Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 24

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Jun 13, 2007
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Justice for Madeleine


Please continue the discussion here....

Previous thread can be found here:
Colomom, thanks for all the info you provided me with. :blowkiss:
I will have to register with 3A to see what they're discussing.

And they are reluctant to respond to questions raised by journalists allowed access to the documents.

Mr Mitchell said: 'The Portuguese Attorney General, in his recent statement, made it very clear indeed that there's absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing by Kate and Gerry in any way, shape or form and journalists should bear that in mind when they examine the police files.
'A lot of this is historical detail drafted by officers who failed to find Madeleine and who quite wrongfully were going down inaccurate lines of supposition and assumption. We will not be commenting on any of this.

I KNEW this is exactly what was expected. When you're not saying the truth you don't want to talk about it. :rolleyes:
Sorry about the little thread change hiccup SM...good to see you found us.

I forgot that 3A's is now members only. I have been a member there forever and rarely post. I think they want you to post at least once. They are trying to make sure they are not "invaded", iykwim. It is a good site for info, especially UK info. Don't believe everything you read there but you will see the breaking news there first.

You can use a or a address to register, for more anonymity.
I simply to do not understand why they would say "no comment". Don't they want to defend themselves from those bad PJ that are trying to frame them? Isn't there anything they can tell us that will refute what is coming out (like a flash flood) in the Portuguese press??

Don't they want people to see their innocence so the search for Madeleine can carry on??

Maybe I am just daft....
If the adoption rumor is true, Maddy probably had special needs (its not common for a 3 years old to be crying constantly) and one of them snapped. Oh how I wish they would have answered question #41!!!!

Translation: Portuguese » English

Lawyers defending British refuse Gonçalo Amaral

By Margaret Davim

Gonçalo Amaral either prosecute the British newspapers and McCann for defamation, but does not find lawyers willing to represent him in British courts. The editor who published the book The Truth of Lie also ensures that "the British publishers are afraid" to put the book for venda in the UK.
Parents forget 4-year-old daughter at airport
Police officers patrolling Ben-Gurion Airport spot little girl wandering departures hall on her own while her family makes its way to Paris
Eli Senyor
Published: 08.04.08, 08:33 / Israel News
A four-year-old girl was left behind by her parents at Ben-Gurion Airport on Sunday afternoon as her family made its way to Paris. Only after taking off, the parents were informed by a flight attendant that they had forgotten one of their five children in Israel.

The girl joined her family after taking a later flight to Paris, accompanied by a stewardess. The parents are expected to be questioned by the police upon their return to Israel on suspicion of negligence.

Does anyone else see the irony in this article? From what I read, this was a terrible error on the part of a rushed large family, trying to make a flight on time. And, while the little girl was no doubt traumatized by being suddenly left alone, the story does have a happy ending in the joyous reunion with her family.

Then there's the McCanns - going out night after night and leaving their three babies alone for hours. So, why aren't they being charged with neglect?
Parents forget 4-year-old daughter at airport
Police officers patrolling Ben-Gurion Airport spot little girl wandering departures hall on her own while her family makes its way to Paris
Eli Senyor
Published: 08.04.08, 08:33 / Israel News
A four-year-old girl was left behind by her parents at Ben-Gurion Airport on Sunday afternoon as her family made its way to Paris. Only after taking off, the parents were informed by a flight attendant that they had forgotten one of their five children in Israel.

The girl joined her family after taking a later flight to Paris, accompanied by a stewardess. The parents are expected to be questioned by the police upon their return to Israel on suspicion of negligence.

Does anyone else see the irony in this article? From what I read, this was a terrible error on the part of a rushed large family, trying to make a flight on time. And, while the little girl was no doubt traumatized by being suddenly left alone, the story does have a happy ending in the joyous reunion with her family.

Then there's the McCanns - going out night after night and leaving their three babies alone for hours. So, why aren't they being charged with neglect?

Very ironic!

I guess the family in Israel didn't have connections with Prime Minister Ohlmert.

