Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 23

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The interesting thing again is that the McCanns chose to make their security system public. Many if not all celebrities have stalkers or people who make violent threats and absolutely nothing is ever made public about the threats. Maybe they honestly believe (or Clarence does) that this makes them safer.

But--honestly--I find that hard to believe. Why is it the McCanns are so, so, everlastingly consistent with mentioning the nasty letters against them? Often in the "we've received so much support BUT...." kind of comment such as the Christmas card.

Why mention this at all, is my thought.
I agree Texana. This stuff, both the threats and the security system, were originally talked about back in Sept. 2007. So why bring it up AGAIN, now? As Barnaby said above - to try to generate sympathy, but all it does is create a back lash. And as she also said - to minimize the impacts of whatever is about to come out.

I feel fairly certain something is going to come out in the press soon. I was thinking we were not going to see anything before July 14-15ish because of what the Portugese papers were printing. And maybe not until after the summer holiday around Aug. 15th. But now I wonder. Maybe something is going to break? I am sure the McCanns already know what is about to happen. PLE has always given them advance warnings, like when they were made arguidos. And because they had the advance warning, they worked the media to spin the events in their favor.

So now..... here we go again.... rehashing of old news that makes the McCanns look like victims and doing the best they can to protect themselves... so please feel for them. Is it just to take the focus off the "ward of the court" issue? Or are we going to hear something new?

I don't believe the McCanns asked for Maddie to be a ward of the court. I would like to see the paperwork on the motion first. Just like I think the newspapers that had to pay the McCanns had to pay for saying that Gerry wasn't the father, etc. and NOT because they said the McCanns were implicated in the disappearance of Maddie. However, McCann spins says the opposite of what I think. I want to see the court records, the actual documents.


PS - IW was there a life insurance policy on Maddie?
The most appalling thing when they speak of their concerns for their own safety is that they never ever speak of what Madeleine could be suffering! They insist that there is no evidence to say that she is dead & that they believe she is alive yet never ever allude to their concerns for her wellbeing if in fact she is alive!

I would have sympathy for anyone who received death threats but these people can actually take measures to protect themselves, their 3 year old daughter was utterly defenceless & still is even at 5, if alive.

Another thing, they speak of taking this court action so that the search for Madeleine may be resumed, I thought that the search was ongoing with Metodo3? They are so full of contradictions!
Ward of the Court is a big crock.

I've been thinking about this and you know, it is crazy. Here we have 2 parents who think the police have bumbled EVERY THING. They don't trust the cops, they cut them down every chance they get....BUT they decided to turn the welfare of their daughter over to a court appointed judge, giving this unnamed judge power over their daughters future. They trust lawyers more than cops with their daughter??? What if she actually was found, (We know that ain't going to happen & so do the McCanns) and the judge said, in the child's best interest she needs foster care from adults who won't leave her alone. Or what if the judge says, I think she is traumatised and will need to spend the next 3 years in a mental facility 1000 miles away. Even if Madeleine was found a live, it would take another 2 years worth of red tape for the McCanns to ever be restored custody, and have her living back home. No, I smell a rat here.

No, no, no, nothing good would come from a living Madeleine being a ward of the state for parents who really cared and believed she was alive. Chances are, they would never have custody of her again. BUT...the McCanns can still be named the beneficiary of any LIFE INSURANCE POLICY they had previously taken out on Madeleine regardless of their parental status....AND, being a ward of the state, the process of declaring Madeleine legally dead will be much quicker, not to mention a decision made by the court, and not the McCanns. (Not to further tarnish public oppenion, ya know) Basically, they'll get their life insurance money on Madeleine faster, and won't have to look like villains for prematurely declaring her dead. They know the courts will take care of the process being her guardian without the red tape just to get her "off the books". This will all happen much quicker, they'll be rolling in the dough much sooner, and they avoid negative public oppenion of themselves than if they filed a court petition to declare her dead.

It is once again ALL ABOUT THE THEM...and of course THE DAMN MONEY.

Unless you have a source which states there is insurance on Madelieine this is just mere speculation.Also in this country I dont think you can declare anyone dead until 7 years have elapsed.As to the rest of your post-more speculation and gossip.
They lied about the checks (every hour then when that wasn’t received well ever half hour)

They lied that they were performing the checks themselves (then it became known other men in the group were also checking on the McCann kids)

They lied even after that in the TV interview when Kate says she discovered Madeleine gone ‘on one of my checks’ – it was the only check she made that night.

