Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 26

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I have the feeling Clarence Mitchell will always do very well in for himself in whatever he undertakes.
He certainly is the devils own!

The meek will never inherit the earth!

He doesnt seem to have antything other than contacts - his logic is flawed, his intelligence is in doubt, he reflects the intellect of the Sun newspaper - I wonder if he is connected to rupert Murdoch?

Not their campaign, they hijacked it - but I wonder what this money will be spent on, I wonder who benefits? I wonder if Brian Kennedy has any financial interests?

I don't think it's that expensive to enact the Amber style alerts. Here, they basically involve interrupting television and radio programs (free since the media has to give up their time) and using existing freeway signs that usually broadcast traffic conditions or freeway closings/construction.

So other than the actual cost of the electronic signs, I can't see where it would cost a lot to have that in Europe. I suppose the problem would be deciding just how far into each of the other countries you would extend the alert. Does every country then have to carry all the Amber alerts?

I guess that's the sticking point. I don't think even in the US the Amber alerts extend into other states unless they have reason to believe the child was taken across a state border.

I wonder why some scouse Mothers are easily accepted as having harmed their children where others are considered 'incapable' of such an act?

Is it something to do with their income?

Maybe Mothers who juggle corpses with the care of their children are forgiven for wanting an occasional night on the booze while the four year old babysits the twins?

It's all about the money, I think.

When it happens to lower income parents in our state, we prosecute them. When it happens to wealthy people like the McCanns, we make them poster people for being victims.
It's all about the money, I think.

When it happens to lower income parents in our state, we prosecute them. When it happens to wealthy people like the McCanns, we make them poster people for being victims.

I think thats right, but in the case of the McCanns, there is Government connection (and he is a Coonsultant in the NHS - they are treated like Gods!).

Next interesting item is the Channel 4 'documentary' - run by the McCanns, next Thurday.
He reckons that Madeleine was snatched by a passing paedo as she went looking for her parents.

Interesting theory and could be part right. Sh probably fell down those steps and I bet thats where they (Gerry and co) found her.

Either way, their culpability is finally confirmed! Damn them for leaving that tiny child to babysit her siblings.

I hop their God does exist - and their devil!
I think thats right, but in the case of the McCanns, there is Government connection (and he is a Coonsultant in the NHS - they are treated like Gods!).

Next interesting item is the Channel 4 'documentary' - run by the McCanns, next Thurday.

You know, you really hit on something here that I just now realized.

I truly hate it when one group of people gets away with behavior simply because they are more educated and have better jobs, than another group of people. I see it more than I care to in my line of work--that he/she is a "good kid" and therefore should get a complete pass for the horrible behavior. I don't advocate the harshest punishment for the first time offender, but if you screw up mightily, then you have to get some consequence. You simply enable bad behavior otherwise.

And yet, this is what I see in the McCanns--that they defend their behavior with the same words that other parents use who had tragic outcomes, and who are paying the price via the legal system. "It seemed so safe."

Because THEY thought it, rather than some uneducated low income working class parents, it gets approval rather than the more logical response: You should have known better. You knew better. You chose willfully to disregard common sense out of your own sense of arrogance.

Although, I think in some ways, their devil does exist. The frustration Gerry expressed this summer about living a normal life--I think they did not realize that when they made their deal with the devil, they would be paying in ways they could not comprehend.

There is an engineering term called "unintended consequences." It's what happens when you fail to consider all the possible outcomes. At some point, they will probably start to even believe the non-truth.

A TOP British criminologist last night launched a scathing attack on the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Former Surrey Police detective and child protection expert Mark Williams-Thomas revealed the full extent of the blunders which meant potentially vital clues were lost.

And he told how a £1million ransom demand was not properly investigated.

He found details of the demand “hidden away” in official police files.
Mr Williams-Thomas wrote: “This demand was received via a mobile phone voicemail.
“Although an intercept was placed on the line of the resort employee who received the voicemail, no further calls were received and this resulted in no further investigation.”

Mr Williams-Thomas published his report yesterday after studying more than 10,000 documents including statements and photographs.

He said police documents highlight a catalogue of basic errors which meant the probe was flawed from the start.

He concludes that the failings led to detectives unjustly building a case against Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry.

He said: “The police targeted the McCanns after they had failed to identify any possible suspects during their initial investigation and when they came under increasing pressure to resolve the case.”
The report is being sent to Portuguese authorities with recommendations for changes which could ensure future cases are handled differently.
Madeleine McCann's Parents Say They've Adapted, Not HealedMadeleine McCann's Parents Say They've Adapted, Not Healed,2933,518736,00.html

Seems to me they "adapted" the same night she went missing.

"She said she recognized the importance of spending time thinking about Madeleine, however painful."

I don't think any normal parent would be able to think of much else EXCEPT their missing child. I just get so mad whenever I come to this forum. But at the same time, I am so afraid it will be archived with no solution found and that thought makes me sick!:banghead:

A TOP British criminologist last night launched a scathing attack on the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Former Surrey Police detective and child protection expert Mark Williams-Thomas revealed the full extent of the blunders which meant potentially vital clues were lost.

And he told how a £1million ransom demand was not properly investigated.

He found details of the demand “hidden away” in official police files.
Mr Williams-Thomas wrote: “This demand was received via a mobile phone voicemail.
“Although an intercept was placed on the line of the resort employee who received the voicemail, no further calls were received and this resulted in no further investigation.”

Mr Williams-Thomas published his report yesterday after studying more than 10,000 documents including statements and photographs.

He said police documents highlight a catalogue of basic errors which meant the probe was flawed from the start.

He concludes that the failings led to detectives unjustly building a case against Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry.