Besides, if you listen to Kate, it doesn't really matter. She really doesn't want to ever admit that if she hadn't left the children, no crime would have happened...Unless of course an accident happened and then--

Oops. Kind of brings it back to Kate and Gerry again, doesn't it? No matter how you go, you always end up back with Kate and Gerry.
Well, the tabloids don't seem to be afraid of being sued by the McCanns...Maybe because they are printing from the actual official report, and so cannot be sued for libel?
I noticed one thing that was not clear from the initial reports, given the age of the twins (at that age on vacation, my children slept in regular beds.)

The twins were in portable cribs/playpens. They could not have escaped from that if they woke and wanted to get out or about.

Madeleine, on the other hand,was in a regular bed, free to get up and move about.

Madeleine is the only child missing.
05 August 2008 - 00h30

Investigation – photo taken by the PJ raises doubts

Bed without vestiges of Madeleine

With out any vestiges of a four year children had been slept in there. It was like that that the investigators of the Polícia Judiciária found the bed of Madeleine McCann a few hours after the disappearance as can be seen in the photo published by the CM. The photo also raises, even now questions to the PJ investigators and technicians of the scientific police, to which the parents of the child were not able to answer

Know more details about this case. In exclusive in Thursday’s edition of Correio da Manhã.

(translation courtesy of:

Made me very, very sad...poor baby, poor Madeleine.

Well sit me down on my back doorstep, what a load of LIES.
Are you old enough to remember the difference between the truth and lies?
Apparently it's now called "spin and substance".
British Fair-Play, The Good and the Great, Elders and Betters.
I have lost ALL respect for the Government, the Police, the judges, the Media.
A little three year old girl who should have been having cuddles, warm milk and biscuits and
bed-time stories has been "spirited" away whilst her university educated, health-care professional, New Labour friendly parents went on the p*** and
Welcome to the UK 2008 where the cesspit, aka British Media, is happy to fawn over Clarence Mitchell.
The eventual fall-out will be TOTAL MISTRUST of the offical line.
Bump for Madeleine McCann.
Unloved and neglected by her parents, her extended family, her government, and the press.
My Mother, God rest her soul, passed the sleuthing passion on to me at a very young age. I'd get to stay up late on weekends and watch old black & white Perry Mason reruns with her. I loved those days. Poor Madeleine. I wish she would have had a mom like mine.

Over the years I have followed a multitude of real life cases and I can't think of another case except for the OJ double murder that I was so entirely convinced immediately of a persons guilt.

Kate and Gerry, I hope you rot for what you did to your baby.
I know just how you feel, Colomom. :blowkiss:

When the Chandra Levy case suddenly came to an end with no charges toward anyone (911 happened and the story dropped from the media) I felt as if justice had not been done. I still feel that way - someone killed her and dumped her body, and walked free. Someone knows exactly what happened to her but they aren't talking.

With Maddie it's worse because we don't have a body, but time may bring new things to light. It's just in God's time and not our time.

There are so many other cases, too, that it can break your heart. I've sort of moved on to the Caylee Anthony case which is probably another child-neglect case. Then there are the two little girls killed by the road in Oklahoma for no apparent reason. It never ends.
gorgeous pic, Colomom, and to be honest, I don't usually like pics of angels or related things...this one is truly beautiful and calming. I love it.

I think we all feel a huge sense of frustration with the situation at hand. In the end, Madeleine is still missing and no justice seems possible for her.
Colomom, thanks for all the info you provided me with. :blowkiss:
I will have to register with 3A to see what they're discussing.

I KNEW this is exactly what was expected. When you're not saying the truth you don't want to talk about it. :rolleyes:

I know, I expected this too! BUT it makes me want to SCREAM!!!!!

If they had nothing to do with it (besides leaving her alone and defenseless) then why do they not tell their side of the story? They have been saying all along they could NOT defend themselves because of the Portugal secrecy laws..... :mad::mad: now they cannot defend themselves because WHY? In my opinion, its because they have no defense! :furious:

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