They lied about the distance from the apartment to the Tapas bar

They lied that you can see the apartment from the Tapas Bar

They lied about whether they actually saw Madeleine with their own eyes or just listened at the door (as did their friends)

They lied about who checked and when (changing their stories)

They lied about who remained at the table all evening and who was absent

They lied that leaving 3 children all under four years old alone at night ‘at the time was not irresponsible’

Their friends lied about seeing Murat there that night (as incoming and outgoing phone records placed him consistently at home)

They lied about Bundleman.

Tanner lied about when she gave Bundlemans details to the Police (changing the date)

Tanner lied about the description of Bundleman (changing the height and appearance)

Wilkins & Gerry or Tanner lied about that check when they were all in the same place but never saw each other.

They lied that the door was locked and changed it to unlocked when it was not well received.

They lied that the door was closed, then it was open because of ‘danger of fire’

They lied about the shutters being jemmied or forced

They lied to friends, family and media when the called them that night telling them of an abductor who had broken into their apartment

Gerry lied when he said there was no way Madeleine could have gotten out of bed and then said she must have wandered off.

Gerry later lied in his blog saying the twins must like their new cots because they were asleep by 7:30pm which was very unusual, and yet the twins were asleep by 7:30 on the night of May 3rd allegedly.

They lied to friends, family and media in phone calls that night saying the Police had not shown up when they were already there.

Kate lied to Mrs Fenn saying the Police had been called.

They lied saying they had called the Police when it was in fact Mark Warner

They lied when they said it felt so safe and then said they knew they were being watched.

They lied to family, friends and media on the phone that night when they said nobody was doing anything wheen in fact locals, holidaymakers and staff were all helping search.

They lied when they said they were all searching when Kate and Gerry were hitting phones until midnight and Tanner claims she knew nothing of the disappearance until another friend knocked on her door.

Gerry lied when he asked for a priest claiming not to know where the church was.

They lied as to what time the Police arrived

They lied that Cuddlecat was Madeleine’s favourite toy and then that it was a present to be given to her on her fourth birthday.

They lied saying they would cooperate fully with the investigation

They lied saying they would not do anything to hinder the investigation

They lied that the fund was going to be a charity.

They lied that the fund would help other missing children and families of.

They lied when they said they didn’t know Murat.

They lied when they said they would stay in Portugal until their daughter was found.

They lied when they said they were going to learn Portuguese.

They lied that it could not possibly be Madeleine’s blood in the trunk of their hire car. And then they took the same vehicle out of circulation so no further tests could be carried out upon it.

They lied about not discussing the case and met with the Tapas 9 secretly.

Gerry lied about where his wallet was apparently stolen, Waterloo station and then near Downing Street.

They lied when they said abductions like this (snatched sleeping from a hotel or apartment) happen a lot, they don’t.

They lied about the fund not being used for personal matters and then it paid their mortgage.

Kate lied about coming into contact with 6 dead people in her 1 day a week job as GP to explain the cadaver scent on her clothing.

They lied about cuddlecat having the scent of Madeleine and being comforting and then as soon as they heard the dogs were coming Kate announced she had washed it because it smelled of sun tan lotion. Making forensic analysis of it much harder.

They about the crime scene, about how many people came into the crime scene, walked around and contaminated it, again making investigation much harder and destroying much evidence according to detectives.

Gerry lied about the existence of the tennis bag.

They lied about going to sue media companies.

They lied about the film deal.

They lied about sacking Justine McGuinness and her subsequent departure.

They lied about returning to Portugal for questioning voluntarily and now will only do if their Arguido status is lifted. They have also appointed General Pinochets extradition-fighting lawyers.

Gerry lied about his faith.

They lied to the local catholic priest (who now claims he was deceived by the McCanns) and then deserted him for the Anglican reverend instead and never, ever took confession apparently.

They said a lie detector test would clear them and now refuse to take one.

They lied for months saying they were not suspects in the disappearance of their daughter and were then both made formal Arguido / suspects under Portuguese law.

They lied about the possibility of sedation and then claimed ridiculously that perhaps the Abductor had sedated all 3 of their children before making off with Madeleine.

Gerry lied about Kate’s ability to cope with three children on her own when her own Parents and her own diary say different.

They lied about the amount of alcohol consumed that night.

In another lie about cooperating they refused to provide their mobile phone records to the pj.

Kate explaining away the scent of death of cuddlecat because she took the childs 4th birthday present cuddly toy to work and exposed it to contact with 6 dead people.