He said: “The police targeted the McCanns after they had failed to identify any possible suspects during their initial investigation and when they came under increasing pressure to resolve the case.”
The report is being sent to Portuguese authorities with recommendations for changes which could ensure future cases are handled differently.

Maybe Thomas should stick to his day job instead of being Murdochs lapdog.

The pjs targetted the McCanns due to the fact they found them and there friends suspicious..which is fair enough.

As for the Sky pundit sending the Portugese pjs a report..firstly theres kids in this country ..maybe he should be looking for them instead of making money from Sky all the time and secondly..if i was the pjs...i would firstly tell Thomas the case was nothing to do with him and secondly..i would ask him who is he to say what should have been done when the British cops wouldnt even cooperate in the case.

Sad really that Thomas has been such a media hound about this case rather than doing what hes supposedly known for.
Madeleine McCann's Parents Say They've Adapted, Not HealedMadeleine McCann's Parents Say They've Adapted, Not Healed,2933,518736,00.html

Seems to me they "adapted" the same night she went missing.

"She said she recognized the importance of spending time thinking about Madeleine, however painful."

I don't think any normal parent would be able to think of much else EXCEPT their missing child. I just get so mad whenever I come to this forum. But at the same time, I am so afraid it will be archived with no solution found and that thought makes me sick!:banghead:

Sometimes i wonder if they even begin to think how they come across to people or if they even care. Remarks like that..and ones like just a few days after Madeleine "went missing" saying she had no problems in sleeping i cant even begin to understand:mad:
Amaral has said in a interview the past few days - that because of liquids in the car theres no doubt in his mind that Madeleiene was stored in a fridge/freezer and then moved in the car to her final resting place. That would explain how the body could be moved a month after she died ( if she has). I know at the time there was talk about a blue holdall that had gone missing - and it is a FACT that Gerry disposed of a fridge/freezer a few weeks after the "disappearance" of Madeleine.

On a side note i was reading today where Tony Bennett...the guy who wrote that booklet about this case .. had people on a McCann supporter site threatening to knife him. Apparently this isnt the first threat and i find it shocking that these people...normal people in the street would think this guy should be attacked :furious:
Amaral has said in a interview the past few days - that because of liquids in the car theres no doubt in his mind that Madeleiene was stored in a fridge/freezer and then moved in the car to her final resting place. That would explain how the body could be moved a month after she died ( if she has). I know at the time there was talk about a blue holdall that had gone missing - and it is a FACT that Gerry disposed of a fridge/freezer a few weeks after the "disappearance" of Madeleine.

On a side note i was reading today where Tony Bennett...the guy who wrote that booklet about this case .. had people on a McCann supporter site threatening to knife him. Apparently this isnt the first threat and i find it shocking that these people...normal people in the street would think this guy should be attacked :furious:

WHAT!!! YOU mean there are people who support the McCanns who advocate violence against people who don't agree with them I thought that only people who didn't believe the McCanns went to that extreme?

Say it ain't so, Joe!

(reference for our Brit friends:
WHAT!!! YOU mean there are people who support the McCanns who advocate violence against people who don't agree with them I thought that only people who didn't believe the McCanns went to that extreme?

Say it ain't so, Joe!

(reference for our Brit friends:

While I admit i have mixed feelings about Bennett...he has spent a great deal of time of money on this case and has helped to keep this case in the news. IMO that should be applauded. That there talking about stabbing him on some forum..i just find scary. I cant help thinking what the heck they want to do to Amaral? :eek:

On a side note - i have fully expected him to end up dead for some time now :(
Amaral has said in a interview the past few days - that because of liquids in the car theres no doubt in his mind that Madeleiene was stored in a fridge/freezer and then moved in the car to her final resting place. That would explain how the body could be moved a month after she died ( if she has). I know at the time there was talk about a blue holdall that had gone missing - and it is a FACT that Gerry disposed of a fridge/freezer a few weeks after the "disappearance" of Madeleine.

On a side note i was reading today where Tony Bennett...the guy who wrote that booklet about this case .. had people on a McCann supporter site threatening to knife him. Apparently this isnt the first threat and i find it shocking that these people...normal people in the street would think this guy should be attacked :furious:
You put a lot of faith in disgraced ex's Isabella.
First an ex-cop and now an ex-solicitor.

:) You can learn a lot from google!
You put a lot of faith in disgraced ex's Isabella.
First an ex-cop and now an ex-solicitor.

:) You can learn a lot from google!

People do retire...both Bennett and Amaral have RETIRED...its a fact of life.

And its no different to you putting a lot of faith in a couple..who have completely rewritten the events of the "abduction"
You put a lot of faith in disgraced ex's Isabella.
First an ex-cop and now an ex-solicitor.

:) You can learn a lot from google!

I find the repeated use of that word, 'disgraced," interesting.

It seems to imply that somehow Amaral or Tony Bennett have something to be ashamed of, aka a fall from grace. "Disgraced" is an opinion word; for example, we can call the McCanns a "disgrace" to parenting based on their actions while on holiday with their children.

Personally, I think the term "disgraced" carries a connotation of personal embarrassment or loss of face; it brings to mind aristocrats in the past running off to join the French Foreign Legion, never to be heard from again, or slinking off to somewhere in South Florida nowadays to hide forever in polyester pant suits.

it seems that none of the above people seems to be suffering any of that, so perhaps the term isn't really appropriate to use.

One could argue, however, that the McCanns' seeking the blessing of the Pope on Madeleine's picture was in and of itself, a request for grace in the truest and most ancient meaning of the word.

Ohhhhh - I don't have time to catch up this morning! I did look through the new kidnapper thread and made a couple of comments. And - I'm going to be off line for a week so I probably will never catch up. Suffice it to say I am praying daily that some of this new info leads somewhere and that Maddie is found, where ever she is!

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