes. It matters, If you offer that you think the children may have been drugged then what happened with the two living children is part of the equation.

By who? Who identified G? Because that would be a block buster! It would be all over the news and make this much easier. But I see no arrest warrant, No Portuguese govt screaming we solved it!!

No fingerprints whatsoever? In a hotel room? I find that incredible and unrealistic.
I don't see this as cold. I don't agree with it, But I don't think it means they did not care about their children. Was this a great choice? No. But I can not believe that they thought at all that anything bad would or could happen to the kids.

Since Madeleine is missing the easiest view is that she was taken. The place where it starts to get muddy is was her parents responsible? I just don't see that. I don't see the leap yet. Im still looking at documents and such. If you have a good resource that you think has information I need to see something else, Please post it.

JMO, these are not stupid people. They are doctors, they are well educated, they have worked in hospitals and attended courses in pediatrics and psychiatry and emergency medicine. I cannot believe that they didn't know perfectly well that two and three year olds are not old enough to take care of themselves and that any number of bad things could happen to unattended children.

So, if they cared about any of that at all, why were these children alone?
I think that some one was watching her and looking for opportunity. I believe they found that and took her. I don't see anything else that fits or makes logical sense.

Again, Please know that I would not leave my children alone in a room at that age. I just don't think it makes them more likely to be murderers..

I agree.
JMO, these are not stupid people. They are doctors, they are well educated, they have worked in hospitals and attended courses in pediatrics and psychiatry and emergency medicine. I cannot believe that they didn't know perfectly well that two and three year olds are not old enough to take care of themselves and that any number of bad things could happen to unattended children.

So, if they cared about any of that at all, why were these children alone?

Their priority wasn't their children.

Honestly, I don't understand why anyone takes a family vacation then promptly dumps their children off at "kid camp"...

They were all about having "me" time.
The last thing anybody want's too do it blame the parent's of a missing child for there disappearance. But it all fits there "story's" don't make sense. There timelines are off, blood ,cadaver odor, the hits on the car. Scarlett I don't know if you ever heard about the Bianca Jones case ( happened about an hr from where I live) but her father was convicted and sentenced too life based on the findings off Cadaver dogs!(The poor babies body was never found :( ) I used too question the reliability of these dogs as well but somethings just can't go away and cadaver odor is one of them.
JMO, these are not stupid people. They are doctors, they are well educated, they have worked in hospitals and attended courses in pediatrics and psychiatry and emergency medicine. I cannot believe that they didn't know perfectly well that two and three year olds are not old enough to take care of themselves and that any number of bad things could happen to unattended children.

So, if they cared about any of that at all, why were these children alone?

I know plenty of smart people who are not the best at parenting. Not because they don't love their kids but they sometimes have a hard time processing appropriateness for smaller kids.

I can not imagine doing this. I can't. I would not be able to sleep but I just don't see the leap from this to them being responsible. It is way more likely that if something happened, an accident, They would scream for help and get a dr there. It makes no sense that they would hide the body ala Casey Anthony pitch.

It makes no sense.
The last thing anybody want's too do it blame the parent's of a missing child for there disappearance. But it all fits there "story's" don't make sense. There timelines are off, blood ,cadaver odor, the hits on the car. Scarlett I don't know if you ever heard about the Bianca Jones case ( happened about an hr from where I live) but her father was convicted and sentenced too life based on the findings off Cadaver dogs!(The poor babies body was never found :( ) I used too question the reliability of these dogs as well but somethings just can't go away and cadaver odor is one of them.

No. I have not. I will look it up though! Thanks for the reference.
I know plenty of smart people who are not the best at parenting. Not because they don't love their kids but they sometimes have a hard time processing appropriateness for smaller kids.

Quite possibly because they just don't care. It's not that hard to take a look at a two year old and what they can and cannot do and process whether it's
age appropriate to leave children alone at that age. If there truly are some people who have a hard time getting this concept they have no business parenting. JMO.

I can not imagine doing this. I can't. I would not be able to sleep but I just don't see the leap from this to them being responsible. It is way more likely that if something happened, an accident, They would scream for help and get a dr there. It makes no sense that they would hide the body ala Casey Anthony pitch.

It makes no sense.

It might make no sense to you or me or any parents whose priority are their children but then again parents whose priority are their children might never leave their toddlers alone to begin with and wouldn't be in the position of having to choose between getting help for the child and saving their own butt.
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