They lied how everything had been so normal up til May 3rd when it is now known that Mark Warner staff had received complaints from other holidaymakers because of their home alone children crying and seeming in distress. This also brought Mark Warner staff looking for the McCanns on the night of the 2nd and insisting they attend to their distressed children.

They lied about 90 minute tennis lesson with several versions of the story being put out by official sources within the McCann Camp

They and at least one friend lied about Madeleine’s last meal on May 3rd.

They lied about the abductor entering through the window and then changed it to the patio doors.

Matthew Oldfield lied about his check on the McCann children changing his story not once but twice.

Kate lied about physically searching for her daughter but then admits to not have done so in a tv interview.

McCanns claim they were the first to arrive to tapas on May 3rd, Rachel Oldfield claims they were the last to arrive.

Despite being in Rome and Madrid and claiming to be spending the rest of the week quietly at home in PDL with the twins, the hire car in it’s first week clocked up over 500 miles.

Gerry lied about his checks on the children in the apartment, at first having claimed to have entered several rooms later then claiming the abductor must have hiding in the apartment while he was there.

Gerry and O Brien have lied about their locations when holding a mobile phone call together on June 10th as verified by phone records and pinpointing.

Jane Tanner has changed her statements, arrival time at tapas, direction of travel, checking times for night of May 3rd.

Najova Chekaya who joined the tapas 9 at the table at 9:30 states nobody left the table until Kate went to check. Putting Oldfields, O Briens, Tanners and Gerry McCanns statements into question.

Thanks to: Tony Q on the 3A and John Hirst (jailhouselawyer)
We are all aware that they lied a lot but quite staggering when all the lies are put in one place like that!
Thanks for posting Colomon, it proves the old saying "A liar needs to have a very good memory" but of course they are well aware of their lies all done to save their own skins!
omg, Colomom! That is a sobering list.

I wish they'd been as concerned with Madeleine's security and safety. Sigh....

You know why it infuriates me? Because Madeleine and her siblings didn't have any "panic button" they could push when they were scared. All they could do was cry together and tell Mummy the next day (and listen while she downplayed the whole thing because she wanted to go out again the next night). :furious::furious::furious:

And who is supposed to come running when Kate pushes the panic button? More cops! So maybe they trust the police force after all.

But any cop or social worker will tell you that if parents leave doors unlocked, someone can "just walk in" as Gerry said. That is not Madeleine's fault - that is their fault. That is not the fault of the Portuguese Police or the Resort Hotel - that is the parents' fault and they need to own it.
Unless you have a source which states there is insurance on Madelieine this is just mere speculation.Also in this country I dont think you can declare anyone dead until 7 years have elapsed.As to the rest of your post-more speculation and gossip.

Of course it's mere speculation, that's all any of us, (pro or con) have to go on at this point. Like you, at one time I viewed humanity with rose colored glasses. I've matured and have grown wiser with age. I have seen the greed and evilness that the love of money has inflicted on society. It happens to the most well rounded people. It's a sickness. Money and power can be a deadly addiction.

You have the right not to agree with me, and I'm glad you don't. This world would be a pretty mundane place if everyone agreed with me. :) Thankfully I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, and the one thing that hasn't been stripped from me yet is my God given and the legal right to my oppenion.

In my life time, I have learned a few things. Most importantly this: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and acts like a is probably a duck.







Thanks to albym on 3A's ( .....brilliant!!
I'm new here as a member but I've been reading here for ages....what has happened to Robert Murat....still a suspect....the police on this case make Aruban LE look brilliant......that takes some doin'.....
I am inclined to think that either Madeleine was made a Ward of Court at the same time as the twins, at the instigation of the UK Social Services, advised by the UK police, and acting on information from the Portuguese police, OR

she was made a Ward of Court on the McCanns return to the UK to prevent the UK press dishing the dirt on her parents - this seems quite likely as the press stopped all the negative stories almost immediately after their flight home
I'm new here as a member but I've been reading here for ages....what has happened to Robert Murat....still a suspect....the police on this case make Aruban LE look brilliant......that takes some doin'.....

Robert Murat is still an arguido. I on't think the police in PDL are as incompetent as some would have them seem.

I am inclined to think that either Madeleine was made a Ward of Court at the same time as the twins, at the instigation of the UK Social Services, advised by the UK police, and acting on information from the Portuguese police, OR

she was made a Ward of Court on the McCanns return to the UK to prevent the UK press dishing the dirt on her parents - this seems quite likely as the press stopped all the negative stories almost immediately after their flight home

Either theory is possible Cushty, I tend to lean towards the latter!
daffodil wrote, referring to iNTERESTED WOMAN: "Unless you have a source which states there is insurance on Madelieine this is just mere speculation. Also in this country I don't think you can declare anyone dead until 7 years have elapsed. As to the rest of your post - more speculation and gossip".

REPLY: The discussion on this forum of whether or not a judge might declare Madeleine dead does raise the question of if and when there should be an inquest on Madeleine. Also, if there is one, where should it be held? Portugal? Or the United Kingdom?

In the U.K., there is no time limit for the holding of inquests nor for declaring a missing person to be dead.

Remember the case of the British canoeist who went missing off the north-east coast of England, his boat (sorry, canoe/kayak) being found tossing in the North Sea?

The inquest in that case was only 18 months after his disappearance. A Coroner's Inquest declared him dead.

But then he turned up having, together with his 'distraught' wife, bought a nice three-bedroomed pad in Panama!

Naming no names, some folk can be so devious

They lied about the checks (every hour then when that wasn’t received well ever half hour)

They lied that they were performing the checks themselves (then it became known other men in the group were also checking on the McCann kids)

They lied even after that in the TV interview when Kate says she discovered Madeleine gone ‘on one of my checks’ – it was the only check she made that night.

They lied about the distance from the apartment to the Tapas bar

They lied that you can see the apartment from the Tapas Bar

They lied about whether they actually saw Madeleine with their own eyes or just listened at the door (as did their friends)

They lied about who checked and when (changing their stories)

They lied about who remained at the table all evening and who was absent

They lied that leaving 3 children all under four years old alone at night ‘at the time was not irresponsible’

Their friends lied about seeing Murat there that night (as incoming and outgoing phone records placed him consistently at home)

They lied about Bundleman.

Tanner lied about when she gave Bundlemans details to the Police (changing the date)

Tanner lied about the description of Bundleman (changing the height and appearance)

Wilkins & Gerry or Tanner lied about that check when they were all in the same place but never saw each other.

They lied that the door was locked and changed it to unlocked when it was not well received.

They lied that the door was closed, then it was open because of ‘danger of fire’

They lied about the shutters being jemmied or forced

They lied to friends, family and media when the called them that night telling them of an abductor who had broken into their apartment

Gerry lied when he said there was no way Madeleine could have gotten out of bed and then said she must have wandered off.

Gerry later lied in his blog saying the twins must like their new cots because they were asleep by 7:30pm which was very unusual, and yet the twins were asleep by 7:30 on the night of May 3rd allegedly.

They lied to friends, family and media in phone calls that night saying the Police had not shown up when they were already there.

Kate lied to Mrs Fenn saying the Police had been called.

They lied saying they had called the Police when it was in fact Mark Warner

They lied when they said it felt so safe and then said they knew they were being watched.

They lied to family, friends and media on the phone that night when they said nobody was doing anything wheen in fact locals, holidaymakers and staff were all helping search.

They lied when they said they were all searching when Kate and Gerry were hitting phones until midnight and Tanner claims she knew nothing of the disappearance until another friend knocked on her door.

Gerry lied when he asked for a priest claiming not to know where the church was.

They lied as to what time the Police arrived

They lied that Cuddlecat was Madeleine’s favourite toy and then that it was a present to be given to her on her fourth birthday.

They lied saying they would cooperate fully with the investigation

They lied saying they would not do anything to hinder the investigation

They lied that the fund was going to be a charity.

They lied that the fund would help other missing children and families of.

They lied when they said they didn’t know Murat.

They lied when they said they would stay in Portugal until their daughter was found.

They lied when they said they were going to learn Portuguese.

They lied that it could not possibly be Madeleine’s blood in the trunk of their hire car. And then they took the same vehicle out of circulation so no further tests could be carried out upon it.

They lied about not discussing the case and met with the Tapas 9 secretly.

Gerry lied about where his wallet was apparently stolen, Waterloo station and then near Downing Street.

They lied when they said abductions like this (snatched sleeping from a hotel or apartment) happen a lot, they don’t.

They lied about the fund not being used for personal matters and then it paid their mortgage.

Kate lied about coming into contact with 6 dead people in her 1 day a week job as GP to explain the cadaver scent on her clothing.

They lied about cuddlecat having the scent of Madeleine and being comforting and then as soon as they heard the dogs were coming Kate announced she had washed it because it smelled of sun tan lotion. Making forensic analysis of it much harder.

They about the crime scene, about how many people came into the crime scene, walked around and contaminated it, again making investigation much harder and destroying much evidence according to detectives.

Gerry lied about the existence of the tennis bag.

They lied about going to sue media companies.

They lied about the film deal.

They lied about sacking Justine McGuinness and her subsequent departure.

They lied about returning to Portugal for questioning voluntarily and now will only do if their Arguido status is lifted. They have also appointed General Pinochets extradition-fighting lawyers.

Gerry lied about his faith.

They lied to the local catholic priest (who now claims he was deceived by the McCanns) and then deserted him for the Anglican reverend instead and never, ever took confession apparently.

They said a lie detector test would clear them and now refuse to take one.

They lied for months saying they were not suspects in the disappearance of their daughter and were then both made formal Arguido / suspects under Portuguese law.

They lied about the possibility of sedation and then claimed ridiculously that perhaps the Abductor had sedated all 3 of their children before making off with Madeleine.

Gerry lied about Kate’s ability to cope with three children on her own when her own Parents and her own diary say different.

They lied about the amount of alcohol consumed that night.

In another lie about cooperating they refused to provide their mobile phone records to the pj.

Kate explaining away the scent of death of cuddlecat because she took the childs 4th birthday present cuddly toy to work and exposed it to contact with 6 dead people.

They lied how everything had been so normal up til May 3rd when it is now known that Mark Warner staff had received complaints from other holidaymakers because of their home alone children crying and seeming in distress. This also brought Mark Warner staff looking for the McCanns on the night of the 2nd and insisting they attend to their distressed children.

They lied about 90 minute tennis lesson with several versions of the story being put out by official sources within the McCann Camp

They and at least one friend lied about Madeleine’s last meal on May 3rd.

They lied about the abductor entering through the window and then changed it to the patio doors.

Matthew Oldfield lied about his check on the McCann children changing his story not once but twice.

Kate lied about physically searching for her daughter but then admits to not have done so in a tv interview.

McCanns claim they were the first to arrive to tapas on May 3rd, Rachel Oldfield claims they were the last to arrive.

Despite being in Rome and Madrid and claiming to be spending the rest of the week quietly at home in PDL with the twins, the hire car in it’s first week clocked up over 500 miles.

Gerry lied about his checks on the children in the apartment, at first having claimed to have entered several rooms later then claiming the abductor must have hiding in the apartment while he was there.

Gerry and O Brien have lied about their locations when holding a mobile phone call together on June 10th as verified by phone records and pinpointing.

Jane Tanner has changed her statements, arrival time at tapas, direction of travel, checking times for night of May 3rd.

Najova Chekaya who joined the tapas 9 at the table at 9:30 states nobody left the table until Kate went to check. Putting Oldfields, O Briens, Tanners and Gerry McCanns statements into question.

Thanks to: Tony Q on the 3A and John Hirst (jailhouselawyer)

Hi Colomom, your post is a real eye opener, with all the lies that have been told surely the posters who believe that Gerry, Kate and their friends had something to do with Madelaines disappearance have enough good reasons for thinking that they are to blame for Madelaines disappearance. Innocent people would not have had cause to lie as much as the McCanns have!!!!
Colomom, your post totally gobsmacked me, to see it all written together is mind boggling.

Once again Colomom, thankyou for your diligent and informative contributions to this case.:clap:
Hi Shazza....

It was an amazing compilation wasn't it? Brings to mind the definition of a sociopath:

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.


I totally appreciate you guys and the way you give me kudos for doing what I feel is my duty. As a mother, I am responsible for all the children of this world and I feel like I need to do whatever I can to make sure a 3 year old child gets the justice she deserves. If there is anything I can do, I will do it, for a child who depends on the adults in this world to care for her and protect her.

Strange, isn't it, that her own parents can't (or won't) do the same?
Stunning compilation of lies, Colomom. Really amazing when you look at all the discrepancies between what was said by the McCanns and what actually happened.

As for not talking about what Madeleine could be feeling...I asked myself if perhaps a parent of a missing child wouldn't want to "go there" in terms of really talking about the suffering a child might be feeling.

However, it would make such a huge impact on the public--how could you not go there a little? How could you not use the truth--if that is the truth--that a little child was taken from her bed and is now in the hands of strangers, alone from her parents and suffering just because she is separated from them?

I wouldn't go into great detail but just a "Maddie is alone and fearful without us, she must miss her family and we miss her so much, please if you know anything, take pity on this child and return her to us."

Possible reasons they don't:

A) They cannot acknowledge she might be suffering because they are such sheer, huge, narcicissts. To this day, they can't admit they did anything wrong or reprehensible by leaving three small children alone repeatedly in a strange resort room in a foreign country while they went out to dinner and drinks. This has some weight with me because so many of their statements and actions do show them to be the most self-centered parents and people possible.

B) They can't say this because they know it's simply not true. They can excuse their other statements that are not true, but they can't excuse a deliberate lie, "Maddie is suffering" because they truly believe that she is in heaven and not suffering. They think to claim that she is would put their own souls in jeopardy. Maddie passed away due to some accident that they felt justified in covering up, but bringing themselves to saying that she suffered is impossible. I find this a bit hard to believe, although it appeals to me initially, because they talk about "helping find her" and if they knew that was impossible, they would be lying there as well. So while it sounds good initially, they are already lying about finding her, so lying about her suffering, no big deal.

C) Talking about her suffering would just emphasize to them personally what they did by leaving her alone. They won't go there. They can't continue in their campaign efforts or parent the twins if they fall apart so this is quite simply a "refuse to go there" issue for them. They literally can't admit or talk about how she might be suffering because it means facing what they did and their own responsibility. This sounds very much like a Gerry position to me, he comes across as a "what's done is done" person who will not look back if he thinks it's necessary to survive (also fits in with his working class background.) While this seems the same as #1, it's not. Even if she died an accidental death, talking about her suffering is just not "useful" in their view, so they don't.

I'm going to go with number 3 but I'm open to suggestions.
Texana, the only phrase that keep popping up for me regarding their entire attitude is "In cold blood"
Colomom, thanks for compiling that staggering list of McCann lies. The list is incredible - and so are you!

I don't know how anyone could look at all those discrepancies Gerry and Kate have put out over the months and NOT think they had something to do with Maddie's disappearance.

Why do those two have such a need to lie? And what degree of arrogance is it to expect us all to be too stupid to unravel all the changing stories?
They lied about the checks (every hour then when that wasn’t received well ever half hour)
No Confirmation!! Just rumour!! We don't know what is in their statements!
They lied that they were performing the checks themselves (then it became known other men in the group were also checking on the McCann kids)
No Lie! They were checking themselves. One "friend" not "other men"...which is a lie, offered to check on the McCann children.
They lied even after that in the TV interview when Kate says she discovered Madeleine gone ‘on one of my checks’ – it was the only check she made that night.
This doesn't mean she lied! Madeleine was missing on one of her checks..not someone elses!!
They lied about the distance from the apartment to the Tapas bar
No Lie! There is a difference in the pathway and the distance they could see from where they were sitting.
They lied that you can see the apartment from the Tapas Bar
No Lie! They could see the apartment from the Tapas.
They lied about whether they actually saw Madeleine with their own eyes or just listened at the door (as did their friends)
No Lie! Gerry has said he looked at Madeleine sleeping. and it was a "friend" who listened not "friends" mmmm another lie!
They lied about who checked and when (changing their stories)
No Confirmation! Rumours again and there have been many!
And we still haven't seen their statements!
They lied about who remained at the table all evening and who was absent
No confirmation just repeated rumour.
They lied that leaving 3 children all under four years old alone at night ‘at the time was not irresponsible’
No Lie! Though we don't like it Baby listening is still legal in Europe.
It was certainly an error of Judgement.
Their friends lied about seeing Murat there that night (as incoming and outgoing phone records placed him consistently at home)
No Lie! I don't think it was just friends who reported seeing Murratt that night.
And if there is proof that Murratt was home all that night....Why is he also an Arguedo?
They lied about Bundleman.
No confirmation again!
And all too easy to make these accusations!
Tanner lied about when she gave Bundlemans details to the Police (changing the date)
Again no confirmation!
And why would anyone lie about this?
Tanner lied about the description of Bundleman (changing the height and appearance)
Again no confirmation!
I believe the PJ made an error in the height when they gave out the description.
Wilkins & Gerry or Tanner lied about that check when they were all in the same place but never saw each other.
No Lie! Two of them were on the path talking when the other crossed the top of the pathway.
They lied that the door was locked and changed it to unlocked when it was not well received.
No confirmation of this.
They lied that the door was closed, then it was open because of ‘danger of fire’
No Lie! It has been reported closed but unlocked.
They lied about the shutters being jemmied or forced
No Lie...but a reasonable assumption in their panic!
They lied to friends, family and media when the called them that night telling them of an abductor who had broken into their apartment
No Lie! As they believe this!
Gerry lied when he said there was no way Madeleine could have gotten out of bed and then said she must have wandered off.
No Lie! Just a panicked parent trying to work out what happened.
Gerry later lied in his blog saying the twins must like their new cots because they were asleep by 7:30pm which was very unusual, and yet the twins were asleep by 7:30 on the night of May 3rd allegedly.
Geeez! They were on holiday! What child wouldn't be more shattered than usual.
They lied to friends, family and media in phone calls that night saying the Police had not shown up when they were already there.
No confirmation of this nasty accusation!
Sounds like another typical rumour!
Kate lied to Mrs Fenn saying the Police had been called.
Another repeated rumour!
It's so easy, as well as ridiculous, to call almost everything they say and do a lie!
They lied saying they had called the Police when it was in fact Mark Warner
Again so easy to accuse them of lying....Mark Warner may have made the call but who do you think relayed the emergency to them??
And I doubt they would have known the number to call!! As well as not speaking the language!!
They lied when they said it felt so safe and then said they knew they were being watched.
No Lie! After Madeleine went missing Gerry "in hindsight" wondered about this!!
*They lied to family, friends and media on the phone that night when they said nobody was
doing anything* wheen in fact locals, holidaymakers and staff were all helping search.
No confirmation for this accusation!!
I believe they have said locals, holidaymakers, staff and their friends were all searching.
They lied when they said they were all searchingwhen Kate and Gerry were hitting phones until midnight and Tanner claims she knew nothing of the disappearance until another friend knocked on her door…..

Make your mind up:waitasec: *see previous highlighted and underlined accusations* in one sentence they are being accused of saying nobody was searching…and then in another accused of lying when they said they were searching.
As for Tanner….This did happen!!

Gerry lied when he asked for a priest claiming not to know where the church was.
No confirmation just another rumour!
They lied as to what time the Police arrived
Again no confirmation of yet another accusation!!
They lied that Cuddlecat was Madeleine’s favourite toy and then that it was a present to be given to her on her fourth birthday.
No Lie! Cuddle cat was in bed with Madeleine.
They lied saying they would cooperate fully with the investigation
They have!
They lied saying they would not do anything to hinder the investigation
Again, they have....and even offered to take part in the recent interviews in the UK.
They lied that the fund was going to be a charity.
No Lie! .. Check out the Madeleine website. It clearly explains why it cannot be a charity and also explains what the money can be used for.
They lied that the fund would help other missing children and families of.
No Lie! They have said that once Madeleine’s case is resolved the money could then be used to help in other cases.
They lied when they said they didn’t know Murat.
No Lie! Where did this rumour come from?
They lied when they said they would stay in Portugal until their daughter was found.
No Lie! They fully intended to stay until Madeleine was found. They were driven out by vicious rumours and smears and the realization that it was the PJ who were leaking many of the lies to smear them.
And if they had harmed Madeleine I don’t believe they would have stayed around for three months!!!
They lied when they said they were going to learn Portuguese.
Geeez….desperation to add to this list. IMO
They lied that it could not possibly be Madeleine’s blood in the trunk of their hire car. And then they took the same vehicle out of circulation so no further tests could be carried out upon it.
No Lie!!...they believe this. And the PJ had the car for as long as they wanted it!!!
They lied about not discussing the case and met with the Tapas 9 secretly.
And the only parts of their statements we do know is what the PJ have “chosen” to leak!!
Gerry lied about where his wallet was apparently stolen, Waterloo station and then near Downing Street.
GEEZ unbelievable!!! Somewhere along the route!!
Desperation to add to the “list” again!!!
They lied when they said abductions like this (snatched sleeping from a hotel or apartment) happen a lot, they don’t.
Sadly it happens…And once is once too many!!!
They lied about the fund not being used for personal matters and then it paid their mortgage.
No Lie...and it has not been misused…Check out the website….it was set up to include financial help to the family if need be…its there for all the world to see….all clear…all concise.
Kate lied about coming into contact with 6 dead people in her 1 day a week job as GP to explain the cadaver scent on her clothing.
No Lie!! As part of her work she does come in contact with dead people.
They lied about cuddlecat having the scent of Madeleine and being comforting and then as soon as they heard the dogs were coming Kate announced she had washed it because it smelled of sun tan lotion. Making forensic analysis of it much harder.
No Lie..But an example of a botched investigation by the PJ of very basic police work…..They had ample time to test cuddle cat before it was washed!!
Why didn't they??
They about the crime scene, about how many people came into the crime scene, walked around and contaminated it, again making investigation much harder and destroying much evidence according to detectives.
THE PJ ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING CRIME SCENES NOT VICTIMS. Again another example of a botched investigation.
Gerry lied about the existence of the tennis bag.
No confirmation just repeated rumours again!!! All too easy to make accusations isn’t it!!
They lied about going to sue media companies.
No Lie..They did sue…And won.
They lied about the film deal.
No Lie.
They lied about sacking Justine McGuinness and her subsequent departure.
No confirmation just accusation again. And I believe it was widely reported that she herself made the decision to leave.
They lied about returning to Portugal for questioning voluntarily and now will only do if their Arguido status is lifted. They have also appointed General Pinochets extradition-fighting lawyers.
The PJ haven't requested them to return to Portugal for questioning!! If they now have “Evidence” Why not?
Gerry lied about his faith.
In what way!! They are both Roman Catholics…I don’t believe either has changed.
They lied to the local catholic priest (who now claims he was deceived by the McCanns) and then deserted him for the Anglican reverend instead and never, ever took confession apparently.
And Apparently….just another smear!!
They said a lie detector test would clear them and now refuse to take one.
Probably on advice...nothing wrong with that!!
They lied for months saying they were not suspects in the disappearance of their daughter and were then both made formal Arguido / suspects under Portuguese law.
No Lie...As they were told by the PJ they were not suspects….Surprise surprise, the PJ LIED!!!
They lied about the possibility of sedation and then claimed ridiculously that perhaps the Abductor had sedated all 3 of their children before making off with Madeleine.
No Lie!! Kate and the twins have been tested for drugs. And we don’t know what the abductor did.
Gerry lied about Kate’s ability to cope with three children on her own when her own Parents and her own diary say different.
No Lie!! Children are not perfect all of the time…and neither are parents!!
They lied about the amount of alcohol consumed that night.
No confirmation!!! Just lots of rumours!!!
In another lie about cooperating they refused to provide their mobile phone records to the pj.
No confirmation that they have even been asked…or that they have refused!!!
Kate explaining away the scent of death of cuddlecat because she took the childs 4th birthday present cuddly toy to work and exposed it to contact with 6 dead people.
No confirmation!!
And has whatever she said been twisted...I suspect so!!! Just like everything they say and do!!!
I would like to hear Kate herself!

They lied how everything had been so normal up til May 3rd when it is now known that Mark Warner staff had received complaints from other holidaymakers because of their home alone children crying and seeming in distress. This also brought Mark Warner staff looking for the McCanns on the night of the 2nd and insisting they attend to their distressed children.
No confirmation!! Nothing more than rumours…Again IMO
They lied about 90 minute tennis lesson with several versions of the story being put out by official sources within the McCann Camp
No confirmation of anything, just an accusation that the writer seems unclear about!!
They and at least one friend lied about Madeleine’s last meal on May 3rd.
No confirmation just accusation!
They lied about the abductor entering through the window and then changed it to the patio doors.
No Lie..As no one can know for sure.
Matthew Oldfield lied about his check on the McCann children changing his story not once but twice.
No confirmation!! We don't know what is in his statement!!
Kate lied about physically searching for her daughter but then admits to not have done so in a tv interview.
No Lie!! She has said she searched the flat before rushing back to the Tapas.
McCanns claim they were the first to arrive to tapas on May 3rd, Rachel Oldfield claims they were the last to arrive.
No confirmation just repeating rumours!
Despite being in Rome and Madrid and claiming to be spending the rest of the week quietly at home in PDL with the twins, the hire car in it’s first week clocked up over 500 miles.
No confirmation, just accusation!
I would think the international press should be able to vouch for their movements all that week!!!
Gerry lied about his checks on the children in the apartment, at first having claimed to have entered several rooms later then claiming the abductor must have hiding in the apartment while he was there.
No Lie! GERRY wonders now if the abductor was hiding in the apartment…in Hindsight!!
Gerry and O Brien have lied about their locations when holding a mobile phone call together on June 10th as verified by phone records and pinpointing.
No confirmation...Again...all too easy to make accusations!!
Jane Tanner has changed her statements, arrival time at tapas, direction of travel, checking times for night of May 3rd.
No confirmation just repeated rumours!!
We still don’t know what her statement says!!
Najova Chekaya who joined the tapas 9 at the table at 9:30 states nobody left the table until Kate went to check. Putting Oldfields, O Briens, Tanners and Gerry McCanns statements into question.
No confirmation!!
And if the very first accusation above is correct “every 30mins” then this timing fits!! And therefore NO LIE!!!
Its all too easy to destoy someone with repeated rumours and smears and very few actual facts. IMO
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